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Resolution No. 1334
RESOLUTION NO. 1 334 A RESOLUTION DETERMINING UNPAID ASSESSMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF BONDS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1968-1 RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, that WHEREAS~ this Board did on May 22, 1969, pass and adopt its Resolution of Intention NCo 1274, as subsequently amended~ relating to the acquisition and construction of public improve- ments in said District under and pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Improvement Act of~1913 and amendments thereto, and did therein provide that Serial bonds would be issued there- under pursuant to the provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, reference to said Resolution of Intention, as amended~ hereby being expressly made for further particulars; WHEREAS, notice of the recordation of the assessment and of the time within which assessments may be paid in cash has been duly published and mailed in the manner provided by law~ and the time so provided for receiving the payment of assessments in cash has expired~ and the Clerk of said District has filed with the County Treasurer of E1 Dorado County and ex-officio Treasurer of the District a list of all assessments which now remain unpaid; and WHEREAS, the Board has duly considered said llst and has determined that the same is an accurate statement thereof; NOW~ THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, as follows: 1. That the assessments in said unpaid list which now remain unpaid, and the aggregate thereof~ are as shown on Exhibit "A" hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof° 2. That for a particular description of the lots or parcels of land bearing the respective assessment numbers set forth in said unpaid list and upon which assessments remain unpaid, severally and respectively, reference is hereby made to the assessment and diagram recorded in the office of the District Engineer of said District after confirmation by this Board, the several lots or parcels of land represented by said assessment numbers being so numbered and designated upon said diagraTM and assessment as so confirmed ~nd recorded~ severally and respectively. 3o The unpaid list is in the amount of $S52~B~5.YO and bonds shall be issued upon the security of said unpaid assessments in said amount in accordance with the provisions of the Improve- ment Bond Act of 1915 (DiVision l0 of the Streets and Highways Code) and under and pursuant to the provisions of said Resolution of Intention, as amended, and the proceedings thereunder duly had and taken; that said bonds shall be three hundred fifty-three (B5B) in number, shall be dated October B1, 1969, and bear interest from their date at the rate of not to exceed seven percent (7%) per annum, and the denomination of said bonds with their respective numbers and dates of maturity are as shown on Exhibit "B" hereto attached and made a part hereof by reference. 