HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 12-02-04 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thumday, December 2, 2004 2:00 P.M. City Council Chambers t900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbrig, General Manager Paul Sciuto, Assistant Mana~ler James R. Jones, President B0~'Ri~ *M~E~S Edc W. Schafer, Vice President Duane Wallace, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Tom Comte, Director CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. Five-minute limit. No action will be taken.) CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be discussed and considered separately upon request.) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION ! DISCUSSION ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. B-line Export Pipeline Replacement: Phase 3 (Jim Hoggatt) RECIUESTED BOARD ACTION Approve Change Order No. 5 to Cox & Cox (Final total to be presented at the Board meeting.) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - DECEMBER 2, 2004 PAGE - 2 Self-Insured Health Plan Renewal (Nancy Hussmann) (1) Renew Specific and Aggregate Stop Loss with Canada Life at $65,000 Specific Deductible; (2) Authorize $1,200 per Employee Per Month Funding Level; and (3) Establish 2005 COBRA Rates at $650 Employee Medical; $1,300 Family Medical; $60 Employee Dental and $150 Family Dental c. 2:30 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING Water Connection Fees (1) Open Headng (2) Staff Report (3) Public Comments (4) Board Member Comments (5) Close Hearing (6) Board Action / Direction (1) Hold a Public Headng to Receive Comments on Water Connection Fees; and (2) Adopt Ordinance No. 489-04 to Update the Charges Payment of Claims Approve Payment in the Amount of $1,254,889.17 BOARD MEMBER, STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Executive Committee (Jones / Schafer) b. Finance Committee (Wallace / Schafer) c. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones / Comte) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher / Schafer) BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Legislative Ad Hoc Committee (Wallace / Jones) b. Building Ad Hoc Committee (Jones I Schafer) 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 10. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT 11. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS 12. STAFF REPORTS (Topics of discussion will include the following items) a. Update on B-line Phase 3 Export Pipeline Replacement Project b. Legislative Update 13. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS I EVENTS Past Meetings I Events 11/19/04- Finance Committee Meeting 11129/04 - Operations Committee Meeting 11/30/04 - 12/03/04 - ACWA Conference PAGE- 3 REGUI.~,R BOARD MEETING AGENDA - DECEMBER 2' 2,004 , , Future Meetings,/Events 12/07104- 9:00 a.m. -Alpine County Board of Supervisors Meeting in Markleeville 12/08/04 - 9:00 a.m. - El Dorado County Water Agency Regular Meeting in Placerville 12/13/04 - 12/17/04 - District Safety Training Week at LTCC 12/13/04- 4:00 p.m. - Operations Committee Meeting at District Office 12/16/04- 1:00 p.m. - Finance Committee Meeting at City Council Chambers 12/16104- 2:00 p.m. -STPUD Regular Board Meeting at City Council Chambers 12/23/04 &12/24/04 - Christmas Holiday (District Office Closed) 14. CLOSED SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation (One Case) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation: Pioneer Trail Waterline Replacement Near Filter Plant Co Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, California; et al., United States District Court for the Eastern Distdct of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. ClV S-02-0238 MCE JFM do Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)lConference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO et al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 Pursuant to Govemment Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States Distdct Court for the Eastern Distdct of Ca. 15. ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 16. ADJOURNMENT (To fl3e next regular meeting, December 16, 2004, 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. ^ complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations for the disabled are needed (i.e., disability-related aids, or other services), please contact the Clerk of the Board at 530.544.6474, extension 203, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR DECEMBER 2, 2004 REQUESTED ACTION ITEMS ..... ~_ , a. Snowshoe Thompson Irrigation Ditch Approve Task Order to Kennedy/ (Jim Hoggatt) Jenks Consultants to Provide Surveying and Engineering Services in the Amount of $13,500 Regular Board Meeting Minutes: November 18, 2004 (Kathy Sharp) Approve Minutes South Tahoe Public Utility District · 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 · Facsimile 530.541.0614 · www.stpud.us South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H..%lbrig Directors Tom Comte James P.. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Hoggatt, Construction Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: December 2, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Snowshoe Thompson Irrigation Ditch REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Task Order to Kennedy/Jenks Consultants to provide surveying and engineering services in the amount of $13,500. DISCUSSION: The District received a $500,000 grant to install a pipeline for the Snowshoe Thompson Irrigation Ditch above the Woodfords Inn in Alpine County. work must be completed by December 31,2005. All A few years ago the District had RDC design a pipeline for this portion of the ditch. The project was not able to go forward due to Heise Land and Livestock objections, who were part owners of the ditch at that time. The District applied for and received the $500,000 grant when it received possession of this portion of the ditch. Kennedy/Jenks Consultants will provide additional surveying and drawings for the easements. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $13,500 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8572/SNOSHU BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $250,000 ATTACHMENTS: Kennedy/Jenks proposal to be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~1~'~- NO CATEGORY: Sewer Consent Item 4.b TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Richard Solbri~l, General Mana~ler Paul Sciuto, Assistant Mana~ler ~-Wi ~'Cfi~i:i ~ r~re~ident ' James R. Jones, President BOARD MEMBERS Duane Wallace, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Tom Comte, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 18, 2004 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility Distdct met in a regular session, November 18, 2004, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Jones, Directors Wallace, Schafer, Comte, Mosbacher. STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Sciuto, Hussmann, Zaninovich, Attorney Kvistad. Moved Comte / Second Schafer / Passed Unanimously, to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: ao Bakersfield Well Treatment Project - (1) Approved Project Closeout and Release of Claims; and (2) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk; CONSENT CALENDAR b. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: November 4, 2004. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 18, 2004 PAGE - 2 Ii,EMS FOR BOARD ACTION The District's insurance company, CSRMA, recommended that the high noise areas of the plant and portable equip- ment be evaluated. If noise levels exceeded the permitted thresholds, CSRMA recommended a full hearing conser- vation program be implemented, including baseline and annual testing, provision of hearing protective devices, and posting of warning signs. Noise readings were conducted and indicated the District does fall under the headng protection standard set forth in CCR Title 8, Section 5096. A complete written program, that includes control measures, monitoring, an audiometric testing program and training program is required. A policy was developed to meet the requirements. In January, base- line hearing exams will be provided to all affected employees. Additionally, there is the potential that the District may experience an increase in workers' compensation claims as a result of baseline tests that indicate headng loss due to noise exposure. Moved.Comte / Second Mosbacher I Passed Unanimously to approve the Hearing Conservation Program in the estimated annual amount of $3,500. Moved Comte / Second Schafer / Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $599,059.98. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee; The committee met November 15. