HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 10-03-02SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, October 3, 2002 2:00 P.M. City Council Chambers 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California ~, Baer General Richard ,' Duane Wallace, President BOARD MEMBERS James R. Jones, Vice President Cathie Beckeq Director Ma~ Lou Mosbacher Director Eric W, Schafer Director I I1'111 '1 i I II I I I Ill I I I I [I I I ] T I CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCF COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. Five minute limit. No action will be taken.) CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR(Anyitamcan be discussed and considered sepamtaly upon request.) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION / DISCUSSION PRESENTATION a. District GIS Progression (Presented by HSI Geotrans - Alex Johnson, Scott Flory, and Jeff Bausch) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. South Upper Truckee Water Main Extension (Lisa Coyner) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION Authorize Installation of a Water Main Extension on South Upper Truckee, in the Amount of $18,279, Subject to Execution of a Main Extension Agreement with the District and Review and Approval by Staff and Legal Counsel REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - OCTOBER 3r PAGE-2 Johnson Sewer Pump Station Upgrade (Rick Hydrick) (1) Authorize Exception to the Bidding Procedures as Provided in the District Purchasing Policy for Standardized Equipment; and (2) Approve Purchase of Two Krogh Pumps from the Representative in this Area in the Estimated Amount of $16,000 Each (Plus Tax) TRPA Building Allocations (President Wallace) Direct Staff Regarding Position Letter to TRPA District's Public Records Policy (Kathy Sharp) Adopt Resolution No. 2747-02 Amending the District's Public Records Policy Superseding Resolution No. 2604 in its Entirety Payment of Claims Approve Payment in the Amount of $894,200.26 BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTR a. Executive Committee (Wallace / Jones) b. Finance Committee (Wallace / Schafer) c. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones / Becker) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher / Schafer) BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTR a. Legislative Ad Hoc Committee (Wallace / Jones) 10. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPRESENTATIVES REPORT 11. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 12. GENERAL MANAGER I STAFF REPORTR 13. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE Mr=;TINGS I EVENTR Past Meetin,qs / Events 09/20/02 - ACWA Meeting Plus Tour of District's Advanced Oxidation System 09/26102 - Meeting w/Heavenly Valley Representatives re: Snow Making System 09/26/02 - Administration Building Needs Meeting 09127/02 - Executive Committee Meeting 09/30102 - Operations Committee Meeting 10/01/02 - Finance Committee Meeting 10~02~02 - Meeting w/Dennis Crabb re: Alpine County Agreements 15. 16. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - OCTOBER 3, 2002 PAGE-3 Future Meetings / Even*- 10/09/02 - 10:00 A.M. - El Dorado County Water Agency Board Meeting 10/10 -11/02 - Special District Administration Seminar at Caesars 10/09/02 - 5:00 P.M.- Lahontan Regular Board Meeting at Lahontan Office, then at 7;00 P.M. Lahontan Meeting Reconvenes at City Council Chambers 10/10/02 - 8:30 A.M.- Lahontan Meeting Continued at City Council Chambers 10/14/02 - 4:00 P.M.- Operations Committee Meeting at District Office 10/15/02 - 9:00 A.M. - Alpine County Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting in Markleeville 10/15/02 - 6:00 P.M. - City of SLT Regular Council Meeting at City Council Chambers 10/16/02 - 8:00 A.M.- Tentative ECC (Employee Communications Committee) at District Office - Note: This meeting is tentative only. If it is he/d, Director Schafer will be the Board Representative. 10/17/02 ~ 2:00 P.M.- STPUD Regular Board Meeting at City Council Chambers 10/28/02 - 1:00 P.M. -Alpine County Contract Commission Meeting in Markleeville 14, CLOSED SESSION a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Conference with Legal Counsel- Existin.q Liti.qation: STPUD v. John Breese Mumford, et, al. El Dorado Count; Superior Court Case No. SC2002003n Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/..Conference with Le.qal Counsel- Existinq Liti,qation: F. Heise Land & Live Stock Company vs. STPUD and Does I throu,qh 10, Inclusive; Alpine County Superior Court Case No. C18~ ~ Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Le.clal Counsel- Existincl Liti43ation: STPUD vs. F. Heise Land & Live Stock Coi~pa~y Inc., William Weaver, Eddie R. Snyder, Crockett Enterprises, Inc. CIV. S-02-0238 ML~ JFM United S~a~es District Court for the F~,~tem District of California, Sacramento CA Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/_Conference with Le,qal Counsel- Existincl Lific3afion re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Dcfc~da_~L~, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Ea__~t_em Di~,[,ict of Califomia Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Le.clal Counsel- Existinq Lift.clarion: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et al, County o[ El DoraGo, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165 ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSIOP ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, October 17, 2002, 2:00 p.m.) SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Amendment No. 1 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, October 3, 2002 2:00 P.M. City Council Chambers 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California Robert G. Baer, Gan, Duane Wallace, President BOARD MEMBERS Ri, James R. Jones, Vice President Eric W. Schafer, Director CORRECTION TO THE AGENDA Note: This agenda item has been amended to read as follows. All noticing requirements for this item have been met. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION South Upper Truckee Water Main Extension REQUESTED BOARD ACTION Authorize Installation of a Water Main Extension on South Upper Truckee, and the District will Pay the Cost of Upsizing the Main Line Extension from a Six-Inch Line to an Eight. Inch Line in the Amount of $18,279, Subject to Execution of a Main Extension Agreement with the District and Review and Approval by Staff and Legal Counsel TO: FR: RE: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD AGENDA ITEM AMENDMENT Lisa Coyner, Customer Service Manaqer BOARD MEETING October 3, 2002 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 7,a CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: SOUTH UPPER TRUCKEE WATER MAIN EXTENSION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize installation of a water main extension on South Upper Truckee, and the District will pa}/the cost of upsizinq the main line extension from a six-inch line to an eiqht-inch ~irler in the amount of $18,279, subiect to execution of a main extension agreement with the District and review and approval by staff and legal counsel DISCUSSION: Four property owners located on South Upper Truckee have been notified by the Department of Health Services (DHS) to discontinue use of their wells due to high levels of arsenic in their well water. Consequently, the property owners must connect to the District's water system. The property owners are Robert William Olsen, Steven and Lucinda Anderson, and Jerry Svensson and Wayne Hosman. The property owners propose extendinq the District's water main approximately 1,551 feet, utilizing a six-inch line. A copy of a drawing is attached, depictinq the location of the main extension. The property owners will be responsible for desiqn and construction of the main extension in accordance with District standards and subiect to District inspection durinq construction. The District desires to up-size the proposed main line extension from six-inches to eiqht-inches in order to provide for future connections, and to install two additional fire Continued on Paqe 2 SCHEDULE: COSTS: $18,279 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Map Unbudqeted ACCOUNTNO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES. NO. CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER Continued from Paqe 1: hydrants. The District would pay the cost of up-sizing the main line extension, includinq the costs of two additional fire hydrants and connection valves for future use. The property owners will be required to execute a main extension aqreement obligatinq them, among other things, to: construct the main extension per District standards, pay for the cost of the main extension (except for the costs as outlined above), dedicate the main extension to the District after construction, pay a connection fee for each hook-up, and obtain all associated permits and approvals for the construction. Funding for this proiect will come from the Capital Outlay Reserve. TO: FR: RE: BOARD MEETING October 3, 2002 ACTION ITEM NO: 7. a SOUTHTAHOEPUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDAITEM BOARD OFDIRECTORS LisaCovner, CustomerServiceManager AGENDAITEM: CONSENT CALENDARITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: SOUTH UPPER TRUCKEE WATER MAIN EXTENSION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize installation of a water main extension on South Upper Truckee, in the amount of $18,279, subiect to execution of a main extension aqreement with the District and review and approval by staff and legal counsel DISCUSSION: Four property owners located on South Upper Truckee have been notified by the Department of Health Services (DHS) to discontinue use of their wells due to high levels of arsenic in their well water. Consequently, the property owners must connect to the District's water system. The property owners are Robert William Olsen, Steven and Lucinda Anderson, and Jerry Svensson and Wayne Hosman. The property owners propose extending the District's water main approximately 1,551 feet, utilizing a six-inch line. A copy of a drawing is attached, depicting the location of the main extension. The property owners will be responsible for design and construction of the main extension in accordance with District standards and subiect to District inspection during construction. The District desires to up-size the proposed main line extension from six-inches to eight-inches in order to provide for future connections, and to install two additional fire hydrants. The District would pay the cost of up-sizinq the main line extension, includinq the costs of two additional fire hydrants and connection valves for future use. Continued on Paqe 2 SCHEDULE: COSTS: $18,279 ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: Unbudgeted ATTACHMENTS: Map CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO. CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE~F~¥~-~-~', CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER Continued from Paqe 1: The property owners will be required to execute a main extension agreement obligatinq them, among other thinqs, to: construct the main extension per District standards, pay for the cost of the main extension (except for the costs as outlined above), dedicate the main extension to the District after construction, pay a connection fee for each hook-up, and obtain all associated permits and approvals for the construction. Funding for this proiect will come from the Capital Outlay Reserve. NOISN31X3 NW~ W3_L~M OW 33XO~WI W3ddn HI,OS z SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Rick Hydrick, Manaqer of Water Operations RE: BOARD MEETING October 3, 2002 AGENDAITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: 7. b CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: JOHNSON SEWER PUMP STATION UPGRADE REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Authorize exception to the biddinq procedures as provided in the District Purchasing Policy for standardized equipment; and (2) Approve purchase of two Kroqh pumps from the representative in this area, in the estimated amount of $16,000 each (pluc tax) DISCUSSION: The Johnson Sewer Pump Station pumps are 30 years old and need to bo replaced. Staff would like to replace the existing Fairbanks-Morse pumps with Krogh pumps, in order to standardize these pumps with the pumps at the other large pump stations (Tahoe Keys, Upper Truckee, and Al Tahoe Pump Stations). All of the pumps at these stations will then havn intemhangeable pads. Standardizinq the pumps will result in: (1) The highest reliability possibly and the lowest chance of a sewaqe spill. No Krogh pump in the Tahoe Keys, Al Tahoe, and Upper Truckee Pump Stations has ever plugged up in 30 yearn of operation. All other pumps have plugged up at times. Non-clogging pumps are essential tn operating large, spill-free sewage pump stations1 especially those near the shore of the Lakn Tahoe. (2) Interchanqeable pads resulting in quick repairs from a basic inventor,/. (3) A hiqher level of operator familiarity with pump performance, maintenance, and repair. SCHEDULE: Upgrade installations will be done this winter COSTS: Estimated $16,000 each (plus tax) ACCOUNT NO: 1002-8304 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $134,587 ATTACHMENTS: Quote will be presented at Board Meeting CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~::~ NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~.'~,_^ ,~,~,~IQ_~ WATER SEWER X TO: FR: RE: ACTION ITEM NO: 7. ¢ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Duane Wallace, Board President BOARD MEETING October 3, 2002 AGENDA ITEM: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: TRPA BUILDING ALLOCATIONS REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff re,qardin,q position letter to TRPA. DISCUSSION: TRPA is proposin.q criteria for sin,qle family home allocations. The District should consider whether a position letter should be sent outlinin,q the District's concerns. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNTNO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~ ~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES i NO CATEGORY: GENERAL X WATER SEWER Sout¼ Tahoe Public Utility District Rober~ G. Baer, General Manager Board Members Cathie B~cker James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer Memorandum Date: October 1,2002 To: Board Members From: Kathy Subject: Backup to Agenda Item 7c. - TRPA Building Allocations Duane asked that you review these items for discussion at Thursday's meeting. 1 ) TRPA agenda item and attachments (from their 9/25 Governing Board meeting). 2) Letter of opposition from Dan Holler, Douglas County Manager, in response to TRPA's proposed amendments. South Tahoe Public Utility District .1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 · Phone 530.544.6474 oFacsimJle 530.541.0614 Sep-$B-O~ 16:3~ From-DOUGLAS COUNTY MANAGER T-~6i PO1/G5 F-19Z DOUGLAS ;OUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS t594 £smeralda Avenue, Room 307, Minden, Nevada 89423 Daniel C. Holler COUNTY MANAGER 775-782-9821 FAX: 775-782.6255 COMMISSIONERS Donald H. Miner, CTL~RMAN Steve Weissinger, VICE-CHAIRMAN Beraaxd W. Curtis Jacques B~chegoyhcn Kelly D. Kite September 24, 2002 Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board Dean Heller, Chairman P.O. Box 1038 Zephyr Cove, NV 89448-1038 RE: COMMENTS ON CHAPTER 33 ALLOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT Dear Chairman Heller: I am writing ro express Douglas County's opposition to the proposed amendments to Chapter 33 Allocation of Development, as presented to the Advisory Planning Commission (APC) and proposed for action by Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board (TRPA). Overall, the performance based system for the allocation of dwelling units throughout the Basin creates an additional layer of goverrm~em bureaucracy and places addflional expenses and burden on local agencies for enforcement and implementation of various requirements that are more appropriately placed under TRPA's authority rather then local government. Applying uniform criteria to five dissimilar jurisdictions is inappropriate. The available resources To implement the system are also dissimilar across the various agencies creating a greater imbalance for development potential tN'oughout the Tahoe Basin. The cost of implementing the proposed Allocation System is not only disproportionate but places unfunded mandates on local government. The Basin's jurisdictions have linle or no authority over some of the proposed process or requirements. By placing these performance standards upon the five jurisdictions, TRPA is in effect abdicating its responsibility to insure environmental improvements are met. The proposed system of dwelling unit allocations is predicated upon the presumption that each jurisdiction will be motivated to facilitate the construction of more, (rather than fewer), new homes. Ti-ds assumption is flawed. It is unlikely that eachjm-/sdimion will become a strong advocate for the construction of as many new homes permitted within its allocation range. Total allocations have not been used in the past in all agencies. Based upon the revenue structure established in both California and Nevada, counties and cities have a greater incentive to facilitate new cormmercial and industrial development, not residential. Realistically, the jurisdictions are inclined to be neutral toward new residential development. However, it is entirely possible that the costs necessary to each jurisdiction to achieve a handful MAILING ADDreSS; P.O. BOX 238, Minden, Nevada 89423 S~p-D~-g2 1G:~2 From-DOU~LAS COUNTY ~NA~£R 702-782-G255 T-GG1 P g2/05 F-lB2 TRPA Governing Board September 24, 2002 Page Two of additional residential allocations will become an impediment to IILPA'~ envirormaental obi ectives. Further, the proposed allocation system has a number of potential unintended consequences. For example, non-compliance property owners maybe tempted zo continue substandard envirommental practices as a means of eliminating potential development next to their property. The process may force individuals wishing to build a home to pay additional costs in order ro secure an incremental building allocation. The system also allows fa/lures by TRPA to serve as a means of penalizing local agencies. Specific concerns with the proposed Ordinance are as follows: · Section 33.2.A (4) Allocation Pool - Allocations to the Pool by TRPA may have an adverse impact on the orderly development of projects throughout the Basin. Rely/ng only upon unused allocations from the previous year may encourage individuals to secure that allocation even if they are not ready to move forward, due to the uncertainty of whether or not they will be able ro secmre an allocation from the Pool. Additionally, the Allocation Pool saffers because the potential allocation may be substantially reduced based on the lower number of irdfial allocations and the potential ro incremental decreases. Lack of local funds etc. will place greater pressure on the Pool to be sm effective tool in meeting needs in the Basin. · Section 33.2.B (3) (g) Fertilization Management Program- The Fertilization Management Program needs to move for-,vard and be put in place, however linking it to the release of the residential allocation places the whole program at the will of TRPA. If The Board fails to adopt a program, individual property owners will be penalized. The following comments relate to the Performance Review System and requirements placed on Local Government: · 33,2.B (S) and related subsections - The structure of the Performance Review Committee should include the participating Counties and City with TRPA providing staff support but not serving as a "voting member" unless one of the Goverrdng Board members serves as a representative for TRPA, The guidelines to establish consistent evaluation shoald be created through the Perfom'~ance Review Committee not by TRPA staft~ · The change in how allocations are assigned to the various cormnunities is not supported by Douglas County. While there is recognition of the desire to create linkages between the allocation of residential building units and various programs, the linkage is based on a negative approach. The "incentive" only brings the jurisdictions back to where they should start. This approach denies the County a cost benefit component to be an active player in the overall program unless there are other additional benefits outside of the residential unit allocation. In other words TRPA has created a stick approach verses a carrot approach in attempting to enhance environmental improvements through the Sop-SO-02 16:3~ From-DOUGLAS COUNTY BANAGER 702-?82-6255 T-661 PO~/05 F-lB2 TP--P A Governing Board S~p~ember 2.1, 2002 Page Three residential building permtt allocation system. Given the differential between the various jurisdictions, the equal treatment in the enhancements or deductions will be challenged on a regular basis. The review process will no doubt end up with some level of subjectivity regardless of efforts to do otherwise. There are a number of problems in each of the review areas: The first being in the permit monitoring and compliance section. The section will require additional effort by cities and counties to provide monitoring and compliance services at a cost to those agencies. While TRPA is listed as one of the agencies to also perform this, there is little or no way for Cities or Counties to insure that TIaA is doing their job. The're is no penalty to TRPA should they fail to perform or incentive to perform, the pressure is placed on local government. Ely implementation again impacts jurisdictions. In Douglas County, a substantial number of the Ely projects are undertaken and monitored by General Improvement Districts (GIDs). OI~Ds are ineligible for the allocation of bu.ilding fights; however their performance may negatively impact the County as a whole, thereby unjustly penalizing ail of the County's citizens who have no authority over the GIDs. The program s oudm to create the ElY and to establish the Ma/nrenance Efficiency Plan again will require added expenditures by the local agencies. The shifting of the preparations of the E2 plan from TRPA to the local agencies is paramount to the passing of a significant unfunded mandate and tying building allocations to that unfunded mandate. The process requires that the EIP implementation plan is to be received and approved by TKPA in addition to a maintenance efficiency plan. Should TR.PA fail to act on these items, the local jurisdictions are penalized for the a ency's failure to act appropriately. The g program provides no incentive for TRPA to act in a pro-active manner or to the benefit of the local jurisdictions, rm fact the process allows TI~A to set extremely stringent standards and again to utilize a stick approach to requiring jurisdictions to do additional work. The other problem with the BIP section is that it assumes funding for EIP projects is available. Throughout the processes there is the general assumption that Counties have adequate funding to implement, maintain, monitor, and enforce TRPA requirements as it relates to permits and the development of capital improvement projects. In reality this is not the ca~e and outside of grants and Federal funding sources there are limited dollars available to meet these TP,-PA imposed obligations. The BMP retrofit requirements have many of the same problems as the EIP program. The more significant one is the ability of the local jurisdictions to enforce BMP retrofits on developed property without the consent of the property owner. The system actually establishes a very significant way for existing property owners to limit development in their area by simply failing to implement Blvlys on their property. Faiture to do so would result in the reduction in the number of units that could be allocated to a jurisdiction thereby effectively limiting development in an area. The ordinance is silent Ssp-30-O~ 16:3~ F~om-DOUGLAS COgNTY ~AttAG~R ?~-?