HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2769-03 - ~ RESOLUTION NO. 2769-03 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO EXCHANGE REAL PROPERTY WITH THE CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE WHEREAS, the District is an owner in fee simple of the AI Tahoe Access Road located near AI Tahoe Boulevard and a small parcel at the intersection of D Street and Lake Tahoe Boulevard, both located in the City of South Lake Tahoe at and; and, WHEREAS, the City desires to obtain a portion of the AI Tahoe Access Road for public access to a public ballpark and the District desires to protect itself and its rate payers from liability that may arise out of such public use. WHEREAS, The City desires to obtain the small parcel at the intersection of D Street and Lake Tahoe Boulevard for City purposes and the District has no need to retain this parcel; and, WHEREAS, The City is an owner in fee simple of a portion of Meadow Crest Drive which provides access to the District office and the District desires to obtain this portion of Meadow Crest Drive for District purposes, \r NOW THEREFORE, the Board of Directors finds as follows: The interests of the District, the ratepayers and the general public require the District to exchange the AI Tahoe Access Road and the small parcel at the intersection of D Street and Lake Tahoe Boulevard for the City's Meadow Crest Drive Property. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Directors is adopting a Resolution of Intent to Exchange the AI Tahoe Access Road and a small parcel at the intersection of D Street and Lake Tahoe Boulevard with the City for Meadow Crest Drive as follows: (A) The Board will hear protests to the exchange at its next regular meeting on August 7, 2003 at 2:30 p.m. at the City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, CA. ...... (B) A copy of this resolution will placed in the local newspaper at least one time and three (3) copies of the resolution will be posted in a conspicuous place on each parcel affected for not less than ten (10) days to provide notice to the public of the District's intent. (C) The Board will take final action on the agreement to exchange the properties after hearing any protests at the next regular Board meeting on August 7, 2003 at 2:30 at the City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, CA. \., - \., Resolution No. 2769-03 Page 2 (D) The AI Tahoe Access Road is approximately 1.75 acres and is more particularly described in Exhibit A(1) and depicted on the map in Exhibt A(2) , which are incorporated by reference. The small parcel at the intersection of D Street and Lake Tahoe Boulevard, APN number 32-302-02, is approximately 1 ,225 square feet and is depicted on the map in Exhibit B, which is incorporated by reference. The Meadow Crest Drive property is generally described as Assessor Parcel Nos. 25-061-31 and 21-061-33 and is depicted on the map in Exhibit C, which is incorporated by reference. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting duly held on the 17th day of July, 2003, by the following vote: AYES: Directors Schafer, Jones, Comte, Mosbacher NOES: None \r ABSENT: Director Wallace ..., s R. Jones, Bo th Tahoe Publi ATTEST: \., 4. ~ 1"11.... c..