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Director Mos. bacher reported the boulders left by the Luther Pass Pump Station look nice and hopes the area will be landscaped using the boulders. HEARING CONSERVATION PROGRAM PAYMENT OF CLAIM~ BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Director Schafer reported in Fernley, Nevada, new residential developers are required to locate their own water sources. President Jone~ reported on his attendance at the ACWA California Water Blueprint Taskforce meeting held November 10. A report is being developed laying out the water problems in California. The report is expected to be finalized and released in the spring. REGUL~,R BOARD MEeTiNG MINU¥~.S- NoVEMBER 18, 2004 ' ' PAGE General Mana.~er; Richard Solbdg reported on two items: 1 ) He will be able to monitor the progress of Pathway 2007 through the quarterly Basin Executives meetings, and through monthly CEO meetings. Additionally, the District Information Office sent in an application to serve on the Pathway 2007 focus group. 2) Sorensen's has worked out their insurance require- ments. After the Alpine County Board of Supervisors approves the Alpine County Discharge Agreement, it will be brought to the District's Board of Directors for consideration. Assistant General Mana,qer: Paul Sciuto reported on two items: 1 ) B-line Export Pipeline Replacement Project - The project sites were hydro-mulched. Regulatory agencies were given a tour and the site is being readied for the winter. 2) B-line Effluent Leak of October 23, 2004 - Effluent entered a residential well across from the Luther Pass Pump Station. Staff flushed the well several times, but coliform remains in the water. The well was improperly constructed (it was built in a Iow spot, and no sanitary seal was ever installed) and test results from the 1980's indicated the presence of coliform at that time. The District will drill a new replacement well constructed to today's standards that will protect it from any future potential contamination. 3:00 - 3:20 P.M. 3:20 P.M. 4:00 P.M. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT STAFF REPORTS MEETING BREAK ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED S, ESSlON No reportable Board action., Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.81Conference with Real Property Negotiators- Negotiating Parties: District Staff, South Tahoe Realty Century 21; Under Negotiation: Sale of Property Property Identification: 797 Emigrant Road, APN 021-261-33 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINU II'r-S- NOVEMBER '18, 2004 No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action,.. 4:00 P.M. PAGE- 4 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation (One Case) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)lConference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation: Pioneer Trail Waterline Replacement Near Filter Plant Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, California; et al., United States District Court for the Eastem Distdct of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S-02-0238 MCE JFM Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO et al., San Francisco County Supedor Court Case No. 999128 Pursuant to Govemment Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern Distdct of Ca. ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: Kathy Shaq:), Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District James R. Jones, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility Distdct South Tahoe Public Utility District I~,lchan~ H, Solbrlg Directors Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Ouane Wallac~ Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 6.a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Hoggatt, Construction Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: December 2, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: B-Line Export Pipeline Replacement: Phase 3 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order No. 5 to Cox & Cox Construction. DISCUSSION: As the Board is aware, staff is continuing to negotiate claims with Cox & Cox Construction on the B-Line Export Pipeline Replacement project. The District received five Change Order requests on Thursday (11/18/04), and staff is in the process of evaluating them. Due to time constraints there is not time to complete the evaluation, nor will Cox & Cox Construction have time to respond to requests for additional information. Therefore, staff will provide a memo describing the changes and a copy of the Change Order to the Board members prior to the Board meeting for review. This will also be reviewed by the Operations Committee. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: ACCOUNT NO:9098-8828/BLNIII BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: <$511,267> ATTACHMENTS: Budget Analysis. Change Order and memo will be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~'~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~'Y'~- NO CATEGORY: Sewer EXPORT PIPELINE - SEC B - PHASE III Account: 9098-8828 BUDGET REMAINING ANALYSIS: spent to date 2004/06 All Yearn 3,827,412 7,514,648 6,879 6,879 41,635 41,635 4,202 4,202 786,293 786,293 18,488 18,488 2,199 2,199 3,581 3,581 277 277 524 524 1,255 1,255 182 0 0 2,440 2,440 15,902 15,902 Outstanding Purchase Orders- Amec Earth & Environmental Carollo Engineers- Codey, Jori Cox. & Cox-Censtruction- Entrix Inc. Groeniger & Co: Hoes Engineering Hodelt-Natco Johnson Perkins & Assoc R Supply Stantee Consulting thC: Swanson Hydrology TRPA-- Total Encumbered 883,855 883,673 Total Spent & Encumbered 4,711,267 8,398,321 Budget 4,200,000 7,887,236 Under(Over),, (511,267) (511,085)_ Note. ~1.: The amount.ore, budget, reduces4he .Capital. Outlay-Re_~e_~e.. South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. ,~olbrig D/£ec~oFs Tom Comt~ James I~ Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace EHc ,.~chafe¢ 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 6.b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director MEETING DATE: December 2, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Self-Insured Health Plan Renewal REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Renew Specific and Aggregate Stop Loss with Canada Life at $65,000 Specific deductible; (2) Authorize $1,200 per employee per month funding level; and (3) Establish 2005 COBRA rates at $650 Employee Medical; $1,300 Family Medical; $60 Employee Dental and $150 Family Dental. DISCUSSION: There are three components to the renewal of the' self-insured health plan: 1) Stop Loss Insurance Renewal; 2) funding level; and 3) COBRA rates. Following is staffs recommendations, after meeting with the Finance Committee regarding each of these components. Recommendations are based on information, analysis and recommendation from BB&H Benefit Designs, Inc. (BB&H) 1. Stop Loss Insurance Renewal: Attached is a memo from BB&H regarding stop loss renewal. It is their recommendation that we accept Canada Life's initial renewal offer, in addition to changing the specific stop loss insurance deductible from $60,000 to $65,000. By moving to the higher deductible, the District would realize approximately $11,359 in premium savings, although claims liability would be higher. Past history indicates that in 2003 there were two claims that exceeded the $60,000 level ($87,176 and $68,168 respectively). There were no claims over $60,000 in 2001,2002 or 2004. For this reason, BB&H, staff, and the Finance Committee concur that it would be beneficial to change to the $65,000 deductible. 2. Funding Level: The attached Funding Analysis Appendix 1 prepared by BB&H indicates that the funding level based on projected claims for 2005 should be $1,283 per employee per month. The calculations to project anticipated claims were performed very conservatively. Using projected 2004 claims totals and increasing projected 2005 claims by 15.7% medical and 7.6% dental results in a funding level of $1,124 per employee per month. Staff and the Finance Committee therefore feels comfortable maintaining the current funding level of $1,200 per employee per month. 3. 