~-8~5~ T-661 P~4/05 F-19~ TRPA Governing Board September 24, 2002 Page Four on how to fund the BMPs with the assumption being made that it would be up to the local jurisdiction and private proper~y owners. It appears that under the BMP sections those TRPA requirements are simply being passed on ro local jurisdictions for implementation and enforcement. · The required level of service under the transit program is unacceptable. It makes no linkages between the level of developmem and the need for transit. The system ties to the budget and not the level of actual success of a transit system, which could be accomplished through lower expenditures rather than more. To dictate that a local budget must grow by a given percent is not acceptable to Douglas County and frar&ly may well serve as a detriment to securing additional funding for transit. Funding sources that are not ongoing may create more of a problem then a beneftt in the future as buildthg allocations are denied due to the failure to secure replacement funding. For Douglas Comity, the transportation system relies heavily on the Tahoe Transportation District (TTD) and the TM'PO, la/lure of their agencies to address transportation needs co'aid result in the County being penalized, which reduces the County incentive in being involved at that level for transportation services. · The transit requirements may also jeopardize the concept of a coordinated transit system, as resources allocated across County and State lines may impact the various indicators resulting in a decrease in development allocations. A county or city may wish to keep services within their jurisdictions, even though it may be a disservice ro the riders, to enhance their allocation of development rights. The tying of increments to the proposed matr/x tortures on a number of ~eas that may or may not provide any benefit to the Tahoe Basin. The addition of veh[cles, routes, and service hours may or may not actually increase passengers carried, which one would assLune is the goal of the transit system. Also depending on where development occurs, the linkage ro the transit system may be marginal at best. · Douglas County has some concerns regarding the allocation of commercial floor area No justification is offered for the reduction of 200,000 to 150,000 square feet allocated for special projects. Projects that bring substantial environmental benefit with them should be encouraged. The modification to the evaluation criteria is also a concern. To require that the project address a threshold s~andard found not ro be in attalrrment might well shift the project away from other ongoing improvements. It would seem appropriate that if a threshold is in attainment, that all e£forrs would be made to enhance the level of arta/nment, rather then seeing projects redirected ro areas not in attaim'nent at the expense of those that are. Overall, the system as proposed serves as a punitive approach to requiring local jurisdictions to implement progrmrm and projects d~legated to TKPA. The approach will be costly for local agencies to implement and in Douglas CountY's case may not be worth the additional allocations. Th/s will require individual property owners to determine whether or not their project can handle the additional expenses to do the work on behalf of the local jurisdictions in Sep-30-O~ 16:34 Fro~-OOUGLAS COUNTY MAN^GE~ 70~-78~-6255 T-661 PO5/Q5 F-192 TRnA Governing Board September 24, 2002 Page Five order to gain additional allocationS. Considering that the maximum allocation of 2I dwelling units for Douglas County, it is only reasonable to question whether or not the human and monetary resources required from the County to go beyond our assigned 13 unit base is justified in order to pick up an additional 8 units or to keep from losing 4 units. With more than 80% of our constituents residing outside the Basin, we fail to see any real inctmtiv¢ for Douglas County ro go through the efforts reqaired to increase our allocations. In fact, the opposite may be tree. From a cost benefit analysis standpoint Douglas County may be better off by not implementing a number of the items outlined in the proposed ordinance, unless other benefits accrue to Douglas County outside of the development right allocations. In smnmary, the proposed allocation ordinance is irresponsible for the following reasons: 1, it places a substantial, unfunded mandate on the backs of local jurisdictions, 2. it defers the responsibility of TP,-pA to local agencies, 3. 4t creates a more competitive and expensive process for projects, 4. it does not guarantee any of the desired enviromnental benefits for the Basin, 5. it provides no means for holding TP,.PA accountable under ~e ordinance. and For these reasons Douglas County ~ges the TP,.PA Governing Boa.rd not to adopt the proposed ordinance. We propose that the draft ordinance be remanded back to staffto be redesigned in a manner that provides a greater level of benefit to local agencies providing real incentives to support TRPA efforts to preserve the environmental quality of Lake Talxoe without placing an undue burden on local jurisdictions. Sincerely, Daniel C. Holler Douglas County Manager cc: Doug]as County Board of Commissioners Mimi Moss, Douglas County Planrfing Manager U:DC ~de/9-02zTRP A.dec TAHOE REGIONAL PLANNING AGENCY 308 Dorla Court P.O.Box 1038 Phone: (775) 588-4547 Elks Point, Nevada Zephyr Cove, Nevada 89448-1038 Fax (775) 588-4527 www.trpa.org Emaih trpa@trpa.org MEMORANDUM September 17, 2002 To: TRPA Governing Board From: Subject: TRPA Staff Amendment to the TRPA Code of Ordinances Chapter 33 and Goals & Policies Chapter VII Amendments to Allow for Residential, Commercial (Community Plan Reload) and TAU Allocations Through 2006 Proposed Action: Amend Chapter 33 of the Code of Ordinances and Chapter 7 of the Goals and Policies relative to the allocation of additional residential units, commercial floor area (CFA) and tourist accommodation units (TAU). The proposed amendments to the Code of Ordinances (Code) and Goals and Policies (Goals) to allow for the consideration of additional development are based upon recommendations from the 2001 Threshold Evaluation and are linked to increased efforts for: 1) BMP retrofit; 2) EIP implementation (Water Quality CIP already linked to allocations); and 3) increased transit services, in addition to permit monitoring and compliance (4, already linked to allocations). The increase or decrease in efforts relative to these programs would be evaluated based upon performance criteria. The specific Regional Plan elements are as follows: · Residential Unit, Commercial Floor Area (Community Plan Reload), and Tourist Accommodation Unit Allocations, Code Chapter 33 (see Attachment A, Exhibit 1) · Goals and Policies, Chapter 7, Implementation Element (see Attachment A, Exhibit 2) Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Governing Board conduct the public hearing as noticed and adoption of the proposed amendments. Advisory Planninq Commission Recommendation: On September 11, 2002 the APC held an extensive public hearing on this item and, after suggesting language changes included in the ordinance, recommended adoption of the amendments to Code Chapter 33 and the Goals and Policies, Chapter 7, implementation Element with a vote of ten in favor, two opposed, and one abstention. Backqround: In December 2001, TRPA allocated 299 additional Residential allocations (divided among the five jurisdictions) for calendar year 2002. The Regional Plan amendments contemplated by this proposed action are for calendar years 2003 through 2006. The structure of the proposed Code language will establish allocations in the fall of calendar years for the subsequent years' use (Fall of 2002 for 2003 allocations, Fall of 2003 for 2004 allocations, etc.). The establishment of the allocations will be based upon the proposed allocation program elements of Code Chapter 33. AGENDA ITEM X.A LFB/dmc 119 Memorandum to TRPA Governing Board Amendments for Residential, Commercial and TAU Allocations Page 2 Discussion: During the month of February, TRPA held hearings on the 2001 Threshold Evaluation Report at the APC and Governing Board Meetings. In addition to those workshops, there were two additional public workshops on the Evaluation recommendations on February 20 at the Kings Beach Conference Center and February 28 at the City Council Chambers in South Lake Tahoe. Along with these workshops, TRPA staff sponsored four stakeholder-focused workshops on both North Shore and South Shore. The purpose of these hearings and workshops was to review the documents and provide input to the TRPA to assist in the preparation of the final documents and Regional Plan amendments. Since discussing this agenda item at the July APC meeting, TRPA has sponsored another round of meetings (six total). The proposal..set forth in this summary is a direct result of all of the public input and meetings. The overall result of these meetings as it relates to the allocation of additional development was agreement that additional development should be linked to: Increased efforts in the areas of BMP retrofits Water Quality/Air Quality/SEZ Restoration EIP implementation Increased transit level of service (TLOS) Permit monitoring and compliance Prior to the release of 2003 allocations, TRPA must take positive action on a Revised Fertilizer Management Program. Additionally, the Governing Board adopted the 2001 Threshold Evaluation in July, which, as a poticy, provided direction to staff to develop a system that links environmental programs to the allocation of additional development units (residential units, CFA and TAU). Furthermore, the direction was to develop a residential allocation system that ranged from a possible minimum of 78 to a possible maximum of 294 annual residential allocations. TRPA staff proposes amendments to Code Chapter 33, Allocation of Development, and Chapter 7 of the Goals and Policies relative to the allocation of additional development. A brief discussion of the proposed amendments follows: Residential Unit Allocations, 2003-2006 Staff considered the above bullets, the actual use of allocations, the status of vacant lots (see Attachment B), the existing allocation system, and other factors to develop the proposed system. Starting in 2003 and continuing through 2006 staff is proposing to establish a baseline allocation of 150 total residential units divided among the five jurisdictions, with provisions to increase the allocations to a maximum total of 294 per year or to reduce the allocations to a minimum total of 78 per year, based on local jurisdiction performance in the linked program areas. The allocation distribution will be established in the fall of 2002 for 2003 and in the fall of 2003 for 2004, and so on until 2006. The Performance Review Committee (PRC), comprised of representatives from the local jurisdictions and TRPA, will rate the performance of the jurisdictions on the proposed program criteria, as has been done previously, and recommend specific allocations to the Advisory Planning Commission for recommendation to the Governing Board. The proposed Allocation performance Table found in Code Chapter 33 is as follows: AGENDA ITEM X.A LFB/dmc 120 Memorandum to TRPA Governing Board Amendments for Residential, Commercial and TAU Allocations Page 3 Allocation Performance Table ~-~ [ Minimum Deduction Base !nhancement Maximum Jurisdiction Allocation with increments Increments Allocation with Deductions (x 4) Allocation (x 8) Enhancements Douglas 9 -1 13 1 21 Washoe 13 -3 25 3 49 El Dorado 27 -7 55 7 111 CSLT 11 -3 23 3 47 Placer 18 -4 34 4 66 Total I 78 150 I 294 The proposed performance criteria is based upon the following elements: 1. Permit monitorinq and compliance: As has been done for past allocations evaluated by the PRC, each jurisdiction and TRPA shall have residential permit monitoring and compliance audits. An average score of 70% is expected, with many jurisdictions currently scoring near 90%. Jurisdictions receiving scores belo? 65% the allocations shall be incrementally decreased. Jurisdictions scoring above 75% and 90% shall be awarded one and two additional increments, respectively. See subsection 33.2.B (5) (a) of Attachment A, Exhibit 1. The incremental adjustments are jurisdictionally specific as shown in the table above. Refer to Attachment C for the Permit Monitoring and Compliance Audit Guidelines. 2. EIP Implementatioq.: In an effort to increase the rate of implementation of air and water quality EIP projects (including SEZ restoration), jurisdictions shall be rewarded with additional allocations or allocations shall be decreased for surpassing or failing to meet approved lists of projects and established implementation targets. See subsection 33.2.B(5) (b) and (c) of Attachment A, Exhibit 1. This performance criteria is similar to the existing performance review water quality ClP list requirement (submission of the currently required maintenance efficiency plan will still be required), however, it has been expanded to include air quality capital, and SEZ restoration EIP projects. Refer to Attachment D for the EIP Project Implementation Audit Guidelines. 3. BMP Retrofit Implementation: In an effort to increase the rate of implementation of BMP retrofit of properties, jurisdictions shall be rewarded with additional allocations or allocation shall be decreased for surpassing or failing approved BMP implementation programs and targets. See Subsection 33.2.B (5) (d) and (e) of Attachment A, Exhibit 1. Refer to Attachment E for the Parcel BMP Targets Audit Guidelines. 4. Increase Transit Services: in an effort to increase the level of service for transit operations, jurisdictions shall be rewarded with additional allocations or allocations shall be decreased for surpassing or failing approved Transit Level Of Service (TLOS) targets and increased or decreased funding levels to me~t the targets. The TLOS targets are jurisdiction specific although the criteria are common to all. In the development of the Transit Level of Service (TLOS) Matrix, staff reviewed and proposed numerous transit performance indicators and criteria. Staff selected criteria that could be applied across the board and quantified to measure TLOS and performance, because the transit systems operate in different jurisdictions and provide different services. The 2003 allocation base and increments of increase will be based on establishment of TLOS and targets for 2004-06, and a commitment for ,AGENDA ITEM X.A LFB/dmc 121 Memorandum to TRPA Governing Board Amendments for Residential, Commercial and TAU Allocations Page 4 ~ -h~creased funding Future a ocat ons will be dependent on how many of the TLOS ~ ~/¢~-..'"~' ',;*ori,~n i,~-r,,ase ;or decrease and by what percentage. After extensive review of '~J ~'~h ~urisd ctions' transit syStem performance over the past five years, sta ~;~ie~es the proposed TLOS targets are attainable. With the commitment to increase TLOS, the goal of reducing dependency on the private automobile by providing frequent and dependable transit service within the respective jurisdiction can be realized. An example jurisdiction specific TLOS Criteria Matrix (Audit Guidelines for Performance Review Committee) is attached herein as Attachment F. To review the proposed Code language, see subsection 33.2.B (5) (f) and (g) of Attachment A, Exhibit 1. Individual owner options. It is important to note that this proposed allocation methodology is not the only means of procuring a residential allocation. Other means of acquiring an allocation exist for the property owner through the retirement of a sensitive parcel from the allocation rollover pool. Additionally, affordable housing bonus units, transfer of existing units, and conversion of TAUs are all exempt from the residential allocation requirements. Commercial Floor Area (CFA) Allocations 150,000 square feet of CFA has previously been held in reserve until completion of the 2001 Threshold Evaluation. The proposed distribution of 50,000 square feet of the total reserve of 150,000 square feet is as follows. St~ff proposes to allocate 50,000 square feet of CFA for Community Plan reloads according to the apportionment ranking previously established in Code subparagraph 33.3.D (1)(b). The apportionment based upon ranking is as follows: Ranking Allocations 1 20,000 2 5,000 3 8,000 4 5,000 5 2,000 The allocation will be distributed as part of the performance Review process in 2004. See subsection 33.3.D (1) (c) of Attachment A, Exhibit 1. Staff proposes to reserve the remaining 100,000 square feet of CFA for future distribution based on criteria to be adopted in October 2002. Tourist Accommodation Unit (TAU) Allocations The remaining 100 Tour st Accommodation Un ts (TAU) previously held in reserve until (L~'~'- after the completion of the 2001 Threshold Evaluation sha not be immediately a located. ,~. 78 TAUs remain available from the 1996 Threshold Evaluation allocation in addition to t~ff¥ numerous privately banked TAUs. These remaining 78 TAUs are still limited to special projects (in accordance with Code subparagraph 33.3.D (3)) and shall only be permitted when matched by transfers of existing units from sensitive lands that have been restored. Additionally, the projeot must score a minimum of 75 out of a total of 100 points based upon the score received from the Special Projects Evaluation Criteria for TAUs. The remaining 100 TAUs shall be allocated upon the use of the 78 TAUs discussed above. See Code subsection 33.4.A (3) of Attachment A, Exhibit 1. AGENDA ITEM X.A LFB/dmc 122 Memorandum to TRPA Governing Board Amendments for Residential, Commercial and TAU Allocations Page 5 Effect on TRPA Work Proqram.: The continued allocation of development rights witl require the processing of residential, commercial and tourist development permits by the Project Review Division, in addition to the processing of various permits by our MOU partners. Should the allocation of development rights cease, there are other means for development rights to be gained. Therefore, Project Review staff would still have permits to process, albeit at a reduced rate. The proposed allocation methodology will require significant annual time commitments from various divisions of the TRPA. Project Review will incur time requirements to manage the annual PRC process. The EIP Division will be required to assist in annual EIP project ~ist development and implementation audits. The BMP team will need to spend annual hours in tracking and reporting on BMP Targets. The Transportation Division will also spend annual hours in tracking and reporting on TLOS targets. Environmental Assessment Relation to Proposed Action: in addition to the required findings found below, an Environmental Assessment (EA) has buen prepared to further analyze the potential environmental effects of continuing the allocation of the three types of development rights (residential, commercial and tourist units). While this summary and the findings below only address staff's proposed allocation methodology implemented through the amendment of Code Chapter 33, the EA further analyzed two other options (a no action alternative, and two alternative methods for residential allocations) and supports the proposed allocation method contained herein. An important note to make, which is not contained herein, is that various mitigation measures have been identified in the EA which will be implemented through the TRPA work program, project review and development conditions in order to ensure that the Environmental Threshold Carrying Capacities are not harmed by the further allocation of development rights. Required F nd nqs: the following section provides findings for the proposed Regional Plan amendments, Chapter 33 of the Code and Chapter 7 of the Goals and Policies. Chapter 6 Find nqs 1. F ndin.q: .Rationale: 2. Finding.: Rationale: LFB/dmc The proiect is consistent with, and will not adversely affect implementation of the Reqional Plan, includinq all applicable Goals and Policies, Plan Area Statements and Maps, the Cude, and other TRPA plans and proqrams. The amendments to Chapter 33, Allocation of Development, will not adversely affect implementation of the Regional Plan. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Regional Plan and TRPA plans and programs. This amendment furthers the ideals of the EIP by providing incentives to gain additional development allocations by implementing EIP projects at a rate faster than if these incentives were not in place. The proiect will not cause the environmental thresholds to be exceeded. The amendments to Chapter 33, Allocation of Development, will not cause the environmental thresholds to be exceeded. The allocations contemplated for release with this amendment are consistent with the total basin build-out numbers analyzed in the AGENDA ITEM X.A 123 Memorandum to TP, PA Governing Board Amendments for Residential, Commercial and TAU Allocations Page 6 1987 Regional Plan ElS and further provides incentives aimed at implementing E[P projects at a rate faster than if these incentives were not in place. 3. F ndin.q: Wherever federal, state, and local air and water quality standards applicable to the Reqion, whichever are stricter, must ~e attained and maintained pursuant to Article V (d) of th~ Compact, the proiect meets or exceeds such standards. Rationale: Any proposal that may come forth due to this provision will be required to meet air and water quality standards as set forth in the TRPA Compact. 4. Findin,q: The Reqional Plan, as amended, achieves and maintains the thresholds. Rationale: See findings 1 and 2 above. 5. F ndin~q: The Reqional Plan and all of its elements, as implemented throuqh the Code, Rules and other TRPA plans and proq~ams, as amended, achieves and maintains the thresholds. See findings 1 and 2 above. Rationale: Ordinance 87-8 Findinqs 1. F ndin~q: That the amendment is consistent with the Compact and with the attainment or maintenance of the thresholds. Rationale: See Chapter 6 Findings. The amendment is consistent with the Compact and with attainment or maintenance of the thresholds. The allocations contemplated for release with this amendment are consistent with the total basin build-out numbers analyzed in the 1987 Regional Plan ElS and further provides incentives aimed at implementing EIP projects at a rate faster than if these incentives were not in place. 2. F ndin,q: One or more of the fo owin.q.. a) There is demonstrated conflict between provisions of the Regional Plan Package and the conflict threatens to preclude attainment or maintenance of thresholds; b) That legal constraints, such as court orders, decisions or Compact amendments, require amendment of the Goals and Policies or Code; c) That technical or scientific information demonstrates the need for modification of a provision of the Goals and Policies or Code; d) That the provision to be amended has been shown, through experience and time, to be counter-productive to or ineffective in attainment or maintenance of the thresholds; _AGENDA ITEM X.A LFB/dmc 124 Memorandum to TRPA Governing Board Amendments for Residential, Commercial and TAU Allocations Page 7 e) That implementation of the provision sought to be amended has demonstrated to be impracticable or impossible because of one or more of the following reason: 1) The cost of implementation outweighs the environmental gain to be achieved. 2) Implementation will result in unacceptable impacts on public health and safety; or 3) Fiscal support for implementation is insufficient and such insufficiency is expected to be a long-term problem. f) That the provision to be amended has shown through experience to be counter-productive or ineffective and the amendment is designed to correct the demonstrated problem and is an equal or better means of implementing the Regional Plan Package and complying with the Compact. Rationale: Finding d) is the most appropriate. The allocations contemplated for release with this amendment are consistent with the total basin build-out numbers analyzed in the 1987 Regional Plan ElS and further provides incentives aimed at implementing projects at a rate faster than if these incentives were not in place. The past methods of allocation did not do enough to spur the development of environmental infrastructure or research necessary for Threshold attainment, as identified in the EIP. Environmental Documentation: Staff has completed an Environmental Assessment (EA, enclosed with the packet) and proposes a Finding of No Significant Effect (FONSE) based on the Chapter 6 and Ordinance 87~8 findings, the EA and information contained therein. Requested Action:, Staff requests the Governing Board take the following actions: 1. Motion to make a finding of No Significant Effect. 