HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 11-18-04SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, November 18, 2004 2:00 P.M. City Council Chambers 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California James R. Jones, President BOARD MEMBERS Eric W. Schafer, Vice President Duane Wallace, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Tom Comte, Director III I '1 '[/llliill'lJ' ~'l~[IFII ................................................................................................................................................................................................... CALL,T0 ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. Five-minute limit. No action will be taken.) CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR, (Any item can be discussed and considered separately upon request.) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION I D!SCUSSlON ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Hearing Conservation Program (Nancy Hussmann) Payment of Claims REC~UESTED BOARD ACTION Approve Hearing Conservation Program in the Estimated Annual Amount of $3,500 Approve Payment in the Amount of $599,059.98 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - NOVEMBER 18, 2004 ' ' PAGE - 2 BOARD MEMBER STANDING C0MMrl'rEE REPORTS a. Executive Committee (Jones / Schafer) b. Finance Committee (Wallace / Schafer) c. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones / Comte) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher / Schafer) BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS Legislative Ad Hoc Committee (Wallace / Jones) Building Ad Hoc Committee (Jones / Schafer) 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 10. FI_ DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT 11. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS 12. STAFF REPORTS (Topics of discussion will include the following items) a. Update on B-line Phase 3 Export Pipeline Replacement Project b. Report on Effluent Leak at B-Line c. Water Connection / Capacity Fees Ordinance d. Legislative Update 13. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS I EVENTS Past Meetings I Events 11/10/04 - ACWA Califomia Water Blueprint Task Force Meeting 11110/04 - El Dorado County Water Agency Board Meeting 11/15/04 - Operations Committee Meeting 11116/04 - Alpine County Supervisors Regular Board Meeting 11/17/04- ECC (Employee Communications Committee Meeting Future Meetings I Events 11/19~04 - Finance Committee Meeting at District Office 11/25/04 & 11/26/04 - Thanksgiving Holiday (District Office Closed) 11/29/04- 4:00 p.m. - Operations Committee Meeting at District Office 11/30/04- 12/03/04- ACWA Conference in Palm Springs 12/02/04- 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at City Council Chambers 14. CLOSED SESSION ao Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Conference with Real Property Negotiators Negotiating Parties: District Staff, South Tahoe Realty Century 21 Under Negotiation: Sale of Property Property Identification: 797 Emigrant Road, APN 021-261-33 bo Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation (One Case) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - NOVEMBER 18, 2004 PAGE- 3 Pursuant to Govemment Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation: Pioneer Trail Waterline Replacement Near Filter Plant Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, California; et al., United States Distdct Court for the Eastern Distdct of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S-02-0238 MCE JFM Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO et al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. 15. ACTION,/REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED,DURING CLOSED SESSION 16. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, December 2, 2004, 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility Distdct Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, induding all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the Distdct office dudng the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Headngs will not be called to order pdor to the time specified. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be bdef and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written matedal presented at the meeting. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations for the disabled are needed (i.e., disability-related aids, or other services), please contact the Clerk of the Board at 530.544.6474, extension 203, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR NOVEMBER t8, 2004 ITEMS REQUESTED ACTION I!JlJl/!l L J_,,.!!,.H J I J.l I../, , .......... I ........ Bakersfield Well Treatment Project (Nick Zaninovich) (1) Approve Project Closeout and Release of Claims; and (2) Authorize Staff to File a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk Regular Board Meeting Minutes: November 4, 2004 (Kathy Sharp) Approve Minutes South Tahoe Public Utility Distdct · 1275 Meadow Crest Ddve · South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 · Facsimile 530.541.0614 · www.stpud.us South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager R.ichard H. Solbrig D~mcLor$ Tom Comte James R.. Jones Mary Lou Mo~bacher Puane Wallace Eric ,.~chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Nick Zaninovich, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: November 181 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Bakersfield Well Treatment Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Approve Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims; and (2) Authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk DISCUSSION: Staff performed a final inspection of the project and found that K.G. Walters Construction has met the requirements of the project plans and specifications. Staff recommends approval of the project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims, and the filing of a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk. SCHEDULE: Project complete COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: 2029-7046/BKRTRT BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: <$186,875> ATTACHMENTS: Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims; Notice of Completion, Budget Analysis CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ,~: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~F~ 4_. NO NO CATEGORY: Water Recording Requested By: Heidi D0n0van souTH ITAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT And When Recorded Mail to: South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96158 SPACE ABOVE T~IS LINE RESERVED FOR RECORD~--~.'S USE TITLE (S) NOTICE OF COMPLETION BAKER'SFIELD WELL TREATMENT PROJECT NOTICE OF COMPLETION Notice pursuant to Civil Code Section 3093, must be filed within 10 days after completion. (See reverse side for Complete requirements.) Hotice is hereby given that: I. The undersigned is owner or corporate officer of the owner of the interest or estate stated below in the property hereinafter described: 2. The full name of the owner is South Tahoe Publ i c Uti 1 i t.y Di stri ci~ 3. The full address of the owner is :[275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 4. The nature of the interest or estate of the owner is; In fee. (If other than fee, strike "In fee" and insert, for example. "purchaser under contract of purchase," or "lessee") 5. The full names and full addresses of all persons, if any, who h°ld title with the undersigned as joint tenants or as tenants in common are: HAMES ADDRESSES A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was completed on Bakersfield Well Treatment Project 8.27.04 The work done was: 7. The name of the contractor, if any, for such work of improvement was K.G. (If no contractor for work of improvement as a whole, insert "none".) Walters Construction (Date of Contract) 8. Thepropertyonwhichsaidworkofimprovement wascompletedisinthecityof Unincorporated area of Meyers~ Countyof E1 Dorado ' State of ~lfor~, ~isdescribedasfoI[ows:c°nStruct concrete footings, install 150' 42" RCP, 50' 6" PVC, 25' of PVC incl. misc fittings & appurtenances, site reveg., electrical conduit, wiring, etc., install T-iil siding and Fdl~u windows. 9. Thestreetaddressofsaidpropertyis Dated: 11/18/04 Verification for Individual Owner lg25 Bakersfield Street, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 (If no street address has been officially assigned, insert "none".) Signature of owner or corporate officer of owner named in paragraph 2 or his agent JAMES R. JONES VERiFiCATION I,.the undersigned, say:l am theBna rd Pr~_s i dent the declarant of the foregoing ("President of", "Manager of", "A prtner of", "Owner of", etc.) notice of completion; I have read said. notice of completion and know the contents thereof; the s;lme is true of m~y own knowledge. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on November 18., 200'4 , ]9 , at South Lake Tahoe , California. (Date of signature.) (City where signed.) (Personal signature of the individual who is ~earin8 that the contents of the notice of completion are true.) JAMES R,: JONES, Board President 8 pt. type or larger NOTICE: OF' COMPL~I'ION--WOLCCTTS FORM I 114--R'rv, 6-74 South Tahoe Public Utility District t275 Meadow crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us November ~, 2004 I HEREBY CER'I'~FY on November __, 2004, before me, the undersigned Clerk of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, personally appeared ]ames R. ]ones, Board President, known to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledge that he executed the same. Wi-I-NESS my hand and official seal. Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board CLOSEOUT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS THIS AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS (Agreement) is made in South Lake Tahoe, California, this 18 day of November, 2004, by and between South Tahoe Public Utility District, (DISTRICT), and K.G. Walters Construction, (CONTRACTOR). KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That the undersigned, as the authorized representative of CONTRACTOR, and for each of its successors, assigns and partners, for and in consideration of One Hundred Eighty-Six Thousand One Hundred Seventy-Seven Dollars and zero cents ($186,177.00), the original Contract amount, and the sum of Fifty Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-Eight Dollars and Thirty-Five Cents ($50,438.35) for Contract Change Orders Nos. 1 and 2, receipt of which is acknowledged, does release and forever discharge the DISTRICT, and each of its successors, assigns, directors, officers, agents, servants, volunteers and employees, from any and all rights, claims, causes of action, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, damages, costs and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys', paralegal and experts' fees, costs and expenses) and other claims, which may be asserted against DISTRICT by reason of any matter or thing which was the subject matter of or basis for: A= The performance of all terms and conditions of that certain agreement dated April 19, 2004, for Pumhase Order No. P14803, DISTRICT project described as Bakersfield Well Treatment project. Change Orders Nos. 1 and 2, as approved by the parties, pertaining to Purchase Order No. P14803 and shown in Payment Request No. 5, dated November 4, 2004. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall waive or alter the rights, privileges, and powers of the DISTRICT or the duties, liabilities and obligations of the CONTRACTOR and its surety(les) in respect to any portions of the Contract Documents for Purchase Order No. P14803. 