HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2830-07 \., \., \.., 1 2 3 4 5 6 RESOLUTION NO. 2830-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007-08 WHEREAS, on May 3,2007, the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public 8 Utility District held a public meeting and exhibits of the Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget 9 for the Fiscal Year 2007-08 were made public. 10 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South 11 Tahoe Public Utility District that: The attached budget in the amount of $31 ,329,875 is adopted for the Fiscal Year 12 beginning July 1, 2007 and ending June 30, 2008. We the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing resolution 14 was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South 15 Tahoe Public Utility District at a special meeting duly held on the 19th day of May 2007, 16 by the following vote: 17 18 19 20 21 7 13 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Wallace, Jones, Schafer, Farrell, Mosbacher None None 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Eric W. Scha er, ard President South Tahoe Pub ic Utility District ATTEST: ~J-~>S~~ Kathy Sharp, C k of the Boa~ \. ~8O~ 0100 010 ~ 00 W ION 0 Or-- 00 COl- en r--~ CO MMa> 010 M 00 oW 12 c Ll'i r--o N Ct')~ ,.....~ __~ ts5w ai MO ~8 a.. ZCO~ 0 <or---.t <O-.t r-- <00 a:: ::>-.toNo r-- <ON CO ~a> r-- a> w ai ..tNts5 ~'V.. N ..t O=> !z lJ..Nr-- NlD ~ ~ ~ W 00 O~ ~co 0 MM <OM M a: -.to I- C/) > 15 a: <( ~ :E :J :E i= ::::I C/) => I- U W \.., :J e" lD Q => ::::I c.. III W a: w 10....1 en 0 W 0<C 12 :x: ~ ~=> a.. <C 80 a:: I- w t/) !z :x: N<C I- w => 0 C/) a>coor-- w NM <0 -.t....len -.tM r-- o<C12cMai N (;;~8:~~~ ~ g (J ~ u. __" ~ :! N<CZ . . w CO~ <010 r-- r--o ~ N N ai <ClCO ....M CIa> ~~ NIO err ri r--~ 10 ~<OO NION wts5ts5 IO-.t.... 1Or--a> M~r'f oco r-- o -.to M ~ CO r-- o -.to M ~ or-- ON 0<0 aits5 -.t<O CO M 5: -.t C/) W ~ C/)W a::ln C/) ~a:: ffil-~> C/)u..z<c:5 C/)W a:: I- ffiZ::2I-=> u..~l-oO ~1-~5;;! ~~du..c I-=><Cz~ wu..:x:Qu gs~r5~~ ttl-o:J<C lD5~~~ ~~~t;~ :5o::5~w ~C3~~~ C/) W U z :5 <C lD W > a:: W C/) W a:: ....I ~ o I- i'i' ww cc :x::x: C/)C/) <C<C uu zz 00 6-6- zz 00 ~~ -u ~w 08: ::2w <co \.. C/) w U z :5 <C lD C/) :x: 0 C/) z <C ~C/) => U::::"e>u.. e>C/)Zw ZW~....I Z=>OlD ~~a::~ e>>a::<c wwo> lDa::lD<C W U Z <C Z W C/) I- > ~ :5 ::2>MI- o(l:5w5 NNc/)I-~:x: ~~Z=>>C/) C/)C/)QOa::<c Wl-I-....IWU a:u:~~C/)....I :5~wo::!ii~ ~~~C3~~ 10 o Z => u.. Z o ~ :J ai ~ C/) W ~ 00 00 ~o MO <00 r-- -.to I: Gl "0 "0 ::> '" "0 Q) ~ ~ Gl Q) ~.~ ~'- ::> 'Gl.c .!!l~ c .!!a::~ t'OQ) ~ 5i>.o ~(/) l!! E.!!lcn 01: Q) t::=:;.E co;;; ~ ~0.5 ~8, 5l {l~~ ~lij & d;'~e =13 >. = c..> ~ -=.~ .!!l ~~I- .ro '5 ro-. ~E ~!Ii~E~ 8f!! ~~'(ij~:8 ~~ g-E-oC::2~ ""'0 UGlo~c. 'E~ "O~"O",o ~.9 iQ.5=~ c:"O "'.Eu..~"O OGl Q) Q)'-Q)_f/) ~!.!!!g.5 u..:J <Il .- - '1: <Il C/) Gl -5 ~ ~c..:5 ~~ .~ -g jj -g ~ -g l ~::> ::> en ::> '" 5:;""'"..,;u...- u.-o (/)cnQ.Q>J!l C:S :u .g' ~ .~ ~ ~ '; E~cne-~ .~81 ~ t:: '2 .!B 0 ui :a :; GS:HJ]€~85J!! .C:Q)C:'~ ~ EJ!!"6J.s:.oe.!B0 ec:c:-ea.t1Jc ';;;f!!Wgli2iUa::.- .- C)Q) '- ~- Q) m a>'O=;o:;:;m ~~U)'m....o"Oe? ~ ",{l c.(ij(ij~ g!li ~ :H -fi.~ 5-:a.!!!'~.!B "O~.5 5l ~~:g ~ f!! 5=5 iU'ai 2: ,-C;):J ~ U. co;:; Q.a>S CD ai ro Glg-::>><81"O"E>.c ,0 0 0 ~ .... .!B C'O e? 0 t: -U)"CcoO.....GJ ..e-g.l!lGlenl:lDOO Cfl.S! .....Cilii ~.QlGl ",'~ Wc:\i-ro- U)"CcnQ) I-w.!ilUE<C{lI-.Q '" ~~ &6:~ e