-r '-(,JC,.I....., .,1...l.'::'t.,.I P.21 EXHIBIT A ( 1 ) Common Access Roadway All that real property situated in the City of South Lake Tahoe, County ofEl Dorado, State of Calif ami a, described as follows: All that portion of Parcels 1 and 2 as shown on that certain Record of Survey filed for record on February 18, 1988, in Book 15 of Record of Surveys at Page 90, Document No. 8196, said Parcels being a portion of the N.W. 114 of Section 2, and of the N.E. ~ of Section 3, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.M., more particularly described as follows: Conunencing at the N. 1/16 COl'ner of said Section 2 and 3; thence North 00001 '35" East 801.43 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNmG; thence North 66046'16" East 209.71 feet; thence South 631:;31 '28" East 112.11 feet; thellce South 53013'22" West 106.20 feet; thence South 60047'01" West 110.12 feet; thence South 67045'11"West 182.07 feet; thence South 61 <:122'30" West 107.58 feet; thence South 50028'55" West 149.38 feet; thence North 37057'53" West 126.65 feet; thence along a non-tangent curve having a chord bearing and length of North 56006'43" East 284.37 feet, said curve being concave to the Southeast having a central angle of 8e09'13", an arc length of284.62 feet and a radius of 2000.00 feet; Thence North 66046'16" East 130.61 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1.75 acres (76,209.3 sq. ft.) more or less. K :\Acq~j$ i ti onlE:.sen1en t5lNan~ _ ListlEx hibi ts_8-E_el_ dorndo_coJ"lll field _ usemenl.doc TOTAL P.21 EXHIBIT A (2) '-' . o ~ - ~Z ,. EXHIBIT B ~ \., \..,. - ....- ......Tiafw:f"iw1Hii11i _on "'.. "1 ., .... ---- 3OHYJ.msJOI.J.O :RtUUllIIClOl 1IttlJ.$~ IlIS\Oll !INI1L.L3S IllUYJ."1lS ~ NOI.lJfJlI.J.SNO::ml.J.N3W3A lid a!IV A37f1O(1 3OHY.l 3JI'I7 lIIIJ SIf'f'W ~ III~II .:i.~: .....-- - ~- OIjO~ DN/>1/11 \ \ \ \ i \ \ \ \ \. .... ~\ \ C> \~ \..J Ez (f) O. ..J -" (f) ..J Z ~ "", 0:: ~ o u 0 ....-=> ;;> I-: 0 0---0 -----, <(..J.!. I- <(0 \ I-: ,.... Z W., :!..JO 0 :cg \ (f)t3';' u W~ Q~ N W W" \, w CL '" Cl 0:: \ (f) 0 <( U""" - o 0:: Z":::: a..Z'2 C) OeD Ol/l^ U . a::: <( '""- C) ..J a.. m< Z <.:> <i In ~~ - ~ X (f) 0- W XO WI- II. II) I A~ ~Ifl Q..C\I t-t'I \f) -'" c c + C'IJ PT = 1+75.31 ~. clolP ----..... / -', ../ .......,. ,I' '....... / I' I i I I I , j 1 ~ : Z o ~~ CQ---.. /' / ( I uJ o -r 4. \- uJ '::L 4. ~ "'" '''''' . \, -'-, ". " -..... ... ...... , "'- -, .....,"".. ", " " " , ". f." ~ \.., ," : \2.0 I 1 N EXHIBIT C \A~~ ~A\\\{~' \.oV\Y\$l.. ~~ ~~ 95 '-' \"'-.':: ;. .... C:,'-- ': ". "OF INTi~av..~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE 'SOUTH TAAOE pveuc U1lUTY DISTRICT TO PR()'te~RftJE ,CITY OFSOUTij '" LAf<E TAHf?E: WhtE!A.... ,EAS. .'.' :\Ile. ;:Qlst. l'lCt Isan. . '. :/i'l ~~PIe of .1hlt~oe Access ROactlocated,I'1ta' AI ~ hoe Boulevam ana a smell ~ at:t/1(l. tl!8r- H seotlOnOf D Streett and I:tcJ=ln=, SoI#hI..a'-,:T_ at and; arid, . " WHI;REAS, the OIly de- 81re1r.~ 'ir=. to the teet vera ( ~ ~!UbI~ '~$;' 'de-' slreato 0 all, parcel at '. IOn 01 D Street ..... Ta- hoe BouMrd 'Ity t:no~~~ !hit! \., paretJ;~; " W,f:fEREAS. an'()W\'18rlififlllf; a portion ,of Crest Drive w ~~to de8/,... to~ ,.~Qf,. .' ,..,tqt:, .. ;. ;,", NOW THEREF ..,~0I' as folIowa: The 01 the Olstl1Qt. ~ers 'and the' " IIdr.qollldhe, o ellchingethe AI) '. AoCeS$ ROad ":"', small Ptl'lltI at !Mtlnter. . sectloiiof b StrMf; and . ~ . T~ Bo~vard ~ ~.rDrt~~:'~ . i NOW THEREFOR(be It , resoWed _ thelSUrd oft Directors, IS' ~ a =:;::~, ACcJ"~andilijmall pare8laFtht;lrJterllilCtlon 01.0 StrMt and Lakct Ta- hoe ,J:lou/evNd with the Oily,. for M'1adoW CI'IllIt Drive as follOws: (A) The Board wilt !lear prot8$ts to the exchange at ,Its nt,; xl ~rsgular meet- ~&oon p.