4o Said bonds shall be issued in series, and the unpaid assessments as shown on said list filed with the County Treasurer of E1 Dorado County, as ex-officio Treasurer of said District, and determined by this Board~ together with the interest thereon, shall remain and constitute a trust fund for the redemption and payment of said bonds and of the interest whiCh may be due there- on~ which unpaid assessments shall be taxable in annual series corresponding in number to the number-of series of bonds issued, and an annual proportion of each assessment shall be payable in each year preceding the date of maturity for each of the several bonds issued, and such proportion of each assessment coming due in any year, together with the annual interest thereon shall in turn be payable in installments as 'the general taxes of said County on real property are payable, and shall become delinquent at the same time and in the same proportionate amounts and bear the same proportionate penalties for delinquency. 5o The bonds shall be executed on behalf of the District under its official seal by the Clerk and Treasurer of the District, and the interest coupons attached thereto shall be executed by the Treasurer° For such purpose, the Treasurer may use an engraved~ printed or lithographed facsimile of his signature in lieu of signature by hand° The seal of the District may be affixed to the bonds by printed, lithographed or other reproduction thereof; and such signing and sealing of said bonds by said officers, and signing of said coupons by said Treasurer, shall constitute and be a sufficient and binding execution of each and every one of said bonds and coupons thereon respectively. Said bonds shall be substantially in the form set forth in the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, 6o The coupons attached to each of said bonds and evidencing the interest to accrue thereon~ shall be numbered consecutively and be substantially in the following form, to wit: SOUTH~TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT On E1 Dorado County~ California~ will pay to bearer at Bank of America NoTo & S.Ao, Main Office, .San Francisco, Califo, paying agent,of its Treasurer, or at correspondent $ banks in New ¥ork~ No Yo and Chicago~ Illo, the sum shown hereon~ being interest due on Improvement Bond dated October 31~ 1969 of Series W Assessment District 1968-1 County Treasurer and ex-of[icio District Treasurer 3 2, 19~ Coupon No o Bond NOo 7. The Clerk shall forward a certified copy of this Resolution to each, the County Treasurer, County Auditor and Bank of America N. To & S. Ao~ Corporate Trust Department~ 300 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California° President' of S'outh Tahoe Pdbli"~ Utility District ATTEST~ C~k and 8'x-officio Secretary 4 EXHIBIT "^" LIST 0FUNPAID ASSESSMENTS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITy DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1968-1 Ass't No. 68-1-1 68-1-2 68-1-3 68-1-5 68-1-6 68-1-? 