2005 COBRA Rates: Attached is a memo from BB&H regarding 2005 COBRA rates, based on the $60,000 and $65,000 specific deductible options. Based on staffs recommendation of changing to $65,000, and rounding BB&H recommended COBRA rates, staff and the Finance Committee recommend the following 2005 COBRA Rates: 2005 Medical 2005 Dental Employee $ 650 $ 60 Family $1,300 $ 150 SCHEDULE: December 3, 2004 notify BB&H to proceed with renewal COSTS: $1,200 per employee per month ACCOUNT NO:4302 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $1,045,800 ATTACHMENTS: 11/8/04 Memo from BB&H with applicable attachments, 11/15/04 Memo from BB&H regarding COBRA Rates CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~ NO CATEGORY: General Memo From: CC: Dcde: Re: Nancy Hussmann, S. Tahoe PUD Soozi Brooks, 0A36522 Deborah Babineau, BB&H 11/8/2004 Canada Life Stop Loss Renewal benefit designs Nancy: I received the initial notification from Canada Life on S. Tahoe PUD's stop loss renewal. The offer is very competitive and described below and on the attached Exhibit 1. The overall requested increase, stop loss premiums and claims liability is 4.1% or an additional $70,355.28 annually based on current enrollment of 19 single employees and 93 families. Speclic Stop Loss The specific stop loss is currently set at $60,000 and covers medical claims. The contract is set up on a 15/12 basis, meaning for 2005 it wJ include paid benefits from covered charges occu~fing during the period of October 1, 2004 through December 31, 2005. The maximum reimbursement is $2,000,000. Dudng the current policy year, no claims have exceeded the $60,000 Emit. There are however, four claims exceeding $30,000 as of September 30, 2004. Of the four, three are not considered on-going. However, a new claim currently totaling a rittle over $7,000 has occurred and is for a potentially high cost diagnosis. SpecirK: stop lOSS insurance is based on $. Tahoe's participant demographics and not actual claims experience. Canada Life has requested a 16.0% increase or an additional $25,896 annually to this fixed cost premium. Aggregate Stop Loss The Dislfict purchases aggregate stop loSS insurance to limit its ~abirfly on the participant's claims as a whole group. The contract is also set up on a 15/12 basis. The maximum reimbursement is set at $1,000,000. The aggregate stop loSS insurance includes protection on both medical and prescription drug charges. · Page 1 801 Garden Skeet, Suite 301 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Tele: 805-962-2868 Fax: 805-962-9268 Aggregate stop loss insurance determines the maximum claims liability by calculatingJestimating the expected claims and then adding a 25% margin. Due to the high included margin, the premiums for this coverage are relatively Iow. Canada Life has offered to renew the aggregate premium with no change to the current cost of $7.17 per employee, per month. Claims Llabiffiy/Attachment Factor The claims for the 2004 policy year have performed favorably. Exhibit 2 provides the comparison of the paid claims to the maximum liability or Attachment Factor. As of September 30, 2004, the District has paid only 64.7% of the maximum liability. Exhibit 3 illustrates the average claims cost per employee, per month for the current and previous five years. As of the end of September, the average cost has decreased 16.8% over the average cost at the end of September, 2g03. Canada Life has initially offered to renew the claims liability with a 2.9% increase to the current factors. This represents an additional $44,459 in annually maximum liability. Recommendoflon Nancy, BB&H is currently trying to reduce the specific stop loss premium increase as well as obtain a rating pass on the claims rK~bliity. Due to the aging population of the District (how the specific premiums are determined) and the two on-going potential large claims, we may not be successful, but will try. Regardless of the outcome, BB&H believes this renewal represents a fair offering as is and would recommend accepting it. If additional fixed cost premium reduction is des~ed, Canada Ute has offered a ,$65,000 specific stop loss to consider. Electing this option would reduce the fixed cost increase fi'om 16.0% to 9.[7~/~ for the coverage. However, the aggregate premium would increase slightty as would the claims liability. We will be in touch once the renewal negotiations ore completed. Call me or Deborah if you have any questions. · Page 2 South Tahoe Public Utility District Stop Loss Renewal Exhibit I Specific Stop Loss Deductible LOSS Claims Basis Single Premium Family Premium Limit of Liabiiily Monthly Premium Annual Premium $ Difference % Difference Aaareaale Stop Lass Loss Claims Basis Aggregate Factor Employee Family 19 93 Medical Medical Medical $60,000 $60,000 $65,000 $61.39 $71.20 $66.90 $132.69 $153.89 $144.59 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $ 13,506.58 $15,664.57 $ 14,717.97 $162,078.96 $187,974.84 $176,615, 64 $25,895.88 1&.0% 112 19 93 514,536.68 9.0% Medical & RX Medical & RX Medical & RX 15/12 15/12 15/12 Aggregate Indemnity Limit Monthly Aggregate Accomodation Premium Annual tremlum Difference % Difference Claims Liabillh/ Aggregate Factor Em ployee Family 112 $575.71 $592.49 $600.03 $1,251.99 $1,288.40 $1,304.80 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $I,000,000 Notincluded Notincluded Nolincluded $7.17 $7.17 $7.41 $9,&3&.4~ $9,&3&.48 $9,959.04 112 i9 93 $0.00 0.0% Monthly Claims Liability Annual Clalms Difference Difference Total Annual Costs Fixed Costs Claims Liability Total Annual Costs Difference % Difference $322.56 3.3% $575.7! $592.49 $600.03 $1,251.99 $1,288.40 $1,304.80 $127,373.56 $131,078.51 $132,746.97 $!,525,48212 $!,572,942.!2 $1:592:963.64 544,459.40 2.9% $64,480.92 4.2% $171,715.44 $197,611.32 $186,574.68 $1,528,482.72 $1,572,942.12 $1,592,963.64 $1,700,198.16 $1,770,553.44 $1,779,538.32 570,355.28 4.1% $79,340.16 4.7% S. Tahoe PUD Renewal i/1/2005 CLSpec#icRenewalOffer~s South Tahoe Public Utility District Paid Claims Vs. Aggregate Attachment 2004 Plan Year Exhibit 2 Attachment Point 1/1/2004 PPO Medical & Rx EE: $575.74 PPO Medical & Rx Family: $1,251.98 No. of No. of No. of Mon. Attach. *Paid Cum. Attach. Cum. Paid Month sgl fam EEs Level Claims Level Claims January, 04 19 95 114 $1 29,877.16 $67,1 55.44 $129,877.16 $67,155.44 February 20 95 115 $130,452.90 $36,454.87 $260,330.06 $103,610.31 March 20 96 116 $131,704.88 $150,566.25 $392,034.94 $254,176.56 April 20 94 114 $129,200.92 $147,015.71 $521,235.86 $401,192.27 May 20 95 115 $130,452.90 $48,013.54 $651,688.76 $449,205.81 June 20 95 115 $130,452.90 $98,158.43 $782,141.66 $547,364.24 July 21 94 115 $129,776.66 $33,818.59 $911,918.32 $581,182.83 August 22 92 114 $127,848.44 $64,769.25 $1,039,766.76 $645,952.08 September 22 93 115 $129,100.42 $110,01 4.62 $1, 168,867.18 $755,966.70 October 0 $0.00 $1.168,867.18 $755,966.70 November 0 $0.00 $1,168,867.18 $755,966.70 December 0 $0.00 $1,168,867.18 $755,966.70 Totals 184 849 1033 $1,168,867.18 $755,966.70 $1,168,867.18 $755,966.70 % of Attachment 64.7% $ Saved To Date ($412,900.48) Report based on information received from Cost Containment Concepts. 'Paid claims do not include adjustments to benefits, (i.e. refunds). Claims incurred and paid within the plan year. Agg SL ids, 2004 11/2/2004 South Tahoe Public Utility District Cumulative Paid Claims History - Medical and Prescription Claims Less Stop Loss Reimbursement Policy Year 2000 through Policy Year 2004 Exhibit 3 Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 No. of Employees Paid Claims Avg. Claim per EE Jan -04 feb -04 Mar -04 Apr -04 May -04 Jun -04 JuI.04 Aug -04 Sep -04 Oct -04 Nov -04 Dec -04 114 115 116 114 115 115 115 114 115 $66,159 536,908 5132,085 $148,166 546,099 563.069 533,908 565,985 $110,015 5580.34 5320.94 51,138.66 51,299.71 5400.86 $548.42 5294.85 5578.81 5956.65 Year To Date Jan -04 Feb -04 Mar -04 Apr -04 May -04 Jun -04 Jul -04 Aug-04 Sep -04 Oct -04 Nov -04 Dec -04 Paid Claims $66,159 536.908 $132,085 $148,166 546,099 563,069 $33,908 565,985 5110,015 Cumulative Paid Claims 566,159 5103,067 5235,152 $383.318 5429,417 5492,486 $526,394 5592.378 $702,393 Cumulative No. of Ees 114 229 345 459 574 689 804 918 1033 Avg. YTD Claim Per EE 5580.34 5450.07 5681.60 5835.12 5748.11 5714.78 5654.72 5645.29 $679.95 % Chg. Over Prior Year •29.6% -25.4% 0.6% 12.7% -7.4% -12.7% -21.2% -24.5% -16.8% Year To Dale Jan -03 Feb -03 Mar -03 Apr -03 May -03 Jun -03 Jul -03 Aug -03 Sep -03 Oct -03 Nov -03 Dec -03 Paid Claims 593,172 $43,142 592,704 $104,480 $119,877 $96,729 5101,698 5114,935 $58,761 $79.920 556,547 $248,877 Cumulative Paid Claims $93,172 5136.313 5229,017 5333,498 5453,375 5550,104 $651,802 5766,736 $825.498 $905,418 $961,964 51,210,841 Cumula8ve No. of Ees 113 226 338 450 561 672 784 897 1010 1125 1239 1354 Avg. YTD Claim Per EE 5824.53 5603.16 5677.57 5 741.11 $808.16 $818.61 5831.38 5854.78 $817.32 $804.82 $776.40 5894.27 % Chg. Over Prior Year 80.6% 12.4% 40.3% 36.8% 56.5% 58.8% 66.8% 79.5% 56.6% 37.6% 39.0% 48.6% Year To Date Jan -02 Feb-02 Mar -02 Apr-02 May -02 Jun -02 Jul -02 Aug -02 Sep -02 Oct -02 Nov-02 