HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 05-18-06 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, May 18,2006 2:00 P.M. District Office 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbri ,General Mana er Eric W. Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS Paul Sciuto, Assistant Mana er Duane Wallace, Vice President James R. Jones, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Tom Comte, Director 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. Five-minute limit. No action will be taken.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be discussed and consider-ed separately upon request.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION I DISCUSSION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION a. 2006 Asphalt Patching Services Pg.37 (Randy Curtis) Award Bid to the Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bidder (Bid results will be presented at the Board meeting) b. Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget: Pg.39 Fiscal Year 2006-07 (Rhonda McFarlane) Adopt Resolution No. 2809-06 Adopting the Budget for the Sewer Enterprise Fund REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - MAY 18, 2006 PAGE-2 c. Water Enterprise Fund Budget Pg.43 Fiscal Year 2006-07 (Rhonda McFarlane) d. Rate Amendment Ordinance No. 495-06 Pg. 47 (Lisa Coyner) Adopt Resolution No. 2810-06 Adopting the Budget for the Water Enterprise Fund Enact Ordinance No. 495-06 Amending Ordinance No. 464, Administrative Code Sections 3.1.49 and 3.1.50 Water Rate Schedules, and Section 4.1.12 Sewer Rate Schedule, and Superceding Ordinance No. 491-05 in its Entirety e. Payment of Claims Pg.53 Approve Payment in the Amount of $1,306,782.12 7. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones I Comte) b. Finance Committee (Wallace / Schafer) c. Executive Committee (Schafer / Wallace) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher / Schafer) 8. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Union Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee (Wallace / Comte) b. Building Ad Hoc Committee (Mosbacher / Jones) c. Indian Creek Reservoir Water Storage Ad Hoc Committee (Mosbacher I Jones) 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 10. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 11. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS (Discussion may beheld on these items; however, no action will be taken) a. Fire Protection Requirements b. Update on Waterline Projects TRPA Permits c. CTC (California Tahoe Conservancy) MOU re: Utility Relocation Grant Funding for Erosion Control Projects 12. STAFF REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 13. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS I EVENTS Past Meetinas I Events 05/05/06 - Lake Tahoe Executives Quarterly Meeting 05/08/06 - 05/12/06 - ACWA Spring Conference 05/12/06 - California Tahoe Conservancy Meeting 05/15/06 - Operations Committee Meeting REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - MAY 18, 2006 PAGE-3 Future Meetinas I Events OS/24/06 - 8:00 a.m. - EI Dorado County Water Agency Regular Board Meeting in PVille OS/29/06 - Memorial Day Holiday (District Office Closed 05/30/06 - 4:00 p.m. - Operations Committee Meeting at District Office 06/01/06 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at District Office 14. CLOSED SESSION a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Real Estate Negotiations Pg. 73 Negotiating Parties: Board Ad Hoc Committee, General Manager, Assistant General Manager/Engineer, Chief Financial Officer Under Negotiation: Terms and Price Property Identification: Lukins Water Company, 2031 West Way, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Pg. 75 Existing Litigation re: Beth Jett, Kendall Pearce, and Pearce Family Trust dated 1-20-88 vs. South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District, Cox & Cox Construction, Inc., a California Corporation, Nimbus Engineers, a Nevada Corporation and Does 1-100, inclusive, Civil Action No. PC 20050567, Superior Court, County of EI Dorado, State of California. c. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Pg.77 Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, California; et aI., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S-02-0238 MCE JFM d. Pursuant to Govemment Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Pg.79 Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. 5-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. e. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Pg.81 Anticipated Litigation (Two Cases) f. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Conference with Labor Pg. 83 Negotiators: Agency Negotiators: Richard Solbrig/General Manager, Rhonda McFarlane/Chief Financial Officer, Ross Johnson/Plant Operations Manager, Directors Wallace and Comte/Union Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee Employee Organizations: International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Local 39; Agency/Employee Health Care Options Subcommittee 15. ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 16. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, June 1,2006,2:00 p.m.) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - MAY 18, 2006 PAGE-4 The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during .Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations for the disabled are needed (i.e., disability-related aids, or other services), please contact the Clerk of the Board at 530.544.6474, extension 6203, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR MAY 18, 2006 ITEMS REQUESTED ACTION a. Customer Service, Operations and Laboratory Pg.1 Facility (Jim Hoggatt) Approve Change Order NO.4 to Roebbelen Contracting, Inc., in the Amount of $223,400 b. Lake Tahoe Restoration Act - Stormwater Study Pg. 7 (Ivo Bergsohn) Approve Task Order No. 1-A Between the District and 2nd Nature Consulting Services, in the Amount of $6,100 c. Move Into New Headquarters Buildings Pg. 13 (Linda Brown) Authorize Staff to Request Proposals from Professional Moving Companies d. Water Meters and Parts Pg.15 (Tracy Martin) (1) Waive Bidding Procedures, as Outlined in the Purchasing Policy, for Standardized Equipment to be Purchased from the Sole Area Supplier; and (2) Authorize Purchase of Water Meters and Parts from Western Nevada Supply in the Amount of $34,735 e. SCADA and 2-Way (Voice) Base Radios Pg.17 (John Boyson) (1) Waive Bidding Procedures, as Outlined in the Purchasing Policy, for Standardized Equipment to be Purchased from the Sole Area Supplier; and (2) Approve Purchase of Two (2) MTR2000 Base Stations for SCADA and 2-Way (Voice) Radios, Including Antenna System and Startup Services, in the Amount of $38,248.21, Plus Tax and Shipping CONSENT CALENDAR - MAY 18,2006 PAGE-2 f. Proposition 50 Integrated Regional Water Pg. 23 Management Plan Grant (Lynn Nolan) Authorize Entering into a Memoran- dum of Understanding Adopting Plan g. Regular Board Meeting Minutes: Pg. 31 April 20, 2006 (Kathy Sharp) Approve Minutes South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 · Facsimile 530.541.0614 . www.stpud.us General Manager Richard H: Solbrig South Tahoe Public Utility District Directors rom Cornte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe .CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530541-0614. www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Hoggatt, Construction Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: May 18, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Customer Service, Operations and Laboratory Facility REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order No.4 to Roebbelen Contracting, Inc., in the amount of $223,400. DISCUSSION: The itemized parts of Change Order No.4 are as follows: Part A, in the amount of $7,798, is for changes made for the Operations and Laboratory building roof drains. The original plan was for the contractor to connect the roof drains to an existing storm sewer that was shown on the plans within 5-feet of the building. The contractor was unable to locate this existing storm drain and had to extend his line to the nearest storm drain. Part S, in the amount of $7,440, is for the fire line expansion loops and boxes. The original design called for expansion loops that would not fit in the area provided and had to be changed. Part C, in the amount of $22,087, is for changes to the Operations and Laboratory room. Operations staff requested the changes as the original design did not have an exhaust fan and they wanted a stronger counter top material. Part D, in the amount of $16,121, is for work performed on time, and material for additional roof support for the Customer Service Building. Part E, in the amount of $2,539, is for the additional countertop supports, as the original design did not call for them. Part F, in the amount of $2,007, is for changes to the door of mechanical room 115 from a swing-in to a swing-out. This change was made to make additional space available in the mechanical room. Part G, in the amount of $10,953, is for the relocation of the electrical panels and transformer from mechanical room 115 to allow additional space to install the mechanical equipment in the room. Part H, in the amount of $1,613, is for additional electrical outlets in both Operations and Customer Service lunchrooms for the microwave ovens. Part I, in the amount of $2,477, is for additional rafter supports that were required in the Customer Service Building. -1- Part J, in the amount of $5,939, is for additional welding and shimming required for the roof trusses that were not part of the original design. Part K, in the amount of $3,636, is for the additional roof support along CMU wall in Customer Service Building. Part L, in the amount of $89,253, is for the audio visual equipment and installation in the boardroom. Part M, in the amount of $6,701, is for additional wiring and starters for four (4) pumps in the mechanical room. The original design did not provide the wiring or starters for these pumps. Part N, in the amount of $4,244, is for the relocation of exhaust fan wall covers due to conflict with the structural components. Part 0, in the amount of $14,430, is for the changes to the electrical outlet and casework in the laboratory for owner furnished equipment. Part P, in the amount of $8,171, is for the relocation of the air-intake vents. The original design had them located where they could be covered with snow. Part Q, in the amount of $6,039, is for the change to a plastic-laminate toe-kick on all the casework for the project. The original design did not identify a toe-kick material. Part R, in the amount of $3,566, is for an electrical service to an exhaust fan that was required on the mechanical plans. Part S, in the amount of $8,386, is to provide and install an electrical roller shade for the skylight in the boardroom. Staff recommends approval of Change Order No.4. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $223,400 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8401/DSTHDQ & 2029-8677/DSTHDQ BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: <$1,516,457> ATTACHMENTS: Change Order NO.4 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: Water -2- CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 4 Project Customer Service Facility and Wastewater Operations/Laboratorv BuildinQ Contractor Roebbelen ContractinQ, Inc. Date Mav 18, 2006 PO # P16294 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: A. Provide labor, material and equipment to install the roof drains to the storm sewer as modified in RFI #41 for a lump sum not to exceed $ 7,798.00. See attachment A, COR 19-CE 015, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM A IS $7,798.00 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 4 IS A+B+ C + D+ E+ F +G + H +I+J+K+ L+ M + N+ 0 +P+ Q+ R+S= $223,400.00 Dollar Amounts Contract Time Original Contract $9,498,000.00 Previous Change Orders $ 202,312.00 Current Contract $9,700,312.00 THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 223,400.00 New Contract Total $9,923,712.00 Contractor agrees to make the herein-described changes in accordance with the terms hereof. The change in contract price and/or contract time noted is full settlement for costs incurred as a result of the change(s) described, unless specifically noted in individual description(sl. Date: Authorized By STPUD Board President Date: Accepted By Contractor Date: Reviewed By -3- 1 B. Provide material and laborer and equipment to install the expansion loops and boxes including heat tape as required in RFI 56 and 56A for a lump sum amount of $7,440.00. See attachment B, COR 25-CE 37, for breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM B IS $7,440.00 C. Provide laborer, material and equipment to provide the changes to the Lab room #167 as described in PR #1 fora lump sum amount of $22,087.00. See attachment C, COR 28-CE42, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM C IS $22,087.00 D. Provide laborer, material and