68-1-8 68-1-9 68-1-10 68-1-11 68-1-14 68-1-16 68-1-17 68-1-19 68-1-20 68-1-22 68-1-23 68-1-24 68-1-25 68-1-26 68-1-27 68-1-28 68-1-29 68-1-30 68-1-31 68-1-32 68-1-33 68-1-34 68-1-36 68-1-37 68-1-38 68-1-39 68-1-40 68-1-41 68-1-42 68-1-43 68-1-44 68-1-45 68-1-46 68-1-47 68-1-48 68-1-49 68-1-50 68-1-51 68-1-52 68-1-53 68-1-54 68-1-55 68-1-56 68-1-57 68-1-58 68-1-59 68-1-6o Assessor's Amount of Ass'd Parcel No. Assessment Land 25-561-01 $1,423.00 $ 850 25-561-02 1,423.00 850 25-561-03 1,423.00 850 25-561-05 1,423.00 850 25-561-06 1,423.00 850 25-561-07 1,423.00 850 25-561-08 1,423.00 850 25-561-09 1,423.00 850 25-561-10 1,423.00 850 25-561-11 1,423.00 850 25-561-14 1,423.00 850 25-561-16 1,423.00 1,000 25-561-17 1,423.00 1,100 25-561-19 1,423.00 950 25-561-20 1,423.00 950 25-561-22 1,423.00 950 25-561-23 1,423.00 950 25-561-24 1,423.00 950 25-561-25 1,423.00 950 25-561-26 1,423.00 950 25-561-27 1,423.00 950 25-561-28 1,423.00 950 25-562-01 1,423.00 850 25-562-o2 1,423.00 850 25-562-03 1,423.00 950 25-562-04 1,423.0o 950 25-562-05 1,423.00 1,000 25-562-06 1,423.00 1,O00 25~-~o~-01 ~ 1,423.00 850 25-571-02 1,423.00 850 25-571-03 1,423.00 950 25-571-04 1,423.00 950 25-571-05 1,423.00 950 25-571-06 1,423.00 950 25-571-07 ~ 950 25-571-08 · ~,~'~ 950 25-571-09 1,423.00 950 25-571-10 1,423.00 950 25-571-11 1,423.00 950 25-571-12 1,423.00 950 25-571-13 1,423.00 950 25-571-14 1,423.00 950 25-571-15 1,423.00 950 25-571-16 1,423.00 950 25-571-17 1,423.00 950 25-571-18 1,423.00 950 25-571-19 1,423.00 950 25-571-20 1,423.00 1,050 25-571-21 1,323.00 1,100 25-571-22 1,423.00 850 25-571-23 1,423.00 850 25-571-24 1,423.00 850 25-571-25 1,423.00 850 Val'n : Impvt As s 't No. 68-1-61 68-1-62 68-1-63 68-1-64 68-1-65 68-1-66 68-1-67 68-1-68 68-1-69 68-1-70 68-1-71 68-1-72 68-1-73 68-1-74 68-1-76 68-1-77 68-1-78 68-1-79 68-1-80 68-1-81 68-1-82 68-1-83 68-1-84 68-1 86 68-1-8T 68-1-88 68-1-89 68-1-90 68-1-91 68-1-92 68-1-93 68-1-96 68-1-97 68-1-99 68-1-102 68-1-104 68-1-105 68-1-106 68-1-107 68-1-108 68-1-109 68-1-11o 68-1-111 68-1-112 68-1-113 68-1-114 68-1-115 68-1-116 68-1-117 68-1-118 68-1-119 68-1-120 68-1-121 68-1-122 68-1-123 68-1-124 68-1-125 68-1-126 68-1-127 68-1-128 68-1-129 Assessor' s Parcel No. 25-571-26 25-571-27 25-571-28 25-571-29 25-571-30 25-571-31 25-571-32 25-572-01 25-572-02 25-572-03 $5-572-0~ 25-572-05 25-572-06 25-572-07 25-572-09 25-572-10 25 -572-11 25-572-12 25-572-13 25-572-14 25-572-15 25-573-01 25-573-02 25-573-03 25-573-04 25-573-05 25-573-06 25-573-07 25-573-08 25-573-o9 25-573-10 25-573-11 32-211-13 32-211-12 32-211-17 32-211-07 32-221-07 32-221-o5 32-221-06 32-230-03 32-100-05 32-161-05 32-161-06 32-171-01 32-171-09 32-171-08 32-171-07 32-171-02 32-171-03 32-171-04 32-171-06 32-171-05 32-173-04 32-173-03 32-173-02 32-173-05 32-172-02 32-172-01 32-181-01 32-181-02 32-181-o3 32-181-04 Amount of Assessment $1,423.00 1,423.00 2,034.50 2,034.50 3,257.50 2,034.50 1,423.00 1,423.00 1,423.00 1,423.00 1,423.00 1,423.00 1,323 O0 1,423 oo 1,423 O0 1,423]00 1,423.00 1,423'00 1,423.00 1,423.00 1,423.00 1,423.00 1,423.00 1,423.00 1,323.00 1,423.00 1,423 O0 1,423]00 1,423.00 1,423.00 1,423.00 1,423.00 2,280.60 910.70 2,352.70 2,352.70 2,229.10 2,136.40 2,517.50 13,891 20 11,560]80 2,301.20 2,136.40 2,352.70 2,352.70 1,271.20 1,271.20 2,352.70 2,115.80 1,322.70 1,188.8ot 1,1P7.00 1,271.20 838.60 2,352.70 1,271.20 2,764 70 4,608140 2,301.20 1,250.60 1,050.60 2,301.20 Assessed Val~n Land Impvt 850 850 850 900 900 850 800 850 800 800 800 800 850 850 85o 85o 85o 85o 85o 85o 85o 85o 85o 85o 85o 85o 85o 85o 85o 85o 85o 85o 1,900 7OO 3,350 2,500 1,000 5,600 1,750 12,000 11,250 4,250 4,000 4,500 2,500 1,250 1,250 5oo 1,25o 1,650 100 1,800 5,750 1,250 700 9oo 900 7oo 2,000 900 9o0 2,000 18,750 10,000 5,000 10,000 1~200 2,200 5,750 5~000 11,250 Asset Assessor's Amount of No. Parcel No. AsSessment 68-1-130 32-181-05 $1,250.60 68-1-131 32-181-06 1,250.