2. Motion to adopt the implementing ordinance. If you have any questions about this agenda item, please contact Peter Eichar at 775- 588-4547 or recreation@trpa.org. Attachments: LFB/dmc A. Adopting Ordinance with Exhibits 1. Code Chapter 33 2. Development and Implementation subelement of Chapter 7, Implementation, of the Goals and Policies B. Status of Vacant Lots C. Permit Monitoring and Compliance Audit Guidelines D. EIP Project implementation Audit Guidelines E. BMP Targets Audit Guidelines F. Example TLOS Criteria Matrix (Audit Guidelines for performance Review Committee) ~AGENDA ITEM X.A 125 Memorandum to TRPA Governing Board Amendments for Residential, Commercial and TAU Allocations Page 8 Enclosure: Environmental Assessment: For Amendments to the Code of Ordinances Regarding 2003 -2006 Residential Allocations and 1997 -2006 Commercial and Tourist Allocations AGENDA iTEM X.A LFB/dmc 126 ATTACHMENT A 9/17/02 TAHOE REGIONAL PLANNING AGENCY ORDINANCE 2002 -__ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 87-9, AS AMENDED, TO IMPLEMENT THE 2001 THRESHOLD EVALUATION REPORT; BY AMENDING THE REGIONAL PLAN OF THE TAHOE REGIONAL PLANNING AGENCY; BY AMENDING CHAPTER Vii OF THE 1986 GOALS AND POLICIES PLAN; TO AMEND CHAPTER 33 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES RELATING TO RESIDENTIAL UNIT ALLOCATIONS, COMMERCIAL FLOOR AREA ALLOCATIONS AND TOURIST ACCOMMODATION UNIT ALLOCATIONS, AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELAT NG THERETO. The Governing Board of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency does ordain as follows: Section 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 .Findinqs It is necessary and desirable to amend TRPA Ordinance 87-9, as amended, which ordinance relates to the Regional Plan of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) by amending the Goals and Policies Plan, Chapter 7, and by amending the Code of Ordinance Chapter 33, in order to further implement the Regional Plan pursuant to Article VI(a) and other applicable provisions of the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact. These amendments have been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment, and are therefore exempt from the requirements of an environmental impact statement pursuant to Article VII of the Compact. The Advisory Planning Commission (APC) has conducted a public hearing on the amendments and recommended adoption. The Governing Board has also conducted a noticed public hearing on the amendments. At those hearings, oral testimony and documentary evidence were received and considered. Prior to the adoption of this ordinance, the Governing Board made the findings required by Chapter 6 of the Code and Article V(g) of the Compact, The Governing Board finds that the amendments adopted here will continue to implement the Regional Plan, as amended, in a manner that achieves and maintains the adopted environmental threshold carrying capacities as required by Article V(c) of the Compact. Each of the foregoing findings is supported by substantial evidence in the record. · 127 Section 2.0q 2.10 _Amendment of the Code of Ordinances Code of Ordinances as adopted by Subsection 6.60, of Ordinance No. 87-9, is hereby further amended as set forth on Exhibit 1, dated September 10, 2002, which attachment is appended hereto and incorporated herein. Section 3.00 3.10 Amendment of Goals and Policies Subsection 6.10 of Ordinance 87-9, as amended, does hereby further amend Chapter 7 of the Goals and policies Plan to add the underlined language and delete the crossed-out language as shown on Exhibit 2, dated September 10, 2002. Section 4.00 4.10 Interpretation and Severabili~.v. The provisions of this ordinance and the amendments to the Goals and Policies and Code of Ordinances adopted hereby shall be liberally construed to effect their purposes. If any section, clause, provision or portion thereof is declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordinance and the amendments to the Goals and policies and Code of Ordinances shall not be affected thereby. For this purpose, the provisions of this ordinance and the amendments to the Goals and Policies and Code of Ordinances are hereby declared respectively severable. Section 5.00_ 5.10 Effective Date The provisions of this ordinance amending the Goals and Policies, Chapter 7 shall be effective immediately upon adoption. The provisions of this ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances Chapter 33 shall be effective 60 days from date of adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Governing Board of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency at a regular meeting held September 25, 2002, by the following vote: Ayes: Nays: Abstentions: Absent Dean Heller, Chairman Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, 128 EXHIBIT 1 9/10/02 is .,t ..... red. New language is underlined_ in blue; language to be deleted ' ¢ .... ~, out in Chapter 33 ALLOCATION QF DEVELOPMENT 33.2 Allocation Of Additional Residential Units: TRPA shall allocate the development of additional residential units as follows: 33.2.A Requirement Of Allocation: No person shall construct a project or c~mmence a use, which creates one or more additional residential units, without first receiving an allocation approved by TRPA. This requirement does not apply to affordable housing units approved after January 1, 1986, but shall apply to conversions of such affordable housing to nonaffordable status. In order to construct the project or commence the use, to which the allocation or the exemption therefrom per[ains, the recipient of the allocation or exemption shall comply with all other applicable provisions of this Code. (1) A~oplicable Residential Uses: The following residential uses referred to in Chapter 18 contain residential units: secondary residences; employee housing; mobile home dwellings; multiple family dwellings; multi-person dwellings; nursing and personal care facilities; residential care facilities; single family dwellings; and summer homes. (2) Definition Of "Additional Residential Unit": Residential unit is defined in Chapter 2. A residential unit is considered "additional" if it is to be created pursuant to a TRPA approval issued on or after January 1, 1986. The conversion of an existing nonresidential use to a residential use constituting a residential unit is an additional residential unit requiring an allocation under this chapter. The following are not "additional" residential units: (a) The reconstruction or replacement, on the same parcel, of a residential unit legally existing on or approved before January 1, 1986; (b) The reconstruction or replacement, on the same parcel, of a residential unit which was allocated and approved pursuant to this Code; (c) Legally established additions and accessory uses to an existing residential structures, that do not create additional residential dwelling units; (d) A residential unit constructed on a foundation, the use of which is authorized by Chapter 11. (e) The relocation of residential units legally existing on January 1, 1986, other than mobile home dwellings, through a transfer approved by TRPA; (f) The relocation of a legally established mobile home dwelling with existing water, sewer, and electrical services to a mobile home development or to a multi-family dwelling of five units or more, pursuant to a transfer approved by TRPA; or TRPA Code of Ordinances 33-'/ CHAPTER 33- ALLOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT I 29 (3) (g) An existing, legally established mobile home pad with water, sewer and electrical services, whether or not a mobile home is located thereon. Maximum Number Of Units And Distribution Of Allocations Amonq Jurisdictions: From January 1, 4997 2002 to December 31, 200~ 2006., a maximum of 1,475 1,504) additional residential units may 6e authorized to receive permits for construction. The allocation and distribution of allocations each year shall not exceed the following, except for assignment of allocations from the allocation pool administered by TRPA: BASE MAXIMUM YEARLY ALLOCATIONS YEAR 2002 2003-06 111 EL Dorado County T'T, SA 14 S-T-F~gD 78 ~ SLT 38 47 Placer County 88 66 Washoe Coun~ 59 49 22 21 Douglas County_ ' kqitiaI-AIIocation Pool TOTAL 299 294 (a) A total of 1400 additional multi-residential development rights shall be available for the 20-year life of this Plan as bonus units in conjunction with transfer of development rights and/or other TRPA incentive programs designed to attain the goals and objectives of this Plan. Multi residential units shall be subject to the foregoing allocation limitations. (b) Unused allocations from years prior to 1997 shall not be added to a jurisd'ct'ons successive year's allocations. Unused allocations from 1997 and beyond shall be assigned to the allocation pool. (c) Allocations assigned to the City of South Lake Tahoe and the STPUD service area within El Dorado County may be assigned to parcels within either jurisdiction provided the sending jurisdiction approves the reassignment. Such reassignment shall not be considered an allocation transfer. (d) Allocations shall not be distributed to a ~ocal jurisdiction if TRPA determines, based on reliable facts, that the jurisdiction lacks sufficient water or sewer capacity to serve new residential development, if the jurisdiction demonstrates to TRPA's reasonable satisfaction that there is sufficient capacity, the TRPA shall distribute the affected allocations to the jurisdiction. (e) In the event a lack of water and sewage capacity results in an imbalance of allocations to a jurisdiction, a program to recognize the imbalance shall be developed if capacity becomes available. TRPA Code of Ordinances CHAPTER 33- ALLOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT I 30 33-2 33.2.B (4) Allocation Pool: At the beginning of each year, unused allocations from the previous year or ..u,..-..,~..,..- ~u ........... j ............ , shall be assigned to a allocation pool administered by TRPA. ......... tlon ..... (a) TRP.^, ch~!! in!tio!!~, ...... ~,, ~o pool '"'~*~' ~ n~ ..,.,,--, ' initio! 3!!cc~ticnc she!! be .~..ocod by unused or a!locatic,~s sc spec!fled (b a)TRPA may assign allocations to parcels throughout the Region providing the recipient retires a sensitive parcel within the Region. add~ ....... ,,,,re ,~,,~ t~, thc ~"~ pursuant to subparagraph 33.2.B(5); Distribution And Administration Of Residential Allocations: Residential allocations shall be distributed and administered in accordance with the Goals and Policies, this Code, and the Rules of Procedure. (1) Distribution of Annual Allocations: Distribution of allocations for 1993 and beyond shall be by a method or system which permits the participation of parcels with scores below the numerical level defining the top rank in the applicable jurisdiction. (a) TRPA shall reserve ten percent of each junsd ct on s annua allocations for distribution to parcels below the IPES line. The reserved allocations shall be distributed by a method of random selection by TRPA. A county or city may elect to distribute the reserved allocations, or may be exempt from the set-aside requirement, provided TRPA finds the substitute system or the city/county distribution system, as the case may be, provides an equal or superior opportunity for participation of parcels below the IPES line. (b) Allocations distributed by TRPA under this subsection may either be transferred or returned to TRPA for reissuance to the jurisdication of origin. Unclaimed reserved allocations after June 1, shall be qiven to the appropriate jurisdiction for issuance. (c) A complete application for transfer of a reserved allocation shall be filed no later than June 1 of the year it was distributed. (d) Upon transfer of a reserved allocation, a complete application for an additional residential unit shall be filed no later than December 31, of the year in which it was distributed. Failure to submit a complete application for a transfer by June 1, of the year in which it was distributed, or to file a complete application for a new residential unit by December 31, of the year in which it was distributed, shall result in the forfeiture of the allocation to the jurisdiction of origin. (2) Distribution of the Allocation Pooh TRPA shall distribute allocations from the allocation pool as follows: TRPA Code of Ordinances 33-3 CHAPTER 33- ALLOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT 131 (3) (a) Owners of eligible parcels may apply to TRPA on a first- come, first-serve basis for available allocations in the allocation pool. TRP,^. m .... ~ ...... ;~,,~-',, ~,,oc3t ..... in ~h" '~tocat!on poo to the counties 2~d city basod on tho rosu!ts cf th~ ~r-~-o~ot forth in ~ubp~,~,~ph (5) Distribution Requirements: Distribution of allocations, within the limits set in Subsection 33.2.A and consistent with subparagraph (1) above, shall be determined by the counties and city. If any county or city chooses not to distribute allocations within its jurisdiction, then TRPA shall distribute the allocations pursuant to an allocation system adopted by TRPA. (a) Each county and the city shall notify TRPA, in writing, of its election to not distribute allocations for a given year or years. Notification must be received by TRPA no later than December 31 of the preceding year. The Governing Board may waive this deadline for good cause. (b) TRPA shall deliver allocations to the counties and city no later than January 15, of the year for which the allocations are reserved, or within 15 days of the effective date of an ordinance providing for residential allocations for that year, whichever is later. (c) Delivery of allocations shall be accomplished by providing each county and city with the number of allocation forms which corresponds to the allocations available to each county and city in that year. The counties and city shall determine the receiving parcels pursuant to their respective allocation systems and shall indicate the assessor's parcel number (APN) of the receiving parcel on the allocation form. The counties and city shall provide TRPA with a list of assessor parcel numbers which received an allocation. The original allocation forms shall be delivered to the owner of record of the receiving parcel and shall, in addition to the list, constitute evidence of receipt of an allocation. (d) TRPA shall number each allocation as follows: (i) The first set of letters shall signify the county or city of origin (e.g., WA, DG, PL, EL, SLT); (ii) The first set of numbers shall signify the year of issuance (e.g., 87, 88, 89, 90, 91); (iii) The second set of letters shall signify the type of allocation (e.g., O for original, R for reissued, LS for litigation settlement, AP, allocation pool); (iv) The second set of numbers shall signify the sequence of the allocation (e.g., for Douglas County the sequence will be 1 through 23). (Example PL - 87' - R - 56;County-Year-Type-Number) TRPA Code of Ordinances 33-4 CHAPTER 33- ALLOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT I 3 2 (4) (e) The counties and city shall notify each owner of a parcel receiving an allocation. (f) In the event an allocation is returned or forfeited for any reason, the county or city shall notify TRPA by returning the original allocation form and requesting a reissued allocation for assignment to another parcel If the original allocation form cannot be returned to TRPA, the county or city shall notify TRPA of the reason therefor, and the allocation shall be cancelled by depositing in the U. S. Mail, first class, postage prepaid, a notice of cancellation addressed to the last known address of the owner of the receiving parcel. (g) TRPA shall adopt a Revised Fertilization Management Proqram in accordance with section 81.7 and thu recommendations of the 2001 Threshold Evaluation, prior tu the release of 2003 residential allocations. Administratioq: An allocation shall entitle the owner of the receiving parcel to either apply for a TRPA permit to construct an additional residential unit or to transfer the allocation to another parcel pursuant to Chapter 34. Distribution of, and other transactions concerning allocations, shall be tracked, accounted for and otherwise treated in accordance with Chapter 38. (a) Upon receipt of the allocation form from the county, TRPA, or city, the owner of the parcel may file an application with TRPA to either construct a residential unit or transfer the allocation. Failure to either file a complete application or complete a transfer by the deadlines set in subparagraphs (b) and (c) below, shall result in the forfeiture of the allocation to the county, TRPA, or city of origin. (b) Except as set forth in Section 33.2.C, Multi-Residential Allocations, and sub paragraph (d), below, complete applications for construction of additional residential units shall be filed with TRPA no later than December 31 of the year in which the allocation was distributed. (c) Transfer of allocations shall be complete no later than December 31, of the year in which the allocation was distributed. Transfers of allocations shall be deemed complete when the applicant has received a TRPA notice of eligibility for the transfer, the conditions of transfer have been fulfilled, and the original allocation form has been signed by the owners of the transferor and transferee parcels, the county or city which issued the allocation, and TRPA. The signatures of the receiving and sending county or city shall be required for intercounty transfers. (d) Upon transfer of an allocation, a complete application for an additional residential unit shall be filed no later than June 1 of the year after the issuance of the allocation. Failure to file a complete application by June 1 shall result in the forfeiture of the allocation to the city or county of origin. TRPA Code of Ordinances 33-5 CHAPTER 33- ALLOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT 133 (5) (e) All unused and deducted allocations previously distributed to each iurisdiction as of January 1 of each year shall be assigned to the allocation pool. Potential allocations not earned pursuant to (51 below do not exist and shall not be placed in the allocation pool. performance Review System: Star~inq January 1, 2003, each. jurisdiction shall receive a base allocation accordinq to thu Allocation performance Table below. The base allocation may bu enhanced or reduced incrementally accordinq to subparaqraph~. ~a) throuqh (~) below. Startinq October 1, 2002, and every year thereafter, the performance Review Committee (PRC) shall review the performance of the local iudsdictions and TRPA. Tho review committee shall consist of representatives of tho Earticipatinq counties, City and TRPA and shall review thu performance criteria contained in subparaqraphs (a) throu,qh (.q) below. TRPA may establish quidelines to establish cons sten~ evaluations and/or audits for (a'~ throuqh (q) to assist thq performance Review Committee's review. No iurisdiction shall receive more allocations than the maximum or fewer allocations than the minimum allocations for that jurisdiction shown in tho Allocation performance Table below: Allocation Performance Table Minimum Maximum_ AlLocation Deduction Base Enhancement Allocation with wit__~_h increments:Allocation I_ncrements Enh~ancements urisdicti°n Deducti°ns : - ...... 2'[ El Dorado 27 -7 55 3 'ota~l 7_~8 Note: One deduction or enhancement increment equals the number of ~llocations shown for individual iurisdictions. (a) Permit Monitorin~ and Compliance: Startinq October 2002, TRPA shall conduct a representative sample audit o.f. residential permits issued, and compliance inspectionu performed the prior year, bv the counties, City, and TRPA. A passin,q score of 70% for both permit monitorinq and trackinq is expected. The base allocation shall be enhanced or reduced as follows: (i) A iurisdiction shall receive one increment of enhancement for a 75% to less than 90% score for. both the proiect review portion and the compliance Dortion of the audit, TRPA Code of Ordinances CHAPTER 33- ALLOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT 134 33-6 (b) (ii) A iurisdiction shall receive two increments of enhancement for scores qreater than 90% for both thc Eroiect review portion and the compliance portion of the audit, or (iii) A iurisdiction shall be penalized one increment of deduction for audit scores below 65%. EIP Implementation 2003; TRPA must receive from each Lurisdiction, a Water Quality and Air Quality EIP Project list (EIP Component List) that includes proiect components and their schedule of completion for years 2003-07, in addition tu a Maintenance Efficiency Plan (MEP) for water quality. proiect maintenance by October 2002. The base allocatio~ shall be enhanced or reduced as follows: (i) A iurisdiction shall receive one increment of enhancement for TRPA approval of the Ell' Component List and MEP, and (ii) A jurisdiction shall receive one increment of enhancement for performance qreater than 30% abow .~///- the yearly CIP performance tarqet in implementation of the local iurisdictions Water Quality CIP/EIP 2000-03 iist previously submitted in 2000, o~ (iii) A iurisdiction shall be penalized one increment of deduction for not submittnq and qaininq TRPA approval of the EIP Component List and MEP. (c) EIP Implementation 2004-06: TRPA must receive and approve an updated 5 year EIP Component List for yea~u 2004-09, in addition to a Maintenance Efficiency Plan (MEP) by the October prior to the allocation year. The baso allocation for years 2004 throuqh 2006 shall be enhanced o~ reduced as follows: ~ A iudsdiction shall receive one increment of enhancement for a 71-110% completion of proiec.t. component scores for the EIP Component List, or A iurisdiction shall receive two increments of enhancement for performance ,qreater than 110% completion of proiect component scores for the EIP Component List, or ~ A iudsdiction shall be penalized one increment of deduction for performance 50% below completion of proiect component scores for the EIP Component List, or not havinq an approved EIP Component List ar~]. MEP. (d) BMP Retrofit Implementation 2003: TRPA shall establish BMP Retrofit Tarqets for 2003-06 for all parcels in need u[ retrofit by iurisdiction. The minimum tarqets for parcelu retrofitted/parcels in need of retrofit shall be 5 percent for FY 02-03, 25% for FY 03-04, 65% for FY 04-05. and 85% for FY 05-06. The base allocation shall be enhanced or reduced as follows: TRPA Code of Ordinanoes CHAPTER 33- ALLOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT 135 (e) (f) (i) A iurisdiction shall receive one increment enhancement for developinq a TRPA approved Broqram to assist the implementation of the retrofit tarqets, and (ii) A iurisdiction shall receive a second increment of enhancement for adoptinq a TRPA approved proqram and demonstratinq an adequate resource commitment based on the annual tarqet (e.~. fundinq, sta[.[ resources} to the pro,qram to assist in thu implementation of BMP retrofit tarqets, or. ¢ii} A iurisdiction shall be penalized one increment of deduction if baseline tarqets for BMP retrofit are nut established by October 31, 2002, BMP Retrofit Implementation 2004-06: The base allocation for years 2004 throuqh 2006 shall be enhanced or reduced au ;follows: (i) A iurisdiction shall receive one increment of enhancement for maintaininq the iurisdiction specifiu BMP Retrofit Implementation proqram and makin.q. proqress toward meetinq established tarqets equal tE 50% to 100% compliance, or (ii) A iurisdiction shall receive two increments of enhancement for qreater than 100% compliance wit!.! the established annual retrofit tarqets for implementation of BMPs for years 2003 throuqh 2002., (iii) A iurisdiction shall be penalized one increment deduction for not maintaininq the lurisd'ct'on's specifiu BMP Retrofit Implementation proqram or not making] proqress toward meetin.q established tarqets. Transit Level Of Service 2003: TTD, in consultation with TRPA staff, shall establish baseline Transit Level of Servicu £TLOS) for each iurisdiction as well as establish tarqets for increasinq the TLOS for 2004-06. Failure to comply will bE deducted from the next year's allocation. The 2003 basu allocation shall be enhanced or reduced as follows: (i) A local jurisdiction shall receive one increment of enhancement for committinq by resolution to increasinq FY 2003-04 total levels for proiect(s)/proqram(s) to increase TLOS selected frou~ TRPNTTD adopted transportation plans. The shall provide input reqardinq theso proiects(s)/proqram(s). Washoe County shall wor!~ with the Washoe County Reqional Transportatio~, Commission for the purpose of securinq additiona! fundinq. The fundinq source and proiect(s)/proqram(s) shall be for the purpose of increasinq TLOS and. agreed to by the PRC, or. TRPA Code of Ordinances CHAPTER 33- ALLOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT 136 33-8 local iurisdiction shall receive two increments of enhancement for committinq by resolution to increasinq FY 2003-04 total transit operatina funds by at least 10% above FY 2002-03 total fundinq levels for project(s)/proqram(s) to increase TLOS selected from TRPA/TTD adopted transportation plans. The TTD shall provide input reqardinR these proiect(s)/proqram(s). Washoe County shall work with the Washoe County Reqional Transportation Commission for the purpose of securinq additional fundinq. The fundinR source and proiect(s)/pro~qram(s) shall be for the purpose of increasinq TLOS and aflreed to by the PRC, or A iurisdiction shall be penalized one increment of deduction for any decrease in FY 2003-04 transit operatin,q fundinq levels below that from FY 2002-03 if it results in a decease in TLOS. (g) Transit Level Of Service 2004-06: The base allocation for years 2004 throuqh 2006 shall be enhanced or reduced as follows: (i) A jurisdiction shall receive one increment of (ii) enhancement for exceedinq the previous year's five of eiqht TLOS criteria by 5-20% as determined by the jurisdiction specific TLOS Criteria Matrix to be established in the implementinq quidelines, or A jurisdiction shall receive two increments of enhancement for exceedinq the previous year's five of eiqht TLOS criteria by qreater than 20%, as determined by the iurisdiction specific TLOS Criteria Matrix, or A iurisdiction shall be penalized one increment of deduction for a 5% or qreater decrease in the previous year's four of eiflht TLOS criteria as determined by the iurisdiction specific TLOS Criteria Matrix. (5) re ........... ,. .............c or ........e, t..~ ............ ~, ,~ ,, .. ~w cn ........... ~.~,-~, ~.., ,~ ~ .... ~z ........ h ................. ~ ........................ ~ ..... D or thc ~ ......... ,~¢~,~.o ¢~- *h~* jurisdiction Thc .... ~ .... TRPA Code of Ordinances CHAPTEF~ 33-ALLOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT .~ ~"1 33-9 I (~) Comp![;nee ~ ........ ~u"~'~"'~''°' ~-~o ,~.,n ............. (i) ~erm!t Tracking: critsda a ~hal[ bc ~scd + ..... m,,~+~ +~c ~ ........ ~ tha~ JUF (b) ~a~+~ ~,,~;+,, (i) w~+~ ~,,~+,, C~D- Target th0ir ~;,~+~o~ Fa!!urs for oath TRPA Code of Ordinances CHACTER 3S - ,~U-OCA T/ON O? DEVELOPMENT (6) Monitorinq Requirement: TRPA hereby establishes a monitoring fee of $100 which shall be collected by the entity issuing the allocation from each allocation recipient. The fee shall be used to monitor water quality impacts and permit conformance. 33.3.D Maximum Amount And Distribution Of Allocations For Additional Commercial Floor Area For Years 1997 throuqh 2007: A maximum of 400,000 square feet of additional commercial floor area may be permitted from January 1, 1997, through December 31, 2006. The allocation and distribution of this floor area shall be as follows: (1) Within Adopted Community Plans: A maximum of 150,000 4nn, vv,w~nnn square feet of commercial floor area may be permitted in an adopted community plan in which all irrevocable commitments, as defined in the applicable community plan as a requirement to release allocations, have been satisfied. The applicable local jurisdiction shall distribute the allocation subject to the adopted allocation system for that community plan. The distribution of this floor area shall be as follows: (a) TRPA shall apportion 10,000 square feet of commercial floor area to Washoe County, Douglas County, Placer County, El Dorado County and the City of South Lake Tahoe. Allocations not assigned by December 31, 1998 shall be reassigned to the Special Projects as set forth ih (3) below. (b) By January 1, 1999, TRPA shall apportion 50,000 square feet of commercial floor area allocation to Washoe County, Douglas County, Placer County, El Dorado County and the City of South Lake Tahoe. The allocation assignment shall be based on a ranking comparison of the jurisdiction's accomplishment of environmental improvements set forth in the adopted community plans within that jurisdiction. The performance review committee (referred to in subparagraph 33.2.B.(5) shall recommend the ranking to TRPA by October 31, 1998. The apportionment shall be according to the following table: cc (c) By January 1, 2005, TRPA shall apportion 50,000 square feet of commercial floor area to Washoe County, Douqlas County, Placer County, El Dorado County and the City of South Lake Tahoe. The allocation assiqnment shall be based on a rankinq comparison of the iurisdiction's performance on the approved Five-Year Water Quality and Air Quality EIP Lists within the jurisdiction between January 1, 2002 and October 1, 2003. The apportionment shall be accordin,q to the followinq table: Ranking Allocations 1. 20,000 2. 15,000 3. 8,000 4. 5,000 5. 2,000 TRPA Code of Ordinances CHAPTER 33-ALLOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT .~ ~.~ a3'~1 I (2) (3) Outside Community Plans: Allocations permitted in (1) above may be distributed outside community plans subject to the limitations in subparagraph 33.3.C.(2) and the local jurisdiction has adopted a commercial allocation system that assists in implementing Environmental Improvement Program projects outside CP areas. Special Projects: A maximum of 150,000 square feet of commercial floor area may be permitted in adopted community plans or adopted TRPA master plans, in which all irrevocable commitments have been made. TRPA shall administer the special project allocations. The distribution of this floor area shall be as follows: (a) Goals: The program goals are to promote major projects that result in the construction of threshold-related environmental improvements, to promote transfer of development that results in substantial environmental benefits, and to rehabilitate substandard development. (b) Eliqibility: All projects in adopted community plan or adopted TRPA master plan areas are eligible for special project allocations. (c) Evaluation Criteria: Approval of special projects shall be evaluated and conditioned upon the implementation of environmental improvement projects or transfers of development out of sensitive lands. These projects shall: (i) Assist in the attainment of the environmental thresholds by constructing projects listed in the TRPA Environmental Improvement Program that address a Threshold standard found not to be in attainment per the 2001 Threshold Evaluation, and (ii) Provide substantial environmental benefits or mitigation in excess of TRPA's project mitigation requirements. (d) Public Assistance: Public and private partnerships are encouraged. Public assistance through redevelopment agencies, conservancies, local governments, and other means may be considered in evaluating special projects. (e) Maximum Amount: The maximum allocation that may be approved for a special project area within a calendar year is 50,000 square feet of floor area. (f) Time Limit: Initial assignments of allocations shall expire in one year unless extended by TRPA upon a showing of adequate progress toward a project approval. (g) Applications: Each year, TRPA shall consider applications for available special project allocations. Applications shall include a project prospectus that includes site plans, elevations, and preliminary environmental documentation. (h) .Notifications: TRPA shall give adequate public notice 90 days in advance of any action assigning allocations. Notifications shall include the general criteria by which the special project will be evaluated. TRPA Code of Ordinances CHAPTER 33-ALLOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT "i II l~ 33-'/2 I 33.4 (4) (i) APC Recommendation: The Advisory Planning Commission shall review the applications for special project allocations and make a recommendation to the Governing Board on the awards of commercial and tourist allocations. The performance review committee, referred to in subparagraph 33.2.B(5), shall assist the Advisory Planning Commission and staff in developing review criteria. Reserve: A maximum of 150,000 100,000 square feet of commercial floor area allocation shall be reserved for future distribution based on the ......... ~ m ......... criteria to be adopted -r~.,~ ,4;o,~;~.,,,;~.,. ,.~ ,h ........,4 ~n nnr~ ....... ~,~ Allocation Of Additional Tourist Accommodation Units: TRPA shall allocate the development of additional tourist accommodation units as follows: 33.4.A Requirement Of Allocation: No person shall construct a project or commence a use, which creates additional tourist accommodation units, without first receiving an allocation approved by TRPA. In order to construct the project or commence the use, to which the allocation pertains, the recipient of the allocation must comply with all other applicable provisions of this Code. (1) Applicable Tourist Accommodation Uses: The tourist accommodation uses set forth in Chapter 18 contain tourist accommodation units. (2) Definition Of "Additional" Tourist Accommodation Units: A tourist accommodation unit is considered "additional" if it is to be created pursuant to a TRPA approval issued on or after January 1, 1987 in accordance with Section 33.4. The conversion of an existing nontourist accommodation use to a tourist accommodation use constituting a tourist accommodation unit is an additional tourist accommodation unit requiring an allocation under this chapter. The following are not "additional" tourist accommodation units: (a) The reconstruction or replacement, on the same parcel, of a tourist accommodation unit legally existing or approved on January 1, 1987; (b) The reconstruction or replacement, on the same parcel, of a tourist accommodation unit, which was legally allocated and approved pursuant to this Code; (c) Modifications to legally existing tourist accommodation structures and accessory uses thereto; (d) The relocation of a legally existing tourist accommodation unit, through a transfer approved by TRPA, pursuant to Chapter 34; or (e) The conversion of legally existing multi family dwellings of six units or more, allocated and approved pursuant to this TRPA Code of Ordinances CHAPTER 33- ALLOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT ~i .~1~1 33-13 I Code, to timesharing (residential design) units, provided the conversion is provided for in the relevant plan area statement or adopted community plan. (3) Maximum Number And Distribution Of Allocations For Additional Tourist Accommodation Units: A maximum of 300 400 additional tourist accommodation units may be approved for construction through December 31, 2006. The assignment and distribution of 100 units shall be limited to special projects (in accordance with sub-section 33.3.D.(3))§ and shall only be permitted when matched by transfers of existing units from sensitive lands that have been restored. The assignment and distribution of 100 units shall be determined .,¢,,,, Ev3!u3tion or upon use of the first 100 units above. The allocation and distribution of the other 200 units shall be limited to adopted community plans in conjunction with transfer of existing tourist accommodation development pursuant to Chapter 34. TRPA shall allocate the 200 units, as bonus units, to projects within adopted community plans in accordance with Chapter 35. Distribution of units within the community plan shall be pursuant to the provisions of the adopted community plan and the following criteria: (a) The additional concentration of tourist accommodation units is consistent with the TRPA Regional Transportation Plan and would better promote transit and pedestrian forms of transportation; (b) The additional units are part of an overall program to rehabilitate and upgrade existing tourist accommodation units; (c) The existing infrastructure capacity, such as sewage disposal and highway capacities, are sufficient to accommodate the additional units; and (d) A demonstration of need for additional units is shown pursuant to Chapter 14. § Amended 12/20/00 TtRPA Code of Ordinances CHAPTER 33-ALLOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT ,~ II. 33-14 I New lanquaqe, , underlined in blue; deleted language ~.,.~,,o*-, ,,'~- ~,,,w~,, *~- ..... *' in red CHAPTER WI IMPLEMENTATION ELEMENT EXHIBIT 2 9/10/02 The implementation Element provides for commitment and coordination of effort, development of management and financial programs, and incorporation of a monitoring program to measure progress of Plan implementation. It is also a function of this Element to indicate a schedule for attaining environmental thresholds consistent with the programs, strategies, and costs specified by the goals and policies of this Plan. The Subelements are: 1) Institutional, 2) Development and implementation Priorities, 3) Financing, and 4) Monitoring and Evaluation. DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION PRIORITIES GOAL #2 MANAGE THE GROWTH OF DEVELOPMENT CONSISTENT PROGRESS TOWARD MEETING ENVIRONMENTAL THRESHOLDS. WITH POLICIES A MAXIMUM OF 400,000 SQUARE FEET OF ADDITIONAL GROSS COMMERCIAL FLOOR AREA MAY BE PERMITTED DURING THE SECOND TEN YEARS OF THE PLAN. DEVELOPMENT OF ADDITIONAL COMMERCIAL FLOOR AREA SHALL BE ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: The commercial floor area allocation for the second ten years of the Regional Plan shall focus on the implementation of projects listed in the Environmental Improvement Program (EIP) and promotion of the transfer and rehabilitation of substandard development. A. A maximum of 100,000 square feet of commercial floor area may be permitted in adopted community plans. A portion of this allocation may also be permitted outside community plans when used to replace commercial allocations used in the first ten years for outside community plans and if it is linked to environmental improvements. B. A maximum of 150,000 sq. ft. may be allocated to special projects in community plan areas or adopted master plan areas. These projects shall be evaluated on their implementation of environmental improvement projects. C ,~, ......... ~ ~nn nnn ....... ~et of ....... ~..i ~l ........ ~.~11 be TRPA - Goals and Policies / A maximum of 150.000 square feet of commercial floor area may be allocated after 2002. 50,000 square feet may be allocated to proiects within adopted community plans. A maximum of 100,000 square feet of commercial floor area allocation shall be reserved for future distribution 10. based on criteria to be developed. A MAXIMUM OF 200 ADDITIONAL TOURIST ACCOMMODATION UNITS MAY BE PERMITTED DURING THE SECOND TEN YEARS OF THE PLAN FOR SPECIAL PROJECTS THAT RETIRE TOURIST UNITS FROM SENSITIVE LANDS. ONE HUNDRED OF THESE UNITS SHALL BE RESERVED UNTIL THE COMPLET!O.N OF THE 299! THRESHOLD EVALUAT!ON OR UPOH USE OF THE FIRST ONE HUNDRED TOURIST UNITS. A M.~-vJ.MU.M OF 300 ADDIT!ONAL RES!DENTL^.L UNITE .MAY ~-E AUTHORIZED TO RECE!VE PER.MITS FOR CONSTRUCTION DURING THE YEAR 2902. TH~ L~TAT!ON SHALL NOT APPLY SHALL BE ...... NED 10. J~ 2002 TTSA 44 STPUD ;q~ City cf South Lake Tahoe 38 Doug!cs Count)' ~ A MAXIMUM OF 1475 ADDITIONAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS MAY BE AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION DURING THE YEARS 2002 THROUGH 2006. THIS LIMITATION SHALL NOT APPLY TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING UNITS AS DESCRIBED IN THE HOUSING SUBELEMENT. ALL UNUSED DISTRIBUTED ALLOCATIONS AS OF JANUARY 1 OF EACH YEAR SHALL BE ASSIGNED TO THE ALLOCATION POOL ADMINISTERED BY TRPA. ALL UNALLOCATED OR DEDUCTED ALLOCATIONS SHALL NOT BE PLACED INTO THE ALLOCATION POOL. THE ALLOCATIONS ASSIGNED YEARLY TO EACH JURISDICTION SHALL BE LINKED TO THE LOCAL JURISDICTION'S PERFORMANCE ON PERMIT COMPLIANCE~ IMPLEMENTATION OF WATER QUALITY AND AIR QUALITY EIP IMPROVEMENTS~ AND MONITORING AND INCREASED TRANSIT OPERATIONS. THE ALLOCATION POOL SHALL BE USED TO ALLOW PROPERTY OWNERS WHO RETIRE SENSITIVE PARCELS TO RECEIVE AN ALLOCATION. THE ALLOCATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ALLOCATIONS EACH YEAR SHALL NOT EXCEED THE FOLLOWING, EXCEPT FOR ASSIGNMENT OF ALLOCATIONS FROM THE ALLOCATION POOL ADMINISTERED BY TRPA. § Amended 12/19/01 TRPA - Goals and Policies CHAPTER VII- IMPLEMENTATION ELEMENT .~ Ii ll VII~2 I MAXIMUM YEARLY ALLOCATIONS YEAR 2002 2003-06 EL Dorado County 9._~2 111 City of SLT 3._~8 4._~7 Placer County 88 6.__~6 Washoe County 5__.9 49 Douqlas County 2._~2 21 TOTAL 299 294 TRPA - Goals and Policies CHAPTER VII- IMPLEMENTATION ELEMENT .a ~.. VII-3 I ATTACHMENT B 9/4/02 RESIDENTIAL ALLLOCATIONS 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Douglas 23 (1) 23 (6) 23 (6) 23 (0) 22* (0) Washoe 59 (6) 59 (21) 59 (39) 59 (27) 59 (12) ElDorado 92 (12) 92 (11) 92 (7) 92 (4) 92 (6) CSLT 38 (8) 38 (3) 38 (3) 38 (2) 38 (3) Placer 88 (38) 88 (39) 88 (34) 88 (37) I 88 (33) Total I 300 (65) 300 (80) 300 (89) 300 (70)I 299 (54) * Douglas County was assessed a 5% (one allocation) deduction in 2001 as part of the 2000 Performance Review evaluation per Subsection 33.2.B(5) of the TRPA Code of Ordinances. The number in parenthesis indicates the number of residential allocations that were unused in the identified year. Beginning if~ 1997, the unused allocations are rolled into the allocation pool. Allocations can be assigned from the allocation pool provided the recipient retires a sensitive lot in the basin. The allocation numbers in brackets represent allocations returned to TRPA from the local jurisdiction. RESIDENTIAL ALLLOCATION TRANSFERS 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Douglas 1 0 [ 0 0 0 Washoe 6 0 0 0 0 El Dorado 2 3 2 6 3 CSLT 1 1 1 2 1 Placer 0 0 0 0 0 Total J 10 4 3 8 4 RESIDENTIAL ALLOCATION ASSIGNMENTS FROM POOL 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Douglas 0 0 0 0 0 Washoe 0 0 0 0 0 El Dorado/CSLT 0 0 I 5 15 Placer . 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 1 5 J 15 NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL ALLLOCATIONS IN POOL 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Allocations in Pool 100' (65) 100 (80) 145 (89) 233 (70) 298 (54) ! of Allocations Assigned 0 0 1 5 15 Remaining 100 145 233 298 338 Allocation pool was initially stocked with 100 allocations that were required to be replaced with allocations rolled-over from previous year starting in 1997. () Unused allocations. ~, ~ ~ VACANT PARCEL STATUS Jurisdiction Total Active Above Line Below Line Number of Parcels with Parcels 297 Douglas County Washoe County 348 Placer County 1553 El Dorado County 2823 City of SLT 1467 Basin Totals 6488 Parcels 267 341 867 2129 1175 4778 146 Parcels 3O 7 686 694 292 1710 "0" Scores 4 6 76 221 135 442 ATTACHMENT C 308 Dorla Court Elks Poinl Nevada www.ceres.ca.gov/trpa TAHOE REGIONAL PLANNING AGENCY P.O.Box 1038 Phone: (775) 588M.547 Zephyr Cove Nevada 89448-1038 Fax (775) 588-4527 Email: trpa@trpa.org November 8, 2000 MEMORANDUM To; From: Subject: TRPA performance Review Committee TRPA Staff Recommendation for 2001 and 2002 Residential Allocations 2001 AND 2002 RESIDENTIAL ALLOCATIONS Proposed Action: Vote to recommend that the TRPA Advisory Planning Commission recommend that the TRPA ,.Governing Board approve the distribution of 200I and 2002 residential allocations as set forth below. 'Staff Recommendation: TRPA staff recommends that the number of 2001 and 2002 residential allocations for each local jurisdiction per year as follows: City of South Lake Tahoe .......... 38 allocations Douglas County ....................... To Be Determined El Dorado County ..................... 92 allocations Placer County ........................ 88 allocations Washoe County ...................... 59 allocations Backqround: In May 1997, the TRPA Governing Board adopted amendments to Chapter 33 (Al ocations) of the TRPA Code of Ordinances, These amendments created the Performance Review ~;ommitt~ee (PRC), made u'p of a representative from each local jurisdiction receiving allocations and a TRPA representative. The TRPA Performance Review Committee was charged with developing specific performaqce criteria to assign allocations based on the general code amendments approved by the Governing Board in May 1997. The amendments to Chapter 33 created compliance review and water quality guidelines to be used when determining performance of local jurisdictions. Compliance review criteria included permit tracking and permit monitoring requirements. The interim permit tracking system required that each MOU jurisdiction transmit substantially complete project logs and data forms to TRPA on a monthly basis. (The adopted MOU and Chapter 38 of the TRPA Code of Ordinances also require this data.] The PRC criteda required deductions from the base year allocation amount if monthly reports were not submitted for all months in the audit period. The PRC also developed criteria for evaluating MOU performance on project review and permit compliance (permit monitoring). Because Douglas County does not have an MOU with TRPA, TRPA's performance was used to determine performance fdr the County. 147 Water Quality criteria includeo the submission of a five year Capital improvement Project (ClP) list which meets the 1996 Water Quality Threshold Interim Target and is consistent with the Environmental improvement Program. The criteria also include demonstration of adequate maintenance plans for water quality projects. All jurisdictions submitted lists of projects which met the above criteria. The criteria for maintenance plans requires that each county and the City submit plans to TRPA for review and approval which demonstrates adequate effort toward the maintenance of water quality facilities located within their county or city boundaries, excluding state highways. All jurisdictions prepared and submitted Maintenance Efficiency Plans (MEP). However, Douglas County was requested to make revisions to the maintenance efficiency plan in order to meet the required criteria. To date. the revised MEP has not been submitted to TRPA for review. TRPA staff will be meeting with Douglas Count')' staff in order to assist in revising the MEP. TRPA staff will update the PRC at the November 17, 2000 meeting on the status of the Douglas County MEP and provide a final recommendation on the distribution of 2001 and 2002 residential allocations to the County. Discussion: City of South Lake Tahoe Permit Trackinq. The City of South Lake Tahoe met the minimum requirements of the interim permit tracking system for the audit period. The City has continued to improve significantly in their effort to submit project data sheets on a monthly basis. Permit Monitorin~q. The City of South Lake Tahoe scored 91.5 percent on the project review portion of the performance audit and scored 90 percent on the compliance portion, exceeding the minimum passing score of 70 percent in both cases. CIP Proiect List. A CIP Project List for the City of South Lake Tahoe was submitted to TRPA. Water Quality Proiect Maintenance, The City of South Lake Tahoe has submitted a maintenance efficiency plan. SUmmary, The PRC recommends that the City of South Lake Tahoe receive 38 residential allocations in 1999 and 2000 (full base year allocations amount with no deductions). Douglas County Permit Trackinq, Because Douglas County lacks an MOU with TRPA, TRPA's performance on permit tracking was used for Douglas County. TRPA's permit tracking was determined to meet the requirements of the interim permit tracking system for the audit year. 148 'S Permit Monitor ri,q, Again, TRPA's performance was use to determine Douglas s County ~erf~)rmance score. TRPA scored 83.5 percent on the project review portion of the performance audit and scored 90 percent on the compliance portion, exceeding the minimum · h cases. It should be noted that the audit of TRPA's assing score of 70 percen_t m bdt o ad(~ Count Building Department staff member and ~efformance was conductud by an El D r Y not by TRPA staff.) CIP Proiect List: A CIP Proiect List for Douglas County was submitted to TRPA- Water Quality proj~.t Maintenance. To date, Douglas County has not submitted a _ . -- ' the review cnter a. TRPA staff will De meeting with · nance ettlc~ency plan that me.et, s ....... **c~ staff will update the PRC at malnte - - -- ,- ~-,~,-. to ass st ~n revising u~ w,~--. TRPA Douolas County stab the November 17. 2000 meeting on the status of the Douglas County MEP and provide a final recommendation on the distribution of 2001 and 2002 residential allocations to the County. Summary... TRPA staff will be meeting with Douglas County staff in order to assist in revising 'the ~EP. TRPA staff will update the PRC at the November 17, 2000 meeting on the status of · , al recommendation on the distribution of 2001 and cunt MEP and provide a.fin ...... ;~ ,.~,.~h~ to receive 23 residential the Douglas ~ Y . ._ ~... r.~,.n[v uouglas t. ouuLy ,o ~,,~,~,e 2002 residenbat atlocauons allocations in 2001 and 2002 (full base year allocations amount with nc deductions). Failure to submit a MEP, which meets the review criteria, will result in a five percent deduction (one allocation) of the base year allocations. El Dorado County Permit TracKIncL El Dorado County met the minimum requirementS of the interim permit ~racking system for the audit period. Permit Monitofinq._ El Dorado Count'~ scored 90.9 percent on the project review portion of the performance audit and scored 89 percent on the compliance potion, exceeding the minimum passing score of 70 percent in both cases. CIP Project List. A CIP Project List for El Dorado County was submitted to TRPA. Water Quality Proiect Ma ntenance. El Dorado County has submitted a ma~menance efficiency p~an. Summary, The PRC recommends that El Dorado County receive 92 residential allocations in 2(~(~1 and 2002 (full base year allocat ons amount with qo deductions). Placer County Permit Trac_kin,q~ Placer County met the minimum requirements of the interim permit tracking ~ystem for the audit period· 2.25 ercent on the project review portion of the performance audit and scoreu y passing score of 70 percent, in both cases. C~P .Proiect List.._: ~, CIP list for Placer County has been submitted to TRPA. i 49 ~Water Quality Proiect Main_tenance_. Placer County has submitted a maintenance efficiency plan. Summary.. The PRC recommends that Placer County receive 88 residential allocations in %001 and 2002 (full base year allocations amount with no deductions). Washoe County Permit Treckin,q~ Washoe County met the minimum requirements of the interim permit tracking system for the audit period. ~ Washoe County scored 95.25 percent on the project review portion of the performance audit and scored 99 percent on the compliance potion, exceeding the minimum passing score of 70 percent in both cases. CIP Proiect List; A CIP Project List for Washoe County was submitted to TRPA. Water Quality Proiect Maintenance_. Washoe County has submitted a maintenance efficiency plan. ~ The PRC recommends that Washoe County receive 59 residential allocations in 2001 and 2002 (full base year allocations amount with no deductions). If you have any questions or comments on this matter, please contact Paul Nielsen, at (775) 588- 4547. Attachments: Permit Monitoring Results Compliance Monitoring Results Water Quality performance Results 150 TRPA RESIDENTIAL DELEGATION MOU AUDIT INSPECTION FORM APN County/City ApplicantJFile Name project Address MOU Database Record Number nspector Date of Audit inspection Pregrade Inspection Temporary Erosion Control Devices in Place Vegetation Protection in Place Footprint Laid Out Trees to be Removed Identified -- Plans and Permit On-Site -- Excavation for Utitities Laid Out Address and APN Posted On-Site 3O% 20% 15% 15% 10% 5% 5% intermediate/Winterization Inspection Construction At Site Is: Temporary Erosion Control Devices Maintained Vegetation Protection Maintained -- Stabilization/Mu~ching of Disturbed Areas Cleanup/Removal of Const. Slash & Debris -- Removal of All Dirt Spoil Piles installed Mech. Stabil. & Drainage Imps. (where feasible and appropriate) Paving of All Driveway and Parking Areas Parking and Mat. Storage on Paved Areas Active t0% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 3O% 10% (Inactive) ___ (20%) (to%) (20%) (2o%) (20%) (to%) Final inspection Coverage Per Approved Plans Infiltration Devices Installed Vegetation Establishment as Necessary Dimensions/Height of Structure as Shown on Plans Slope Stabilization Complete Tree Removal in Conformance with Approval -- Elevation: Colors, Sqenic Requirements Other Special Conditions of Approval 15% 15% 15% 15% 10% 10% 10% 10% (or more for non-compliance with substantial requirements) 151 ATTACHMENT D 9/17/02 Allocation Link to EIP Performance Proposed Evaluation System EIP Project Implementation Audit Guidelines Revision History: 1. Draft document presented by El Dorado County at Allocations Workshop on Friday, August 23, 2002. Discussed with City of South Lake Tahoe representative and other stakeholders present. 