HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 04-07-05SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, April 7, 2005 2:00 P.M. City Council Chambers 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California Eric W. Schafer, President James R. Jones, Director BOARD MEMBERS Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Duane Wallace, Vice President Tom Comte, Director CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. Five-minute limit. No action will be taken.) CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be discussed and considered separately upon request.) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION I DISCUSSION ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Bayview and SOuth Upper Truckee Well No. 3 Control BUildings Design (Ivo Bergsohn) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION Approve Proposal from Boyle Engineering Corporation (Boyle) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - APRIL 7, 2005 PAGE - 2 Customer Service, Operations and Laboratory Facilit7 (John Thiel) Award Bid to the Lowest Respon- sive, Responsible Bidder (Bid results will be presented at Board meeting) Management Memorandum of Under- standing (MOU) ~ (R.Solbrig, Management Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee - Jones/Comte) Approve Ratification of MOU with District Management Staff (Including Compensation Policy d. Payment of Claims Approve Payment in the Amount of $1,156,173.14 BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Executive Committee (Schafer / Wallace) b. Finance Committee (Wallace / Schafer) c. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones / Comte) d. Planning Commi~ee (Mosbacher/Schafer) BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Building Ad Hoc Committee (Mosbacher / Jones) u BOARD MEMBER REPORTS EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT 11. 12. 13. GENERAL MANAGERREPORTS (Topics of discussion will include the following:) a. Department of Health Services Water System Report b. B-line Phase 3 Effluent Leak of 10/23/04 STAFF REPORTS a. Water ConservatiOn Incentive Program Discussion NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS I EVENTS Past Meetings / Events 03/21/05 - Management Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee Meeting 03/22~05 - Management Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee Meeting 03/23/05 - Board Budget Workshop 03/28/05 - Management Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee Meeting 03/29/05 - ECC (EmplOYee Communications Committee) Meeting 04/04/05 - Operations Committee Meeting Future Meetings I Events 04/18/05 -4:00 p.m. ~Operations Committee Meeting at Distdct Office 04/19/05 - 9:00 a.m. -iAIpine County Supervisors Regular Meeting in Markleeviile 04/19/05 - 9:00 a.m. -iCity Council Regular Meeting at City Council Chambers 04/21/05 - 2:00 p.m. -ISTPUD Regular Board Meeting at City Council Chambers 04/27/05 -8:00 a.m. -!ECC (Employee Communications Committee) Meeting at District Office (President Schafer is Board representative) 04/27/05 - 04/29/05 - CASA Conference 04~28/05 - 6:00 p.m. - Public Meeting re: Budget at City Council Chambers REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGE 14. CLOSED SESSION NDA - APRIL 7, 2005 PAGE - 3 Pursuant to Gove'nment Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litig~.tion (Two Cases) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigatioh: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, California; et al., United Stat~s District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case NO. CIV S-02-0238 MCE JFM Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation: Pioneer Trail Waterline Replacement Near Filter Plant Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation: Beth Jeff / Kendall Pearce Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigationi re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City Of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators -Agency Negotiators: General Manager, Management Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee, Board of Directors Employee Organization: Management Unit 15. ACTION I REPORT ON, ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION t6. ADJOURNMENT (To tile next regular meeting, April 21, 2005, 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility DistdCt Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. -~ 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Items on this agenda are num .b?red for . identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on me agenaa. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Headngs will not be called to order prior to the time specified. Public participation is encouraged. Pbblic comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; commei3ts should be bdef and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agen~la can be heard dudng "Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. The meeting location is accessible t~ people w!th disabilities. Every reasonable effort will. b..e ma.de !.o a .c~:?om..rno. date participation of the disabled in all of~he District s public meetings. If particular accommo(~ations mr tne QlsaDle(! are needed (i.e., disability-related aids, Or other services), please contact the Clerk of the Board at 530.544.6474, extension 203, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. ITEMS CONSENT CALENDAR APRIL 7, 2005 REQUESTED ACTION 2005 Asphalt Patching Services (Rick Hydrick) Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Asphalt Patching Services for the 2005 Construction Season New Phone System (Carol Swain) Authorize Staff to Negotiate Contract for Purchase, Rather than Lease, of a Telecommunications System, from ProLogic Communications, Inc., in the Estimated Amount of $65,000 eo Assessment District 82-! (Fallen Leaf Lake) (Debbie Henderson) ' Alpine County's Summer 2005 Fish Purchases (Linda Brown) Bayview, Helen and Sol=th Upper Truckee Wells Drilling Project (Ivo Bergsohn) Bayview Waterline (John Thiel) Approve Resolution No. 2796-05 Determining Surplus Funds and Disposition of Surplus Amount for Assessment District 82-1 Authorize Payment to Alpine County in the Amount of $36,000 Approve Change Order No. 2 to Zim Industries, Inc., in the Amount of $23,145.75 Approve Task Order No. I to Auerbach Engineering in an Amount Not to Exceed $95,000 Sitework - Customer Service, Operations and Laboratory Facilities i (John Thiel) (1) Approve Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims; and (2) Authorize Staff to File a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk CONSENT CALENDAR - APRIL 7, h. B-Line Phase 3: Export (Jim Hoggatt) 2O05 ~ipeline Replacement 2005 Inspection and Materials Testing (Jim Hoggatt) jo B-Line Phase 3: Export ~ipeline Replacement (Jim Hoggatt) Gardner Mountain Sewer Pump Station and Cornelian Booster Station Project (Jim Hoggatt) Sludge Handling Faciliti(,s and Odor Control Project (Jim Hoggatt) Regular Board Meeting Minutes: March 17, 2005 (Kathy Sharp) PAGE- 2 Approve Purchase Order to Kelley Erosion Control Inc., for Winterization and Maintenance of BMPs in the Amount of $35,000 Approve Task Order No. 2 to Stantec Consulting Inc., in the Amount of $2OO,OOO Approve Amendments to Task Order No. 53 to Carollo Engineers in the Total Amount of $79,400 Approve Change Order No. 2 to K.G. Walters Construction Company, Inc., in the Amount of $73,043.52 Approve Change Order No. 7 to Pacific Mechanical in the Amount of $36,907.16 Approve Minutes South Tahoe Public Utilit~ District · 1.275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 Facsimile 530.541.0614 · www.stpud.us South Taho public Utility District General Manager P. Ichard H. Solbrlg D/rectors Tom Com~ Jame~ I~ Jone~ Mary Leu Mo~bacher Ouane Wallace Eric ,'5chafer FROM: MEETING DATE: April 7, ITEM - PROJECT NAME: 2 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe'· CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us E OARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.a TO: Board of Directors Rick Hy~rick, Manager of Field Operations 2005 005 Asphalt Patching Services REQU£STED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to advertise for bids for asphalt patching services for the 2005construction season. DISCUSSION: The undergrCund repair crews complete repairs of numerous waterline leaks and service tie-ins, theO temporarily patches the disturbed asphalt. Later, when the weather permits, these patches must be permanently repaired by professional paving contractors. SCHEDULE: Spring, summ( COSTS: Estimated $115,001 ACCOUNT NO: 2001-6052, BUDGETED AMOUNT REM 2006 1001-6052 $70,000,20 ATTACHMENTS: None ~r, and fall 2005 001-6052 AINING: 2005 1001-6052 $27,979, 2001-6052 $105,619, 01-6052 $250,000 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: c.,~ ~,.~.c,~. o~,c~.: ~,s ;~.,~ ~. ,o CATEGORY: Sewer & Water 5iouth Tahoe blic Utility District General Manager I~lchard H. ~olbrlg Diceccor$ Tom Comt~ James I~ Jon~e Mar~ Lou Moebachgr Ouan~ Wallac~ Eric ~chaf~r 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe*, CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us TO: Board FROM: Carol MEETING DATE: April 7, ITEM - PROJECT NAME: REQUESTED BOARD AC'I rather than lease, of a telec( Inc., in the estimated amour E,OARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.b ,f Directors wain, Information Systems Manager 2005 ~lew Phone System Contract ON: Authorize staff to negotiate contract for purchase, mmunications system, from ProLogic Communications, of $65,000. DISCUSSION: On March 3, 2005, the Board authorized staff to proceed with negotiation of a contract for lease/purchase, implementation, training, relocation to new buildings, and maintenance of M tel 3300 telecommunications system with ProLogic Communications, Inc. After research of finapcing options from a number of leasing institutions, staff feels that it would be a better fiscal decision for the District to purchase the phone equipment rather than to proceed with a lease. Our decision regarding the choice of telecommun cations system remains the same. Therefore, staff is re~luesting Board aUthorization to proceed with negotiation of a contract for purchase, implffmentation, training, relocation to new buildings, and maintenance of Mitel 3300 ~elecommunications system with ProLogic Communications, SCHEDULE: System imple COSTS: $65,000 (estimate, ACCOUNT NO: 1037-7051 BUDGETED AMOUNT REI ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUE 'GENERAL MANAGER: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: ~entation April - June 2005 J) VIAINING: Unbudgeted STED ACTION: .o ES~Y~d- NO CATEGORY: General Pi Et TO: Board o FROM: Debbie MEETING DATE: April 7, ITEM - PROJECT NAME: REQUESTED BOARD ACTI funds and disposition of surp DISCUSSION: The District analysis of the 1982-1 South of remaining funds. As of FE 44-715-310 was $128,127.3. paid directly from the El Don NBS determined that amount of $20,104.30 be ref designated as ConStruction remaining $49,066.37 was California Streets and Highw general fund. Staff recommends de maintenance of improvemer iou h Tahoa blic Utility District General Manager FJchard H. ~olbrlg Dl'mecCofs Tom Com~ Jam~ I~ Jone~ Mar~ Lou Mo~bacher Ouane Wallace Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe', CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us OARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.c Directors enderson, Accounting Manager '.005 ,ssessment District 82-1(Fallen Leaf Lake) ON: Approve Resolution 2796-05 determining surplus lus amount for Assessment District 82-1 retained the services of NBS Company to complete an Y Assessment District to determine the proper distribution ,bruary 18, 2005, the balance in El Dorado County Fund ~. The NBS fee for this service was $4,000.00, which was ldo County Fund 44-715-310. Ihe designated reserve fund balance plus interest in the unded to real property owners of record and $54,956.68 is vlaintenance Fund for maintenance of improvements. The lentified as surplus in the redemption fund. Per State of ays Code §8784, surplus funds may be transferred to the signating the surplus amount as an additional amount for ts. SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: N/A I ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT REI~ ATTACHMENTS: Resoluti Analysis CONCURRENCE WITH REQUEI GENERAL MANAGER: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: INNING: N/A ~n No. 2796-05, Assessment District 82-1 Closeout ;TED ACTION: .Es .o CATEGORY: Water 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O RESOLUTION NO. 2796-05 A RES~ ~LUTION DETERMINING SURPLUS FUNDS AND ;POSITION OF SURPLUS AMOUNT FOR iOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 82-1 WHEREAS, with Resolution No. 2245, the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District ~the "Agency") adopted its Resolution of Intention, to order the acquisition and impr~ "District"), within the of the Municipal Impr, WHEREAS, b' 1982, the Agency au of the Improvement of $143,387.69. WHEREAS, tt remaining Fund balar NOW, THERE Highways Code of C District now declare~ disposition of the sA Sections. We, the undel was duly and reguls Tahoe Public Utility by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: )vement proceedings of the Assessment District No. 82-1 (the ;outh Tahoe Public Utility District, California, under the provisions ~vement Act of 1913. its Bond Indenture, adopted by the Board of Directors on May 6, horized the issuance of improvement bonds under the provisions ond Act of 1915 to represent unpaid assessments in the amount ~e payment of all bonds and interest has been completed, and ~ces of $48,066.37 exist as of February 18, 2005. !FORE, in accordance with Section 8784 of the Streets and alifornia, the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility the balance of the remaining Funds surplus, and orders the )lus to the Agency's Water Enterprise Fund according to said 'signed, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing resolution rly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South )istrict at a regular meeting duly held on the 7th day of April, 2005, Eric Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District / Kathy Sharp, Clerk qf the Board and Ex-officio Secretary IIo the Board of Directors -1- South Tahoe Public Utilities District Assessment District 82-1 District Closeout Fund Anaysis Unreserved, undesignated balance as of 02/18/2005 Pursuant to Section 8885 of Streets and Higl~ ways Code Reserve Fund balance as of 06/30/96 Less amount to be refunded to property owners Amount of Reserve to be transferred to General Fund Pursuant to Section 8784 of Streets and Higt~ways Code Redemption Fund balance as of 06/30/96 Less NBS CIoseout Fee Less amount to be refunded to property owners Amount of Redemption to be transferred to Ger eral Fund (1) Pursuant to Sections 10427 of Streets and Highways Code Construction Maint. Fund balance as of 06/30/g Less Amount to be used for maintenance of im Total amount of Construction Maint. to be Total amount of Closeout Fee Total amount to be transferred to General Total amount to be refunded to property ow ~rovements red for maintenance of improvements (2) F~ nd lets (4) Pursuant to section 8784 of the Streets and Hi~ Fund after the payment of all bonds and intere installments due upon the assessments securi assessments have been previously paid or ma The District has chosen to transfer said radem (2) This amount was listed as "Othe¢ funds and after the improvements were completed and Maintenance Fund may be used for the main ihways Code of California, surplus in the Redemption st may be proportionately credited upon the final ~g the bonds and repaid to those persons whose ~ be transferred to the general fund of the District. ~tion fund surplus to the District General Fund. . presumed to be the Construction Maintenance Fund ~e Construction Fund was closed out. The Construction ;nance of improvements. $15,000.00 (14,000.00) 52,066.37 (4,000.00) 0.00 54,956.68 0.00 $1,000.00 48,066.37 $128,127.35 54,956.68 4,000.00 49,066.37 $20,104.30 TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: Board Linda Hal Bi~ April 7, outh Taho Public Utility District General Manager FJchard H. $olbrlg D/rectors Tom Comt,~ James I~. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Ouans Wallace EHc 5chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe', CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us 3OARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.d )f Directors frown/Purchasing Agent, J/Land Application Manager 2005 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: IJpine County's Summer 2005 Fish Purchases REQUESTED BOARD ACT $36,000. DISCUSSION: Alpine Counl quote was from American T~ prices include an increase o continued high price of gas¢ American Trout's history in ~ competition, staff believes tt Staff also audited the were spent (the contract alit SCHEDULE: Due to April 1 COSTS:S36,000 ACCOUNT NO: 1028-6649 BUDGETED AMOUNT REI~ ATTACHMENTS: Correspo Co. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUE! GENERAL MANAGER: CHIEFFINANCIAL OFFICER: ION: Authorize payment to Alpine County in the amount of y requested quotes from three trOut suppliers. Their best · out & Salmon Co., at the same price as last year. Previous f 20% last year and 4.5% four years ago. Considering the line that is a large component of the cost of fish deliveries, :eeping their prices competitive, and the current limited ~e price quoted to be reasonable. Summer 2004 fish purchases and all but $200 of the funds ,ws for the carryover of those funds). 2005 per contract IAINING: $36,000 qdence from Alpine County, American Trout and Salmon ;TED ACTION: 'ES~O~ NO CATEGORY: Sewer ALPINE Chairman Dave Zellmer PO Box 3 Markleeville, CA. 96120 530-694-2114 Game Warden Larry Kuhl COUNTY FISH & GAME COMMISSION Commissioners Leonard Tumbeaugh Markleeville, CA. Bruce Huff Markleeville, CA. Ken Daughters Bear Valley, CA. Dave McEImy Woodfords, CA. Todd Bmnscombe Markleeville, CA. Paul K. Washam Woodfords, CA. March 13, 2005 Linda Brown South Tahoe Public Utility 1275 Meadow Crest Drive So. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Dear Linda: In the past few weeks we h~ Califomia asking for bid pr able fish per pound deliven Trout and Salmon located supplied Alpine County w pound delivered to Alpine 1 discretion of Alpine Count?. $36,000 for 15,000 pounds We have been very happy in the past. He sends us a Thank you again for your l to call me at (530) 694-211 Thank you, District tve made telephone calls to three fish suppliers in Northern ices for the summer of 2005. The bids are for prices for Catch :d to Alpine County. The best bid we got is from American a Susanville California. This is the same vendor that has h fish for the past few years. His price this year is $2.40 per 2ounty. These fish will be delivered and planted at the ~ Fish and Game. The price for this years planting will be of catch able fish. fith the fish that American Trout and Salmon have delivered ertificate from UC Davis stating disease free fish. tip in this project. If you have any questions please feel free David O. Zellmer American P,O. BOX 1702, SUSANVtLLE, CALIFORN Alpine Coun .ty Fi. sk .Dave Zcllmer '..Box 3 Markleeviile, CA 9{ Dear Dave: The following price Alpine Co., as dircc~ Catcha I am anticipath~g SUl If this is incorrect pl Sincerely, 'rout, & Salmon Co. ~, 96130 * TELEPHONE 257-5531 · CELLULAR {.94~ 251-fillfl & Game COmmission own// ..... ~J~ 3/11/05 il2.0 includes delivery to various lakes.and 'streams in :ed by your Fish & Game Commission: ~ ble .Trout -.$2.40/1b. ~plying 15,000 lbs for the 2005-stocking season. ~ :ase let me know'as soon as possible. '" d McFarlan'd m Facil~ties for Propagation o£ Trout and Salmon -.- HATCHERY 'EGGS * BROODSTOGK.'*' FEEDING PONDS TO: Board FROM: Ivo Be MEETING DATE: April 7, ITEM - PROJECT NAME: B REQUESTED BOARD ACTI in the amoUnt of $23,145.75. uth T ho¢ F'ublic Utility District General Manager I~lchard H. D/~-ecco£s Tom Comt~ James I~ Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Ouane Wallace EHc E~chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe', CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 ° www. stpud.us 3OARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.e Df Directors sohn, Hydro-Geologist .~005 ayview, Helen and South Upper Truckee Wells Drilling roject ON: Approve Change Order No. 2 to Zim Industries, Inc., DISCUSSION: Change OrdEr No. 2 to Zim Industries, Inc., is required to balance all bid quantities to final quantities (~see Attachment A for itemization), and to extend the contract time required to comPlete this project.. SCHEDULE: As soon as pos COSTS: $23,145.75 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8463/F BUDGETED AMOUNT REM ATTACHMENTS: Change O CONCURRENCE WITH REQUES'I 'GENERAL MANAGER: YE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YE sible ',WSUTR ~,INING: 2005 $692,218, 2006 'der No. 2, Attachment A 'ED ACTION: s -HZ NO S ~ ~ ~C NO $400,00 CATEGORY: Water Project Project Contra( Date Apri The Contract Shall Be Chang~ Attachment "A" for a total o CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 2 Bayview, Helen and South Upper Truckee Wells Drilling or: Zim Industries, Inc. 7, 2005 PO# P15119 ;d to adjust bid quantities to final quantities as shown on $23,145.75. TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER N°. 2,: $ 23,145.75 Original Contract Previous Change Order Current Contract THIS CHANGE ORDER New Contract Total Dollar Amounts Contract Time $ 938,196.00 $ 61,027.06 $ 999,223.06 $ 23,145.75 $1,022,368.81 This Change Order constitutes full and change. By acceptance of this Change adjustment to the contract price and ti~ result of this change. Authorized By STPUD Board Accepted By Contractor Reviewed By mutual accord and satisfaction for all time and all costs related to this Order the contractor agrees that the Change Order represents an equitable ne, and further agrees to waive all right to file a claim arising out of or as a President Date: Date: Date: BA YVIEW, HELEN, AND SOUTH UPPER ? RUCKEE WELLS DRILLING PROJECT 2004 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - ATTACHMENT l SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISYRICT I I BAYVIEW, HELEN AND SOUTH UPPER TRUCKEE WELLS DRILLING PROJECT 1 -- ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT BID UNIT CONTRACT FINAL FINAL BALANCE BALANCE QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITY AMOUNT CHANGE CHANGE ORDER' ORDEF BAYVlEW PORTION OF PROJECT QUANTITY AMOUN'~ 1 Mobilization/demobilization LS 1 $58,000.00 $58,000.00 100% $58,000.00 $0.00 12 Dr 42" nominal dia. surface Feet 30 $350.00 $10,500.00 36 $12,600.00 6 $2,100.00 borehole to 30' 3 Furnish/install nominal 36" dia. Feet 30 $100.00 $3,000.00 36 $3,600.00 6 $600.00 5/16" steel casing 4 Drill/log/sample 12" nominaldia. Feet 720 $90.00 $64,800.00 755 $67,950.00 35 $3,150.00 pilot hole from 30' to total depth. 