3. The District has received the following claims from the Contractor: None. Upon execution of this Agreement, the DISTRICT agrees to promptly record a NOTICE OF COMPLETION with the El Dorado County Recorder. The current retention amount is Original Contract amount Total Change Order Amount Less: Amount Previously Paid (Request Nos. 1 through 5) Retainage BALANCE: $ 11,830.77 $186,177.00 $ 50,438.35 $(224,784.58) $(11,830.77) $ -0- The retainage will be released to the CONTRACTOR at the expiration of thirty-five (35) calendar days after date of recording a NOTICE OF COMPLETION by El Dorado County Recorder or when all stop notices have been released, whichever last occurs. The release provided pursuant to this Agreement shall not apply to CONTRACTOR'S right to the retention amount until and to the extent such amounts are received by CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR and DISTRICT agree that the total adjusted Contract price and time of performance for Purchase Order No. P14803, after the execution of change orders, is as follows: Original Contract Price Original Calendar Days Adjusted Contract Price Adjusted Calendar Days $186,177.00 73 $236,615.35 131 It is understood and agreed by Contractor that the facts with respect to which the release provided pursuant to this Agreement is given may turn out to be other than or different from the facts as now known or believed to be, and Contractor expressly assumes the risk of the facts turning out to be different than they now appear, and agrees that the release provided pursuant to this Agreement shall be, in all respects, effective and not subject to termination or rescission by any such difference in facts and Contractor expressly waives any and all rights it has or may have under California Civil Code Section 1542, which provides as follows: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the Release which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor." The release made by the CONTRACTOR is not to be construed as an admission or admissions of liability and the Contractor-denies any such liability. Contractor agrees that it will forever refrain and forebear from commencing, instituting or prosecuting any lawsuit, action or other proceeding against the District based on, arising out of, or in any way connected with the subject matter of this release. The CONTRACTOR releases the DISTRICT from all claims, including but not limited to those of its Subcontractors for all delay and impact costs, if any. 10. The CONTRACTOR represents and warrants to the DISTRICT that the CONTRACTOR has not assigned or transferred or purported to assign or transfer to any person, firm, corporation, association or entity any of the rights, claims, warranties, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, causes of action, damages, costs, expenses and other claims and the CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the DISTRICT, its successors, assigns, directors, officers, agents, servants, volunteers and employees, from and against, without limitation, any and all rights, claims, warranties, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, causes of action, damages, costs, expenses and other claims, including but not limited to attorneys', paralegal and experts' fees, costs and expenses arising out of or connected with any such assignment or transfer or purported assignment or transfer. 11. The parties acknowledge that they have been represented by counsel of their own choice in connection with the preparation and execution of this Agreement. The parties acknowledge and represent that they understand and voluntarily consent and agree to each and every provision contained in this Agreement. 12. The parties further acknowledge and represent that no promise, inducement or agreement, not expressed in this Agreement, have been made and that this Agreement contains the entire agreement among the parties and that the terms of the Agreement are contractual and not a mere recital. 13. The persons executing this Agreement represent and warrant to the other party that the execution and performance of the terms of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all corporate, partnership, individual, or other entity requirements and that said persons have the right, power, legal capacity and authority to execute and enter into this Agreement. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager November 18, 2004 BOARD APPROVAL DATE ATTEST: KATHY SHARP, CLERK OF BOARD DATED K.G. WALTERS CONSTRUCTION, INC. By: Walt Johnson, President DATED BAKERSFIELD WELL TREATMENT Account: 2029-7046 BUDGET REMAINING ANALYSIS: Spent to date 2004105 161,594 Outstanding Purchase Orders- Groeniger & Co. Fernan's Cans Wright Mechanical Equipment Lance Heat & Fireplace All Years 1,349,599 4,612 4,612 48 48 479 479 275 275 Jensen Pre-Cast Rinker Materials Turner & Associates Walters Construction Bragg Crane Service 977 977 408 408 1,300 1,300 14,370 14,370 376 376 Western Nevada Supply Sierra Tahoe Concrete Wedco McMaster Carr Supply Fast Fabricators 560 560 306 306 333 333 873 873 362 362 Total Encumbered 25,279 25,279 Total Spent & Encumbered 186,873 1,374,878 Budget Estimated During the Budget Process (Over) Under Budget/Estimate 0 0 0 1,500,000 -186,873 125,122 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" James R. Jones, President BOARD MEMBERS Eric W. Schafer, Vice President Tom Comte, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 4, 2004 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, November 4, 2004, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Jones, Directors Wallace, Schafer, Comte, Mosbacher. ROLL CALL STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Sciuto, Cocking, Coyner, Swain, Frye, Thiel, Bird, Attorney Kvistad. GUEST.S..: Tom Pavletic/Brown and Caldwell, Steve Sweet/Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Dave Galicia. Closed Session Item g. was added by an addendum to the agenda. All noticing requirements were met. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Comte I Second Schafer I Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: CONSENT CALENDAR Bakersfield Well Treatment Project - Approved Final Change Order No. 2 to K.G. Walters Construction in the amount of $36,068.35; REGULAR BOARD MEe¥iNG MINU i ~-S - NOVEMBER 4, 20-n4 PAGE- 2" Customer Service, Operations and Laboratory Facility - Approved Change Order No. 3 to Garcia Excavating and Paving in the amount of $25,328.65; CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) Co Customer Service, Operations and Laboratory Facility - Approved Change Order No. 4 to Garcia Excavating and Paving in the amount of $18,219.50; do B-line Export Pipeline Replacement: Phase 3 - Approved Change Order No. 4 to Cox & Cox Construction, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $35,460.84; Grazing in Alpine County - Authorized staff to advertise for bids for grazing Diamond Valley Ranch; f. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: October 21, 2004. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Carol Swain reported previous plans were to put a new telephone system in place at the time employees moved into the new facility. Since construction of the facility has been delayed, staff recommended proceed- ing with a replacement now to ensure system reliability. The request for proposals specify that the system must be transferable upon completion of the new facility. PHONE SYSTEM REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Moved Schafer/Second Mosbacher I Passed Unanimously to authorize solicitation of Request for Proposals for a telecommunications system. Moved Schafer I Second Comte / Passed Unanimous!¥ to approve payment in the amount of $1,643,772.55. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met November 1. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS ... Finance .Committee....; The committee met November 4 t° discuss the water capacity charges with the consultant from Brown and Caldwell. Residential fire protection fees were also discussed. Director Wallac~.. reported significant progress has been made on the SMUD relicensing issue. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT,. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUY~S - NOVEMBER 4, 2004 President Jones reported he will attend the ACWA's California Blueprint Taskforce meeting on November 10. PAGE BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Director Mosbacher reported on two items: 1) Developers are back to the drawing board due to opposition received on the proposed development in Markleeville. 2) She attended the Alpine County Board of Super- visors on November 2 and was thanked for attending their meetings on behalf of the District. She stressed the importance communicating information to agencies connected to the District. General Mana.qer; Richard Solbrig and Board members discussed the draft Strategic Goals, Vision and Mission Statement. PUBLIC HEARING GENERAL MANAGER REPORT Public hearing notices were published in the October 26 and November 2 Legal Notices section of the Tahoe Daily Tribune. PUBLIC HEARING: WATER CAPACITY CHARGES President Jones opened the hearing at 2:35 p.m. New customers of the Distdct incur a water capacity charge to connect to the water system. This fee was last reviewed in 1999 and has been adjusted annually in accordance with the Engineering News Record's Construction Cost Index, National Average. Best management practice is to conduct a full review of the charge every five years. Brown & Caldwell, with the assistance of staff, has updated the Water Capacity Charges to reflect the current water system capacity and drafted an ordinance to enact the new fees (proposed to increase 4.1% on January 3, 2005, and each year through 2009.) Tom Pavletic, Brown and Caldwell, reviewed the methodology used to determine capacity charges. He also developed a fair and reasonable fire fee for domestic service to accommodate the new fire protection/sprinkler requirements from the City of South Lake Tahoe, and Lake Valley Fire Protection District's fire codes. REGULAR BOARD MEISTING MINUt-ES - NOVEMBER 4, 2004 PAGE- '~"' Rhonda McFarlane reported the Finance Committee met to review capacity charges. In the past, the capa- city fee did not include the actual time spent by District crews to complete the physical connection. A connection fee will be proposed to ensure existing customers do not absorb the costs of new customers who wish to connect to the water system. In order to make it less complicated, one standard charge for connection fees will be developed and included in the ordinance. The revised ordinance will be presented to the Board at the November 18 Board meeting. PUBLIC HEARING: WATER CAPACITY CHARGES (continued) No public comments were received. President Jones closed the public hearing at 3:15 p.m. No Board action.. 3:15 - 3:22 P.M 3:22 P.M. MEETING BREAK ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION 3:35 P.M. RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION No reportable Board action.. ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Conference with Real Property Negotiators - Negotiating Parties: District Staff, South Tahoe Realty Century 21; Under Negotiation: 797 Emigrant Road, APN 021-261-33 Richard Solbrig discussed the Pathway 2007 application process. It was the consensus of the Board that the District Information Officer should complete an application and represent the District if selected. Assistant General Manac~er: Paul Sciuto reported on the B-line Export Pipeline Replacement Project: Phase 3. An extension was received to complete remaining minor items, but due to poor weather, the site will be winterized and the miscellaneous items will be completed next spring. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT STAFF REPORTS REGULAR BOARD M~;E~iNG MINUi~.8 - NOVEMgF-R 4, 2O-n~. PAGE After a week of exporting through the new B-line, it had to be shutdown because a faulty gasket on an access manhole blew, resulting in a significant leak. All depart- ments responded to the emergency. Sciuto outlined the export line shutdown: In order to connect the new B-line, exporting was shutdown and rerouted to the ERBs (emergency retention basins) from October 12-17. After the connection was made, exporting resumed, and the ERBs were completely drained by October 22. When the leak occurred on evening of October 23, exporting was again rerouted to the empty ERBs. The leak was repaired and exporting resumed on October 30. District Information Officer; Dennis Cocking reported Proposition lA (a constitutional amendment to protect against property tax revenue shifts) and Proposition No. 65, easily passed in the recent election. 4:00 P.M. 6:15 P.M. STAFF REPORTS (continued) ADJOURNED, TO CLOSED SESSION,, RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION, ACTION I REPORT ON iTEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION Moved Comte I Second Schafer I Wallace and. Mosbacher Voted No I Passe,d. to deny the appeal to revise the leave of absence guidelines. No reportable Board. action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 549571Public Employee Release Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)lConference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (One Case) No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Pioneer Trail Waterline Replacement Near Filter plant No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)lConference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO et al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case NO. 999128 ...... REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUI~S - NOVEMBER 4, 2004 PAGE - 6 No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. 6:15 P.M. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, California; et al., United States Distdct Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S-02-0238 MCE JFM Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. ADJOURNMENT James R. Jones, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District South Tahoe Public Utility District O~recCors James I~ Jan~ Mary Lou Mosbach~r Duan~ Wallace EHc Schaf~ 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 6.a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director MEETING DATE: November 18, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Hearing Conservation Program REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Hearing Conservation Program in the estimated annual amount of $3,500. DISCUSSION: During the October 2003 Risk Control Survey by CSRMA, David Patzer, the District's insurance company Loss Control Consultant for CSRMA, recommended that the District evaluate the high noise areas of the plant and portable equipment, and if noise levels exceed the permitted thresholds to implement a full hearing conservation program, including baseline and annual testing, provision of hearing protective devices, and posting of warning signs (copy of recommendation attached). Noise readings conducted throughout the plant and field locations, including noise readings of high noise equipment, indicate that the District does fall under the hearing protection standard set forth in CCR Title 8 Section 5096. As such, a complete written program, that includes control measures, monitoring, an audiometric testing program and training program is required by the District. The attached policy meets the requirements of CCR Title 8 Section 5096 and will be implemented upon Board approval. In January, baseline hearing exams will be provided to all effected employees (all employees in Electrical, Equipment Repair, Heavy Maintenance, Laboratory, Operations, Pumps, Shipping & Receiving, Underground Repair Sewer and Underground Repair Water departments). Initial cost of conducting baseline testing for these effected employees will be $52 per audiometric test, for a total of $3,484. Additionally, there is the potential that the District may experience an increase in workers' compensation claims as a result of baseline tests that indicate hearing loss due to noise exposure at work. SCHEDULE: December 13- 17, 2004, provide training on new program, January 2005 implement baseline audiometric exams. COSTS: $3484 initial baseline tests, with annual cost of approximately $3500 for required annual audiometric tests, ACCOUNT NO: Each effected department's safety budget BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CSRMA Risk Control Survey Findings, District Hearing Conservation Program CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~, NO NO CATEGORY: Water & Sewer South Tahoe Public Utilities District October 2f`t & 22'd, 2003 CSRMA Risk Control Survey Findin,q-=- Table of Contents Risk Control Survey Findings - Workers' Compensation .......... Section 1 Risk Control Survey Findings -General Liability ...................... Section 2 Supplement Section - Recommendation Resources ................ Section 3 03 -.,10-WC 17' Issue: CCR Title 8 Section 5096, requires employers to provide hearing protection when sound levels are exceeded. The permissible noise exposure is 90 "A" scale decibels (dBA's) for an 8 hour duration. The permitted duration reduces significantly as the dBAs increase. For example, at 95 dBAs the permitted exposure duration is only 4 hours. The employer is also required to administer a continuing, effective hearing conservation program for employees whose exposures equal or exceed an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) sound level of 85 decibels. In order to determine if employees are at risk of exceeding the 8-hour TWA of 85 decibels, and to dete rmi ne what work areas need to be posted as "Hearing Protection Required", noise levels need to be assessed and monitored. .,Recommendation: a. Evaluate the high-noise areas of the plant and portable (i.e. field) equipment to determine worst case exposures and duration. If an employee works for long periods of time in a "high noise" area, the 8-hour TWA should be tested or calculated, Any employees who exceed an 8- hour TWA of 85 decibels needs to be part of a headng conservation program, which will require annual hearing tests and annual training. b. Warning signs requiring hearing protection should be posted on the outside of all entrance doors into high-noise areas and warning labels requiring hearing protection should be afl[xed to all pieces of portable equipment that require hearing protection. Hearing protective devices should be immediately available in high noise work areas. Back,qround: Occupational noise exposure is the most significant health hazard present in the modern industrial workplace. Not only does it impact the employees who have suffered or will suffer permanent hearing loss as a result of exposure to unsafe levels of industrial noise, it also takes a huge bite out of the pocketbooks of employers who must financially compensate these workers. According to the Third Edition of Fundamentals Of Industrial Hygiene, published by the National Safety Council, an estimated 1.7 million workers in the U.S. between 50 and 59 years of age have compensable noise-induced hearing loss. If only ten pement of these workers file for compensation, and assuming that the average claim amounts to $3,000, the potential cost to industry could exceed $500 million. The serious consequences of prolonged exposure to industrial noise have not been lost on CALOSHA. CCR T'~le 8 Section 5096 requires employers to provide hearing protection when sound levels are exceeded. As Cai/OSHA standards go, the Occupational Noise Exposure Standard is a relatively user-friendly document. It's extremely thorough, thus eliminating much of the reader interpretation that most standards require. The standard essentially implements a three-pronged approach to addressing industrial noise. The basic components are recognition, evaluation and control. A fourth key element of the standard is employee training and record keeping. 03-10-WC18 Issue; Baseline heating exams are not part of the pre-employment physical exam. Recommendation.:.. Have baseline hearing tests performed as part of the pre-employment physical. Consider hearing tests for all employees to establish a baseline for future hearing concerns. Backqround: Staff indicated that baseline-hearing exams are not currently part of the pre- employment physical. Occupational noise exposure is the most significant health hazard present in the modem industrial workplace. Not only does it impact the employees who have suffered or will suffer permanent hearing loss as a result of exposure to unsafe levels of industrial noise, it also takes a huge bite out of the pocketbooks of employers wh(~ must financially compensate these workers. According to the Third Edition of Pundamentais Of. Industrial Hygiene, published by the National Safety Council, an estimated 1.7 million workers in the U.S. between 50 and 59 years of age have compensable noise-induced hearing loss. If only ten percent of these workers file for compensation, and assuming that the average claim amounts to $3,000, the potential cost to industry could exceed $500 million. Because the Worker's compensation is a no-fault system, it assumes that every employee is in perfect American Medical Association condition when hired. The result is that when they are injured, the employer is responsible for a disability payment. The amount the employee receives is based on the difference between his expected physical ability vs. his current, post-accident condition. Using AMA guidelines, this will be comparing the worker to what an average person should be able to do/hear. The current WC system pays impairment income based on the employer's inability to prove it should pay otherwise. Baseline hearing tests establish baseline measurements that will determine if a pre-existing hearing loss is contributing to the final disability determination. South Tahoe Public Utility District Hearing Conservation Program Developed: September, 2004 Hearing Conserva,tion Pro~ram Introduction The South Tahoe Public Utility District Hearing Conservation Program applies to employees of the District who may, in the course of performing their job duties, be exposed to working in high noise areas. This Program identifies: The jobs and duties tlmt may involve risk of noise exposure. Describes the responsibilities of Employees, Supervisors and Managers in relation to the Hearing Conservation Program Provides information on safe work practices and establishes policies and procedures to protect employees fi.om noise exposure, including the precautions to be used to prevent exposures. Describes the audiometrie testing program. Describes the program's training and record-keeping requirements This program is developed in compliance with the California Code of Regulations, General Industry Safety Orders, Title 8, Section 5095-5100 and will be kept in the Human Resources Department safety files, as well as in each department's Safety Manual. The plan will be reviewed and updated whenever new occupational exposures are identified. Developed by: Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director Date: Approved: Date: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager Approved: Date: James R. Jones, Presidem, Board of Directors Table of Contents Page Purpose ................................................................................................................. 1 Applicability ......................................................................................................... 