equipment to provide support for the roof decking as required by ASI #30 for a lump sum amount of $16,121.00. Work performed on Time and Material see attachment 0, COR 30-CE 48, for the breakdown of all cost. Additional time requested will be evaluated at later date. TOTAL FOR ITEM 0 IS $16,121.00 E. Provide laborer, material and equipment to provide the Mockett Supports at 48-inch centers as required in RFI #27 for a lump sum price of $2,539.00. See attachment E, COR 38-CE 18, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM E IS $2,539.00 F. Provide laborer, material and equipment to change the door swing for door #115 per ASI #31 for a lump sum of $2,007.00. See attachment F, COR 42-CE 67, for breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM F IS $ 2,007 .00 G. Provide laborer, material and equipment for the changes to the electrical panels in room 115 as described in ASI #33 for a lump sum amount of $10,953.00. See attachment G, COR 43-CE 69, for breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM GIS $10,953.00 H. Provide laborer, material and equipment to provide additional electrical service to the range and microwave as required in RFI 1 91 & 194 for a lump sum amount of $1,613.00. See attachment H, COR 45-CE 62, for the breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM HIS $1,613.00 I. Provide laborer, material and equipment to add C 8X11.5 to support rafter tails as required by RFI #176 & 176A for a lump sum of $2,477.00. See attachment I, COR46-CE 60, for a breakdown of all cost. Additional time requested to be determined at a later date. TOTAL FOR ITEM liS $2,477.00 -4- 2 J. Provide laborer, material and equipment to weld additional rebar and Shims to trusses per RFI 156 & 156A and 142 for a lump sum cost of $5,939.00. This includes RCI and MIW cost. See attachment J, COR 47-CE 46, for breakdown of all cost. Additional time requested will be evaluated at later date. TOTAL FOR ITEM J IS $5,939.00 K. Provide laborer, material and equipment to install additional support along grid lines 1 from D to F, 17 from D to F, and L from 4 to 6 as required by ASI #35 for a lump sum of $3,636.00. See attachment K, COR 48-CE # 72, for breakdown of all cost. Additional time requested will be evaluated at later date. TOTAL FOR ITEM K IS $3,636.00 L. Add Anderson Audio Visual as a subcontract to provide and install the audiovisual equipment FOR THE Board Room 134 as outlined Districts COR 51 letter dated 4/24/2006 for a lump sum amount of $89,253.00. See attachment L, COR51-CE 111, for breakdown of all cost and scope of work. TOTAL FOR ITEM LIS $89,253.00 M. Provide laborer, material and equipment for the extra wiring and starters to pumps as identified in RFI #250 for a lump sum amount of $6,701.00. See attachment M, COR 53-CE 77, for a breakdown of all cost. Additional time requested will be evaluated at later date. TOTAL FOR ITEM M IS $6,701.00 N. Provide laborer, material and equipment to relocate wall caps for EF-l and EF-3 and re-route EF-10 as identified in RFI 253 & 254 for a lump sum amount of $4,244.00. See attachment N, COR 54-CE 89, for a breakdown of all cost. Additional time requested will be evaluated at later date. TOTAL FOR ITEM N IS $4,244.00 O. Provide laborer, material and equipment to provide additional electrical outlets and modifications to lab casework as requested in COR 50 for a lump sum amount of $14,430.00. See attachment 0, COR50-CE1 08, for a breakdown of all cost. Additional time requested will be evaluated at a later date. TOTAL FOR ITEM 0 IS $14,430.00 P. Relocate the air intake end caps for fan coils 20,21,22 above corridor 174 on grid line 15 of Lab building as directed in RFI 257 for a lump sum amount of $8,171.00. See attachment P, COR 55-CE92, for breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM P IS $8,171.00 -5- 3 O. Provide laborer, material and equipment to provide a plastic laminated toe kick for all casework for both buildings for a lump sum amount of $6,039.00. See attachment 0, COR 62-CE 81, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM a IS $6,039.00 R. Provide laborer, material and equipment to install an electrical service to fan #13 as required by RFI 278 for a lump sum amount of $3,566.00. See attachment R, COR 64-CE97, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM R IS $3,566.00 S. Provide laborer, material and equipment to install an electric operated roller shade for skylight in Board Room 134 for a lump sum amount of $8,386.00. See attachment S, COR 68-CE100, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM 5 IS $8,386.00 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 4 IS A+B+ C+D +E+ F +G + H +1 +J+ K+L+M + N + 0 + P+ Q+ R+S= $223,400.00 -6- 4 0enetell Manager Richara H. Sol17rig South Tahoe Public Utility District D/~"'ector5 Tom Comu James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe' CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474' Fax 530541-0614. www.stpud,us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: . . Board of Directors FROM: Ivo Bergsohn, Hydro-Geologist MEETING DATE: May 18, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Lake Tahoe Restoration Act (L TRA) - Stormwater Study REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Task Order No. 1-A between the District and 2nd Nature Consulting Services, in the amount of $6,100. DISCUSSION: Task Order No. 1-A increases the total for purchase order P15735 by $6,100. Added time was required by the consultant to prepare and complete the technical report, including addressing multiple agency review comments, and preparing an oral presentation to the Board on April 6, 2006. Staff believes that the added time to complete these tasks was warranted. All deliverables for this project have been completed and provided to the District. Approval of Task Order No. 1-A will allow this project to be closed. SCHEDULE: Not time sensitive COSTS: $6,100 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-4405/HCPLAN BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $545,949 ATTACHMENTS: Task Order No. 1-A CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES 1l1.J../ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: Water -7- .. , ( - 2ND NATURE CONSULTING SERVICES TASK ORDER NO.1-A This Agreement is made and entered into as of the 19th day of May, 2006 by and between South Tahoe Public Utility District, hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT" and 2NDNATURE, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT". In consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and conditions as addressed in the Master Agreement dated November 1, 2004 and as specifically hereinafter set forth, the parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. PURPOSE Provide Hydro-geologic consulting services for the primary goal of determining if stormwater loads are inadvertently im pacting shallow groundwater via erosion control projects at various locations in and around the City of South Lake Tahoe, County of EI Dorado, California. 2. SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of this amended Task Order is to inaease the purchase order to reflect the additional time required by CONSULTANT for data evaluation, technical report preparation and presentation with respect to the scope of work performed according to Task Order 1. A full description of services performed for this Amended Task Order 1- A is contained in CONSULTANT's correspondence dated May 2, 2006. Said correspondence is attached hereto and becomes a part ofthis Amended Task Order by reference herein. 3. ST AFFI NG Services were perfonned under the direction of Nicole G. Beck, Ph.D., Principal, and Project Manager. CONSULTANT shall not change staffing without approval by DISTRICT. Any changes shall provide for equivalent qualifications as far as possible and practical. 4. TIME OF PERFORMANCE CONSULTANT acknowledges that the work under this scope has already been completed. This is a grant-funded project. The oral presentation was made to the South Tahoe Public Utility District's Board of Directors on April 6, 2006. 5. PAYMENT Payment to CONSULTANT for services performed under this Amended Task Order 1- A shall be in accordance with CONSULTANT'S Proposed Budget . (dated August 6, S:\Contracts\Task Orders\2ND Nature\2nd Nature TO #~.doc 1 -9- (~'. ., . .. 2004) for the persons assigned to the project task, and amended to indude the additional costs incurred pursuant to CONSULTANT's correspondence attached hereto. CONSULTANT shall complete all tasks for a cost not to exceed $6,100. The cost ceiling for this Task Order shall not exceed $100,000 and will not be exceeded except as provided in Article IV of the Master Agreement. 6. LABOR CODE REQUI REMENTS All State of Califomia prevailing wage laws must be complied with in the performance of work related to this Task Order. These include, but are not limited to, Labor Code Sections 1720 through 1860. 7. INSURANCE COVERAGE CONSULTANT's Errors & Omissions coverage shall be $1,000,000 aggregate with a deductible of not more than $100,000 for the duration of this Task Order. 8. EFFECTIVE DATE This Amended Task Order No. 1-A will become effective upon execution by both parties and shall serve as a Notice to Proceed upon execution by District. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed by the Assistant General Manager and ClerK of the Board of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and CONSULTANT has caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Mav 18. 2006 Board Approval Date Paul A. Sciuto, Asst General Manager/Engineer . & .ATTEST: KATHY SHARP, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 2ND NATURE Nicole G. Beck, Ph.D., Principal Date S:\Contracts\Task Orders\2ND Nature\2nd Nature TO i1A.doc 2 -10- 2NDNATURE .. A UMITED UABIUTY COMPANY ( ~ ECOSYSTEM SCIENCE +DESIGN May 2, 2006 VIA EMAll Ivo Bergsohn South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 RE: 2NDNATURE invoice #02-319-34 Dear Ivo, In response to your request for more information regarding the above 2ND NATURE invoice, we are providing details on the tasks performed. Invoice #02-319-34 is the final invoice that will be sent to the District with respect to PO#: P15735. It is our understanding that this invoice was over the budget allocated for this project by nearly $6100. The cost overage is due to the time spent by our personnel preparing the draft technical report ($800), reviewing the TAC comments of the draft report and finalizing the report ($3300), and preparing the oral presentation made to the District Board on April 6, 2006 ($2000). Although we were over the original budget. it was 2NDNATURE's goal to provide the District with a product of the highest quality. We hope that the District was pleased with the final product and appreciates our attention to detail and customer service. We have enjoyed working with you during these past three years and hope you will keep us informed of any more opportunities to work with you in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Sincerely, Nicole Beck, Ph.D. Principal nbeck@2ndnatureinc.com 321 FREDERICK STREET SANTA CRUZ. CALIFORNIA 95062 P 831.426.9119 f 831.421.9023 w 2NONATUREINC.COM -11- Generell Manager Richard H. Solbrig South Tahoe Public Utility District Directors Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace E riG Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive - South Lake Tahoe' CA 96150-7LJ.01 Phone 530 544-6474- Fax 530 541-0614- www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: May 18, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT: Move into new Headquarters Buildings REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to request proposals from professional moving companies. DISCUSSION: Staff would like to hire professional movers to assist in vacating the existing building and moving into the new buildings. Services will be needed to move all existing furnishings and files excluding telephones, computers, some office equipment, and the laboratory (which will be moved by District staff or equipment service representatives). Staff will request proposals from nearby movers that are willing to work weekends and can provide good references. SCHEDULE: July & August COSTS: $15,000 - $25,000 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8401/DSTHDQ & 2029-8677/DSTHDQ BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: <$1,516,457> ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ,{to} NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ {21nL NO CATEGORY: Water -13- _.....','......~I....""'..