2. El Dorado County (Bruce Lee) proposal discussed at Allocation Stakeholder meeting on August 26th. Draft distributed to other local jurisdictions for comment and included in APC Packet distributed on September 4, 2002. 3. Draft revised September 5, 2002 to reflect comments from TRPA management and staff, reflecting some of the comments made at earlier Stakeholder meetings. 4. TRPA revisions presented and discussed and comments and suggestions solicited at the September 5, 2002 Stakeholder meeting. 5. Revised draft document e-mailed/faxed to subgroup September 9, 2002, to be followed up with telephone calls to get final comments from all local jurisdictions. (Revisions shown in bold italic on attached draft.) Notes to explain revisions proposed by TRPA: (shown in bold on attached draft) Purpose - Rewritten to better define the Transportation/AQ projects included in the evaluation process and to make the terminology consistent with the EIP threshold categories. Methodology - Rewritten to apply to all jurisdictions and to reflect the additional components recommended by TRPA (Funding Commitments, Post Construction Monitoring, and Final Report) Procedure - Revised to reflect additional components recommended ~by TRPA. Process for TRPA approval of 5-year list added. Criteria for amending 5-year list added. Exhibit A - Components recommended by TRPA added. Pre- and post-construction monitoring plan (if applicable) added to Preferred Design Alternative Plan component. Exhibit B - Components recommended by TRPA added. Construction component 9ivan added weight to provide a better balance between planning and construction components. Actions Needed: 1. Receive and incorporate comments/suggestions from all local jurisdictions. 2. Discuss and review document with state and federal funding agencies 3. Prepared revised drafts for presentation at APC (Wednesday 9/11) 4. Refinements and current draft in TRPA Governing Board attachment 152 UNITS OF ENHANCEMENT EIP PROJECTS (proposed) Purpose To establish a model to be used by TRPA to evaluate implementation of the WQ, Transportation/AQ and Soil ConservationlSEZ projects within the EIP by local jurisdictions, where Transportation/AQ is intended to be only capital improvement projects, such as bike lane/bike trail and transit facilities, and not including transit system improvements, such as purchase of buses, etc. Methodoloqy To establish a procedure that recognizes work in progress, each project was reduced to nine (9) components, relatively equal in effort and time required with some additional weight given to the construction phase. These components are presented in Exhibit A, with a definition of each including the relationship to the CTC Planning Grant and Site Improvement Grant process. Additional information may be added to incorporate State of Nevada definitions· It is recognized that not all components will apply to all jurisdictions or necessarily to all projects. The performance score will not be determined by the number of components, but will be based on the percentage of planned components actually completed within the scheduled fiscal year. Procedure Included in each annual 5-year plan submitted to TRPA would be a table shown as Exhibit B. This Exhibit shows all projects expected to be worked on over the next 5-year period broken into the nine (9) components described in Exhibit A. The FY that each component will be completed is shown. All components to be completed within each FY are totaled at the bottom. This represents the expectations, and the level of completion to be monitored by TRPA. The 5-year plan for each jurisdiction will be reviewed and approved by TRPA using the following process and/or criteria: · EIP partner agencies expected to provide funding for the listed projects will be consulted. · The list should be consistent with the most current EIP update and be ambitious and inclusive, rather than conservative. · The list should demonstrate a balance between environmental thresholds, and the listed projects should be relatively balanced by scale and complexity of project implementation. · The lists for all jurisdictions should present comparable levels of anticipated performance. · The lists should reflect an appropriate proportion of construction components for each fiscal year. Prior to the end of each FY, jurisdictions may seek TRPA approval to amend the 5-year plan to reflect project delays clearly beyond the control of the local jurisdiction, including: · Withdrawal of funding commitments by state or federal agency. · Permitting delays beyond regulatory agency published timelines. Unanticipated environmental constraints not identified in the project planning process. · Court injunctions or pending lawsuits that prohibit construction activities. The potential for other project delays (such as acquisition problems, public opposition, and technical debate) is reflected in the scoring percentages shown in the table below, For example, completion of 71% of the scheduled work qualifies a jurisdiction for enhancement unit. At the end of each FY, each jurisdiction will be required to complete a form similar to Exhibit B to show what was actually completed and submit it to TRPA along with qualifying backup (TAC meeting notes, Board action, Notice of Determination, Notice to Award, etc.). Units of Enhancement will be awarded on the basis of the work completed compared to the expectation in accordance with the following table: % oTW __C°m~pleted __ < 50% 50 - 70% > 110% Units of Enhancement~ -1 0 +2 For example, if the ten (10) components shown on Exhibit B for FY 2002-2003 are all completed, the jurisdiction receives +1 Unit of Enhancement. If only four (4) components are completed (40%), the jurisdiction receives a - 1 Unit of Enhancement. If eleven (11) or more components are completed (i.e., work completed on a project shown in future years or new project added), the jurisdiction receives + 2 Units of Enhancement. EXHIBIT A Funding Commitments Demonstrate funding availability for project implementation through grant awards from state and/or federal agencies, justification for use of mitigation funds, or commitment from other sources. Site Walk (Planning Grant) This component occurs early in the planning process and is important to define the project. It includes preliminary hydrology calculations, aerial photogrammetry (to produce the base map), initial field visits by staff to identify the project limits and problem areas within the project, a site walk by all TAC members to insure an adequate evaluation of all design alternatives, and a public scoping meeting. Preferred Design Alternative Plans (Planning Grants) The preparation of these plans includes determining the range of alternatives to investigate for each subwatershed, the determination of whether a pre- and post-construction monitoring plan is appropriate, traditional hydrology and preliminary hydraulic calculations, preparation of rough draft (conceptual) plans, preparation of a project report, review of report and plans, by TAC and "buy-in" of the preferred alternative. Environmental Documents (Planning Grant) included are all special studies necessary to prepare, circulate, comment, respond and adopt CEQA and/or NEPA documents. Pre Final Plans (Planning Grant) This component develops the preferred design alternative plans into a set of plans identified as "draft construction plans in final plan format" in the CTC guidelines. Included in this work are final hydrology and hydraulic calculations, site-specific field topographic surveys, and fight-of- way engineering. Final Plans and Permits (Site Implementation Grant) This includes finalizing the construction plans, preparing the specifications, obtaining all permits, right-of-way acquisition, status report on pre-construction monitoring (if appropriate) and all activities to secure bids, award the contract and obtain Board of Supervisors approval. Construction (Site Implementation Grant) Project construction, inspection, quality assurance materials testing, as-built plan preparation, and other construction related work. Post-Construction Monitoring If applicable, Implementation of post-construction monitoring plan, including collection of samples, recording and analysis of data, and monitoring report, Final Project Report Preparation and distribution of final project report, including before and after photo documentation; financial information, units of environmental benefit, monitoring results, lessons learned, and operations & maintenance plan. UNITS OF ENHANCEMENT EIP PROJECTS (proposed) ~RO,)ECT A COMPONENTS Commitment ! Walk Alternative P~ans ~nvironmental Documents =inal Plans Final Plans and Permits nstruction ~ost-Construction Monitoring =ina1 Report JECT B COMPONENTS unding Commitment ;ire Walk 'referred Design ALternative Plans Environmental Documents Pre Final Plans Final Plans and Permits Construction Post-Construction Monitor/n9 Final Report ~ROJECT C COMPONENTS Commitment ,ite Walk Alternative Plans nvironmental Documents Pre Final Plans :inal Ptans and Permits Construction ~ost-Construction Monitorin.( =/eat Report ECT D COMPONENTS ,Commitment ;ite Walk Alternative Plans nvironmental Documents e Final Plans :inal Plans and Permits :onstruction Post-Constructior 2002-03 1 I 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 TOTAL COMPONENTS/FY Dorado County/City of Sou~h Lske Tahoe 156 ATTACHMENT E ESTIMATE OF BMP NEEDS BY JURISDICTION TOTAL PARCELS PARCELS NEEDING # of Priority 3 Parcels_ JURISDICTION TOTAL BMP EVALS Needier s PARCELS NEEDING S - --'-'- 11828 2644 15564 12137 3796 2644 City Douglas SLT 4979 4049 374 EoDolas County 8437 8214 El Dorado County 14888 9066 6022 14892 9451 848 Placer County 6159 4246 Washoe County 8953 40233 37150 13159 TOTAL 59276 TARGETS based on all Priority one, two and three properties estimated as needing BMPs as of September 820� October 2006 JURISDICTION 5% October 2003 25% October 2004 65% October 2005 4th veto Target First Year Tara et 2nd Year 3rd Year Target —� t CUMULATIVE CUMULATIVE CUMULATIVE (includes year 1) (includes year 1 & 2) (includes year 1, 2 & 3) City of SLT 607 10316 3034 7889 331 2632 202 1012 3442 Do Douglas County 2109 5484 El Dorado County 422 6143 8033 473 2363 6143 8033 Placer County 308 1540 VV County 34197 TOTAL 2012 10058 26151 This Program and UNR's Homela dscap ng Program through h we ll as data from effort in eels receiving BMP Retrofit curriity rreturns in the past R eUyea s. This information does not 9 estimate BMPs installed voluntarily by residents or installed as a result of parcels receiving security returns from local jurisdictions. Information based on queries run 9/3/02 BW /TRPA Draft FY 01/02 *Passeng Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Transit Level of Service Table TLOS Criteria Matrix Vehicle Service Hours Vehicle ServiceeMiles ;:Daily Service ?Hours (Avg): ATTACHMENT F Jurisdiction: Placer Miles of Service Area Linear Miles Square,Miles (Fixed `r, (Demand Route Only), Response:8 ,= Tralle Residential Allocation Distribution Process (TRPA Code of Ordinances Chapter 33) In accordance with the TRPA Code of Ordinances Chapter 33 the following table represents the methodology of the annual release of residential building allocations by jurisdiction based on transit level of service. :. =3003 Commiting by resolution to a 10% or greater increase in FY 03 04 Total Transit O.s. Funds above FY 02 -03 Commiting by resolution to a 5% or greater increase in FY 03- 04 Total Transit O.s. Funds above FY 02 -03 Any decrease in FY 03 -04 Total Transit Ops. below FY 02 -03 Future,Years'.: 20 %+ increase in 5 of 8 Criterion above Prior FY 5 % -20% increase in at least 5 of 8 Criterion above Prior FY rI Ivi 5% or more decrease in 4 of 8 Criterion below Prior FY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of Board / Executive Secretary RE: BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: ?. d CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: DISTRICT'S PUBLIC RECORDS POLICY REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2747-02 amendin.q the District's Public, Records Policy supersed n.q Resolution No. 2604 in its entirety DISCUSSION: The District's Public Records Policy has been amended to incorporate chan.qes to the California Public Records Act that will ensure sound, e.qa ,qu delines are followed when respond n.q to public records requests. The policy was prepared with le,qal oversite from Hatch and Parent. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2747-02, includ n.q Public Records Policy ............... rr~rrrr CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES /~ ~., NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE~c~~O, CATEGORY: GENERAL X WATER SL=WER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2747-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AMENDING THE DISTRICT'S PUBLIC RECORDS POLICY SUPERCEDING RESOLUTION NO. 2604 IN ITS ENTIRETY BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of El Dorado, State of California, as follows: WHEREAS, the Califomia Public Records Act (Government Code Sections 6250, et seq., hereinafter "the Act") requires that public records in the custody of the Distdct shall be available for public inspection with the exception of specific document protected from disclosure by the ACt; and WHEREAS, the District's Records Policy has been amended to incorporate changes to the Act that will ensure sound, legal guidelines are followed when responding to Public Records Request. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors hereby directs Distdct staff to comply with the ACt by conforming to the guidelines listed in the District's Records Policy, which becomes a part of this Resolution by reference herein. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District at its duly held regular meeting on the 3rd day of October, 2002. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DUANE WALLACE, BOARD PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: KATHY SHARP, CLERK OF THE BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PUBLIC RECORDS POLICY General Public records maintained by the District shall be available for inspection during the regular business hours of the District. The General Manager, or his or her delegate, shall be the official custodian of District records and shall make any nonexempt records freely available to the public in accordance with Government Code section 6250 et seq. The District may refuse to make available records that are exempt from disclosure pursuant to Government Code section 6254. Guidance For District Employees Employees shall not make any promise or statement assuring confidential treatment of any record given to the District. All requests for inspection or copies of public records, other than forms and documents routinely distributed to the public, shall be forwarded to the General Manager or his or her designee. District employees shall not provide to anyone who does not work for the District any record deemed exempt from disclosure by the General Manager or his or her designee without express authorization from the General Manager. The General Manager shall have the sole authority to disclose exempt documents. All records created by the District's legal counsel are protected by the attorney/client privilege and are exempt from disclosure. The General Manager or his or her designee shall not disclose such records to anyone not employed by the District without first consulting with the District's counsel. All Proposals submitted in response to a request for proposal (RFP) become the property of the District and under Government Code § 6250 et. seq. are public records which may be subject to public review. The RFP should generally provide that except for price or other portions marked confidential (such as trade secrets when applicable) the public will have access to a submittal. However, in special circumstances where the public interest in the confidentiality of submittals outweighs the public interest in disclosure, the RFP may provide for confidentiality of submittals for that particular project. In such special circumstances, the General Manager or his or her designee shall consult with the District's counsel for assistance in preparing the RFP. Requests for Inspection or Copies of District Records Members of the public who wish to inspect or obtain copies of any public record must submit a written request to the General Manager specifying the desired records. Requests should be specific, focused and not unreasonably interfere with the ordinary business operations of the District. The request should sufficiently describe records so that identification, location and retrieval of the records can be achieved in a timely manner by District personnel, and should include a telephone number where the requestor can be reached for questions of clarification that will help to identify and locate the appropriate records for retrieval. If the member of the public is unsure how to phrase the written request, he or she may request assistance from the District in drafting the request. The District's Search for and Review of Responsive Records A reasonable effort will be made to locate requested records. If the document requested cannot be located after a reasonable search, the requesting party shall so be advised. The District shall, within 10 days of receipt of the request, determine whether the request, in whole or in part, seeks disclosable public records that are in the possession of the District and shall promptly notify the requestor of the determination by sending the requestor a letter of determination. In unusual circumstances, the District may extend the 10 days for the determination by up to 14 additional days by written notice, setting forth the reasons for the extension and the date upon which the determination will be made. "Unusual circumstances" include instances where the records are located off site, the request is for a voluminous amount of separate records, the District needs to consult with another agency having a substantial interest in the determination, or where there is a need to compile or extract data. If the District determines that the request seeks disclosable records, the District will state an estimated date and time when the records will be made available in its letter of determination. The District will not delay in producing the disclosable records but may designate an estimated date for production which is later than the 10 or 14 days permitted by law for the initial determination in order to review, redact as necessary and copy responsive documents. If the District determines that the records requested are not disclosable, it will state the reasons therefore in its letter of determination and the name and title of the person responsible for the denial. Inspection of Distdct Records A member of the public requesting inspection of District records shall be assisted by the General Manager or his or her designee during regular office hours at a time arranged between the District and requestor. The operational functions of the District will not be suspended to permit inspection of records during periods in which District personnel in the performance of their duties reasonably require such records. Physical inspection of the records shall be permitted within the District's offices and under the conditions determined by the District. District employees shall not provide records deemed to be exempt from disclosure by the General Manager or his or her designee to members of the public. Upon either the completion of the inspection or the oral request of department personnel, the person conducting the inspection shall relinquish physical possession of the records. Persons inspecting District's records shall not destroy, mutilate, deface, alter, or remove any such records from the District office. The District reserves the right to have District personnel present during the inspection of records in order to prevent the loss or destruction of records. Advance Payment Required for Copies of District Records After the District has completed its search for records that are responsive and disclosable, District personnel shall notify the requestor that the records are available. The notice of availability shall include the number of pages and total cost for copying. District employees shall promptly provide copies of the records to the requestor upon the advance payment of ten cents ($.10) per page to cover the direct costs of duplication. Postage fees incurred in mailing such copies shall also be charged to the requestor. Copies of maps, or blueprints will be supplied at the actual cost to the District for reproduction by an outside service including the hourly wage for actual staff time spent delivering and picking up the copies. Expected costs of reproduction will be collected in advance of reproduction. Records Prepared and Filed In Accordance With the Political Reform Act Records prepared and filed in accordance with the Political Reform Act (conflict of interest code, statements of economic interest, campaign statements) are public records subject to inspection and reproduction during the District's regular business hours, commencing as soon as practicable, but no later than the second business day following the day the request for inspection was received. Copies shall be provided at a charge of ten cents ($.10) per page. Pursuant to Government Code Section 81008, a retrieval fee of five dollars ($5.00) per request shall be charged for copies of reports and statements which are five years old or more. Postinq of the Public Records Policy A copy of this policy shall be posted in a conspicuous public place in the office of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and a copy thereof shall be made available free of charge to any person requesting such copy. Adopted by Resolution No. 2747-02 10~03/02 Action Item 7.e Payment of Claims FOR APPROVAL October 03, 2002 Payroll 09/25/02 Payroll 09/18/02 Total Payroll 1,636.39 281,854.42 $ 283,490.81 Cost Containment - health care payments IGI Resources - natural gas Bank of New York - loan payment Total Vendor EFT Accounts Payable Checks Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks Self-funded Ins Accounts Payable Checks Grant Funds Total Accounts Payable 42,030.14 11,850.93 $ 53,881.07 304,529.30 212,488.35 25.42 39,785.31 $ 556,828.38 $ 894,200.26 Grand Total Payroll EFTs & Checks 09/18/02 EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT CHK EFT EFT CHK AFLAC Medical & Dependent Care CA Employment Taxes & W/H Federal-Employment Taxes & W/H Hartford Deferred Comp ManuLife Pension ManuLife Pension Loan Payments Orchard Trust Deferred Comp Stationary Engineers Union Dues United Way Contributions Employee Direct Deposits Employee Paychecks Adjustments Sub-total 846.18 11,282.98 66,912.17 1,484.99 22,835.82 6,431.50 11,142.28 1,444.84 77.18 129,640.20 29,756.28 0.00 $ 281,854.42 26-Sep 02 Payment of Cl@im$.wb3 S o u t h T a h e P.U.D. 09/26/02 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 09/20/0902-10/03 /2002 id: C1Q2FP SF1 THU, SEP 26, 2002, 11:18 AM --rag: DOUGLAS—leg: GL 3L- -lo: CNS1iE - -- -Job: 258835 #J6836 - - -pr . QSCeS 7/ rgnt Default Selection: Check Vend= Nane Stcck ID: AP ; Check Types: NW,HW,RV,VH Amt # Departffent Description Pncunt Check # Type AWWA A W WA CAL -NEW SE TTCN A -1 CHEMICAL INC AFLAC 10 -06 -6250 OPERATIONS 20 -38 -6250 CUTRIDMER SERVICE 10 -00 -0422 GOAL & POLNTISIRATICN 10 -00 -2538 GENERAL & ALMINISTRAITCN ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE COMPANY 20 -00 -6520 GENERAL & ADVENTSIRATICN ARANARK UNIFOW SERVICES ARNJLD MACHINERY ASCSM HASTEIR IEnSINU AVAYA FINANCIAL SERVICES AVISIA =TIES 10 -00 -2518 COAL & AENMNISIRATTCN 20 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -38 -5020 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -38 -5020 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10 -39 -6709 FINANCE 10 -39 -6710 FINANCE 10 -00 -6350 GENERAL & AFNIINISIRATTCN 20 -00 -6350 GENERAL & AEMI ISIPATICN DJES /NENEERS IEFS /CERTIFICATI Check 'Total : DUES /NEMBERSFIIPS /CERIIFICATI Clack Totl: JANTIOIRTAL SUPPLIES IlWEJIOR Clack Total : AFLAC FEE D flEI'ICN Check Total: SUPPI U S SUPPLIES Clark Total: LEEFORM/R GS /TMELS PAYABLE Clack Total: ALTICM TIVE Check Total: EQJIWNT RIIJPAL /LASE Ecuipmwr REninilLEAsE Total LC AN PRINCIPAL PAi t 1ENIS ITT EREST EXPENSE Clack Total: NATURAL CAS NATURAL CAS Clack Total: 53.00 53.00 00051248 NW 00051247 NW 00051249 NW 125.00 00051250 NW 90.00 90.00 129.76 129.76 125.00 87.00 58.00 145.00 1,087.62 1,087.62 215.47 215.47 14.68 9.78 24.46 628.34 61.64 689.98 4,990.73 5.50 4,996.23 00051251 NW 00051252 NW 00051253 NW 00051254 NW 00051255 NW 00051256 NW S a a t h T a h o e P.U.D. 09/26/02 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 09/C[02002 - 10/03/2002 2 THU, SEP 26, 2002, 11:18 PM - -req: A GL JL - -1o: QEI1E-- - -job: 258835 #J6836-- -prcg: 09 <1.07>--report id: CIMPC L'efai:lt Sel ion: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MN,HW,RV,VH Vendor Nam AccoLmt # Department B M H OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE B0CCASES HAY TOOL & SUPPLY INC BERRY- IIIIVCZQEY ThUETRIFS BIND NATEREAIS BLDE RIBF.3;N TEMP PERSONNEL MOAN, LINEA an BRIAN Description Amxmt Check # Type 10 -06 -6075 OPERATIC 10 -07 -6075 LABOR Y 20 -07 -6075 LAB31RATORY 20 -02 -4790 PUTS 10 -00 -0422 GENERAL & ALMI ISIRATICN 10 -00 -0421 GENERAL Sr AIINIrIISIRATICN 10 -00 -0415 COAL & AA"IINISIRATI N 10 -02 -4630 FUME'S 10 -00 -0416 COAL & AENENISIRATICN 10 -28 -6042 ALPINE COUNTY 20 -01 -6052 TIRa_ND REPAIR 10 -39 -4405 FINANCE 20 -39 -4405 FINANCE 10 -39 -6200 FINANCE 20 -39 -6200 FINANCE 10 -39 -6250 FINIAIEE 20 -39 -6250 FINANCE 10 -07 -6075 LABORATORY 20 -07 -6075 LABORATORY SAFETY E2JIFMQVP / /PHYSICALS SASI EQUIFPII\TTIV YSICALS Check Ibtal: GIBER SUPPLE Check Ibtal: JANIIORTAL SUPPLIES INVE \TIOR SEDP SUPPLY INVIENNIORY Check Total: C_9SLINE INVENTORY DIJESEL INVENTORY Check Total : GROUNDS & MAINIIINANCE PIPE, COMERS, & MANHOLES Check Total: (?TLIAL SERVICES CZNIRACICIAL SEM/ICES Eck mta1 : TRAVEL is 1 e ,'Erx ,JITICN IRA M 1 e. /F TTCN EVES /N ERSFIIPS / /CERITFICATI CCheck Total: � Y KJIFPHC /PHYSICILS Check Total : 53.42 32.05 21.37 106.84 00051257 546.98 546.98 00051262 296.81 61.78 358.59 00051258 2,114.11 172.72 3,694.31 5,981.14 00051259 2,422.47 1,455.27 3,877.74 00051260 579.14 164.26 743.40 00051261 WI WI MR WI 60.00 40.00 15.00 10.00 125.00 00051263 NW 3.00 2.00 5.00 00051264 144 S o u t h Tahoe 09/26/02 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS , REPORT 09/20/2002 - 10/03/2002 P� 3 THU, SEP 26, 2002, 11:18 PM - -req: DOUGLAS - - -1a: GL JL - -lcc: CNSI!E- - - -job: 258835 #J6836-- -pro?: 09 <1.07 > - -r port id: PL' Default qelection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: Ma,HW,RV,VH verrbr Nam Account # Lpartrrent Descripticn PIT nKIt Check # Type CSMFO CSRMA CWEA 10 -27 -6620 DISTRICT INEU'ATICN 20 -27 -6620 DISIRICT INFO1v4\TICN 10 -01 -4521 LEIDIRGRaND REPAIR 10 -01 -6200 UNEERCR2ND REPAIR 10 -03 -6250 E EC"IRTC71L S[EP 20 -01 -6250 i.NDE GThaND REPAIR 10 -04 -6250 HEAVY NYS CALIF LEP1 OF HEALTH SERVICES 20 -02 -6650 PUMPS CALIF EMPLOYMENT EEV DEPT 10 -01 -4303 UNEERCRCUND REPAIR CALIF WATER RESOURCES CTRL BD 10 -06 -6250 OPERATIONS CALIFORNIA OVERPTIGE 10 -29 -4810 EMS 20 -07 -4810 LABORATORY 20 -29 -4810 EN3BNISERIND 20 -29 -8157 EMINEERINE 20 -29 -8264 EWIlVEERJN3 10 -39 -4810 FINANCE 20 -29 -8290 ENGINE= 20 -39 -4810 FTNMNNE CALIF IA SURVEY & tRAFTTN 10 -01 -6073 UNEEMECUND REPAIR PUBLIC RELATICNS EXPENSE PUBLIC RELATICNS EXPII\ISE Clack Total : CSRNA ISAB= CLAIMS Check Total TRA ILES WEB WEB D e es /FpL7CATICN is i:r-i 1 PS /CERTIFICATI PS /CEIZI IF:CAT: PS /CER TIFIC ATI Check Total: a ie {y-i 1 iaa• -i 1 Check Total : LNEI"PS INSURANCE E]ES /NHE IIPS /CERTTFICATI Check Total: P = PO6= EXPENSES Mg= EXPENSES PCS= EXPENSES WELL GWXO RE7RELL � LR POS*4E EXPENSES =MINI ARROWIEAD WL #3 RE'TPLE SE= Check Total : SMALL TOOTS Check Total: 60.00 40.00 100.00 00051265 Ma 00050956 RV 00051266 M4 00051267 Ma 00051268 Ma 190.00 00051270 Ma - 2,840.11 - 2,840.11 880.00 184.00 67.00 92.00 1,223.00 9,933.99 9,933.99 989.86 989.86 190.00 8.00 169.00 8.50 8.00 27.50 3.00 13.00 2.00 239.00 00051271 Ma 412.26 412.26 00051272 Ma South Thhx P.U.D. 09/26/02 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS 8ORT 09/ 5 01/03/2002 jlJ, SEP 26, 2002, 11:18 PM - -req: mE[AS -- e3: TL lQVSCTL J Mb 2583E #J6836---p1: Q00 <1.07>--report : CTFC Default Selection: Vendor Narre Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW, HW, RV, VH Account # Dapartrrent Tpacriptian Pnai it Check # Type CAROLLO ENUIINEERS 90 -98 -8828 EXPORT PIPELSNIE GRANT 10 -06 -8328 OPERATIONS 10 -29 -8235 Fh)3INEEM1C CENTIME BUSINESS FaREAS INC 20 -38 -4920 OBEYER SERVICE CENIRAL ASST CONCRETE Ir 10 -01 -6052 TDIDIIdu_1c REPAIR aT , BRIAN COBRA PRO 10 -07 -6200 LABORATORY 20 -07 -6200 LABORATORY 10 -22 -4405 KHAN RESJJRCES 20 -22 -4405 FLMAN RESIJRCES DIRFI"IOR COST CM CENCIERIS INC 30 -00 -6741 SELF RN ID INSURANCE CULLFN, JAMES W C RTIS & SORTS, IN D & L ECUNERY & SUPPLY :NC FBARA INIEk 1TTCNAL CRP 10 -01 -6200 UNEERCRaIND REPAIR 10 -06 -6042 OPFRATTCNS 20 -01 -6052 TBIR3UJMD REPAIR 10 -02 -8340 AMPS EL,7NE E S III IPPS-CAMPOLN PLANT SCADA SYSTEM SIIM1 F]AND NG FACTLflY Check Total. PR1TII'IIG IRINITIE Check Total • PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES al • Check TRAVEL / /EarATTCN Cheeck Total : c2 IRAC'IL1AL SERVICES CaTIRACIUAL SERVICES Check Total : AINIINISIRATICIQ FEE Check Total: TRAVEL /MEETTNS /EM TTCN Check Total: GROUNDS & MA Total: PIPE, CSJ<IIDS, & M?WEDLBS Check Total: FLI1P REJTJID, LPPS Check Total: 39,552.81 10,261.94 21,010.16 70,824.91 00051273 NW 775.35 512.55 1,287.90 00051274 NW 2,024.00 2,024.00 00051275 NW 75.60 50.40 126.00 00051276 NW 00051277 NW 25.42 00051278 M4 102.00 00051279 NW 90.17 00051280 NW 1,595.88 1,595.88 00051281 NW 14,376.05 14,376.05 00051282 MW 24.00 16.00 40.00 25.42 102.00 90.17 South T a h o e P.U.D. 09/26/02 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 09/20/2002 - 10/03/2002 5 au, SEP 26, 2002, 11:18 AM D AS -- -leg: JL - -10c: CIZIIF - -- -fob: 258835 #J6836-- -prcg: 09 <1.07>--report id: CI SC Default Selection: Check verrbr Nane E7 DORADO COUNTY EL DORADO CLYNIY ELEvENII' K JCUFNALS ELEMENT K 3O T S ENVIPLPENTAL EGRESS F G L ENVIRCIWENTAL FAST FABRICATORS r FIDEX Stock ID: AP ; Check es: M4,HW,RV,VH Account # Departrrert 10 -02 -6650 PUMPS 20 -02 -6650 AMPS 10 -06 -6650 OPERATTIE 10 -06 -6650 OPER7ITICNS 10 -37 -4830 TAIECRIvATICN SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4830 INF1R"ATICN SYSTEMS 10 -37 -4830 I EI W\7SCN SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4830 INFCE&ATICN SYSTEMS 10 -07 -4760 20 -07 -6110 20 -29 -8264 10 -07 -4810 20 -07 -4810 10 -37 -8361 10 -29 -8235 10 -02 -8303 LABORATORY LABORATORY TABORA:CRY LABORATORY :TON SYSTEM'S EMINEERINTh AMPS Description Arrant Check # OPERATIM PERMITS OPERATING PERMTIS OPERAIZN3 PERMITS Check Total: OPERATE PERMTIS Check lbtal: Verrbr Total : SURSCRIP11CNS EXPENSE SUBB RIPl'1CNS EXPENSE Check Total • SUBSCRIPI'1Q S EKRENEE SUBSCRIPtiCNS EKPENSE Check Total: Vendor Total: LABORAICRY SUPPLIES ck Total: MY�]IIORIl� Check Total: WELL, , G T'FTd'TTT Check Total POSIPGE EXEENEES POSMGE EXPE 5 ST1mp E FPCILTIY RErLT 3VALL @ LPPS 633.00 1,186.00 295.00 2,114.00 200.00 200.00 2,314.00 - 117.60 -78.40 - 196.00 34.20 22.80 57.00 - 139.00 1,380.71 1,380.71 1,980.00 1,980.00 2,772.41 2,772.41 19.79 13.20 19.55 108.76 15.14 TYPe 00051283 Mai 00051284 Mr] 00051148 RV 00051285 NW 00051286 NW 00051287 MST 00051288 NW B a r t h T a h o e P.U.D. 09/26/02 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS , REPORT 09/20/2002- 10/03/2002 Pie 6 THU, SEP 26, 2002, 11:18 AM - -rte: DOUGLAS—leg: GL JL - -lo: CNS11E-- - -jdb: 258835 #J6836- - -prog: C1 09 <1.07 > - -rep rt id: PC Default Selecticn: Check Stek ID: AP ; Check TH:es: M^1,HW,RV,VH Vendor Nane Account # Depart-rent Ids riptic Arcunt Check # Tie FED X FREIGHT WEST WIRD COMPANY, GENE C;EOIRANS INC CaLIAFC/LffiFL' GRANT THORNICN TIP GROVE- MosDEEN IIVGLSIR S IN` I]ACII COMPANY HATCH AND PARENT HENCE .S; N, DEBBIE 20 -29 -8157 El\UNEFRTJ3 20 -21 -4810 AINI IISIRATICN 20 -39 -4810 FINANCE 20 -01 -6052 UNDERGRaND REPAIR 10 -02 -6051 AMPS 10 -37 -8262 INECRNATICN SYSTEMS 20 -37 -8224 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20 -01 -6073 IN _U REPAIR 10 -39 -4470 FINANCE 20 -39 -4470 FINANCE 10 -03 -8281 ELECIREC L SHOP 10 -06 -4760 OPERATTCNS 10 -39 -4480 FINANCE 10 -39 -6200 FINANCE 20 -39 -6200 FINANCE TANK, GARDNER MIN #1, REPJAC FC IAA EXPENSES POETDIAGE DOMES Check Total: PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES Check Total: REP STATIONS SOFTWARE GIS GIS ETI�7QVT 3KSLL TOOLS AUDITING AUDIT IM 480V SWITIIPIR Crack Total: Check Total : clerk Total : Chick Total: Check abtal: LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check TY tal la- RII11AR Check Total : TRAVEL /EllEAT'ICN Check Total: 20.29 13.99 16.86 227.58 00051290 NW 319.79 319.79 00051289 MN 1,473.07 1,473.07 00051291 NW 5,961.44 3,974.29 9,935.73 00051293 fW 1,167.41 1,167.41 00051294 Ma 600.00 400.00 1,000.00 00051295 PW 106,177.50 106,177.50 00051296 Ma 423.00 423.00 00051292 NW 9,211.77 9,211.77 00051297 NW 52.75 35.16 87.91 00051298 NW South Tahoe P.U.D. T HU, SEP 26, 2002, 11:18 Default Selecticn: Check Vendor Name HERTZ FURNITURE SYSTEMS HI -TECH SALES 09/26/02 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 09/20/2002-10/03/2002 7 AM - -re: ICUCLAS- - -leg: GL JL - -lcc: CNSnE-- - -jcb: 258835 #J6836-- -pnxJ: 0609 <1.07 >-- LepjLL id: CKRETC Stcck ID: AP ; Check Types: Md,HW,RV,VH pmt # DEpartrrent D:scripticn Amount Check # 'Type IIICH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS ErzLRICK, RICK 10 -02 -4820 PUMPS 20 -02 -4820 PIMPS 10 -01 -6075 10 -02 -6075 20 -02 -6075 10 -03 -6075 20 -03 -6075 10 -06 -6075 UNDERGROUND REPAIR PUMPS PUMPS ELECTRICAL TRICIL SHOP E FC ERICAL SHOP OPFRATICNS 10 -38 -4820 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -38 -4820 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10 -38 -6030 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -38 -6030 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -19 -6200 BARD OF DIRECIURS IM P AC GOVIIRLNF NI SERVICES 10 -07 -4760 LABORATl Y 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 10 -07 -6200 LABOMZPY 20 -07 -6200 LABORATORY INIERSIATE SAFETY & SUPPLY J &LRDKLEENINC 10 -00 -0421 GENERAL & AENENISIRATICN 10 -39 -6077 FINANCE 10 -39 -6074 FINANCE 20 -39 -6074 FINANCE OEE'10E SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Ctrk Total : SAFETY EQYJIFMQvI /PHYSICALS SAFETY PHYSICALS SAFETY I /PHYSICALS SAFETY E TIHNEb7S PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUITIvaTIVPHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS Check Total: OF'F'ICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES SERVICE =RAGS SERVICE =RAMS Check Total : TRAVEL /MEEPIISS /DxPOATTEN Check Total: LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES TRAVEL c. /parA laT TRAVEL i� 1 c. /E>TICN Creek Total: SHOP SUPPLY INVENIL Y INVLN CRY FREIC C aSOCNIS Total: JANITORIAL SERVICE'S JANITORIAL SERVICES Check Tbtal: 198.69 198.70 397.39 00051299 MST 53.61 144.77 144.76 48.26 48.25 96.51 536.16 00051300 NW 125.37 83.58 603.20 402.13 1,214.28 00051301 M^1 80.30 80.30 00051302 NW 3.84 2.56 1,211.29 807.53 2,025.22 971.14 19.00 990.14 1,708.20 1,138.80 2,847.00 00044952 HW 00051303 MW 00051304 Ma S o u t h T e h c e P.U.D. 09/26/02 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS , REPORT 09/20/2002-10/03/2002 Pace 8 'HIUU, SEP 26, 2002, 11:18 AM - -ra3: D [AS -- -169: GL JL - -lo: CN511E- - - -job: 258835 #J6836- - -prog: C 09 <1.07>--report id: C[42EL'SFC Defer: it t ,Selection: Check Stock ID: P2 ; Check Types: MAL HW, RV, VH Vendor Nare suit # Department Description Aro nt Check # Type JOB'S PEAK PRIMARY CARE 10 -01 -6075 UNCERGROLND REPAIR SAFELY 10 -02 -6075 PUMPS SAFETY 20 -02 -6075 PUMPS SAFETY 10 -04 -6075 HEAVY MAINIENANCE SALEM' 10 -06 -6075 OPERATIONS SAFETY 10 -22 -6075 HENAN RCS SAFETY 20 -22 -6075 HU4ZN RESOURCES DIRECTOR SAFETY ICnivVN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES 10 -04 -6024 HEAVY MSINIENAN E KENNEDY /JENKS CONSULTANTS INC 10 -28 -8168 ALPINE COUNTY 10 -28 -8285 ALPINE MINTY 10 -28 -4476 ALPINE CLNIY I,TISY'S TIRE SERVICE INC. MWHLA>ES NE MASTER CARR SUPPLY W NN NnNAR, WEL 20 -01 -6012 U.I DER:330_ED REPAIR 10 -01 -6052 IIID ROUND REPAIR 20 -05 -6011 EJJIRv NI' REPAIR 20 -29 -8290 ENGINEER= 10 -06 -6042 OPERATIONS 10 -06 -6073 OPERATIONS 10 -04 -6042 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -02 -6051 AMPS 10 -02 -6048 AMPS 20 -01 -6071 TNCERGROIND REPAIR 10 -01 -6200 IND1HRGRaND REPAIR EITIA 1wt /PHYSIC�ILS EQUI PTv1 W/ SIC7ALS E JI PHYSICALS IIUJI - �PHYSICILS EQUI EQJI /PHYSICALS Check Total: FIENACE Tbtal ICR STUDY ALPINE CNIY MASER PLAN LEGAL InenTiON CtNE'I ENTIA Check Total: NCBTIF E LER/EITT PIPE, COVERS, & NANHOLES AUICKETVE Clerk Total: TREATMENT, AFRONSSADWL #3 Check Total : CROWDS SMALL CROWDS & MAINIENANEE LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION SRDP SUPPLE Check Total: 'IRAVEL/MEE'TITJSS /ETICN 210.00 105.00 105.00 210.00 265.00 72.00 48.00 1,015.00 00051305 Ma 109.97 109.97 00051306 Ma 2,607.63 5,387.14 3,438.75 11,433.52 00051307 Ma 15.50 13.02 1,058.40 1,086.92 00051308 Ma 450.00 450.00 00051309 Ma 160.30 292.72 31.86 401.51 165.21 230.59 1,282.19 00051310 Ma 102.00 South 'Lace P.U.D. 09/26/02 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS R E P O R T 09/20/2002-10403/2002 THU, SEP 26, 2002, 11:18 PM --rest!: D�LAS- - -leg: GL JL - -loo: CNSIIE-- - -jdb: 258835 #J6836-- -prog: 09 <1.07 >- -retort id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: M41,HW,RV,VH Vendor Nacre Acaamt # Department Descriptiai Amxmt CYrrk # Type MEZRCIECH INC MID FOUNT:l>T1 MOBTL F COMM. VELLIFCRE MIN= CHAR 20 -01 -6073 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -02 -6056 PUMPS 20 -02 -6056 PUMPS 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 10 -38 -6310 =TENDER SERVICE 20 -38 -6310 CIbTCMER SERVICE 10 -02 -6310 PUPS 20 -02 -6310 PUPS 10 -21 -6310 ALNIINISIRATICN 20 -21 -6310 AIIITISIRATTCN 10 -29 -6310 IIMIIlffi IM3 20 -29 -6310 E INEERTC 10 -01 -6310 ENCERGROUND REPAIR 20 -01 -6310 uttacrcum REPAIR 10 -27 -6310 DISTRICT INFERNATTCN 20 -27 -6310 DISTRICT IITCN 10 -07 -6310 LABORATORY 20 -07 -6310 LABORATORY 10 -05 -6310 EI JIWENT REPAIR 20 -05 -6310 EXITT REPAIR 10 -03 -6310 EL>~CTRIC71L SHOP 20 -03 -6310 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10 -28 -6310 ALPINE COUNTY 10 -39 -6310 FTIPNO 20 -39 -6310 FINANCE SMALL ICOT S Check Total: Check Tot-1: RADIO REPAIRS/ RADIO REPAIRS /REPLACEMENT Check Tot-,R1: LABORATOFE SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUP Check Total TELEPHONE TEL EPH NF TETFPHENE IFT F'PILNF TELEPHONE NE TEL PH NE TFT EPEE 1R TELEPHONE TELEPHCNE TEET R-INE `TEL PE NF TEIFFHCNF l FPHCNF TEL PHCNF TELEPHONE NE TFL FPHO\ F TEEEPHCNE 102.00 00051311 144 201.72 201.72 00051312 144 30.00 30.00 60.00 00051313 144 53.26 35.51 88.77 00051314 144 11.86 7.90 23.04 28.42 25.79 17.20 109.85 73.22 22.25 33.14 3.23 2.16 6.01 4.00 4.29 4.28 3.75 3.74 13.34 3.23 2.16 South M i r e P.U.D. 09/26/02 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 09/20/2002 - 10/03/2002 Paces 10 THU, SEP 26, 2002, 11:18 PM - -�: IOU:AS- - -leg: GL OL - -loc: QEIIE-- - -3cb: 258835 #J6836- - -prop: CK509 <1.07>--report id: CPFCSLC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Nam Acoocmt # Departbrent Description Amxuit Check # Type ML NPAAIN TEFMETE CCNIROL MILLER, =Y 10 -02 -6042 HIES 10 -06 -6200 OPERATIONS NB S OOVEIRNP'IENT FINANCE CROUP 10 -39 -4405 FINANCE NEVAEk DIV OF FNVEM.. NCLAN, LYNN 20 -02 -6250 REPS 20 -29 -8393 EUMERI U 90 -98 -8829 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT 10 -28 -8285 ALPINE COUNTY 10 -39 -4405 FINANCE 20 -02 -6051 PUMPS Or'r'10E DEPOT aEINESS SERV DIV 20 -29 -8264 EN INIEERJN3 10 -02 -4820 AMPS 20 -02 -4820 AMPS 10 -29 -4820 EN3IIffiING 20 -29 -4820 E DD 10 -39 -4820 FINANCE 20-39 -4820 FINANCE 10 -22 -4820 RYAN REDS 20 -22 -4820 FI[MYN RESCL RMS DIREETDR 10 -22 -4920 HUNAN RCS 20 -22 -4920 HMPN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 10 -37 -4820 IN- 1MM SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4840 INIECRITCN SYSTEMS Check Total: GRCUNES & NAINIFTAIKE Check 'Total : TRAUEL /MEETIIV /Ecumn Check Total : Cal RACIUAL SERVICES Check Total: DUES /NENEEIZSEEPS /Cr TIFI= Check Total: TAHOE RESTC7RAITCN ACT PROMO BLINE PEASE II DIP TO ED ALPINE CNTYNASIER SERVICES RMMP SIATTCNS Check Total: WELL GLEN WOOD REZRl7 r OFFA SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFF10E SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OF'F'ICE SUPPLIES OF'F'ICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINT= PRINTIM OFFICE SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES 402.86 00051315 NW 185.00 185.00 00051316 NW 00051317 NW 00051318 MW 00051319 NW 91.25 91.25 1,007.83 1,007.83 100.00 100.00 82.50 232.50 45.00 315.00 315.00 990.00 00051320 NW 245.68 2.44 2.43 12.31 8.20 52.36 34.90 11.78 7.85 83.21 55.47 8.09 50.82 S o u t h T a h c e P.U.D. 09/26/02 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 09/20 2002 - 10/03/2002 p 11 'DU, SEP 26, 2002, 11:18 PM - -req: D CAS -- -lei: (L CL - -lc : CNS1'IE-- - -jcb: 258835 #J6836-- -pio3: 09 <1.07 > - -report id: CEQ2ECSPC Default Selection: Check Vendor Name Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: M ,HW,RV,VH Account # Dapartrrent CNE CN CNE PAC MACHINE CD PACIIFIC BELL PACIFIC BELL/WORLD:CM PARSCLE HEA PARIS ENGINEERING CD EHE SEN WEEfl [.ND PAVIIC 10 -37 -4840 I ECEVATICN SYSTFNS 10 -00 -0428 GENERAL Sc ALNINISIRATICN 10 -37 -4830 II'FITICN SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4830 IlNFORNRITICN SYSIENS 10 -06 -6041 OPERATIONS 10 -00 -6310 GENERAL & AtMINISIRATICN 20 -00 -6320 COAL & AUVENISIRATICN 10 -00 -6310 GENERAL & ALNIINIISIRATICN 10 -02 -6310 AMPS 10 -05 -6310 EQJIM"E TT REPAIR 20 -05 -6310 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -21 -6310 AEMINISIRATICN 20 -21 -6310 AEI NISIRATTCN 10 -39 -6310 FINANCE 20 -39 -6310 FII\P‘NCE 10 -28 -8285 ALPINE COUNTY 10 -29 -8828 EI\UINEERINE 10 -04 -6023 HEAVY MUNIFNPItE 20 -01 -4520 UNEER2KUND REPAIR Descripticaa Arrant Check 44 Type DISTRICT CCMPUIER SUPPLIES OEr'iCE SUPPLIES INVENICRY Creek Total : SUBSCRIPITCNS EXPENSE SUPSCRTPl1CNS EXPENSE Check Total : BUILDINGS Cock Ibta1 : TEIEFFENE SIG\AL CHAR ES Check Total: TFf F'LTENE IELEFFENE TEEFTh0NE TFT FPrCNE TELEPHCNE TELEPHONE TELER pP, Check Total: ALPINE CNIY M�SIER PLAN SLIbE H3S III LPPS-CPMEGRaN Chock Ibtal : •'J.LTER E7QIIP /EDS Check Total: NIISC LIABILITY CLAIMS 68.14 496.71 1,140.39 00051321 NW 83.40 55.60 139.00 00051322 Nod 654.23 654.23 00051323 NW 248.06 31.92 279.98 00051325 VW 961.15 29.06 7.33 7.33 10.82 7.21 9.31 6.20 00051324 NW 841.67 10,774.93 11,616.60 00051326 NW 75.79 75.79 00051327 NW 3,451.77 South T a p e P.U.D. 09/26/02 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 09/20/2002 - 10/03/2002 Pale 12 TEN, SEP 26, 2002, 11:18 AN - -req: =LAS—leg: GL 3L- -loc: QS1'1E-- - -job: 258835 #J6836---pr cg: C[<509 <1.07>--report id: C[ FC Eefault Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Nacre AcaRmt # Departtrent I�.sa ptic 1 Pmznt Check # Type PE US SATELLITE ITE TV r 10 -27 -4830 DISTRICT INFORNATICN 20 -27 -4830 DISTRICT TRITON PERKS PILLING & HEST INC, L A 10 -04 -6042 HEAVY NAINTIENANCE PETTY CPSH PETTY, IXN PIONEER AMERICAS INC 10 -00 -6520 CORRAL & AtMLNISTRATTCN 20 -00 -6520 GENERAL & Al:M NISIRATICN 20 -02 -4810 PIMPS 10 -21 -6200 ALNIINTISIRATICN 20 -21 -6200 ALMIDTISTRATICN 10 -21 -6621 ATMIINISIRATICN 20 -21 -6621 ALMTNISIRATTCN 10 -22 -6079 HINAN RES ROES 20 -22 -6079 HUNAN RESJURCFE DIRECT3R 10 -29 -6200 ENGINE= 20 -29 -6200 EICINEE INU 10 -37 -4405 INEOFMTTCN SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4405 INFOR ATTCN SYSTEMS 10 -38 -4820 QEILMER SERVICE 20 -38 -4820 CILTEMER SERVICE 10 -39 -4820 FINANCE 20 -39 -4820 FINANCE 10 -01 -6200 LIND REPAIR 10 -06 -4750 OPERATIONS Check Total: SUES RIP1'1CNS EXPENSE SURSCRIP11CNS EXPENSE Check Total: CROUN S & NA metal SUPPLIES SUPPLIES_ TRA/ETICN TRAVEL, 0 1 !. ES RTICN INCENTIVE & RamimTICN PRSR SAFETY PROGRAMS SAFETY CN S CES OET'l TIAL SERVICES SUPPLIES OE1.10E SUPPLIES OE1.10E SUPPLIES OEFICE SUPPLIES Check Total : TRAVEL/MEETINas /Ea TICN Check Total: 1 111: CHLORINE Check Total: 3,451.77 00051328 NW 16.79 11.20 27.99 00051329 140 1,513.75 1,513.75 00051330 140 4.37 2.91 5.30 15.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 2.70 1.80 15.00 10.00 18.00 12.00 3.34 2.22 7.69 5.13 140.46 00051331 140 102.00 102.00 00051332 VW 2,419.15 2,419.15 00051333 NW South T a h o e P.U.D. 09/26/02 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS , REPORT 09/20/2002-10/03/2002 Fade 13 T U, SEP 26, 2002, 11:18 PM - -rrq: I731GLAS- - -leg: GL 0L- -lcc: ONISIIE- - - -job: 258835 #J6836-- -prrg: 09 <1.07>--report id: QKRTh 3IC Default electicn: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: M4,HW,RV,VH Uethor Narre Accc.,mt # Department Descripticn Pint Check # Type POLLARD 03, J G PCNERS, PHYLLIS TQNIBE RADIO SHACK RFNVER EQUIPMENT CD RENO GAZETTE-JOURNAL SAFETY CENTER IIQC SCHULTZ, ROBERT SCOTT SPECIALTY C3niSES SECRETARY OF STATE SELTEK 20 -01 -6073 TNDERSR ND REPAIR 10 -21 -6621 AUv1I IISIRATIQN 20 -21 -6621 AUvItIISIRATICN 20 -03 -6071 ELEcEREcAL SBJP 10 -05 -6012 E3UIHNENT REPAIR 10 -06 -8328 OPEi2ATTQUS 20 -29 -8264 ENGINEER= 10 -02 -8303 AMPS 10 -05 -6200 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -01 -6200 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -06 -6075 OPERATIONS 10 -06 -8112 OPERATIONS 10 -21 -6200 AU NISIlRATICN 20 -21 -6200 AENENTSIRATICN 10 -02 -6051 PLMPS 3V14LL TOOLS INCENTIVE & INCENTIVE & Check Ibtal: RECOGNIlIM PRGR RECCGNITICNT MGR Check Ibtal: SHOP SUPPLIES Check Total: MNTT F El TIMVENT Check Total: PESMDA SYSTEM GLENWOOD REERE L RAT 3K51L TNK @ LPPS Check Total: TRAVEL / / TIN Check Total• SAFELY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS Qneck Total: OCNTINUOUS E ISSICNS MNIRNG Check Total: TRAVEL /MEETINa'S /EELEATTCN Check Total : HMP STATIONS Check Ibtal: 256.69 256.69 00051334 M4 30.00 20.00 50.00 00051335 MAI 4.27 00051336 M4 63.18 00051337 M4 4.27 63.18 117.02 97.58 87.86 302.46 00051338 Mr] 945.00 1,260.00 2,205.00 00051339 M4 00051340 VW 52.12 00051341 Ma 5.00 5.00 52.12 24.00 16.00 40.00 00051269 M4 814.05 814.05 00051342 MAT South T a h oe P.U.D. 09/26/02 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 09/20/2002 - 10/03/2002 P14 TEN, SEP 26, 2002, 11:18 PM - -req: DQGLAS- - -leg: GL JL - -loc: Q�15TIE-- - -jcb: 258835 #J6836- - -prog: 09 <1.07 >-- iep CuiL id: FC Default Selection: check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW,HW,RV,VH vendor Nave Acccnnt # Department Description Arcunt Check # Type SIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL SIERRAFOOTHILLLABORATORY 10 -07 -6110 LABORATORY 10 -07 -6110 LABORATCRY 20 -07 -6110 LABORATORY SIERRA NEVADk NEDICAL IMAGING 10 -06 -6075 OPERATICNS SIERRA PACIFIC RYNFR SIERRA SPRINGWATER CO S"IPIH, QRFG SPIESS CONLSIRCETICN CO INC STATEL]EE OnilCE SUPPLY 10 -00 -6330 CES]QRAL & AHMLNISTRATICN 20 -00 -6330 GEERAL & ALNIINIISIRATICN 10 -01 -6520 LEND REPAIR 20 -01 -6520 UNIRGROUND REPAIR 10 -02 -6520 P[.MPS 10 -03 -6520 ELECTRICAL SHOP 20 -03 -6520 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10 -04 -6520 HEAVY MOE 10 -06 -6520 OPERATTCNS 10 -05 -6520 E1JTIEMEHT REPAIR 20 -05 -6520 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -06 -6200 20 -29 -8157 20 -00 -2605 10 -22 -4820 20 -22 -4820 OPERATTCNS EIUNEERINE GENERAL & AEMINISIRATION HLVAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR WENTIT IINE Check Tbtal: M NrI NEVER Check Tbtal: SAFETY EI; JIPNENT PHYSICALS Check Tbtal: EfEC'TRICTIY ELECTRIC= Check Tbtal: SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Check Tbtal: TRAVEL /ME FMCS /ELL =CN Check Total: TANK, C;AIRU1ER MIN #1, REPLAC ACCIRID COAST RETNGE Check Tbtal : OFFICE SUPPLIES OFF'IC'E SUPPLD S 316.00 316.00 00051343 NW 150.00 498.00 648.00 00051344 NW 51.00 51.00 00051345 NW 58,556.09 51,401.31 109,957.40 00051346 NW 48.35 48.35 32.23 16.12 16.12 64.45 64.45 16.12 16.12 322.31 00051347 NW 162.06 162.06 00051348 NW 117,250.00 - 6,967.50 110,282.50 00051349 NW 256.79 171.20 South lace P.U.D. 09/26/02 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS , R E P O R T 09/20/2002 - 10/03/2002 Paces 15 m A O, SEP 26, 2002, 11:18 PM - -r94: D�AS- - -1e3: GL JL - -loo: CNSIIE - -- -Job: 258835 #J6836- - -pro3: 09 <1.07 >- -report id: C[4�.5P Default t Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MAL HW, RU, VI I Vendor Nacre Amount # Departrrent Descripticn Arrant Check # Type T C M DIGITAL SDLUI'IC NS TRPA TRPA TMIOE BI JEPRINT TAHOE CARSON AREA Na&E T RTE IKiNMIN NS INCE VALLEY F7 FC IRIC