Dec -02 Paid Claims $50,210 $67,340 540,903 579,296 546,196 557,340 544,553 536,615 $98,785 $128,464 533,753 5121,314 Cumulative Paid Claims 550,210 5117,549 5158.452 $237,748 5283,944 5341,283 5385,836 5422,451 $521,236 5649,700 5683.452 5804,766 Cumulative No. of Ees 110 219 328 439 550 662 774 887 999 1111 1224 1337 Avg. YTD Claim Per EE $456.45 $536.75 5483.09 5541.57 $516.26 5515.53 $498.50 $476.27 $521.76 $584.79 $558.38 $601.92 % Chg. Over Prior Year 8.1% 24.2% 15.7% 19.4% 16.1% 6.8% 2.7% -17.5% -15.7% -3.2% -7.8% -0.4% Year To Date Jan -01 Feb -01 Mar -01 Apr -01 May -01 Jun -01 Jul -01 Aug -01 Sep -01 Oct -01 Nov -01 Dec -01 Paid Claims 546.852 549,085 $43,122 $62,334 545,415 573,605 $55,938 $135,628 5106,832 553,655 $69,017 565,898 Cumulafve raid Claims $46,852 $95,937 5139,059 $201,394 5246,808 5320,413 $376,351 5511,979 5618,811 $672,467 5741,484 $807,382 Cumulative No. of Ears 111 222 333 444 555 664 775 887 1,000 1,113 1,225 1,336 Avg. YTD Claim Per EE 5422.09 5432.15 5417.60 5 453.59 5444.70 5482.55 5485.61 5577.20 5618.81 3604.19 5605.29 5604.33 % Chg. Over Prior Year - 17.62% - 16.02% - 45.30% - 42.50% - 39.19% - 35.57% - 30.44% - 24.22% - 18.52% -6.18% •3.77% -6.01% Year To Date Jan -00 Feb -00 Mar -00 Apr -00 May -00 Jun -00 Jul -00 Aug -00 Sep -00 Oct -00 Nov -00 Dec -00 Paid Claims 555,848 556,328 5136,718 $94,228 555.431 $93,503 $44,822 5134.190 583,047 - 541,827 $54.440 589,043 Cumulative Paid Claims 555,848 5112,176 5248,894 5343,121 $398.552 5492,056 5536.877 5671,067 5754,114 5712,287 $766,728 $855,771 Cumulative No. of Ees 109 218 326 435 545 657 769 881 993 1,106 1,219 1,331 Avg. YTD Claim Per EE $512.37 5514.57 $763.48 5788.78 $731.29 5748.94 $698.15 5761.71 5759.43 $644.02 5628.98 5642.95 % Chg. Over Prior Year 186.21% 35.86% 72.12% 62.44% 51.74% 56.51% 48.29% 65.03% 67.72% 44.95% 44.50% 48.15% Plan Year 0 of covered employees * of covered dependent Medical Claims Paid Dental Claims Paid Administration Fees Paid (Dental/Medical) COBRA Fees" PPO /UR Fee (HHP) Specific Stop Loss Premium Paid Aggregate Stop Loss Premium Paid Total FEES & CLAIMS TOTAL COST/EE/MO (FUNDING LEVEL) South Tahoe Public Utility District Plan Years 1997 -2003 Funding Analysis Appendix 1 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004* 1,306 1,325 1,326 1,331 1,336 1,337 1,350 1,376 1,046 1,070 1,104 1,108 1,106 1,098 1,121 1,130 811,939.00 586,652.00 575,460.00 855,771.00 807,382.00 804,766.00 1,210,841.11 998,907.71 92,942.00 103,000.00 102,302.00 112,453,00 118,124.00 105,043.00 129,700.62 148,284.24 18,937.00 21,491.50 20,181.72 22,254.32 22,337.92 22,354.64 22,572.00 23,013.41 477.36 479.16 480.96 481.32 486.00 495.50 4,048.60 2,650.00 2,983.50 3,660.25 4,008.00 4,011.00 4,455.00 4,542.12 52,272.36 74,248.75 50,232.36 60,509.15 116,734.06 140,562.65 150,440.93 185,094.72 8,162.50 10,692.75 9,547.20 10,395.11 12,144.24 14,198.94 10,621.80 9,034.20 988,301.46 798,735.00 761,184.14 1,065,521.99 1,081,211.18 1,091,417.55 1,529,117.46 1,349,371.90 756.74 602.82 574.05 800.54 809.29 816.32 1,132.68 980.36 * 2004 data is projected based upon data through 10/31/04. " Cone3ds (COBRAPro) was implemented in 1999, CCCI was handling the cobra administration in plan years 1997 & 1998. - Used 15.7% increase in medical claims and 7.6% dental trend. 14 11/16/2004 2005 projected 1,376 1,130 1,365,370.03 I,,5'j 170,935.10 4 Sell 23,013.41 495.50 4,762.34 191,472.46 9,868.79 1,765,917.63 cs /7,2.,L 1,283.00 (1.2 1-( 2005 funding.xds, total fees Memo From: CC: Date: Re: Nancy Hussmann, S. Tahoe Public Utility District Deb Babineau, 0B55630 Soozi Brooks 1 1/15/2004 2005 COBRA Rates & Funding Levels benefit designs Dear Nancy, Per your request, I have done two calculations for both the COBRA rates and Funding levels reflecting the two Specie Stop Loss options of $60,000 and $65,000. Please find the rates and funding levels in the tables below: · $60k specific stop loss Medical Dental Fundin.q Employee 628.42 59.81 1,283.00 Family 1,284.93 141.71 · $65k specific stop loss Employee 631.96 59.81 Family 1,291.46 141.71 1,288.78 I have updated the funding exhibits. Let me know if you would like to present those on Friday as well. Thanks, Deb · Page 1 801 Garden Street, Suite 301 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Tele: 805-962-2868 Fax: 805-962-9268 South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager I~.lchard H. Solbrig Dicec~ol-$ Tom Cornt~ James R. Jones Mars, Lou Mosbacher Ouane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 6.c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Rhonda McFarlane/Chief Financial Officer, and Lisa Coyner/Customer Service Manager MEETING DATE: December 2, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Water Connection Fees 2:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Hold a Public Hearing to receive comments on water connection fee charges; and (2) Adopt Ordinance No. 489-04 to update the charges. DISCUSSION: The District's connection fees consist of a water capacity unit charge (presently $1,843 for new single family customers), an administrative cost (minimum $150), the water meter cost, and for commercial customers, a physical connection fee (based on time and materials.) These fees were last reviewed in 1999 and the capacity unit charge has been adjusted annually using the Engineering News Record's (ENR) 20-City Construction Cost Index. Best management practice is to conduct a full review of these charges every five years. Brown & Caldwell, with the assistance of staff has, updated the District's water capacity charges to reflect the current water system capacity. In addition, fees were developed for larger homes that are complying with fire codes requiring the installation of dual sized waterlines to allow for domestic service and private fire protection. Ordinance No. 489-04 reflects the outcome of the study and results in a 4.1% increase in the capacity unit charge for each of the next five years. The water capacity unit charge for 2005 will be $1,919 and the average home needing a two-inch fire protection waterline will have an additional capacity charge of $1,663. Based on advice from Brown & Caldwell, and consistent with standard industry practices, the ordinance has been updated to charge all customers (rather than just commercial customers) for physically connecting to the system. To give more predictability to new single-family %-inch waterline customers, their physical connection fee will be based on a flat fee of $750 that reflects the average cost of installing the waterline to the curb. In addition, the physical connection fee for those homes will be phased in at $250 through 2007, so those effected may factor this charge into their planning horizon. All others will be charged actual time and materials for the physical connection. A public hearing on the report was held on November 4, 2004, and the ordinance reflects input from the public discussions. Additional input will be received at a second public hearing on December 2, 2004. If the Board adopts Ordinance No. 489-04, the new charges will take effect February 3, 2005. Charges for 2006 to 2009 will be effective January 1 of the respective years. Years subsequent to 2009 will be adjusted using the ENR 20-City Construction Cost Index, until such time as another study is performed. SCHEDULE: Updated charges effective January 18, 2005. COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: 2000-3401 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance No. 489-04 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES /~ ~/' NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~F'Y%~ NO CATEGORY: Water ORDINANCE NO. 489-04 AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ESTABLISHING WATER CONNECTION FEES BY AMENDING ADMINISTRATIVE CODE SECTIONS 1.1.128, 3.1.24 AND 3.1.48 AND SUPERSEDING SECTION 1, PARAGRAPH D, SECTION II1, PARAGRAPH 1 AND SECTION IV OF ORDINANCE NO. 471-99 Be it enacted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, as follows: SECTION I - POLICY AND PURPOSE The purpose of this ordinance is to adopt certain amendments and additions to the Administrative Code regarding water connection fees. SECTION II - FINDINGS The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, State of California, makes the following findings: A. Notice of Hearing of this Ordinance was duly given, authorized, posted, and published, as required by law and specifically, that said Notice fixing the time and place of hearing on said ordinance was duly given, posted, and published, as required by Government Code of California; B. Pursuant to said Notice of Hearing, a hearing by the South Tahoe Public Utility District on this proposed Ordinance was held November 4, 2004, 2:30 p.m. and December 3, 2004, 2:30pm, at the place specified in said Notice of Hearing; C. The Notice of time and place of said meeting, including a general explanation of the matters to be considered at said meeting was published on October 26, November 2, November 17 and November 29, 2004; D. At least ten (10) days prior to said public meetings, the data indicating the amount of the costs required to provide new water connections for which water connection fees are proposed for adoption pursuant to this Ordinance was available to the public; and E. The existing rates for providing new water connections do not exceed the cost of providing such service; SB 363297 v1:007627.0001 SECTION III - AMENDMENT TO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE The following sections of the Administrative Code shall be amended in their entirety to read as follows: 1.1.128 Water CapaeiW Unit is the amount of water determined by the District from time to time to be the average use of a single family home within the District's service area during a peak water production month, presently 460 gallons. 