1 Responsibilities ..................................................................................................... 1 Definitions ............................................................................................................ 2 Control Measures .................................................................................................. 3 Monitoring ............................................................................................................ 5 Audiometric Testing Program ............................................................................... 5 Training Program .................................................................................................. 7 Record Keeping .................................................................................................... 7 Attachments Hearing Conservation Program Noise Survey & PPE Guide ............. Attachment A OSHA Permissible Noise Exposures ................................................. Attachment B General Industry Safety Orders 5095-5100 ....................................... Attachment C Hearing Conservation Program, Purpose Noise is an insidious yet controllable hazard that can cause irreparable damage and hearing loss over time. Occupational noise exposure above the regulatory threshold can cause human hearing loss at frequencies that are necessary to normally function in day-to-day life (500-8000 cycles per second {Hertz-Hz}). Therefore, it becomes necessary to protect employees who may be exposed to unhealthful levels of noise. This program outlines the identification, evaluation and control of noise exposures through engineering, administrative and personal protective equipment (PPE) controls. Applicability Attachment A summarizes the District's noise survey and provides personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements for all employees working on equipmem or facilities where the noise levels are at or above permissible noise exposures. This program therefore, applies to all employees when working in the identified high noise facilities or equipment. Employees in the following departments will have specific program requirements as outlined in this policy: Electrical Equipment Repair Heavy Maintenance Lab Operations Pumps Crew Shipping & Receiving Underground Repair Sewer Underground Repair Water Responsibilities All Employees are responsible for: 1. Recognizing and immediately reporting high noise hazards. 2. Wearing the proper hearing protection according to training and manufacturer instructions. Page 1 of 13 Supervisors are responsible for: 1. Investigating high noise complaints. 2. Submitting corrective work orders. 3. Recommending and/or providing suitable hearing protection to employees. 4. Ensuring and documenting that procedures and policies are being followed by their crew members. 5. Ensuringthat hearing protective devices are readily available, are in sufficient quantities and in good condition, as part of their routine safety inspection for their department. Managers are responsible for: 1. Supporting the Hearing Conservation Program by providing sufficient resources. 2. Immediately correcting unsafe work conditions resulting in noise exposures over the threshold wherever practicable to do so. 3. Provide budget resources for baseline and annual audiograms for all employees in specified departments. Defmitions Action Level- An 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels measured on the A-scale, slow response, or equivalently, a dose of fifty percent. Affected Employees - Employees who could be exposed to noise h~ the workplace at or greater than the CalOSHA permissible level of an 8-hour time-weighted average dose of 85 decibels. Noise surveys indicate that employees in the following departments could exceed this permissible level during routine or extended work activities, and are, therefore, considered "affected employees." Electrical Equipment Repair Heavy Maintenance Lab Operations Pumps Crew Shipping & Receiving Underground Repair Sewer Underground Repair Water Page 2 of 13 Audiogram - A graph or table resulting from an audiometric test showing an individual's hearing threshold levels as a function of frequency. Audiologist - ^ professional, specializing in the study and rehabilitation of hearing, who is certified by the American Speech, Hearing and Language Association or licensed by a state board of examiners. Baseline Audiogram - The audiogram against which future audiograms are compared. Decibel (dBA) -'A unit of measurement of sound level. Hertz - A unit of measurement of frequency, numerically equal to cycles per second. Recordable downward shift - An OSHA recordable downward shift of 25 dB in either ear requires an entry in the OSHA 300 log. Representative Exposure - Measurements of an employee's noise dose (or 8-hour time- weighted average sound level) that the employer determines to be representative of exposures of other employees in the workplace. Sound Level - Ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of the square of the measured A- weighted sound pressure to the square of the standard reference pressure of 20 micropascals. Sound is measured in decibels (dB) in slow time response in accordance with ANSI S1.4-1971. Sound Level Meter - An instrument for the measurement of sound level. Standard Threshold Shift -A change in hearing threshold relative to the baseline audiogram of an average of 10 dB or more at 2000, 3000, and 4000 Hz in either ear. Threshold - The lowest level at which an individual can detect the presence ora test f~equeney. Temporary Threshold Shift - Hearing loss suffered as a result of noise exposure, total or partial recovery from which is possible when the noise source is removed, taken at least 14 hours following the removal from workplace noise exposure. Control Measures Administrative Controls To the extent possible, administrative controls have been implemented to reduce noise exposure levels to employees. Administrative controls typically involve limiting employees' exposures to noise through job task rotation or scheduling arrangements, and by purchase agreements that specify maximum noise levels on new equipment. Page 3 of 13 2, Engineering Controls To the extent possible, engineering controls are used in high noise areas and/or operations. These controls include: enclosing individual machines, using sound baffles or other acoustic barriers, substitution of quieter machines, use of vibration-isolation mountings, and implementing preventive maintenance programs to replace or adjust worn, loose, or unbalanced parts or machines. Personal Protective Equipment A. Hearing protectors are made available, at no cost, to all employees. B. Hearing protectors will be worn whenever: i. Employees are performing job activities, for more than 15 minutes, where sound levels exceed 85 dB. ii. The work location or piece of equipment is posted as ,'Hearing Protection Required", or similar. IlL Affected Employees who have experienced a standard threshold shift are performing job activities for any length of time, where sound levels exceed 85 dB. All work locations and pieces of equipment where noise exposures are at or greater than 90 dB will be posted as "Hearing Protection Required", or similar. Do The following hearing-protective devices are provided to departments of Affected Employees, and any other employee who may be required to wear hearing protection: Inserts: Formable-type ear inserts are readily available to all employees. These are single-user devices and require clean hands and proper donning techniques to ensure a healthy fit. ii. Standard earmuffs: Earmuffs are strategically placed within close proximity to all suspect high noise areas. These are multiple-user devices. Eo All hearing protectors shall attenuate employee exposure at least to an 8-hour time-weighted average of 90 decibels. F, For employees who have experienced a standard threshold shift, hearing protectors shall attenuate their exposure to an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels or less. Page 4 of 13 Hearing protectors shall be inspected for signs of aging and/or inventoried as part of the department supervisor's routine safety inspection. Monitoring In order to determine noise exposure, sound level measurements (surveys) are performed at all suspect high noise operations. This information is used to determine necessary control measures such as wearing hearing protective devices. 1. Personal and/or area monitoring will be done for all suspect high noise operations. a. High noise facilities and/or equipment are listed in Attachment A of this policy. Other areas or job activities considered suspect high noise locations are those in which workers must raise their voice to be heard by another in close proximity. b. Employees exposed at or above the action level will be notified of the noise monitoring results. 2. Trained individuals who have field experience with the sound level meter that is being used will perform noise measurements. a. Sound level meters will be set on A-weighted scale, slow response, and used according to manufacturer instructions and specifications. 3. All continuous, intermittent and impulsive sound levels from 80 dB to 130 dB shall be integrated into the noise exposure computations. 4. Monitoring will be repeated if process changes or conditions indicate such action is necessary. Audiometric Testing Program General Requirements All Affected Employees will be provided with a baseline audiogram at the initial implementation of this program and future employees will be required to undergo a baseline audiogram as part of the new hire process. o Additionally, all Affected Employees will have an annual audiogram to determine if noise-induced hearing shifts have occurred. Audiograms will be scheduled by the Human Resources Director/Safety Officer at no cost to the employee. Page 5 of 13 o Audiograms will be performed by a licensed or certified audiologist, otolaryngologist, physician, or by a technician who is certified by the Council of Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation. 5. Results will be maintained confidentially in the Human Resources Office. 6. Employees will have access to their audiogram records. Standard Threshold Shifts If results indicate a standard threshold shift has occurred when compared to the baseline audiogram, the employee will be notified, in writing, within 21 days of this determination. ao Employees will sign this written notification and will be provided a copy for their records. The original signed written notification will be retained in the confidential Hearing Conservation Program Audiometric Testing Results file along with a summary of the audiometric testing results. If deemed necessary, testing will be repeated within thirty (30) days. The results of the retest will be considered as the annual audiogram. If the physician determines that the standard threshold shift is work related, the following will be done: Employee(s) will be fitted (or refitted) with hearing protectors, trained in their use and care, and be required to wear them in accordance with this policy. The District will refer the employee for a clinical audiological evaluation if additional testing is necessary or ifa medical pathology of the ear is caused by, or aggravated by, the wearing of hearing protectors. The employee will be provided with hearing protectors that attenuate their exposure to an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels or less. do The employee will be required to wear hearing protectors at all times when working in high noise areas. The audiologist, otolaryngologist, physician, or certified technician shall determine whether there is a need for further evaluations. Page 6 of 13 Reco rdable downWard shift If an employee experiences a recordable downward shi~, this information will be logged on the OSHA 300 log, and a workers' compensation claim form will be offered to the employee. Training Each Affected Employee will have annual refresher training that includes program revisions, new work practices, and hearing protective devices available to them. Training topics will inclUde: 2. 