5 Ream pilot hole to 2" nominal dia. Feet 460 $40.00 $18,400.00 539 $21,560.00 79 $3,160.00 Production borehole frome 30' to total well depth. Furnish and Install: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6A Blank well casing Feet 180 $39.00 $7,020.00 172 $6,708.00 (8) ($-312.00 6B Dissimilar Metal Connector Feet 5 $460.00 $2,300.00 3 $1,380.00 (2) ($-920.00 6C Stainless steel well screen Feet 240 $155.00 $37,200.00 200 $31,000.00 (40) ($-6,200.00 6D Blank stainless steel wel!casing Feet 60 $166.00 $9,960.00 160 $26,560.00 100 $!6,600.00 6E Stainless steel well cellar Feet 10 $166.00 $1,660.00 10 $1,660.00 $0.00 6F Bottom plug:18" nominal dia.,Type LS 1 $440.00 $440.00 1 $440.00 $0.00 304 6G Water-tight well cover LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 (1) ($-1,000.00) 7 Gravel fill pipe Feet 180 $4.00 $720.00 684 $2,736.00 504 $2,016.00 8 Sounding tube Feet 185 $3.00 $555.00 173 $519.00 (12) ($-36.00) 9 A53 Grade B steel casing Set 1 $40.00 $40.00 2 $80.00 1 $40.00 centralizers 10 Stainless steel casing centralizers Sets 5 $110.00 $550.00 5 $550.00 $0.00 11 Graded sand filter pack 3000- lb. 33 $420.00 $13,860.00 53.25 $22,365.00 20 $8,505.00 sack 12 Fine sand transition seal 100-lb 7 $35.00 $245.00 50 $1,750.00 43 $1,505.00 sack 13 Bentonite transition seal 50-lb. 67 $20.00 $1,340.00 93 $1,860.00 26 $520.00 sack 14 Sand-cement annular seal CY 24 $300.00 $7,200.00 34 $10,200.00 10 $3,000.00 15 Polymer ddlling fluid: Baroid-IDP Pails 12 $120.00 $1,440.00 10 $1,200.00 (2) ($-240.00) POLY-BORE 16 ,Furnish/instal/remove formation Settings 5 $3,000.00 $15,000.00 6 $18,000.00 1 $3,000.00 testing tool 17 Air-lift pump zone test interval for Hours 20: $250.00 $5,000.00 19.5 $4,875.00 (1) ($-125.00) approx 4 hours per setting 18 Pump zone test interval at approx Hours 40 $150.00 $6,000.00 50.25 $7,537.50 10 $1,537.50 50 gallons per minute for approx 8 hours per setting 19 Furnish and install temporary 50-lb. 120 $16.00 $1,920.00 90 $1,440.00 (30) ($-480.00) bentonite seal sack 20 Furnish and install temporary fine lO0-1b. 15 $30.00 $450.00 25.5 $765.00 11 $315.00 sand seal sack 21 Furnish and install temporary filter 3000-lb. 11 $300.00 $3,300.00 10.75 $3,225.00 (0) ($-75.00) ~ack sack 22 Stand-by time to maintain fluid Hours 120 $10.00 $1,200.00 $0.00 (120) ($-1,200.00) level in borehole awaiting lab report 23 Sodium Hypochlorite Gallons 26 $5.00 $130.00 34.25 $171.25 8 $41.25 BA YVIEW, HELEN, AND SOUTH UPPER 7 RUCKEE WELLS DRILLING PROJECT 2004 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - ATTACHMENT l ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT BIC UNIT! CONTRACT FINAL FINAL BALANCE BALANCE QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITY AMOUN'~ CHANGE CHANGE ORDER ORDER QUANTITY AMOUNT 24 Tremie sodium hypochlorite Hours 4 $250.00 $1,000.00 5 $1,250.00 1 $250.00 solution 25 Furnish and install eductor pipe Hours 4 $250.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 (4) ($-1,000.00) and airline, evacuate well by airlift 26 Furnish/install/remove high LS 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 (1) ($-1,500.00) velocity 4-nozzle jetting tool. 27 Water jet well screens ~Hours 12 $200.00 $2,400.00 $0.00 (12) ($-2,400.00) 28 Furnish, install and remove double LS 1 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 1 $3,600.00 $0.00 flange swabbing tool 29 Double swab and airlift pump the Hours 8 $250.00 $2,000.00 39.50 $9,875.00 32 $7,875.00 well screen. 30 Air-lift pump and surge well Hours 12 $150.00 $1,800.00 5.5 $825.00 (7) ($-975.00) 31 Furnish, install, test, operate, LS 1 $6,500.00 $6,500.00 1 $6,500.00 $0.00 maintain and remove test pump and motor, etc. 32 Develop the well by turbine Hours 8 $150.00 $1,200.00 8.25 $1,237.50 0 $37.50 pumping and test the spray irrigation field at design capacity. 33 Perform Step-Drawdown test. Hours 12 $150.00 $1,800.00 11 $1,650.00 (1 ) ($-150.00) 34 Recovery time stand-by betw Hours 24 $80.00 $1,920.00 30 $2,400.00 6 $480.00 tests. 35 Perform constant discharge test. Hours 48 $150.00 $7,200.00 48 $7,200.00 $0.00 36 EDCEMD Well Permit Appl. Fees. Well 1 $392.00 $392.00 1 $392.00 $0.00 37 Sound Barriers LS 1 $11,000.00 $11,000.00 I $11,000.00 $0.00 38 Geophysical logging surveys per LS 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 1 $2,500.00 $0.00 Div. 18, Section 12C 39 Plumbness and Alignment Test LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 1 $~1,000.00 $0.00 40 Color video-scan survey LS 1 $900.00 $900.00 I $900.00 $0.00 41 Fluids containment, hauling and Gallons 33,000 $0.40 $13,200.00 80,160 $32,064.00 47,150 $18,864.00 disposal 42 Cuttings containment, hauling and Tons 164 $100.00 $16,400.00 229 $22,900.00 65 $6,500.00 disposal. 43 Provide, install, maintain, and LS 1 $22,000.00 $22,000.00 1 $22,000.00 $0.00 remove temporary spray irrigation system, etc. 44 Continuous on-site monitoring of Hours 72 $60.00 $4,320.00 72 $4,320.00 $0.00 spray irrigation system discharges. 45 Provide 300 LF of erosion control LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 2 $2,000.00 1 $1,000.00 fencing 46 Install and remove 300 LF of LF 300 $3.00 $900.00 720 $2,160.00 420 $1,260.00 erosion control fencing as directed 47A Temporary fill pilot hole w! 1/4" CY 45 $170.00 $7,650.00 19.6 $3,332.00 (25) ($-4,318.00) .graded gravel. 47B Fill and seal well with sand cement CY 32 $180.00 $5,760.00 $0.00 (32) ($-5,760.00) Subtotal for Bayview Portion (Ite ns 1 - 47B): $392,172.00 $447,837.25 $55,665.25 HELEN WELL PORTION i48 Mobilization/demobilization LS 1 $70,000.00 $70,000.00 1 $70,000.00 $0.00 49 Drill 36" nominal dia. surface Feet 20 $350.00 $7,000.00 25 $8,750.00 5 $1,750.00 borehole to 20' BA YVlEW, HELEN, AND SOUTH UPPER RUCKEE WELLS DRILLING PROJECT 2004 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - ATTACHMENT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT BID UNIT CONTRACT FINAL FINAL BALANCE BALANCE QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITY AMOUNT CHANGE CHANGE ORDER; ORDER QUANTITY! AMOUNT 50 Furnish/install nominal 30" dia. Feet 20 $100.00 $2,000.00 25 $2,500.00 5 $500.00 1/4" steel casing 51 Drill/log/sample 12" nominal dia. Feet 480 $90.00 $43,200.00 828 $74,520.00 348 $31,320.00 ~ilot hole from 20' to total depth. 52 Ream pilot hole to 2" nominal dia. Feet 410 $40.00 $16,400.00 $0.00 (410) ($-16,400.00) Production borehole frome 30' to total well depth. Furnish and Install: 53A Blank well casing Feet 250 $31.00 $7,750.00 $0.00 (250) ($-7,750.00 53B Dissimilar Metal Connector Feet 5 $450.00 $2,250.00 $0.00 (5) ($-2,250.00) 53C Stainless steel well screen Feet 150 $135.00 $20,250.00 $0.00 (150) ($-20,250.00) 53D Blank stainless steel well casing Feet 20 $145.00 $2,900.00 $0.00 (20) ($-2,900.00) 53E Stainless steel well cellar Feet 10 $180.00 $1,800.00 $0.00 (10) ($-1,800.00) 53F Bottom plug:16" nominal dia.,Type LS 1 $440.00 $440.00 $0.00 (1) ($-440.00) 304 53G Water-tight well cover LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 (1) ($-1,000.00) 54 Gravel fill pipe Feet 250 $4.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 (250) ($-1,000.00) 55 Sounding tube Feet 255 $3.00 $765.00 $0.00 (255) ($-765.00) 56 A53 Grade B steel casing Set I $40.00 $40,00 $0.00 (1) ($-40.00) centralizers 57 Stainless steel casing centralizers Sets 3 $110.00 $330.00 $0.00 (3)! ($-330.00) 58 Graded sand filter pack 3000- lb 17 $420.00 $7,140.00 $0.00 (17) ($-7,140.00) sack 59 Fine sand transition seal 100-lb 5 $35.00 $175.00 $0.00 (5) ($-175.00) sack 60 Bentonite transition seal 50-1b. 49 $20.00 $980.00 $0.00 (49) ($-980.00) sack 61 Sand-cement annular seal CY 22 $300.00 $6,600.00 $0.00 (22) ($-6,600.00) 62 Polymer drilling fluid: Baroid-IDP Pails 9 $120.00 $1,080.00 6 $720.00 (3) ($-360.00) POLY-BORE 63 Furnish/instal/remove formation Settings 5 $3,000.00 $15,000.00 6 $18,000.00 1 $3,000.00 testing tool 64 Air-lift pump zone test interval for Hours 20 $250.00 $5,000.00 13 $3,250.00 (7) ($-1,750.00) approx 4 hours per setting 65 Pump zone test interval at approx Hours 40 $150.00 $6,000.00 55 $8,250.00 15 $2,250.00 50 gallons per minute for approx 8 hours per setting 66 Furnish and install temporary 50-lb. 120 $16.00 $1,920.00 91 $1,456.00 (29) ($-464.00) bentonite seal sack 67 Furnish and install temporary fine 100-lb. 15 $30.00 $450.00 48 $1,440.00 33 $990.00 sand seal sack 68 Furnish and install temporary filter 3000-lb. 11 $300.00 $3,300.00 27.5 $8,250.00 17 $4,950.00 ~ack sack 69 Stand-by time to maintain fluid Hours 120 $10.00 $1,200.00 10 $100.00 (110) ($-1,100.00) level in borehole awaiting lab report 70 Sodium Hypochlorite Gallons 13 $5.00 $65.00 $0.00 (13), ($-65.00) 71 Tremie sodium hypochlorite Hours 4 $250.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 (4) ($-1,000.00) solution 72 Furnish and install eductor pipe Hours 4 $250.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 (4) ($-1,000.00) and airline, evacuate well by airlift 73 Furnish/install/remove high LS 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 (1) ($-1,500.00) velocity 4-nozzle jetting tool. 74 ,Water jet well screens Hours 7.5 $200.00 $1,500.00 , $0.00 (81 ($-1,500.00), BA YVIEW, HELEN, AND SOUTH UPPER T ~UCKEE WELLS DRILLING PROJECT 2004 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - ATTACHMENT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT BiD UNIT CONTRACT FINAL FINAL BALANCE BALANCE QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITY AMOUNT CHANGE CHANGE ORDER ORDER QUANTITY AMOUNT 75 Furnish, install and remove double. LS 1 $2,925.00 $2,925.00 $0.00 (1) ($-2,925.00) flange swabbing tool 76 Double swab and airlift pump the Hours 5 $250.00 $1,250.00 $0.00 (5) ($-1,250.00) well screen. 77 Air-lift pump and surCe well Hours 7.5 $150.00 $1,125.00 $0.00 (8) ($-1,125.00) 78 Furnish, install, test, operate, LS 1 $6,500.00 $6,500.00 $0.00 (1): ($-6,500.00) maintain and remove test pump and motor, etc. 79 !Develop the welt by turbine Hours 8 $150.00 $1,200.00 $0.00 (8) ($-1,200.00) !pump ng and test the spray :irrigation field at design capacity. 80 Perform Step-Drawdown test. Hours 12 $150.00 $1,800.00 $0.00 (12) ($-1,800.00 81 Recovery time stand-by betw Hours 24 $80.00 $1,920.00 $0.00 (24) ($-1,920.00 tests. 82 Perform constant discharge test. Hours 48 $150.00 $7,200.00 $0.00 (48) ($-7,200.00) 83 EDCEMD Well Permit Appl. Fees. Well 1 $392.00 $392.00 1 $392.00 $0.00 ,A Sc'..'nd 1~.-,,,4~,-, ! Q ~ $44 nnn nn $,14 nnn On 4 ¢.1 .i nnn nn $0.00 85 Geophysical logging surveys per LS 1i $2,500.00 $2,500.00 1 $2,500.00 $0.00 Div. 18, Section 12C 86 Plumbness and Alignment Test LS 1 $900.00 $900.00 $0.00 (1) ($-900.00) 87 Color video-scan survey LS 1 $900.00 $900.00 $0.00 (1) ($-900.00) 88 Fluids containment, hauling and Gallons 25,000 $0.40 $10,000.00 81,900 $32,760.00 56,900 $22,760.00 disposal 89 Cuttings containment, hauling and Tons 99 $100.00 $9,900.00 108 $10,800.00 9 $900.00 disposal. 90 Provide, install, maintain, and LS 1 $18,500.00 $18,500.00 $0.00 (1) ($-18,500.00) remove temporary spray irrigation !system, etc. 91 Continuous on-site monitoring of Hours 72 $60.00 $4,320.00 $0.00 (72) ($-4,320.00)i spray irrigation system discharges. 92 Provide 300 LF of erosion control LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 I $1,000.00 $0.00 fencing 93 Install and remove 300 LF of LF 300 $3.00 $900.00 300 $900.00 $0.00 erosion control fencing as directed 94A Temporary fill pilot hole w/1/4" CY 30 $170.00 $5,100.00 15 $2,550.00 (15) ($-2,550.00) graded gravel. 94B Fill and seal well with sand cement CY 23 $180.00 $4,140.00 12 $2,160.00 (11) ($-1,980.00) Subtotal for Helen Portion (Item.~ 48 - 94B): $324,507.00 $261,298.00 ($-63,209.00) SOUTH UPPER TRUCKEE PORTION 951Mobilize/demobilize LS 1 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 11 $50,000.00 $0.00 96 Drill 32" nominal dia. Surface Feet 20 $350.00 $7,000.00 30 $10,500.00 10 $3,500.00 borehole to 20' 97 Furnish/install nominal 26" dia. Feet 20 $100.00 $2,000.00 30 $3,000.00 10 $1,000.00 1.25" steel casing 98 Drill, log and sample min. 12" Feet 330 $90.00 $29,700.00 328 $29,520.00 (2) ($-180.00) moninal dia. Pilot hole 99 Ream pilot hole to 24" nominal Feet 210 $40.00 $8,400.00 340 $13,600.00 130 $5,200.00 dia. Furnish and Install: ~ 100A Blankwell casing: 14" nominal dia. Feet 130 $27.00 $3,510.00 20 $540.00 (110) ($-2,970.00 BA YVIEW, HELEN, AND SOUTH UPPER T, ~UCKEE WELLS DRILLING PROJECT 2004 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - ATTACHMENT A ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT BID UNIT CONTRACT FINAL FINAL BALANCE BALANCE QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITY AMOUNT CHANGE CHANGE ORDER ORDER OUANTITY AMOUNT 100B Dissimilar metal connector: 5' Feet 5 $450.00 $2,250.00 2 $900.00 (3) ($-1,350.00) section of 14" nominal dia. 100C Stainless steel well screen 14" Feet 70 $95.00 $6,650.00 100 $9,500.00 30 $2,850.00 nominal dia. ,100D Blank stainless steel well casing: Feet 20 $125.00 $2,500.00 190 $23,750.00 170 $21,250.00 14" nominal dia. 100E Stainless steel well cellar: 14" Feet 10 $145.00 $1,450.00 10.5 $1,522.50 1 $72.50 nominal dia. Type 304... 100F Bottom plug: 14" nominal dia. LS 1 $440.00 $440.00 1 $440.00 $0.00 Type 304... 100G Water-tight well cover LS 1 $900.00 $900.00 $0.00 (1) ($-900.001 101 Gravel fill pipe Feet 125 $4.00 $500.00 316 $1,264.00 191 $764.00 102 Furnish/install sounding] tube Feet 130 $3.00 $390.00 70 $210.00 (60) ($-180.00I 103 A53 Grade B steel casing Set 1 $40.00 $40.00 $0.00 (1) ($-40.00 centralizers 104 Stainless steel casing centralizers, Sets 2 $110.00 $220.00 5 $550.00 3 $330.00 5/16x2", Type 304 SS, 30" long ~luides i05 Graded sand filter pack: Oglebay 3,000 lb 8 $420.00 $3,360.00 2'1 $8,820.00 i3 $5,460.00 106 Fine sand transition seal: Oglebay 100-lb 5 $35.00 $175.00 40 $1,400.00 35 $1,225.00 Norton-30x70 Colorado Silica sack Sand 107 Bentonite transition seal: 3/8" 50-lb 44 $20.00 $880.00 30 $600.00 (14) ($-280.00) graded sodium bentonite sacks HOLEPLUG 108 Sand-cement annular seal: Sierra CY 10.5 $300.00 $3,150.00 9 $2,700.00 (2) ($-450.00) Tahoe Ready Mix Number S15 109 Polymer drilling fluid: Baroid-IDP Pails 4 $120.00 $480.00 7 $840.00 3 $360.00 Poly-Bore 110 Furnish/install/remove formation Settings 5 $2,800.00 $14,000.00 5 $14,000.00 $0.00 testing tool 111 Airlift pump zone test interval for Hours 20 $250.00 $5,000.00 13.75 $3,437.50 (6) ($-1,562.50 approx. 4 hrs/setting 112 Pump zone test interval at about Hours 40 $150.00 $6,000.00 32.5 $4,875.00 (8) ($-1,125.00) 1'50 gals./minute approx 8 hrs 113" Furnish/install temp. bentonite 50-lb 120 $16.00 $1,920.00 48 $768.00 (72 ($-1,152.00) seal sacks 114 Furnish/install temp. fine sand 100-lb 15 $30.00 $450.00 28.25 $847.50 13 $397.50 seal sack 115 Furnish/install temp. filter pack: 3,000-lb. 11 $300.00 $3,300.00 9 $2,700.00 (2) ($-600.00) Silica Resources Sack 116 Stand-by time for maintaining fluid Hours 120 $10.00 $1,200.00 $0.00 (120 ($-1,200.00) level in borehole 117 Sodium Hypochlorite (12.5%) Gallons 5 $5.00 $25.00 17 $85.00 12 $60.0D 118 Tremie sodium hypochlorite Hours 4 $250.00 $1,000.00 8 $2,000.00, 4 $1,000.00 solution 119 Furnish/install eductor pipe and Hours 4 $250.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 (4) ($-1,000.00) airline 120 Furnish/install and remove high 'LS 1i $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 (1) ($-1,500.00) velocity 4-nozzle jetting tool 121 Water-jet well screens Hours 3.5 $150.00 $525.00 $0.00 (4) ($-525.00) 122 Furnish/install/remove double- LS 11 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 1 $2,500.00 $0.00 flange swabbing tool I BA YVIEW, HELEN, AND SOUTH UPPER TRUCKEE WELLS DRILLING PROJECT 20O4 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - ATTACHMENT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT BID UNIT CONTRACT FINAL FINAL BALANCE BALANCE QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITY AMOUNT CHANGE CHANGE ORDER ORDER QUANTITY AMOUNT 123 Double swab and airlift pump the Hours 2.5 $250.00 $625.00 21.5 $5,375.00 19 $4,750.00 well screen 124 Airlift pump and surge the well. Hours 3.5 $150.00 $525.00 3.5 $525.00 - $0.00 125 Furnish/install/test/operate/maintai LS 1 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 1 $6,000.00 $0.00 n/remove: test pump & motor, check valve, two 1" PVC sounding tubes, etc. 126 Develop the well by turbine Hours 8 $150.00 $1,200.00 6.5 $975.00 (2) ($-225.00) pumping and test the discharge system at design capacity 127 ;Perform Step-Drawdown test. Hours 12 $150.00 $1,800.00 10 $1,500.00 (2) ($-300.00 128 Recovery Time Stand-by between Hours 24 $80.00 $1,920.00 11.5 $920.00 (13) ($-1,000.00) tests 129 Perform Constant discharge test. Hours 48 $150.00 $7,200.00 48 $7,200.00 $0.00 130 EDCEMD Well Permit application Well 1 $392.00 $392.00 1 $392.00 $0.00 fees 131 Sound barriers LS 1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 1 $10,000.00 $0.00 t32 Geophysical logging surveys, as LS 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 1 $2,500.00 $0.00 ~er Division 18, Sect 12C I 133 Plumbness and Alignment Test !LS 1 $800.00 $800.00 1 $800.00 $0.00 134 Color video-scan survey LS 1 $900.00 $900.00 1 $900.00 $0.00 135 Fluids containment, hauling and Gallons 11,500 $0.40 $4,600.00 25,200 $10,080.00 13,700 $5,480.00 disposal 136 Cuttings containment, hauling and Tons 54 $100.00 $5,400.00 21 $2,100.00 (33) ($-3,300.00) disposal 137 Provide/install/maintain/remove LS 1 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 1 $4,000.00 $0.00 temp. discharge system etc. 13 Continuous on-site monitoring of Hours 72 $60.00 $4,320.00 64.5 $3,870.00 (8) ($-450.00) ~ discharge system 'effluent 139'Provide 300 LF of erosion control LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 2 $2,000.00 1 $1,000.00 fencing 140 Install/remove 300 LF of erosion LF 300 $3.00 $900.00 450 $1,350.00 150 $450.00 control fencing 141A Temp. fill pilot hole w/1/4" graded CY 20 $170.00 $3,400.00 5 $850.00 (15) ($-2,550.00) gravel 141B Fill and seal well with sand cement CY 9 $180.00 $1,620.00 $0.00 (9) ($-1,620.00 Igrout SUBTOTAL OF SOUTH UPPER TRUCKEE PORTIOI 4 (Items 96 $221,517.00 $252,206.50 $30,689.50 -141B) TOTALS (Item; I - 141B): $938~196.00 ~961~341.75 ~23~145.75 uOUt.h, Tahoe bloc Utility District General Manager I~lchard H. SolbHg D/rec~ors Tom Com'r~ James I~ Jonss Mary Leu Mosbacher Duans Wallace Eric 5chafsr 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe', CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us TO: FROM: BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.f Board of Directors John Thiel, Principal Engineer MEETING DATE: April 7, 2005 ITEM - PROJECT: Bayviev~ Waterline / REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Task Order No. 1 to Auerbach Engineering in an amount not to exceedS95,000. DISCUSSION: The Bayview 4,000 feet of 16 to 20-inch di watermains on Sacramento pipeline, the output from Ba, production capacity. Due to existing workl¢ the use of a consultant to co~ attached. The design is sch( Waterline Project includes the installation of approximately ameter pipe to link the new Bayview Well with existing ;treet, Nevada Street, and Highway 50. Without this view would be limited to less than 20% of its 3,600 gpm ad and the loss of our senior engineer, staff recommends nplete the design. The proposal from Auerbach is ~duled to be completed by this fall with the bid period beginning in January 2006 a~d construction beginning May 2006. Staff recommends apI~roval of Task Order No. 1. SCHEDULE: Begin design A 2006 to July 2006. COSTS: Not to exceed $95 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8574, BUDGETED AMOUNT REM, ATTACHMENTS: Task Order No. 1 / CONCURRENCE WITH REQuEsTED ACTION: )ril 2005, complete October 2005, construction period May )00 ~AYVVEL ~,INING: 2005 <$40,100>, 2006 $1,000,000 CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: *** ¢ef/,f .o TASK ORDER NO. 001 South Tahoe Public Utility District (CLIENT) AND Auerbach Engineering Corporation (CONSULTANT) This Task Order is issued by lhe CLIENT and accepted by CONSULTANT pursuant to the provisions of agreement con ~ined in the Agreement between the above named parties dated the 21st day of March, 2005, ~ connection with: Bayview Waterline Project (Project) PURPOSE The purpose of this Task Order No. 001 is to provide professional services for the construction of the proposed Bayview Waterline project consisting of a 16-inch water transmission pipeline from the well pump station Iocla. ted on Lot 701 along San Francisco Avenue to a connection point at the intersection of Mo~esto Avenue and Highway 50. This new pipeline is approximately 4,000 lineal feet in length and will provide additional water to the domestic water system and replace aging distribution pipel!nes within the project area. Currently, in the project area, existing sm. all diameter pipelines provi~le service to STPUD customers. As part of the project, these aging and inadequate pipeline~s will be replaced with the proposed transmission pipeline and service connections will be constructed along the length of the project. Based on the above information, the following scope of services was developed by the STPUD and Auerbach Engineering Co~rporation (AEC) project team. The scope is generally based on conversations with STPUD st~ff, and the tasks are outlined below. Construction Phase Services are not included in this Scope of Services. Construction Phase Services will be negotiated at the completion of the design procbss. CONSULTANT'S SERVICES PROJECT ASSUMPTIONS · The proposed alignment has been determined and an alternatives analysis is not required., · Landscaping is not a p~rt of this project scope of services. O:\Marketing\STPUD\Task_Order_00 l\Task_Or~er_001 _FiNAL.doc FINAL Page 1 of 5 A Storm Water Poilu the project. (Project Easements will not bE Assumes that the as[: wide). The Highway 50: Sar Jose to Bigler Waterline project will extend a connection point out of the Caltrans ROW to eliminate the need for a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for this project. I Meter boxes will not 1Se included as part of this project. on Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will not be required due to the size of isturbance less than 1.0 acre). required since the project alignment is within public ROW. halt replacement will be a maximum of one lane width (12 feet Task 1.0 Project Mana,qemeIt 1.1 - Meet with Staff. The pro~ect team will meet regularly with STPUD staff involved with the project to discuss the project goals, schedules, design criteria, roles, and responsibilities, and procedures for coordination, iEight (8) meetings are assumed for budgeting purposes. 1.2 - Project Administration. Administrative functions for orderly execution of the work and tracking and reporting of worl~ progress shall be conducted including: · Reviewing/updating project progress, budget/schedule projections vs. actual · Preparation and submittal of written monthly progress reports which show percent of worl~ completed and percent of contract amount expended. 1.3 - Subconsultant Coordination. Efforts to coordinate the contract with the geotechnical, and electrical/instrumentation subc;onsultants are included in this subtask. 1.4 - Prepare Schedule. A proposed project schedule will be developed and maintained under this task. The schedule will be updated and a new hardcopy will be provided to the STPUD on a monthly basis. Task 2.0 Backqround Review 2.1 - Review Background Info~ marion. The project team will assemble and review relevant background information including existing ordinances, surveys, drawings, maps, relevant geotechnical information, and Utility information. Task 3.0 Surveying and MaDding 3.1 - Surveying and Base Mapping. A topographic field survey will be conducted for the project alignment. This survey will incl~ude all surfac,e,, features from edge of pavement to edge of pavement and will be mapped ~t a scale of 1 --40'. Gravity systems such as sanitary sewer and storm drain will be surveyed for both ground and flow line information in order to provide existing O:\Marketing\STPUD\Task_Order_0Ol\Task_Or[ler_001_FiNZL.doc FINAL Page 2 of 5 SCOPE OF SERVICES information of below-grade slfstems (if accessible). Water valve, fire hydrants and water meter boxes will also be surveyed accessible. The vertical datum will be consistent with other STPUD projects. 