~ 68-1-132 32-181-07 2,301.20 68-1-133 32-181-08 2,023.10 68-1-134 33-050-01 7,500.00 68=~=~5---~=~50=~6 ......... 68-1-136 33-110-03 9,960.00 5,060.60 2,670.30 2,630.30 2,630.30 68-1-138 68-1-140 68-1-141 68-1-142 68-1-143 68-1-145 68-1-146 68-1-147 68-1-148 68-1-149 68-1-150 68-1-151 68-1-152 68-1-153 68-1-154 68-1-155 68-1-156 68-1-157 68-1-158 68-1-159 68-1-160 68-1-161 68-1-162 68-1-163 68-1-164 68-1-165 68-1-166 68-1-167 68-1-168 68-1-169 68-1-170 68-1-171 68-1-172 68-1-173 68-1-174 68-1-175 68-1-176 68-1¥I77 68-1-178 68-1-179 68-1-180 68-1-181 68-1-182 68-1-183 68-1-184 68-1-185 68-1-'I-~-7 68-1-188 33-131-02 33-131-04 33-131-03 33-141-05 33-141-06 33-141-03 33-151-01 33-151-02 33-151-06 33-151-07 33-151-05 33-151-08 33-151-04 33-142-02 33-142-01 33-152-02 33-152-04 33-152-05 33-O6O-O3 33-160-13 33-160-14 33-160-15 33-160-03 33-160-04 33-160-o5 33-O90-O2 33-160-10 33-0~0-07 33-1 O-O3 33-180-09 33-180-20 33-180-19 33-180-18 33-180-17 33-180-01 33-160-06 33-160-07 33-160-08 33-160-09 33-170-02 33-170-03 33-170-01 33-180-21 33-170-04 33-180-04 33-180-06 1~33-191-02 33-141-11 2,630.30 2,630.30 1,390.00 1,390.00 2,630.30 1,400.30 1,400.30 2,630.30 2,630.30 2,295.20 4,8oo.40 2,997.60 2,361.00 3,812.50 1,488.30 1,416.30 1,400.30 3,176.20 1,861.40 2,415.20 5,745.90 2,447.20 4,313.50 6,434.80 3,337.40 2,536.40 1,058.00 1,018.00 152.00 1,460.90 3,566.40 3,042.30 2,260.70 970o10 826.50 1,518.80 5, 71.9o 2,$37.00 1,882.00 4,505.60 2,823.60 3,140.50 811.00 Ass'd Val'n Land $4,500 4,500 4,500 8,500 7,250 500 -So;5oe ......... Tee-- 31,250 3,750 10,000 5,750 5,250 4,250 3,250 3,000 3,000 1,750 1,750 6,000 3,000 850 3,000 100 7,500 5,500 8,750 12,500 7,500 7,500 4,500 5,000 6,000 3,000 6,700 1,000 1,350 1,000 1,100 750 2,150 1,500 1,950 4,950 8,500 750 1,300 1,100 2,500 1,850 5,000 2,500 1,100 9oo 9oo 100 1,250 1,500 500 2,000 2,250 750 1,000 1,750 2,000 2,000 2,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 7,000 4,000 1,350 $352,345.70 $417,000 $88'05© EXHIBIT 'Se tie s W Bond Nos. 1 2, - 18 19 - 38 39 - 58 59 - 78 79 - 98 99 - ll8 119 - 138 139 - 163 16a - 188 189 - 213 214 - 238 239 - 263 264 - 293 294 - 323 324 - 353 Annual Principal Amount 345.70 $17,000. O0 20,000. O0 2 O, 000, O0 20., 000 o00 20,000. O0 20,000.00 20,000.00 25,000.00 25~ 000 ~00 25~ 000.00 25,000.00 25,000°00 30,000. O0 30~ 000. O0 30,000,. O0 Date of Maturity July 2, 1971 July 2, 1971 July 2~ 1972 July 2, 1973 July 2~ 1974 July 2, 1975 July 2, 1976 July 2, 1977 July 2~ 1978 July 2~ 1979 July 2~ 1980 July 2, 1981 July 2~ 1982 July 2, 1983 July 2~ 1984 July 2, 1985 I here~y certify that the foregoing is a full, Lrue and correct copy of a resolution duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility Dis[riot, El Dorado County, California, at a meeting thereof duly held on 2 day of October __, 1969, by the following the vote: AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors: Wa ke ma n Korte s Fesler' Ream NOES: Directors: NONE ABSENT: ' Directom: Hegarty Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District