SUPPLY 10 -37 -4820 WENATIGN SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4820 INECRvALTICN SYSIEI 10 -38 -4820 CUSII 'ER SERVICE 20 -38 -4820 (SE1tIFR SH2VICE 10 -39 -4820 FINANCE 20 -39 -4820 FINANCE 10 -21 -6030 PENENISIRATICN 20 -21 -6030 AUv1I IISIRATS(N 10 -02 -6051 RI"1PS 10 -04 -6042 HEAVY w mIF VANI 20 -29 -8264 IIIlU 10 -29 -4820 EMINEERING 10 -27 -4930 20 -27 -4930 10 -29 -8235 20 -27 -6660 10 -02 -6051 DISTRICT INFCRNATICN DISTRICT IIl i4nT T " anNEFER DISTRICT IITICN AMPS OF'F'iCE SUPPLIES OFF10E SUPPLIES OFF'iCE SUPPLIES OF'F'iCE SUPPLIES Or'N10E SUPPLIES OF'F10E SUPPLIES Check Total SERVICE CXNIRFLTS SERVICE aNTRACTS Chec.k Total : AMP STATIONS Check Total: GRCUNDS&MAINIENANCE Crack Total: Vendor Total: VOL, GLENWJID REERIL OFF'10E SUPPLIES Check Total: ADS /LPL NOTICES ADS LEGAL HANELINU Check Total : DATER CS1 7ATICN EXPENSE Check Tbtal: RNP =ME Check Total: 5.11 3.40 120.38 80.26 56.43 37.62 731.19 00051350 M4 36.88 24.59 61.47 00051351 Ma 314.00 314.00 00044953 HW 314.00 314.00 00044954 HW 628.00 96.53 12.87 109.40 00051352 Mr] 32.06 21.38 83.42 136.86 225.00 225.00 69.71 69.71 00051353 M4 00051354 MI 00051355 M4 S o u t h Tahoe P.U.D. 09/26/02 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 09/20/2002 - 10/03/2002 Page 16 THU, SEP 26, 2002, 11:18 AM - -re4: DCW AS -- -leg: GL JL - -kx- CEISITE-- - -job: 258835 #J6836-- -pro3: C[(509 <1.07>--report id: Q(EE PC 1-IQ-Fault Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Nacre Aca nt # Department TRELTA, PHILIP TRIOLET SYSTEMS INC. =IN LOCK AND SAFE \IDERSCHER, RICEARD E 10 -06 -6250 OPERATTCNS 10 -37 -6030 INFcHPTICN SYSTEMS 20 -37 -6030 INECRM211CN SYSTEMS 10 -04 -6042 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -29 -6200 ENG:1 IIh 20 -29 -6200 EN INEERJ NT? WATER ENVIRNVRTE F IPATrEN 20 -29 -6250 RDIINIEERIIM WEECO INC WESIIl=NN NEVADA SUPPLY WTImi' OXYGEN SERVICE 10 -03 -6051 E ECIRTCAL S EP 10 -03 -8281 F[ECRIcYL S[DP 10 -02 -6051 PIMPS 10 -28 -6042 ALPINE COUNTY 10 -29 -8235 ENGINEERIM 20 -01 -6052 L1 NJ REPAIR 10 -01 -7035 UNDERGROUND REPAIR 10 -04 -6022 HEAVY MUNIIE E 20 -01 -6071 UNDERGRaND REPAIR 10 -02 -6071 AMPS 20 -02 -6071 PIMPS 10 -04 -6071 HEAVY NAIIVIE 10 -05 -6071 EtJJIH ENTT REPAIR Descripticn Amount Check # Type DUES /MEMBE=PS /CEd IFICATI Check Total : SERVICE aNIRACIS SERVICE CONTRACTS Check Total: Cris & YAINTIENANCE 'Total : Check TRAUIIaS /EMIAITCN Check Total: LuEs/as/cEEriFicAn Check Total: RMP STATIC NS 480V SWITr1AAR Check Total: PIMP ns C ams && MAIIVIEN NI Sfirnp HANDL:NU FPC1LTTy PIPE, COVERS & N1A LES TAHOE N -LATERAL LINING SMEARY EQUIPMENT Check Total: SDP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES 100.00 100.00 00051356 NW 390.00 260.00 650.00 00051357 Nod 136.27 00051358 NW 00051359 NW 148.00 00051360 NW 19.34 4,579.58 4,598.92 00051361 NW 100.30 661.58 2,069.93 2,250.23 368.01 17.12 5,467.17 00051362 NW 57.96 22.75 22.75 446.91 7.46 136.27 25.97 17.31 43.28 148.00 South Tahoe P.U.D. 09/26/02 PAYMENT OF CLAI REPORT 09/,2102002-10/03/2002 I15, SEP 26, 2002, 11:18 PM --req: D�LAS- - -leg: - -1o: CNSZIE -- -] 258835 # 3686-- -prog:09<1.07ieport CIWCSFC refault Selection: Check Stok ID: AP ; Check 'Ii1Pes: M4,HW,RV,VH Uerrbr Matte ZIM IlUEIRIES I■E ZYNI9X ENVIRSTECHNDLOGY Account # Department Tbs ription Pnumt Check # Type 20 -05 -6071 ETIFM NT REPAIR 10 -07 -4760 LAECRATC7RY 20 -07 -4760 LAS 20 -00 -2605 GENERAL & ATMINISIRAIZCN 20-29-8290 EICINTEERINU SHOP SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check 1btal: A IRD CLI15T RETRACE Check Tbtal: THE TMEITI, Qk 'Ductal: Grand Total: 7.45 244.84 163.22 973.34 8,962.55 8,962.55 522.00 522.00 556,828.38 00051363 1M 00051364 NW 00051365 Nbd TO: FR: RE: ACTION ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert Baer, General Manager BOARD MEETING October 3, 2002 AGENDA ITEM: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- EXISTING LITIGATION: STPUD vs. JOHN BREESE MUMFORD, ET. AL EL DORADO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. SC20020030 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), Closed Session may be held for conference with leqal counsel reqarding existinq litiqation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: MANAGER: Y ES~_.~__ NO. GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER X TO: FR: RE: ACTION ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert Baer, General Manager BOARD MEETING October 3, 2002 AGENDA ITEM: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: 14 .b CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: F. HEISE LAND & LIVESTOCK vs. STPUD and DOES 1 THROUGH 10; INCLUSIVE; ALPINE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. C18644 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel reqardinq existinq litiqation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: NO, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE~q~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER X SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Robert Baer/General Manager, Gary Kvistad/District General Counsel RE: BOARD MEETING October 3, 2002 AGENDA ITEM: 14. c ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- EXISTING LITIGATION: STPUD VS. F. HEISE LAND & LIVESTOCK COMPANY, INC., WILLIAM WEAVER, EDDIE R. SYNDER, CROCKETT ENTERPRISES, INC. CIV S-02-0238 MLS JFM UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DiSTRiCT OF CALIFORNIA, SACRAMENTO, CA REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regardinq existinq litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: Y E S/~"2~-'''-~ NO. CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER X TO: FR: RE: ACTION ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADDENDUM TO BOARD AGENDA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert Beer, General Manager BOARD MEETING October 3, 2002 AGENDA ITEM: 14. d CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- EXISTING LITIGATION RE: MEYERS LANDFILL SITE: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA V. EL DORADO COUNTY AND CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE AND THIRD PARTY DEFENDANTS, CIVIL ACTION NO. S-01 - 1520 LKK GGH, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), Closed Session may be held for conference with leqai counsel regardinq existing litiqation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ~CTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~¢ CATEGORY: GENERAL X WATER SEWER TO: FR: RE: ACTION ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert Baer, General Manaqer BOARD MEETING October 3, 2002 AGENDA ITEM: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: STPUD VS. LAKESIDE PARK ASSOCIATION, SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. SC20010165 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel reqardinq existinq litiqation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: ACCOUNT NO: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~c~--~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER CONSENT CALENDAR OCTOBER 3, 2002 REQUESTED ACTION Glenwood Well Reconstruction Project: Electric Service (Nick Zaninovich) Solids Handling Facility and Odor Control Project (John Thiel) Recycled Water Facilities Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (Hal Bird) Johnson Sewer Pump Station Upgrade (Rick Hydrick) State Highway Utility Potholing (Richard Solbrig) Regular Board Meeting Minutes: September 19, 2002 (Kathy Sharp) Authorize Execution of Utility Facility Agree- ment with Sierra Pacific Power Company in the Amount of $235 Increase Existing Purchase Order No. 12360 with GS Concepts from $3,000 to $10,000 Approve Additional Funding to Complete the EIR in the Estimated Amount of $35,OOO Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Two 75 Horsepower VFDs (Variable Frequency Drives) Authorize Execution of Agreement with Caltrans to Allow for the Positive Location of Underground Utilities Approve Minutes South Tahoe Public Utll~ District * 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, ,South Lake TahOe, CA 96150 * Phone 530.544 6474 · Fane mle 530.541-0614 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Nick Zaninovich, Senior Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING October 3, 2002 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: GLENWOOD WELL RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT: ELECTRIC SERVICE REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize execution of Utility Facility Agreement with Sierra Pacific Power Company, in the amount of $235 DISCUSSION: The attached agreement must be executed with Sierra Pacific Power Company to obtain electrical service for this proiect. Under the terms of the agreement, the District is responsible for any non-refundable cost associated with the electric extension. The non- refundable cost is the tax on the trench and substructure installation cost that will become Sierra Pacific Power Company property once the job is completed, as mandated by the California Public Service Commission. The amount of the non-refundable cost is $235. SCHEDULE: COSTS: $235 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8264/GLWOOD BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: <$21,020> ATTACHMENTS Sierra Pacific Power Company Aqreement, Budget Analysis CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~.~.~,.~ NO GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~'C~¢~c~,--t2~IO WATER X SEWER Sierra PacificTM www. sierrapacific.com 933 Eloise Avenue · South Lake Tahoe, California 96150 · 530.544.5775 · Fax 530.544.481 l · 1.800.782.2498 September 6, 2002 South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA. 96150 Attn. Nick Zaninovich Electric Service To: Glenwood Well 1484 Glenwood Way South Lake Tahoe, California Contract 02-26401-5 Work Order 02-26401-55 Dear Nick: To provide increased service at the above referenced location will require the removal of the existing overhead transformer bank and the installation of approximately 140' 3-1/0 underground primary, 1-225kVA · 5' 350QX underground service to feed one padmounted 14.4kV Delta, 277/480V transformer, and approxamately 2 (1) 400ApaneL See Exhibit "A" enclosed. Also enclosed please find the necessary Rule #15 Line Extension Agreement to provide the electric service. Thc cost to Sierra Pacific Power Company to provide service to your facilities is $14,959.00. Under the terms of this agreement, you will be granted a "construction allowance" equal to 2.5 times your additional projected annual revenues. Your "construction allowance" is calculated in the mount of $14,959.00. Therefore, a refundable cash advance is not required at this time. Also under the terms of the agreement you will be responsible for any non-refundable cost associated with this electric extension· The non-refundable cost is the tax on the trench and substructure installation cost that will become Sierra Pacific Power Company property once the job is complete, as mandated by the California Public Service Commission. This non-refundable cost is $235·00. If the enclosed agreement meets with your approval, please sign and remm with a check in the amount of $235.00 to this office to my attention. A copy of the executed agreement will be returned to you for your files. If you have any questions, please call me at (530)541-1949. Thank You. Sincerely, Jeff Matthews Senior Utility Designer South Tahoe Office Enclosures #98-0016 {RE~L 5/99) Sierra Pacific AGREEMENT #: 02-26401-5-55 THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this __ day of September , 20 02, by and between SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY ("Sierra Pacific"), a Nevada corporation, PO Box 10100, Reno, Nevada 89520 and South Tahoe Public Utility Distdct ("Applicant"). Applicant desires electric service for 1 unit(s) at the following location(s): 1484 Glenwood Drive, South Lake Tahoe hereinafter referred to as ("Project"). To provide the requested service, it is necessary for Sierra Pacific to extend and/or modify its facilities as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Now THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: I. APPLICANT'S REFUNDABLE & NON-REFUNDABLE COST RESPONSIBILITY, APPLICANT CREDITS AND BASE DATA: LINE # REFUNDABLE ADVANCE: 1. COST 2. FREE ALLOWANCE 3. TAXABLE TOTAL (Line 1 minus 2) 4. 5. DESCRIPTION TAX GROSS UP ON TAXABLE TOTAL (Line 3) TOTAL REFUNDABLE ELECTRIC $14,959.00 $14,959.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ $ $ $ 235.00 $ $ 235.00 $ $ $ $ $ 235.00 31% $42,334.00 2.5 $ 758.00 NON.REFUNDABLEADVANCE 6. NON-TAXABLE COST 7. TAXABLE 8. TAX GROSS UP ON TAXABLE COST (Line 7) 9. TAX GROSS UP ON CONTRIBUTED FACILITIES (Line 20) 10. TOTAL NON-REFUNDABLE 11. TOTAL APPLICANT COST (Lines 5 plus 10) APPLICANT CREDITS 12. APPLICANT INSTALLED FACILITIES 13. OVERSIZED FACILITIES 14. SERVICE REIMBURSEMENTS 15. TOTAL CREDITS 16. TOTAL ADVANCE/CREDIT DUE (Line 11 plus 15) BASE DATA USED IN CALCULATIONS 17. TAX LIABILITY FACTOR 18. pROJECTED ANNUAL REVENUE 19. REVENUE MULTIPLE 20. VALUE OF CONTRIBUTED FACiLITiES II. TOTAL COST (Section I, Line 1 plus Lines 6 & 7) The total cost for which Applicant is liable, shall be Sierra Pacific's estimated cost, refundable and non-refundable, to provide the requested service. Sierra's estimate includes all costs associated with providing the requested service hereunder and shall include all regulatory, environmental and other fees, engineering, inspection, material, labor, transportation, costs for removal of existing facilities less their salvage value, associated overheads and other charges which are related to the installation or alteration of the required facilities. itl. TOTAL ADVANCE/CREDIT DUE (Section I, Line 16) A. Applicant agrees to pay Sierra Pacific's total estimated cost for which the Applicant is liable (Section I, Line 1 plus Lines 6 & 7). Less any applicable free allowance (Section I, Line 2) as determined by Sierra Pacific for the Project. Plus Tax Liability (Section I, Lines 4, 8, & 9). Less the estimated cost of the facilities, provided and installed by Applicant, inclusive of facilities oversized at Sierra's request (Section I, Lines 12 & 13). Less the estimated cost of the service(s) provided by Applicant, that is Sierra Pacific's cost responsibility (Section I, Line 14). This cost will be adjusted to actual installed footages upon project completion, and Applicant will be billed or refunded the difference. Applicant agrees to pay, at the time of the execution of this Agreement, the amount(s) set forth hereunder (Section I, Line 16) or to provide an acceptable surety bond or letter of credit. The bond or letter of credit is to be replaced with cash not less than thirty (30) days prior to construction. However, the cost of materials not normally stocked by Sierra Pacific in the type and quantity required shall be paid for in cash, prior to the ordering of such materials. If the total due (Section I, Line 16) is a credit due Applicant, Sierra requires that a performance bond for that amount, plus Sierra's project costs and the federal tax credit, be collected prior to issuing a check. Applicant may elect to take payment upon completion and acceptance of the installation of the facilities and eliminate the requirement for a performance bond. B. If the total estimated cost of construction to extend the line(s) and/or main(s) to the project exceeds $5,000, the cash advance/credit in Section I, Line 16 will be adjusted to reflect Sierra Pacific's actual cost of construction. The adjustment is limited to that portion of the total cost of the main/line extension pertaining to facilities installed by Sierra Pacific. The cost of those facilities installed by Applicant will not be adjusted. Sierra Pacific shall review its actual cost of construction within four (4) months of completion of said facilities and shall either bill or refund Applicant the difference between the total estimated cash advance/credit and the adjusted cash advance/credit. If such adjustment results in an increased total cash advance requirement, Applicant agrees to pay Sierra Pacific such difference within thirty (30) days of written notice. C. If at any time after twelve (12) months following the date of this Agreement there has been no construction activity on the electric facilities by the Applicant for a period of six (6) months, Sierra Pacific shall not be held to the provisions of this Agreement. Sierra Pacific may return all advanced dollars not required to cover Sierra Pacific's expenditures on the project. To reinstate the project, a new Agreement will be required with updated costs. #98-0000-¥PW Temp. form -2- IV. FREE ALLOWANCES The free allowance is calculated on the projected annual revenue and the revenue multiples in Section I, Lines 18 & 19. The projected annual revenue will include only the revenue from monthly billings for basic service, excluding balancing account adjustments, late charges, and tax adjustments. Should actual revenues fall substantially short of the projected revenue used for the free allowance granted, the customer may be required to pay to Sierra Pacific in cash any portion of the free allowance granted but not justified by actual revenues. Such payment will be increased by the tax liability factor noted in Section I, Line 17. The payment shall be made within 30 days of written notification of the revenue deficiency and request for payment by Sierra Pacific. REFUNDS (Section I, Line 5) A. ELECTRIC EXTENSIONS 1. All advances and/or contributions made by Applicant under the previsions of this Agreement, which are not classified as a non-refundable by Sierra Pacific, shall be subject to refund, to the party or parties entitled thereto as set forth in this section. (a) Except as indicated in Section V.A.I(b) of this Agreement, all refunds shall be made without interest. (b) Refunds based on estimated usage levels shall be paid by the utility within ninety (90) days of the date service is initiated. In the event that refunds are not paid in accordance with this section, Sierra Pacific shall pay interest for the period the refund is delayed at the rate currently specified in Section 704.655 of NRS. (c) Refunds hereunder shall be made for new customer connections during the period not to exceed ten (10) years after the date of this Agreement. (d) Except for refunds from customer connections made within ten (10) years of the date of this Agreement, any portion of the advance which remains unrefunded ten (10) years after the date of this Agreement, will be forfeited by Applicant and become the property of Sierra Pacific. 2. Refunding will be based on revenues in excess of the level used as the basis for determining free allowance, derived from the following customers, who initiate service within ten (10) years of the date of this Agreement. (a) Those served directly from the subject extension or alteration, as long as subject extension or alteration is the first in a series from the original point of supply for which a portion of an advance remains refundable. (b) Those served from subsequent extensions of or additions to the original extension. Refunds based on revenues in this section shall be made to the Applicant having the first extension in series from the original point of supply, for which a portion of an advance remains refundable. The following previsions apply to the refunding process. (a) In those cases where two or more parties make a joint advance/contribution on the same extension, Sierra Pacific shall distribute refundable amounts to such parties in the same proportion as their individual advance/contribution bear to the joint refundable total, unless otherwise directed by all parties. -3- (b) Refundable amounts may be accumulated before refunding to twenty-five dollars ($25.00) minimum or to a total refundable balance if less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00). (c) The total amount refunded hereunder shall not exceed the total amount subject to refund (Section I, Line 5). VI. TAX GROSS UP All applicable Applicant costs, cost adjustments and refunds will be increased to reflect the appropriate tax liability factor indicated in Section I, Line 17. VII. MISCELLANEOUS A. This Agreement has been made by Sierra Pacific pursuant to its rules and regulations governing all matters contained herein, filed with and approved by the Public Service Commission of Califomia, and this Agreement is subject to any changes or modifications by the Public Service Commission of California as said Commission may from time to time direct in the exercise of its jurisdiction. B. All facilities constructed hereunder shall become property owned, maintained, and controlled by Sierra Pacific. C. The parties agree and understand that Applicant is not in any way an agent, representative, employee, or contractor of Siena Pacific during the installation of facilities required hereunder, and Applicant agrees to indemnify and save harmless Sierra Pacific from any and all claims which are a result of, or arise out of, construction activities including, but not limited to, trenching and backfill undertaken by Applicant in accordance with this Agreement. D. Applicant agrees that it will grant, or if not the owner, represents that the owner will grant and execute, to and in favor of Sierra Pacific, all necessary easements, conveyances, deeds, rights-of-way, or other documents required or relating in any faction to the placement, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of facilities required hereunder or any portion thereof. If any portion of said facilities will be located on property other than that owned by Applicant, Sierra Pacific shall not be obligated to commence construction unless and until permanent rights-of-way therefore are granted to Sierra Pacific that are satisfactory to Sierra Pacific both as to location of easement and form document. All rights-of-way shall be obtained without cost to Sierra Pacific. E. All facilities installed by Applicant shall be in accordance with Sierra Pacific Construction Standards, as contained in the "Electric Distribution System Guide," and details as shown on the work order drawings, and applicable local, state, and federal laws and/or regulations. All work performed and all matedal furnished by the Applicant and his contractor shall be guaranteed against defects in materials and workmanship for a pedod of one (1) year following final acceptance of work by Sierra Pacific. Applicant agrees that Sierra Pacific may, at its option and upon written notice to Applicant, either (1) repair any defect in materials or workmanship which may develop during the one-year pedod, or (2) require Applicant to make good any defect in materials or workmanship which may develop dudng said one-year period. The option and obligation to repair shall extend to any damage to facilities or work caused by the subject defects in materials or workmanship or the repairing of same. All repairs hereunder, whether undertaken by Sierra Pacific or Applicant, shall be done solely at Applicant's expense. -4- Applicant also assumes all responsibilities and liabilities for ten (10) years for facilities installed by the Applicant or facilities installed by Sierra Pacific based on survey and staking provided by the Applicant or Applicant's engineer that are found to be located outside the recorded easement or right-of-way granted for such facilities. F. For Applicant installation of facilities in addition to those normally provided at no expense to Sierra Pacific: 1. Applicant shall provide public liability and property damage insurance coverage in amounts satisfactory to Sierra Pacific and naming Sierra Pacific as an additional insured. 2. Applicant shall provide worker's compensation and unemployment compensation insurance in the form and amounts required by the State of California. 3. Applicant shall perform in accordance with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, standards, and codes applicable to the types of installation being undertaken. G. Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless Sierra Pacific from and against Applicant's failure to conform in any respect to the requirements set forth in Sections E and F above. H. Applicant may assign its right to receive a refund under this Agreement only upon written notification of the assignment to Sierra Pacific. Wdtten notification shall consist of a document transferdng the dght to receive refunds, signed and notarized by the Assignor and the Assignee. Sierra Pacific may refuse to accept an assignment that is not signed and notarized by the Assignor and the Assignee. No obligation or duty owed by the Applicant to Sierra Pacific may be assigned unless Sierra Pacific consents to such assignment in writing. Under no circumstances shall Sierra Pacific be liable under any contract between the Applicant or Assignor and any Assignee. t. Notices or inquiries concerning this Agreement should be directed to: SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY Attn. Plant Accounting PO Box 10100 Reno, NV 89520 -5- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto execute this Agreement (Pages 1 through 6 inclusive plus Exhibit A) the day and year first above wdtten. APPLICANT(S) By: PdntedFryped Name: SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY By: Typed Name: Jeff Matthews Title: Senior Utility Designer printed/Typed Name: Mailing Address: Tax identification Number (Required) (Individual) Social Security Number (Business) TIN Bus. Type: Corporation Tax Exempt __ Partnership .