3.2 - Existing Utility Mapping and Potholing. Existing utilities are currently within the proposed project site and will require lo'caring and possible potholing in order to reduce the potential for Conflicts. The project team will coordinate with the existing utility companies to preliminarily determine the approximate lo,cation of the existing facilities and then pothole and survey utilities that could have an impact on the waterline alignment. It is assumed that the STPUD willprovide the necessary equipment to ~omplete the field potholing under this subtask. Task 4.0 Geotechnical Invesi 4. I - Geotechnical Investigati~ Investigation and TRPA requi the geotechnical subconsultal Task 5.0 Utility Coordination 5. 1 - Utility Coordination. Coo~ be conducted, and any utilitie., construction of the project will conducted with the applicable Task 6.0 Approval Processin¢ igat on )n. Our subconsultant Stantec will complete the Geotechnical 'ed Soils Hydrologic Report. A copy of the Scope of Services for ~t is attached. 'dination of the proposed facilities design with existing utilities will requiring relocation or modification in conjunction with the be identified. Coordination of the required utility changes will be owners. /Permitting The final permitting for the Ba~,view Waterline Project will be accomplished under this task. A list of potential required permits is. ~rovided at the bottom of this Scope of Services. 6.1 - City of South Lake Tahoe. Final permitting for encroachment within City road right-of-way R ' ' (OW) wdl be completed under this subtask. Any required design issues and clarifications will be provided to the City and final coordination and project acceptance shall be accomplished under this subtask. 6.2 - Lahontan (RWQCB). FinAl permitting of the project through the Regional Water Quality Control Board (Lahontan) will De completed under this subtask. Currently, Lahontan and TRPA have a Memorandum of Under assumed that this subtask will for the project. 6.3 - TRPA. Final permitting of will be completed under this su provided to the TRPA and final under this subtask. standing (MOU) that will encompass this project. Therefore, it is r~ot require a lot of effort. AEC will verify and comply wit this MOU the project through the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) btask. Any required design issues and clarifications will be coordination and project acceptance shall be accomplished O:\Marketing\STPUD\Task_Order_001\Task_Order_001_FiNAL.doc FINAL Page 3 of 5 Task 7.0 Construction Docurr ents 7.1 - Plans. Plans will be prepared in Auto-CAD software, at a scale of 1"=40' for the water transmission pipeline. Plans will include general, typical details, civil plans and details, pipeline plan and profiles and erosion ;ontrol sheets. It is assumed that no structural sheets will be required. 7.2 - Specifications. Front-end specifications will be those promulgated by the STPUD. Modifications will be made to he STPUD general specifications, standard specifications and standard form specifications t( make them project specific. Possible additions or deletions to the STPUD front-end specificatior s will be evaluated and reviewed with the STPUD as part of this process. Special provisions ar,d technical specifications will be completed and reviewed with the STPUD. 7.3 - 50% Design Review Sub~nittal. Two (2) sets of full size and one set of half size 50% plans of the project will be submitteC~ to the STPUD for review. Following the STPUD review period, a design submittal workshop wilI be completed with the design team and STPUD staff. 7.4 - 90% Design Review Sub~nittal. Two (2) sets of full size and one set of half size 90% plans and specifications of the project will be submitted to the STPUD for review and approval. Following a design submittal r~eeting, the project team will incorporate STPUD comments into the plans and specifications. The final submittal package shall incorporate all changes resulting from review by the STPUD sta~ff and internal checking team. 7. 6 - Final Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E). Plans and specifications suitable for competitive bidding will be prepared for the project. Final bid documents, General Conditions, and Technical Specifications Will be prepared for the bid package. One (1) set of full size, signed reproducible mylars will be provided to the STPUD. One (1) set of unbound reproducible specifications and bid documelnts will be submitted for production of contractor bid sets. Digital files of the final plans and spe~;ifications will be provided to the STPUD. -7.-7 - Construction Cost Estim~,te. An estimate of probable construction costs will be prepared at each submittal stage of the design process. A standard table format will be used to develop the costs, which will include descr ations, quantities, unit costs, and total costs. The final estimate will be correlated with the bid ;chedule. Task 8.0 Bid Phase Services AEC will provide the following assistance to the STPUD during the period of time between advertising and receipt of bids for the project to be constructed. 8.1 - Assistance During Bidding. AEC shall provide assistance, as required, to the STPUD during bidding of the project. ~he work shall include answering questions from prospective bidders, assisting the STPUD In preparation of addenda to the PS&E during the advertisement period, and providing ongoing ~onsultation and interpretation of the construction documents. Care shall be taken to insure hat all information provided to bidders is clearly reflected in the plans and specifications. O:\Marketing\STPUD\Task_Order_001\Task O~'der 001 FINAL.doc FINAL Page 4 of 5 8.2 - Attend Pre-Bid Conference. AEC will attend one prebid conference. The STPUD shall control the meeting, but AEC, shall be available to answer questions or discuss intent of the plans as requested by STPU!D. 8.3 - Attend Bid Opening an~ Review Tabulation Summary. AEC will attend the bid opening for the project and provide assis!ance in the evaluation of the bid summary as requested by the STPUD. 8.4 - Assist STPUD Staff wit~ Recommendations of Contract Award. AEC will provide comments and assist the STI~UD with the evaluation of the bidders. A recommendation will be made regarding apparent su(~cessful bidder. 8. 5 - Prepare Conformed Plahs and Specifications. AEC shall prepare conformed sets of plans and specifications that incorl~orate addenda promulgated during the bidding process. Five (5) sets of conformed plans and ~pecifications will be provided to the STPUD. TIME OF PERFORMANCE The estimated time of complE~tion for this Task Order is one hundred twenty (120) days. PAYMENT Per Exhibit "A". EFFECTIVE DATE This Task Order No. 001 is elfective as of the day of 20 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, du y authorized representatives of the CLIENT and of the CONSULTANT have executeFI this Task Order No. 001 evidencing its issuance by CLIENT and acceptance by CONSULTANT. Auerbach Engineering Corpo!ation, South Tahoe Public Utility District By: CONSULTANT O:\Marketing\STPUD\Task_Order_001\Task_0rder 001 FINAL.doc Accepted this ~ day of 2O By: CLIENT FINAL Page 5 of 5 Task Task 1.0 Project Management 1,1 Meet with Staff 1.2 Project Administration 1.3 Suconsultant Coordination 1.4 Prepare Schedule Task 2.0 Background Review 2.1 Review Background Information Description Task 3.0 Surveying 3.1 Surveying and Base Mapping 3.2 Existing Utility and PotholJng Task4.0 Geotechnicallnvestigation 4.1 Geotechnical Investigation Task 5.0 Utility Coordination 5.1 Utility Coordination Task 6.0 Approval Processing/Permitting 6.1 City ~ South Lake Tahoe 6,2 Lahontan (RWQCB) 6.3 TRPA Task 7.0 Construction Documents 7.1 Plans 7.2 Specifications 7.3 50% Design Review Submittal 7.4 90% Design Review Submitta~ Task Subtotal Task Subtotal Task Subtotal Task Subtotal Task Subtotal Task Subtotal 7.5 Final Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&ER) 7.6 Construction Cost Estimate Task Subtotal Task 8.0 Bid Phase Services 8,1 Assistance Dudng Bidding 8,2 Attend Pre-Bid Conference 8.3 Attend Bid Opening and Review Tabular Sumr~ary 8.4 Assist STPUD Staff with Recommendations of Contract Award 8.5 Prepare Conformed Plans and Specification Task Subtotal Total Hours Exhibit "A" Sou[h Tahoe Public Utility District (STPUD) Bayview Waterline Project Labor Hour Estimate Total Prin. PM PE/PLS Tech Planner Crew Draft WP Hours 2 16 8 0 2 0 0 4 32 2 8 4 0 2 0 0 4 20 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 2 8 2 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 12 6 30 22 0 4 0 0 10 72 2 2 4 0 2 0 0 0 10 2 2 4 0 2 0 0 0 10 2 2 16 24 0 24 16 0 84 0 2 2 4 0 8 2 0 18 2 4 18 28 0 32 18 0 102 2 4 6 0 2 0 6 4 24 2 4 6 I 2 6 0 2 0 6 4 24 4 0 0 4 0 17 1 2 6 4 0 0 4 0 17 1 2 4 0 8 0 2 2 19 1 2 2 0 16 0 2 2 25 1 2 2 0 24 0 2 2 33 3 6 8 0 48 0 6 6 77 2 16 96 8 4 0 140 0 266 2 8 40 0 2 0 0 40 92 1 8 40 0 0 0 40 16 105 1 4 16 0 0 0 24 8 53 2 2 8 4 2 0 16 8 42 2 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 12 10 40 208 12 8 0 220 72 570 2 2 8 0 0 0 8 4 24 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 6 0 2 4 0 0 0 8 8 22 4 10 16 0 0 0 16 14 60 30 98 288 44 64 32 270 106 932 3.2% 10.5% 30.9% 4.7% 6.9% 3.4% 29.0% 11.4% 100.0% o:\marke*Jng~stpud~task_order_001 \task_order_no_l _v 1 ,xls A- 1 Hours Exhibit "A" South Tahoe Public Utility District (STPUD) Bayview Waterline Proje~ Labor Cost Estimate Task Description Task 1.0 Project Management 1.1 Meet'with Staff 1.2 Project Administration 1.3 Suconsultant Coordination 1 4 Prepare Schedule Task 2.0 Background Review 2.1 Review Background Information Task 3.0 Surveying 3.1 Surveying and Base Mapping 3.2 Existing Utility and Potholing Task 4.0 Geotechnical Investigation 4.1 Geotechnical investigation Task 5.0 Utility Coordination 5.1 Utility Coordination Task 8.0 Approval Processing/Permitting 6.1 Cityof South Lake Tahoe 6.2 Lahontan (RWQCB) 6.3 TRPA Task 7.0 Construction Documents 7.1 Plans Task Subtotal $ Task Subtotal $ $ $ Task Subtotal $ $ Task Subtotal $ Total Prin. PM PE/PLS Tech Planner Crew Draft WP Costs 280 $ 1,968 $ 720 $ $ 140 $ $ $ 180 $ 3,288 280 $ 984 $ 360 $ $ 140 $ $ $ 180 $ 1,944 $ 492 $ 180 $ $ $ $ $ 90 $ 762 280 $ 246 $ 720 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,246 840 $ 3,690 $ 1,980 $ S 280 $ $ $ 450 $ 7,240 280 $ 246 $ 360 $ $ 140 $ $ $ $ 1,026 280 $ 246 $ 360 $ $ 140 $ $ $ $ 1,026 280 $ 246 $ 1,440 $ 1,680 $ $ 3,840 $ 1,200 $ $ 8,686 $ 246 $ 180 $ 280 $ $ 1,280 $ 150 $ $ 2,136 280 $ 492 $ 1,620 $ 1,960 $ $ 5,120 $ 1,350 $ $ 10,822 280 $ 492 $ 540 $ $ 140 $ $ 450 $ 180 $ 2,082 280 $ 492 $ 540 $ $ 140 $ $ 450 $ 180 $ 2,082 $ 140 $ 246 $ 540 $ 280 $ $ $ 300 $ $ 1,506 Task Subtotal $ 140 $ 246 $ 540 $ 280 $ $ $ 300 $ $ 1,506 $ $ $ Task Subtotal $ 140 $ 246 $ 360 $ $ 560 $ $ 150 $ 90 $ 1,546 140 $ 246 $ 180 $ $ 1,120 $ $ 150 $ 90 $ 1,926 140 $ 246 $ 180 $ $ 1,680 $ $ 150 $ 90 $ 2,486 420 $ 738 $ 720 $ $ 3,360 $ $ 450 $ 270 $ 5,958 $ 280 $ 1,968 $ 8,640 $ 560 $ 280 $ $ 10,500 $ $ 22,228 7.2 Specifications 7.3 50% Design Review Submittal 7.4 90% Design Review Submittal 7.5 Final Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) 7.6 Construction Cost Estimate Task 8.0 Bid Phase Services 8.1 Assistance Dudng Bidding 8.2 Attend Pre-Bid Conference 8.3 Attend Bid Opening and ReviewTabular Summary 8.4 Assist STPUD Staff w~th Recommendations of Con* 8.5 Prepare Conformed Plans and Specification Total Hours 280 $ 984 $ 3,600 $ $ 140 $ 140 $ 984 $ 3,600 $ $ $ 140 $ 492 $ 1,440 $ $ $ 280 $ 246 $ 720 $ 280 $ 140 $ 280 $ 246 $ 720 $ $ $ Task Sub~tal $ 1,400 $ 4,920 $ 18,720 $ 840 $ 560 $ $ $ 1,800 $ 6,804 $ 3,000 $ 720 $ 8,444 $ 1,800 $ 360 $ 4,232 $ 1,200 $ 360 $ 3,226 $ $ $ 1,246 $ 16,500 $ 3,240 $ 46,180 $ 280 $ 246 $ 720 $ $ $ $ 280 $ 246 $ 180 $ $ $ $ $ 246 $ $ $ $ ~Award $ $ 246 $ 180 $ $ $ $ - $ 246 $ 360 $ $ $ Task Subtotal $ ~60 $ 1,230 $ 1,440 $ $ $ $ 600 $ 180 $ 2,026 $ $ $ 706 $ $ $ 246 $ $ 90 $ 516 $ 600 $ 360 $ 1,566 $ 1,200 $ 630 $ 5,060 $ 4,200 $ 12,054 $ 25,920 $ 3,080 $ 4,480 $ 5,120 $ 20,250 $ 4,770 $ 79,874 5.3% 15.1% 32.5% 3.9% 5.6% 6.4% 25.4% 6.0% 100.0% o:trna r ketinglstpud\ta sk_or de r_001 \task_order_~_l _vl xis A-2 Costs Labor Description South Tahoe Public Utility District (STPUD) Bayview Waterline Project Suimmary of Costs for Professional Services Total i Rate Hours Total Cost Principal Project Manager Project Engineer/Surveyor Eng/Survey TeChnician Planner Field Crew CAD Drafter Word Processor Sub-Total Other Direct Coasts (ODC's) a.) ~tantec b.) Travel (10 trips @ $50/tdp) c.) Rdnting (Estimated) $140.00 $123.00 $90.00 $70.00 $7O.OO $160,00 $75,OO $45.OO 30 $4,200 98 $12,054 288 $25,920 44 $3,08O 64 $4,48O 32 $5,120 270 $20,250 106 $4,770 932 $ 79,874 $ 10,120 $ 500 $ 2,000 Subtotal $ 12,620 Total $ 92,494 o:\marketing~stpud\task_order_001\task_orde~_no_l_vl .xls A-3 Summary Costs Sheet No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dwg. No. Exihibit "B" ;outh Tahoe Public Utility District (STPUD) Bayview Waterline Project Sheet Index Description Gl Cover Sheet G2 iSheet Layout/Abbreviations G3 iGeneral Notes Cl iWaterline Plan and Profile C2 !Waterline Plan and Profile C3 IWaterline Plan and Profile C4 iWaterline Plan and Profile C5 IWaterline Plan and Profile C6 iCivil Details C7 iCivil Details C8 Civil Details C9 Dewatering Plan c10 Construction Phasing Diagram Cl I Winterization/Erosion Control Plan C12 Winterization/Erosion Control Details o:\marketing\stpud\task_order_00 l\task_order_no_l_vl .xls Sheet_List March 28, 2005 Revised March 29, 2005 Exhibit "C" Mr. Tim Taylor, PE AUERBACH ENGINEERING CORP. P.O. Box 5399 Tahoe City, California 96145 ~ RE: Geotechnical Investigation Proposal Bayview Waterline Project-STPUD South Lake Tahoe, California Dear Mr. Taylor: Stantec Consulting Inc. is pleased to submit the following revised proposal to provide a geotechnical investigation for the Bayview W~aterline Project located in South Lake Tahoe, California. This proposal has been revised to include a soils/hydrology scoping section in accordance with TRPA guidelines. It is understood that the Bayview Waterline Project consists of constructing a 16-inch water main with a length of approximately 4,000 lineal feet. The waterline project starts at about the intersection of San Francisco Avenue and BellevueiAvenue and extends south along Bellevue Avenue before heading east along Modesto Avenue terminat!ng at Highway 50. The waterline has a depth of approximately 4 feet to the top of the pipe. Field exploration consists of drilling 7 borings to depths of 9 feet below the existing ground surface. Soils would be sampled with a two-inc~h OD split-spoon sampler driven by a standard 140-pound drive hammer with a 30-inch stroke. The numl~er of blows to drive the sampler one-foot into undisturbed soil (Standard Penetration Test) is an indication of the density and shear strength of the material. Our geotechnical personnel will log material encountered during exploration in the field. The ground water surface will be measured if encountered. Repr~esentative samples will be returned to our Reno, Nevada laboratory for testing. We will provide USA Dig clearahce and obtain required encroachment permits. It is assumed that any permit fees will be waived. We Will obtain appropriate traffic control signs and submit a traffic control plan to the City. Selected samples of significani soil types encountered will be tested in the laboratory as to index properties, such as moisture co~ntent, grain size distribution and plasticity. These index properties are indicative of mechanical behavior of the soils. A total of 4 tests have been budgeted for this project. Corrosion testing consisting of pH, chlorides, resistivity, and sulfates will also be performed on 3 selected soil samples. Mr. Tim Taylor, PE AUERBACH ENGINEERING CORP. March 28, 2005 Page 2 of 2 Upon completion of our field and laboratory studies, a soils investigation report will be completed for the project and will include the following: Description of the project site with the approximate locations of our explorations, shown on a Site Plan. Descriptive logs of the explorations performed for this study. Laboratory test results. A soils/hydrology scoping section in accordance with TRPA guidelines will be included. The primary aspect of this soils/hydrology section is to define historic high groundwater levels. General summary of the sitelsoils and geology. Surface and ground water cqnditions. Trenching and excavation recommendations. Trench backfill soils construCtion recommendations. Allowable bearing pressures, if required, for foundations at the pipeline angle points. Anticipated construction diffidulties. Cost Estimate and Schedule We will provide our services as Outlined above for a quote of $9,200. Any additional work, if required for this investigation, will be billed ion a time and materials basis in accordance with our Standard Fee Schedule, copy enclosed. Depending on the availability of the drill rig, it is anticipated that field exploration can begin within 7 to 10 days of receiving written authdrization to proceed. Verbal geotechnical recommendations can be provided within one week following the completion of field exploration. A written report will be available within about 3 weeks after the completion of the field investigation. All geotechnical work will be conUucted in accordance with the terms and conditions of our Professional Geotechnical Agreement, two copies of which are attached. Please execute and return one copy for our records. We thank you for the opportunityi to submit this proposal, and look forward to its favorable consideration. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, STANTEC CONSULTING INC. Randal A. Reynolds, PE Project Manager Geotechnical Services Michael B Robinson, PE Project Manager QA/QC Services RAR:MBR:dd W:\temporary\PROMO\Geotechnical~O05~Auerbach Engineering Corp. Bayview waterline pro.doc South Tahoe public Utility District General Manager Richard H. 9olbrlg Directors Tom Comt~ Jamas P.. Jonas Mary Lou Mo~bach~r Duane Wallace Eric E~chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe', CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.q TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiel, Principal Engineer MEETING DATE: April 7, 2005 ITEM - PROJECT: Sitework - Customer Service, Operations and Laboratory Facilities REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Approve Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims; and (2) Authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk DISCUSSION: Staff has pe~ormed a final inspection of the sitework project and found that Garcia Excavating and Paving has met the requirements of the project plans and specifications. Staff recommends approval of the project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims, and theflling of a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk. SCHEDULE: Sitework (PhaSe 1) complete. COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8401,i2029-8677 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING:2005 $110,003, 2006 $6,500,000 ATTACHMENTS: Closeout Agreement~ and Release of Claims; Notice of Completion CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YEs OmCER: YEs' U ' NO NO CATEGORY: Water Recording Requested By: He~di D0n0van S0uTH'TAHOE PUBLIC UTfLITY DISTRICT And When Recorded Mail t~: South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96158 SPACE ABOVE TRIS LINE RESERVED ,FOR REC0~D~.'S USE TITLE (S) ICE OF COMPLETION SITEWORK. iFOR CUSTOMER SERVICE, OPERATIONS AND LABORATORY PROJECT NOTICE OF COMPLETION Notice pursuant to Civil Code Section 3093, must be filed within 10 days after completion. (See reverse side for Complete requirements.) Notice is hereby given that: 1. The undersigned is owner or corporati officer of the owner of the interest or estate stated below in the property hereinafter described: 2. The fuU name of the owner is SOUTH IAHOE PUBLIC UTIL'II¥ DISIRICl 3. The full address of the owner is !1275 Meadow Crest Drive _g_mJfh lake Tahoe; CA 96150 4. The nature of the interest or estate if the owner is; In fee. (If other than fee, strike "In fee" and insert, for example, "purchaser under contract of purchase," or "lessee") 5. The full names and full addresses of all persons, if any, who hold title with the undersigned as joint tenants or as tenants in common are: NAMES ADORESSES 6. A work of improvement on the proper!y hereinafter described was completed on Jan. 10, 2005 . The work done was:. ~T_TFWnl~ F(1R £USTOM~R SERVTCE, OPERATIONS & LABORATORY PROJECT 7. The name of the contractor, if any, fir such work of improvement was ll~lN RARC. TA FXC. AVATTNR AND PAVING INC. June 10, 2004 (If no contractor for work ~f improvement as a whole, insert "none".) (Cate of Contract) 8. The property on which said work of i~provement was completed is in the city of South Lake Tahoe at 1275 Meadow Crest DriveEl . County of Dorado i, State of California, and is described as follows: demolition ~ tree removal, excavation, structural fill, paving, tamp paving, water,sewer, gas,electrical conduit installation, etc. ' 9. The street address of said property is Dated:..April 7~ 2005 Verification for Individual Owner 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 (If no street address has been officially assigned, insert "none".) ERIC Signature of owner or corporate officer of owner named in paragrap~h 2 or his pgent, SCHAFER, Boar~l vres~aenc VERIFICATION I, the undersigned, say: I am the . STPUD Board President the declarant of the foregoing ("President of", "Manager of", "A partner of", "Owner of", etc.) notice of completion; I have read said. notice of completion and know the contents thereof; the s~me is true of my own knowledge. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on April 7~ 2005' ,19, at South Lake Tahoe , California. (Date of signature.) (City where signed.) (Personal signature of the individual who is swearing that the contents of the notice of completion are true.) ERIC SCHAFER, Board President NOTICE OF' COMPLETION--WOLCCTT$ FORM I 114--R~'¥. 6-74 8 pt. type or larger 5outh Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig O/reczor~ Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us ,2005 ]: HEREBY CERT]:FY on ,2005, before me, the undersigned Clerk of the Board of Directors of the SOuth Tahoe Public Utility District, personally appeared Eric Schafer, Board President, knOwn to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument and acknoWledge that he executed the same. W:[TNESS my hand and official seal. Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board CLOSEOUT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS THIS AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS (Agreement) is made in South Lake Tahoe, California, this 7th day of April, 2005, by and between South Tahoe Public Utility District, (DISTRICT), and Don Garcia Excavating and Paving Inc., (CONTRACTOR). KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: 1. That the undersign!ed, as the authorized representative of CONTRACTOR, and for each of its suc~cessors, assigns and partners, for and in consideration of Four Hundred Fifteen Thousand Five Hundred Twenty Dollars ($415,520.00), the original Contract amount, and the sum of Ninety-Six Thousand Eight Hundred Eighteen iDollars and Fifty Cents ($96,818.50) for Contract Change Orders Nos. :1 through 5, receipt of which is acknowledged, does release and forever discharge the DISTRICT, and each of its successors, assigns, directors, officers, agents, seirvants, volunteers and employees, from any and all rights, claims, causes ofI action, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, damages, costs and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys', paralegal and experts' fees,i costs and expenses) and other claims, which may be asserted against Df[STRICT by reason of any matter or thing which was the subject matter of or basis for: A. The Performance of all terms and conditions of that certain agreement dated June 10, 2004 for Purchase Order No. P15113, DISTRICT project described as Sitework For Customer ServiCe, Operations, and Laboratory Project. Change Orders Nos. i through 5, as approved by the parties, pertaining to Purchase Order No. P15113 and shown in Payment Request No. Z, dated 4/21/05. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall waive or alter the rights, privileges, and powers of the DISTRICT or the duties, liabilities and obligations of the CONTRACTOR and! its surety(ies) in respect to any portions of the Contract Documents for PurChase Order No. P15113. The District has received no claims from the Contractor. Upon execution of this Agreement, the DISTRICT agrees to promptly record a NOTICE OF COMPLETION with the El Dorado County Recorder. The current retention amount is Original Contract amount Total Change Order Amount Less: Amount PrevioUsly Paid (Request Nos. i through 7) Retainage BALANCE: $ 4,277.91 $415,520.00 $ 96,818.50 $(508,060.59) $(4,277.91) $ -0- The retainage will be releas,.~d to the CONTRACTOR at the expiration of thirty-five (35) calendar days after date of 'ecording a NO'I'~CE OF COMPLET:[ON by El Dorado County Recorder or when all stop inotices have been released, whichever last occurs. The release provided pursuant t~ this Agreement shall not apply to CONTRACTOR'S right to the retention amount unl~il and to the extent such amounts are received by CONTRACTOR. 6. CONTRACTOR and DISTRICT agree that the total adjusted Contract price and time of performance for Purchase Order No. P15113, after the execution of change orders, is as follows: Original Contract Prict: Original Calendar Da' s Adjusted Contract Pri~:e Adjusted Calendar Da'/s $415,520.00 54 $512,338.50 180 It is understood and agreed by Contractor that the facts with respect to which the release providedi )ursuant to this Agreement is given may turn out to be other than or different from the facts as now known or believed to be, and Contractor expressly iassumes the risk of the facts turning out to be different than they now appear, and agrees that the release provided pursuant to this Agreement shall be, 'in all respects, effective and not subject to termination or rescission by any such difference in facts and Contractor expressly waives any and all rights it has or may have under California Civil Code Section 1542, which provides as follows: ~ 10. "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspe~:t to exist in his favor at the time of executing the Release which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor." The release made bYi the CONTRACTOR is not to be construed as an admission or admissions of liability and the Contractor-denies any such liability. Contractor agrees that it will forever refrain and forebear from commencing, instituting or prosecuting any lawsuit, action or other proceeding against the District based on, arising out of, or in any way connected with the subject matter of this release. The CONTRACTOR releases the DISTRTCT from all claims, including but not limited to those of its !Subcontractors for all delay and impact costs, if any. The CONTRACTOR i represents and warrants to the D:[STR[CT that the CONTRACTOR has nc~t assigned or transferred or purported to assign or transfer to any person, firm, Corporation, association or entity any of the rights, claims, warranties, demands~ debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, causes of action, damages, costs, exp~nses and other claims and the CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and hold ~armless the D1:STRI~CT, its successors, assigns, directors, 2 officers, agents, servants, volunteers and employees, from and against, without limitation, any and all rights, claims, warranties, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, causes of action, damages, costs, expenses and other claims, including but not limited, to attorneys', paralegal and experts' fees, costs and expenses arising out iof or connected with any such assignment or transfer or purported assignmen~ or transfer. 11. The parties acknowledge that they have been represented by counsel of their own choice in connection with the preparation and execution of this Agreement. The parties acknowledge and represent that they understand and voluntarily consent and agree to each and every provision contained in this Agreement. 12. The parties further a~:knowledge and represent that no promise, inducement or agreement, not expressed in this Agreement, have been made and that this Agreement contains ne entire agreement among the parties and that the terms of the Agreement are,contractual and not a mere recital. 13. The persons executing this Agreement represent and warrant to the other party that the execution and performance of the terms of this Agreement have been duly authorized by iall corporate, partnership, individual, or other entity requirements and that said persons have the right, power, legal capacity and authority to execute and enter into this Agreement. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT RICHARD SOLBRIG, GENERAL MANAGER A-I-I'EST: KATHY SHARP, CLERK OF BOARD April 7, 2005 BOARD APPROVAL DATE DATED DON GARCIA EXCAVATIF By: TITLE: IG & PAVING INC. DATED South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager FJchard H. Solbrig Tom Com'~ James I~ Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe', CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.h TO: Board Of Directors FROM: Jim Hoggatt, Construction Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: April 7, 2005 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: B-Line Phase 3: Export Pipeline Replacement REQUESTED BOARD ACTION' Approve Purchase Order to Kelley Erosion Control Inc., for winterization and maintenance of BMPs in the amount of $35,000. DISCUSSION: In late fall of 2004, separate from the Cox and Cox Construction, District staff met with Kelley Erosion Control Inc., Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Lahontan, U.S. Forest Service, and the District's sub-consultant Western Botanical, to agree upon a plan to winterize the B-Line Phase 3 project site. Winterization of the site was due to the sudden heavy snowfall Starting on October 16, precluding the permanent revegetation work from being installed, and was required to be done immediately by the agencies to protect water quality. As a result of that meeting Kelley Erosion Control performed the required wore in the amount of $20,439,73 (see attached invoices). Staff did not plan on having the contractor return to the site until at least August 2005 to complete the project. Because repairs and replacements to some of the BMP's need to be made in the early spring to keep in compliance with the environmental permits, staff has asked Kelley Erosion Control Inc., to perform this maintenance. Staff will not be able to provide an accurate scope of work until the snow melts and the area is accessible. And, as in the ifall, the agencies will require the BMP corrective work to be done immediately in order t° protect water quality. Staff estimates this work should not exceed $14,560.27. SCHEDULE: As soon as poSsible COSTS: $35,000 ACCOUNT NO: 9098-8828/BLNIII BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: 2004/05 <$879,133>, 2005/06 $1,500,000 ATTACHMENTS: Invoices -45- GENERAL MANAGER: yes ~"~H~ OH,~F ~,N~NO,^L O~,C~' ~S~ ~,~ NO NO CATEGORY: Sewer ,~3~-04 TI4U 05:15 PM KELLEY'EROSION FAX:775!13~26606 PAGE 2 KELLEY EROSION CONTROL, INC. RENO. NV 8g~lZ IRYO~C~ NO' COX.& COX CONSTRUET[ON, ATTN: BUDDY P.O, BOX gg2588 REDDING CA 96099-2588 INC. 3'80. O0 o.o. : .',.' ........ :. "' ' .:'i ~ ' '' · :'.:'"',~' ':'i~ ...... ' ........ :' '"" ' "''' '::'! ;""':: : "': "' ' ' ' '"'" '~ ' '"' ' : ' :":' ""','i' .'', '.',.t~.~,. ' ' ~:~ ''' ~ "~ ' ' '"""' :' ' ',' ~.' ~ .: -: : ..' ',:. ',.. ,"t",' : ',.".',~.;;..'. '½.."::' ' ,. . . '... i.,,,;, ..' ,:; . , ~;.,,, .... ,. ;",."'~.:.! -:: ;':.,%. , ...:' :.....:: .... '. ,, :.,!.,.,.., .,.....',, .,, ....:,':.. · "- '' , .:.:',~'!.':'{.":..:~,'.'..'.:'L':' :'.' ~::';-'..'"'"..;'. : ".:i'"' r ~ :~ :.3.'" ,,,.. ': ' ". '''.~:: .... ..' ' : '. . ' ' ' ' 1 ' "' ' ' ''' '~' ': ' ' % ' '" "' ' '' .', ',~..'.. .;...:.';, ;,:, .: ~ ~. ', , ;, ~,, ...., .... ~:....:, ,. : ~< ,.~', ~..~.,}..' ..,,........ ~ ~- . '., , , ~.);~.... .,~ION FAX:775B226606 PAGE ,.~rtOSlON CONTROl.-, INC. .33~35-B TAMPA STREET RENO. NV 895~12 INVUIUE COX & Cox CONSTRUCTION, INC, ,P.O. BOX :REDDING,, CA 96009-2588 .. ' .--..-. ...... .. . '.,";. :..., . ..: '~;="': :'", ..'""~'";"..., " .... "'"':' :"'='"~'~":"~":"!:"" .' 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'~ ..... !:'. :i,:.;,',:,: :i · "" '" " ' " "" EOZ-:I t'OO/VO0'cl 886-,L z6og£~'ZOES NOI.Dna.I.$N03 XO3+XO3-~Oa:t BO:E:[ South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager I~lchmrd H. ~olbHg D/i-ecto[-$ Tom ¢omt~ James I~ Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Walla~ Eric $chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe', CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.i TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Hoggatt, Construction Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: April 7,2005 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: 2005 Inspection and Materials Testing REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Task Order No. 2 to Stantec Consulting Inc., in the amount of $200,000. DISCUSSION: Staff recommends the Board approve Stantec Consulting Inc., proposal to furnish Mike McGee, from May 1,2005, to November 4, 2005. Staff recommends Mr. McGee due to his familiarity with the District's process and his knowledge of the testing requirements, to supplement the engineering staff inspection for the 2005 construction season. Included in the Stantec Consulting, Inc., proposal are funds for materials testing such as concrete, mortar, block, soils, and asphalt. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $200,000 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8401/DSTHDQ, 2029-7048, 2029-8692/JOHNSN, 2029- 8355/H 50WWY, 9098-8828/BLNIII, 2029-8548/H50M KS BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: See attached ATTACHMENTS: Stantec Consulting, Inc., Proposal CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES'~-~ NO NO CATEGORY: Sewer & Water 2005 Inspection & Materials Testing Budgeted Amount Remaining DSTHDQ 2029-8401/2029-8677 JOHNSN 2029-7048/2029-8692 H50VVWY 2029-8355 BLNIII 9098-8828 H50MKS 2029-8548 FY 2005 111,003 -5,411 142,516 -879,133 493,357 FY 2006 6,500,000 750,000 0 1,500,000 800,000 ,~canlec Consultinff Inc. Te~: (775) 8~-0~ Fax: (~5) 850~7~7 ~.com March 30, 2005 Mr, Jim Hoggatt SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT 1275 Meadows Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 RE: Inspection and Materials Testing Services Dear Mr. Hoggatt: Stantec Consulting Inc. is pleased to provide a cost proposal to provide inspection and materials testing on various projects during the 2005 construction season. The following are descriptions of our typical services. Construction Inspection Stantec provides complete inspection services encompassing a service range from full quality control programs to quality assurance audits to spot inspections. Our field personnel are ANSI, ICBO, NICET, ACI, WAQTC/NAQTC, and AWS certified to perform specific levels of construction inspection, including, but not limited to asphalt placement monitoring and testing, mass grading, pipeline installation and backfill, concrete placement, masonry installation, prestress operations, mechanical, electrical, structural steel, welding, and bolting. Our extensive, diversified staff allows us to provide the appropriate personnel at the required proficiency to satisfy the demands of the project. Stantec's QC/A personnel are cross-trained in both inspection and testing. This approach allows on-site inspectors to conduct sampling and testing which often eliminates the expense of a technician to conduct materials testing, thus providing cost-effective services to our clients, UBC Special Inspection Services In addition to tl~e building inspections required by the International Building Code Building in Section 108, projects constructed under the auspices of the IBC are required to have the Owner employ one or more special inspectors to provide inspection of the following items during the construction: · Reinforced concrete · Bolts in concrete · Moment-resisting concrete frame · Reinforcing steel Prestressing steel tendons · Welding i / I 1 / / / Stantec Mr, Jim Hoggatt. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITIEs DISTRICT March 30, 2005 Page 2 · High-strength bolting · Structural masonry · Reinforced gypsum concrete · Insulating concrete fill · Spray-applied fireproofing · Piling, drilled piers, and caissons · Shotcrete · Special grading/Structural fill Our extensive, diversified staff allows us to provide the appropriate personnel at the required proficiency to satisfy the demands of the project, We have one of the [argest staffs of certified inspection personnel in the area. Most of Stantec's QC/A personnel are cross-trained in both inspection and testing. This approach allows on-site personnel to conduct materials sampling and testing which very often eliminates the additional expense of an added technician to conduct materials testing Material Testing Services For many years, Stantec has provided Quality Control and Quality Assurance programs for monitoring materials production and testing. We have met the requirements of federal, state and local agencies for quality control and quality assurance monitoring and documentation. Stantec maintains one of the largest materials testing laboratories in the area. We are accredited by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and the Cemen~ and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL} and continue to participate in their proficiency sample testing and accreditation programs. Our laboratory is currendy certified for the testing of asphalt, soils, and concrete, Stantec also complies with ASTM E329 and ASTM 03666 for tests of concrete, steel and bituminous materials; ASTM D3740 and ASTM E543 t=or testirlg and inspection of soils, rock and non-destructive; and ASTM E548 for all work not in connection with concrete, steel, bituminous materials, or non-destructive tests. Rapid turnaround of ma[Oriels testing has always .beena priority at Stantec. Without timely and accurate laboratory test results, field operations can be delayed. Stantec has maintained a solid reputation for quick laboratory turnaround. Most test results are computerized with a 24-hour turnaround. Regularly, when material testing must be expedited, test results can be obtained within a 'l'ew hours. Computerized results allow for quick calculation and retrieval of results for most testing done in our laboratory. Results are reviewed by a Registered Professional Engineer for accuracy and compliance with the applicable speci'r~cations prior to release. Results are often emailed or foxed immediately after completing the test. Mr. Jim Hoggatt SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITIES DISTRICT March 30, 2005 Page 3 Our laboratory and field testing technicians are certified under the Nevada Alliance for Quality Transportation Construction (NAQTC) criteria for asphalt, soils, aggregate, and soil density.. Additionally, our testers are ACl certified for both laboratory and field testing. We propose to provide Mike Magee to perform these services. Mr. Magee has been providing the services for STPUD for several years and is available for the entire 2005 construction season. It is understood that this cost proposal is to be based on providing Mike Magee, 50 hours per week from May 2 to November 4, 2005. The following is our estimate based on this information: Mike Magee- 27, 50-hour weeks ~ $4,790.00/week $129,330.00 Vehicle - 27 weeks @ 900 miles/week @ 0.405/mile 9,841 Testing Equipment (Nuclear gauge, concrete equipmen!) No Charge Laboratory Testing 60,000.00 Estimated Fee* $199,171.00 'All labor rates based on prevailing wages. Attached is our fee schedule for field personnel and laboratory testing. We look forward to the opl~ortunity to work with you this year. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely,~ STANTE~ ,'~ONSULTING Project~ ~nageI Qualit. I C mtrol/gssurance JVL:Mr,~ wi Enclosure INC. Principal ~: Quality Control/Assurance Stante March 30, 2005 STANDARD FEE SCHEDULE C~UALI.T..y CONTRQL/A$SURc4NC~ INS,PECTION AND MAT, ERIALS_T~ST, ING SERVICES SOU_TH TAHOE_PUBLIC U.I'.ILILTIES DIS_'rJ~!CT RE,'VO .......... Bg80 $ie,q'g C~.nle? P.qtkvvay. ,~.dln 100 R~no, Neu'~Ja Bg:~t 1 CAS ~GA~ ..... 7251 WaR Charle~ Las V~s. Neva~ 8~ 17 (7021 ~-~1 lB / ~x PHOE~ ....... ~11 g~ulh 4g~ Phenix, A~na (~02) 43~0 / fax SA~AMENTO.. 2S~0 Ven/ute 0~ Way s~enlo. Call~ml~ PERSONNEL_BILLING Technician RegCar Technician Overtime Project Manager ..~_CtUIPMENT C.I:t .ARGES Nuclear Den$ometer (Soils) Nuclear Densometer (Asphalt-Thin Lift) Coring Machine Bit Wear N-inch diameter) M IS C ELLANF~OU 8 CHARGE.S. Vehicles Per Diem OuL~ide Services SOIL Ti~STING Sieve Analysis Coarse Combined Sieve Ar~alysis Plasticity' Index Sand Equivalent Mol~ure Determination of Soll Hydrometer Analysis Clay Lumps and Friable Particles Molsture-Densi%, Cur~e Moisture-Density Curve (Rock Corrected) Moisture-Density Cr~eckpotnt R-Va)ua CBR (ASTM 01882) CBR (AASHTO %193- 3 point) Consolidation - 4 point. 1 rebound Direct Shear- 3 point Unconfined compression FHA Swell Test Swell Test (AASHTO %116) Soil Resistivity pH Measdrement Ring Moisture Dengity Soluble Sulfa fas Durability Index Permeability Triaxial Shear Densiby TesL,;, sampling 90,00 per hour 19,00 per hour 39,00 per hour No Charge No Charge 6,00 per Inch $ 0.405 per mile 85,00 per man per day Cost + 15% $ 80,00 105,00 9OOO 80,00 17.00 200.00 75.00 155.00 235.00 65,00 235.00 450.00 450.00 200,00 250.00 90,00 750O 80.00 100.00 50.00 GO.D0 50.00 120.00 upon request hourly r~te I~ourly rote Pgge 1 o[ 3 A_ GGREGATE_TE, STING Slava Analysis Pla sticJty Index Dry Rodded Unit Weight of Aggregate Specific Gravity and Absor¢on of Aggregate Sodium Sulfate Soundness (1 sieve) Organic Impu rltles Lightweight Pieces In Aggregate Mortar Making Properties of Sand (ASTM C87) Cieannees Test of Aggregate Flat and Elongated Particles Fractured Faces L,A, Abrasion Potential Reactivity Sampling, Materi~J Preparation CONCRETE/MASONRY TEST. I.N G Compressive strength cf concrete cylinder Hold cylinders FlexuraJ strength of concrete beams Compressive strength of concre~ cores Compressive strength of gunite cylinder Cempresslve strength of grout sample Compressive strength of mortar cylinder Unit weight of cylinder or core Absomtlon, moisture and unit weight of masonry unit Lineal shrinkage of masonry block Compressive s~rength of masonry block Efflorescence test of masonry uni~ Splitting tensile strength of concrete Compressive strength of masonry prisms {8.in~) Compressive strength of masonry prisms (12-Inch) Absorption of Concrete Cores Concrete Shrinkage Beam Young's Modulus of Cylinders Restrained Expansion Beam Oven Dry Unit Weight of Concrete Cylinder Rapid Chloride Permeability Cylinder or Core Concrete Mix Design Sampling, Sample Preparation, Batch P~ant Inspection, Cylinder Pickup AS PHAL.T...TESTING Asphalt cement conts,.nt Asphalt aggregate sieve analysis Marshall Properties of asphalt concrete Coating and stripping test Swell test of asphaltic concrete. Unit weight of asphalt cores Rice specific gravity Index of Retained Strength Sam0llng, Sample Preparation, Batch Plant Inspection _ASPHALT ~IX.DESIGN. Marshall mix design from bin samples/point Hveem mix deslgn from bin samples,'polnt Open grade mix design from bin samples Hveem Stabllometer (1 point) Sampling. Sample Preparation $ 80,00 90,00 55.00 75.00 65.00 55,00 100.O0 500.00 120.00 100.00 100.00 120.00 Cost 4. 15% hourly rate $17.00 13,00 75,00 35.00 20.00 17,00 17.00 ,40.00 60.00 65,00 55,00 50.00 50,00 100.00 125.00 50.00 50,00 100.00 75,00 40,00 100,00 hourly rate hourly rate $ 120,00 80.00 200,00 70,00 75.00 40.00 95.00 500,00 hourly rate $ 500.00 500.00 700.00 200.00 hourlyrate ' STRU CTU RAL.,S.TE EL/FIRE P ROOE1NG - Density Determination o¢ fireproofing Sampling and Thickness determination of fireproo~n9 Bend best of weld Tensile test of steel or Weld Macroetch N~_ON DES TR U.C.TIVE EXAMINA.T_[O.N Level III Sen/ices Radiographic Examination (2 Men) Magnetic Particle, Liquid Pone[cant. Ultrasonic E~am)nations Elevabad Concrete Slab X. ray WeMer Qualifications Procedure Quallflca'dons Welder Qualification Update C~llage Welder Quelff~catlens Mobile Darkroom Mobile Daft(room Mileage Film 4%X10 4~XI7 14X17 Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetrant, Ultrasonic Examination Welder Qualiflcatlon Test Procedure Vlsual Weld Inspec*Jon $ 50,00 hourly rate 30.00 50.00 50,00 94,00/hr 155.00/hr 84.00/hr 250.00/shot 250.00 350.08 80.00 100.00 10,00 0,85 B,00 7,00 1 hourly rate hourly rate hourly rate per hour per retie NOTE; Overtime will be, charged at time-and-one-half. Quoted prices am available upon request for a variety of miscellaneous laboratory and field testing as well as for complete testing and observation programs. NDE Laboratory Services chargeable at: 2 hours minimum. NDE Field Services chargeable a't 4 hours minimum. Test prices shown are for laboratory work only and include reporting routine rasull~, Sampling, recommendations, con¢luslons, comments and reports are billed at the hourly rate. An additional service fee of 20% will be added to 211 rush orders. Pe,~e 3 of 3 South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager laJchard H. 5ol~rig Diceccor$ Tom Comt~ James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Puane Wallace Eric .~chafer ] 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe'. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDAITEM N'O. 4.j TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Hoggatt, Construction Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: April 7, 2005 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: B-Line Phase 3: Export Pipeline Replacement REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve amendments to Task Order No. 53 to Carollo Engineers in the total amount of $79,400. DISCUSSION: The itemized parts of Amendment No. 5 are as follows: Task 1, in the amount of $17,300, was for the inspection services at the Northwest Pipe manufacturing plant in Portland, Oregon. Northwest Pipe manufactured the steel pipe for the project and since Carollo Engineers has an office in Portland, staff requested Carollo Engineers witness the specified testing at the plant to insure the pipe was manufactured as required. Task 2, in the amount of $9,200, was for the redesign of the Grass Lake Creek bridge crossing as requested by the United States Forest Service, and for changed conditions in the foundation. Task 3, in the amount of $4,700, was for the additional services staff requested that Carollo's soils sub-consultant, AMEC Earth and Environmental, Inc., to review the rock over shot areas of the pipeline and provide report and recommendation of their findings. Amendment No. 6, in the amount of $48,200, is for the estimated time Carollo Engineers will be assisting the District on the claims brought forth by Cox and Cox Construction on this project (see attached correspondence on Amendment No. 6). SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $79,400 ACCOUNT NO: 9098-8828/BLNIII BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: 2004/05 <$879,133>, 2005/06 $1,500,000 -ATTACHMENTS: Amendment No. 5, Amendment No. 6 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES'Jr ~mC NO NO CATEGORY: Sewer engineers March 3, 2005 4246C 10 Mr. Paul Sciuto Assistant General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, California 96150 Subject: Amendment #5 to the B-Line Replacement Phase 3 Project Dear Paul: The purpose of this letter is to present our request for Amendment Number 5 to our contract for the design and construction services for the B-Line Phase 3 Project (Purchase Order #08996 - this change would be Task Order #53E). Items included in this amendment request reflect changes in scope either requested by the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) or resulting from the District's attempts to keep the Construction Contractor on schedule. An explanation for each item contained in this amendment request is presented in the following. The associated costs for each item and the total cost for this amendment are also presented (the actual cost breakdown is attached as Exhibit A). Task 1: In Manufacturing Plant Inspection of the Pipe Constructed for this Project - At the District's request Carollo provided onsite inspection of the pipe being manufactured for this project at N.W. Pipe's Plant in Portland, Oregon. This was not part of our original scope and Carollo tracked these costs as a separate subtask. The cost for this item includes onsite inspection, supervision and coordination. The cost for this item is $17,300. This cost is detailed on the attached Exhibit A. Task 2: Grass Lake Creek Bridge Crossing - Part of the project included the construction of a new bridge over Grass Lake Creek on the Forest Service Campground Road. The original design was based on an assumed depth to bedrock as clearly stated on the plans. The Contractor was required to locate the actual depth to bedrock and convey this information to the District (and through the District to the Engineer) before completing work on the bridge footings. This was not done. The Contractor never did convey to the District that bedrock was not located during the installation of the new pipe under the creek channel as required. Then, approximately two months later, the Contractor notified the District that the bridge subcontractor was going to start work in three or four days. The redesign of the bridge footings suddenly became a critical path item. Carollo completed the initial redesign of the footings, however, the revised design would not work with rebar the Contractor had already bent based on the preliminary design (which was done without District or Caroilo knowledge). In order to use the already fabricated rebar and eliminate the delay caused by having to replace it, the bridge subcontractor proposed an alternative design for the footings. The District proposed two other alternatives, one without rebar and one with rebar. Carollo had included in the scope time to complete the shop drawing review for the proposed bridge and time to complete the redesign of the footings to the depth of actual bedrock. The review and revisions created by the three additional alternatives and some combinations of the three alternatives was not included in our original scope of work. In addition, in order to complete the work on the critical path imposed by the Contractor, Carollo utilized an 2500 VENTURE OAKS WAY, SUITE 320 · SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95833 , (916) 565-4888 , FAX (916) 565-488(; H:~naEStpud_SAC~4246c10V~mendmenl~Final B-Une Phase 3 Pipeline Amendment #5.doc Mr. Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District March 3, 2005 Page 2 outside structural subconsultant. Finally a design for new and larger footings was developed that utilized all the rebar that the Contractor had formed based on the original design, before locating the actual depth of bedrock. The cost for this item includes the work of the subconsultant to Carollo Engineers, supervision and coordination on a critical path item. The cost for this item is $9,200. This cost is detailed on the attached Exhibit A. Task 3: Onsite Inspection of Compaction of Over-excavated Material - At the request of the District, Carollo had our subconsultant (AMEC) complete three-onsite inspections to provide guidance on the best method of compacting the soils that had been disturbed by blasting below the actual depth required for pipe installation. The purpose of the onsite inspections was first to observe the conditions created by the blasting and, second, to provide written recommendations on how best to re-compact the loosened material before installing the new pipe on top of it. This work was outside the original scope of work for this project. The cost for this item includes the work of the subconsultant to Carollo Engineers (three separate site visits and write-ups), supervision and coordination. The cost for this item is $4,700. This cost is detailed on the attached Exhibit A. The amended cost for the completion of the tasks contained in this request is $31,200. The development of this cost is detailed in the attached Labor Hour and Cost Estimate (Exhibit A). Engineering fees will be based on the current fee schedule. The project team for the completion of this project will be Mr. Robert Gillette, Partner-in-charge, Mr. Jack Burnam, Project Manager and Mr. Adam Schuyler, Project Engineer. Please review our Scope and Level of Effort and, if acceptable, submit them to the Board of Directors for approval. Please contact us with any questions. Very truly yours, CAROLLO ENGINEERS, P.C. Robert A. Gillette, P.E. Partner Jack Burnam II, P.E. Project Manager RAG:jim Enclosures: Exhibit A - Labor Hours and Cost Estimate - Amendment #5 H:~Final~Stpud_SAC~4246c10~Amendmen~Fina~ B-Une Phase 3 Pipeline Amendment #5.doc EXHIBIT A South Tahoe Public Utility District B -Line Phase 3 Replacement Project LABOR HOUR AND COST PROPOSAL• Amendment 50 CAROLLO LABOR EXPENSES Description PIC QA/QC(EVII) PM(EVI) PE(EII) PE(Ell) PE(EVI) D(ETVII) WP TOTAL LABOR Miles(1) Mileage Misc. Sub- Sub- Markup Noting PECE TOTAL TOTAL RAG WAS JLB 5AS MK Structural Consultant Consultant TASK Labor Cost ($Hr•) 5189.00 5182.00 5166.00 699.00 599.00 5186.00 5113.00 $71,00 HOURS COSTS A$038 Expenses BRG AMEC (10 %) (a$6.50 /hr ODC's COSTS(2) Task 1 - Onsite Inspection At NW Pipe Complete Onsite Inspection 2 50 16 0 45 0 0 0 113 $ 16,498 288 $ 108 $ Task 2 • Bridge Over Grass Lake Creek Redesign,Revlew, Incorporate 1 0 8 8 0 0 2 19 5 2,451 0 - $ - $ 6,000 $ 600 $ - $ 124 $ 6,724 $ 9,200 Task 3 - Onsite Inspection of Compaction of Over -excavated Material Inspect, Review and Coordinate 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 $ 664 0 $ - $ - $ 3,643 $ 364 $ $ 26 $ 4033 5 4,700 TOTALS 3 50 28 8 45 0 0 2 136 519,613 5108 $0 66,000 $3,643 5964 50 $861 611,599 $31.200 $ 731 $ 839 $ 17,300 (1) Milage for Task 1 is from the Portland Office b NW Pipe aoxtior PTI (the coating and lining company) Approx. 12 miles one way to troth locations. Milage for Task 3 is from the Sacramento Office to South Tahoe. Approx. 125 miles one way. (2) Total dollars rounded to nearest 5100 Estimated Total Cost Use $ 31,200 Mr. OcT seattle, SubjeCt; InVOice ~Z40A Project: STUD - South Tahoe B-Line Phase Three Bridge Dear Mr. Burnam'. c~OI. LO Enclosed for your approval is the invoice for structural engineering sen/lc:es performed for the aboge-mentioned project In the month of September 2004. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, BRG ENGINEERING Pdncl[ Enclosures !co,~pt. J co. Phone # Phone # Fax ~ ...... Fax # 10/29/2004 FRI 11'5q [TX/RX NO 7072] ~oot CAROLL© ENGINEERS 1218 Third Ave., Suite 1600 s~alltc~ Washln~on 98101 Attenfi0m Mr. Jack Bumam, P.E., Project Mimager INVOICE Period Covered: September 2004 through October 1 2004 Name Classification STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING N. Suan, P.E. Principal invoice Number:. Hours 50 240A 8-Oct-04 Rate $120.00 Total Per Employee $6,000.00 Activity Total Task1To~l Total Direct Labor TOTAL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING LABOR DIRECT EXPENSES 5O $6,000.00 $6,000.00 ITOTAL AMOUNT DUE Submitted by: PROGRESS BILLING FOR iNVOICE NO~ :240'A 1218 Th!~Ave, Su~ 1600 Seattle, Washington 98101 Attn: Mr. Jack Burnam Subject: STPUD Sacrament0; Sent Date~ South Tahoe B-Line Phase Three Bridge Carollo Project Number Professional Services for the Period Ending 16-Se~ 1-Oct'04 Suite 175 ext. 27 Task Summary Facility Desing - Task 1 Current J?)b to Contract Period I~'~® Limits ~ % of Budget ,$6,ooo.oot/-. $ ,0o0;oo' $8;000,00 'oo% DIRECT EXPENSES Total Amounts $6~000i00 Prior Billings Not Paid Progress Percent Complete (based on completed work) $6~000~0~; $6,000i00 100% 100% Desitin progress Report PROGRESS REPORT DATE: 8-Oct-04 PROJECT: STPUD Period Co~~epte~bet 2004~ ~r°ugh OCtober i 2004 1. Work completed cluring this repo~ng ~dod: -Rev!~ br~ge.d~iga i~n~rmation i~!uding Original and revised contract dra~in~ar~~!~ foundation reco~dation. -Pecf0~r~fuctural ~[ysis. ~ S~ctural adequacy of original bridge design a~rding to ~HTO bridge design specifications and provide bridge design modifications as required. -Revis~ ~dgeAb~nt D~il. (North Side) to a~modate abutme,".t wail penetration - C~piled at, Submitted ~rai cacul~ to Carollo. 2. Work schedul~:~.~ .comPt~ and ~nS:: 3. Other Problems: 4. Work scheduled for next reporting period: Work is 100% complete. September 23, 2004 AMEC Job No. 3-417-000589 Carollo Engineers, PC 1218 Third Avenue, Suite 1600 Seattle, WA 98101-3032 Attention: Mr. Jack Burnam, P.E. Project Manager RE: PROGRESS BILLING Soils/Hydrologic Scoping Repo~ & Geotechnicai Investigation B-Line Effluent FOrce Main RePlacement Project Phase 3 South Lake Tahoe, California Dear Mr. Burnam: Enclosed is AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc.'s, invoice for the amount of $3,643.03 forthe billing period ending September 10, 2004. The following table presents a breakdown of charges. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these services for you. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Paul Kaplan, P.E. Unit Manager PK/ng Addressee (3) w/attachment J:\CLERICAL\billing,4h'S~004 Biliings~sePt~341?O00589btLg_10_0¢.wpd AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. 780 Vista Boulevard, Suite 100 Sparks, Nevada USA 89434-6656 Tel 1 + (775) 331-2375 Fax 1 + (775) 331-4153 www.amec.com ca~llO E~gineers :Pc ProgresS,B'i~l~ng S~ii~Ydr0!ogi~ S~ping. Re~rt & Geotechnical Investigation B~Line Effluent F~ Main Replacement Project Phase 3 SoUtti iake Tal-i0e, 'California AMEC Job No. 3-417-000589 September 23, 2004 Project Charges ,. , . . . **'~ Pr°Ject'phase/Task .... . Invoi TRPA $0.00 $5,652.83 Geotechnical Investigation $3,643.03 $25,957.45 I,,,,'$3,64 Project charg~ through September 10, 2004 * Page 2 REMIT TO: AMEC Earth & EnvirOnmental,' Inc. P.O. Box 24445 Seattle~ Washington 98!24-0445 i NVOICE S~23,2004 Page Carollo Engineers PC 1218 Third Ave., Suite 1600 Seattle, Wa 98101-3032 ATTENTION: Jack Burnam Professional Services Through SEP-10-2004 Project 3-417-000589 South Tahoe PUD B-Line Phase 3 Task Order No. 3 LABOR Office Equip & Supplies Recovery OTHER EXPENSES ,245.50.,/- 3 194 73 202.80,/' CURRENT BILLING AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE TOTAL CONTRACT PRIOR BILLINGS CURRENT INVOICE TOTAL REMAINING 43,750.00/~ 27,967 25' 3,643.03 12,139.72 PROJECT MANAGER: Kaplan, Paul Tet'ms: Net thirty (30) days (unless otherwise negotiated). After thirty (30) days from invoice date a late charge of one and one-half percent (1V~%) per month, or the maximum rate allowed by law may be charged. Direct: alibi ling inquiries to your AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. Project Manager. Please Visit our website at http://w~v, amec.com Federal Tax # 91-1641772 REMIT TO: AMEC Earth & Environmental,. Inc. RO. BoX 24445 Seattle Washington 98124-0445 INVOICE 414 64 SEP-23-2004 page No. 2 Professional Services Analysis (Data Reduction) Kaplan, Paul Clerical Word Processing Martin, Marjorie M Field Technician Patton, Lowell C Site Trip White, Kevin Preconstruction Survey Kaplan, Paul Other Expenses Unit Charges Unit Pricing Mileage HOURS RATE 4.50 140.00 1.50 47.00 10.00 80.00 7.50 130.00 5.50 140.00 29.00 AMO~ 630.00 70.50 800.00 975.00 770.00 3,245.50 QTY RATE AMOUNT 338.00 Mile(s) .6000 202.80 ** Total Project 3-417-000589 202.80 3,448.30 Terms: Net thirty (30) days (unless otherwise negotiated). After thirty (30) days from invoice date a late charge of one and one-half percent (11/2%) per month, or the maximum rate allowed by law may be charged. Direct all billing inquiries to your AMEC Earth & Environrr~ntal; inc; 'Project Manager. Please visit our website at http://www, amec.com Federal Tax # 91-1641772 COl'Ol.l-O e n G i ri e e r s March 3, 2005 4246C 10 Mr. Paul Sciuto Assistant General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, California 96150 Subject: Amendment #6 to the B-Line Replacement Phase 3 Project Dear Paul: The purpose of this letter is to present our request for Amendment Number 6 to our contract for the design and construction services for the B-Line Phase 3 Project (Purchase Order #08996 - this change would be Task Order #53F). Items included in this amendment request reflect an attempt to estimate the time required to assist the District with the resolution of Contractor's claims on this project. An explanation for the item contained in this amendment request is presented in the following. The associated cost for this item and the total cost for this amendment is also presented in the attached Exhibit A. Task 1: Contractor's Project Claims - This item is difficult to estimate. Carollo has already expended time to review and comment on three claims brought forth by the Contractor and to attend two meetings between the Contractor and the District to discuss claims issues with the respective attorneys present. The time already spent is shown on the attached exhibit. We have assumed that an additional 228 hours will be required to complete claims review and provide support to the District throughout the process. This is also shown on the attached spreadsheet. If additional hours are required; it will be presented to the District at a later date. Any contract dollars not used at the end of the project will be returned to the District, as has been our practice over previous years. The estimated cost for this item is $48,200.The development of this cost is detailed in the attached Labor Hour and Cost Estimate (Exhibit A). Engineering fees will be based on the current fee schedule. The project team for the completion of this project will be Mr. Robert Gillette, Partner-in- charge, Mr. Jack Burnam, Project Manager and Mr. Adam Schuyler, Project Engineer. Please review our Scope and Level of Effort and, if acceptable, submit them to the Board of Directors for approval. 2500 VENTURE OAKS WAY, SUITE 320 · SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95833 · (916) 565-4888 · FAX (916) 565-488£ H:\Rna~tpud_SAC',4246c10V~nendment'J:inal B-Line Phase 3 Pipetine Amendment #6.doc Mr. Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District March 3, 2005 Page 2 Please contact us with any questions. Very truly yours, Jack Burnam II, P.E., Project Manager RAG:jim Enclosures: Exhibit B - Labor Hours and Cost Estimate- Amendment #5 H:\Final~tpud_SAC',A246c10W~endment\Final B-Une Phase 3 Pipeline Amendment #6.doc EXHIBIT A South Tahoe Public Utility District B Line Phase 3 Replacement Project LABOR HOUR AND COST PROPOSAL• Amendment #6 CAROLLO LABOR EXPENSES Description PIC CPVOC(EVII) PM(EVI) PE(EII) PE(ElI) PE(EVI) D(ETVII) WP TOTAL LABOR Miles(1) Mileage Misc. Sub- Sub- Markup Printing PECE TOTAL TOTAL RAG WAS 31.0 SAS MK Structural Consultant Consultant TASK Labor Cost($ /Hr.) 5189.00 $18200 0166.00 599.00 $99.00 5166.00 $113.00 071,00 HOURS COSTS 6000.38 Expenses 8RG AMEC (10 %) 0006.50/hr ODC's COSTS(2) Task 4 - Claims Aasistence Extended Administrative Costs 4 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 28 $ 4,740 0 - $ - $ - $ 182 $ 182 Claims Evaluation To Date 2 0 40 0 0 0 0 2 44 0 7,160 0 - $ - $ - $ 286 $ 286 Meetings attended to date 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 16 $ 2,656 500 $ 187.5 $ 104 $ 292 Anticipated Claims Evaluation 4 0 120 24 0 8 4 2 162 $ 24,974 0 $ - $ - $ 1,053 $ 1,053 Anticipated Meetings 4 0 32 0 0 0 0 2 38 $ 6,210 1,000 $ 375.0 $ - $ 247 $ 622 Subtotal $ 45,740 $ 2,435 TOTALS 14 0 232 24 4 288 $45,740 $563 00 00 00 $0 $0 $1,872 $2,435 $ 48,200 $48,200 11) Milage for Task 1 is from the Portland Office to NW Pipe and/or PTI (the coating and lining company) Approx. 12 miles are way to both locations. Milage for Task 3 is from the Sacramento Once to South Tahoe. Approx. 125 miles one way. (2) Total dollars rounded to nearest $100. Estimated Total Cost Use $ 401.200 South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager ~Jchard H. Solbrig D/l'ec~of-$ Tom Comte James I~. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Puane Wallace Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe'· CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614, www, stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.k TO: Board of Directors FROM' Jim Hoggatt, Construction Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: April 7, 2005 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Gardner Mountain Sewer Pump Station and Cornelian Booster Station Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order No. 2 to K.G. Walters ConstructiOn Company, Inc., in the amount of $73,043.52. DISCUSSION: The itemized parts of Change Order No. 2 areas follows: Part A, in the amount of $3,044.11, is for the 2 sack sand slurry used to abandoned the old Gardner Mountain Pump Station and wet well after the new one was placed into service. Part B, in the amount of $27,695.34, is for grinding and overlay required by the City on Gardner MOuntain Road. The City is requiring a overlay half the streets width any time the streets are cut. This was not a requirement at bid time. Part C, in the amount of $8,287.45, is for providing and installing a flow meter in the discharge piping of the Gardner Mountain Sewer Pump Station as requested by the District's Operation staff. Part D, in the amount of $3,306.23, is the material and labor required to repair the damage to the rear wall of Gardner Mountain Sewer Pump Station. This repair is for the damage caused by the District crews when they lost control of unloading the propane tank. Part E, in the amount of $3,366.46, is for the overtime rate the contractor incurred to meet the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency's grading deadline in 2003. Staff requested the contractor work the overtime. Part F, in the amount of $8,128.39, is for the extra 12-inch PVC pipe the contractor was required to install at Cornelian Booster station. The extra pipe was due to Caltrans, who owns the land the booster station is constructed on, requiring the district to relocate the building after the contractor bid the project. Part G, in the amount of $1,100, is for painting the ceiling on Cornelian Booster · Station. The plans did not call for a ceiling to be installed and staff felt one was need. Part H, in the amount of $6,071.79, is for furnishing and installing a 6-inch pipe and fire hydrant, a %-inch water service and a 1-inch flush connection at Cornelian Booster Station. Caltrans requested the fire hydrant, and the staff requested a % -inch service on the exterior of building. Part I, in the amount of $12,043.75, is to repair and replace the 3-inch discharge pipe on the two booster pumps. Carollo Engineers will reimburse the District because this discharge pipe should have been at least a 4-inch pipe. Staff recommends the Board approve Change Order No.2. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $73,043.52 ACCOUNT NO: $42,333.13 1029-8238/GMTSPS/$30,710.39 2029-8438/BSCORN BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING:<$77,568>, <$92,237> ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No. 2 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ,l¢.4/7[¢ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES'~ ~ ~ NO CATEGORY: Sewer CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 2 Project GARDNER MOUNTAIN SEWER PUMP STATION AND CORNELIAN DRIVE WATER BOOSTER PUMP STATION PROJECTS Contractor: KG WALTERS CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Date April 7, 2005 PO # P13941 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: A) Furnish material and labor to pour 2 sack sand slurry in the old Gardner Mountain sewer pump station on time and material not to exceed $3,044.11. See attachment A, PCO#17,for a break down of all cost. TOTAL FOR ]TEN A 15 $3,044.11 B) Grind and overlay Gardner Mountain Street as directed in the field by the engineer and city inspector for a lump sum amount of $27,695.34. See attachment B, PCO#18, for a break down of all cost. TOTAL FOR/TEM B ]:S $27,695.34 C) Provide and install 4-inch Flow Meter at Gardner Mountain Sewer Pump Station not to exceed $8,287.45. See attachment C, PCO#19&#31, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ]:TEN C ]:$ $8,287,45 D) Furnish material and labor to repair the damage to the rear wall of the Gardner Mountain Sewer Pump Station building on time and material not to exceed $3,306.23. See Attachment D, PCO# 103, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR TTEM D TS $3,306.23 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 2 ]:S A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+]:= $73~043.52 DOllar Amounts Contract Time Original Contract $1r376r356.00 Previous Change Order $ 79r846.84 Current Contract $1r456r202.84 THTS CHANGE ORDER $ 73r043.52 New Contract Total $1r529r246.36 This Change Order constitutes full and mutual accord and satisfaction for all time and all costs related to this change. By acceptance of this Change Order the contractor agrees that the Change Order represents an equitable adjustment to the contract price and time, and further agrees to waive all right to file a claim arising out of or as a result of this change. Authorized By STPUD Board President Date: Accepted By Contractor Date: Reviewed By Date: E) Labor overtime rate for work performed on contract items as directed by District Staff at Cornelian Booster in the fall of 2003 to bring the project back on schedule not to exceed $3,366.46. See attachment E, PCO#9, for a break down of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM E IS $3,366.46 F) Furnish and install the additional 12-inch PVC pipe and fittings that was required on the suction side of Cornelian Booster Station for a lump sum price of $8,128.39. See attachment F, PCO# 027, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM F IS $8,128.39 G) Furnish the material and labor to paint the ceiling at Cornelian Booster Station for a lump sum amount of $1,100.00. See Attachment G, PCO#025, for breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM G IS $1,100.00 H) Furnish all material and install a 6-inch pipe and fire hydrant, a 3/4-inch water service and 1" flush connection for the Cornelian Booster Station for lump sum amount of $6,071.79. See attachment H, PCO'S 028,029 & 100, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM H IS $6,071.79 Remove the 3-inch discharge pipe for the two booster pumps at Cornelian Booster Station and replace with 4-inch as shown in Carollo's detail for a lump sum amount of $12,043.75. See attachment T for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM I IS $12,043.75 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 2 IS A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I= $73,043.52 South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Rlcha~ H. ~,olbrig Directors Tom ¢omt~ James F-. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe', CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.1 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Hoggatt, Construction Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: April 7, 2005 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Sludge Handling Facilities and Odor Control Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order No. 7 to Pacific Mechanical in the amount of $36,907.16. DISCUSSION: Change Order No. 7 is for the fiberglass reinforced vinyl coating the staff requested to be installed in the chemical storage containment area for the odor control unit in the Sludge Handling Building. The fiberglass-reinforced vinyl coating provides a durable corrosive protection to the concrete floor and containment wall within the area the sodium hypoclroide and sodium hydroxide storage tanks are located. Staff recommends Board approve Change Order No. 7. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $36,907.16 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8235/SHFOCP BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $286,232 ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No. 7 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: .o CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES '~ ~ r~- No CATEGORY: Sewer CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 7 Project: SLUDGE HANDLING AND ODOR CONTROL FACILITIES Contractor: PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORPORATION Date: April 7,2005 PO # P12445 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: Furnish and apply a fiberglass reinforced vinyl coating for the chemical storage containment area of the odor control unit in the Sludge Handling Building for a lump sum amount of $36,907.16. See attachment A, PCO#57, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 7 :IS $36,907.16 Dollar Amounts Contract Time Original Contract $7,744,000.00 Previous Change Order $ 684,921.35 Current Contract $8,428,921.35 THZS CHANGE ORDER $ 36,907.16 New Contract Total $8,465,828.51 This Change Order constitutes full and mutual accord and satisfaction for all time and all costs related to this change. By acceptance of this Change Order the contractor agrees that the Change Order represents an equitable adjustment to the contract price and time, and further agrees to waive all right to file a claim arising out of or as a result of this change. Authorized By STPUD Board President Date: Accepted By Contractor Date: Reviewed By Date: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Richard Solbri~, General Manager Eric W. Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS Paul Sciuto, Assistant Manager DUane Wallace, Vice President James R. Jones, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Tom Comte, Director I I I II I II I I I I REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 17, 2005 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, March 17, 2005, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Schafer, Directors Jones, Wallace, Comte, Mosbacher. ROLL CALL STAFF: Solbrig, Sciuto, Sharp, McFarlane, Cocking, Coyner, D. Johnson, Bergsohn, R. Johnson, Thiel, Hoggatt, Attorney Kvistad. Gregory Delagnes, Cruz Excavating GUESTS Staff requested the Requested Board Action on Consent Item a. be corrected to read "effective January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005." CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Comte / Second Wallace / Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar, including the change described above: CONSENT CALENDAR REGULAR BOARD M~'~- lING MINUTES - MARCH 17, 2005 PAGE - 2 Professional Plan Review Services - Authorized renewing contract with Wolf Lodge Consulting and Backflow Services, LLC, effective January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005; Mobile Automatic Reading System - Authorized contract with Western Nevada Supply in an amount not to exceed $150,000; Customer Service, Operations and Laboratory Facility - Approved Change Order No. 5 to Don Garcia Excavating and Paving, in the amount of $23,109.80; do Customer Service, Operations and Laboratory Facility -Approved Task Order No. 3-D to Smith Design Group for expanded design services in the amount of $124,186.00; eo Customer Service, Operations and Laboratory Facility - Approved Task Order No. 3-E to Smith Design Group in the amount of $38,313.94; Incineration Equipment Disposal- Authorized disposal of incineration equipment in a manner that is in the best interest of the District; Chlorination Equipment Disposal -Authorized staff to dispose of chlorination equipment in a manner that is in the best interest of the District; Bayview, Helen and South Upper Truckee Wells Drilling Project - Approved Change Order No. i to Zim Industries, Inc., in the amount of $61,027.26; Sodium Hypochlorite Storage and Distribution - Approved Change Order No. 1 to K.G. Walters Construction in the amount of $30,677.21; Management MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) - Extended managers' MOU to the time current negotiations are completed; k. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: March 3, 2005. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 17, 2005 PAGE - 3 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Staff requested Kennedy/Jenks Consultants submit a proposal to furnish the survey and design services for the Snowshoe Thompson ditch pipeline. This is the section of ditch that goes above the Woodford Inn in Alpine County that failed in 1997. At that time, the District wanted to repair this section of ditch with a pipeline, but was unable to do so because of opposition from Heise Land and Livestock, so onlYditch repairs were made. Since Heise Land and Livestock is no longer a part owner of the ditch, the District filed for and received a $250,000 grant to replace this ditch with a pipeline. The grant requires all work be completed by December 2005. Moved Mosbacher / Second Jones / Passed Unanimously to approve Task Order No. 12 to Kennedy/Jenks Con- sultants for design services in the amount of $87,000. Two general contractors submitted bids on this project. Both bids were high, with the lowest bid received for $2,043,188.64 from Cruz Excavating. Jim Hoggatt recommended rejecting both bids because the lowest bid was $500,000 over the amount budgeted for this project. Staff will re-evaluate the project, including possible redesign and value engineering in order to bring the project within the budgeted amount. Since this project is not an emergency or a requirement from an environmental agency, there is time to re-evaluate and re-bid by January or February 2006. Staff notified both bidders that this would be their recommendation to the Board. As a result, the lowest bidder, Cruz Excavating, submitted a letter for the Board's consideration, asking the Board to award the project as a bid and then to issue a subsequent change order reducing certain materials to realize significant savings. Hoggatt stated changing the project specifications after the bid process is not legal and recommended the Board reject all bids. He encouraged both companies to partici- pate when the project is re-bid. Moved Wallace / Second Jones / Passed Unanimously to reject bids received for this project, and directed staff to re-evaluate the project. SNOWSHOE THOMPSON NO. 1 PIPELINE WILDWOOD AVENUE SEWER INTERCEPTOR REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 17, 2005 PAGE - 4 This contract is for temporary personnel for the District's Water Conservation Program. The program was very successful during the 2004 season in providing educational and enforcement services in an effort to implement the conservation efforts as required by the Administrative Code. Last year the District employed four educators; this year the plan is to hire two, and increase to three depending on the need. The program will be effective April 11, 2005, with the recruitment of one Lead Water Educator. An additional educator will be hired, effective May 30, 2005. Moved Comte / Second Jones / Mosbacher Voted No / Passed to authorize contract with Blue Ribbon Personnel in the estimated amount of $60,000. (Director Mosbacher voted no because she objected to contracting with a company that is based outside of the local community). Presently, each Board member receives $400 per month, plus benefits, for serving on the Board of Directors. The compensation has been the same for at least two decades. The District's legal counsel has reviewed the law concerning Board member compensation, the Public Utility Code and the Water Code. The Public Utility Code provides for compensation on a monthly basis and the Water Code provide for compensation on a per meeting basis. Considerable discussion was held regarding the best way to compensate Board members and whether an increase is warranted, taking into account the length of time since the last compensation increase, expense to the District's customers in relation to the services provided by the Board members, and the need to attract and retain members of the community to serve on the Board of Directors. Two bills, the Ortiz and Salinas bills, are being proposed to the legislature that will dictate parameters Boards must follow. It was the consensus of the Board to postpone dis- cussion regarding a change to the policy on Board member compensation until legislation on either bill is finalized. No Board action. Moved Comte / Second Wallace / Passed UnanimoUsly to approve payment in the amount of $861,378.30. TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVICES FOR TWO WATER EDUCATORS BOARD MEMBER COMPENSATION PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINU i t:S - MARCH 17, 2005 Finance Committee: The committee met March 9 and 10 to review the 2005/2006 budget, ten-year financial plan, and second quarter financial statements. A Board Work- shop on the budget will be held March 23. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met March 14. The main topics of the meeting were the B-line Phase 3 and Wildwood Sewer projects. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Management Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee: The committee meet March 11 and 15 to discuss the managers' proposal. Director Jones reported he traveled to Washington, D.C. to speak before a coalition of agencies formed to fight safe harbor language in the Energy Bill (language that would protect oil companies from pollution lawsuits and provide them with a tremendous amount of money to reimburse them for the inconvenience of retrofitting their refineries). All costs to attend this meeting were paid for by the Association of Municipal Water Agencies. Director Mosbacher reported on her attendance at the Alpine County Board of Supervisors meeting. A lawsuit has been filed against the developer over the proposed development in Markleeville. The Board of Supervisors voted to renew the contract for the grant coordinator position the District's shares with Alpine County. General Manager: Richard Solbrig reported on two items: 1) The problem with the wastewater treatment plant's microbiological process has been resolved, but the reason for the upset has not been determined. Various changes have been made in attempts to eliminate any probable causes. The emergency retention basin and the extra water in the holding pond were drained. No violations occurred during the entire process. 2) A Strategic Plan was developed to help prioritize projects, and will be incorporated into the budget process. It was the consensus of the Board to hold a workshop to discuss the Strategic Plan in detail. Director Wallace reported he saw an article in the Sacramento Bee reporting that terrorists have listed additional targets, and one was chlorine tanks. The District has eliminated this risk by no longer using PAGE- 5 BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH t7, 2005 PAGE - 6 chlorine. Director Mosbacher noted that our streets and residential neighborhoods are also safer since tankers are no longer required to make chlorine deliveries. BOARD MEMBER REPORT (continued) District Information Officer: Dennis Cocking reported on his attendance at the ACWA Legislative Affairs meeting. He also updated the Board on various bills that are of interest to the District. Attorney Kvistad reported on a bill that would provide hearing procedures for state and regional water quality control boards to follow. STAFF REPORTS Chief Financial Officer: Rhonda McFarlane reported a public meeting on the 2005/2006 budget will be held at 6:00 p.m., April 28, at the City Council Chambers 3:20 - 3:30 P.M. MEETING BREAK 3:30 P.M. ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION 5:05 P.M. RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation (One Case) No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, California; et al., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. ClV S-02-0238 MCE JFM No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation: Pioneer Trail Waterline Replacement Near Filter Plant REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 17, 2005 PAGE-7 No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action No reportable Board action 5:05 P.M. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation: Beth Jett/Kendall Pearce Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators - Agency Negotiators: General Manager, Management Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee, Board of Directors; Employee Organization: Management Unit ADJOURNMENT Eric W. Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard FI. Solbrig Dicect~or$ Tom Comt~ Jarn~ I~ Jones Mary Lou Mo~bach~r Duane Wallacg Eric Schaf~r 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe', CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO..6.a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ivo Bergsohn, Hydro-Geologist MEETING DATE: April 7, 2005 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Bayview and South Upper Truckee Well No. 3 Control Buildings Design REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve proposal from Boyle Engineering Corporation (Boyle). DISCUSSION: In March 2005, staff developed a Request for Proposals (RFPs) for engineering services for preparation of the District's well control buildings design. The RFP was solicited to four engineering consulting firms to assist staff to complete plans and specifications for the Bayview Well and South Upper Truckee Well No. 3 sites. Of the four firms solicited, submittals were received from two consultants. Based on the qualifications and relevant project experience of the project team and the approach to implementing the project presented in the submittals, staff recommends that the Board approve the proposal from Boyle to conduct the work in general accordance with their March 22, 2005, engineering services proposal. Staff is currently negotiating the contract for this work with Boyle and will provide the cost estimate to complete the work prior to, and at the Board meeting. SCHEDULE: April 8, 2005 through July 8, 2005 COSTS: To be provided at the Board meeting ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8574/BAYWEL, 2029-8463/SUTWEL BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: 2005 <$40,100>, 2006 $1,000,000; 2005 $692,218,2006 $400,000 ATTACHMENTS: To be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: .o GENERAL MANAGER: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES'~L ~ ~'3~. NO CATEGORY: Water South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrlg Tom Coml~ James R. Jones Ma~y Lou Mosbach~r Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe'. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD CONSENT ITEM NO. 6.b TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiel, Principal Engineer MEETING DATE: April 7, 2005 ITEM - PROJECT: Customer Service, Operations and Laboratory Facility REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. DISCUSSION: This project includes construction of the Customer Service building and the Operations and Laboratory building along with all remaining sitework, paving, utility installations, landscaping, and demolition of the old chlorine buildings and the existing administration building. The Phase 1 sitework was completed last year by Garcia. Five general contractors attended the mandatory pre-bid meeting on March 15. Bids were opened April 5. A summary of all bids along with a staff recommendation will be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting. SCHEDULE: Open bids April 5, Board approval April 7, begin construction May 2. COSTS: Estimate: $ 8,000,000 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8401,2029-8677 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: 2004/05 $111,003, 2005/06 $6,500,000 (Proposed budget) ATTACHMENTS: Construction cost estimate CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES /~..)~,,~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: ¥£S~ 01~ ~r_.~ NO CATEGORY: Water PROJECT COST ESTIMATE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTiLitY DiSTRiCT CUSTOMER SERVICE BUILDING 30 MARCH 2005 The basis of this Engineer's Project Cost Estimate is an 18,998 SF Utility District Customer Service Building (moderate finish) Construction, Prevailing Wage for Labor and TRPA Water Quality Improvements. Including 66.48% of other costs associated with the Project. Project Estimate excludes cost of construction already completed in Phase I sitework, landscaping and other site improvements are not included. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION COST Customer Service Building Site Demolition Sub-total: Construction Contingency 5% Total Construction Cost Today: Construction Cost Escalation 5% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $3,891,439 $541,413 $132,960 $4,565,812 $228,291 $4,794,103 $228,291 $5,022,393 PROJECT COST ESTIMATE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTIllT~ DISTRICT LABORATORY/OPERATIONS BUILDING 30 MARCH 2005 The basis of this Project Engineer Cost Estimate is an approximately 6,925 SF Laboratory/Operations Building Construction, included an Essential Service Facility, Prevailing Wage for Labor and TRPA Water Quality Improvements. Including 33.52% of other costs associated with the Project. Project Estimate excludes cost of construction already completed in Phase I sitework, landscaping and other site improvements are not included. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION COST Wastewater Operations/Laboratory Site Demolition Sub-totah Construction Contingency 5% Total Construction Cost Today: Construction Period Escalation 5% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $2,289,397 $407,067 $67,040 $2,763,504 $138,175 $2,901,679 $138,175 $3,039,854 South Taho Public Utility District General Manager ~cha~d H. Solbrig D/rectors Tom Comte Jamee I~ Jonee Maw Lou Moebacher Ouane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe', CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. ,6.c TO: Board of Directors FROM: MEETING DATE: Richard Solbrig, General Manager Management Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee Jones / Comte April 7, 2005 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Management Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve ratification of MOU with District Management Staff (including Compensation Policy). DISCUSSION: The Board Committee and Management Negotiating Team have conducted negotiations over the last two months for a new employment contract, Compensation Policy, and Salary Schedule. Both parties have reached agreement and the MOU was developed based on that agreement. The finalized draft is included with Board member's packets. A redline/strikeout version showing changes is available for review upon request to the Clerk of the Board. SCHEDULE: Contract period from January 13, 2005 to January 7, 2009 COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: Various BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Due to its length the MOU was distributed to Board members and can be reviewed upon request to the Clerk of the Board CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: , GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES.~)r NO NO CATEGORY: Sewer & Water PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL April 7, 2005 Payroll 3/16~05 Payroll 3~30~05 Total Payroll 289,326.09 287,682.73 577,008.82 55,821.56 55,821.56 Cost Containment - health care payments Total Vendor EFT Accounts Payable Checks Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks Self-funded Ins Accounts Payable Checks Grant Funds Total Accounts Payable 186,828.12 315,747.23 16,188.91 4,578.50 523,342.76 1,156,173.14 Grand Total Payroll EFTs & Checks EFT EFT EFT CHK EFT EFT CHK EFT EFT CHK AFLAC Medical & Dependent Care CA Employment Taxes & W/H Federal Employment Taxes & W/H CaIPERS Contributions ManuLife Pension Loan Payments Great West Deferred Comp Stationary Engineers Union Dues United Way Contributions Employee Direct Deposits Employee Paychecks Adjust for prior period corrections Total 3-16-05 03~30~05 4,086.54 12,848.45 69,472.78 18,681.75 5,115.79 11,970.65 1,511.86 105.OO 146,486.75 19,046.52 2,370.54 12,916.07 69,641.23 18,035.33 5,029.94 11,970.65 0.00 105.00 147,308.51 20,433.62 -128.16 289,326.09 287,682.73 00 South Tahoe P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT OF C L A I,M S REPORT 03/18/2005-04407/2005 1 WED, NPR 30, 2005, 5:10 FM - -r1: C LYN -- -leg: GL 3L- -loc: CIVSJiE-- - -job: 334252 #3154--- -prng: ai.o9 <1.07 >-- report id: CIMPC Default Selecticn: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW,HW,RV,VH Verrbr Nene Account # Department 2ND NATURE 20 -02 -4405 PLMPS Description SERVICES Check 'Ibtal : A C W A SERVICES OCRP (ASC) 10 -00 -2530 COAL & AIINIINISIRATICN EMPLOYEE VISION INS Check Tbt-al A F L A C 10 -00 -2538 COAL & ALMINISIRATICN AFLAC FEE EMETICN 10 -00 -2532 GENIERAL & ALM NISIRATICN INSURANCE SUPPLEMENT Check Tbtal: A P G ANALYTICAL Pfd= GROUP 10 -07 -4760 LABOIRATCRY LABCRATCRY SUPPLIES 20 -07 -4760 LAHMTUCRY LABCRATCRY SUPPLIES Check Tbt-a1 AWWA A -1 CHEMICAL INC ACUPRINT TB2HNCILGY ALL E EC'IRIC =CRS Dr 10 -37 -6200 II TICK SYSTEMS 20 -37 -6200 INECIZATICN SYSTEMS 10 -00 -0422 COAL & ALM NIS RATICN 10 -00 -0421 GENERAL & AEMINISIRATICN 20 -00 -6520 GENERAL & ALMI ISIRATICN 10 -00 -6520 GENERAL & AElvD NISIRATICN 10 -39 -6030 FINANCE 20 -39 -6030 FINANCE 10 -02 -8410 RMPS TRA i 1 1 ti /EILWATTCN TRAVEL ID 1 e. /EDUCATION Check Tbt al JANTICRIPL SUPPLIES ,I ES INVENICN SHOP SUPPLY INVFNIORY SUPPLIES SUPPLIES DIES Check 'Ibt-a1 SERVICE C I IRACIS SERVICE CaACIS Check Tot-a1 : REED MIRS TROUT CRK PS Check Tbtal: ALPEN SIERRA CDFr± COMPANY 10 -00 -6520 CORAL & AININISTRATICN SUPPLIES I 20 -00 -6520 GENERAL & AUM NISIRPTICN SUPPLIES Check 'Ibt-a1 : Anrxmt Check # T/pe 1,831.25 1,831.25 00059470 MAT 2,414.50 2,414.50 00059471 NW 120.00 973.84 1,093.84 00059472 NW 262.00 262.00 524.00 00059473 NW 362.50 362.50 725.00 00059474 NW 276.69 127.41 176.51 176.51 757.12 00059475 MAI 62.50 62.50 125.00 00059476 NW 4,150.04 4,150.04 00059477 MAI 63.00 63.00 126.00 00059478 MAI Scuth ' I a h e P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 03/18 2005 - 04/07/2005 WED, MAR 30, 2005, 5:10 FM - -nazi: CAROLY I -- -leg: GL 3L- -loo: CI�51'1E--- -jc�b: 334252 #J154--- -prng: 09 <l.07 >- -resort id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: WI,HW,RV,VH Vendor Nacre s nt # wit ALPINE, CCINIY OF ANIERICTAS - SO LAKE TPECE ARAM4RK tNIFC EM SERVICES ARNOID Nom' ASSOC OF CLEAN WATER AGENCIES ASSURANF EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OD AVISIA =TIES B B & H BENEFIT DESIGNS B M H OCC PATICIAL MIEDICINE 10 -28 -6649 ALPINE CN NLY 10 -28 -6360 10 -00 -6360 10 -00 -2518 20 -05 -6011 20 -02 -6200 10 -00 -2512 20 -01 -4311 10 -19 -4311 20 -19 -4311 10 -37 -4311 20 -37 -4311 ALPINE 0 NIY COAL & A II NISIRATICN GENERAL & ALMTNISIRATICN EUTIFM ENI REPAIR RIvPS LAND REPAIR BARD OF DDS BCIARD OF DIREEICRS INIECIMITCN SYSIEMS INFCRWITICN SYSTEMS 10 -00 -6350 GENERAL & ALNIINISIRATICN 20 -00 -6350 CAL & ALMIlNISIRATICN 10 -22 -4405 HLI EI RES:URCES 20 -22 -4405 HLV AN RESOURCES DMECICR 10 -01 -6075 LIED REPAIR 20 -01 -6075 LIIND REPAIR Descripticn FISH Check Total: PROFANE PROFANE Check Tbta1: I IFORM/RU /TOWELS PA` 3iELE Check Tbt-a1 : EVE Check Total: TRAVEL/MEETTN: /ECUCATICN Check 'Ibt a1 : LIFE 'INSURANCE LIFE MOURANCE LIFE DURANCE LIFE LIFE INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE NATURAL CTAS NATURAL CAS Check Tbta1 : Check Total: C CEURACILIAL SERVICES CCNIRACR L SERVICES Check Total: /PHYSICALS SAFETY SAFETY B Avi /PHYSICALS Amount Check # Type 36,000.00 36,000.00 351.97 195.13 547.10 1,185.27 1,185.27 291.29 291.29 225.00 225.00 1,959.20 - 6.12 -7.44 - 7.44 - 3.06 - 3.06 1,932.08 9,419.74 382.62 9,802.36 624.50 624.50 1,249.00 - 116.21 - 116.21 00059479 00059480 00059481 00059482 00059603 00059483 00059484 00059485 S a z t h T a h o e P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 03/18 2005 - 04/07/2005 WED, IvAR 30, 2005, 5:10 R1 - -req: C LOT -- -leg: GL 3L- -loc: CNSfiE - -- -boo: 334252 #J154-- - -prcg: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MAT,HW,RV,VH Vendor Narre Acoamt # Eepartnent B0CGASES B S K ANALYTICAL AL LABS BANK OF THE WEST BANK OF THE WEST BANK OF THE WENT BARNSIEAD /II DLYNE OORP BELL, CARP A & TERRI L 10 -05 -6075 20 -05 -6075 10 -07 -6075 20 -07 -6075 10 -39 -6075 20 -39 -6075 10 -22 -4405 10 -04 -6075 EQUIPMENT REPAIR D,T RS T ORATO' REPAIR LAECIRATCRY FINANCE FINANCE HEAVY MAMTIIIE 20 -02 -6050 PUTS 20 -07 -6110 LABORATORY 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL &ALMINISTRATICN 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL &AEMINISTRATICN 20 -00 -2504 COAL &AEMINISTRATICN 10 -07 -6025 LABORATORY 20 -07 -6025 Imo' 20 -00 -2504 COAL & AI INISIRATICN Desaription SAFETY E JIFNENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPNENTT PHYSICALS SAFETY E:JUI /PHYSICALS SAFELY EaJI PHYSICALS SAFETY EQJ] PHYSICALS CES PHYSICALS SAFELY EQUIPMENT PHYSICALS Check Total : WELLS N NITIORIIU SUSPENEE SUSPENEE Check Tbtal: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Vendor Total: LAHMATCRY Chuck Tbta1 : SUSPENSE Check Total: Arro mt Check # Type 156.50 156.50 26.71 26.71 116.21 116.21 90.00 - 394.84 61.58 00059486 M' 546.98 546.98 00059487 Ma 180.00 180.00 00059488 MW 1,014.97 1,014.97 00059489 Ma 261.68 261.68 00059490 NW 621.76 621.76 00059491 MAT 1,898.41 58.82 58.83 117.65 00059492 M, 253.78 253.78 00059493 Ma S o u t h T a h e P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 03/18/2005-04407/2005 WED, NAR 30, 2005, 5:10 FM - -req: C LOT -- -leg: GL 3L- -loo: ONSIIE - -- -job: 334252 #J154--- -picg: 09 <1.07 >- -report id: Iefault Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: Mvi, I 1'I, RV, VH vender Nacre Aunt # Ilartnent BELL, GARY A & TERRI L BELL, GARY A & TERRI L BENrLY PLRCJGd3YmNIICE BERRY -Y Il�ID[1S'IR1ES BINS MATERIALS BLCJCM INVESIMENT OD BLZJE RISBCN 'TEMP PERSCNNEL BOIs CASCADE 20 -00 -2504 COAL & ALMINISIRPTICN 20 -00 -2504 COAL & ALMINISIRATICN 10 -06 -6652 OPERATIONS 10 -28 -4620 10 -04 -4630 10 -00 -0415 10 -05 -4630 20 -05 -4630 ALPINE CNIY HEAVY MAINTENANCE GENERAL , & AIIMINISIRATICN EUIFMENT REPAIR EXIFMENT REPAIR 20 -01 -6052 TND REPAIR 20 -00 -2504 COAL & AUV NISIRATIC 10 -37 -4405 IMECIRAATICN SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4405 INIECIRAATICN SYSTEMS 10 -00 -0428 GENERAL & ALMINISIRATICN 10 -39 -6081 FINANCE 10 -39 -4820 FINANCE 20 -39 -4820 FINALE Description SUSPENSE Check Total: SUSPENSE Check Total: Vendor Total BIc8JLID DISPOSAL COSTS Check Total: DIESEL__ OIL & GASOLINE IlWENIC' OIL & Li1RICANIS OIL & LUBRICANTS Check Total: PIPE, COVERS, & M JNEtLFS Check Total: SUSPENSE Check Tbtal : O NIRACICNAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL RNAL SERVICES Check Total.: OEl10E SUPPLIES INVENDDRY OM 10E SUPPLY ISSUES OFFICE SUPPLIES CienCE SUPPLIES Check Total: Amount Check # Type 253.78 253.78 00059494 NW 87.22 87.22 00059495 NW 594.78 1,874.57 1,874.57 00059496 M' 973.27 76.26 2,244.74 91.10 91.10 3,476.47 00059497 MAI 2,855.31 2,855.31 00059498 M' 844.27 844.27 00059499 Ma 1,345.80 1,345.80 2,691.60 00059500 MA] 847.74 262.12 4.66 4.68 1,119.20 00059602 MST South Tahoe P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 03/18 2005 - 04/07/205 id: WED, NPR 30, 2005, 5:10 FM - -req: CAl30LM -- -leg: C;L, JL - -loc: Ct�1SI'1E - -- -fob: 334252 #J154--- -pntg: 09 <1.07>--report Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MAT,HW,RV,VH vendor Narre Account # Department BS[.DREAU, RICH & KATE-HEEN BOA, SEAN T EFINALD, ROBERT J & CAL ELNALD, RCBERT J & CDL ERIVLD, ROBERT J & CAROL CDW -GCCP CM WRIGHT &CH WRIGHT GP CALIF NAT OF HEALTH SERVICES CALIF WATER RESOURCES GIRL ED 20 -00 -2504 COAL & AIIMINIISIRATICN 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & ALMI NISIRATICN 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & AUv1 NNIS'IRATTCN 20 -00 -2504 COAL & ALMINISTRATICN 20 -00 -2504 COAL & ALMENISIRATICN 20 -37 -4840 10 -37 -4840 20 -21 -4820 10 -21 -4820 10 -39 -4820 20 -39 -4820 20 -37 -4820 10 -37 -4820 INECRVATICN SYSTEMS ALMLNISIRATI N AIIMINISIRATIICN FIDE FINANCE IITICN SYSTEMS INECHvATTCN SYSTEMS 20 -00 -2504 CNAL & ALME NISIRATTCN 20 -02 -6650 10 -06 -6250 PUSS OPERATIONS Description SUSPENSE SUSPENSE SUSPEi SLEPENEE SUSPENSE Check Tbtal: Check Tbt-a1 : Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Verrbr Total: DISTRICT 0CMPLTIER SUPPLIES DISTRICT C CMPUIER SUPPLIES OFE,10E SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES anCE SUPPLIES Or,iCE SUPPLIES Orr•10E SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Tot a1 : SUSPENSE Check Total: OFERATINU PERMITS Check Total: EUESAAEABERSHIPS/CEFTIFICATI Arrest Check # Type 235.93 235.93 173.19 173.19 367.98 367.98 91.99 91.99 91.99 91.99 551.96 403.66 403.69 13.28 13.26 88.80 88.79 37.64 37.62 1,086.74 686.70 686.70 12,108.09 12,108.09 360.00 00059501 Md 00059502 MAI 00059503 MAT 00059504 MAT 00059505 MAI 00059507 MAI 00059508 MAT 00059509 MAI South Tahce P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS R E P O R T 03/18/2005-04/07/2005 W®, NAR 30, 2005, 5:10 R1 - -req: CARCLYN-- -leg: GL JL - -loo: CNS1'1E - -- -jab: 334252 #J154--- -prop: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check: Types: MAT, HW, RV, VH Vendor Nacre Aoocx nt # Departrrent CALIFC NIA OVERNIGHT CALLIAN, ,JFRAI FR CANADA LIFE CARCLID EMENIEERS CARSIFNS, SANDRA L CARRSSIENS, SANDRA L CEEAI1J, JUN CEEALU, JOIN N & JEW A 10 -00 -4810 COAL &AEMINISTRATICN 20 -00 -4810 COAL & AUv ISIRATICN 10 -29 -8352 ENGINEERING 20 -07 -6110 LABORATORY 10 -21 -6200 AuVr1NISIRATICN 20 -21 -6200 AUv1INISIRATICN 30 -00 -6744 10 -29 -7040 90 -98 -8828 10 -29 -8238 20 -29 -8438 20 -00 -2504 20 -00 -2504 SELF REED INSURANCE ENGINEERING Ems' PIPELINE GRANT ENGINEERING ENGINEERING (SAL & AlTIINIS RATION COAL & AuvrLNISIRATICN 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & AIIVTISIRATICN 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & ADvIINISIR7 TICN Description Check Total: POSINYE PD31AGE EXPENSES WILEWCCD SEAM MTIERCEPICR tNI'IORIIVS Check Total: TRAva /ED TICK Check Ibtal: EXCESS INS SELF INSURED MED Check Total: SCDILMHYPOCHLORITECCNVERSI E3L«INE PBS III LPPS -CAN PUMP SIN, Gin,RLIVEI2 NIIN BSIR SIN, CCRNELIAN (REPL) Check Total: SUSPENSE SUSPENSE SUSPENSE Check Total: Check Total : Vendor Total: Check Tbtal: Check Total: a Amxnt check # Type 360.00 00059510 NW 7.00 7.00 26.72 59.09 99.81 37.50 37.50 75.00 13,962.65 13,962.65 2,914.00 4,578.50 345.00 2,741.50 10,579.00 99.04 99.04 86.59 86.59 185.63 253.78 253.78 507.56 507.56 00059511 NW 00059512 MJ 00059513 NLV 00059514 MAT 00059515 MAT 00059516 MAT 00059518 MAT 00059517 MA1 S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 03/18/2005-04/07/2005 Pale 41®, MAR 30, 2005, 5:10 FM - -re4: CAROLYNT-- -leg: GL JL - -loo: CNS1'1h - -- -job: 334252 #J154--- -prng: C 09 <1.07 >-- report id: WS 7 Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: M'J, HW, RV, VH Vendor Narre Acccxnt # wit Dctripticn CASE, EEECRAH MP, TR 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & AEMINISIRATICN SUSPENSE CCCECENB, DENNIS S 10 -27 -6200 DISTRICT IITICN IRA 20 -27 -6200 DISTRICT INETIMPUICN IRA DI 0 I e. DI 0 I.ti Check Total: ATRITT Check Total: Amx mt Check # Type 172.30 172.30 00059519 MAI 252.67 252.67 505.34 00059520 M' 20 -22 -4405 HUMAN RESarCES DIRECT PAC]1 L SERVICES 30.80 10 -22 -4405 HUMAN RESOURCES C NIRACIU?L SERVICE 30.80 Check Itt-al : 61.60 00059521 M' COST OCNDADIENT CCNCEPTS INC 30 -00 -6741 SELF FUNDED INS AIINENISIRATICN rLE 1, 842.20 30 -00 -6742 SELF FUNDED Ili[ PRO E 384.06 Check Total: 2,226.26 00059522 MAI CUEVAS, BE.VTIO A 20 -01 -6250 UNDERMINE) REPAIR DUES i:��' `4 PS/C ITFIC�TI 70.00 20 -01 -6200 UNDERGROUND REPAIR IRA e./ TCN 119.00 Check Total: 189.00 00059523 M' DT N R INE E Ir.L INC 20 -02 -4405 PUMPS 2,820.00 2,820.00 00059524 MAI CONIRACTUAL SERVICES Check Total: =FINANCIAL FINANCIAL 10 -38 -7494 CUSTOMER SERVICE LINEAR ENDORSER 2,227.37 10 -38 -4820 CUSTOMER SERVICE OEr'1C E SUPPLIES 28.00 20 -38 -4820 CUSTOMER SERVICE anCE SUPPLIES 36.50 Check Total: 2,291.87 00059525 MAT DELL NARTCE INB L P 10 -37 -8543 INFORMATION SYSTEMS CCMPUT R, EIZWCRKSINT 4,315.15 Check Tbtal: 4,315.15 00059526 NW IETARR, VINCENT B & CCRIENNE J-20-00-2504 COAL & AEMENISIRATICN SUSPENSE 367.98 Check Total: 367.98 00059527 NW DCNOVAN, HSIDI 10 -29 -6200 ELF NEERM TRA /EL TJC TICK 14.75 S o u t h Tahoe P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 03/18/2005-04/07/2005 WED, MAR 30, 2005, 5:10 FM - -reg: C L\T -- -leg: GL 3L--loc: CLEi'1 ± - -- -dab: 334252 #3154--- -pnog: 09 <1.07>--report id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MAI,HW,RV,VH Ve rbr Narre Amnt # Department E N S RE9CR.F INC ECGIN HELEN FEW TR EL DORADO QUINIY FSLAMI MAJID FECEX FECEC FREIC TI' FELL, EEWARD & PAIRICIA FELENAN, SHAW & DEE PIN FISHER SCTENTTFIC FRYE, WILLIAM 20 -29 -6200 El\U EE JN3 10 -27 -4405 DISTRICT IlTICN 20 -27 -4405 DISTRICT IITTCN 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & ALMn]ISIRATICN 20 -01 -6052 UNCERCROUNID REPAIR. 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & ALVDNISIRATICN 20 -29 -8573 EN3INEER_N• 20 -02 -6050 PIMPS 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & ALIVNISIRATICN 20 -00 -2504 COAL & PENDNISTRATICN 20 -07 -4760 LAS 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 10 -37 -6200 INFORMTICN SYSTEMS 20 -37 -6200 INIECEVATICN SYSTEMS Description TRAVEL/MEETINGS /TIN Check Total: CSN]RHCIL L SERVICES CCNIRACILAL SERVICES k Total : SUSPENSE Check Total : PIPE, COVERS, & P NEDLES Check Total SUSPENSE Check Total: WELL, HEWN (Check Total: SUSPENSE WELLS REPENEE Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: LABO=RY SUPPLIES LABCRATCRY SUPPLIES Check Total: TRAVEL /EUJCATTCN TRAVEL / /ID[7JTTCN Amount Check # Type 14.75 29.50 00059528 NW 2,600.81 2,600.82 5,201.63 00059530 MAI 507.56 507.56 00059531 Mw 68.00 68.00 00059532 M1 167.56 167.56 00059533 MW 12.01 12.01 00059535 NW 595.69 595.69 00059534 Ma 183.03 183.03 00059536 NW 220.81 220.81 00059537 Ma 284.34 238.10 522.44 00059538 Ma 44.50 44.50 S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 03/18 2005 - 04/07/2005 Wm, MAR C 30, 2005, 5:10 EM - -rag: LOT -- -leg: C� JL - -loo: CNSfl1 -- - -jcb: 334252 #J154-- - -p mg: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: Ma,HW,RV,VH Verrbr Narre Account # Dot FULLER, RC NA D & JANICE 20 -00 -2504 MERAL & AUvttNISIRPTTCN G B C SCIENTIFIC ETIP.Tr 10 -07 -6200 LABCRAIORY 20 -07 -6200 LABCRATCRY G F 0 A 10 -39 -4830 FINANCE 20 -39 -4830 FB N E G F S CHEMICAL 20 -07 -4760 LABFAT 10 -07 -4760 LABCRATOY G L I INIE»TICNAL - H CH CO 10 -06 -4760 OPERATIONS C 3RIST NE 10 -38 -6200 CLEICNER SERVICE 20 -38 -6200 CLSICNER SERVICE Can:2ANS INC aCEAL SPECIALI81b CUM H0Y 1CM & PII3 ECM C 2AF, ALA N 10 -37 -8565 INFIDWATICN SYSIEMS 20 -03 -6050 E EC IRIML SEDP 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & ALMINISIRATICN 20 -00 -2504 raNERAL & AIIMINISIRATTCN Isc.ption SUSPENSE TRAVEL TRA O I t. O I W. Check Tbta1: Check Ibtal: Check Total: SU SCRIFTICNS DCPENSE SUBSCRIPiu_CNS EXPENSE Check Tbta1: LAS SUPPLIES Imo' SUPPLIES 'Ibtal : LAECRAICRY SUP= Check Total: TRAVEL /FIJxPTICN TRAVEL /EUJCATTCN Check Total: GIS IMPLEM NIATTCN Check Total: WELLS S(E SUSPENSE Check Total: Check 'Ibta1 : Arrant Check # Type 89.00 00059539 Ma 178.94 178.94 00059540 MAI 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 00059541 MA 27.50 27.50 55.00 00059542 Ma 49.61 49.61 99.22 00059543 Ma 847.00 847.00 00059544 Ma 8.50 8.50 17.00 00059545 MAT 5,313.00 5,313.00 00059546 M' 190.00 190.00 00059547 M' 159.75 159.75 00059548 M' 86.59 South Tahoe P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 03/18/2005-04/07/2005 C 1e 1100 WED, MAR 30, 2005, 5:10 FM - -req: C7 LYN -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: CI�Sl'1E - -- -dab: 334252 #J154-- - -prcg: 09 <1.07>--report id: S Ta=faillt Selecticn: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW, HW, RV, VH Vend= Narre c AF, Ar EXANmFR N GRAF, ALEXAN:ER N GRAMEER INC, W. W. MAT-1M PACIFIC INC HAMILTON, CHARLES C HANK D, JIM BASSET, RCS & 'IANNIY TES, JAY W HEAVENLY VALLEY Amount # Department 20 -00 -2504 COAL & ALMINISIRATIC T 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & AUVENIS'IRATICN 10 -00 -0422 GENERAL & ADMINISIRATICN 10 -00 -0423 CORAL & ALIAINISTRATICN 10 -05 -6071 EI JIH1TT REPAIR 10 -04 -6021 HEAVY M7 INIIIN]CE 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & ALMINISIRATTCN 10 -01 -6200 iND REPAIR 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL Sc ALMINISIRATIQ 10 -02 -6250 PIMPS 20 -02 -6250 PIMPS 20 -00 -3529 GENERAL & ALMIINNISIRATICN Description SUSPENSE SUSPENSE Check Tbtal: Check Tbt-al Check 'Ibt'al Verrbr Tbtal: JANITC]RTAL SUPPLIES IlWIIQIOR SNALL TOOLS INVENICRY SFDP SUPPLIES Check Total PR11vARY KCTIFMENr Check Tbt-a1 : SCEPENSE Check Total: 'IRA /TON Check Tbta1: SUSPENSE LIES DUES ID 122“1 1 12 1 Check Total : PS /CErTFIC ATI PS /CFI= Check Total: FIRE HEff?ANT PEWITS Check 'Ibtal : Arroi nt Check # Type 86.59 187.03 187.03 193.26 193.26 466.88 209.85 192.92 1,009.22 1,411.99 1,822.82 1,822.82 196.72 196.72 136.00 136.00 153.62 153.62 32.50 32.50 65.00 326.89 326.89 00059549 MAT 00059550 NJ 00059551 M 00059552 MAI 00059553 MAI 00059554 MAT 00059555 M' 00059556 MR 00059557 MAI 00059558 M' S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 03/18 2005 - 04/07/2005 C'PK�RFI:S1 WED, MAR 30, 2005, 5:10 FM - -reg: CA1 LET -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: CI�7S1'1E - -- -dab: 334252 #J154-- - -prcg: 09 <1.07>--report id: Default Selecticn: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: Ma,HW,RV,VH Vencbr Narre t # DepartmEnt BIM SIERRA BUSINESS SYSI IV 10 -38 -4820 CLEIIIME2 SERVICE 20 -38 -4820 OUSILNER SERVICE 10 -21 -6030 ALMIlNNSIRATTCN 20 -21 -6030 ALMINISIFATICN HJ T AY MARTIN 'IR. AKA IJANLS, RANI:ALL TR INSTY- PRINTS INC TN ERSIA E SAFELY & SUPPLY J & L £ J & L PRO KEEN INC JAMES, GREG JEEFEZSCN PILOT' FILIAL 20 -00 -2504 COAL & AIlvIINIS RATICN 20 -00 -2504 COAL & ALMI ISIPP,TICN 10 -38 -4920 LTEILD9ER SERVICE 20 -38 -4920 QEICMER SERVICE 10 -00 -0421 ORAL & ALMINISIRATTCN 10 -39 -6077 FINANCE 10 -39 -6074 FINANCE 20 -39 -6074 FINANCE 10 -02 -6200 PCMPS 20 -02 -6200 PCMPS 10 -00 -2539 GENERAL & ALMI NISIRPTICN JCE RESERWIR 10 -22 -4930 EVAN RESCURCES 20 -22 -4930 RM\N RESCURCES DIRECIICI2 Eescripticn OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES CCNIRACTS SE TICOE CCNIRACIS 'Ibtal : SUSPENSE SUSS PRINTING PRINT Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: SAP SUPPLY I NVE_NIC Y FREIC II' ISCSJ[NI'S Total: JANTICRTAL SERVICES - SERVICES CEeck Total: TRAVEL /ECUAATICN TRA l /EDx nCN Check Total: i� It. iDI • C. LCI3 TERM DISABILITY INICN Chec(c Total: ADS/LEGAL NOTICES ACS /LEML NOTICES Check Total: Arrc nt Check # Type 99.48 99.47 104.03 104.05 407.03 00059559 M'1 91.99 91.99 00059560 MW 178.94 178.94 00059561 WI 82.05 82.04 164.09 00059562 Ma 505.55 28.79 534.34 00059563 W 1,473.50 1,473.50 2,947.00 00059564 MST 68.00 68.00 136.00 00059565 M' 1,953.47 1,953.47 00059566 Ma 50.00 50.00 100.00 00059567 W1 S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 03/18 2005 - 04/07/2005 M WED, 'R 30, 2005, 5:10 FM - -i: (MRCL N -- -leg: GL 3L- -loc: �l'1E-- - -jcb: 334252 #3154 - -- -prop: 09 <1.07 > - -sort id: L:efa >1 t Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW, HW, RV, VH Vendor Narre Pmt # Department JOTS PEAK pRINARY CARE JCNE'S, JANE K TR JCZY, WILLIAM J & JC1DENE N K T H 0 AM 590 KIPLIN: R CALIFC N]IA LETTER KLINIE CID, STEVEN L LAKE TPA EE AUTO VILLAGE 10 -01 -6075 20 -01 -6075 10 -02 -6075 20 -02 -6075 10 -04 -6075 10 -06 -6075 10 -07 -6075 20 -07 -6075 UNDERGROUND REPAIR INCERSRCIND REPAIR REPS REPS HEAVY IvikINIEWINCE OLD LAFERATCRY 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & AlINLINISTRATICN 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & AENIINISIRATICN 20 -27 -6660 DISIRICT IlICN 10 -39 -4830 FINANCE 20 -39 -4830 FIDE 10 -04 -6075 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -37 -6075 INECRNATICN SYSTEAS 20 -37 -6075 INFCRiATICN SYSTEMS 10 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR Description SAFETY F JIRENT PHYSICALS SAFETY DTI PHYSICALS SAFETY DEXT PHYSICALS SAFELYI PHYSICALS SAFELY DQUI PHYSICALS SAFETY DQUI PHYSICALS SAFETY EI:UI PHYSICALS SAFETY DQUI /PHYSICALS Check Total: SLSPENEE SSE Check Total: Check Total: WATER OZNEERVATTCN EXPENSE Check Tbta1: SLESC IY I 1 NS FEE SuBSCRIYr1CNS OTENSE Check Total: SAFETY DQUIFMFNIr /PHYSICALS PHYSICALS SAFEIY SAFETY FUJIRH`v�A�I�Tr' /PHYSICLS Chic Total: AUICNDTIVE AUICMDTIVE Check IOta1: Amount Check # Type 210.00 105.00 52.50 52.50 105.00 105.00 52.50 52.50 735.00 00059568 IvW 325.00 00059569 I'W 156.80 00059570 MA 336.00 00059571 MST 325.00 156.80 336.00 36.50 36.50 73.00 00059572 Ma 203.00 77.00 77.00 357.00 00059573 Ma 14.61 14.61 29.22 00059575 M1 S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 03/2_18<‘2005-04407/2005 �13 Wm, M-\R 30, 2005, 5:10 RBI - -req: CAROLYN -- -leg: GL 3L- -loo: CIVS1'1E - -- -jab: 334252 #J154--- -prng: 09 <1.07 >- -rgort id: PC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: M ,HW,RV,VH Vertbr Narre LASHER AIM CENTER Account # DEPartnent 20 -02 -8564 REPS LIFT EQUIPMENT CERT. CO. INC. 10 -04 -6041 HEAVY NPAINIIINANCE T TT T Y' S TIRE SERVICE INC. LOCMIS FARE & CD. M W H LAB:RAT:RIES F= LIMN, ROEERICK MARSHALL, REK B MARSHALL, WILLIAM MA'I IIS, KAREN A rvr FARLANE, RE- Nak MC FASTER CARR SUPPLY CO 10 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -39 -4405 FIlOE 20 -39 -4405 FINANCE 20 -07 -6110 LAECRAT3RY 10 -06 -6200 OPERATIONS 10 -38 -6200 CLE'ICEIR SERVICE 20 -38 -6200 CUSICFER SERVICE 10 -01 -6200 LIMO REPAIR 20 -00 -2504 CORAL & ALMJNtSIRATICN 10 -39 -6200 FINANCE 20 -39 -6200 FINANCE 10 -02 -6051 REPS Description REPL VF IICT F #41 Check Total: SUE DIN AUICMD IVE Check Total: Check Total: C:NIRACTUAL SERVICES CCNIRACILAL SERVICES Check Tbtal: tNIT:RIM Check Total: TRAUEL/NEETIIG'S /EILL ATTCN Check Total: TRAVEL.