3. 4. Advantages and disadvantages of hearing protectors. SelectiOn, Use, and Proper Fitting techniques. Purpose of audiograms and testing procedures. Effects of noise on hearing. Record Keeping Original sound level measurements will be accessible for review and maintained in the Hearing Conservation Program file in the Human Resources Office. Audiometric tests will include the following information: !. Name and job classification. 2. Date of audiogram. 3. Examiner's name. 4. Date of last audiometer calibration. 5. Employee's last noise exposure evaluation. Record Retention Noise exposure measurements are kept indefinitely or until new testing results are available. Audiometric testing summaries and Employee Notifications are kept on file in the confidential Hearing Conservation Program Audiometric Testing Results file. This file is located in the Human Resources department and maintained confidentially. Page 7 of 13 H arine Conservation Program Noise Survey & PPE Guide Attachment A Noise Evaluation Equipment/Facility Dept Average Time Worst Case Noise Hearing Exposed/Day Time Level Prot Exposed Reqd Mounted Pump (Ops-orange) HM 2-3 hrs 10 hrs 102 Yes Ops 2-3 hrs 10 la_rs 102 Trailer Generator'Running - in office ER ½ hr 2 hrs 76 No Trailer Generator Running - by door Ops ~ hr 2 hrs 87 Yes Trailer Generator Running - door open Elec ½ hr 2 hfs 104 Yes 96 Yes re?v Generator Running - outside Maintenance Generator #1 ~ entrance ER ½ hr 10 hrs 109 Yes 88 Yes Generator 1 ~ HM Shop Flnal Pumps Building - Outside Ops 10 min 4 hrs 80 Yes Final Pumps B ldg - Basement HM 2 hrs 10 hrs 81 Yes S~ndary Su,,,p Elec 10 rain - 1 hr 8 hfs 83 , Yes RAS Building - Upstairs Ops 10 man 4 hfs 87 Yes RAS Building - Basement HM 2 hrs 10 hrs 88 Yes Elec 10 rain - 1 hr 8 hrs Blower Bldg Normal Operation- Entrance Ops 30 minutes 4 hrs 86 Yes glower Bldg Normal Ops - Back of room HM 1-2 hfs 8-10 hrs 96 Yes lower Bldg Basement Ops 30 minutes 4 hrs ' 86 Yes HM 1-2 hrs 8-10 hrs Blower Bldg Diesel Engine Running Ops 10 minutes 2 hrs 99 Yes HM 1-2 hrs 8-10 hrs Elec ½ hr 1 hr ER 1 hr 4 hrs Effluent Pump MCC Bldg Generator #2 Ops 15 minutes 1 hr l~lot Running HM 1-2 hrs 8-10 hrs 77 No Running Elec ½ hr 1 hr 106 Yes ER 1 hr 4 hrs E.P. station Emergency Pump - Running Ops 15 minutes 2 hrs 102 Yes HM 1 hr 3-4 hrs Elec 10 rain- 1 hr 8 hrs Grit Building - Entrance Ops 10 minutes 4 hrs 80 No Grit Building - Upstairs 85 Yes HM Maintenance Shop Ops 10 min - 1 hr 8 hrs 78 No Biosolids Building-Centrifuge Room Ops 1 hr 6 hrs 88-90 Yes HM 2-3 hrs 10 hrs Biosolids Building - Bin Room (near blowers) Ops 1 hr 8 hrs 97 Yes Biosolids Building - Bin Room upstairs Ops 1 hr 8 hfs 92 HM 1-2 hrs 6 hrs Biosolids Building - Car wash room Ops 78 No Excess & Return Building Ops 15 min 2 hrs 66 No Lab 5 rain 15 min Page 8 of 13 Equipment/Facility Dept Average Time Worst Case Noise Hearing Exposed/Day Time Level Prot. Exposed Reqd Mobile Generators ER ~ hr 1 hr 93 Yes 00KW Portable Generator HM ½ hr 1 hr ortable .Air Compressor (in/out of van) HM 2-3 hrs 8 hrs 99 Yes URW ½hr 2 hrs Portable Hydraulic Unit URW 15 min ~ hr 95 Yes ~i. ppertable Generator (once/year) URW 15 min ½ hr 104 Yes r - Idling URS ½ hr 8 hrs 98 - Yes Chipper - Feeding 108 Yes Portable Welder HM 3-4 hrs 8 hrs 90 Yes Large Grinder in Welding Shop HM 1-5 minutes ½ hr 97 Yes Grinder Elec 5 min 10 min 88 Yes Air Chisel ER 5 min ½ hr 121 Yes Impact Wrench - ER tool ER 5 min ½ hr thru day 110 Yes l~t Wrench - URW Tool URW 5 min 10 min 97 Yes Chop Saw HM 15 minutes ½ hr 99 Yes Belt Sander HM 1 min 5 min 96 Yes Shop Air Compressor I-IM 1 hr 2 hrs 97 Yes Hi Pressure compressor for tank filling HM 1 hr 2 hrs 93 Yes Electric Drill, Elec 10 minutes ½ hr 85 Yes Electric Saw Elec 10 min ½ hr 89 Yes Air Compressors URS 2 hrs 4 hrs 98 Yes URW ½ hr 4 hrs Jackhammers- Hydraulic URW Jackhammers - Air HM 1-2 hrs 8 hrs Wackers URW ½ hour 1 hr 95 Yes Compressor/Mole URW 1 hr 4 hrs 93-99 Yes Cutoff Saw - Idling URW 5 minutes 15 min 97 Yes Cutoff Saw - Operating URW 5 rain 15 min Snow Blower (Unit attached to Loader) URW 4 hrs 8 hrs Lawn Mower HM 2 hrs 2 hrs 91 Yes RO Water Filter Lab 2 hrs 4 hrs 72 No Fume Hoods Lab 4 hrs 6 hrs 78-80 No Blender Lab 3 rain 3 min 93 No Page 9 of 13 Equipment/Facility Dept Average Time Worst Case Noise Hearing Exposed/Day Time Level Prot. Exposed Reqd chine TrUck Elec 10-30 minutes 8 hfs 84 Yes oTrUck- By front 91 Yes e o Near backhoe - idling Elec 10-30 minutes 8 hrs 81 No Backhoe - Highest Idle ER ½ hr 1 hr 90 Yes Inside - Idling URW 8 hrs 10 hrs 93 Yes Inside - Highest Idle 95 Yes PUsh Snow Blower Ops 1 hr 12 hrs ~ HM 1 hr 8 hrs 102 Yes camel Trucks - Sewer Idling ER ½ hr 1 hr 81 No Camel Truck- Using Hydro nozzle only URS 7 hrs 8 hrs 99 Yes Cmnel Truck - Camel & Hydro operating 104 Yes Camel Truck - Idling URW 15 min 2 hrs 86 Yes Camel Truck - In operation ~ hr 2 hfs 112 Yes DUmp Truck - Idling ER ½ hr 1 hr 86 Yes Dump Truck - Dumping idle level URW 5 minutes 15 minutes 81 No Inside - Idle 91 Yes ldroide- Highest Idle 95 Yes Truck URS 7 hrs 8 hrs 93 Yes ydroTruck- with wart hog 95 Yes acuum Truck//35 (Mark Connell's) URW 10 minutes 1 hr Al truck 104 Yes By hole 95 Yes Loaders #55 URW 10 minutes 8 hrs 91-95 Yes Loader//22 81-90 Yes Forklift Dolan 15 min 2 hrs 87 Yes Phrap Stations Baldwin Beach Sewer Pump Station Pumps 5 min 15 min 86 Yes Taylor Creek Sewer PS - Generator Running Pumps 5 min 15 rain 86 Yes Kiva Sewer Pump Station Pumps 5 min 15 min 86 Yes P~pe Beach Sewer Station #1 Pumps 5 min 15 min <60 No Pope Beach Sewer Station #2 Pumps 5 min 15 rain <60 No ClaSh Richardson Sewer PS Pumps 5 min 15 rain 86 Yes 'l~allac Sewer PS Pumps 5 rnin 15 min 86 Yes Venice Sewer PS Pumps 5 min 15 min 98 Yes San Moritz Sewer PS Pumps 5 min 15 min 110 Yes (~trdner Sewer PS Pumps 5 min 15 min l:,eecher Sewer PS Pumps 5 rain 15 min <60 No Keys sewer PS (see details for Al Tahoe PS) Pumps 10 rain 20 min 111 Yes 1~ onderosa Sewer PS Pumps 5 rain 15 min 110 Yes ~ellevue Sewer PS Pumps 5 min 15 min 100 Yes tfl Tahoe Sewer PS Pumps 5 min 15 min Downstairs- 1 pump 89 Yes Generator Not Running 82 Yes (ienerator Running . 111 Yes 5 tateline Sewer PS Pumps 5 min 15 min <60 No [lijou Sewer PS - Generator nmning Pumps 10 min 20 min 111 Yes Page 10 of 13 l~quipme~t/Facility Dept Average Time Worst Case Noise Hearing Exposed/Day Time Level Prot, Exposed Reqd ~ki Run Sewer PS Pumps 5 rain 15 rain 105 Yes J3hnson Sewer PS - Generator running Pumps 10 min 20 rain 108 Yes [ ioneer Village Sewer PS - generator rtmn'm, g Pumps 10 rain 20 rain 98 Yes Upper Truckee Sewer PS e details for A1 Tahoe PS) Pumps 10 rain 20 rain 111 Yes ut Creek Sewer PS - generator running Pumps 10 min 20 rain 108 Yes Luther Pass Pump Station Pumps 10 min 20 rain 103 Yes ,tSrport Well Booster Station' Pumps 5 min 15 min 100 Yes ,t J Tahoe Well No. 3 Pumps 10 min 20 rain 86 Yes ,t xrowhead Well No. 3 Booster pump running Pumps 5 min 15 rain 68 No l~akersfield Well Pumps 10 min 2~) min 77 No 1a SA Unit Running £'.hris Well Pumps 5 min 15 min < 60 No £ lement Well Pumps 5 min 15 rain < 60 No E, lks Club Well - Generator mnning Pumps 10 min 20 rain 103 Yes Eielen Well//2 Pumps 5 min 15 rain < 60 No (2'lenwood Well No. 5 Pumps 5 min 15 min Jalie Well Pumps 5 min 15 min < 60 No ~[ountain View Well Pumps 5 min 15 rain < 60 No p~loma Well Pumps 5 min 15 min < 60 No South Upper Truckee Wells #1 and #2 Pumps 5 min 15 min 100 Yes S~et Well Pumps 5 min 15 min < 60 No T ata Lane Wells #1-4 Pumps 5 min 15 rain < 60 No ¥ alhalla Well Pumps 5 rain 15 rain 110 Yes Apaehe Booster PS - 2 pumps running Pumps 10 min 20 min 93 Yes Black Bart Booster PS Pumps 5 min 15 min < 60 No BOulder Mountain Booster PS - both pumps Pumps 10 rain 20 rain 88 Yes C01d Creek Booster PS - Standby pump running Pumps 10 min 20 min 96 Yes DC0rnelian Booster PS Pumps 5 min 15 rain avid Lane Booster PS 1 pump running Pumps 10 min 20 min 92 Yes 2 pumps running Pumps 10 min 20 min 97 Flagpole Booster PS I pump running Pumps 10 min 20 min 83 Yes 2 pumps running . Pumps 10 rain 20 min 87 Yes Generator running Pups 10 min 20 min 102 Yes FOrest Mountain Booster PS Pumps 5 min 15 min 102 Yes H Street Booster PS Pumps 5 min 15 rain < 60 No Keller Booster PS Pumps 10 min 20 min 92 Yes Ralph Booster PS Pumps 5 min 15 rain < 60 No Trna Booster PS Pumps 5 min 15 min < 60 No UPper Mongomery Estates Booster PS Pumps 5 min 15 min 100 Yes Page 11 of 13 Radio - Front Office Throughout day 8 hfs 65 No ~heck endorser - on, no checks CS '~ hr 1 hr 65 No .~heck endorser - operating, with checks 70 No ~nvelope slicer 1 hr 70 No Exposure to construction eclP when marking 20 minutes 1 hr 70-75 No r}ms Page 12 of 13 OSHA Permissible Noise Exposures Attachment B Sound Level (dBA) 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 Permitted Duration (Hours - 1Vlinutes) 8-0 6-58 6-4 5-17 4-36 4-0 3-29 3-2 2-38 2-18 2-0 1-44 1-31 1-19 Permitted Duration (Hours) 8.00 6.96 6.06 5.28 4.60 4.00 3.48 3.03 2.63 2.30 2.00 1.73 1.52 1.32 1-9 1.32 1-0 1.00 0-52 0.86 0-46 0-40 0-34 0-30 0-26 0-23 0-20 0-17 0-15 0.76 0.66 0.56 0.50 0.43 0.38 0.33 0.28 0.25 Page 13 of 13 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL November 18, 2004 Action Item 6.b Payroll 11/10/04 Total Payroll BNY Western Trust Company Cost Containment - health care payments Lasalle Hatch & Parent -legal services Total Vendor EFT Accounts Payable Checks Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks Self-funded Ins Accounts Payable Checks Grant Funds Total Accounts Payable Grand Total 298,161.95 298,161.95 0.00 40,629.84 0.00 0.00 40,629.84 109,216.85 130,289.71 424.53 20,337.10 260,268.19 59~059.98 Payroll EFTs & Checks 11110~04 EFT EFT EFT CHK EFT EFT CHK EFT EFT CHK AFLAC Medical & Dependent Care CA Employment Taxes & W/H Federal Employment Taxes & W/H CALPERS Contributions ManuLife Pension Loan Payments Orchard Trust Deferred Comp Stationary Engineers Union Dues United Way Contributions Employee Direct Deposits Employee Paychecks Adjustments Total 1,113.65 14,086.18 71,423.05 18,590.99 4,993.85 12,953.51 1,511.86 105.00 154,538.07 18,845.79 0.00 298,161.95 00 South 'Tahoe P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS R E P O R T 11/05 2004 - 11/18/2004 WED, NW 10, 2004, 3:03 PM - -req: THERESA.