HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-16-06 \., SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Richard Solbrig, General Ma,~er Eric W. Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS Paul Sciuto, Assistant Manag~ Duane Wallace, Vice President James R. Jones, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Tom Comte, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 16, 2006 MINUTES \., The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, March 16,2006,2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 lake Tahoe Boulevard, South lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Schafer, Directors Jones, Wallace, Comte, Mosbacher. ROll CAll STAFF: Solbrig, Sciuto, Sharp, McFarlane, Cocking, Brown, Bergsohn, Attorney Kvistad Moved Comte I Second Wallace I Passed Unanimouslv to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: CONSENT CALENDAR a. New lab Truck - Authorized staff to advertise for bids for the purchase of a new Dodge Dakota mini-pickup truck (or equivalent); b. Alpine County's Summer 2006 Fish Purchases - Authorized payment to Alpine County in the amount of $42,000; '" .. c. Bayview Well Controls Building Facility Design - .., Authorized increase to Purchase Order No. P16097 in the amount of $32,259 for work items added; REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 16, 2006 PAGE. 2 \., d. Bayview Wells Controls Building Facility - Approved Change Order No.1 to K.G. Walters Construction Co. Inc., in the amount of $29,521.35; e. Ordinance No. 494-06 Providing for the Time and Place for Regular Board Meetings - Enacted Ordinance changing the location for Regular Board Meetings to be held from the City Council Chambers to the District Office, beginning May 4, 2006; f. Board Policy Section 2020: Appo~tment of Directors - Approved additional language clarifying rules applicable to filling Board vacancies; g. Board Policy Section 2070: Clerk of the Board - Approved language to include reference to Assistant Clerk of the Board; h. Board Policy Section 2080: legal Counsel and Auditor - Approved additional language pertaining to auditing and accounting systems; '-' i. Board Policy Section 2140: Business Expenses, Credit Card, Vehicle Use & Reimbursement Policy - Approved amendment pertaining to the most economic form of transportation; j. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: February 16, 2006. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION This project includes installation of 3,850 feet of 18" waterline from the new Bayview Well on San Francisco and continuing down Bellevue and Modesto streets to Harrison Avenue where it will connect to the recently approved Highway 50 project. The waterline is sized to accommodate the 3,600 gpm from Bayview Well with minimal increases in neighborhood pressures. New fire hydrants, water services, and system interties are also included in the project. Paul Sciuto reported three bids were received at the March 14 bid opening. '-' BAYVIEW WATERLINE REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 16, 2006 PAGE. 3 '-' Moved Comte I Second Jones I Passed Unanimously to award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, T & S Construction Co., Inc., in the amount of $1,395,525.00. BAYVIEWWATERLlNE (continued) Moved Comte I Second Jones I Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $875,939.00. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Water and Wastewater Ooerations Committee: The committee met March 13. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Committee: A Board Workshop will be held on March 22 to review the draft budget. The May 4 Public Meeting will be held at Barton Hospital, in their board room. Lukins Water Comoanv Ad Hoc Committee: A meeting BOARD MEMBER AD HOC was held with Lukins representatives to ascertain COMMITTEE REPORTS whether there is enough interest on the District's part to take the next step of having its own appraisal done to determine the system's actual value. Staff and the ad hoc committee will look more into this issue and bring it to the -., full board with their recommendation. Director Jones reported on his attendance at the BOARD MEMBER REPORTS February ACWA Washington D.C. conference. He distributed a summary of his activities and associated costs. General Manaoer: Richard Solbrig reported on six items: GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS 1) He will research the intent behind the invitation for the District to participate in a MOU with the Corp of Engineers and other utility district's around the lake to jointly apply for grant funds to remove sewer lines out of shore zones. It could be beneficial if the grant could be tied to asset management. Once he has a full under- standing, he will give his recommendation to the Board. 2) The District and EPA co-hosted a joint asset manage- ment training conference March 8 and 9. The District maintains a $20 billion system, and implementing a good asset management program will ensure it is here for future generations. 3) A union healthcare subcommittee is gathering information on healthcare options. '-' REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 16, 2006 PAGE. 4 \., 4) He met with the new City Planning Director to discuss street overlays and trenching. They also discussed the possibility of sharing a crew that the city could use in the winter for snow removal, and the District could use them in the summer for waterline installations. 5) A Special Board Meeting was held March 7 and Roebbelen's request for substitution of the roofing subcon- tractor for the customer service facility was approved. 6) Staff will meet with the CTe March 17 to discuss the MOU and grant funding for utility relocation issues. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS (continued) District Information Officer: Dennis Cocking reported the governor's massive infrastructure bill did not make the June ballot. STAFF REPORTS 3:10 - 3:15 P.M. MEETING BREAK AND ADJOURN- MENT TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION 3:55 P.M. ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION ~ No reoortable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (One Case) No reoortable Board action Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Beth Jett, Kendall Pearce, and Pearce Family Trust Dated 1-20-88 vs. STPUD, Cox & Cox Construction, Inc., a California Corporation, Nimbus Engineers, a Nevada Corporation and Does 1-100, Inclusive, Civil Action No. PC 20050567, Superior Court, County of EI Dorado. State of Ca. No reoortable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of land in Alpine County, Ca.; et a/., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S-02-0238 MCE JFM \.., REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 16, 2006 PAGE. 5 No reoortable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with legal Counsel- Existing Litigation re: Meyers landfill Site: United States of America VS. EI Dorado County and City of South lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. '-' 3:55 P.M. AOJOURNMENT -. ATTEST: ~-J-i, ~~' ^li Kathy Sharp, rk of the Bo rd South Tahoe Public Utility District \., ~ . . w ~ C \., '-' e> z - .... W.... Ww :Ew UJ%: ~UJ OZ ..... oz we> ~- _UJ c.... LLUJ OW C:) ~e> ~ OJ - 1M II lit ::::. ~ :::'1:-- , ~ ~. hi <(w ~~ 0<( LLa::: ~o CJ)LL i:z t-O LL- ot: ZO o~ -0 t-w ~a::: D..D.. ~<( Ot- 00 t=-z o~ <( ~~ O>=, ~ 0:: :@ w~ [![l ~~ ::::.. J: Z @ic t: <( ::::=IE 3: ~ [I~:I:::' w .... .:.: '.':' 00 @:.:.. ~~~ I~ 1 - - I