�ICN Check Total: TRAVEL / / ION Check Total: SUSPENSE Check Tbta1: TRAVEL / /D=TCN Check Total: REP STATIONS A arit Check # Type 19,017.63 19,017.63 00059576 M41 454.72 454.72 00059577 FW 228.32 228.32 00059578 M' 254.24 254.24 508.48 00059579 MW 225.00 225.00 00059580 NW 102.00 102.00 00059581 WI 32.50 32.50 65.00 00059582 MT 119.00 119.00 00059583 MIT 78.60 78.60 00059584 MW 46.81 46.81 93.62 00059585 WI 632.95 S o u t h T a I T e P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 03/18 2005 - 04/07/2005 C� c WED, NPR 30, 2005, 5:10 FM - -req: L'T -- -leg: GL 3L- -loc: CUTS±'±-- - -job: 334252 #J154--- -prcg: 09 <1.07 >--report id: t. fa it t Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: M'J, HW, RV, VH Vencbr Narre Amt # Department MEERENS, HEN N. & =ND WALKER ME ROFCLTIAN ENIERPRISES ME RO OLTIAN ENTERPRISES MEIROPOLTTAN ENTERPRISES 10 -04 -6023 HEAVY Mrs 20 -02 -6051 PIMPS 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & AENTI ISfl TICN 20 -00 -2504 COAL & AEMI ISIRATICI 20 -00 -2504 COAL & AtN NISIRATICN 20 -00 -2504 COAL & AUMINISIRATIC N MEYER, U'nEERr & CAL 20 -00 -2504 COAL & AtN NISIRATTCN MICA INC 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 10 -07 -4760 LAB1ATORY MDRAICA, CHRIS 10 -02 -6200 PIMPS 20 -02 -6200 PIMPS MISS, ALAN & PATRICIA 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & AEMINISIRATICN MESS, ALAN & PATRICIA 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & AEMINISIRATTCN Descripticn .FILTER EQJIP /BLDG PCNP STATI Check Tbta1: SUSPENSE SCE SUSPENSE SUS'PEN3E SUSPENSE Check Tbta1 Check Total: Check Ibta1.: Check 'Ibta1 Uerrl r Total: Check Total.: LABCRATUff SUPPLIES LABCPATCPff SUPPLIES Check Total: TRAVEL;I /ED=TC N Check Total: SUSPENSE SUSPENSE Check Total: Check Tbta1: Amount Check # TYpe 399.43 101.37 1,133.75 00059586 Ma 183.98 183.98 00059587 Ma 174.33 174.33 00059588 Ma 156.46 156.46 00059589 MW 174.62 174.62 00059590 M✓I 505.41 121.49 121.49 00059591 MW 187.00 187.00 374.00 00059592 MAI 68.00 68.00 136.00 00059593 M' 507.56 507.56 00059594 MI 182.14 182.14 00059595 Ma S o u t h Ta1ce P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 03/18/2005_04/07/2005 CP�ge 115 WED, MAR 30, 2005, 5:10 RBI - -rte: C7 LYN -- -leg: GL JL - -loo: CI�15i'1E - -- -fob: 334252 #J154-- - -prod: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: RDA Default Selection: Check Stock BD: AP ; Check Types: MAI, I v , RV, VH Verrbr Narre Acca mt # Department MiNIAIN CELLULAR NATIONAL NJIARY ASSO IATICN NELS TPIM ARE 10 -00 -6310 10 -27 -6310 20 -27 -6310 10 -38 -6310 20 -38 -6310 10 -29 -6310 20 -29 -6310 10 -37 -6310 20 -37 -6310 10 -05 -6310 20 -05 -6310 10 -07 -6310 20 -07 -6310 10 -01 -6310 20 -01 -6310 10 -21 -6310 20 -21 -6310 10 -02 -6310 20 -02 -6310 10 -28 -6310 10 -03 -6310 20 -03 -6310 GENERAL , & A ME IIS RATION DISTRICT IITICN DISTRICT _TICN CE CUSTCMER CUSICNER SERVICE ENGINEERTN INFORAATDM SYSTEMS INPORAATICN SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR LABY LAS LIPID REPAIR LINDERCRCUND REPAIR AIIVENISfl ATICN PCMPS FtMPS ALPfl E GJCNIY ELECTRICAL TRICAL SEDP ELECTRICAL AL SHOP 10 -38 -6250 CZEICNER SERVICE 20 -38 -6250 CUSTOMER SERVICE 10 -21 -6520 ALMI ISIRATICN 20 -21 -6520 AIIMINIISIlRATTCN Description TELEPHME TELEPHONE TE EPFiME TELEPHONE NE TELEPHONE TE EPFTCTIE TELE PHME TELEPHME TELF•PFiME TELEPHME TELEPHONE NE TELEPHONE TELEPHME TFT EPFiME TEL EP H E TELEPHONE TE EPHME TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TF�EPHC NE TRT EPHME vendor Tbtal: Check Tbtal: 1JJES/MEM=IIPS /CERTIFIc It IIIES/NEM IIPS /CERTTFICATI Check Tbtal: SUPPLIES SUPPLE Check Tbta1 : Arrant Check # Tipe 689.70 547.74 21.60 21.60 15.47 36.99 47.51 47.51 2.69 2.69 13.18 13.17 2.90 2.90 22.18 34.18 9.66 9.65 23.20 23.20 10.97 5.38 5.38 919.75 20.00 20.00 40.00 375.00 375.00 750.00 00059596 MAI 00059597 MW 00059598 MW Scuth T a h o e P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 03/18 2005 - 04/07/2005 C'PPa 16 WED, MR 30, 2005, 5:10 AM - -re4: C LOT -- -leg: GL 3L- -loc: C .S1`1E - -- -jab: 334252 #J154--- -prcg: 09 <1.07 >- -report id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MST, HW, RV, VH Verrbr Nacre Acoount # Department NEVADA. ENERGY SYSTEMS INC 20 -03 -6071 ELECTRICAL SHOP IARK IN LNE KLAN, LYNN P D M S1 PACIFIC BELL ' F PETE PARIS RUDCLPH M II & FI.DYD PETTY CASH 10 -03 -6021 E EC IRLGZL gtp 10 -03 -6041 E E IPICAL SEDP 10 -39 -6200 FINANCE 20 -39 -6200 Fri 10 -28 -6042 ALPINE CaNIY 20 -00 -2504 COAL & ALMtNISIRATICN 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & ALMINISIRATICN 10 -00 -2532 10 -00 -6520 10 -02 -6051 10 -02 -6200 10 -02 -8410 10 -02 -8595 10 -05 -6011 10 -21 -4820 10 -22 -4820 10 -22 -6520 10 -22 -6670 10 -27 -6200 10 -38 -4810 10 -38 -4820 GENERAL & ALIMINISIRATICN GENERAL & ALMINISIRATIQT PIMPS AMPS PIMPS PIMPS EQ IAMENT REPAIR AtMENISIPATICN RYAN RESOURCES HIMYNT RESOURCES RESCURCM HINDN DISIRICT CUSICMER SERVICE CUSICNER SERVICE Descriptiari S[-JP SUPPLIES Check Ibfia1 : CRY EQUIPMENT BUILDING Check Total: IRA / CN IRA /EGLKATICN Check Total: 0 10 1e. 0 0 1 t. C 1NE & MAINIENANCE Check Total: SUSPENSE SUSPENSE Check Total: Check Total: INS SUPPIIIMENI' SUPPLIES PIMP vi 'IRA 0 10 r RE�TCN REED 1- CRK PS LPPS MJIUR RE JUD EVE Or7~`10E SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES in DCPENSE TRAVEL i1 r eti ECUCAIICN '•.ve! OH ICE SUPPLIES Anrxmt Check # ape 641.40 641.40 433.57 121.74 555.31 13.70 13.70 27.40 1,494.43 1,494.43 560.80 560.80 247.43 247.43 8.30 13.90 10.00 5.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 1.91 4.16 9.29 24.38 3.75 19.90 2.14 00059599 Ma 00059600 Ma 00059601 Ma 00059604 M✓J 00059605 M✓J 00059606 WI South Tahoe P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS R E P O R T 03/18/2005-04/07/2005 aVcsM WED, MAR 30, 2005, 5:10 FM - -rte: CA )LYN -- -leg: CL 3L- -loc: CNS1'1E - -- -jab: 334252 #J154--- -prcg: CK509 <1.07 >-- report id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MAI, HW, RV, VH Veabr Narre Amount # Department PILLSBURY, SB h7Y, WILLIAM & NADINE £ WE S, TERENCE H PRIEIO, ANICNIO PRO LEISURE E IZA A(EF T E& t Ff T ,TR 10 -39 -4810 10 -39 -6200 20 -00 -6520 20 -02 -6200 20 -21 -4820 20 -21 -6200 20 -22 -4820 20 -22 -6520 20 -22 -6670 20 -27 -6200 20 -38 -4810 20 -38 -4820 20 -39 -4810 20 -39 -6200 10 -21 -6200 FINANCE FINANCE GENERAL & ALNBNISIRATICN PUMPS AIIVENISIRATICN AEVENISTRATICN HUNAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR HUNAN RESCURCES DIRECTCR HUNAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR DID SERVICE CUSICNIER SERVICE FINANCE FINANCE At1 U ISIRATICN 20 -00 -2504 COAL & ALMINISIRATICN 10 -07 -6200 LABCEAIORY 20 -07 -6200 LABCRATCRY 20 -01 -6200 UNEERGROUND REPAIR 10 -21 -6621 IENINISIRATICN 20 -21 -6621 AEM NISIRATICN 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & AIIMINISIRATICN Description '•. ne EXPENSES TRAVEL o c. /EDUCATION IJ. IRA 0 o 1 e`. /EEUCA ION an. SUPPLIES 01 10E SUPPLIES TUN SUPPLIES •0"* 0 EXPENSE IRA 2 1 e>. E UJ TICN tee. VA e! afiCE SUPPLIES EXPENSES Check Tbtal: 't. W r DI I, 1 eh.. 4 ID I 'IRA IRA SUSS Check Itt-a1 : TRAVEL /MEETIN S /Ea ATICN TRAVEL /NIE D N`E/ 'ION Check Tbtal: TRAVEL / €EDN S /ECULATICN Check Total: INCENIIVE & RF EGNITICN ERR INCENIZVE & REDOGNITICN FRGR Check Total: SUSPENSE SE Check Ibta1: Amount Check # Type 1.68 22.86 13.88 8.30 1.91 17.47 4.15 9.28 24.37 9.42 19.90 2.13 1.68 22.84 6.97 319.57 00059607 MAT 367.98 367.98 00059608 Ma 124.21 124.20 248.41 00059609 NW 119.00 119.00 00059610 M' 86.72 86.72 173.44 00059611 Ma 183.98 183.98 00059612 Ma S o u t h Tahoe P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 03/18 2005 - 04/07/2005 CP 18 IA D, MAR 30, 2005, 5:10 FM - -rte: CA1�L\T -- -leg: GL 3L - -loc: CNS1'iE-- - -job: 334252 #.7154--- -prog: 09 <1.07>--report id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MCI,HW,RV,VH Vendor Nacre Aoco mt # Department SID'S RADIO SHACK. REEWC D INVESTORS -M3P RH EL INC (CHRIBCPE) REND DRAIN OIL SERVICE REND Go ZEfl E -JCx k AL S BC S BC / M C I 10 -06 -6075 OPERA DXNS 10 -37 -4840 RCN SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4840 INECEVATICN SYSTEMS 20 -00 -2504 COAL & ALMINISIRATTCN 10 -07 -4760 LABCRATCRC 20 -07 -4760 LAB:RA:CRY 10 -05 -4630 DUIFMENT REPAIR 20 -05 -4630 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20 -07 -6110 LABCRA1CRY 10 -29 -8352 FI3INEERII' 20 -29 -8401 ENGINEER= 10 -37 -6310 20 -37 -6310 10 -00 -6320 20 -00 -6320 10 -00 -6310 10 -01 -6310 20 -01 -6310 10 -02 -6310 20 -02 -6310 INFCRWITICN SYSTEMS ITICN SYS'IEEE COAL & AINBNISIRATICN GENERAL & AEMINISTRATICN COAL & ADMINISTRATION tUD REPAIR L1NID REPAIR PUMPS P[NPS Eescripticn SAFETY F JIFMEN-VPHYSICALS Check Total: DISIRICT C M UIER SUPPLIES DISTRICT CCMPUIFR SUPPLIES Check Total: SUSPENSE Check Total: L SUPPLIES Check Total: OIL ,Sc LUBRICANTS OIL (SE ITC ILZ CANTS M3�N Check Total : =WOOD SETAPCE INIERCEPICR CUS'ICTEEt SERVICE CENTER Check Total: TELEPIENE =HONE SIGNAL CIS SIGNAL CMFCES Check Tbta1: IELEPIENE TE EPFINE T E1R TEEPHCNE Anu.mt Check # TYpe 123.34 123.34 00059613 NW 18.22 18.22 36.44 00059614 M1 507.56 00059615 MW 00059616 MW 507.56 167.73 117.98 285.71 15.00 15.00 60.00 90.00 00059617 MW 99.20 112.16 211.36 00059618 MW 9.14 9.14 96.09 32.03 146.40 00059620 MW 621.94 7.20 7.19 15.75 15.75 S o u t h T a h c e P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 03/18 2005 - 04/07/2005 �Pae 19 WED, NPR 30, 2005, 5:10 FNI - -rte: CP�L�T -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: CNSLLE - -- -job: 334252 #J154-- - -pmg: 09 <1.07 >-- zeport id: PC Eefaul t Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW, HYV, RV, VH Vendor Narre Account # wit SARE, PALE & CP,TdOLE SC H LTZ, FICEERT SHAT, THERESA SHIE ES HARPER & OO INC SHORES EEVE1DEMFNT CD SIERRA Cf1ENECAL CO 10 -05 -6310 20 -05 -6310 10 -06 -6310 10 -07 -6310 20 -07 -6310 10 -21 -6310 20 -21 -6310 10 -22 -6310 20 -22 -6310 10 -37 -6310 20 -37 -6310 10 -39 -6310 20 -39 -6310 EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR OPERATIONS LABCAIORY LABORATORY AL flMSIRATTCN AU UNISIRATICN HLNAN RESOURCES HCNAN RE9OURCES DIRE= INIECIVATICN SYS ENE IITICN SYSIFMS FILKE 20 -00 -2504 COAL & ALMENISIRATTCN 10 -06 -6200 OPERATIONS 10 -39 -6200 FINANCE 20 -39 -6200 FINANCE 10 -03 -6071 E ECTRtcAL SHOP 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & ALMENISTRATICN 10 -06 -4770 OPERATIONS Description TELL' TELEPHONE H'NE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TET F.PHME TELEPHONE TELEPHME TFT EPF ME TFT F'PHC NE Tr^.f EPHCLIE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TE'f EPFYIVE Check Total: SUSPENSE Check Tbt-a1 : TRA /ID[=CN Check 'Ibt'al : TRAVEL I e./ TICK 'IRA ID 1 e../EDUCATICN Check Tbtal: SIDP SUPPLIES SUSPENSE Check Tbtal: Check Tbtal: 9cDILM H Check Tbt-al Arent Check # Type 7.31 7.30 21.82 7.49 7.48 7.61 7.60 7.30 7.29 89.13 89.13 7.16 7.16 941.61 00059619 NW 310.88 00059621 NW 93.97 00059622 NW 310.88 93.97 44.69 44.69 89.38 00059623 NW 50.69 00059624 NW 253.78 00059625 NW 00059626 NW 50.69 253.78 3,014.35 3,014.35 South Tahoe P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 03/18/2005-04/07/2005 20 WED, MAR 30, 2005, 5:10 P4 - -req: C LYN -- -leg: GL 3L- -loo: Q1SI'I1 - -- -jab: 334252 #J154--- -prog: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: Default Selection: Check Stack ID: AP ; Check Types: MMT, HW, RV, VH Vendor Narre Accanmt # Dspartment SIERRA SIERRA PACIFIC FUER SIDPE INDICATCR CTJ SLT RY RD OF REALTORS INC SMITH DESIGN GECUP SMITH DESIGN GROUP 10 -07 -6110 LABORATORY 10 -00 -6740 GENERAL & ALMINISTRATICN 10 -00 -6330 GENERAL & AUvENISIRATICN 20 -00 -6330 GENERAL & ADMINISIRATTCN 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & ALNIINISIRATICN 20 -29 -8401 FI III M 20 -29 -8401 EMINEERIM SOLLEY arni G & NEED ALIFNE 20 -00 -2504 COAL & AIIMINIS RATICN SOUND STRATEGIES /CFO INC. S1JIH LAKE TAHOE, CTTY OF 20 -27 -6660 DISTRICT IINFCIVATICN 20 -00 -2605 COAL & AMINISTRATTCN SCUM TAHDE NEWSPAPER AGENCY 10 -21 -4830 AUv1tNISURATICN 20 -21 -4830 PEMMISIRATICN Description ?malt. Check # Type =KRI M Check 'Ibta1 : SIREET LIC HI'INC EXPENSE ELECTRIC= Ef FC TRI(TIY Check Total: LAB 2ATCRY SUPPLIES LABORAMRY SUPPLD1S Check Total: SUSPENSE Check Total CUSICN]ER SERVICE CENTER Check Total: C USIQAER SERVICE CENTER Check Total: Vendor Total: SLEPENSE Check Total: WATER OONSERVATICN EXPENSE C1-cc Total: ACID GIFT RE•IN`E Crack Total: SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE SUBSCRIPriONS MPENEE 316.00 316.00 00059627 NW 6.90 69,557.63 30,226.48 99,791.01 00059628 MAI 132.26 119.31 251.57 00059529 M4 442.73 442.73 00059629 MA 00059469 Ma 00059630 Ma 38,313.94 38,313.94 124,186.00 124,186.00 162,499.94 507.56 507.56 00059631 Ma 98.00 98.00 00059632 Ma 00059633 Ma 19,400.60 19,400.60 52.77 52.76 South Tahce P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 03/18 2005 - 04/07/2005 �e 21 WED, MAR 30, 2005, 5:10 FM - -req: CARDLYN -- -leg: GL 3L- -loo: CNS1'1E - -- -jab: 334252 #3154--- -prog: 09 <1.07 >- -reort id: aaBOOSFC Default Selection: Check Stock 110: AP ; Check Types: NW, HW, RV, VH vendor Narre Poccunt # Departrrmt SOUTH TAHOE PLIMBIIX SUPPLY SOUTH TAHDE REFUSE CO SOUTH THE REFUSE CO SCUM TAHOE REFUSE CD SDUIH TAHOE REUSE CO SDUIH TAIDE REFUSE CD SCUM TAHOE REFtEE CO SDUIH TAHOE REELUE CD SCUM TAHOE REFLEE CO SCUM 'IN CE TC WINB 10 -04 -6022 HEAVY NAINIEiE 10 -04 -6023 HEAVY NAINIENANCE 20 -00 -2504 20 -00 -2504 20 -00 -2504 20 -00 -2504 20 -00 -2504 20 -00 -2504 20 -00 -2504 20 -00 -2504 Description Check Total: SPRY EQUIPMENT ± JJ TER EQUIP/BLDG Check Total: GENERAL & AIIK117ISIRATICN SUSPENSE COAL & I tMtNISIRATICN SUSPENSE GENERAL & AEMINISIRATICN SUSPENSE COAL & ALMINISIRATICN SUSPENSE COAL & AEMINISTRATICN SUSPENSE GENERAL & AENIENISIRATICN SUSPENSE ORAL & ALNIINIS RATION SUSPENSE COAL & AElvaNISTRATICN SUSPENSE 10 -02 -8410 PUTS Check Total: Check Tbtal: Check 'Ibtal : Check Total: Check Toth : Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: VETO= Total: REBID NIIRS TROUT CRK PS Check Total: ArrInt Check # TYpe 105.53 00059634 M'1 257.77 14.87 272.64 00059635 NW 253.78 253.78 00059636 MAI 1,024.17 1,024.17 00059637 NW 507.56 507.56 00059638 Ma 253.78 253.78 00059639 Ma 507.56 507.56 00059640 NW 255.00 255.00 00059641 Mnl 126.29 126.29 00059642 MST 126.29 126.29 00059643 M 3,054.43 150.00 150.00 00059644 M4 S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 03/18 2005 - 04/07/2005 CPage 2222 WED, MAR 30, 2005, 5:10 FM --rap CJLYN -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: CIVSi'1E-- - -jab: 334252 #J154-- - -pmg: 09 <1.0 >--report id: RDA Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MAI,BW,RV,VH Vencor Narre Account # Lqeitnent STANDARD INSURANCE C EMPANY STANLEY, CHRIS SIIIWART BRENDA Y\KNNE TR SUTER ASSOCTATES, LYNN M. TAKE BASIN CENT SERV INC TAKE BASIN CENT SERV INC TAB BASIN car SERV n TAIEE BASIN CENT' SERV INC 10 -00 -2531 COAL &ALMINISTRATICN 20 -01 -6200 LIDO REPAIR 10 -21 -6621 AIIKIlVISIRATICN 20 -21 -6621 PEN NISIRATTCN 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & AlTEINISTRATICN 10 -27 -4405 DISTRICT INTONATION 20 -27 -4405 DISTRICT INFDRATICIN 20 -00 -2504 COAL & ATMINISTRATICN 20 -00 -2504 COAL & AIIVIISIRATICN 20 -00 -2504 COAL & AEMENISTRATICN 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL & ALM NIS'TRATTCN 20 -29 -8401 IINGIlVEER1N3 20 -29 -8463 EN3INEER_ING 20 -29 -7049 FN3INEER1N3 20 -29 -7048 ENG EE ]NG Eesariptidn UENU TERN! DISABILITY NENE' Ch eck Tbtal: TRA 4 ID 1 t. /�TTCN is & CN FRSR INCENTIVE & RECD2NTITCN PE R Check Tbta1: SUSPENSE Check Total: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Total: SASE SUSI:MEE SUSPENSE SUSPENSE Check Total Check Tbta] : Check Total : Check Total: Veabr Total: CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER. SOUP TRKE WELL REDRILL Check Total: Ar o mt Check # TYPe 1,418.63 1,418.63 00059645 MW 119.00 25.00 25.00 169.00 00059646 MJJ 145.32 145.32 00059647 MI 1,225.00 1,225.00 2,450.00 253.78 253.78 253.78 253.78 507.56 507.56 250.17 250.17 00059648 M7 00059649 M' 00059650 NW 00059651 M"7 00059652 NLV 1,265.29 14,750.63 14.45 32.18 60.33 14,857.59 00059653 M1 South 'I h e P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS R E P O R T 03/18/2005-04407/2005 aVs128 WED, NPR 30, 2005, 5:10 FM - -req: CDLYN -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: CNSI'1E-- - -dab: 334252 #J154--- -prcg: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: L:efault Selecticn: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW, HW, RV, VH Vendor Narte Account # DEpartnEnt TAIL CAR9CN AREA NEWS 10 -22 -4930 HLNAN RE9aFCES 20 -22 -4930 al/AN RE a RC ES DIRE IC R 'INCE EAR =11-1 DAY FOUNIMITCN 20 -27 -6660 DISTRICT INIEC ATTCN TAME FAMILY FHYSICEANS TAFDE M7NNMIN N 3A S MIKE PARADISE CIEVRCN TAI-DE =TM TREBJTICH, NEAL TRUCK PARIS & BQUIFMENT CO V W R CXRATTCN VALENIE, ERIKA C 10 -07 -6075 LABJRATORY 20 -07 -6075 LABCRATCMC 20 -27 -6660 DISTRICT INECRIvATICN 20 -01 -4620 INLERSRaND REPAIR 10 -37 -4820 INFCRNATICN SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4820 IlNECIRNATICN SYSIEMS 10 -01 -6200 TIND REPAIR 10 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -07 -4760 LABCRATC ' 20 -07 -4760 LAATCRY 10 -06 -4760 OPERATIONS 10 -06 -6025 OPERATIC NS 20 -00 -2504 COAL & ALMINISIRATICN Description ALTS /LE PL NJTICFS ADS /LE PI, NCITC ES Check Total: WATER OCNEERVATICN EXPENSE Check Tbtal: SAFEIY S F AMI\TI` /PHYSICALS Check Total : WATER CCNSERVATICN EXPENSE Check Total: DIESEL Check Tbta1: OFFICE SUPPLIES OI~'te10E SUPPLIES Check Total : TRA IDUCAT'I(N Check Total: ATICNDITVE LALABCRATCRY BCRATCRY LABORATORY LABCRATCRY SUSPENSE Check Total: SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT Check Total: Arrcx mt Check # TYpe 604.34 604.32 1,208.66 00059654 MAJ 500.00 500.00 00059655 NW 59.50 59.50 119.00 00059656 NW 225.00 225.00 00059657 M✓I 61.44 61.44 00059658 NW 8.58 8.58 17.16 00059659 MAT 136.00 136.00 00059660 NW 119.39 119.39 00059661 NW 731.79 681.19 715.54 188.49 2,317.01 00059662 NW 120.54 South Tahoe P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 03/18/2005-04/07/2005 CP ye 224 WED, MAR 30, 2005, 5:10 FM - -re: CABOL�T -- -leg: GL 3L- -loo: C IS1'IE - -- -dab: 334252 #J154-- - -prcg: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: R Default Selection: Check. Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW, ITT, RV, VH Vendor Nam Ac curt # Eepastnent VERIZCN 10 -28 -6310 ALPINE COUNTY WATER. ENVIRONMENT FET RATKN 10 -06 -6250 OPERATIONS WE 3D INDUSIRIES INC WEDCO INC WERCHICK SR, CORY L WESIEPN NEVADA SUPPLY WTIHR W OXYGEN SERVICE WITHROW, M4X & CAF E 10 -01 -6071 LIND REPAIR 10 -03 -6073 E ECT Ic7 L SHOP 20 -03 -6073 E E !IRTCAL SIDP 20 -00 -2504 CORAL & AIIMINISIRATICN 20 -38 -6045 20 -38 -6615 20 -02 -6051 10 -04 -6071 10 -07 -4760 20 -07 -4760 10 -02 -6071 20 -02 -6071 OUSICNER SERVICE CUSICNEE2 SERVICE REPS NAINIEMNCE LABCRATCRY LABP AMPS AMPS 20 -00 -2504 GENERAL &AEMINISIRATICN WCCD, KENUEIH& RICHARD BRADY 20 -00 -2504 COAL & AEMINISIRATTCN Description Amt.mt Check # 'Ie Check Total: TF'f FPF iCNF Check Total : EUES/ SHIPS /CER'IFICATI (heck Thal SHOP SUPPLIES Check Tttal: SvALL ZOOMS 3vALL ZOOIB SUSPE SE Check Total: Check Total: WATER MEIERS CROSS QTNECITCN PROGRAM AN1P SIATICNS Check Total: SE-10P SUPPLIES LABCRATORY SUPPLIES LABCRATOFff SUPPLIES SFDP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES Check 'Thal : REPENSE SUSPENSE Check Total: 120.54 00059663 NW 142.99 142.99 00059664 NW 139.00 139.00 00059665 NW 822.31 822.31 00059666 NW 129.17 129.17 258.34 00059667 WI 103.88 103.88 00059668 NW 639.21 44.66 102.05 785.92 00059669 NW 147.08 33.75 33.75 13.50 13.50 241.58 00059670 NW 176.06 176.06 00059671 NW 253.78 S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 03/30/05 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 03/18 2005 - 04/07/2005 CP to 25 WED, MAR 30, 2005, 5:10 FM - -req: CAROLYN -- -lag: GL JL- -lo : CNSilE-- - -jcb: 334252 #J154--- -picg: 05.09 <1.07 > - -wort id: t fault Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: M',HW,RV,VH Verthr Narre Account # DepartmEnt WRIC ir, END A WYCti =UTE S TR ZEE MEDICAL INC ZYNAX ENVIRCJIECEINCLOGY 20 -00 -2504 COAL & AUvIQNISIRATICN 20 -00 -2504 C NERAL & AIIv1NISIRATTCN 10 -01 -6075 20 -01 -6075 10 -04 -6075 10 -05 -6075 20 -05 -6075 10 -07 -6075 20 -07 -6075 10 -06 -6075 LNDEMRCUND REPAIR HEA REPAIR atUIPMENT REPAIR EILUIPMENT REPAIR LABMATCRY OF RATIONS 20 -07 -6110 LABORATORY 10 -07 -6110 LABORATORY Descripticn SUSPENSE Check Total: Check Total: SUSPPEN5E Check Tbtal: SAFETY IIXIFMENIVPHYSICALS SAFEIY BCTI PHYSICALS SAFELY IIOI..TTIIPIlYSICA,LS SAFELY DJIPHYSICALS SAFETY BICUIPNEVPHYSICALS SAFETY DTI PHYSICALS SAFETY AB ANTI /PHYSICALS Check Total: M1�TIT Check Total: Grand Tbtal : Anr nt Check # Type 253.78 00059672 MAI 476.44 476.44 00059673 N 86.59 86.59 00059674 NW 29.69 29.68 17.01 6.86 6.85 20.22 20.22 51.60 182.13 00059675 FvW 4,494.58 227.50 4,722.08 00059676 MrI 523,342.76 South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrlg Tom Com'~ James I~. Jonss Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric 5chafsr 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe', CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 14.a TO: FROM: Board of Directors Richard Solbrig, General Manager, Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager I Engineer MEETING DATE: April 7, 2005 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (two cases) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(b) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding anticipation of litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: -GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~1~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~Lm~NO CATEGORY: South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager I~cha~ H. 5olbrig O/~ec~ors Tom Comt,~ Jame~ R~ Jon~ Mary Lou Mo~bacher Duane Wallace Eric ~chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe', CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-~74 · Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14.b TO: FROM' MEETING DATE: Board of Directors Richard H. Solbrig/General Manager, Gary Kvistad/Legal Counsel April 7, 2005 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine CountY, California; United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S-02- 0238 MCE JFM. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: c.,~ ~,.~.c,~. o~,c~.: ~ ¢~ ~ ~ .o CATEGORY: Sewer South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager I~lchard H. Solbrlg DiFecCors Tom Comt~ James I~ Jones Mar~ Lou Mo~bacher Duane Wallace EHc .~chafsr 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe', CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14.c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Hoggatt/Construction Manager/Engineer, Gary Kvistad/Legal Counsel MEETING DATE: April 7, 2005 ITEM- PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(c) of the California Government Code, Closed Session maybe held for a conference with legal counsel regarding anticipated litigation: Pioneer Trail waterline replacement near Filter Plant SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: p CATEGORY: Water South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. 5olbrlg Dil'ectof$ Tom C, om~ Jame~ I~. Jones Mary Lou Moebacher Duane Wallace Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe'. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614. www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14.d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager MEETING DATE: April 7, 2005 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(b) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for a conference with legal counsel regarding anticipated litigation: Beth Jett / Kendall Pearce SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: · GENERAL MANAGER: YES /~.~K NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES"~L ~ ~ NO CATEGORY: Sewer South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager F, Ichard H. Solbrtg DirecCo£s Tom Comt~ James I~. Jones Mary Lou Mo~bacher Duang Wallace Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe', CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14.e TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: April 7, 2005 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Meyers Landfill Site - United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: 'CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~}~ ~-~ ~___ NO NO 'CATEGORY: Sewer South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager I~chard H. 5olbrig D/rec~or$ Tom Comt,~ Jarn~e I~ Jone~ Mary Lou Moebacher Ouane Wallace Eric 9chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe'. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614. www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 14.f TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: Board of Directors Richard Solbrig, General Manager April 7, 2005 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Conference with Labor Negotiators REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct negotiators. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54957.6(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held regarding contract negotiations. Agency Negotiators: General Manager, Management Negotiations Ad Hoc Committee, Board of Directors Employee Organization: Management Unit SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~ ~ ~I'~ NO ! CATEGORY: General