-;r~:{~. C~' CounQII lJ'T1lIfTlD8rs, 1900 Lake 11IhOe ' Boulevard. SOuthLakct Ta- B12 South Lake : 'q.iI.llhi ;'"hll' f,o!,( pc, luO[j ~~~~~~:o~ cal . newspaper' at !!t. one ,time and three (3) CQl)les of the resolution win be posted in a con- ~cuous 'pmce on each parcel ,affe$d for not leU inan tWl (lO) days to Df:OVltl'I1Qt1Ce to the.pub- Ik: oJtlWQl8trf!l1=8 mtBnt. if} The Board will take nal action on the agree- ! mant . to exchange \he 'I' properties atter hearing an.'fp.rotes,ts at 'the, n.extl' ~Iar~ mee~1ng on .~ 7..2003 at 2:30 at the 'City, Council Cham. ber8,1900 Lake llshQe Solifilvard. SOu1h Lake Tllhoe. CiA. (O) Th& AI Tahoe Access Ft</8d Is approximately 1.,75 ~s, and 1$. more particularly described In exhibit A( 1} and depicted Ol'f the maP In E:xhibit A(2). wtiIch "re incorpo- rated by ,.,terence. The small pajtl81 at the Intel'- . ~ '9f D Street arid 'l.JIke Tel'Iolt Boulevard. APN number';~li02'02. Is approxh'n,atfllY 1,225 squaref_t and rs dePICt. ed on the ,map In Exhibit . e. which 1$ IncQrporated by reference. The Mead- ow Crest Drive property 1$ generally described as Assessor Parcel Nos. 25- 061-31 and 21-061-33 and Is depicted on the map In Exhibit C.which Is lnoorporatap by,.reference and can be vIeWed upon request to the Clerk of Board.' . ' , WE. THE . UNOER- SIGNED. do herel)ycerfl. fy that the above and foregoing ~tlon was duly and regularly adopt- ed and passed by the Board of Directors of South TahoePUb\lCUtlllty District at a regular meet- !rig duly held on the 17th ctay of July. 2003. by the fOlIewlng vote: AVES: NOES: ' '-' -. -, \.., State of California AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ) )ss ) ) A r--.<::', " II Q A-' 'L......"....:::> ""l. lO,- V ~ County of EI Dorado I, JoAn '77J/e/ ,being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That for and on behalf of the Clerk of Board of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, affiant posted copies of A Resolution of Intention by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility district to Exchange Real Property with the City of South Lake Tahoe in form attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, in several publicaUy accessible locations as follows: 1. 7llrE'e ;'Cd.4'pns ~17 /fPI'(.72 -$02 - (l;2. ~.,l -rho( /n-!er.rec..,,(Jn ~~ Lat.e uhoe Blvd. ~l1d V'-;'I'lJ Rd. ,P14c~d (?n $'~kr t:trovn d f,,;d ;PnJ,Per& 2. 7h'~e /tJCd+,pnJ' 4?n ~p~ 2~-O~/ -/2 And 25" - (/5'1- Z1 ~/o,!! The new AI 7ah4l~ Acct'.I"s ;RtJttd. .Placed"~ ~t! C. ':H7.r!rvv-/'O n ?(),r f t:( I- ~e.. enr'rLnce. trl1d fwo In-kr,--c:;,... /oC"t.f-h'onr neqr TrCl;/S. 3. That said posting was completed on the 2003 -' /)1/,(/.r1 v Subscribed and sworn to me this day of 20 Clerk of the Board SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~iliune "-. .~079 Harrison Avenue, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 ~775) 881-1201 Account Number: #01100972 South Tahoe Public Utility 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 TERRY DIXON says: That (s)he is a legal clerk of the TAHOE DAILY TRIBUNE a daily newspaper published at South Lake Tahoe, in the ' State of California. Resolution of Intention Resolution No. 2769-03 Ad#03511437 of which a copy is hereto attached, was published in said L ~ewspaper for the full required period of 1 time commenc- .." Ig on July 25, 2003 and ending on July 25, 2003, both days inclusive. Signed: , (L!