---leg: GL JL - -lcc: CNS1'1E - -- -dab: 321129 #5000--- -picg: 09 <1.07 > - -wort id: Due to selection criteria, Check Totals rray be incorrect SEMI' Subsystem ID Codes: EXIP Default SP1 ecticn: Check Stcck ID: AP ; Check Types: MA1, I bv1, RV, VH Vendor Narre P count # D A C W A SERVICES CORP (ASC) A W W A CAL-NEV SEC lCN A -1 CHEMICAL IIC AL INC ALLIED BEA= INC 10 -00 -2530 GAL & AIlMINIS RATION 10 -07 -6250 LABORATORY 20 -07 -6250 LABS 20 -02 -6042 PCMPS 10 -02 -6042 PUTS 10 -04 -6042 HEAVY MINIENANCE 10 -06 -6042 OPERATTCINIS 20 -29 -8355 ENGINEERING ALPfN SIR A CKkkhh =ANY 10 -00 -6520 COAL &ALMINISTRATICN 20 -00 -6520 GENERAL & AIIK NISI 1 TICK PC(.TIND, CHRIS ARA ARK I IFORM SERVICES E FINE FRAMING 20 -00 -3545 10 -00 -2002 10 -39 -6710 20 -00 -2002 20 -39 -6710 COAL & ALMINISIRATICN GENERAL & AIIVIINISIRATTCN FINANCE GENERAL & ALMINISIl?ATICN FINANCE 10 -00 -2518 GENERAL & AII l ISIRATTCN 20 -38 -4405 CUSTCMER SERVICE 10 -21 -6621 AUV NISIRATICN D scriptian EMPLOYEE VISION INS Check Total : LIES in '-,D' "11 PS /C RII CY1TT IJC]ES is 1e40," 1 . PS /CERTTFICPTI Check Total: GROUNDS & CROWDS &� GROUNDS NDS & MINIEMNCE Check Ibta1 REPL } Y50 WIRLN -WIr N'tY /Y Check Total: SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Check Tbtal: TAAIER. METER SALES UTILITY BE T E\U SUSPENSE INTEREST EXPENSE UTILITY BIILINTh SUSPENSE Check Total. uua RIGS /'IOGELs PAnBLE CC7NZR�,L SERVICES Total: INCENITVE & RDIC3VITICN PRCR Amour t Check # Type 2,502.30 2,502.30 00058386 MA7 17.50 17.50 35.00 00058387 NW 97.47 97.47 189.21 189.21 573.36 00058388 MW 5,955.96 5,955.96 00058389 NW 76.50 76.50 153.00 00058390 NW 132.00 8,339.84 1,641.27 1,877.00 402.77 12,392.88 00058391 NW 1,033.17 19.36 1,052.53 00058392 NW 107.31 South Tare P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 11/05/2004-11/18/2004 2 WED, NOV 10, 2004, 3:03 LM - -ra4: THERESA --- -leg: GL JL - -loc: CNS11E - -- -jab: 321129 445000--- -prcg: C a 09 <1.07 >-- report id: PC Due to selection criteria, Check Totals nay be incorrect S IECT Subsystem ID Codes: EK.IP Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: Ma, HW, RV, VH Verrbr Nacre Account # Eepartnent ASCCM / GE CAP FROG AVISIA UflL LIES B S K ANALYTICAL LABS BENNE T SIP HELI EMIINEERS BENILY PI=RMINNAMICS 1, 17/1) EERRY -BEY INCLEIMES BI SIP.TE PROPANE BIND MUIRIALS 20 -21 -6621 AIlK]NISIRATICN 10 -38 -5020 CLSICNIER. SERVICE 20 -38 -5020 CLEICMER SERVICE 10 -00 -6350 COAL & AEMINISIRATICN 20 -00 -6350 COAL & ALNBNISIRPTTCN 20 -29 -8463 EMINEE M 10 -29 -8352 E 3INEE ING 10 -06 -6652 OPERATIONS 20 -02 -6200 PIMPS 10 -00 -0415 GENERAL & ALPIINISIRATIQ 10 -01 -6360 UNEERGRUND REPAIR 20 -01 -6052 LIPID REPAIR Description INCENITVE & RDIC NITICN PR2R. Check Total: JIAvENr RENMLCheck ES 'Total : NATURAL CPS NATURAL C1AS Check 'Ibt-a1 : SO UP TRKE WELL RFI7RII S , Check 'Ibt R1 : WUDVdO D SEWAGE Check Ittal: =SOLID DISPOSAL COSTS Check Total: TRA /EQJCT'ICN Check Total: PFCPArE Check Total: Check 'IOt-a1 PIPE, COVERS, & MALES Check Tot-a1 A rc u1t Check # Type 107.31 214.62 00058394 Ma 67.43 67.43 134.86 00058395 Ma 4,340.57 258.01 4,598.58 00058396 Ma 855.00 855.00 00058397 MW 3,660.00 3,660.00 00058398 M'J 892.83 892.83 00058399 Mid 82.88 82.88 00058400 MAI 3,643.16 3,643.16 00058401 Ma 17.95 17.95 00058402 MW 344.89 344.89 00058403 Ma S o u t h Tahoe P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 11/05 2004 - 11/18/2004 CI� 3 WED, NOV 10, 2004, 3:03 PM - -req: THERESA.---leg: CD 3L- -loc: CNSSI'1E-- - -fob: 321129 #8000- - - -pi: 09 <1.07 >- -resort id: FC Due to selection criteria, Check Tbt'a1 s tray be incorrect SEEN Subsystem ID Codes: EKIP Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: Ma,HW,RV,VH Verrbr Nacre Acrount # Departaent BIRD MACEINE CO 10 -04 -6024 HEAVY NA NIEL E BUJE RIEKNIEMP PERSONNEL 20 -05 -4405 E UTAENT REPAIR 10 -05 -4405 EQUIPMENT REPAIR EROWN, LINDA. 10 -39 -6200 FINANCE 20 -39 -6200 FINANCE CALIF ARB /PERP 10 -06 -6650 OPERATIQE CALIF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 10 -39 -6520 FINANCE 20 -39 -6520 FINANCE CALIFCRNTA OVERNICEII' CAR -LLO EN3IlNEERS 10 -00 -4810 20 -00 -4810 20 -07 -4810 10 -07 -4810 10 -29 -7040 90 -98 -8828 10 -00 -0421 10 -39 -6077 GENERAL & AIIMINISI?ATICN COAL & ADMINISTRATTCN LABORAICRC EN I EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT NT GENERAL & AEMINISIRATICN FINANCE 90 -98 -8828 EXECRT PIPELINE (RANT 10 -29 -7040 EN EERIL Description FURNACE I Check Total: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I ck Total. TRA ID • e. /EDUMICN TRA ID . @. /EQJCATICN Check Total: OPERA= PERMTIS Check Total : SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Check Total: MALE EXPENSES POSTAGE POSENGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES SMILE HYPO=RTIE BSI BLIlNE PBS III LAPS -CANON Check Total: SHOP SUPPLY INVENIORY INVFNIORY FREIC II�DI TIS ccll']�EY..''KK Total: BLINE PHS III LPFS-CAMP3POW SZDILMHYPOCH=ECCNVERSI Amount Chec]c # Type 3,463.15 3,463.15 00058404 MW 497.00 497.00 994.00 00058405 MAI 27.00 27.00 54.00 00058406 Mfi 90.00 90.00 00058393 NW 7.00 7.00 14.00 00058407 M' 11.61 11.60 51.59 8.86 8.86 13.03 105.55 00058408 NW 526.15 7.95 534.10 00058409 MCI 5,096.75 3,792.25 South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 11/05 2004 - 11/18/2004 WED, IS:T 10, 2004, 3:03 FM - -re: THERESA—leg: �. JL--loc: CIV51'iE - -- -fob: 321129 #5000--- -prog: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: Due to selection criteria, Check. Tbta1 s Tray be incorrect I' Subsystem ID Cbdes : EOP Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: r4', 114, RV, VH vendor Nacre Account # DepartmEnt Description CENTER FOR CaLABCRATIVE CTIRIX SYSTEMS Mt 10 -21 -4405 ALMINISIRATICN 20 -21 -4405 ALMINTISIRATrICN 10 -01 -6052 REPAIR 10 -38 -4820 CUSICNIEEt SERVICE 20 -38 -4820 CZEIC.MER SERVICE 10 -37 -4820 IN RMATICN SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4820 IITICN SYSTEMS COST 0:NMILVENT CIS INC 30 -00 -6741 SELF FU'I . D INSURANCE CURI'IS & sags, L.N. DAVI DELL MARKEI0J3 L P DIAM:ND DITCH MIIU L W., ER DaxmAS DISPOSAL 10 -06 -6042 OPERATIONS 20 -07 -6110 LABORATORY 20 -29 -8463 EnGIlNEERI 20 -37 -8568 IIIICN SYSTEMS 10 -28 -5010 ALPINE C U IIY 10 -00 -6370 COAL & AL NIINNISIRATICN Check Tot-a1 CILJ,L SERVICES CAL SLICES Check Tbtal: PIPE COVERS & MANHOLES SUPPLiES OOFFICE SUPPLIES OrFe10E SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Tbtal: ALMINISIRATIC r Fhh Check Tbtal: GRINDS & IvV I NIENA CE Check Tbtal: SONL YELL TUTS Check Tbtal: REPL LAPTOP, PIMPS Check 'Ibt -a1 LAND AND BJLLDIMS Check 'Ibtal : REFUSE DISPOSAL Check Ibtal: Si MI6 Mount Check # Type 8,889.00 00058410 MCI 1,456.00 1,456.00 2,912.00 00058411 Ma 72.45 148.30 148.30 148.30 148.26 665.61 00058412 MW 54.53 54.53 00058413 NW 1,276.53 1,276.53 00058414 Ma 319.00 161.00 480.00 00058415 NW 2,395.11 2,395.11 00058416 MAI 3,085.00 3,085.00 00058417 M' 99.43 99.43 00058418 MA South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 11/05 2004 - 11/18/2004 WED, 19:5v J± V 10, 2004, 3:03 R4 - -req: THERESA -- -leg: GL 3L- -loo: CNSi-- - -job: 321129 #5000--- -pzng: 09 <1.07 >- -resort id: Due to selection criteria, Check Tbtals may be incorrect SELECT Subsystem ID Codes: EXIP Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: M' ' ,RV,VH vendor Nang Ac cunt # Depot FEEEK 10 -27 -4810 20 -27 -4810 20 -02 -4810 10 -29 -7040 90 -98 -8828 20 -38 -4810 DISTRICT IITTCN DISTRICT IITTCN PUSS Et113 EXPORr PIPELINE SICIMER =ICE MAN ERVICEC T CZ GB GENERAL ENG CCTIRACIOR INC 10 -01 -6052 UNDERMINE) REPAIR 20 -01 -6052 LI M) REPAIR 10 -29 -8352 ENGINEERING 20 -38 -8560 C EICMER SERVICE GFOA GED RAMS INC GRAINGER INC, W. W. GRANT THCMCNT TTP MOVE MEOW INDUSTRIES INC 10 -39 -4440 FINANCE 20 -39 -4440 FINANE 10 -37 -8565 ITTTCN SYSTEMS 10 -04 -6071 H171VY N IEMNCE 10 -39 -4470 F NANCE 20 -39 -4470 FINANCE 10 -03 -6048 ELECTRICAL AL SHOP HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSIIIvS 10 -38 -4820 CUSTOMER SERVICE Description POSTAGE EXPENEES POSTAGE EKEENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES SMILNIHYPOCELERTIECCNVERSI MINE PHS I -CIIQ POSTAGE EXPENEES Check Total: PIPE, ONERS, &MANEELES PIPE COVERS ECNANEELES WIL SEAM INIER2EPBX. TITER METERS, LARGE Check Total: PENTSCRY ADVISORY Check 'Total : GIS IMPLEMENMICN Check Total: SH P SUPPLIES AUDTITI3 ALDTTII3 Check Total: Check Total: LU]EER PASS PIMP SL4TICN Check Total : OrriCE SUPPLIES Amtct.nt Check # Type 20.01 20.01 11.88 57.02 46.60 105.43 260.95 00058419 MAT 2,439.50 12,231.50 171.00 1,575.00 16,417.00 00058420 NW 207.50 207.50 415.00 00058421 M' 1,724.26 1,724.26 00058422 MAI 677.86 677.86 00058423 MAI 7,054.00 7,054.00 14,108.00 00058424 MI 1,263.41 1,263.41 00058425 MW 99.48 South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 11/05/2004-11/18/2004 WED, KV 10, 2004, 3:03 Fig! - -rag: THERESA---leg: GL 3L - -loc: CNSl'1n - -- -dab: 321129 #5000--- -prng: CK509 <1.07 > - -Tort id: Due to sP1 eeticn criteria, Check Ibtals nay be incorrect SELECT Subsystem ID Cbdes : EXIP Default Selecticn: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check. Types: MST, HW, RV, VH vendor Nacre Acecunt # Department HILLMAN III, GEORSE 20 -38 -4820 C USICMER SERVICE 10 -00 -3401 COAL & ALNIINISIRATICN I M P A C CQJIII' SERVICES 20 -02 -4820 20 -02 -6050 10 -28 -6042 10 -28 -6200 10 -04 -4610 10 -04 -6041 10 -06 -6200 20 -01 -6083 10 -39 -6200 20 -39 -6200 10 -02 -6200 20 -02 -6200 10 -06 -4820 10 -27 -6200 20 -27 -6200 10 -27 -6620 20 -27 -6620 10 -19 -6200 20 -19 -6200 10 -39 -4820 20 -39 -4820 10 -37 -6200 20 -37 -6200 10 -29 -4610 20 -29 -4610 10 -29 -4820 FLPIPS P[l4PS _ ALPINE ALPINE Ci3[NTY HEAVY MAINTIalANCE HEADY MAINIENANCE OPERATIONS UNCEFGRCUND REPAIR FINANCE FINANCE PLMPS FCNIPS OPERATICS DISIRICT INFCRWITICN DISTRICT INFORNATICN DISIRICT INFCEMITCN DISIRICT IIIICN BARD OF DIRE= BRD OF DIRECIC S FINANCE FINANCE IN 1 N SYSIHVE EL IlNEERIT 3 = E :RIM EMINIEERIM t1cipticn OrlICE SUPPLIES O3 TICN FEES Check 'Ibtal : Check Ibtal: OrMICE SUPPLIES WELLS C1�ICE & IlNCE Tar 'IRZWE N�, C�90L B[JILD IRA l.. ID 1 e. EDU ATICN F ir: CNS IRAQ ID 1e.ECUCATICN IRA 1 e. CN IRA �+ I� 1 e. EQJC4IICN OFFI SUPPLIES /IDUCATICN IRA ID 1 e. /EDUMICN IPA El ID 1 e,. EarATICN FUELI RELATIQZ =NEE FUELIC RELATIC1 S E CN TRAVEL ICN OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES IRA ID 1 eti /ECUCTSTICN IRA I:+ 1 e. /ICN e" `17 1 GASOLINE CenCE SUPPLIES a Amxnmt Check # Type 99.47 198.95 00058426 MW 2,558.00 2,558.00 00058427 M' 657.37 360.15 361.93 41.12 49.69 54.61 1,239.46 272.22 341.11 341.11 17.20 55.69 86.24 83.21 83.20 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 32.12 32.12 547.07 547.06 20.17 20.16 22.88 Seth Tahoe P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS R E P O R T 11/05/2004-11/18/2004 7 In D, 10, 2004, 3:03 FM - -req: THERESA---leg: (L JL - -loc: CI�1E1'1E-- - -jab: 321129 #5000-- - -pn�: 09 <1.07 >- -resort id: E PC Due to selecticn criteria, Check 'Ibta1 s nay be incorrect SELECT Subsystem ID Climes: EXIP Default t Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NLV, ITT, RV, VH Vendor Narre Account # Department 20 -29 -4820 10 -29 -6200 20 -29 -6200 90 -98 -8828 10 -39 -4830 20 -39 -4830 10 -38 -6073 20 -38 -6073 10 -38 -6200 20 -38 -6200 20 -38 -4610 10 -07 -6200 20 -07 -6200 10 -07 -4760 20 -07 -4760 20 -01 -6200 20 -01 -4610 20 -01 -6052 10 -21 -6250 20 -21 -6250 10 -21 -6200 10 -39 -6520 20 -39 -6520 20 -21 -6200 10 -37 -4840 20 -37 -4840 10 -37 -8448 10 -29 -6520 20 -29 -6520 10 -29 -6027 20 -29 -6027 10 -02 -6083 ELUNEERIM ENUNEERILC ENMNEERIM PIPELINE GRANT FINANCE FINAME CUSICMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE COSIGNER SERVICE C SICKER SERVICE OUSICMER SERVICE LAB:RAMEY LABORATORY LABORATCKC LNEERSRaND REPAIR UEERGUED REPAIR UNDER IUD REPAIR AIIvDNISIRATICN Al MENISI RATION ALVDNISTRATICN FINANCE FINANtE AENDNISIRATIGN INECRNATICN SYSIEMS MIEGF3vATICN SYSIIIAS ENGI SYSIII� EN 1N3 EM-ME R N ENal=1M PIMPS Dascripticn Or1'10E SUPPLIES TRA DI ID 1 e./ CN TRA ID 1 e. E IE TICN BL1NE • 6. III -N SU SCRIY1'la1S EXPENSE SUa9CRIPELCIIS EKPENSE v IZ 'IOJLS SML •S7 IRA ID 1 e., /IDUCATICN TRAVEL ID 1 eti /EL>UMT'ICN e'•. •I TRA ID 1 eti /�e •• CN RA : ID EDOZATICN AWA 'IRA DI ID SIUCP7NXATKN e'• • 11 PIPE, 10 COVERS & LUES i� '= D-'! I PS CERIIFI= DUES is :1D-1 1 'IC�,TI TRA Dr I I C./ CN • • TRAVELICN DISTRICT SUPPLIES SUPPLIES DISIRICT S IFAS te ) S SUPPLIES OFFICE E JIFMENT REPAIR OFFICE EQJIFMENT REPAIR STANLEY ACCOM=IGNS Am mint Check # Type 22.88 157.13 133.69 821.23 10.00 10.00 13.38 13.38 42.24 609.23 35.63 1,234.61 1,234.61 101.41 101.40 856.80 25.00 12.64 50.00 50.00 575.53 1.75 1.74 517.18 100.28 100.27 181.98 24.51 24.50 165.70 165.69 66.59 South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 11/05/2004-1118/2004 WED, NOV 10, 2004, 3:03 AEI - -red: THERESA -- -leg: GL 3L- -loo: CNS11E-- - -job: 321129 #5000--- -prcg: 411.09 <1.07 >-- report id: Due to selection criteria, Check Ibtal s may be incorrect SELECT Subsystem ID Codes- EXIP T�faul t Selecticn: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW, I-FAv, RV, VH