~~...... Richarcl H. Solbrig South Tahoe Public Utility District Directors Tom Comte James R. Jones Mill)' Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe' CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614. www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Tracy Martin, Inspections Supervisor MEETING DATE: May 18, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Water Meters and Parts REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Waive bidding procedures, as outlined in the Purchasing Policy, for standardized equipment to be purchased from the sole area supplier; and (2) Authorize purchase of water meters and parts from Western Nevada Supply in the amount of $34,735. DISCUSSION: Staff would like to purchase water meters needed for the 2006 construction season, along with the radio read parts needed for those meters. To ensure that all parts are interchangeable and will perform with the District's electronic meter reading system, the District only purchases water meters and parts manufactured by Sensus. Western Nevada Supply is the sole source supplier for Sensus in this area. The District's purchasing agent has reviewed this item. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $34,735 plus tax. Customerswill reimburse the full cost of each meter and read part purchased for new construction. ACCOUNT NO: 2038-8673 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $46,343 ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES 'Il..JtJ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESBJ:~ r2n1: NO CATEGORY: Water -15- t:1eneral Manager Richard H. 50lbrig South Tahoe Public Utility District Directors Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe' CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614' www.stpUd.U5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4e TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Boyson, Electrical Shop Supervisor MEETING DATE: May 18, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: SCADA and 2-way (voice) Base Radios REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Waive bidding procedures, as outlined in the Purchasing Policy, for standardized equipment to be purchased from the sole area supplier; and (2) Approve purchase of two (2) MTR2000 Base Stations for SCADA and 2-way (voice) Radios, including antenna system and start up services, in the amount of $38,248.21, plus tax and shipping. DISCUSSION: The District has hundreds of thousands of dollars tied up in Motorola SCADA equipment. A Motorola SCADA base radio is required to communicate with that existing equipment. The current equipment is becoming dated (13 years old), and now is the perfect time to get its replacement with the new building going into operation. The District's Motorola voice radio system is 20 years old, and no longer is serviceable. Staff would like to purchase another Motorola system, which will allow all current handheld and mobile radios, including existing truck equipment, to remain usable. It has been staff's experience that Motorola equipment has excellent service and support reliability, and staff would like to standardize the equipment for that reason, as well as the part interchangeability. The older base stations will be kept for backup use. The District's Purchasing Agent has reviewed this item. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $15,359.75, $22,888.46, total $38,248.21 plus tax and shipping ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8668 PSCADA, 1006-7057 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $297,162 & $1 ATTACHMENTS: Proposal from Sierra Electronics, Service area verification from Motorola and Sierra Electronics -17- CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER:. YES 1{./1J NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO -18- CATEGORY: Sewer .... .... fro ~ . a tronics @ M'O'7"OIIOI.A ~~. 690 BAST GLENDALE VENUE, surTE 9B SPARKS, NV 89431 Phone: (71') 359-1121 (800) 874-7515 F8.lt: (775 358-9309 ~. ... .4' o. South T.hoe P.U.D. John Boy.on 127$ MNdowcre,t Dr. South Lake r,ho., CA 116150 - ... ..., De" John, Tbank you, for looking .t Sierr, EI.ctroni" t provide your Motorol. two- way communications ,yftem lor th, n.w building. SItn'I EI'ctronlcs ha, been serving the needs of North.m C,lIforni. ,inc. 1* We h,v. a l,tofY of building .nd maintaining the commullic,tlons .)'Stem. for the 'lI.nc/es in outh L.lt T.h~. As th.llotoro/, full line du/e, ".'gned to your 'f811 WI ,1'0 do work the PoIle. D."rtmlnt. Fir. D.p.rtmlnt, .nd Public Worlrs D.partment In the city. The syshtm th,t h hn. propOled ;, 'Motor I. .Yltem th,t we h'v, Inst.lled ill mlny ag.lld.. th.t rely upon communlr:,tlon,. It.., 1 provld. redundant IYltem, for both voice .nd dlta. Our .t.ff 1$ tr;/ned .nd ,..fly to Imp/.m t the '1'''''' at your IOC41tlon. If you bllve any qUNtlOM or feel the need to s hedul. ,nother mHtJng plein don't hesitate to c./1 upon me. Offfce phon. 8(J()..874-7515 Cell hone 775-146-6904 -... _ 4_ . .... .. . 1,1 Jeff Spring.r Sierra ElectronlC3 '"',". . ... . MAY 02,2006 06:38 775 358 9309 Page 2 -19- Sole Source Justification Subject: Sole Source Justification From: "Peterson WaYl1e-CALA03" <Wayne.Peterson@motorola.com> Date: Thu,4 May 2006 18:46;00 -0400 T u: "J eft' Springer" <jeffs@sierraelectronics.com> 4. 5. 6. Sierra Electronics is the sole manufactures representative for the Motorola Products being purchased in the region. Sierra has the the territory of the eastern sierra counties of California and northem Nevada. With offices in Sparks arid Elko Nevada they are also the only authorized Motorola service provider in the region. -20- .. ESTIMATE FOR: ATTENTION: PREPARED BY: DATE: (QTY 1 690 EAST GLENDALE, SUITE 98 P.O. BOX 1545 SPARKS,NEVADA89~1 PHONE 175-359-1121 South Tahoe PUD John Boyson Jeff Springer 4/19/2006 544-6464x6261/544-6359 DESCRIPTION EA PRICE Provide and Instan Telemetry Base System in New ~uilding includes: Motorola MTR2000 Base Radio Antenna System Isolator and Filters Grounding System Labor to Install and Optimize System SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS I COMMENTS Thank you for giving Sierra Electronics the opportunity to quote this & future projects. Please feel free to call Jeff Springer at his office 359-1121,800-874-7515 with any questions or if you want to get started. If you prefer my e-mail address is; jeffs@sierraelectronics.com APR 20,2006 07:46 775 356 3138 -21- . "11- #0 ~ ...... .. ..... ... ." ...' . EXT PRICE . .....-.....,... ....... . $ 15,359.75 -........~.. ....... ., "'. -.. .." -........ ., .,... ,. .. ~ ,. . - Page 2 eSTIMATE FOR: ATTENTION: PREPARED BY: DATE: laTY 1 ~ terra - lectronics 690 EAST GLENDALE, SUITE 98 P.O. BOX 1545 SPARKS, NEVADA 89431 PHONE 775-359-1121 South Tahoe PUD John Boyson Jeff Springer 4/19/2006 544-6464x6261/544-6359 DESCRIPTION Provide and Install Voice Base System in New Building Includes: Motorola MTR2000 Base Radio Antenna System Five Remote Base Stations GroUnding System Tower Labor to Install and Optimize System EA PRICE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS / COMMENTS Thank you for giving Sierra Electronics the opportunity to quote this & future projects. Please feel free to call Jeff Springer at his office 359-1121, 800-874-7515 with any questions or if you want to get started. If you prefer my e-mail address is: jeffs@sierraelectronics.com APR 20,2006 07:47 775 356 3138 -22- ... .. .' .. ...'''' .. . ....... . ,.. ....'..".. .. . ............ ..~~. . EXT PRICE $ 25,968.46 ~ 30g~f~.Yt, d-;).i~~: 4h' ..,. _..... ........ . Ip"'''.' ..~..... -. '.... ..' ..". ... ...... ..., ... . .... - .... .. ..,... .. . .. .... j Page 3 ,-,c;;..l 1c;..1 &'1 'VI~llt::tf.1vl Richard H. Solbrig South Tahoe Public Utility District Directors Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South lake Tahoe' CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474' Fax 530 541-0614' www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4f TO: Board of Directors FROM: Lynn Nolan, Grant Coordinator MEETING DATE: May 18, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Proposition 50 Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) grant REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize entering into a Memorandum of Understating (MOU) adopting plan DISCUSSION: As the District is a partner in the IRWMP Proposition 50 grant with three pending projects--waterline replacement, water conservation program, and the Indian Creek Reservoir TMDL--a MOU adopting the IRWMP by each partner is a requirement to receive these grant funds. An informational presentation was prepared and delivered regarding this MOU at the April 20th Board Meeting. SCHEDULE: Adopt MOU at the May 18, 2006, meeting for attachment to grant application to be submitted by June 8, 2006. COSTS: No costs are associated with this action ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: A TT ACHMENTS: Memorandum of Understanding CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ItHJ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OF:FICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: Water -23- Memorandum of Understanding Among: Alpine County, Alpine County Watershed Group, EI Dorado County, Lake Tahoe Unified School District, Markleeville Water Company, Sierra Watershed Education Partnerships, South Tahoe Public Utility District, Squaw Valley Public Service District, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Tahoe Resource Conservation District, Tahoe Truckee Unified School District, Town of Truckee, Truckee River Watershed Council, UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center, Board of Regents Nevada System of Higher Education or; behalf of University of Nevada Reno Regarding the Tahoe Sierra IRWM Plan (Integrated Regional Water Management Plan) April 28, 2006 The signatories of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) recognize the value of coordinating water management, planning and implementation activities within the Tahoe Sierra region of Truckee, the Tahoe Region, and Alpine County. The signatories represent a spectrum of public agencies, special districts, non-profit organizations and education institutions throughout the Tahoe Sierra region. This MOU is in reference to Proposition 50, the Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Act of 2002, which was passed by California voters in November 2002. It amended the California Water Code (CWC) to add, among other articles, ~ 79560 et seq. authorizing the Legislature to appropriate $500 million for Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) projects. The intent of the IRWM Grant Program is to encourage integrated regional strategies for management of water resources and to provide funding, through competitive grants, for projects that protect communities from drought, protect and improve water quality, and improve local water security by reducing dependence on imported water. The IRWM Grant Program is administered jointly by the Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) and is intended to promote an integrated and regional approach to water management. This MOU facilitates the implementation of the Tahoe Sierra Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWM Plan), a set of coordinated strategies for management of water resources and for the implementation of projects that protect our Tahoe Sierra communities from drought, protect and improve water . quality and improve local water security. -26- The Tahoe Sierra IRWM Plan integrates approximately a dozen water plans including the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Regional Framework, Truckee River Coordinated Watershed Management Strategy and the South Tahoe Urban Water Management Plan. Water management goals within the Tahoe Sierra IRWM Plan include but are not limited to: . Supporting and improving local and regional water supply reliability; . Reducing conflict between water users and resolving water rights disputes; . Contributing measurably to the long-term attainment and maintenance of water quality standards; . Eliminating or significantly reducing pollution in impaired waters . Restoring and protecting sensitive habitat areas; . Implementing the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board Basin Plan; . Implementing non-point source (NPS) pollution plans. The Tahoe Sierra IRWM Plan is included as Appendix B. The signatories of this MOU will: . Foster a collaborative water management planning environment; . Promote integration of water management across geographies of the region; . Recommend priorities for implementation projects; . Cooperatively apply for and obtain funding for implementation projects; . Revise and update the Tahoe Sierra IWRM Plan as needed; . Communicate the best available information to decision makers, stakeholders and the public As an early step toward implementing of the Tahoe Sierra IRWM Plan, the agencies listed here under the aegis of the Tahoe Resource Conservation District, will apply for a $25M grant from the State of California Prop 50/Chapter 8. The implementation projects are listed in Appendix A. It is expected the signatories ofthis MOU will apply for additional funding under future State and Federal programs. This MOU does not abridge any decision-making authorities of any signatory. The Tahoe Sierra IRWM Plan and implementation guidelines developed underthis MOU will not conflict with any legal obligation of any signatory, including those under contracts, licenses, permits, regulations and statutes. This MOU is not an obligation of funds, and does not control or limit pursuitof funding for any future project of any signatory. -26- . In the event the grant funding sought is received and prior to the execution of the grant agreement, the parties will establish a mutually acceptable structure for review of conditions of the agreement, project implementation, funding dispersal and accounting, and reporting responsibilities. Any party to the MOU may end its participation by providing one year written notice to the other signatories at their normal business address. We the undersigned adopt the Tahoe Sierra IRWM Plan and will act to implement it to the best of our ability in compliance with applicable legal requirements. Future signatories to this agreement are welcome. -27- Tahoe Sierra IRWM Plan Memorandum of Understanding Signatory Page Name Title Alpine County Name Title Alpine County Watershed Group Name Title EI Dorado County Name Title Lake Tahoe Unified School District Name Title Markleeville Water Company Name Title Sierra Watershed Education Partnerships Name Title South Tahoe Public Utility District Name Title Squaw Valley Public Service District Name Title Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Name Title Tahoe Resource Conservation District Name Title Tahoe Truckee Unified School District Name Title Town of Truckee Kathleen Eagan Board Chair Truckee River Watershed Council Name Title UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center Name Title UNR Board of Regents, Nevada System of Higher Education -28- Tahoe Sierra IRWM Plan Memorandum of Understanding Appendix A IRWM Grant Program. Project List for $25M grant application (PropositionOtl..-Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Act of 2002, Chapt 8) 1. Trout Creek Flood Control and Restoration -Town of Truckee, Truckee River Watershed Council, Sierra Watershed Education Partnerships 2. BMP Retrofit for the Lake Tahoe Region - Tahoe Resource Conservation District, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, UNR Board of Regents, Nevada System of Higher Education 3. Indian Creek Reservoir TMDL Implementation - Alpine County, South Tahoe Public Utility District 4. Christmas Valley Phase 2 Erosion Control Project - EI Dorado County 5. UC Davis Fish Hatchery Site Wetland Restoration, BMP Implementation, and Interpretive Center - Sierra Watershed Education Partnership, Tahoe Resource Conservation District, UC Davis Tahoe Research Group 6. Markleeville Pipeline Replacement and Water Meter Installation - Alpine County, Alpine County Watershed Group, Markleeville Water Company 7. Lake Tahoe Schoolyard BMP Implementation - Lake Tahoe Unified School District, Tahoe Truckee Unified School District, Tahoe Resource Conservation District, Sierra Watershed Education Partnerships 8. Cold Creek Fisheries Enhancement - EI Dorado County 9. Squaw Valley Water Supply Enhancement - Squaw Valley Public Service District 10. South Lake Tahoe Water Conservation Incentives Project - South Tahoe Public Utility District, Tahoe Resource Conservation District 11. South Upper Truckee Erosion Control Project - EI Dorado County 12. Town of Truckee Storm water Management and Residential BMP Retrofit - Town of Truckee, Truckee River Watershed Council 13. Angora Creek Fisheries Enhancement - EI Dorado County 14. Comprehensive Water Quality Monitoring for the Truckee River TMDL - Truckee River Watershed Council 15. Golden Bear Erosion Control Project - EI Dorado County 16. South Tahoe Supply Line Replacement and Meter Installation - South Tahoe Public . Utility District -29- Tahoe Sierra IRWM Plan Memorandum of Understanding Appendix B Tahoe Sierra IRWM Plan -30- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT IlBasic Services for a Complex World" Richard SOlbrig, General Manager ",""""", ,'6 ^",_,... __~""_,",_,.,."..".,,, -'"",,,.,.. ',.' , Eric W. Schafer, President Paul Sciuto, Assistant Manager """",.."",-,.."""-,,^,,,.,, ,..-.".-..""""-.,-,--..""..,-.."".,,""."""",.." ",......",'-..." ,,',' " " BOARD MEMBERS Duane Wallace, Vice President .."...~~.!!!.~.~,B.:..~~_I!E:!~~_~.~~.._.._...~~_..,~_C1,!)".~P..!J~~,~~~~b~!..I:?}rE:!~!~r.".,..,. ..I()'!!.~<:>'!!!E:!' DirE:!ctor REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 20, 2006 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, April 20, 2006, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. ... BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Schafer, Directors Jones, Wallace, Comte, Mosbacher. ROLL CALL STAFF: Sol brig, Sciuto, Whalen, Henderson, Coyner, Martin, Johnson, Nolan, Bergsohn, Attorney Herrema. Moved Comte I Second Wallace I Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: CONSENT CALENDAR a. Bayview Well Controls Building Facility- Approved the "Purchase and Sale Agreement (For Potential Land Coverage Rights)" for the purchase and transfer of seven hundred forty-four (744) square feet of potential coverage rights from the California Tahoe Conservancy (CTC) to the District property located at 701 San Francisco Avenue, South Lake Tahoe, CA (APN 26-066-06); -31- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 20, 2006 PAGE - 2 b. Lake Tahoe Wastewater Infrastructure Partnership - Authorized staff to enter into a MOU with Lake Tahoe Basin Districts and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to collaborate in establishing a programmatic approach to Lake Tahoe basin wastewater infrastructure capital improvement and replacement; c. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: April 6, 2006. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) Tracy Martin, Inspection Supervisor, gave a status report on the operation of the Automated Meter Reading System that was purchased last year. This system allows the inspectors to read meters while performing their normal inspection duties, and also eliminated estimating bills when meters could not be read. There are substantial savings in manpower hours. Tracy extended an open invitation to the Board members for a ride-along if they are interested in seeing the system work in the field. Lynn Nolan, Grant Coordinator, reported on the status of the Proposition 50 grant application. She reported that the State has invited the District back for round two of the application process. The application includes 5 million dollars worth of projects. One of the requirements to continue in the process is the District must adopt a MOU Regarding the Tahoe Sierra IRWM Plan (Integrated Regional Water Management Plan). A copy of the draft MOU was distributed to the Board and staff. Nolan would like to put this on the Board's agenda for adoption at the May 4, 2006, meeting. Proposed changes and comments from Board members and staff to be submitted to Kathy Sharp no later than Wednesday, April 26. REPORTS: Automated Meter Reading System (Lisa Coyner and Tracy Martin) REPORTS: Proposition 50 Grant Funding (L vnn Nolan) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved Comte I Second Wallace I Passed Unanimouslv to approve payment in the amount of $888,463.58. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met April 17. Minutes of the meeting are avail- able upon request. Director Jones reported some of the District's current projects, planned for this summer, may be delayed because of TRPA permitting process. -32- PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 20, 2006 PAGE. 3 Finance Committee: The committee has not met. A public meeting will be held on the budget on May 4,6:00 p.m., at Barton Memorial Hospital's boardroom. Union Neqotiations Ad Hoc Committee: The committee has not met. Richard Solbrig updated the Board members. The second health insurance subcommittee meeting will be all day on Tuesday, April 25, so different insurance groups can explain their policies and benefits. This information will be disseminated to staff and the membership. An interest based negotiations training session will be held on May 15 and 16. Buildinq Ad Hoc Committee: The committee will meet on Monday, May 1,2006, at 2:00 p.m., to discuss the recovery plan and schedule for Roebbelen. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (Continued) BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Mosbacher reported on two items: BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 1) She attended the Bayview Well neighborhood meeting on April 1 0, 2006. One neighbor voiced concerns about noise. Staff addressed her questions and concerns. 2) She attended Ethics training (as required by AB 1234) hosted by Alpine County on April 11, 2006. Also in attend- ance were Director Comte, and Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board. Director Jones reported he is attending the 2006 Spring ACWA Conference in Monterey on May 9 through May 12. He will attend the Ethics training that will be provided through this conference. Director Wallace reported he attended the last meeting on April 12. The next regular meeting will be May 24, 2006, at 8:00 a.m. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT General Manaqer: Richard Solbrig reported on three items: GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS 1) Neighborhood meetings were held regarding the Bayview Well and various AI Tahoe projects. 2) He reported on the status of the Bakersfield well. 3) He has had correspondence with Dave Jinkens, Chief Michael, and Dennis Cocking regarding the fire protection requirements, and fire flow regulations that are now being enforced. There was a consensus between the parties that there is a need for an outreach program to educate the public regarding these issues from the city, county, fire department, and the District. -33- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 20, 2006 PAGE - 4 3:20 - 3:25 P.M. MEETING BREAK AND ADJOURN- MENT TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION 4:10 P.M. ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION . No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Real Estate Negotiations. Negotiating Parties: Board Ad Hoc Committee, General Manager, Assistant General Manager/Engineer, Chief Financial Officer. Under Negotiation: Terms and Price. Property Identification: Lukins Water Company, 2031 West Way, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation re: Beth Jett, Kendall Pearce, and Pearce Family Trust Dated 1-20-88 vs. STPUD, Cox & Cox Construction, Inc., a California Corporation, Nimbus Engineers, a Nevada Corporation and Does 1-100, Inclusive, Civil Action No. PC 20050567, Superior Court, County of EI Dorado. State of Ca. No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, Ca.; et aI., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S-02-0238 MCE JFM No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America VS. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. -34- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 20,2006 PAGE - 5 - No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (One Case) 4:10 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Eric W. Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District By: Chris Whalen, Assistant -35- -_.-----. "'-'-'-':;,1-' Richard H. 50lbrig South Tahoe Public Utility District Directors Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614. www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Randy Curtis, Manager of Field Operations MEETING DATE: May 18, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: 2006 Asphalt Patching Services REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. DISCUSSION: Underground Repair Water/Sewer complete repairs of numerous waterline leaks and services tie-ins, then temporary patch repairs are made to the damaged or cut out asphalt. When the weather permits, professional paving contractors must permanently repair these patches. Bids will be opened on May 17, 2006. A summary of all bids, along with a staff recommendation will be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting. . SCHEDULE: Spring, Summer, and Fall 2006 COSTS: Estimated $130,000 - $160,000 ACCOUNT NO: 2001-6052, 1001-6052 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: 05/061001-6052 $8,689, 05/06 2001-6052 $69,206 06/07 1001-6052 $70,000, 2001-6052 $250,000 ATTACHMENTS: Summary of bids to be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESJ)1j rr /Ufl NO CATEGORY: Water & Sewer -37- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BID RESULTS BID# 05-06-06A FOR 2006 Asphalt Patching OPENING DATE May 17, 2006 G.B. General Engineering Contractor Inc. Intermountain Slurry Seal Inc $ 171,269.25 187,545.97 Total bid values are estimates based upon actual bid prices multiplied by an estimated number of patches and related work. The estimated factors are based upon historical data together with new projections of work. Although, the actual quantities and total may vary, unit bid prices will remain firm. L7en"'...llVIanager Richard H. 501l1rig South Tahoe PubHc Uti.lity District Directors 10m Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614. www.stpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Rhonda McFarlane, Chief Financial Officer MEETING DATE: May 18, 2006 ITEM..,. PROJECT NAME: Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget: Fiscal Year 2006-07 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2809-06 adopting the budget for the Sewer Enterprise Fund. DISCUSSION: The 2006-07 proposed budget is fully funded and on May 4, 2006, was presented in a public meeting. The 2006-07 proposed budget includes an overall rate change of 4%. The increase in rates is necessary to fund increasing operating costs i.e. power rate increases, and capital infrastructure replacement. SCHEDULE: Must be adopted by July 1, 2006 COSTS: $24,520,076 ACCOUNT NO: Various BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2809-06, Sewer Budget Summary CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ rtnL NO CATEGORY: Sewer -39- 1 2 3 4 5 6 RESOLUTION NO. 2809-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006 - 2007 WHEREAS, on May 4, 2006, the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public 8 Utility District held a public meeting and exhibits of the Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget 9 for the Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 were made public. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District that: The attached budget in the amount of $24,520,076 is adopted for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2006 and ending June 30, 2007. We the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing resolution 14 was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South 15 Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting duly held on the 18th day of May 2006, 16 by the following vote: 7 10 11 12 13 17 18 AYES: 19 NOES: 20 ABSENT: 21 22 23 24 25 26 Eric W. Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: 27 28 29 30 Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board -41- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEWER BUDGET SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH BALANCES REVENUES (1) BORROWINGS AVAILABLE FUNDS 2002/03 ACTUAL ENTERPRISE FUND 1,453,429 12,999,338 0 14,452,767 ENTERPRISE FUND 1,634,078 13,254,932 0 14,889,010 ENTERPRISE FUND 1,649,605 14,185,601 0 15,835,206 2005/06 ESTIMATE ENTERPRISE FUND 2,327,436 15,536,484 0 17,863.920 2006/07 BUDGET ENTERPRISE FUND 2,446,625 16,459,500 0 18,906,125 SALARIES (2) BENEFITS (2) OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE (2) CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE (3) TOTAL CASH OUTLAYS BALANCE BEFORE TRANSFERS CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND TRANSFERS ACCRUAL TO CASH ADJUSTMENT RATE STABILIZATION FUND TRANSFERS OPERATING AND CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVES (4) RATE STABILIZATION FUND (5) TOTAL RESERVE BALANCES AMORTIZATION (NON -CASH ITEM) DEPRECIATION (NON -CASH ITEM) 3,558,217 1,746,561 3,916,205 3,492,249 1,781,699 4,013,626 3,928,274 1,924,584 6,002,364 4,324,384 2,003,359 6,390,647 4,404,276 2,026,750 6,394,000 768 9,221,751 8,687 9,296,261 659,556 12,514,778 5,231,016 - 3,596,938 5,592,749 - 3,943,144 0 639,450 13,357,840 599 550 13 424 576 3,320,428 4,506,080 } Gw 5,481,549 - 1,793,028 - 2,039,455 s r;i?'. - 2,991,020 800,036 - 20,000 - 20,000 2,327,436 2,446,625 Y: j > 2,470,529 0 1,634,078 1,649,605 1,634,078 > ij; 1,649,605 2,327,436 2,446,625 x ' 2,470,529 49,000 48 677 63,100 63,100 a 63,000 3,868.286 4,333,810 v 4,500,000 4,700,000 - _ � . 3,866,627 NOTES: (1) Enterprise Fund revenue Is from customer service charges and Capital Outlay Reserve revenue is from capacity fees and grants. Borrowings fund capital improvements. (2) Capital Outlay includes the Engineering Dept. Enterprise Fund contains all other departments. (3) Interest expense is paid from the Enterprise Fund. Principal is paid from the Capital Outlay Reserve. (4) A cash reserve equal to two months of costs is maintained for operations. The remaining cash is designated for Capital Outlay projects. (5) The Board established the Rate Stabilization Fund (RSF) on April 15, 2004. In the event of a large and sudden loss of revenue or increase in costs these funds will be used to avoid dramatic changes in sewer service charge rates. '-"Vllr;.ole>lIIVIG'tlliGII~c;;.1 Richard H. 50lbrig South Tahoe Public Utility District Directors Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe .CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474- Fax 530 541-0614 - www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Rhonda McFarlane, Chief Financial Officer MEETING DATE: May 18, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Water Enterprise Fund Budget: Fiscal Year 2006-07 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2810-06 adopting the budget for the Water Enterprise Fund. DISCUSSION: The 2006-07 proposed budget is fully funded and on May 4, 2006, was presented in a public meeting. The 2006-07 proposed budget includes an overall rate change of 4%. The increase in rates is necessary to fund capital infrastructure replacement. SCHEDULE: Must be adopted by July 1,2006 COSTS: $18,923,849 ACCOUNT NO: Various BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2810-06, Water Budget Summary CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YEs'11lf for 12d/c. NO CATEGORY: Water -43- 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2810-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADOPTING THE BUDGETFOR THE WATER ENTERPRISE FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006 - 2007 6 WHEREAS, on May 4, 2006, the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public 7 Utility District held a public meeting and exhibits of the Water Enterprise Fund Budget 8 for the Fiscal Year 2006 - 2007 were made public. 9 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South 10 Tahoe Public Utility District that: 11 The attached budget in the amount of $18,923,849 is adopted for the Fiscal Year 12 beginning July 1,2006 and ending June 30,2007. 13 We the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing resolution 14 was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting duly held on the 18th day of May 2006, 15 by the following vote: 16 17 AYES: NOES: 19 ABSENT: 18 20 21 22 23 Eric W. Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: 24 25 Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board 26 27 28 29 30 -45- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BEGINNING CASH BALANCES (1) REVENUES (2) BORROWINGS AVAILABLE FUNDS SALARIES (3) BENEFITS (3) OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE (3) CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE 4 TOTAL CASH OUTLAYS ENTERPRISE FUND 1,314,999 40,013,545 0 WATER BUDGET SUMMARY 2003/04 03/ ACTUAL , A `IJ a ENTERPRISE FUND 2,809,471 7,204,362 0 41 328,544 4;27•208'591 2004/05 ACTUAL .1zQ04106.� 2005/06 ESTIMATE ENTERPRISE FUND 1,314,747 8,583,236 0 10,013,833 9,445 305 9,897,983 2006/07 BUDGET ENTERPRISE FUND 1,482,502 9,070,000 0 10 552,502 1,935,240 982,002 12,139,128 2,187,890 1,159,634 3,905,757 2,321,420' 1,236,184 2,371,785 2,506,225 1,377,740 2,636,136 2,601,474 1,203,100 3,417,550 620,942 585,000 522,625 7 838,281,• " .1 *563 66'5` • 2 507 652 7,027 753 458,000 7,680 124 BALANCE BEFORE TRANSFERS CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND TRANSFERS ACCRUAL TO CASH ADJUSTMENT MTBE CONTAMINATION/RATE STABILIZATION FUNDS OPERATING AND CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVES RESERVED FOR MTBE REMEDIATION 5 RATE STABILIZATION RESERVE 5 TOTAL RESERVE BALANCES AMORTIZATION (NON -CASH ITEM) DEPRECIATION (NON -CASH ITEM) 25,651,233 - 22,770,978 - 70,784 2,175,552 - 683,852 47,625 2,870,230 - 1,435,354 47,625 2,872,378 - 1,348,115 47,625 0 2,809,471 1,482,502 1,571,887 26t - 8247,70 2,809,471 1,539,325'';."5'] 1,314,747 1,482,502 1,571,887 9,506 1,021,586 11,150 : 1,345 1,143 718. 1,315,872 1,350 1,350 1,500,000 1,600,000 NOTES: (1) A cash reserve equal to two months of costs is maintained for operations. The remaining cash is designated for Capital Outlay projects, MTBE Remediation and Rate Stabilization. (2) Enterprise Fund revenue is from customer service charges and Capital Outlay Reserve revenue is from connection fees, Capital Improvement Charge, grants, and borrowings. (3) Capital Outlay includes the Engineering Dept. Enterprise Fund contains all other departments. (4) Interest expense is paid from the Enterprise Fund. Principal is paid from the Capital Outlay Reserve. (5) In 2002 -03 and thereafter, MTBE settlement proceeds are reserved for MTBE related projects and expenses. Richard H. 5ol17rig South Tahoe Public Utility District Directors Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer . 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614. www.stpud.u= BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6d TO: Board of Directors FROM: MEETING DATE: Lisa Coyner, Manager of Customer Service May 18, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Rate Amendment Ordinance No. 495-06 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Enact Ordinance No. 495-06 amending Ordinance No. 464, Administrative Code Sections 3.1.49 and 3.1.50 Water Rate Schedules, and Section 4.5.12 Sewer Rate Schedule, and superseding Ordinance No. 491-05 in its entirety. DISCUSSION: Staff held a public meeting on the proposed budget and rates on May 4, 2006. Ordinance No. 495-06 is presented to amend Administrative Code Sections 3.1.49 and 3.1.50 Water Rate Schedules and Section 4.5.12 Sewer Rate Schedule to reflect rate increases effective July 1, 2006, included in the 2006/07 budget. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance No. 495-06 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES 44-1/ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: Sewer & Water -47- ORDINANCE NO. 495-06 AN AMENDMENT TO THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT'S ORDINANCE NO. 464 - ADMINISTRATIVE CODE SECTIONS 3.1.49 AND 3.1.50 WATER RATE SCHEDULES, AND SECTION 4.5.12 SEWER RATE SCHEDULE, AND SUPERSEDING ORDINANCE NO. 491-05 IN ITS ENTIRETY The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, EI Dorado County, State of California, makes the following findings: 1. Public Meeting of this Ordinance was duly given, authorized, posted and published, as required by law and specifically, that said Notice fixing the time and place of the hearing on said Ordinance was duly given, posted, and published, as required by Government Code of California. 2. Pursuant to said Public Meeting, a meeting was held. by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) on this Ordinance for the public by the Board of Directors on May 4, 2006, at 6:00pm at the place specified in said Notice of Public Meeting. 3. The Notice of time and place of said meeting, including a general explanation of the matters to be considered at said meeting was published on April 12, 2006 and April 24, 2006. 4. At least ten (10) days prior to said public meeting, the data indicating the amount of the cost or estimated cost required to provide water and sewer services for which service charges are proposed for adoption pursuant to this Ordinance, and the revenue source(s) anticipated to provide such service was available to the public. WATER RATES 5. The water service charges in Schedules No.2 and 3 will be effective July 1,2006 and are for the following purposes: a. Obtaining funds for capital projects necessary to maintain service for existing customers; b. Meeting debt service requirements; c. Meeting operating expenses; d. Purchasing or leasing equipment, supplies or materials; e. Meeting financial reserve needs and requirements. -49- 6. The existing water service charges and the increase in the consumption charge are necessary to meet the costs and expenses enumerated in paragraph 5 herein above, and are included in the water budget adopted on May 18,2006. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS THAT ORDINANCE NO. 491-05 IS SUPERSEDED AND THAT WATER RATE SCHEDULES NUMBER 2 AND 3 PROVIDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 464 - ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, SECTION 3.1.49 AND 3.1.50 ARE HEREBY AMENDED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULES 2 AND 3: WATER RATE SCHEDULES SCHEDULE 2 - ANNUAL FLAT SERVICE a. b. c. d. e. f. Single dwelling unit Duplex Triplex Fourplex Each additional unit Business establishment when serviced from: $426.32 $803.44 $1,091.48 $1,405.16 $233.72 % inch connection One inch connection $588.36 $887.84 SCHEDULE 3 - METERED SERVICE Annual Minimum Rate % inch water connection 1 inch water connection 1 ~ inch water connection 2 inch water connection 3 inch water connection 4 inch water connection 6 inch water connection 8 inch water connection 10 inch water connection $239.64 $327.92 $514.32 $795.04 $1,590.32 $2,385.32 $3,185.96 $4,272.24 $5,697040 All consumption will be charged at the rate of Two Dollars ($2.00) per one hundred (100) cubic feet. -60- 7. The Water Capital Improvement Charges in the amount of $1,448,000, formerly in Schedules No.6 and 7, are combined and included in Rate Schedules 2 and 3 herein above and will be effective July 1, 2006. The Capital Improvement Charges are restricted in use to the following purposes: a. Construction of purchase of capital improvements as designated in the District's financial statements as "Capital Assets"; b. Debt service related to items referred to in 7a; c. Reserves accumulated for future construction or purchase of Capital Improvements as designated in the District's financial statements as "Capital Assets." SEWER RATES 8. The sewer service charges in Schedule No.6 will be effective July 1,2006 and are for the following purposes: a. Obtaining funds for capital projects necessary to maintain service for existing customers; b. Meeting debt service requirements; c. Meeting operating expenses; d. Purchasing or leasing equipment, supplies or materials; e. Meeting financial reserve needs and requirements. 