3.1.24 Water Connection Fees. The Board shall establish a fee schedule for water connections and administration fees. (Refer to section 3.1.48 - Water Rate Schedule No. 1.) In establishing such fee schedule, the Board shall consider the costs and expenses incident to the installation of water service or other work for which an application has been made to the District. Charges will include the following: a. Water Capacity Unit Charges for Commercial Services and Domestic Services larger than a triplex. There shall be one Water Capacity Unit Charge per Water Capacity Unit, with a minimum of one Water Capacity Unit, which the applicant shall pay to the District. In reviewing the Water Service Application for Metered Water Connection, the District shall estimate the water capacity units required for the connection. Within two (2) years of the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the property, the District will complete an evaluation of the actual average day during peak month use. The average day during peak month use may be evaluated using a successive 30-day period, as determined at the reasonable discretion of the District. The actual water capacity units required for the connection shall be the ratio that the actual measured average day during peak month use bears to a Water Capacity Unit. if the required water capacity units, as determined by the actual measured average day during peak month use, differ from the estimated water capacity units that provided the basis for the initial water capacity unit charge, then the applicant will be assessed an additional charge or will receive a refund such that the applicant's total payment will equal the actual water capacity unit charge. (Refer to section 3.1.48(e), Water Rate Schedule 1 .) b. Water Capacity Charge for Private Fire Protection Service. There shall be a water capacity charge for providing private fire protection water service, which is in addition to the water capacity unit charge(s) for water service. In the event the applicant requests private fire protection water service, the applicant shall pay to the District the private fire protection water service charge based on the increase in the size of the connection. (Refer to section 3.1.48(b), Water Rate Schedule 1.) c. Physical Connection Charge. The applicant shall pay to the District a charge for the physical connection to the District's water system. (Refer to section 3.1.48(c), (d), and (e), Water Rate Schedule 1.) d. Administrative Costs. The applicant shall pay the actual administrative costs incurred in reviewing and processing the application, but in no event less than the minimum administration fee. (Refer to section 3.1.48(f), Water Rate Schedule 1.) SB 363297 v1:007627.0001 2 e. Meter Costs. The applicant shall be responsible for the cost and installation of all water meters. The District shall approve the design of such meters. f. Periodic Cost Adjustments. All water capacity charges for water service and the private fire protection service water capacity charges shall be adjusted annually. (Refer to section 3.1.48(g), Water Rate Schedule 1.) Schedule I - Water Connection Fees. In accordance with the guidelines in sections 3.1.24 - 3.1.29, inclusive, water connection fees shall be as follows: Domestic Services No Larger than a Triplex: a. Water Capacity Charge: 3/4 inch capacity charge 1 inch capacity charge 1 5/2 inch capacity charge 2 inch capacity charge $1,919 $3,198 $6,395 $10,233 Charges for lateral sizes greaterthan2 inch willbe determined bythe District. bo Private Fire Protection Service Water Capacity Charge: 3A inch lateral increased to 2 inch lateral $1,663 1 inch lateral increased to 2 inch lateral $1,407 Charges for lateral sizes greater than 2 inch will be determined by the District. Physical Com~ection Charge: The applicant shall pay to the District a charge for the physical connection to the District's water system in the following manner: 1) 2) 3) 4) Beginning February 3, 2005, a charge of $250 will be assessed for the physical connection Beginning January 1, 2006, a charge of $500 will be assessed for the physical connection Beginning January 1, 2007, a charge of $750 will be assessed for the physical connection Beginning January 1, 2008, a charge will be assessed on an amount equivalent to the average physical connection costs for a 3/4" service. Charges for physical connections to the Main where the water service line size is greater than ~A" will be charged on an actual time and material basis. SB 363297 v 1:007627.0001 Commercial Services and Domestic Services Larger than a Triplex: e. A Water Service Application for Metered Water Connection will be required for any Domestic Service larger than a triplex and all Commercial Service properties. Water capacity charges will be determined upon review of the application and based upon water capacity units. The Water Capacity Unit Charge is $1,919. Fees for the actual physical connection to the Main will be based on an actual time and ma[trial basis. All Applicants for Water Service for Domestic Services and Commercial Services: f. Administrative Costs: Actual costs to review and process the application, but not less than $150. go Periodic Adjustments: Water capacity charges and private fire protection service water capacity charges shall increase 4.1%on January 1, 2006 and on January 1st of each subsequent year until December 31, 2009 and thereafter based upon the Engineering News Record 20-City Construction Cost Index to reflect the increasing costs for providing water service. SECTION IV - SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance and its implementing rules and regulations is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or the Administrative Code. The Board of Directors declares and determines that it would have passed section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof of this Ordinance and its implementing rules and regulations and the Administrative Code irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases may be determined to be unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION V - EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance, amending Administrative Code Sections 1.1.128, 3.1.24 and 3.1.48 and superseding Section I, Paragraph D, Section III, Paragraph 1 and Section IV of Ordinance No. 471-99, shall be effective on February 3, 2005. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at its duly held regular meeting on the 2nd day of December 2004 by the following vote: 11111111111 III/11111/I SB 363297 vl :007627.0001 4 AYE S: NOES: ABSENT: James R. Jones, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Administrative Services Manager SB 363297 v1:007627.0001 5 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL December 2, 2004 Action Item 6.d Payroll 11/24/04 Total Payroll 294,567.12 294,567.12 Cost Containment - health care payments Lasalle Hatch & Parent -legal services Total Vendor EFT 85,304.11 156,572.80 187,272.38 429,149.29 Accounts Payable Checks Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks Self-funded Ins Accounts Payable Checks Grant Funds Total Accounts Payable 363,981.60 136,721.08 15,961.83 14,508.25 531,172.76 1,254, 889.17 Grand Total Payroll EFTs & Checks 11/24/04 EFT EFT EFT CHK EFT EFT CHK EFT EFT CHK AFLAC Medical & Dependent Care CA Employment Taxes & W/H Federal Employment Taxes & W/H CalPERS Contributions ManuLife Pension Loan Payments Great West Deferred Comp Stationary Engineers Union Dues United Way Contributions Employee Direct Deposits Employee Paychecks Total 1,529.22 14,404.65 68,387.77 18,571.60 4,993.85 13,261.20 1,529.49 105.00 153,026.49 18,757.85 294,567.12 S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 11/23/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 11/19/2004-12/02/2004 TUE, NJV 23, 2004, 4:24 PM - -req: THERESA---leg: GL JL - -loc: CLE11E-- - -jcb: 322181 #5000-- - -prog: CK509 <1.07 >-- report id: Default SP1ecticn: Check Stack ID: AP ; Check Types: MAI,HW,RV,VH Vendor Nane Aoaxmt # DEpartrellt B0CC7SES B S K ANALYTICAL LABS BAY TOOL, & SUPPLY INC ELK, ER. RICHARD BENILY PGRUADYMMICS BERRY - 'Y =US= BII� MUERIALS MAKES SO LATE TAI EE BIDE RID3BaT TEMP PER9CME.L 20 -22 -4405 HCNAN REIM= DIRESDIR 20 -02 -6050 PLNPS 20 -29 -8460 EN3 NEERIM 20 -07 -6110 LABi AIY 10 -00 -0423 CORAL & AEM NIS'IRATICN 10 -06 -6075 OPERATIONS 10 -06 -6652 OPERATIONS 10 -00 -0415 COAL & ALMINISIRATICN 10 -00 -0416 COAL & AEMINISIRATICN 10 -05 -4630 EITIPMENT REPAIR 20 -05 -4630 /TIENT REPAIR 20 -01 -6052 UNDEFGRaND REPAIR 10 -21 -6520 AE NISIRATICN 20 -21 -6520 ALMTNISIRATICN 20 -05 -4405 EI JIRv7ENTT REPAIR 10 -05 -4405 EXIAMENT REPAIR Desc ripticn CNNIRACIUAL SERVICES Ci�ck Total : WELLS Check 'Ibt'al : ELKS CLLR WELL RRTT T MS]TIC7RI M Check 'Ibt'al : SMALL, TOOLS IlWENICRY Check Tbt-al : SAFELY F 3IAMENC /PHYSICP,LS Check Total: BIOSCLID DISPCEIAL Q36IS Check Tbta1 G%9CLLIIVE INMTICRY DIESEL INVFNICRY OIL & LLERICANis OIL & CLERK ANIS Check Total : PIPE, COVERS, & NANIIJLES Check Tbt-al SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Check Tbt-al : CCNIRACTUAL SERVICES OZNIRACTUAL SERVICES Amount Check # Type 624.50 1,249.00 00058509 MAI 546.98 546.98 00058510 MAT 125.00 3,430.00 3,555.00 00058511 MN 718.47 718.47 00058512 MAT 199.00 199.00 00058513 M7 2,049.19 2,049.19 00058514 MAT 2,734.87 5,463.94 179.03 179.02 8,556.86 00058515 MAT 87.17 87.17 00058516 MAT 49.88 49.86 99.74 00058517 MAT 994.00 994.00 Scuth Tahoe P.U.D. 11/23/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS R E P O R T 11/19/2004-12402/2004 3 TUE, Na/23, 2004, 4:24 HK - -reg: 'IIEA - - -leg: GL JL - -loo: CNS1'1E--- -jcab: 322181 #5000-- - -prcg: 09 <l.07 > -- report id: CKREtSP Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: M4,11W,RV,VH Vendor Narre Account # Department BOISE c2 . C 2ME IIU CDW-GOZRP CSDA CSMFO CADI K ITC Descripticn 10 -00 -0428 COAL & ALMINISTRATIQV 10 -39 -6077 FINANZE 10 -38 -4405 CUMCMER SEE:NICE 20 -38 -4405 CUSTCM R. SERVICE 20 -37 -8588 INICRMATICN SYSTEMS 10 -37 -4840 INFLIMTICN SYS'IE vE 20 -37 -4840 II FCIN TTCN SYSTEMS 10 -19 -6250 BARD OF D]REOS 20 -19 -6250 BOARD RD OF DIRECICRS 10 -39 -4440 FII 20 -39 -4440 FINANZE 20 -29 -8463 EMINEERThu 20 -29 -8355 EP I13 20 -29 -8573 ENMNEERMU 20 -29 -4420 10 -29 -8352 CALIF WATER RESCUPKES CIRL ED 10 -06 -6650 OPERATIQ'IS CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT 10 -00 -4810 GENERAL & AIIMINISIRATTCN Check Tbtal: O1,r10E SUPPLIES INVENIC RY FREIC3- TCESQJtNIS Tbta1: CCNIRAERAL SERVICES SERVICES Check Tbtal: ,SERVER lin&NEEN DISIRI� ER SUPPLIES DISTRICT CCMFUIER SUPPLIES Check Tbtal: LAS a a:: I PS /GER:TE =1 DUES '=D "' I PS /CERTIFIC LTI Check Tbtal. ALVISCRY ALIVISCRY Check Tbtal: SO UP TRICE WELL RECRI ,T REPL WIRLN-WIMMWY MPPT, HELEN (REPLACE) WIIDWUCD SE GE INIERazEcR Check Tbtal : OPERATI'II 3 PERMITS Check Tbtal: P6 Amount Check # Type 1,988.00 643.35 1.00 644.35 137.50 137.50 275.00 1,976.18 505.79 506.39 2,988.36 1,336.00 1,336.00 2,672.00 17.50 17.50 35.00 00058518 NW 00058572 MAI 00058519 MAI 00058520 MAI 00058521 MAT 00058522 MAI 425.00 362.50 50.00 75.00 1,950.00 2,862.50 00058523 MAI 45,562.00 45,562.00 00058524 MAI 12.00 S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 11/23/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 11/19/2004-12/02/2004 Ti]E, Nar 23, 2004, 4:24 TIM - -i : THERESA---leg: GL 3L- -1oc: CNS11E - -- -jab: 322181 #5000--- -prog: CK509 <1.07 >-- report id: Default Selecticaz: Ciaeck Stock ID: AP ; Check. Types: MCI, HW, RV, VH Verrbr Nacre Account # Departmaat CANADA LIFE CARLaUL LARKS LTC CARCLLD WaINEERS OILER KR CDIIABCRATIVE OCNEKES ClEIR[XTICN CLAIMS MNIHLY 20 -00 -4810 90 -98 -8828 20 -07 -4810 10 -29 -7040 20 -29 -8463 20 -29 -8573 COAL & AE IINISIPATICN L ATO T C PN aETNEERILC EnIM 30 -00 -6744 SFT P FINDER TNSURAN:'E 10 -27 -4830 20 -27 -4830 10 -29 -8235 90 -98 -8828 10 -29 -8238 20 -29 -8438 10 -29 -7040 DISTRICT INFOWATICN DISIRICT INFCEMATICN EPE WPCET PIPELINE CANT EMINEERINU ENUINEERJN3 ENUINEERTNS 10 -21 -4405 ADAINISTRATICN 20 -21 -4405 AT:MINISIRATTCN 20 -22 -4405 HIDRNT RESCURCES DIRECIDR 10 -22 -4405 HUMAN RESOURCES 10 -21 -4830 ALM NISIRATICN 20 -21 -4830 ATMINISIRATICN Descripticn FLI NE PIPIT I -CAN POSIAGE EXPENSES ILMSCII HYPOCHECRITE BSI SO UP TRKE WELL REC1M T Tn1F.f T ,, HE[FN (REE,ACE) clrecx Total: ENCESS INE SFI P Il ID MED Check Total: SUPSCRIPriCNS EXPENSE SLESCRIRUCNEEXPEN3E Check Total: SLUDGE 7 LINE FED HAND FACILITY PCIAP SIN, GDRENHR MTN BSIR SIN, CORNELIAN (REPL) siamHYPOCHLERTIECENVERSI Check Total: 1 IRACTUAL SERVICES OCNIRNZITAL SERVICES Check Total: CCNERACITAL SERVICES CCNIRACICAL SERVICES Total: SCNaSCRIYl1CNS EXPENEE SUPSCRIPTICNS EXPENSE Check Total: Atttunt Check if Type 12.00 15.78 106.84 14.73 3.94 3. 169.23 00058525 MA7 13,693.27 13,693.27 00058526 MAI 27.50 27.50 55.00 00058527 MAI 283.13 4,007.33 345.00 345.00 16,666.50 21,646.96 1,456.00 1,456.00 2,912.00 20.00 20.00 40.00 158.50 158.50 317.00 00058528 MAT 00058529 WI 00058530 MAT 00058531 DV South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/23/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS R E P O R T 11/19 2004 - 12/02/2004 ILE, NOV 23, 2004, 4:24 PM - -req: III -- -lag: GL 3L- -loc: CI�151`1E - -- -jab: 322181 #S000----prcg: 09 <1.07 >- -report id: Default Selectiai: Check Stock Verrbr Nacre QSr a3I!'AI MENr ccmEns INC 1AaE SCIENTIFIC GLASS ENSREIlQINC EL DORADO ROOFINU INC ENIRIX INC ENVIRIMENIAL EXPRESS FEDEX FRYE, WILLIAM ID: AP ; Check Types: ,HW, RV, VH Account # Department 30 -00 -6741 SFI P FUNDED INSURANCE 30 -00 -6742 SELF FUNDED INSURANCE 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LABCRATORY 10 -27 -4405 DISIPICT II TICK 20 -27 -4405 DISTRICT IITICN 10 -02 -8510 PUMPS 90 -98 -8828 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 90 -98 -8828 Ems' PIS GRANT 10 -29 -7040 EICIlNEERI 3 10 -37 -6200 INFORMATICNSMEMS 20 -37 -6200 INFORMATION SYSIHv CMCIA EXCAVATIM & PAVING,DCN 20 -29 -8401 ENGINEORM GEOIRANS flC 10 -37 -8565 INFCR TTCN SYSTEMS L sc dpticn .AiMENISIRATICN FEE ER) J ]± C1Eak Total: IABORAMOW SUPPLIES LAB3£?ATCI Y SUPPLIES Check Total: Q UPPL R L SERVICES =GRAMM SERVICES Check Total: ROOF, UPPER TRUCKEE POMP SIN Check Total: ESLINE PA5 III LPPS-CAMPIGIRCIN Check Total: LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Total: BL1NE PHS III LPPS -N 9CDIUM HYPOCNf c TIE CCNVERSI Check Total: TRAvEL/NEE'ITN /Ecuum N TRAVELti/NEETINCS /ELiQICN Check Tbtal: CUSTOIMER SERVICE CENTER Check Total: QS IMPIIEMENIMITCN ATcunt Check # Type 1,892.36 376.20 2,268.56 00058532 Md 103.09 95.50 198.59 00058533 Mai 3,233.77 3,233.77 6,467.54 00058534 MST 6,353.00 6,353.00 00058535 MAT 666.25 666.25 00058536 M' 616.90 545.00 1,161.90 00058537 Ma 17.81 71.94 89.75 00058538 Ma 25.75 25.75 51.50 00058539 M' 41,548.15 41,548.15 00058540 MW 9,818.46 S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 11/23/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 11/19/2004-12/02/2004 TUE, NOV 23, 2004, 4:24 AK - -req: THERESA---leg: Ct JL - -loc: C LS1'1E-- - -jcb: 322181 #S000----prcg: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: t fa rl t Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: WHEAL RV, VH Vend= Nanre Aoocunt # Derart=t COAL IIkTA SPECTAUSIS C 2A11E2 INC, W. W. GRCENIGER & CD 10 -03 -8507 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10 -03 -8508 E.f ECRICAL SHOP 10 -03 -8509 ELECTRICAL RICAL SHOP 10 -03 -8529 ELECTRICAL IPICAL SEDP 10 -04 -6041 10 -04 -6021 10 -04 -6047 GROVE MAN INELSTRIES INC 10 -03 -6021 10 -03 -6048 10 -03 -6022 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSIEN6 10 -21 -6030 20 -21 -6030 HDLT OF CALIECRNIA HUSSNAM, NAI\EY 10 -05 -6011 10 -22 -6200 20 -22 -6200 INEDELNK SC TINB SERVICES 10 -22 -6670 20 -22 -6670 HEAVY HEAVY MAINZ E E APICAL SE DP Er ECRICAL SHOP ELRICAL SF-DP ALMINISIRATICN AIINIINISIRATTCN EQDII ENT REPAIR HIIvAN RE3aRCES DIRECIOR HLM N RESOURCES DIRECTOR Description Check Total: SCALA, VENICE PS SCALA, SAN MaRTIZ PS SCE, ROPE #2 PS SCAM, E?EEt1ER FS Check Total: FRIMRY ECUIETT Check Tot a1 : EKL=CRE/FCRCE MAIN REPAIRS Check Tbt-al T i 7IHER PASS PIMP SIATICN SEEENCIARY I Check Total : SERVICE CCNERACTS