HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 09-02SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Paul Sciuto, Assistant Manager Ri~a~ S01bri~. General Mana~!er............ ~ James R. Jones, President BOARD MEMBERS Eric W. Schafer, Vice President Duane Wallace, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Tom Comte, Director ,1 ,l,,~ll"~r 'll~SFI31"rl~lr IIF~i IIl[I ='Ii IIIIIIl//ll II ~11 [rill II II '"~""~'"~''~'"~"'~'"'~'~""'" ~ REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 2, 2004 MINUTE,S, The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, September 2, 2004, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Jones, Directors Wallace, Schafer, Comte, Mosbacher. ROLL CALL STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Sciuto, Brown, W. Stanley, Adams, Hoggatt, Bird, Attorney Kvistad. Action Items a. and b. (B-line Export Pipeline Replace- ment: Phase 3 re: substitution of subcontractor) were removed from the agenda and continued to the next regular Board meeting. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA O,R CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Schafer I Second Comte I Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: CONSENT CALENDAR Sludge Handling and Odor Control Facility - Approved Change Order No. 5 to Pacific Mechanical Corporation in the amount of $254,537.81; Ri::~IULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 2', 2004 ........ PAGE- 2' Johnson Boulevard Waterline - Approved Task Order to Turner and Associates for topographic surveying services in the amount of $5,280; CON.~ENT CALENDAR (continued) Co GIS (Geographical Information System) Development- Approved Task Order No. 18 to GeoTrans, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $103,135, to allow for grid map production, water and sewer connectivity, and custom software application development; Sewer Main Spot Repairs - Awarded bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, JF Pacific Liners, Inc., in the amount of $30,528; eo Temporary Help for Underground Repair/Sewer - Approved extending the contract of a temporary employee from September 4 through October 1, 2004, from Substitute Personnel & Business Services, in an amount not to exceed $3,500; Temporary Help for Underground Repair/Sewer - Approved extending contract of a temporary employee from October 8 through October 29, 2004, from the Substitute Personnel & Business Services, in an amount not to exceed $7,000; Property Tax Shift - Adopted Resolution No. 2793-04 supporting Proposition lA, a constitutional amend- ment for protection of local property tax revenues. ACTION ........ ITEMS FOR BOARD" ' Moved ~.~afer i Second ,Comte I Passed .Unenimouslv to approve payment in the amount of $2,147,839.46. PAYMENT, OF CLAIMS W~er and Wastewater Or)erations Committee: The committee met August 30. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. The committee will include a tour of the B-line export pipeline replacement project as part of their September 13 meeting. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORT. . Finance Committee: The committee met September 2 with BB&H Benefits Design regarding the District's self- insured medical plan. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 2, 2004 PAGE - 3 Director Wallace reported the agency's September 8 board meeting will be held in South Lake Tahoe and encouraged Board members and staff to attend. A tour of District facilities will be included as part of the meeting. Director Wallace reported on Pathways 2007. Since local governmental agencies are not included on the committee, it is important to keep abreast of their activities and find opportunities to provide input. The Chamber of Commerce, along with other entities, may hire a consultant to oversee the group's activities. Director Mosbacher reported she was impressed with the new sludge handling facility. General Mana,qer: Richard Solbdg reported on two items: 1 ) Alpine County is still working on developing a discharge agreement to present to the District. Insurance issues between the county and Sorensen's Resort need to be decided upon before the agreement can be finalized. 2) While no one was seriously hurt, a large claim was filed with the District's insurance carrier as a result of a traffic accident in January. Assistant General Mana.qer: Paul Sciuto reported on the progress of the B-line Export Pipeline Replacement Project: Phase 3. Distdct Information Officer: Dennis Cocking reported on two items: 1 ) The proposed Kehoe bill, regarding water metering, is expected to be vetoed by the governor. 2) Water Conservation Program - There has been 22 violations issued, which is quite good considering how many customers the Distdct has. The program is intended to be educational, not punitive. Staff has done a good job of fielding questions, complaints, and offering other assistance. Attorney Kvistad reported the draft EIR/EIS for the Truckee River Operating Agreement was issued and is circulating for the comment period. District staff will review the document for impacts to the District. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT BOARD MEMBER REPORTS GENERAL MANAGER / STAFF REPORTS 3:05 - 3:15 P.M. MEETING BREAK 'REGULAR BOARD MEETING 'MINUTES - SEP¥~.MBER 2, 2004 ' PAGE~'- 4 3:15 P.M. ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION 5:20 P.M. RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION REPORT ON ITEMS DIsCussED DURING CLbsED sEssION NO reportable Board action,~ Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation (One Case) No reportable Board ,action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation: Pioneer Trail Waterline Replacement Near Filter Plant No reportable Board action., Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO et al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case Nq. 999128 , No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, California; et al., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. ClV S-02-0238 MCE JFM No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 2, 2004 5:20 P.M. ADJOURNMENT PAGE- 5 ~a, rhes R. Jo 6uth Tahoe Publi(~..IJ'tility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp~rk of the Bd'a~-d South Tahoe Public Utility District zz o~_ 0 0 0 <~ z