HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 1341 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WEIDMAN & GILMa~JR .2 RNS0~ ~?i-(}N O~:,']'~2N!'.'!NIN('~ THAT TNR PUBLIC iN P.[ ...... ...... · '~ p~n~m~, OF ~'ITRY r T. ~ ~;, ,x .AND '0IRECTING ~ ....~o,~,~,, DIS~R!C'P Nn !967-3n (Parcel ].~v'~. ,.-, only) f?~:,o)I.A ..... , by ~,b.~ Board oF ~ireet:o~s oF So~t:,h taho. t Uti].ih~ DistPict, ~l..L)orado County, California, tha. b TTHI~T~"~O it ~ 'bhe intention of this S.ard to acqu. iPe~ . . NIeI_N .,~ 1N and constPuct ~ r,.'~blic i~pPovet']cn!:s cons~ shin?{ of ~]ndr~FcPc)und sewer' pinelines~ 8nd apourtenanc~,~ and ~'~' a~iliary tNePeho~ fop the eernose transeortin[[ sewa~,~ nnder and across hh~ lan(~s her~]nafteF ....... ~ .......... ,,,.,h .... u].ar in~:~ress and .. ~ .... ~ .....~r:d therefor, aa follows: 3. Tha~-, the nu.btic inte ~ t ~es., and necessitlf require a.,"qtlisition~ cor.~'~+ ~Net~.on~ ].~r-~constr ~eb-~. ...... on, r,e~qo]: .. etin~q, ~r, aiN,... maintenance and o~::~ePation of public irr~nrovements aonsis'[sin[i ,hereto, for 'bh,t r, nrTo off transDoPtin{~ sewage, ~ndel', and 5he lands eo~::e s~,,lau].aPllr described in ]7}xhibit A, and attached hereto~ and lad: a r}aPt hereof, 'bosether with the Fight of vehicular inzress and egress thereon and therefore, and of easemenhs ant Nights of wa}fa ~nder and across said lands necessary fop said nub!lo improvements. Said parcels of !anr.~s 2. mN'"-.~..a said ~Ponosed ~:~cqui. sition and m,,l~q~o.,.., ....... ~n}srf~.-.rc.- 'ments ape ~-']~:~rn~,~'d ...... and loc.~ted'~ in -fze,-, manner which will. '-ce compatible with the greatest public sood and the least eriva'he ,, ~ ....... ~.t,.ons ~e sfLtusted within the in~uP~r~ and all n:. said a,,qu_,_ a County o~ N1 Do~:sdo~ o~at,, off CaliffoPnia. 6 7 8 9 10 !1 12 13 !4 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WEIDMAN & BILMOLIR ATTI:~RNEY~ AT LAW San Narco, California, ~ho a~e attorneys for said District, ha, and the~ ape :~e'r,~h~:' directed to insti'tut~~ and conduct to conclusion an a.a{Jon in eminent domain for the acquisition of s~' -a and of way and to take such action as _,~s ,. amd easement ~. ~ight s ,a "~ ' ]aecessary thereim, and they shall be paid a reasomab]_e fee the re fo r. ~ ~a~.. an O~de~ for Immediate Possession and 'Use ~- obtaine~ in ~a~_o' action, and that a warrant be issued to the County Clerk, E1 :t, orac]o County, California, in the amount determined by th~ aou~t to be so de~aosited, as a condition to the ~.f::ht of imN~diate nossession. PASSND ANi') ADOPTED by the Board of Dissectors of South Tahoe Public Ut;il-'Lty District at a d~l.:;r held Fegula. P meetin:? on OctobeP 1.6, ].960, by the following vote: .AYES: Directors Pesler, Kortes, Wakeman, Ream and Nega~ty NOES: ~.one ABmN2 ~: None Rober'{; !'f. Pesler, President of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District. David W. Oa].lahan, Clerk of the South officio SecretarF of the Soard of bmrectors e, heP~of. CJLAI}-~ r't×o :I-]JILL &, 0ONSULTINO ENGINEERS DESCRIPTION FOR SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILI7I% DISTRICT Sewage Collection System Assessment District 1967-3A December 18, 1967 L-t45.34 Parcel No. 1573 (34-654- 1 ?.) Utilitl~ Easement to be acquired from: ALFRED LESLIE WRIGHT, et al Aportton of Tahoe Paradise Unit Bio. 45 located in Section 28, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M.D.M. E1 Dorado County, California. A 7. S-foot wide strip of land lying Easterly of and immediately adjacent to the following described line: Beginning at the most Northwesterly corner of Lot 76, Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 45, as shown on that map recorded in Book "D" of Maps at Page 32, E1 Dorado County Records; thence, along the Vfesterly line of said Lot 76 S. 11°28'10'' E., 111.80 feet to the most Southwesterly corner of said Lot 76, the point of termination. The sideline to be lengthened or shortened to meet adjoining property lines. Il tS suggested that this description be referred EXHIBIT-A REDDING ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 !1 !2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 C011NTY OF ET DO?~r}O) I, 1.4ViF~ !,r. C, ALLAH~], Clerk off the South Tahoe Public Utility 'J)ist~'itt, ~ounty of E1 Do~ado, State of California, and ez officio Sec~ets~y of the Goard of Directors thereof, do hereby aox, tiffs; that-Lb~ ~:tacbe~ Resolution ~n ~)~ is a t~ue, and correct .~opy thereof, and that said Resolu.t~on was ' ,- mahoa Public Utility adopted by the ~ard oF Directors of Soabh District at a re~utar meeting duly hel~ October 16, 1969, and that the original oP said pesolution is on file in ~h of said Sou-th Taboo Public Utility D~strict. Sai~ resolution was passe~ and asootea by the fo]]owin~ vote off the members of the Beard of Dir~etors thereof: AY~S: ~irectors Fosler, Yortes, Wakeman, Ream and ~ar NOES: None South Tahoe Public District an~ ax officio oecretary of the Boar~ of Directors thereof. WEIDMAN & E;ILMI:1IlR