SERVICE CCNIRACTS Check Total: AUICMJITVE 'IRA 'IRA Check Total: /ulCN Check Tbtal: PF S MEL EXPENSE f EXPENSE Check Tbtal : ArTrunt Check # I pe 9,818.46 00058541 NW 2,285.50 2,206.00 2,206.00 2,206.00 8,903.50 00058542 NW 158.55 327.24 485.79 00058543 MCI 509.94 509.94 00058544 Ma 1,271.16 1,298.53 1,264.90 3,834.59 00058545 MI 135.90 135.91 271.81 00058546 NW 1,174.11 1,174.11 114.00 114.00 228.00 24.30 24.30 48.60 00058547 NW 00058548 MTV 00058549 NW South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/23/04 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 11/19/2004-1202/2004 7 IUE, N2V 23, 2004, 4:24 FM - -red: THERESA---leg: GL JL - -loc: GNSilE - -- -jab: 322181 #5000--- -prcg: 09 <1.07 >- -report id: CIMPC L fa >1 t Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: M'T,HW, RV, VH Verrbr Nacre Account # Epartnent INSIY- PRINIS INC INT'>E SAFETY & SUPPLY J &L PRO KLENINC JEEFFRSCN PILOT FINANCIAL JE 3EN PRE -CAST INC JCS' S PEAK PRIMARY Y CARE JCNES, J R KRLT &KOWLRADIO 20 -38 -4820 C1:S'ICNIER SERVICE 90 -98 -8828 EXPCM' PIS GRANT 10 -00 -0421 COAL & ALMII.NISIPATICN 10 -39 -6077 FINANCE 10 -06 -4760 OPERAItNS 10 -39 -6074 FINANCE 20 -39 -6074 FINANCE 10 -00 -2512 GENERAL & ALMINISIRATICN 20 -38 -6073 CTSICNIER SERVICE 10 -01 -6075 INEEEGUND REPAIR 10 -02 -6075 PIMPS 20 -02 -6075 PCNPS 10 -06 -6075 OPERATICS 20 -19 -6200 BCARD OF DIRB ICRS 20 -27 -6660 DISIRICT INECEMATr N Eesaripticn OFFICE SUPPLIES SLaNE LIE III LPPS-CAMPGROW Check Tbt-al SEDP SUPPLY INVENICRY FREIGHT DISCICNIS IABCPATCMC Check Ibtal: JANITCRIAL SERVICES JANTICRIAL SERVICES Check Ibtal: LIFE ThE RANGE Check Total : SMALL TOOLS Check Tbta1: SAFETY PHYSICALS SAFETY _ _ _ /PHYSICALS OkFEIY SAFETY EQ JI T_ _ -JTr PHYSICALS �J�N Ni Ibtal: TRA /EC ATICN Check Tbt-al : WATER OCNSERVATICN EXPENSE Check Tbtal: Amcmt deck # Type 151.06 120.94 272.00 00058550 MAI 854.32 38.80 175.19 1,068.31 00058551 Mai 1,423.50 1,423.50 2,847.00 00058552 Ma 2,415.51 2,415.51 00058553 M' 32.18 32.18 00058554 Ma 265.00 105.00 105.00 535.00 1,010.00 00058555 Ma 90.50 90.50 00058557 Ma 1,856.32 1,856.32 00058558 Ma S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 11/23/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 11/19 2004 - 12/02/2004 TUE, UN 23, 2004, 4:24 IM - -req: THERESA—leg: GL JL - -loc: CNS11E - -- -job: 322181 #5000--- -prcg: 09 <1.07 >- -report id: D�faul t Selecticn: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check 'Types: Ma, HW, RV, VH vendor Nacre Aaoount # Departmsnt KTH0AM590 KIM° CEMPANY OF S1DUCICN I'ICK, KIM T,TTTY' S TIRE SERVICE INC. LOZMIS FAQ & OD. M S C INC SIRIAL SUPPLY CJ NAPKIN LAB SALES NARIGCN LAB SALES 20 -27 -6660 DISIRICT INFORMATICN 20 -01 -6052 TECERGUND REPAIR 10 -00 -2002 COAL & AUv NISIRATICN 10 -39 -6710 FINANCE 20 -00 -2002 GENERAL & ALMI ISIRATICN 20 -39 -6710 FINANCE 20 -00 -3545 GENERAL & ALMLNISIRATICN 20 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -05 -6011 B2REPAIR 10 -01 -6012 ID REPAIR 10 -39 -4405 FINANCE 20 -39 -4405 FINANCE 10 -04 -6073 HEAVY Pi INIE NCE 10 -07 -4760 LABC1F cRY 20 -07 -4760 LAY 10 -07 -4760 LARD 20 -07 -4760 LABORATC tY Descripticn WATER. 0ZNSERTATICN EXPENSE Check Tbtal: PIPE, COVERS, & MANHDIES Check Tbtal: UTILITY BILLINO SUSPENSE INIEREST EXEENSE UTILITY BI= SUSPENSE INTERWT EXPENSE DATER MEIER SALES Check Tbt'a1 ATTICMDIIVE AUICIVIIVE MOBILE DZUIFM NT Check Total: CENURACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Check Tttal: 9L TCOLS Check Tbta1: LAB=RY SUPPLIES LABCRATCRY SUPPLIES Check Ibta1 : IA,BZRA cE SUPPLIES CIE LABORATMC SUPPLIES a Anrxmt Check # Type 336.00 336.00 00058559 MCI 283.23 283.23 00058560 MAT 6,254.88 1,237.18 1,877.00 397.53 132.00 9,898.59 00058561 M41 3,098.61 347.15 12.50 3,458.26 00058563 M'7 254.24 254.24 508.48 00058564 MAT 297.62 297.62 00058565 MAT - 135.91 - 151.71 - 287.62 00058446 RV 136.31 103.49 South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/23/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS R E P O R T 11/19/2004-12402/2004 TUE, NOV 23, 2004, 4:24 FM - -rag: - -leg: GL JL - -loo: CNS1'1E - -- -jab: 322181 #5000-- - -pmg: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW, I-bd, RV, VH Vend= Name Account # fpartrrent NARSHALL, REX B NC NA,SThR CARR SUPPLY OD MUFFLER PALACE, THE 1XB c C, DCU[3 0 I ANALYTICAL PETTY CSI 10 -38 -6200 CUSTaAER SERVICE 20 -38 -6200 CL15IUvFR NICE 10 -04 -6653 20 -02 -6073 10 -02 -6048 10 -05 -6013 20 -05 -6011 HEAVY NAINIENANCE PCMPS PUMPS EI UIPMaT�T REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -06 -6250 OPERATICNS 10 -07 -4760 LB?ATC Y 20 -07 -4760 LAECRAT Y 10 -00 -6520 10 -03 -6200 10 -05 -6013 10 -21 -4405 10 -21 -4820 10 -27 -6620 10 -29 -6200 10 -37 -6200 10 -39 -4820 10 -39 -6200 GENERAL & AtM NISIRATTCN ELECIRICAL SDP EQUIPMENT REPAIR ArMENISIRATICN AlIMI ISIRATICN DISTRICT RCN ENS INFCENIATICN SYSIIENIS FINANCE FINANCE Descripticn Check Tbtal: Venior Tbtal: TRA ELL]CATICN IRA /EDUCATION Check 'lbtal : BALL IDS E IPMENI' /aTE DIIn LUTHER PASS FL MP STATION Check Tbtal: D 0 1 !`. D 0 I es GENERATCRS AUIIIIVE Check Total : DUES/N)ENEERSHIPS /C IFTCATI Check Tbtal: LAECRATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Tbtal: TRA : 0 1 eti. CD 2" 1:' CCITT PCICAL SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES PUBLIC ' CNS EXPENSE TRA 1 !D I eti /ETICN IPA ID 1 eti /ECUCATICN OFFIe SUPPLIES /EtATTCN Amimt Check # Type 239.80 00058566 WI -47.82 25.09 25.08 50.17 00058567 MA1 243.10 64.60 760.61 1,068.31 00058568 NW 71.63 77.90 149.53 00058569 NW 190.00 190.00 00058570 Ma 104.50 104.50 209.00 00058571 M4 14.11 10.00 10.00 25.00 13.40 10.00 10.32 8.00 7.50 19.02 S o u t h Tahoe P.U.D. 11/23/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 11/19 2004 - 12/02/2004 10 TUE, NW 23, 2004, 4:24 FM - -req: THERESA- - -1eg: (L --loc: (NSIAE-- - -]ab: 322181 #5000- - - -P�: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: CE(RDuSFC Defy it t Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: Mnl, HW, RV, VH vendor Narre Armount # Departrnant PIONEER AMERICAS TIC R SUPPLY RADIO SHACK SBC SBC /MCI 10 -39 -6520 20 -00 -6520 20 -01 -6052 20 -21 -4405 20 -21 -4820 20 -27 -6620 20 -37 -6200 20 -39 -4820 20 -39 -6200 20 -39 -6520 90 -98 -8828 FINANCE GENERAL & ALNI NISIRATICN INEEIGUND REPAIR ALMINISTRATI ALMI NISIRATICN DIIlCN SYSIFIvS FIWINCE FINANCE FINANCE Fur PIPELINE GRANT 20 -02 -4755 PLMPS 20 -01 -6052 tIND REPAIR 90 -98 -8828 ECPCRT PIPELINE GRANT 10 -37 -4840 IITICN SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4840 INECEVAITCN SYSIEI 20 -02 -6050 PIMPS 10 -00 -6320 20 -00 -6320 10 -00 -6310 10 -01 -6310 20 -01 -6310 10 -02 -6310 20 -02 -6310 GENERAL & AIIvDNISTRATICN GENERAL & ACM NISIRATICN t U\D REPAIR LAID REPAIR PIPS RNPS Iesaripticaa SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PIC� 1ICES OFFICE SUPPLIES FC � TICN PLIES TRA /EatATICN MINE FHB III LPPS -N Check Total: HYR7CIEI TIE Check Total: PIPE CCX7ERS & NP IEDI S RTTNT FES III LPPS-CaMP3DOLN Check Total: DISIRICT C> NEUTER SUPPLIES DISIRI:CT C CMRIIER SUPPLIES WFITS Check Ibt'a1 SIGNAL CFARGES SIG\AL CHARgTS Check Tbfial: MIEPIENE TEL ER NE Th EPFICNE ATWnL Check # Type 9.19 14.10 10.00 25.00 13.40 10.00 8.00 7.50 19.01 9.19 56.06 308.80 693.60 693.60 2,003.86 1,191.43 3,195.29 26.16 26.16 13.50 65.82 248.75 32.01 280.76 830.66 7.87 7.86 16.74 16.73 00058573 NW 00058574 n1 00058575 MAI 00058576 NW 00058578 Ma South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/23/04 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 11/19/2004-12/02/2004 11 TUE, ITT 23, 2004, 4:24 HK - -red: TIC -- -leg: GL JL - -loo: CNS.11E - -- -jab: 322181 #5000--- -pnmg: 09 <1.07 > -- report id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: M',HW,RV,VH Veer Nacre Account # Department SCIRCELER, KEN SCOTT SPECIALTY TY (,USES SHERWIN, SIERRA ENVIKMENThL SIERRA PACIFIC POWER 10 -05 -6310 20 -05 -6310 10 -06 -6310 10 -07 -6310 20 -07 -6310 10 -21 -6310 20 -21 -6310 10 -22 -6310 20 -22 -6310 10 -37 -6310 20 -37 -6310 10 -39 -6310 20 -39 -6310 EQUIPMENT REPAIR O P=GNS PAIR LAB 1 ATC LY �SIRATTICN AAMINISIRATTCN HF1 N RE 9OURCEiS HCMAN RE9CURCES DIRELY I TICN SYSIEMS I1TICN SYSTEMS FINANCE FINANCE 10 -21 -6621 AIM NISIRATICN 20 -21 -6621 At v1INIS RAITCN 10 -06 -6024 OFERATICNS 10 -39 -6200 FINPNCE 20 -39 -6200 FINANCE 10 -29 -4521 EIZINEERM 10 -00 -6740 CAL & ATIITISIRATICN 10 -00 -6330 GENERAL AL & ALMINISIRATICN 20 -00 -6330 COAL & ALMINISIRATICN Descripticn Amount Check # Type TFfF HNF Mf T13 EEH NE TEf EFI N6 TEL RRENE E EFI NE Tint ER NE IELEFFENE TELL TEUHRENE TEL ER NE TELL Check Tbtal: INCENTIVE & REOOCINITICN I IV NITVE & RDOGNITICN f R Check Ibtal: FL1RWCE F JIR ENT Check Tbtal : TRA /ECUCATTCN