Ve cior Narre =XX DISIRMUIIC J CE RP. IN -SITU INC INTEGRATED FARVE LLC AND JII EEN PRE -CAST DE KAISER PEEWNENIE KaMnsN IM1JSIRIAL TB:1-1\DLCJGIFS KIMBALL =WEST K CP3D C CMPANY OF SIOCKICN Acoa.mt # 20 -02 -6083 10 -29 -8352 10 -29 -8540 20 -29 -8548 10 -22 -6670 20 -22 -6670 DapartmEnt PIMPS ENal:NEERIM TNEER= R Y A N EMINEERIM R ESCURCES BLM:VT RESaRCES DIRECICR 20 -07 -4760 LABCRP' 10 -07 -4760 LPG 20 -02 -6050 10 -00 -2504 20 -38 -8560 30 -00 -6745 20 -02 -6051 10 -05 -6013 20 -01 -6052 PCMPS GENERAL , & ALMINISTRATICN CZEICME R2 SERVICE SFfF FUNCED INSURANCE PCMPS EQUIPMENT REPAIR L1 [ND REPAIR Description W=CCID SEWL3E IN1' t REPL SWRLINE 89 & 5TH S EL 50 TD RENO cKrNEL Check Total: � SUPPLIES Check 'Ibtal WELLS Check Total: SUSPENSE Check Total: VR METERS, LARGE Check Total: CLAIMS SP's F INS MEDICAL PLAN Check Total: FCMP SIATICNS GENERA:CRS Check Total: Check Total : PIPE, CRIERS, & MNECIES Check Total: Am unt Check # TYPe 66.58 60.96 10.94 10.94 17.03 17.03 12,974.35 00058430 MAI 131.02 128.70 259.72 00058431 MAI 156.66 156.66 00058432 MAI 750.44 750.44 00058433 Ma 4,708.29 4,708.29 00058434 MAI 370.00 370.00 00058435 Ma 95.85 95.85 00058436 MW 438.76 438.76 00058437 NW 393.03 393.03 00058438 Ma S o u t h P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 11/05/2004-11/18/2004 TED, NJV 10, 2004, 3:03 FM - -req: ' E:SA-- -leg: C , JL - -loc: CNS1'1E - -- -job: 321129 #5000-- - -prcg: 411.09 <1.07 >- -resort id: Due to selection criteria, Check Totals nay be incorrect SE= Subsystem ID Codes: EKIP Dyfa fl t Selection.: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW, HW, RV, VH Vendor Nacre Account # Decarttrent LAKE TAME AUIO =LYE LAKE TAHDE EYE CARE LAKESIDE NAPA T FF, JEFF' 10 -05 -6011 DJUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -01 -6075 UINJ REPAIR 20 -01 -6075 I. ND REPAIR 10 -00 -0421 10 -01 -6012 10 -01 -6073 20 -01 -6073 10 -06 -6012 10 -02 -6051 20 -02 -6051 10 -02 -6073 20 -02 -6073 10 -03 -6073 10 -04 -6012 10 -04 -6023 10 -28 -6073 10 -05 -6013 20 -05 -6013 20 -05 -6073 10 -05 -6071 20 -05 -6071 10 -05 -6011 20 -05 -6011 GENERAL & AIIMINISIPATICN tkICERGRCUND REPAIR CHINO REPAIR LIED REPAIR FINDS CI S REPS REPS P[NJPS ELECTRICAL S[JDP HIMW HEAVYMINIII NE ALPINE CaNIY JQUIMM1ENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT • JIPMENNT REPAIR EQUIPMENT • TIP MIENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT • JI MENT REPAIR 10 -06 -6200 OPERATIONS Desch ipticn AUICNDTIVE � A /PHYSICALS ad<c Total: S� EJIN1 /PHYSICALS Check Total: SI DP SUPPLY INVENTORY KETT P. EQUIPMENT a/ALL T=LS Sy AT L MMILEDWIPMENT REP STA cNS REP STATIONS SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS SyALL TOOLS FILTER CENERAICRS GENERATORS SVALL =ES SIDP SUPPLIES SFIJP SUPPLIES AUICMDTIVE AUICMDITVE Cherk Total: TRA IDUCATTCN Check Total: Ol 9 Ancunt Check # Type 115.02 115.02 00058439 MJ 89.50 89.50 179.00 00058440 W1 269.88 160.01 43.83 205.58 2.53 15.20 8.77 5.62 5.62 30.53 3.21 34.20 197.34 217.12 36.08 101.82 6.63 6.63 636.54 661.20 2,648.34 00058441 WI 152.50 152.50 00058442 M' South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 11/05 2004 - 11/18/2004 CPRD`S10 V�D, Nal 10, 2004, 3:03 FM - -req: THERESA—leg: GE JL - -loc: CNSI'1E - -- -dab: 321129 #5000--- -prcg: 09 <1.07 >- -report id: Due to selection criteria, Check 'Totals may be incorrect SELECT Subsystem ID Codes: EXIP Eefault Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Narre Amount it # Eeplertnent Eesc ripticn Amount Check # Type r rr I TS TIRE SERVICE INC. 10 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUICMDITVE 479.36 Check Total: 479.36 00058443 NW =DEER, EENNIS L 10 -06 -6200 OPERATIONS TRAVEL /MFErn /ErJJc TICN 143.75 Check 'Itt Al : 143.75 00058444 NW MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY co 90 -98 -8828 EXPCRT PIPELINE GRANT BLAINE PHS III LPPS -CAN 1,817.70 Check Total: 1,817.70 00058445 MAI MARESON LAB SALES 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY LABORATORY SUPPLIES 135.91 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY LABCRATORY SUPPLIES 151.71 Check 'Total: 287.62 00058446 M' MARTIN, DCIALD L & NARJORIE 20 -39 -6709 FINANCE LAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS 5,736.09 20 -39 -6710 FINANCE INTEREST EXPENSE 2,181.75 Check Total: 7,917.84 00058447 Mnl MARTIN, JAMES H. 20 -39 -6709 FINANCE LOAN PR]MIPAAL PAYMENTS 2,868.05 20 -39 -6710 FINANCE INTEREST ESE 1,090.87 Check Total: 3,958.92 00058448 WI MARTIN, LARRY V. 20 -39 -6709 FINANCE LET PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS 2,868.04 20 -39 -6710 FINANCE INTEREST EXPENSE 1,090.88 Check Total: 3,958.92 00058449 MW NAKITN- KCEELLAS, LCJISE 20 -39 -6709 FINANCE MAN PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS 2,663.07 20 -39 -6710 FINANCE INTEREST EXPENSE 1,012.92 Check Total: 3,675.99 00058450 M'J NC FARLANE, RFfl1LY 10 -39 -6200 FINANCE TRAVEL z 1 t. /EQCATICN 107.45 20 -39 -6200 FINANCE TRA * 1 c./ ION 107.45 Check Total: 214.90 00058451 NW South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS R E P O R T 11/05/2004-11/18/2004 11 WED, NET 10, 2004, 3:03 PM - -req: THERESA -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: CI�1'J± - -- -job: 321129 #5000-- - -pmg: 09 <1.07 >- -report id: C R Due to selecticn criteria, Check Ibtals tray be incorrect SELECT Subsystem ID Wes : EKIP Default Selecticn: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW, HW, RV, VH Vertbr Narre Aocamt # Depart tent NE NASIER CARR SUPPLY CO M✓'NNT YRE ENTERPRISES INC. NEEES BUILD= CENTER MDSBACHER, WRY Lou M ICN =BURIES INC 10 -02 -6051 PIMPS 10 -00 -3401 GENERAL & ALNIINISIRATICN 10 -01 -6073 20 -01 -6071 10 -02 -6048 10 -02 -6073 20 -02 -6073 10 -02 -6051 10 -02 -6041 20 -02 -6041 10 -04 -6041 10 -04 -6042 10 -04 -6653 10 -04 -6071 10 -28 -6042 20 -38 -6045 10 -19 -6200 20 -19 -6200 10 -19 -6310 20 -19 -6310 10 -04 -6023 10 -04 -6653 L1 ID REPAIR U ND REPAIR PIMPS PIMPS PIMPS PIMPS PUMPS PIMPS HEAVY MAINIIIICE HEAVY NAINIEKE HEAVY MINIENANCE HEAVY MAINIIIEE ALPINE G NIY CUSICME R SERVICE BQA D OF DDS MART) OF DIREDICIRS BARD OF DDS BARD OF DDS HEAVY MAINIENANCE HEAVY NAINIENANCE Descripticn PIMP SIATICNS Ca\NECITCN FEES Cck Ibt al : Check Tbtal: SMALL TCCLS SHOP SUPPLIES LTJIHER PASS ��T T , T� PIMP SIP,TTCN SNAL,L TCOLS PIMP STATTCNS BJILDIN BUI DINS BUILDINGS GROUNDS & BICSCLZCS Ei [JI alAN INS SHOP SUPPLIES GRCI CS & NA INIENANCE LATER METERS Check Tbtal: TRAVEL /EQ7CATTCN TRAVEL /IDUCATTCN ID 1!. ID I C. l•:•I TETER-ENE Check Tbtal: FTLTER E LIP /ELDG BICSCLIDS Er JIFMENr' /BJIIDII3 Check Tbtal: Amount Check # Type 11.83 11.83 00058452 NW 507.00 507.00 00058453 NW 8.45 9.36 128.01 15.40 15.40 61.60 66.90 1,335.87 174.70 53.46 19.31 52.74 240.15 21.42 2,202.77 00058454 NW 27.38 27.37 60.83 60.83 176.41 00058455 NW 93.52 232.02 325.54 00058456 NW South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS R E P O R T 11/05/2004-11/18/2004 12 12 V D, NOV 10, 2004, 3:03 FM - -req: T FPESA -- -leg: CI JL - -loc: C\EI1E - -- -jab: 321129 #5000 - - - -p : 09 <1.07 >-- report id: PC Due to selection criteria, Check Tbtal s may be incorrect SELECT Subsystem ID C tdes : EXIP Eefault Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MAI, HW, RV, VH Vendor Nacre Acccunt # Department NELS TAHOE HARE RE NOLAN, LAN Nei AMERICAN FINDING 20 -39 -6709 FINANCE 20 -39 -6710 FINANCE NAT TOOL & EJ JIAMENT 10 -01 -6052 20 -01 -6052 20 -02 -6050 10 -03 -6022 10 -03 -6041 10 -06 -6012 10 -38 -6073 20 -38 -6073 UNtERMaND REPAIR IUD REPAIR PIMPS E ECI ICAL SEDP E ECIPICAL SEDP OPERATTCNS CUSTCNER SERVICE CUSICMER SERVICE 10 -39 -6200 FINANCE 20 -39 -6200 FINANCE NORTI-EAEST SC ENITFIC INC Or1'10E DEEOT PIC EER AMERICAS T T r PRO LEISURE 10 -05 -6013 EjJIFY NT REPAIR 10 -07 -4760 LAS 20 -07 -4760 LAB1 AI RY 10 -00 -0428 COAL & ALM NISIRATICN 20 -02 -4755 PIMPS 10 -22 -6079 HLT4\N R Description PIPE, COVERS, & NANEOLES PIPE COVERS, &MnsNRIES SE RY II JIH�TT SMALL TOOLS SWILL TOOLS Check Tbtal IRA /'RA EDUCATION Check Tttal: LOAN PRITICTPAL PANTS INTIEREST EXPENSE Check Total: ID • C. Bi ID 1!. CA ,S Check Tbta1: LABATORY SUPPLIES LABORATOY SUPPLIES Check Tttal: OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENICRY Check Total: TLRITE SAFETY PROGRAM Check Total: Amt Check # Type 2.84 10.71 2.54 13.47 30.19 128.68 3.10 3.10 194.63 215.91 215.90 431.81 842.92 14.51 857.43 408.90 408.90 140.00 145.72 285.72 174.98 174.98 1,084.80 1,084.80 433.28 00058457 Ma 00058458 M' 00058459 M' 00058460 MAI 00058461 NW 00058462 M' 00058463 MST South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 11/05/2004-11/18/2004 CMsR WED, NOV 10, 2004, 3:03 HMI - -req: THERESA.---leg: GL JL - -loc: CNS1'1E - -- -dab: 321129 445000-- - -pmg: 05.09 <1.07 >- -report id: Due to selection criteria, Check Totals nay be incorrect SEAT Subsystem ID Codes • EXIP Default Selecticn: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW, HW, RV, VH Vendor Nacre Account # Departrn✓nt FURZE, LISA JEN OLD' S R SUPPLY RENO CR E -JC URNAL SBC SBC /MCI 20 -22 -6079 HAW RESOURCES DIRE2IC)R 20 -00 -3545 GENERAL & ALMtNISIRATICN 10 -00 -2002 GENERAL & ALMINISIRATICN 20 -00 -2002 GENERAL & ALMINISTRATICN 10 -39 -6710 FMANZE 20 -39 -6710 FINANCE 10 -01 -6075 INDERGRaND REPAIR 20 -01 -6075 L1 ND REPAIR 10 -04 -6075 HEAVY NAINIENANCE 90 -98 -8828 Fes' PIPELINE GRANT 20 -01 -6052 UNCERSRMND REPAIR 10 -21 -4830 ALMINISTRATICN 20 -21 -4830 AllvDNISTRATICN 10 -37 -6310 INFORMATICN SYSIH E 20 -37 -6310 INECRMTICN SYSTEMS 20 -00 -6310 10 -00 -6310 10 -02 -6310 20 -02 -6310 10 -22 -6310 GENERAL & AUvUNISIRATICN GENERAL & AMI ISIRATICN PCMPS FLMPS HUM RESOURCES Description SAFETY PROGRAMS Check Ibta1: WATER MEIER SALES UTILITY BILLIM SUSPENEE UTILITY BILLITZ SUSPENSE INTEREST EXPENSE INIEREST EXPENSE Check Total : SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS SAFEIY SAFEIY .TIAv7ENglai /PHYSIC7�LS D�JI Check Tbta1 BLINE PHS III PIPE, CAS, SUESCRIPI'1CNS SUESCRIPTICNS TaERENE TEf FPH:NE TEIEFIENE TEL =TINE TELE YANEUES Check Total: ETEME EXPENSE Check Tbta1: Check Tbtal: Amount Check # Type 433.27 866.55 00058464 M'' 132.00 9,391.36 2,083.00 735.12 173.64 12,515.12 00058465 Mil 68.37 68.37 135.67 272.41 00058466 MTV 1,030.77 326.68 1,357.45 00058467 M' -52.77 -52.76 - 105.53 00058348 RV 8.18 8.18 16.36 00058469 MN 14.37 111.51 149.71 122.76 7.54 South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS R E P O R T 11/&52004-11/18/2004 �Pa�e 14 WED, NOV 10, 2004, 3:03 FM --rap II�ESA -- -leg: GL 3L- -loo: CNS1'1E - -- -jab: 321129 445000-- - -prog: 09 <1.07 >- -resort id: �51C Due to selection criteria, Check Totals Tray be incorrect SELECT Subsystem ID Codes: EXIP Default t Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW, HW, RV, VH Verrbr Narre Account # De artrrer xt SAFETY KCEEN CORP. SCS ITYS HARDWARE SHEET METAL SEDP, THE SIERRA PACIFIC £G ER 20 -22 -6310 HLIVVN RESOURCES DIREI✓TOR 10 -39 -6310 FINANCE 20 -39 -6310 FINANCE 10 -02 -4630 PUMPS 20 -02 -4630 RIPS 10 -01 -6073 20 -02 -6041 20 -02 -6050 10 -02 -6048 10 -02 -6051 10 -02 -6073 20 -02 -6073 10 -03 -6071 10 -03 -6073 20 -03 -6050 10 -04 -6042 10 -05 -6012 20 -05 -6012 10 -38 -4820 20 -38 -4820 UNDERGRCUND REPAIR PIMPS RIPS FLMPS RPM REPS PLNPS Ef D=C7LL SE- DP ELECTRICAL RIC L SHOP ELECTRICAL 5'FIDP HEAVY MUNIENANCE EQUIPMENT REPAIR C� REPAIR SERVICE CI.E;ICNER SERVICE 10 -02 -6051 REPS 20 -00 -6330 GENERAL & AIM NISIPPTICN 10 -00 -6740 GENERAL & AtMINISIRATI N Description 'IELEP :NE 1 E TEC EPFEr1E Check Total: OIL & LUBRICANTS 011 & LUBRICANTS Check Total: SWILL 'TOOLS BUILDINGS WELLS LE S PIMP STATTCN NS SMALL TOOLS ALL TCCLS SHDP SUPPLIES S'NALL IDOLS WELLS aROCI∎ S & W M EN= M EUE EIJIFMENT Min F FMENT OrdICE PPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: RIP SMTICNS Check Total: ELECTRICITY SIREET LSC TIM EKPENSE Check Total: Amount