__ Governmental Agency Please be advised that we have selected Other NOTE: We request your Tax Identification Number and nature of your organization, Due to IRS regulations and under certain situations, if we do not have this information, we are required to withhold 20% of any refund due you. as our Applicant Installed Contractor. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Excess revenues generated from this project shall be subject to refund under previous agreement number Planner: Jeff Matthews -6- GLENWOOD WELL Account: 2029-8264 BUDGET REMAINING ANALYSIS: Spent to date 02/03 All Years 169,428 261,821 Outstanding Purchase Orders- D T N Engineering Inc. Fast Fabricators Inc. Haen Engineering Western Botanical Services Nimbus Engineers Inc. Tustin Lock and Safe Zim Industries 2,891 2,891 445 445 1,200 1,200 1,500 1,500 2,099 2,099 1,065 1,065 0 0 Total Encumbrance 9,199 9,199 Total Spent & Encumbered 178,627 271,020 Bud~let FY 2003 157,607 250,000 2003 Amount Exceeding Budget -2t,020 -21,020 Note: During the budget process the expected costs for the drilling of Glenwood Well were $400,000. Of that amount, $'150,000 more was estimated to be spent by June 30, 2002, and as such, was not included in the 2003 budget. TO: FR: RE: ACTION ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM BOARD OF DIRECTORS John Thiel, Senior Engineer BOARD MEETING October 3, 2002 AGENDA ITEM: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: h. SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITY AND ODOR CONTROL PROJECT REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Increase existinq Purchase Order No. 12360 with GS Concepts from $3,000 to $10,000 DISCUSSION The increase is requested due to expanded survey needs for the detailed layout of the access road, solids handling buildinq, sludqe storage tank, and related facilities. SCHEDULE: COSTS: $7,000 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: A'I-I'ACHM ENTS ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8234-8236 & 8349, 2029-8130 <$2,724,290> CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES, ~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER X SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: FR: RE: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Hal Bird, Land Application Manager BOARD MEETING October 3, 2002 AGENDA ITEM:. ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: c. RECYCLED WATER FACILITIES PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL ITEM-PROJECT NAME: REQUESTED BOARD ACTION:. Approve additional funding to complete the EIR in the_ estimated amount of 35 000 DISCUSSION: As a result of the additional time and effort necessary to revise the Draft EIR. ~nal time and effort to ~n increase to the bud et ~1 ud et amount needed is ~ EIR throu h Au ust 2002 an ~om leted the final EIR. SCHEDULE:_ COSTS: $35,000 (estimated) ACCOUNT NO: 1028-8285 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING:_ $5,406,787 ATTACHMENTS:_ Pa~ln throu h Au ust 31 2002 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO_ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~~Y~'¥~'-''J~ ~"~Q; CATEGORY: GENERAL~ WATER_ SEWER_ X MEMORANDUM September 13, 2002r~ To: HAL BIRD FROM: RE: BOB DUCHEK RECYCLED WATER FACILITIES MASTER PLAN EIR (PURCHASE ORDER Pl1056) Enclosed is the progress report through August 2002 and billing through the period ending August 31, 2002. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 626/440-6224. RECYCLED WATER FACILITIES EIR PROGRESS REPORT PARSONS --'~-~--~-'-~"~PROGRESS REPORT NO. 8 through August 2002 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Past accomplishments have included: · Task I - Completed NEPA Lead Age~( Analysis · Task 1I - Completed Pre-Scoping act~wt~es. · Task III - Completed Open houses and related scoping activities. · Task 1V - Completed preparation of the Biological Evaluation. · Task V - Completed ADEIR · Task VI - Completed and circulated DEIR. · Task VII - Completed Public Hearings on the DEIR · Task VIII- Completed Administrative Final EIR · Task IX - Completed FEIR revisions based on comments received to date BUDGET ANALYSIS Budget Billed Remaining Billed -- $263,3'~5 $288,678.65 109.61 $25,303.65 SCHEDULE Task NEPA Lead Agency Pre-Scoping Scoping/NO1 Biological Evaluation ADEIR Draft E1R Public Hearings Admin Final EIR Final EIR Project Management Date Due Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete September 2002 September 2002 % Complete 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 80%o) 98% TOTAL (l) Comments from District's legal review of the AFEIR of effort to complete the Final EIR is uncertain. %of Project 1.75% 12.11% 6.15% 7.47% 31.70% 8.96% 3.72% 6.43% 7.18% 14.53% 100.00% %of Project Complete 1.75% 12.11% 6.15% 7.47% 31.70% 8.96% 3.72% 6.43% 5.74% 13,81% 97.84% have not been received, and therefore the remaining level PAGE I pARSONS. RECYCLED WATER FACILITIES EIR PROGRESS REPORT PROBLEMS/RESOLUTION · Completion of the Final EIR is pending receipt of comments from the D~stnct legal review- When the comments are received, the Final EIR can be completed and submitted to the District. · As a result of the additional time and effort necessary to revise the DEIR in light of the changes in alternatives for the Master Plan, as well as additional time and effort to review DEIR comments with the Lahontan RWQCB and Alpine County, additional budget is necessary for the overall project. Through July, 2002, the additional budget amount needed is $24,547.34. Based upon the estimate of completion for the FEIR through August, an additional $4,000 to $5,000 could be required to complete the Final EIR. TO BE ACCOMPLISHED iN THE NEXT MONTHLY PERIOD · Complete Final EIR when comments are received from District's legal review. ........ ~gr~j~4t M~nagdr Date ~-~' ~'~) Z~~ Office Manag, Date. cf. ! / - PAGE 2 pARSONS. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Rick Hydrick, Manaqer of Water Operations RE: BOARD MEETING October 3, 2002 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO:. ITEM-PROJECT NAME: JOHNSON SEWER PUMP STATION UPGRADE REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to advertise for bids for two 75 horsepower VFD's (Variable Frequency Drives) DISCUSSION: Johnson Sewer Pump Station was constructed in 1972. Since that time it has controlled pump flow using Flowmaster technology. The Flowmasters are old and obsolete and need to be replaced with new VFD's. SCHEDULE: Upqrade installations will be done this winter COSTS: Estimated: $30,000 (plus tax) each ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $134,587 A'I-FACHMENTS:. None_ 1002-8304 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED .~TION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES_/~Cr_~..--- . NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~/)~¢~,J2,.~-I~Q~ CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER SEWER. X SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: Richard Solbrig, Assistant Manager/Engineer RE: BOARD MEETING October 3, 2002 AGENDA ITEM: ACTION ITEM NO: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO: ITEM-PROJECT NAME: STATE HIGHWAY UTILITY POTHOLING REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize execution of agreement with Caltrans to allow for the positive location of underground utilities DISCUSSION: Potholing to locate utilities in the State Highway is a necessary part of hiqhway improvement proiects. In the past, Caltrans has asked the District to perform this function, at our expense. Due to proiect scheduling delays, and potential damage to the road surface, Caltrans has initiated a program in which they perform, at their cost, the potholing activities utilizinq the vacuum extraction method. In order for them to pothole our utilities, they are requesting that we sign the accompanying contract. We will still need to provide the best information we have in terms of utility locations. District staff recommends that we sign this agreement. SCHEDULE: First potholinq scheduled for second week in October COSTS: None ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Caltrans letter and aqreement CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ~C_TION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE/,~ ¥~,~-~' CATEGORY: GENERAL WATER X SEWER X STATE OF CALIFORNIA--BUSINESS. TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 3 723 D STREET P. O. BOX 911 MARYSVILLE, CA 95901-0911 PHONE (530) 740-4857 FAX (530) 741-4490 TTY (530) 741-4509 September 9, 2002 Mr. Richard Solbdg Assistant General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadowcrest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 GRAY DAVIS. Governor Flex your power! Be energy efficient! Dear Mr. Solbrig: Pursuant to our conversanon this afternoon about the Department's pohcy on positive location activities .~ please find, attached two original counterparts of the "Agreement for the Positive Location of Underground Utilities that South Tahoe Public Utility District must execute in order for the Department to perform and pay for positive location services. ~ -- ~_ At present, as addressed in the "Recitals" section of the agreement, positive locating is generally performed by the utility owner with the cost determined either by real estate law, by transportation law (Streets & Highways Code) or by Departmental policy (usually encroachment permit provisions). Prompt scheduling and performance of this work has been a challenge for a number of utility companies. Once South Tahoe Public Utility District executes the agreement, the Department will take on the responsibilities for performance and payment per the provisions in the agreement. As we discussed, although we are happy to explain the terms of any provisions, we are not anticipating any negotiation on this matter, as the agreement represents what we feel is a true win/win situation that addresses the needs of all parties. However, it must be executed before we can begin operation of this service, and replace the current procedure. As you can see, it creates virtually no obligation on the part of the utility owner, but does make the positive location process more simple and economical for everyone. Among other features, the vacuum extraction or "non-destructive excavation" process has made everyone more comfortable. We are pleased to have an approach like this, which will benefit us both. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (530) 740-4857. Sincerely, Mark Fain Contract Manager Enclosure "Caltrans improves mobility across California" AGREEMENT FOR THE POSITIVE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES Date: September 9, 2002 PARTIES: 1. State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation ("Department"). "Department" includes the Department, its officers, agents, employees and contractors. 2. South Tahoe Public Utility District ("Owner"). "Owner" includes the Owner, its officers, agents, employees and contractors. RECITALS: A. Owner owns, operates or maintains underground utility facilities in the State of California. B. In order to facilitate the planning, design and construction of Department's projects and to ensure the safety of the traveling public, the horizontal and vertical location and/or apparent visual condition of underground utilities must periodically be confirmed. These activities and their results are known as "positive location", and are more commonly referred to as "potholes". Where referred to in this agreement, such positive location operations include but are not limited to: vacuum extraction excavation, electronic detection, probing, external and internal video inspection. C. In general, utility owners have been responsible for performing such positive location activities, with the cost of such activities apportioned as provided by California law, Master Contracts or Department's policies. D. Department's needs frequently require the positive location of underground utilities more expeditiously than Owner can readily or economically provide. E. Department is willing to assume control of the operation and cost of such positive location of underground utilities on a test basis to facilitate Department's needs from time to time as provided herein; and to determine if assuming the cost and operation of this work creates sufficient benefit to the Department to justify continuing the practice. THEREFORE: 1. This agreement is made and executed by the parties hereto pursuant and subject to the provisions of Sections 680.5 and 707.5 of the Streets and Highways Code. It shall govern exclusively the determination of the obligations and costs to be borne by each party hereto in regard to work described herein in lieu of determination under the provisions of Sections 673, 680 and 700 to 707, inclusive, of said Streets and Highways Code, as now or hereafter existing, or under any other laws applicable to said subject matter. This agreement shall apply throughout the State of California to all of the Department's projects and related activities. It is not intended to, and shall not, establish any precedent, principle, rule or guide to interpretation, as between the parties hereto after its termination or as between either of the parties hereto and any third party at any time, and may be terminated at any time as provided herein. 2. The work to be performed under this agreement is limited to the work necessary to positively determine the horizontal and vertical location and/or apparent visual condition of the Owner's utility facilities with the degree of accuracy necessary to meet the Department's requirements. All work under this agreement shall be preceded by the delivery of a written notification to Owner by Department. 3. This agreement does n°t applyto the rel°cati°n' rearrangement' rem°val °r pr°tecti°n °f utility facilities' 4. When the work described in this agreement is performed by the Department, the cost of the work shall be borne by the Department. The Owner shall provide confirmation in the field of the identity and typical characteristics (including size, material, contents, pressure or capacity) of Owner's exposed utility facility and related activities, including but not limited to, inspection services at no expense to the Department, in accordance with the Department's time schedule. 5. It is anticipated that the work described in this agreement will be performed by the Department through the services of a contractor. In those instances when the Department chooses not to perform the work, the Department will issue a "Notice To Owner" ordering the Owner to dd~gently perform the work in accordance with Department's reasonable time schedule included in the Notice To Owner, and the Department will bear the cost of the work per separate agreement if the work is completed within the Department's time schedule. The Owner shall allocate sufficient staff and resources to meet all schedules established for the project design and construction work. Should the Owner not meet Department's schedule, Department shall have the right and option to perform such work to maintain Department's schedule. ~Ao_g,~o.m~m.~en[ For The Positive Location Of Underground Utilities Page 2 intention. When the Owner so elects to perform such work the cost of the work shall be borne by the Department in the same amount as the unit cost for such work by the Department's contractor for the District area. If no such contract exists at the time, cost shall be the most recent such contract cost for the District area. Department will issue a Notice to Owner ordering the Owner to diligently perform the work in accordance with Department's reasonable schedule included in the Notice to Owner. The Owner shall allocate sufficient staff and resources to meet all schedules established for the project design and construction work. Should the Owner not meet Department's schedule, Department shall have the right and option to perform such work to maintain De artment's schedule. P 7. It is intended that all work under this agreement performed by the Department shall be performed using the vacuum extraction method, hand excavation or comparable methods acceptable to the Owner and the Department. Electronic detection may also be used in conjunction with, and when confirmed by, vacuum extraction at the Department's option. Other machine methods may only be used to remove paving materials. Machine methods used by Department for any other purpose will require the concurrence and on-site observation of Owner. 8. Owner grants to Department, immediately upon receipt of notification, in accordance with the Department's time schedule, permission to perform positive location of Owner's facilities within Owner's private rights of way, wherever located. Owner retains the right to require reasonable controls and restrictions. Such controls and restrictions shall be promptly provided to the Department in writing. 9. Upon the completion of the work performed under this agreement, Department shall restore the work site to as good a condition as that found when the work commenced. 10. Department shall defend, indemnify and hold Owner harmless from any death, injury, or property claims made by any person which materially arise from work performed by the Department, its employees, agents and contractors pursuant to this agreement. Owner shall defend, indemnify and hold Department harmless from any death, injury, or property claims made by any person which materially arise from work performed by the Owner, its employees, agents and contractors pursuant to this agreement. 11. This agreement eliminates and replaces any previous agreement between the parties, or portions thereof, regarding positive location activities Cpotholing"). 12. This agreement may be amended, changed or altered by mutual consent of the parties hereto in writing. 13. This agreement may be terminated by either party upon ninety (90) days written notice. t4. Time shall be of the essence of this agreement. Title - Date LORRIE WILSON, Chief Utility Relocation Branch Right of Way Department of Transportation Date DISTRIBUTION: Two Original Counterparts: One Counterpart to Department - Right of Way H.Q. One Counterpart to Owner Consent Item SOUTH TAHOE pUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Robert Duane Wallace, President BOARD MEMBER James R. Jones, Vice President Cathi REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 19, 2002 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, September 19, 2002, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS.: V-ice President Jones, Directors Becket, Schafer. Directors Wallace and Mosbacher were absent. ROLL CALL STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Cocking, Schroeder, Henderson, Zaninovich, Swain, Brown, Attorney Kvistad Moved Schafer / Second Becket / Wallace and ~osbacher Absent / Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: a. Glenwood Well Reconstruction Project - Approved Task Order No. 4 to Haen Engineering to perform additional design work and construction consultation services in the amount of $1,200; b. Surplus Vehicles - Authorized Nationwide Auction Systems to sell District surplus vehicles; QONSENT CALENDAR,. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES -SEPTEMBER 19, 2002 PAGE-2 c. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: August 15, 2002; d. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: September 5, 2002. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Ken Schroeder reported the Underground Repair Water Department is in need of another vacuum truck. Currently, the water and sewer departments each have one vacuum truck. The water vacuum truck is used daily. The District has two water repair crews, and on many occasions, both are in need of the vacuum truck at the same time. For over ten years, Lahontan has required the District to vacuum up the water from leak repairs and will not allow any water to be pumped onto the street way and drainage way. When the water vacuum truck is unavail- able, which has become a weekly occurrence, the normal procedure is to use the sewer vacuum truck. The Department of Health Services has instructed that it is · " se "absolutely not advisable to u the sewer vacuum truck on the water system. Although crews use extreme care when using the sewer vacuum truck on water spills, the potential for a cross contamination of the water system exists. As of September, the District has dis- continued the use of the sewer vacuum truck in the repair and maintenance of the water system, which limits the District's ability to keep up with the workload of the water department. Due to the high cost for this unbudgeted item, the Board agreed to authorize advertising for bids for a new truck, but directed Schroeder to research options other than an outright purchase in the meantime. M~oved Becket/~Second Schafer / Wallace and Mosbache~r A~bsent / Passed_ to authorize staff advertise for bids (only). Moved Becket / Second Schafer / Wallace and Mosbacher A~nt / Passed_ to approve payment in the amount of $902,996.95. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS_ PURCHASE OF ADDITIONAL ~VVATER VACUUM TRUCK _ PAGE-3 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES -SEPTEMBER 19, 2002 Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The BOARD MEMBER STANDING committee met September 16. Minutes of the meeting COMMI-I'TEE REPORTS are available upon request. Assistant Manager / En.qinee{: Richard Solbrig reported on the September 13 B-line Aoute selection meeting that was attended by District, CalTrans, TRPA, USFS, and Lahontan representatives. The topic of the meeting was to determine what the District needs to do to finish the draft EIR, with focus on risk analysis, which needs to be incorporated into the environmental document. The group did not reach consensus regarding the scope of the risk analysis. Solbrig explained there is only a two month window in which to complete an EIPJrisk analysis; if not completed in that time frame, the project will be delayed another year (until 2005 construction season). Staff has been working with the various agencies for several months now, to no avail. The Board's Executive Committee was assigned to work with staff to determine which course of action should be taken in order to resolve this issue. Solbrig reviewed the route alternatives and costs for each. The Technical Advisory Committee's (TAC) guaranteed no-leaks life-span of the existing pipeline expired in 1999. Any further delays in replacing the pipeline could result in a significant spill. The TAC may be reconvened to review and report on a risk assessment of the pipeline, and on the route alternatives. Director Schafer stated a refueling facility for alternative fuel vehicles may be installed at the airport. The Finance Committee will discuss the feasibility of alternative fuel vehicles for the District. District Information Officer:. Dennis Cocking reported on four items: 1 ) District staff has been researching CalPERS. Repre- sentatives from CalPERS will be present at a meeting on September 26 to answer questions. 2) The District won TRPA's The Best In Basin award for its horizontal drilling project. 3) The District hosted an open house at its Arrowhead Well treatment facility on September 18. A~SSISTANT MANAGER REPORT BOARD MEMBER REPORT STAFF REPORT PAGE-4 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 19, 2002 4) An ACWA meeting will be held at on September 20, and will include a tour of Arrowhead Well treatment facility. 2:50 - 3:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 4:00 p.M. STAFF REPORT (continued) MEETING BREAK ADJOURNED TO CLOSED _SESSION RECONVENED TO REGULAR _SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEM DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reP_~able Board action~. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. John Breese Mumford, et al, El Dorado County Superior _Court Case No. SC20020030 No~rtable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: F. Heise Land & Livestock Com- pany vs. STPUD and Does I - 10 Inclusive; Alpine County Superior Court Case No. C18644 No_gzg_portabl_e Bo_ard action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. F. Heise Land & Live Stock Company, Inc., William Weaver, Eddie R. Snyder, Crockett Enterprises, Inc., CIV. S-02-0238 MLS JFM United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, Sacramento, CA _ PAGE-5 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 19 2002 _No reportable Board action_.. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigat!.on re: Meyers Lan. drill Site: Umted States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court f_or the Eastern District of Califom~ ~B.gard a~on~ Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Associa- tion, et al, County of El Dorado, Superior Court Case N_o..S. C2001016_5 4:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Duane Wallace, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District