Check Tbtal: CliNk T IARTT T I Y CLAIMS Ciak Tbtal : STREET LIC=E ELECTRICITY TY EfIRICITY Check Tbtal: 7.17 7.16 21.70 11.77 11.77 7.74 7.73 9.33 9.32 90.25 90.24 7.01 7.01 1,168.06 00058577 NW 25.00 25.00 50.00 00058579 MST 69.82 69.82 00058580 NW 30.82 30.81 61.63 00058581 NW 20.00 20.00 00058582 Ma 6.49 64,918.31 22,159.56 87,084.36 00058583 NW South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/23/04 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 11/19/2004-12/02/2004 K1 'ILE, NJ�T 23, 2004, 4:24 FM - -rte: GL JL - -loc: CNSEIE - -- -dab: 322181 #5000--- -prcg: 09 <1.07 >- -mpDrt id: C Default t Selection: Vendor Nacre Check Stock ID: AP ; C1erk TA:es : Mn1, HW, RV, VH Account. # DEpartrrent S0 IE'IY FCR HLNYnsN SOLI.,, MEN S[ffiTTTUIE PERSCItiEL & atUARD BI -TE`II INC. 10 -22 -6250 HLMAN RED 20 -22 -6250 HLVAN RESUMES DIRE= 20 -00 -3545 10 -00 -2002 10 -39 -6710 20 -00 -2002 20 -39 -6710 20 -01 -4405 20 -07 -4405 10 -07 -4405 10 -29 -7040 90 -98 -8828 10 -29 -4405 20 -29 -4405 20 -29 -8355 10 -38 -4405 20 -38 -4405 GENERAL & ALMINISIRATICN ORAL & ALMINISIRATTCN FINANZE GENERAL & ALIvIINTISIRATICN RISE REPAIR LABS TNEERII EMC EXPCET PIPELINE GRANT EMINEERING CUSItIvlER SERVICE COI ER. SERVICE 10 -37 -8448 INECRVATICN SYSTEMS 10 -37 -6200 IINECRMTICN SYSTEMS 20 -37 -6200 INFCRMATICN SYSTEMS SWANSCN IODC"Y & GEDCRPH. 20 -02 -4405 PLNPS TRPA 90 -98 -8828 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT Description rzES 1D VD'`! 1 D .1D•4 1 PS /CERTTFICTT PS /CERIIFTC ATI Check Tbt-al WATER METER SALES UITLITY BILL= SUSPENSE UI'LIYB_ E IlVIER'' C1)eck Total: CCNIRPCIUAL SERVICES OCNIRACIUAL SERVICES QNIPPCILAL SERVICES 9CDILM =CC ITE CSNVERSI CENIRALTIAL SERVICES LPPS-CAMPCRCUN CCNIRACI[JAL SERVICES CENTRAEILIAL SERVICES C' CCNIRACIt L SERVIC1 ES Total: ECUCATICN / o Check Total: CCNIRACILAL SERVICI ES Total: ELBE FRS III LPPS -CAN Check Total: Amxmt Check # TYPe 80.00 80.00 160.00 00058584 Ma 132.00 7,049.04 493.48 2,096.20 155.98 9,926.70 00058585 Ma 1,570.59 327.00 327.00 31.85 259.35 13.65 13.65 22.75 195.65 191.10 2,952.59 00058586 Ma 412.64 37.50 37.50 487.64 00058587 MAI 4,293.95 4,293.95 00058588 Mt7 8,173.30 8,173.30 00058589 MCI South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/23/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS R E P O R T 11/19/2004-12/02/2004 13 TIE, NOV 23, 2004, 4:24 FM - -req: THERESA---leg: GL 3L- -loc: CNSi1E - -- -jab: 322181 #S000--- -prng; 09 <1.07 >-- report id: PC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MA],HW,RV,VH VerrbrNarre Account # Department MHZE BLUEPRINT 'MICE CARS:N ARFA NELJS TAECE MINIAIN NEWS TAI-12E PARADISE CIN TP�33E PRINTIlND TAHt SAND & GRAVEL 10 -01 -6052 LI ND REPAIR 20 -02 -4820 PUPS 10 -29 -8352 ENGINEERING 20 -38 -4930 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -39 -4930 FINANCE 10 -39 -4930 FINANCE 20 -27 -6660 DISIRICT INFORVATICN 20 -01 -4620 LLM) REPAIR 10 -39 -4920 FINANCE 20 -39 -4920 FIDE 20 -01 -6052 LIIUID REPAIR TAME VALLEY E B IPIC SUPPLY 10 -03 -6051 ELECTRICAL SHOP VWRATICN VERI7IN T�ALLACE, P DCANE 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 10 -28 -6310 ALPINE COUNTY 20 -19 -6200 BOA OF DIRECTORS Desasptian OFFI6E SUPPLIES WIIIJWO D SEWAGE INEERCEPICR Chk Total: ADS/T Er , NJTLCES ADS NOTICES ADS/LEGDIL NOTICES Check Total: VAATER CENSERVATTCN E3tPFNEE Check Tbtal: DIES[, Check Total: MINflN3 PR.INTIM Check Total: PIPE, CC VFRS, & NAN CLES Check Total: REP SIATICNS Check Total: LABBATCEY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Total: TELEPHONE Check Total: TRAVEI/r E - ms /ELLJC'ATTCN Amomt Check # Type 12.87 38.61 34.86 86.34 00058590 M✓I 83.16 53.54 65.52 202.22 00058591 'W 225.00 00058592 NW 68.77 00058593 NW 225.00 68.77 8.58 8.58 17.16 00058594 MST 2,377.67 2,377.67 00058595 NLV 180.64 180.64 00058596 NW 273.24 240.72 513.96 00058597 NW 526.63 526.63 00058598 NW 56.25 'IUSouth Tahoe P.U.D. E, Nil 23, 2004, 4:24 PM -re 'II PAYMENT - eg: GL JL - -loc CNS11E. -- --job 322181 #5000--- -prcg: 11/19/2004-1202/2004 09 <1.0 7- -rreort id: OI Default Selecticn: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW,HW,RV,VH Verbr Nate Account # Departrrent TAMERS CENSJRUCTICN, K G WEDW INC WESTERN. NEJALA SUPPLY WITH OW OXYCEI\T SERVICE ZYNAX ENVIRXECEMCGY 10 -29 -7040 ENGINEERIlMO, 10 -00 -2605 COAL & ALMINISIRAZTCN 10 -03 -6041 Ff ECTRIC AL DP 10 -03 -6051 E ECIRTCAL SHOP 20 -38 -6045 20 -01 -6052 10 -04 -6653 10 -04 -6021 10 -04 -8511 10 -01 -6073 20 -01 -6071 10 -02 -6071 20 -02 -6071 10 -04 -6071 10 -07 -4760 20 -07 -4760 10 -28 -6042 CUSICMER SERVICE LIND REPAIR HOWY HE'AVY� �W REPAIR UNCERMOIND REPAIR PLNIPS PLPIPS HEAVY NAINTENANCE LAS ALPINE LABCRATCRY 20 -07 -6110 LABORATORY Dnscripticri Check 'Ibtal SCIDILM ADM CE YFO 3L EINGE TIE C SI NST Check Total: HJIIDINGS PUMP STATIONS Check Thal: PIPE,COVERS & gP �Arn'�JIIDIlS Check Total: REM WIRE FAD WELTER. v LL 'IDOLS SHDP SUPPLIES SHDP SHOP SUPPLIES SUPPLIES LABC LAZY SUPPLIES LABORATCRY SUPPLIES GROUNDS & MAINIENANCE Check Tbt-al NLNTICRILZ Check 'Ibta1 : Grand Total: Amount Check # Tye 56.25 00058599 NW 159,546.20 - 15,921.25 143,624.95 00058600 NW 51.72 1,740.71 1,792.43 00058601 NW 9,652.50 1,094.20 4.29 219.29 10,970.28 00058602 NW 4,996.00 5.90 21.36 13.50 13.50 858.57 101.08 101.08 25.91 6,136.90 00058603 Ma 4,471.50 4,471.50 00058604 WI 531,172.76 South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Dl?ec~ofs Tom Comte James P~ Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schaf~r 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614. www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 14.a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig/General Manager, Paul Sciuto/Assistant General Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: December 2, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (one case) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION' Direct legal counsel. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(c) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding anticipation of litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GE.ERAL,~A. AGER: YES '~/2' .O CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~-y'-v:_ NO CATEGORY: South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Selbrig Ol'?ec~of $ Tom Comt~ James I~. Jonee Mary Leu Mosbacher Puane Wallace Eric ¢chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14.b TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: ITEM - PROJECT: Board of Directors Jim Hoggatt/Construction Manager/Engineer, Gary Kvistad/Legal Counsel December 2, 2004 Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(c) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for a conference with legal counsel regarding anticipated litigation: Pioneer Trail waterline replacement near Filter Plant SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES /~ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO CATEGORY: Water South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager I~lchard H..~olbrlg Di/-eccor$ Tom Comt~ Jarne~ I~. Jones Mary Lou Mo~bacher Ouane Wallace Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14.c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig/General Manager, Gary Kvistad/Legal Counsel MEETING DATE: December 2, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, California; United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S-02- 0238 MCE JFM. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES /-% CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO CATEGORY: Sewer South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Tom Comte Jamee IR. Jonee Mary Lou Mombacher Puane Wallace Eric Schaf~r 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614 ° www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14.d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: December 2, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES /)~ C.~E~ ~.A.C~A, OmCER: ~ES ~t~ NO NO CATEGORY: Water South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Klchsrd H. Solbrlg Directors Tom Comt,~ Jam~ Y.. Jone~ Mar~ Lou Mo~bach~r Duane Wallac~ Eric ~chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614. www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14.e TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: ITEM - PROJECT: Board of Directors Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager December 2, 2004 Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION' Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a)of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Meyers Landfill Site - United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO CATEGORY: Sewer