9. The increase in sewer service charges are necessary to meet the costs and expenses enumerated in Paragraph 7 herein above, and are included in the sewer budget adopted May 18, 2006. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS THAT ORDINANCE NO. 491-05 IS SUPERSEDED AND THAT SEWER RATE SCHEDULE NUMBER 6 PROVIDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 464 - ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, SECTION 4.5.12 IS HEREBY AMENDED AND REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE 6: SEWER RATE SCHEDULE 6 Annual service charges per sewer unit shall be as follows: Tvpe of Connection Annual Service Charge per Unit Quarterly Service Charge per Unit Minimum Charge Per Unit Homes and Apartments $103.96 $25.99 $8.67 Motels/Hotels/Timeshares $99.00 $24.75 $8.25 -51- Restaurants $111.88 $27.97 $9.33 Service Stations $111.88 $27.97 $9.33 Trailer/Mobile Home Parks $98.12 $24.53 $8.18 & Campgrounds Laundromats $11 1.88 $27.97 $9.33 Automobile Service Garage $11 1.88 $27.97 $9.33 Taverns without Food Facilities $11 1.88 $27.97 $9.33 All Other Commercial ~stalblislun1eIlts $11 1.88 $27.97 $9.33 10. Delinquent charges, when recorded as provided in California Government Code Section 54354.5, and the District's Administrative Code, shall constitute a lien upon the real property served. 11. This Ordinance hereby supersedes Ordinance No. 491-05 in its entirety, and amended Ordinance No. 464 - Administrative Code, Sections 3.1.49, 3.1.50 and 4.5.12. PASS~D AND ~NACTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at its Regular Board Meeting on the 18th day of May, 2006 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DAT~D: May 18, 2006 ~ric Schafer, President of the Board Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board -52- PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL May 18, 2006 Payroll 5/10/06 Total Payroll BNY Western Trust Company Cost Containment - health care payments LaSalle Bank Hatch & Parent - legal services Total Vendor EFT Accounts Payable Checks Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks Self-funded Ins Accounts Payable Checks Grant Funds Total Accounts Payable Grand Total Pavroll EFTs & Checks EFT EFT EFT CHK EFT EFT CHK EFT EFT CHK AFLAC Medical & Dependent Care CA Employment Taxes & W/H Federal Employment Taxes & W/H CalPERS Contributions John Hancock Pension Loan Pmts Great West Deferred Comp Stationary Engineers Union Dues United Way Contributions Employee Direct Deposits Employee Paychecks Adjustments Total -53- 5/10/06 798.17 13,619.02 76,995.96 20,985.64 4,017.82 13,402.21 1,952.19 92.00 162,763.65 19,522.08 0.00 314,148.74 314,148.74 314,148.74 0.00 66,187.23 0.00 426,108.07 492,295.30 388,042.90 91,982.64 20,312.54 0.00 500,338.08 1,306,782.12 0 South Tahoe P.U.D. 05/11/06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 05/05220006`1 5418/20�06Yt id: a 'ILL MAY 11, 2006, 3:23 HvI - -i: THIS --1e3: CS, JLr -loc: CTSITE-- - -dab: 361143 #J025 - - - -p og: Default SP1 ecticn: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: Vendor Nage Ac oa.uit # Department A C W A SERVICES CERP (9) AFLAC ALVAN L E LASER PRCECCIS INC ALE EN SIERRA CJFFEE COMPANY ALPINE METALS ALSBURY, NARY ANERIMS - 90 LAKE TPHE APANARIC LNIFCal SERVICES ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEETIS CD AEI EN3INEERIM CSRP B B & H BENEFIT LESIG S 10 -00 -2530 COAL & CN 10 -00 -2532 GENERAL & AII"IINISIRPTICN 10 -37 -4920 INECRAATICN SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4920 IlATICN SYSTEMS 10 -00 -6520 GENERAL & ALM NIS•IRATICN 20 -00 -6520 GENERAL & ALM NISIPATICN 20 -29 -8401 End 10 -37 -4820 INECIRAATICN SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4820 INECOMICITSYSTEAS 10 -28 -6360 DI Ivfl D VALLEY RANCH 10 -00 -2518 ORAL & ALMINISIRATTCN 10 -00 -2512 GENERAL & ALMIINIISIRATICN 20 -29 -7049 EN IN 20 -22 -4405 IILMN RESOURCES DIRFSIU • rs- ;pticn EMPLOYEE VISION INS Check 'Total: INSURANCE deck Total: PRINTILZ PRIM IM SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Anaslt Check # Type Check Total :. Check Total: CUSICMER SERVICE CENTER Check Total: OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: PROPANE Check Total: INIFCRWRU3S PAM= 1: LIFE INSURANCE Check Total: VATERLINE, EXYVD341 Check Total.: CCNIRACR L SERVICES 2,511.04 2,511.04 00063014 WI 835.18 835.18 00063015 MST 140.00 140.00 280.00 00063017 MI 64.00 64.00 128.00 00063018 M4 360.96 360.96 00063019 I 16.15 16.15 32.30 00063020 Ma 339.83 339.83 00063021 WI 1,213.79 1,213.79 00063022 MA 2,050.35 2,050.35 00063023 Ma 3,070.00 3,070.00 00063024 Mn] 624.50 South Tahoe P.U.D. 05/11/06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 05/05 2006 - 05/18/2006 TH-U, MAY 11, 2006, 3:23 PM - -req: - - -1eg: GL JL - -loc: CNS11.E - -- -fob: 361143 #J025 - - -- cg: 09 <1.07> -- report id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MAI, I W, RV, VH Ver iar Narie Aooa.n-it # ]rtlt B M H COMIPATICNAL MEDICINE B 0CMISES B S K ANALYTICAL LABS BENILY ACS EERFY-BINCKLEY =MIES BI STATE PROPANE BIRD, ILL BZRGES & M iEY INC BCE ENaMEERIIZ CRP 10 -22 -4405 ILM N RESOURCES 10 -21 -6075 AIMNISIRATt N 20 -21 -6075 AIIMINISIRATICN 10 -29 -6075 E1IN3 20 -29 -6075 EN3INEE2Il3 20 -02 -6050 RMPS 20 -07 -6110 LABQ2ATCRY. 10 -06 -6652 OPERATIONS 10 -28 -4620 DIANA VALLEY RANCH 10 -00 -0415 COAL & ALMINISTRATI 10 -01 -6360 LNDERSKIND REPAIR 10 -28 -6200 DIAMND VALLEY RANCE-I 20 -02 -6050 PASS 20 -29 -8574 ENaINEEEMZ Dasc ipticn aNIRALZLAL SERVICES Cbedc Tbtal: SAFEW SAFEDI SAFEIY SAFEIY WELLS DO 9O • 9 DO 1• RENT PHYSICALS PHYSICALS /PHYSICALS Check Tbtal: NLNTIC fl3 Check Tbtal: Check Zbtal: BICS= DISPQSAL CC)6TS Check Thal.: DIEM Gi9CLINE INVENTORY Cnedt 'Ibtal : P13DPANE Check 'Ibta1: TRA Tat 1: WEBS WE L, BAYVIEW Check Total: Check 'Ibtal : Amy nzt Check # Type 624.50 1,249.00 00063025 IVW 116.21 116.21 116.21 116.21 464.84 00063028 MW 549.53 549.53 00063026 FW 240.00 240.00 00063027 M' 1,835.63 1,835.63 00063029 WI 878.53 2,018.50 2,897.03 00063030 Ma 55.65 55.65 00063031 MW 293.70 293.70 00063032 NW 672.11 672.11 00063033 NW 4,160.41 4,160.41 00063034 NW South TYh11,P.U.D. 05/ 1I /06 ' PAYMENT _lcc CNSliV, -- -job 361143 #J025- ---grog /05 09 <1.07 >-- 20report id: CK� Ti4(J, Nn,i' 11, 2006, 3:23 FM - -�: e3= ]7efault Selection: Vendc r Na-re Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: Mnl, E W, RV, VH Acccunt # Doartrrent CSRMA CWEA 10 -01 -4521 REPAIR 20 -01 -6250 L1ND REPAIR CALIF LEPT OF WATER RESOD 10 -28 -6650 DIAMID VALLEY RANCH CALIF MIER REM= CARL ED 20 -01 -6250 LNEERGRaND REPAIR CALIF WEER RESC URC:ES CTRL ED 10 -06 -6650 OPERATICIOE CP,LIFCRNIA OVERNIGHT CALL PN, JERALEE CANAEA FIFE ASSURANCE CILICAR 10 -07 -4810 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4810 LAB:RAZ 10 -00 -4810 GaERALSEPEMINISTRATIal 20 -00 -4810 COAL & AUv1 NISIRATICN 10 -38 -6200 C EICNEE2 SERVICE 20 -38 -6200 C EItNER SERVICE 30 -00 -6744 SPI P FUN MD INSURANCE 10 -27 -6310 DISTRICT INFCRATIM 20 -27 -6310 DISTRICT IITTCN Descriptirn C IRFA T IABI TTY CLAIMS Check Tbtal: R Check 'Ibtal OPERPT M PE3AIlTIS OPERAT.QN PERMS Chedc Zbtal: DUES V2" I • /CEzTFICATI EMS r2 I • AyaciCERIcIFICATI 'Ibtal : CEERATINGFEEMMTS Tt al: Check Vendor Tbtal: PCSUGE EXPENSES cSME EXPENSES POSD5GE EXPENSES PCSMGE EXPENEES Check `Tbtal: FRAAW*Mccli Check Tbtal: EXCESS ME ST P INSURED M D Check 'Ibtal : r ELI NE M RPR' E ArrD.unt Check # Type 14,425.39 14,425.39 00063035 NW 100.00 100.00 00063036 NW 3,436.00 15,688.00 19,124.00 00063037 IM 170.00 95.00 265.00 00063038 M , 718.00 718.00 00063039 MST 983.00 38.16 140.00 13.83 205.83 00063040 NW - 71.00 - 71.00 - 142.00 00062787 RV 17,455.42 17,455.42 00063041 !'W 19.80 19.80 South Tahoe P.U.D. 05/11/06 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS R E P O R T 05/05 2006 - 05/18/2006 4 THU, MAY 11, 2006, 3:23 FM - -req: ,-- -leg: a GL - -lcc: QETIE - -- -jab: 361143 #J025-- - -frog: 09 <1.07 > - -rat id: CK� Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types : NW, FVi, RV, VH Vey Naire Aooa.mt # Departrrent CL"NEXIS DWI LABORATrI2 E S DELPVIR1E1'IN. L P 10 -01 -6310 20 -01 -6310 10 -29 -6310 20 -29 -6310 10 -07 -6310 20 -07 -6310 10 -37 -6310 20 -37 -6310 10 -02 -6310 20 -02 -6310 10 -38 -6310 20 -38 -6310 10 -04 -6310 10 -28 -6310 10 -03 -6310 20 -03 -6310 10 -05 -6310 20 -05 -6310 10 -21 -6310 20 -21 -6310 II CIS REPAIR UtE 1ND REPAIR ENUENEERINB LABORATORY IABCMCPY SYSIENS I1�CI341,T.CQ��1 SYsTBM5 RNPS AMPS XEKI ER SERVICE HEAVY CIb NA DIANLrD VALLEY RANG ELEETRICAL SEDP ELE IRICAL PP REPAIR RANT REPAIR ALMENISTRATICN CO • 2 9O Liu 20 -22 -4405 IDTN RESOURCES DIRECICR 10 -22 -4405 HL1vVN RE9aRCES 20 -07 -6110 LABCIRATCRY 10 -37 -4840 INEU TICN SYSIEMS 10 -29 -8668 ENGENEERJ 3 20 -37 -4840 IlTICN SYMIEN6 Desar-iptian TEL E. E NE TELEPHONE TEL1E TEL EP ENE TFT E.PFENE TESEPF: E 'IMMUNE TEL EP ENE TL F'PFiNE TEfEPENE TELI; TELEPIENE TE LE:PKNE TELEF E TELE E TELEEFENE CINIRACILAL CCNTRACITAL NLNTIC fl3 Check Tbtal: SERVICES Chheck Tbtal: Clack Tbtal: DISTRICT CITTIER SUPPLIES NF�IN ONIROL PANEL, lA IP DISTRICT CIMETIER Amount Check # Type 64.87. 44.65 195.19 195.18 19.12 19.12 4.58 4.57 16.21 16.20 47.86 57.01 33.04 9.24 16.23 16.23 25.89 25.89 6.82 6.81 864.31 00063042 NW m 30.85 30.75 61.60 00063043 NW 2,920.00 2,920.00 00063044 NW 308.68 617.36 308.67 1,234.71 00063045 NW South Tahoe P.U.D. 05/11/06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 05/05/2006-05/18/2006 5 TH[J, MAY 11, 2006, 3:23 1M - -req: THERESA---leg: C L L'-1°o: CNSIZE - -- -dab: 361143 #J025--- -prog: 09 <1.07 > - -i X t id: C[4 L›.fault Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: Ma, H71, RV, VH venclr Nacre ,Aocanzt # DepartmEnt DIAM:ND DTIC H MJILPL WATER DIAZ, ANItNIO I DICK'S FULLER - DOZY' S CAR RES'TALF?PNT DOD:1.AS DISPOSAL E & M E IMIRIC AND NACHtNERY EN FOINIE TECENDLCGIES FELL FIRS TIER ALMINISTRATCRS FISHER SCI NTTFIC 10 -28 -5010 DIAM:ND VALLEY RANCH 10 -01 -6250 it NID REPAIR 10 -04 -6022 HEAVY NAINIENANCE 10 -03 -6200 EUECTRICAL SEEP 10 -00 -6370 10 -29 -8668 10 -37 -4840 20 -37 -4840 10 -22 -4810 20 -22 -4810 30 -00 -6741 30 -00 -6742 GENERAL & ALNI NISIRATICN ENCINEERM Il TCLa SYSTEMS RESZYJRCES HLMN RESOURCES DII I R F r P FUNDED INS RANGE MP FUNDED INSURANCE 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY Desc ipticn LAND AND BUILDI 3S Check Tbtal: ruEs/MEMBERSHIPS6ledCEEL;IFICATI 1 SDI BCJIAMENT 1bta1: Check TRA Check I ,a1: REFUSE DISFCEAL Check 'Ibta1: DAIN CCNIROL PANEL, IVIP Check Zbtal.: DISTRICT CCMPUIER SUPPLIES DISTRICT CCMPUIER SUPPLIES Crack Ibtal: FCSIPGE ECPENSES . FCSMSE EXPENSES Check Tbtal: ALIvIDVISIRATICN FEE PM FEE Check Tbtal: IABORATCRY SUPPLIES LABCRATCRY SUPPLIES x Tbtal: Ammint Check # Type 3,085.00 3,085.00 30.00 30.00 249.58 249.58 699.55 699.55 17.32 17.32 10,000.00 10,000.00 935.33 935.32 1,870.65 18.02 18.02 36.04 433.16 1,975.96 2,409.12 503.45 409.92 913.37 00063046 NW 00063047 MCI 00063048 NI 00063049 NW 00063050 NW 00063051 NW 00063052 MAI 00063053 NW 00063055 NW 00063056 NW Swath Tahoe P.U.D. 05/11/06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 05/05/2006-05 18/20 ]HJ, MAY 11, 2006, 3:23 FM - -req: THERESA---leg: GL JL - -1cc: CNETIE - -- -jab: 361143 #J025 - - - -pr g: CK509 <1.077 > -- . Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW, E-b7, RV, VH Verxbr Nacre it # Department G L I INIE TICNAL - HACH OD 10 -07 -4760 LABORATCRY 20 -07 -4760 LABCRAZLY GRAI INC, W. W. HUD D BMEED I CCKSMITH . I M P A C GOVT SERVICES 10 -04 -6071 BMW NAINIENANCE 10 -28 -6042 DIAM] D VALLEY RANCH 10 -07 -4820 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4820 LABOA'ICRY 10 -27 -6620 20 -29 -6200 20 -29 -7055 10 -28 -6200 10 -28 -4820 10 -29 -4820 20 -29 -4820 10 -39 -6081 10 -05 -6071 20 -05 -6071 10 -05 -6200 20 -05 -6200 20 -27 -6200 10 -27 -6200 10 -27 -4820 20 -27 -4820 20 -27 -6620 20 -29 -8574 10 -38 -6200 20 -38 -6200 10 -29 -8679 20 -01 -6200 D CN ENGINEERING ENGINEERM3 DIANLbD VALLEY RANCH ENGINEER RANCH ENS PTNANZE REPAIR REPAIR REPMR REPAIR DTSIRICrIl 1TICN DISTRICT INFURNATICN DISTRICT Il,TICN DISTRICT INKMATTCN DISTRICT CN CUSICMER � C EIS; LSD REPAIR a• • a MO r• 'a m� r D Description LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATMCELIPPLLES Check 'Ibta].: SEDP SUPPLIES GUMS & MUNIENANCE 1: OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check 'Ibta1: PUBLIC ND • IDUCP,TTCN TRA a+ DDI I e./EGUZATTCN • OFFT• SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OPFICE SUPPLIES CEFICE SUPPLY SHOP PLIES IS.SC]E5 SHOP TRA 'IRA DI TRA TRA OFE • SUPPLIES S SUPPLIES PUBLIC RELATICNS =NEE IAELL 'IRA IMPS TRA a 1 e. /E LOUTCN DO •" DO •" DO WA DO v CN CN t► as •'• c. a. IV• • CN • 1•4011411° Arrzxnnt.Check # Iype 70.11 57.11 127.22 400.16 75.83 475.99 6.74 6.73 13.47 9.19 1,417.56 154.57 60.24 196.53 13.75 13.74 47.70 249.95 249.95 82.48 82.47 4.50 4.50 85.05 85.04 9.18 22.84 125.83 125.82 185.05 231.40 00063059 MW 00063058 141 00063060 M■l a) South TYY�11 P.U.D. A05 /11 : PAYMENT l:L JL -- oc G TIE - -Ijc�b 361143 #JD 5 - - -ptcg /OS 09 <1.0 7r_20report id: CK� THCT, MAY 11, 2006, 3:23 �q Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: M1I,IISAI,RV,VH Vend= Nacre Account # Department 10 -01 -6200 L REPAIR 10 -37 -4820 INEOPTIKELONT SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4820 INF RMTTCN SYSTEMS 10 -39 -6200 FINANCE 20 -39 -6200 FIANCE 10 -29 -6200 ENGINEgtIlN3 10 -22 -6670 HUMAN RE9ZURCES 20 -22 -6670 HUMAN RESOD DAR 10 -22 -4930 iLTV N RESOURCES 20 -22 -4930 HUMAN RESOURCES DZFBICR 10 -06 -6200 OPERATIONS 10 -06 -6520 CEFRATICNS 10 -21 -6520 PENENTSTRATTON 20 -21 -6520 PENOISIRATI N 10 -06 -4820 OPERATIONS 10- 06- 6025.OPERATICS 10 -06 -6073 OPERATIONS 10 -38 -4820 CUSTOMER. SERVICE 20 -38 -4820 CUSTOMER. R. SERVICE 10 -39 -4820 FINANCE 20 -39 -4820 FINANCE 10 -07 -6200 LABORATORY 20 -07 -6200 LABORATORY 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LAB AMORY 20 -07 -4820 LABORATORY 10 -04 -6071 HEAVY NAIN E ICE 10 -04 -6073 HEAVY NAINTENANCE 10 -04 -6250 HEAVY NAINIII ME 10 -21 -6200 TEVOISIRATICN 20 -21 -6200 PEVENTSTRATTCN 10 -37 -6200 INFCENATICN SYSTEMS 20 -37 -6200 1NFORMATICEISYSIEMS 20 -29 -8548 ENGINEER1I3 Description AnDunt Check # Type OFFICE SUPPLg`5 /FA TICK CFICE SUPPLIES TRA DI 0 ' e./ CN 'IRAo o 1 eqEDDUCA11C14 TRA2',vas �� CN vas 0 •ti EXPENSE ATROCtl\EL le' NOTICES i �7Ir om i Ecoz TCN SUPPLIES SUPPLMES L� EQUIPMENT SvALL TOOLS CFFICE SUPPLIES. 0F'FTCE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES ONCE SUPPLIES TRA TRA :••� • a DI •'• DP •■ i• • ID SUPPLIES TOOLS 2,063.19 194.87 194.87 482.16 482.16 1,348.63 7.98 7.97 866.63 866.62 191.92 64.41 75.00 75.00 310.71 150.00 160.55 38.34 38.34 8.13 8.12 889.49 889.48 33.34 33.34 87.50 301.01 111.99 100.00. 188.03 91.19 450.08 450.08 24.85 Saith Tahoe P.U.D. 05/11/06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 05/05/2006-0518/2006 id: 6K a 8 THU, NAY 11, 2006, 3:23 FM - -req: THERESA---leg: GL JL - -lcc: CI�TIE - -- -dab: 361143 #J025--- -prcg: 09 <1.07 > -- ELK; Eefault Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MCI, I'I, RV, VH Vendor Narre Aoocumt # Department I CUSIRTAL SAFETY ITST BY THE LAKE INSIY- PRINTS INC =SDI= SAFETY & SUPPLY I -IL' CCNMERCTAL INTERIORS IN^ KAISER PERNANENIE KIPLIlV3ER CALSFVIA LETTER 10 -02 -6200 20 -02 -6200 10 -02 -6083 10 -28 -7515 10 -28 -6042 20 -02 -6083 PUMPS FUvIPS AMPS DIAMTD VAILEY RANCH DREPS VALLEY RANCH 10 -01 -6075 L[D REPAIR 10 -03 -6200 E EORIC L SEDP 10 -07 -4820 LAB ATCRY 20 -07 -4820 LAECRATORY 10 -27 -4920 DISIRICT IlTTCN 20 -27 -4920 DISTRICT I1dviTICN 10 -00 -0421 20 -00 -4820 10 -00 -4820 30 -00 -6745 COAL & AIXENISIRATTCN GENERAL & ALMINISIRATICN CAL & AIIMENISIRATTCN SPI F FINED INSURANCE 10 -39 -4830 ETNA E 20 -39 -4830 FIDE Descipticn TRA TRA 1 ./ cN �� : TCN CIS e. DI ID Di MIRAGE SHED TM CHElvlICAL STANEBY PLECMIATTCNS Check Tbtal: SAFETY ELUIFNENT /PHYSICALS Check Tbtal: TRA k bt 'Dotal: tal: OFFTCE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTIlNU PRINTI[3 Check Tbtal: SEDP SUPPLY INVENI Check Tbtal: • CEFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Tbtal: CAS SF f F INS N®ICAL PLAN Check Tbtal: SUESCRIPITCNS DOWSE StarRIPTIC NS EXPENSE Check Zbta1: Arrcmt Cneck # Type 367.70 367.70 62.38 398.06 22.80 62.38 16,024.34 231.66 231.66 600.00 600.00 148.98 148.98 153.80 153.80 605.56 13.28 13.28 10,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 448.00 448.00 36.50 36.50 73.00 00063063 NW 00063064 NW 00063065 NW 00063066 I4' 00063067 NW 00063068 NW 00063069 NW 00063070 NW South Tahoe P.U.D. 05/11/06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 05/05 2006 - 05118/2006 9 THU, MAY 11, 2006, 3:23 FM - -req: 'II- ,-- -ler3: Ci JL - -1°C: C TIE-- - -jcb: 361143 #J025---- cg: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: CKE Tpfault Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types : Vencic r Nacre Aoaxmt # apartment LAKE TAHOE CONMIIITY COLUME 20 -27 -6620 DISTRICT II TICK LANES= NAPA TM, 1Jr�r' LIFT EQUIPMENT CERT. CD. DE. T TT T ;WS ! I FKE SERVICE INC:. LLJCMtS FARM & 0D. M S C INEIBIRIAL SUPPLY CID 10 -02 -6051 10 -02 -6071 20 -02 -6071 10 -04 -6653 10 -04 -6022 10 -02 -6073 20 -02 -6073 10 -28 -6042 20 -05 -6073 10 -05 -6013 10 -05 -6011 20 -05 -6011 AMPS RYES AMPS HEAVY MUNNIII N AMPS MAPS DDIAM ND VALLEY RAN:i PMENT REPAIR RVENT REPAIR FMENr REPAIR EVENT REPAIR 9• 2• 10 -06 -6200 CFERAIICNS 10 -04 -4405 HEAVY M INIENAN E 10- 05- 6011.EQUTAMENT REPAIR 10 -39 -4405 FINANCE 20 -39 -4405 FINANCE 10 -04 -6041 HEAVY 10 -04 -6073 HEAVY MINIENANCE 10 -04 -6071 1-E7,VY MINIENANCE Description RELIC RELATTCI'S EXPENSE FUELIC RF3.ATICINS ESE Check Tbtal: F�IIyP STATIC S SHTDP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES WALL ICCLS WALL 'RXELS MINDEN= CA'ICff2S AUICMDTIVE AU ICNO IVE Check Tbtal: TRAVII /ch9FIc N Check 'Ibtal : CCNIRACIiAL SERVICES Zbta1: AUICMDTIVE Check Tbtal:. OZNIRACRAL SERVICES CFNIRACILAL SERVICES Check Tbtal: S TOJLS SHDP SUPPLIES Prtrunt Check # TYPe 750.00 750.00 1,500.00 00063071 NW 6.45 7.77 7:76 12.80 22.37 14.17 14.16 223.06 240.04 123.88 914.77 838.74 2,425.97 72.00 72.00 700.00 00063072 NW 00063073 NW 700.00 00063074 NW 00063075 NW 547.52 547.52 263.20 263.20 526.40 00063076 MN 192.16 53.86 231.79 South Tahoe P.U.D. 05/11/06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 05/05/2006-05/18/2006 CP 10 J, MAY 11, 2006, 3:23 FM - -reg: THERESA,- -1eg: GL 3L - -loc: QETIE - -- -jab: 361143 #J025- - -frog: 09 <1.07 > - -i x t id: R Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW, I II' , RV, VH Vendor Naire Account # Depaxttteit NARrT1N, DQltD L & bARXRIE MR TIN, LIPFES H. N RDN, LARRY V. MA flN -ItEE a AS, LC ISE M2 CE's. MASTER CARR SUPPLY CD NffiKS BUILDIl\Th CENIER 10 -06 -8556 COMMONS 20 -39 -6709 FINANCE 20 -39 -6710 FINANCE E 20 -39 -6710 FINVICE 20 -39 -6709 FINANCE 20 -39 -6709 FINANCE 20 -39 -6710 MANCE 20 -39 -6710 FIFE 20 -39 -6709 FINANCE 20- 02- 6050.PCNES 10 -02 -6071 PUTS 20 -02 -6071 ELMS 10 -02 -6048 PUMPS 20 -01 -6071 20 -01 -6073 20 -02 -6041 10 -02 -6051 20 -02 -6051 20 -02 -6042 20 -02 -6050 U 111) REPAIR t REPAIR PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PLNES PIMPS Descriptirn FLOCK BASIN EYPASS Check Ibtal.: MAN PRIlNZTPAL PAYMENTS INIERE,SI' EKPENSE Check Tbtal: INIEREST EXPENSE IRAN PRINCIPAL Q1. LCAN PRINCIPAL PANTS INIEREST EXPENSE Check Ibtal : IZAN PR.119ZEPAL PAYNENIS Check Tbtal: WELLS Check Tbtal: SDP S IITLfER PASS PUMP Check Tbtal: SEDP SUPPLIES ALL TOOLS BU.IIDINGS PUMP STATIC S & NAINIENANZE WELLS Arrant Check # Type 338.35 816.16 00063077 NW 6,709.96 1,207.88 7,917.84 00063078 NW 603.94 3,354.98 3,958.92 00063079 NW 3,354.98 603.94 3,958.92 00063080 IvW 560.78 3,115.21 3,675.99 00063081 M'7 874.43 874.43 00063082 NW 1,011.75 238.07 255.42 1,505.24 00063084 NW 22.84 15.74 191.50 14.45. 50.13 10.01 12.53 Scuth I, N� 11, 2006, 3:23 AvI --re : T PAYMENT eg: � L - -loc ENSI1E — -jccb 361143 #J025 - - -pmng /05 09 <1 07 >-- 20port id: CKR�SSPC Default Sel ectiai: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MAT, H14, RV, VH Vend= Nam Aoc cunt # Departffent MILLER KLAN ARASE & CO. M7IC R INFORMTICN SYSTEMS NELS T TEE W RE NEVAEA APPIML 10 -02 -6048 10 -02 -4820 20 -02 -4820 10 -03 -6041 10 -04 -6041 10 -04 -6071 10 -04 -6073 10 -28 -7515 20 -29 -8574 10 -28 -6042 RMPS PCNIPS LIMPS HOW �IMINIE HEAVY MUNIENANCE DIAM: D VALLEY RANCH DIAM ND VALLEY RANCH 10 -39 -4470 FINANCE 20 -39 -4470 FINANCE 10 -05 -6011 20 -05 -6011 81 1• a• t2 REPAIR REPAIR 10 -02 -6051 F TS 10 -04 -6041 FEW NAINIENANCE 10 -28 -6042 DIAM: D VALLEY RANCH 10 -28 -4830 DIAMIlD VALLEY RANG NEVAIM DIVISICN OF FORESTRY 10 -28 -4405 DIANL%D VALLEY RANCH NEVADA. SCCIEIY OF CPA' S 10 -39 -6250 FINANCE 20 -39 -6250 FINANCE Descriptiaz LUTHER PASS PIMP OFFICE SI��TICN OFFICE SUPPLIES HJILDIN3S PUILDINSS SEEP SUPPLIES SICRAM SHED DVR CHEMICAL EirLYVIdAl C ICS & YAINIE KE Check 'Ibtal : ALDTITNS 1JICNDI'IVE A[3ICKITIVE Check 'Ibtal : Check 'Ibtal : PLMP SMICNS BUIEDINSS CRaItS & NAINEENANZE Check Tbtal: S(1tIPITCNS MIME Total: CCU SERVICES 'Total: D(JES a :+. 11• /CE TIFICATI EMS a :10.4 111- /C RMETCP.TI Check Total: A rcunt Check # Type 146.97 1.63 1.63 64.92 40.40 36.51 62.82 194.03 58.09 152.18 1,076.38 00063085 MAT 4,575.00. 4,575.00 9,150.00 00063086 Ma 750.00 750.00 1,500.00 00063087 MAT 39.05 6.30 67.98 00063088 NW 59.25 59.25 00063089 Ma 3,462.22 3,462.22 00063090 NW 37.50 37.50 75.00 00063091 Ma South TaI e P.U.D. 05/11/06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 05/05/2006-05/18/2006 'DLL MAY 11, 2006, 3:23 AK --e: 'III,- - -1eg: GL JL - -loc: CNS11E-- - -jcb: 361143 #J025--- -prog: CK509 <1.07 >-- ieport id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: M'7, Fb7, RV, VH Vend= Nar e Acoamt # DepartrrEnt hISAN, USN OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE MAX - A EOTRF, D. P D M STEEL PARIS CD PETTY CASH 10 -39 -6200 FINANCE 20 -39 -6200 MAN CE 10 -00 -0428 ORAL & ALMINISTRATICN 20 -39 -4820 FIDE 10 -39 -4820 FINANCE 10 -06 -8556 OPERATIONS 10 -04 -6021 HEAVY ! INTE CE 10 -28 -6042 DIM: ND VALTEY RANG 10 -01 -6200 10 -02 -6083 10 -02 -6200 10 -21 -6621 10 -22 -6670 10 -27 -6620 10 -29 -6200 10 -29 -8679 20 -01 -6200 20 -02 -6083 20 -05 -8685 20 -21 -6621 20 -22 -6670 20 -27 -6620 20 -29 -4820 20 -29 -6200 UEER3RaND REPAIl2 R,MPS RMPS AMMSMMTCN DISTRICT CN MMMUU IMMSRaM REPAIF2 • PPS S'IlZATICN HINAN SCUROES DIRELICI2 DISTRICT INMMICN MWERM MMM RIDJU Description TRA TRA l ID I e. ECUaTICN / o Check Ttal: OFFICE SJPPLCEE INVENTORY Check Total: C SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Tbtal: FLOCK BASIN BYPASS FRINARY IIJTI NENT Check Total: C 1N S & M� Tbta1 r■ : DM i C. 1 S eti D. r• •••• •D• DP 04 '»e•e I rmarmaalacE RELIC '+D • CNS EXPENSE LETS • TRA 14 ID: REEL 100I W PORT CST INCENTIVE & RBZOGNITICN Plat PERSCIIIEL EXPENSE PUBLIC REIATICNS EXPENSE OFFICE TRA EL /ECUCATICN 2naiit Check # 'Type 29.48 29.47 58.95 235.84 235.84 109.14 109.11 218.25 1,045.15 235.28 1,280.43 117.07 117.07 46.00 15.60 54.00 50.78 5.00 14.00 66.56 70.00 56.00 15.59 20.00 50.77 5.00 14.00 7.00 9.79 00063092 Mt 00063093 M4 00063094 M, 00063095 MW 00063096 MW South Taft P.U.D. 05/11/06 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS R E P O R T 05/05 /2006 - 05/18/2006 THU, MY 11, 2006, 3:23 PM - -iq: E ---183: G[ JL - -loo: CNSTIE - -- -jab: 361143 #J025 - - - -p cg: CK509 <1.07 > - -fit id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; C1 ck 'I es' NW, }W, RV, VH Vendor Nacre Account # Department PICNEER AMERICAS LIE • 20 -02 -4755 LIMPS P TO, ANI0 • 20 -01 -6200 t1ID REPAIR QI ALITY OXERDL SERVICES R SUPPLY CO - FEZ #3210 RED -C DRIER, THE RED= MIN= S BC S BC /MCI S B C Pacific Bell 10 -07 -6025 LABCIRATU 20 -07 -6025 IABCFATORY 20 -01 -6052 LNCERGEUND REPAIR 10 -04 -6041 HE VY MUNIENANCE 10 -04 -6042 HEAVY NAINIEi E 10 -28 -4830 DIA ND VALLEY RANCH 10 -01 -6052 LLB REPAIR 10 -37 -6310 INFORAATICN SYS]P E 20 -37 -6310 INFORAATDal SYSTEMS 20 -00 -6310 ORAL & AIIvINISTRATTCN 10 -00 -6310 ORAL & AtME NISIRAT'ICN 10 -02 -6310 PIMPS 20 -02 -6310 PIMPS 10 -29 -8668 ENS Description HYPCCHLORTIE Check 'Ibta1: Check 'Ibtal : TRAVEL/MEETIN3S/ECUCATICN Check 'Ibtal: LA� E ir Tbtal.: BIfE� �, & IvANE ILES ar[N S & MINIMUM ,I 1: Check SCE9CRIPTICNS EXPENSE 7Uta1: PIPE' CRIERS, & 'Ibtal: Check =RIME 'jrEPH:NE TELEPHONE TEIERINE Check 'Ibta1: Check 'Ibta1: MAIN C1NIPKIL PANEL, WWIP Anumt CtEck # TYPe 500.09 00063097 MST 1,000.00 1,000.00 00063098 Ma 123.71 123.71 00063099 M1 170.00 170.00 340.00 00063100 Ma 3,137.04 32.31 344.50 3,513.85 00063054 NW 56.00 56.00 00063101 MST 418.95 418.95 00063102 9.34 9.33 18.67 00063016 MAT 628.98 614.64 160.57 102.57 1,506.76 00063103 NW 538.45 South Tahoe P.U.D. 05/11/06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 05/05 2006 - 05/18/2006 aaz� 14 TH T, MAY 11, 2006, 3:23. FM - -req: THERESA---leg: GL JL- -lo : C1�STIE-- - -jcb: 361143 #J025-- - -pttig: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: CKRELSF Default Selecticai: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: M'I, B 7, RV, VH Vencbr Nan Acoamt # Department SAFELY KLEEN CORP. SCHI LTZ, ROBERT SCHMB TIRES, LES 93DI'IYS IARMARE SIERRA CHEMICAL CD SIERRA SIERRA RCIIfIIL LABORATORY SIERRA NEVADA C LASS1ri ES SIERRA PACIFIC POWER 10 -07 -6075 LABORATORY 20 -07 -6075 LAB:RATCRY 10 -06 -6250 OPERATICNS 10 -05 -6011 PICUIPMENT REPAIR 20 -05 -6011 REPAIR 10 -02 -6041 20 -02 -6041 10 -02 -6071 20 -02 -6071 10 -06 -4755 20 -07 -6110 10 -07 -6110 20 -01 -6052 10 -00 -6740 20 -00 -6330 10 -00 -6330 PLVIPS PUPS PCMPS PIMPS OPERATIONS IABCRA1CRY IABOEMORY LNCERGICLND REPAIR GENERAL & AEMINISTRATICN GENERAL & AtM1NIS]PATICN CENMAL & ALM NISIlRATICN Description Check Teta1 : SAE CIA v _fPI SICALS SAFETY E H LPHYSICALS Uwlz. 