~ STATEMENT: l. Date ...... 7/25/03 Amount Credit Balance $117.06 $117.06 Statement of Publication R~', ~ NB:' .,et-oa hoe, CA, '" ARE., .UTIONOF ' INTIS , . .av, T~e (B) A, copy of this ,reso., . BOA,ROOF,Pl.fI ECTOR! lIQn',W111 Placed,' In ~lo. OFTHE SOUTH TAHOE CIJl neW#lpaper III few PUlitUCO'tILlTY ' Ollf t.!me andthi'ee (3) DISTRICT TO llOP\ell ,of the resolUtIon excHANGE REAL wIfJ" be posted In a con- PROf'ERTY WITH THE .plc;uous , place ,on each CITY OF SOUTH p$Ce1 ~ed for not LAKiUAHOE ' Iesi than. ten (10) days to , " . .' ' ~t:lf~1l>Ihe~ WHEAEA15{" the Ol~Iki"~e'pl~lI1tElrit. la lil'I f)WNr' Il'I '1M 8lh'lPIe ' " ... of Ihe AI' Tal\Qlt' ACce8e, (C) The Board wlll t~e Road lOcated, "eilr AI "ftl. f\~., ' hoe Boulevard ai'1<l a 1181 actil)n on the agree- smaD parcel atltWllnter- m.,t to exchan~ the section of D Street and P'Wl8rtles after h8arlng Ulke Tahoe Boulevard, any protes, 18 at the' ne, xt bOth loCated In the CIty of regulaf Board ~on South Lake Tahoe at AUgI,ISt 7; 2003 at2:~ at andi and.' the ,City, CouncR, ... 1900 Lakf, Tahoe, CA; to) 'The AI Tahoe~ ROad 1s approximately 1.7$ ~ and la more particlJlarly described In ~hlbItA(1) !lOd~ ~the '.~ ltI echlblt' A(2). wl'lldl' are InQOrpo" rated by reference. The smli/! .,~' at the Inter- ~n Of D Street and I.li/(e Tahoe BOiJlevard" APNn!lfll!:ler ~~.l)2, IS approXImately '.5 : squarefeetilnd r. _Ct. ed on the map In ExhIbit B, which IS Il'\9Ol'POf8ted by referenee. The Mead. f:iN Crest Drive property 18 generally described as Assessor Parcel Nos, 25- 061.31 and 21-()61.33 and is depicted on the map in ExhlbltC, which Is Incorporated by AlfElrence andean be ..~ upQn request to. the Clerk of Board.",' WE, THE {~- SIGNED,do ~','" tv that the abQve:and fOregOing., ..... " dllly and '. ad and passed Board of Directors of South Tahoe~J.llIll I)lstrlct at a ~lIr m. '.~ duly held on tl1$;t. ,. '., '~~~~!:!~tttt' AYESti.';;f.fo: NOES: ABSENT: IslJal11~~. Board res South ~ ,PublIc, UtIlity District ' ATTEST: 181 Clerk Ex-otfttJO Boafd of Pub: JUly , AdI03S11437 ~'-1 use. " , ,..,/ , : . ", ,:..;. ,~' . wHERW; ~'elt#~ sires to obtain the ~I parcel at the il'lter$ectlQn 01 D Street and Lake J$- hoe. Boulevard 10. ;,-.ciIiV pu~~ an<f tl1e I)Isjj:ICt ha$'l)o'n.no rtiAlntJlls parcel; and,.' . WHEREAS, The CltYJs ail owner in fee slmpr"qf a 'portion of Mea. Crest D .rlve whiCh I'.ro-.. vides acce8S to. the trict offICe and the D . flct desires to. obtain thl$' por- tion of ~. ~t ~~e for.Ditftlct ~ NOW THEREFPfUt;\j;.. " Boafd of Dlreetorsflrids as follow.:, The Intef.fiIt\s of the OlstrIcI, them" " pa re and..~ .. " I pu~c require the to ~Change the AI TatlOe Access R08l:f 8/'10' tfre 'Smallparcet.at,N..'.InIf., '.. HCtIon.9f D St...~' ~ . 'tatloe BoLIlfjvlld for th.Citv-S ..~ , crestOrlvePr~, " ' . NOW THEREFOFlE, belt 1'8$0~ lhllt the eo.rctof Ol,ectors is adOptlng'a Re8oIUt!On of Intent ,!'to exchange the, AI Tat\Qe ~ "oad ~d~"" parcel at the lntereectlon of [) Street and La~ fa- . hOe Boulevard wlth the City for Meadow. CfIlst Drive as follows: (A) The Board will hear protests to the exChange at Its next regular meet- Ing on Augu. . at7, 2003. at 2~ p.m. at . thf- City CouncIl Chambere, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. South Ulke Ta-