Check # Type 7.54 8.34 8.34 430.11 00058468 WI 84.15 84.15 168.30 00058470 MCI 17.29 12.95 34.20 3.56 66.76 7.64 7.63 7.53 32.57 6.18 21.37 1.24 1.23 1.60 1.60 223.35 00058471 M1 29.45 29.45 00058472 MST 12,691.46 1,279.59 13,971.05 00058473 NW South T a h o e P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 11/05/2004-1118/2004 aaqqee 15 4ED, N XT 10, 2004, 3:03 HK - -req: THERESA---leg: GL JL- -loc: CNS1'1W - -- -jab: 321129 #5000--- -prng: 09 <1.0 >--report id: CRRD SLR Due to selection. criteria, Check TbtT1 s may be incorrect SELECT Subsystem ID Codes: EXIP Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW, HW, RV, VH Vendor Nacre Aoax nt # Departrrent SIERRA SPRII3 WATER CU SC1JIH LAKE MEE CHAMBER OF SOUTH TAHOE NEWSPAPER AGENCY SC7UII3 'MICE PLLIABINC SUPPLY SCUM MEE REFUSE 10 -01 -6520 20 -01 -6520 10 -02 -6520 20 -02 -6520 10 -03 -6520 20 -03 -6520 10 -04 -6520 10 -06 -6520 10 -05 -6520 20 -05 -6520 10 -28 -6520 10 -38 -6520 20 -38 -6520 10 -39 -6520 20 -39 -6520 10 -21 -6250 20 -21 -6250 10 -21 -4830 20 -21 -4830 Ll11NID REPAIR LECERGROUND REPAIR PUAPS PUMPS ELECTRICAL SHDP ELECTRICAL 'TRIC AL SHOP HEAVY. MAINIIIAN E OPERATI NS EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR ALPINE CJ[NIY QEIQ 1ER SERVICE QISIU 1ER SERVICE FINANCE FINANCE PENENISTRATION AIINENISIPATICN PENENISTRATION AIINENISIPATICN 10 -02 -6051 P APS 20 -01 -6073 i1IVD REPAIR 10 -04 -6041 HEAVY I INIE E 20 -02 -6042 IMPS 10 -00 -6370 GENERAL & ALMI NISIPATICN Desocipticn SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES .IRS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 19 DUES .7.i0,•-•1 1 9 :10°'1 1 SUBSCRIPI'1QE SUBSCRIYIICN5 SMALL TOOLS BUILDINGS Check Total: PS /CRIFICATI PS /C T=AM Check Total: EXPENSE EXPENEE Check Total: Check Total: crams & NAINIENANCE REFI EE DISF" AL Anrx mt Check # TIpe 69.42 69.42 4.63 9.26 23.14 23.14 69.42 69.42 23.14 23.14 23.14 23.14 23.14 4.63 4.62 462.80 300.00 300.00 600.00 52.77 52.76 105.53 00058474 M4 00058475 NW 00058476 M' 143.41 38.30 146.34 328.05 00058477 M'l 43.90 2,254.02 South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS R E P O R T 11/05/2004-11/18/2004 �16 WED, NOV 10, 2004, 3:03 AEI - -req: THERESA---leg: CE 3L- -loo: CI�1S1'11 - -- -dab: 321129 #8000--- -prng: 09 <1.07 >- -resort id: FC Due to selecticn criteria, Check Tbtals may be incorrect SELECT Subsystem ID Codes: EKIP Default Selecticn: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: M ,1-14, RV, VH Vendor Narre Account # Department 20 -00 -6370 COAL & AUVUNISIRATICN 9JTIH TAIT E TCWII\ 3 10 -28 -6042 ALPINE CEUNTIY STAIELINE Orn'LCE SUPPLY 10 -01 -4820 20 -01 -4820 10 -21 -4820 20 -21 -4820 10 -37 -4820 20 -37 -4820 10 -38 -4820 20 -38 -4820 10 -39 -4820 20 -39 -4820 UNDERMaND REPAIR INCERGRaND REPAIR AEMINISIRATICN AIIMENISTRATTCN INEURNATTCN SYSIINIS INECENATICN SYSIEMS CUSICMER SER�VICCE FE FRN1NZE S[E STAI'ICN DELI 10 -28 -6200 ALPINE C NIY SUSSITIUIE PERS M L & 10 -01 -4405 10 -29 -4405 10 -29 -7040 10 -38 -4405 20 -29 -4405 20 -29 -8355 20 -38 -4405 90 -98 -8828 20 -01 -4405 20 -07 -4405 10 -07 -4405 LNDERGROLND REPAIR EMINEERIM alINEERING CLISIC 1ER SERVICE ENS CUSICIvER SERVICE EX R= PIPELINE GRANT � REPAIR LAECRATCRY Description REEVE DISL Check Total: C ,IBS & muyi-ENANcE Check Total: 01.1.10E SUPPLIES OteteiCE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Orr10E SUPPLIES OrFICE SUPPLIES an CE SUPPLIES OhF'LCE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFTCE SUPPLIES OFFTCE SUPPLIES Check Total: TRA /E+aTTCN Check Total: CCNIRAC'I[AL SERVICES CCNIRALTIAL SERVICES SCDRM HYPOCHLCRTIE CCNVERSI CCNIPACR L SERVICES CCNIRACIL L SERVICES SERVIO ELINE 11E III LPPS -CAN CENTRACILIAL SERVICES CCNIRACTLLL SERVICES CCNIMCILAL SERVICES Arrrxmt Cock # Type 230.31 2,528.23 00058478 MCI 450.00 450.00 00058479 NW 42.37 42.36 19.79 19.79 12.53 12.52 62.63 62.62 29.37 29.36 333.34 00058480 MAI 37.17 37.17 00058481 Ma 1,860.00 77.35 59.15 391.30 72.80 72.80 391.30 377.65 778.00 310.65 310.65 S o u t h Tahoe P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 11/05/2004-11418/2004 WED, NJV 10, 2004, 3:03 HK - -req: "T'r"ES - -1e3: GL 3L- -loc: CNS1•1E-- - -job: 321129 #5000-- - -preg: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: � nr�rcr.w- Due to selecticn criteria, Check Totals may be inoerrect SELECT Subsystem ID Codes: OUP Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: M ,HW,RV,VH Vencbr Nana Account # Department 10 -29 -8238 E3TNEE 1N3 10 -02 -6051 PUMPS 20 -02 -6054 PUMPS SIN7IRD BI-T13:1-1 INC. 10 -37 -8448 INECRNATICN SYSTEMS SUIER ASSOCIATES, LYNN M. TRPA TRPA 10 -27 -4405 DISTRICT IITICN 20 -27 -4405 DISTRICT INECRMATICN 90 -98 -8828 Ems' PIPELINE GRANT 20 -02 -7479 PIMPS 20 -02 -7479 PIMPS TAHOE BASIN CCNMINER SERVICE 10 -06 -6652 OPERATIONS 10 -00 -6370 GENERAL & AIIMINISIPATICN TAHOE EIBEERINT 20 -02 -4820 RMPS 10 -28 -6042 ALPINE CaNIY TNilOE VALLEY E.f EC IRTC SUPPLY 10 -03 -6051 E MIRI(AL SEDP 10 -03 -6048 ELECTRICAL RICAL SFJP Description PPL PP SIN MIN FU CNS RE�PSF NNIC WATER 'TANKS Check Total: SF I R, IFAS (REPL) Qieck Total: CCNIRACTU L SERVICES CENJRACTUAL SERVICES Check Total: HrJ.NE Iii III LPFS-CAMPGROUNT CRIZZLY MIN PRESSCPE RFEUCIT Check Total: CRIZZLY MIN PRESSURE RE ETI Check Total: Vendor Total: BI09CLID Dismal, COSTS REEtSE DISPOSAL Check Total: On.iCE SUPPLIES CUTS & NPUNTE Check Tbtal: PIMP STATIONS LLTIHER PASS REP STATION Check Total: aVosi"c7 Amount Check # 'I\Ipe 4.55 286.00 214.50 5,206.70 4,800.00 4,800.00 1,225.00 1,225.00 2,450.00 6,641.87 0.00 6,641.87 310.00 310.00 6,951.87 9,230.00 260.00 9,490.00 38.61 38.61 77.22 129.66 343.96 473.62 00058482 00058483 00058484 00058485 00058486 00058487 00058488 00058490 NW MAI PAW MA] MAI MAI MAI S o u t h T t h - r e P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 11/05 2004 - 11/18/2004 WED, NOV 10, 2004, 3:03 HK - -req: 'THERESA -- -leg: GL 3L - -loc: CI'1E - -- -jab: 321129 4 S000--- -prcg: 09 <1.07 > - -tort id: Due to selecticn criteria, Check Tbta1s may be incorrect SELECT Subsystem ID Codes • EXIP Default t Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: Ma, HW, RV, VH Vendor Narre Aooa.mt # Department TED'S ELECTRIC 10 -02 -6073 REPS 20 -02 -6073 REFS Tahoe Carson Area News 20 -27 -6660 DISIRICT II /ATICN VWRO RATION WAL'IERS CCNSIRLETICN, K G WE CO INDUSTRIES IIC WEDQJ INC WESTERN NEVADA. SUPPLY LANINOVIC , NICK 20 -07 -4760 LABCRATCRY 10 -07 -4760 LAB 1 AICRY 20 -29 -7046 H INE R1NG 20 -00 -2605 COAL & AIIMINISIRATICN 10 -01 -6052 LI ND REPAIR 10 -03 -6051 ElIrTRICAL SEDP 20 -03 -6051 ELECTRICAL SEDP 90 -98 -8828 10 -01 -6052 10 -04 -6023 20 -01 -6052 10 -04 -6071 E' PIINE GRANT i NDREPAR HEAVY MUNIENANCE L1ND REPAIR HEAVY NAINIE NCE 10 -29 -6200 ENGINEERING 20 -29 -6200 End Descripticn Emu, TOOLS SMALL TOOLS Chrk Total: WATER OMERVATICN EXPENSE Check 'Ibta1 SUPPLIES L?LABORATORY ATORY SUPPLIES Check Total: AO2RD 0:NST REMBE Check Total: PIPE, COVERS, & PALES Check Total: REP SmTICNS POMP SIATICNS Check Total: ELMS PHS III LPPS -CAN PIPE COVERS, & IvANHOIES FILTkZ EQUIP BLDG SSHOP, SUPPLIES & PALES Check Total: TRAVEL TRAVEL / /EQIXTICN Check 'Ibta1 : Anrxmt Check # Type 24.03 24.02 48.05 00058491 MI 598.00 598.00 00058489 Ma 505.91 474.46 980.37 00058492 Mn1 36,068.35 - 1,803.42 34,264.93 00058493 WI 467.26 467.26 00058494 WI 1,166.62 19.13 1,185.75 00058495 Ma 4,491.50 17.63 222.31 236.38 293.99 5,261.81 00058496 NW 305.43 305.42 610.85 00058497 MW South Tahoe P.U.D. 11/10/04 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 11/05 2004 - 11/18/2004 �ee 19 WED, NW 10, 2004, 3:03 FM - -red: THERESA -- -leg: GL 3L - -loo: C S.riE - -- -fob: 321129 #5000--- -prog: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: CKR ESFC Due to selection criteria, Check Tot-a1 s may be incorrect SELECT Subsystem ID Codes: OUP Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: r'w, HW, RV, VH vendor Nacre Acax mt # alt Description Amount Check # Type ZYARIX EN IRC7IHB' LQ3Y 10 -07 -6110 LABORATORY MCNITCRIN3 227.50 20 -07 -6110 LABORATORY YENITC 380.50 Check Total: 608.00 00058498 Ma Canard Total: 260,268.19 South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Direc[o/s To~ Co~t~ Jam~s R. Jon~ Ma~y Lou Mosbach~r P-ane Wallac~ Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14.a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager MEETING DATE: November 18, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Real Property Negotiators REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct negotiators. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.8 of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held to discuss property negotiations. Negotiating Parties: District staff, South Tahoe Realty Century 21 Under Negotiation: Sale of Property Property Identification: 797 Emigrant Road, APN 021-261-33 SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~'~'J~v'~-~ NO NO CATEGORY: General South Taho Public Utility Diatrict Richard H. Solbrig ~Jfec[of~ Tom Comt~ James I~ Jone~ Mary Lou Mo~bacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM NO. 14.b TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: ITEM - PROJECT: Board of Directors Richard Solbrig/General Manager, Paul Sciuto/Assistant General Manager / Engineer November 18, 2004 Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (one case) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(c) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding anticipation of litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTIO. N: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ,~'~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES )~'Y--- NO CATEGORY: South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. 9olbrig Tom Comte James I~ Jone~ Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14.c TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: ITEM - PROJECT: Board of Directors Jim Hoggatt/Construction Manager/Engineer, Gary Kvistad/Legal Counsel November 18, 2004 Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(c) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for a conference with legal counsel regarding anticipated litigation: Pioneer Trail waterline replacement near Filter Plant SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO CATEGORY: Water South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. 5olbrig D/recaoFs Tom Comte James P-.. Jones MaW Lou Mosbacher Puane Wallace Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14.d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig/General Manager, Gary Kvistad/Legal Counsel MEETING DATE: November 18, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, California; United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S-02- 0238 MCE JFM. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES R NO NO CATEGORY: Sewer South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager F. ichard H. Solbrtg Oirec~or~ Tom Comte dame~ I~. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14.e TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: Board of Directors Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager November 18, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a)of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~'~ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO CATEGORY: Water South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. 5olbrig Tom Comte Janle~ I~ Jonee Mary Lou Mosbacher 12uane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14.f TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: November 18, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a)of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Meyers Landfill Site - United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES /'~ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO CATEGORY: Sewer