'Ibtal: IMES/N 4HIPS /CEtaTFT= Cc1iedc Total: AA EJILDIN3S HUIIDIN SE-DP SIJPPLJIES SHJP REVUES HYPCCEICRITE NCNTICRII3 PIPE, C YQERS, & SiEh i LIC rrn r3 ELECTRIC Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: MANRIES Check Total: EPNSE Arrcunt. crux # Type 538.45 00063104 MK 435.50 435.50 871.00 00063105 MW 195.00 195.00 00063106 MW 216.77 216.77 433.54 00063107 MN 2.71 1.68 26.15 26.15 56.69 00063108 MK 4,400.20 4,400.20 00063109 NW 667.00 667.00 00063110 Ma 440.00 440.00 00063111 Ma 59.16 59.16 00063112 Mg 1,341.90 16,847.36 79,036.95 Scuth Tahre P.U.D. 05/11/06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 05/052200061 5/18/2006 id: CPa 15 'TEII.T, MTY 11, 2006, 3:23 AEI - -rag: `II A-- -leg: GL JLr -lcc: C1�F1'lis-- - -jOb: 361143 #J025-- - -wog: 7 Default Selecticn: Check Stock ]D: AP ; Check Types: NW, 2 IW, RV, VH Vey N3rre Aooamt # recartarEnt SIERRA S 9JI1D /CSC SaTIIi SEM M7IC S 9C[TiH 'Mi'E REFUSE 10 -01 -6520 10 -02 -6520 10 -03 -6520 10 -04 -6520 10 -05 -6520 10 -06 -6520 10 -28 -6520 10 -29 -6520 10 -38 -6520 10 -39 -6520 20 -01 -6520 20 -03 -6520 20-05 -6520 20 -29 -6520 20 -38 -6520 20 -39 -6520 20 -27 -6660 10 -05 -6011 20 -05 -6011 INCER3RUND REPAIR EtNPS Eurnucn SFDP IEDC%/EFINISREPAIR DIP'tND VAIIEY Rai ENaLNEERDTh SERVICE INDER3RaND REPAIR ELECIRICAL aWiNuREPAIR CUSICIvER SERVICE 10 -02 -6042 10 -02 -6048 10 -04 -6041 20 -02 -6050 20 -00 -6370 10 -00 -6370 DISTRICT INECEV TICN 9• P ID 9• ' ID REPAIR REPAIR PUMPS ANPS HEAV S NAINIEI NCE GENERAL ALMINISIRATICN GENERAL & ALMINISIRATICN rescripticri SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES S JPPL1ES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Check Ibtal: Check 'Ibtal:. WATER RCN Check EVENSE : AUIUvDI'IVE A[TICr'DI VE Check Ibtal: GEUNDS LUTHER PANSY CN EUIIDIN S MILS PEELEE FWE DISPOSAL E IS L Check 'Ibtal: Arrcunt Check # Type 97,226.21 00063113 MN 56.51 3.77 18.84 56.5i 18.84 56.51 18.84 3.77 18.84 3.74 56.51 18.84 18.84 3.77 18.84 3.74 376.71 00063114 MI 98.00 98.00 00063115 Md 532.32 28.30 560.62 00063116 NW 12.00 7.80 24.00 49.60. 182.42 2,984.85 3,260.67 00063117 WI South 'Iahce P.U.D. 05/11/06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 05/05/2006-05418/2006 aaggee���1�6�� 'IHIJ, NPAY 11, 2006, 3 :23 FM - -i1: 'III,- - -leg: GL CIS51�1E-- - -jcb: 361143 #J025---- prc�g: 09 <1.0`7 > - -rrt id: CKRBSEC Iefault Selection: Q-eck Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW, Ill, RV, VH verb Nacre Account # ��t SOJD E L CCNIa7LS SWEHIAEST G�,S 10 -07 -6025 LABORATORY 20 -07 -6025 LABORATORY 10 -00 -6350 CORAL & AII NISIRATICN 20 -00 -6350 GENERAL & ALNIINISIRATICN • STAN INSURANCE COAPANY 10 -00 -2531 10 -22 -4312 20 -22 -4312 10 -21 -4312 20 -39 -4312 10 -29 -4312 20 -29 -4312 SThILINE OFFTCE SUPPLY 10 -27 -4820 20 -27 -4820 10 -29 -4820 20 -29 -4820 10 -38 -4820 20 -38 -4820 SIDCKET INC 10 -06 -4720 T R P A 10 -00 -2606 TAI-EE HASIN CCNTAINE2 SERVICE 10 -06 -6652 10 -00 -6370 GENERAL & BIN AN RE90[IRCES SIt?ATZCN �RE1I CE DIREUu . FINMICE EN3INEERILZ DISIRICT INETIMICN DES CN CLISTCNFIt SERVICE QSICNER SERVICE O ERATICNS GENERAL & ALNIINIS RATION OPERATTCNS COAL & AT.NalISTRATICN Descripticn LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABCRATCW Ik 'Ibtal MURAL GAS NATURAL CI,S Check Ibtal: LC..I3 Tai DI BI .rrY, Lfl3 TEEM DISABILITY, M: MT L! 3 TIMM DI-aBn T'T'Y KNIT LCIZ TERM DISABILITY, KNIT LEIS TERM DISABILITY', KM' LCIZ TERM DISABII IY, MAT LCI3 TERM DISABIL TTY IvEMT Check 'Ibtal: OFFI OFFICE CE SUPPLIES O_FFIC SUPPLIES OFFICESUPPLIES SUPPLIES Check 'Ibtal : Check Ibtal: TRANSIKKIATICN MTITCATICN Check Ibtal: REFUSE DISFCSA CCSIS L, Check Ibtal: AnDumt check # Type 384.00 364.00 748.00 00063118 NW 10,393.87 571.33 10,965.20 00063119 MnT 1,469.57 -40.72 -40.71 - 5.47 - 5.47 - 7.90 -7.89 1,361.41 00063120 rw 15.45 15.45 78.19 78.18 45.97 45.96 279.20 00063121 M 14,289.60 14,289.60 00063122 M 89,497.40 89,497.40 00063123 MAT 9,585.00 260.00 9,845.00 00063124 M South MAY P.U.D. 05/11/06 TiPAYMENT : GL 3L- -loc C1�S1�1E — CLAIMS job 36 43 ##J0 5 - - -I 3 /OS 090 <1.0 7 >-- 20part ']I -bJ, Ng�Y 11, 2006, 3:23 HMI req Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW,HW,RV,VH Vend m. Nam Account # repextrent 'I i7E E i E INT 'IPA CE DAILY TRH 'MILE ENPWYEE ASSISIANZE 9 FIRE CZNIftL TAME PARADT.SF, CHEVRON TAHM PRINI'II2 TAHZE .'IRADIM SST 20 -29 -8574 ENS 20 -01 -4820 INCERGROUND REPAIR LNEERGROUND REPAIR 10 -27 -6620 20 -27 -6620 20 -27 -6660 10 -39 -4930 20 -39 -4930 20 -29 -8574 20 -29 -7054 DISIRICT IITICN DISIRI INECHAAMCN FINANCE FII AWE INGINEERIIG 10 -22 -4405 HLMN RE3 RUES 20 -22 -4405 HUvAN RE3aRCES DIRECICR 10 -28 -6042 DIAKIND VALLEY RANCH 20 -01 -4620 LIE[1UD REPAIR 10 -29 -4820 EN INEER10 20 -29 -4820 ENG"Il3 10 -37 -4920 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4920 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10 -06 -4920 OPERATIONS 10 -01 -6075 LNEERGRCUND REPAIR Descripticn V�L EAYVIEn1 SUPPLIES PIPE, �CpVIIZS, &NANHCLES 'Ibtal: PUBLIC FEIMICNS EXPENSE RELIC RECATICNS EXPENSE /D. GONE RVATICN EXPENSE Ars me. =ICES ADS or- ECUICES V Ek E, AL MICE Check 'Ibtal CCORNZILAL CCaNIR NMLAL SERVICE'S Check 'Ibtal : CRaNDIS & MUNIENANCE Check Ibtal: DIESEL OFFICESUPPLIES SUPPLIES PRINI'IIM PRINI'Il 3 Check 'Ibtal : Check Ibtal: SAFELY BZUIPMENI/PHYSICALS Antunt Check # TyPe 13.41 10.73 530.13 554.27 00063125 MAI 1,762.00 1,762.00 480.00 221.20 221.20 783.00 783.00 6,012.40 00063126 MAT 208.12 208.13 416.25 00063057 NW 128.30 128.30 00063127 NW 'o c- 58.56 58.56 00063128 NW 8.89 8. 17.78 89 17.78 35.55 88.89 00063129 WI 201.45 201.45 00063130 147 South Tahoe P.U.D. 05/11/06 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 05/05 2006 - 05/18/2006 CPa18 THU, NAY 11, 2006,. 3:23 FM - -req: THERESA -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: CNSTIE-- - -job: 361143 #J025--- -grog: 09 <1.07 > - -rat id: Default t Selection: Check Stack ID: AP ; an& 'I es : Mnl, I N, RV, VH Vendor N ne Aoca-mt # Dapartrrent TATS VALLEY E EE= SUPPLY 20 -05 -8685 B2UTAMENr REPAIR THEI D ECECITXN CORP USA MLR Ba< tNITED RENIALS LNITED T EXPTT E INC V W R CICEPCRATICN EXO INC WESTERN ENVIRZWENIAL 4ESIE RN NEVADA SUPPLY 10 -07 -6025 20 -07 -6025 20 -01 -6071 20 -02 -6050 10 -28 -6042 10 -00 -0421 20 -07 -4760 10 -07 -4760 10 -03 -6051 10 -02 -8631 20 -03 -6073 20 -03 -6071 10 -07 -6110 LABCRATORY LIB ND REPAIR. REPS DIANLlD VALLEY RANCH GENERAL AL & ALM NIS]P TICK LAECRATORY LABMATCRY ELNPS LEETRICAL SEDP EIECIRICAL S'EDP E EC l KC AL SEDP LABCRATC RY 20 -01 -6073 UNCERCEUND REPAIR WINZLER & KELLY T ENGRS 10 -29 -8679 ENGINEERING Descripticn REEL 100I GENSET Check Total: Check 'Ibtal: SUPPLIES WELPS Check Total: Check Total: SEDP SUPPLY INVENIC1RY Check Total: LAB:RA1U Y SUPPLIES LABORATORY S<7PPLU k Total: LIMP SITATI UPPER 'D KEPSPS UPGRADE S vA L TC1CgS SEDP SUPPLIES Check Total: tNNILR.Il3 SAUL 'IC= LPPS EVALIATTCN Check Total: Check Total: Anrxmt . Check # TYFe 620.91 620.91 00063131 NW 267.63 252.61 520.24 00063132 MAT 109.02 51.84 160.86 00063133 NW 58.85 58.85 00063134 M' 147.62 147.62 00063135 .MW 680.64 656.77 1,337.41 00063136 M' 336.83 587.86 98.21 56.61 1,079.51 00063137 WI 360.00 360.00 00063138 NW 51.87 51.87 00063139 M 45,702.36 South ' Y 11, P.U.D. 3:23 M -- : , PAYMENT eg: JJL-- OF c C STIE - CLAIMS :: 36143 #3025- - - -�vg X05 09 <1 07 >- -x xxct id: CKREC �J, Ng1Y 11, 20 , Default Selection: Vear Nacre Check Stock ID: AP ; Check 'I es: NW,IM,RV,VH A000 It # repertffent WITH FEW auGEN SERVICE 10 -29 -8676 ENaINEERILZ 10 -04 -6073 HEAVY MUNIENAME c RE PL FINAL DT= ELMS Sbta1: GALL S Check Zbtal: Grand 'Ibtal : Arrrunt Check # Type 14,087.99 59,790.35 00063140 NW 927.73 927.73 00063141 NW 500,338.08 South Tahoe Public Uti./ity District (;7emeral Manager Richard H. Solbri9 Directors rom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe 'CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614. www.stPUd.U5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Rhonda McFarlane, Chief Financial Officer Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: May 18, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT: Real Estate Negotiations REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct negotiators. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.8 of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held to discuss real estate negotiations. Negotiating Parties: Board Ad Hoc Committee, General Manager, Assistant General Manager/Engineer, Chief Financial Officer, Under Negotiation: Terms and Price Property Identification: Lukins Water Company, 2031 West Way, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CATEGORY: Water CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO -73- l.:1ener.u Manager Richard H. Solbrig South Tahoe Public Utility District Directors Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474' Fax 530 541-0614' www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: May 18, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Beth Jett, Kendall Pearce, and Pearce Family Trust dated 1-20-88 vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District, Cox & Cox Construction, Inc., a California Corporation, Nimbus Engineers, a Nevada Corporation and Does 1-100, inclusive, Civil Action No. PC 20050567, Superior Court, County of EI Dorado, State of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ d'l/YJ: NO CATEGORY: Sewer -75- South Tahoe Public Utility District l.:>enerell Manager Richard H. 501 brig Directors Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530544-6474. Fax 530541-0614 · www.5tpud.U5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. SOlbrig, General Manager Gary Kvistad, Legal Counsel MEETING DATE: May 18, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, California; United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S-02- 0238 MCEJFM. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES .M./ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: Sewer -77- Gener.:ll Manager Richard H. Soll:>rig South Tahoe Public Utility District Din-xtors Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614' www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. SOlbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: May 18, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Meyers Landfill Site - United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ttHI NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YEs'lMfcr eJn: NO CATEGORY: Sewer -79- l.7t>ne"'f1 Manager Richard H. 5oll:>rig South Tahoe Public Utility District Directors Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosl:>acher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive - South Lake Tahoe - CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474- Fax 530 541-0614 - www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14e TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager, Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: May 18, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation (two cases) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(b) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding anticipation of litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES.1?JlL NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES@fr f!Ir'l NO CATEGORY: -81- -....'......-.''''..........!::7....., Richard H. Soll>l;g South Tahoe Public UtHity District Directors Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive - South Lake Tahoe' CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474- Fax 530541-0614. www.5tpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14f TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Sclbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: May 18, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Conference with Labor Negotiators REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct negotiators DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54957.6(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held regarding contract negotiations. Agency Negotiators: Richard Solbrig/General Manager, Rhonda McFarlane/Chief Financial Officer, Ross Johnson/Plant Operations Manager, Directors Wallace and Comte/Union Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee Employee Organizations: International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Local 39; Agency/Employee Health Care Options Subcommittee SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ,fLtf4 NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES'7Jl1krtm::. NO I . CATEGORY: General -83-