HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 1220 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 RO 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 dDHN O, WEIDMAN RESOLUTION NO. 1220 A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION BY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REqUEsTING THAT LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMIssION TAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR DETACHMENT OF TERRITORY TO THE DISTRICT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DETACHMENT NO. 1968-1 (EBRIGHT-EXCLUSION NO. l~ RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIoTRICT, E1 Dorado County, California, that WHEREao, the District proposes to initiate preliminary proceedings pursuant to the District Reorganization act of 1965, Title 6, Division l, of the Government Code of the State of California (commencing with Section 56000) for detachment of the territory described in EXHIBIT A attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the territory); WHEREAs, the proposed detachment of the territory to South Tahoe Public Utility District will not affect any other District nor any city, but will affect the Co~nty of E1 Dorado, State of California; and ~YHEREAo, the territory proposed to be annexed is uninhabited as such term is defined in the Government Code, Section ~604~, and a description of the exterior boundaries of the territory is set forth in said EXHIBIT ~; and WHEREAS, it is desired to provide that the proposed detachment be subject to no terms and conditions; and WHERKaS, because of the geographical location of the territory to be detached, there is presently no prospect that said territory will require sewer services or other services which can be furnished by South Tahoe Public Utility District within the reasonably foreseeable future and will not be benefite. by continued inclusion in said District; and WHERE~S, all of the owners of land within the territory have given their written consent to the proposed detachment; 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 51 C. WEIDMAN NEY AT CAW pLAI:3ERVILLE, aA 956 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY FOUND, DETERMINED AND ORDERED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That this resolution of application be, and it is hereby adopted by the Board of Directors of the south Tahoe Publi Utility District, and the Local Agency Formation Commission be, and it is hereby requested to take proceedings for the detachment of the territory described in said EXHIBIT a, and subject to no terms and conditions, and in the manner provided by the District Reorganization Act of 1965, as amended; 2. That the Local ~gency Formation Commission is further requested to approve the proposed detachment without notice and hearing by the Commission and to approve and authorize the Board of Directors of the District to detach the territory without notice and hearing by the Board of Directors and without an election; 3. That the Board of Directors hereby waives mailed notice pursuant to section 56261 of the Government Code, and hereby consents to the Commission's approval of the detachment without notice or hearing; 4. That the Secretary of the District be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the executive officer of the E1 Dorado County Local Agency Formation Commission and to attach thereto proof of the written consent of such detachment of all of the owners of land within the territory proposed to be detached, and that the District Finance Officer be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay from available funds of the District any fees up to the amount of $500.00 as established by the E1 Dorado County Local Agency Formation Commission pursuant to Section 56133 of the Government Code. 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13. 14 15 16 17 19 2O 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 WEIDMAN PA3~ED AND aDOPTED at a duly held regular meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe ?ublic Utility District on November 21, 1968, by the following vote: AYES: Directors Fesler, Kortes, Wakeman, Hegarty and Ream NOES: None ABSENT: None RoberE W, Fesler, Presiden of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST :i go ~~.~~ ~a-v~d W. Callahan,' Clerk ~£ 'South Taho~'~ ..... Public Utility District (SEAL) DIqSCTIIPTION FOR TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Exclusion No. 1 Arme:~atio~ ],968-2 November 27, ].968 L-45.55 Dag~ning at the quarter corner betwcon Sections 33 and 34, T.13N., R.17F.., MD~4, E1 Dorado ~CcLnty, California. Thence, along the South line of the No:~theast quarter of said Section 33, West 1320 feet, more or less, to the Southw~st corner of the East half of the North- east quarter of said Section 33; thence, along the West line of said East half, North 2640 feet, more or lc.ss, to a point on the South line of SccLion 28, T.13N., R.]7E., MDM; said point being the Southwest corner of Government Lot 3, of said Section 28; thence, along the boundary of said Government Lot 3, North 1320 feet, more or less, thence, East 1320 feet, more or less, to a point on the West line of said Section 27, N.00~22'00"W., 1320 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of Government Lot 3 of said Section 27; thence, along the North line of Lot 3 of said Section 27, East 1320 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner thereof; thence, along the East lina of said Lot 3, and its Southerly extension, South i320 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection with the Westerly extension of the North line of Government Lot 8, of said Section 27; thence, along said Westerly extension of the North line of Government lot 8, of said Section 27; thence, along said Westerly extension and the North line. of said Lot 8, East 2640 feet, more or less, to the Northaast corner cf said~.~ 8, thence, along the East lina of said Noven~ber 27, 1968 L-45.55 P age 2 SOUTll TAIIOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Exclusion No. 1 to Annexation 1968-2 of said Lot 8, South 01°46'00"E., ].92.70 feet; thence, leaving said East Line: S 38°34'00"W 242 70 feeth; thence, S.28°01'00''W-, 159.60 feet; thence, S.26°59'30''W., 262.20 feet; thence, S.2~°56'00''%1-~ ., 295.80 feet; thencr~, S.28° 46'00"'i'.., 344.40 feet; thence, S.43°10'30"W., 20]..70 feet; thence, S.42o45'00"W., 225.10 feet; thence, S.27~05'30''W., 304.10 feet; thence, S.42°07'00"W., 299,]0 feet; thence, S.37°06'00"W., 294.20 feet; thence, S.50°09'00''W., 199.35 feet; thence, S.56°22'00''W., 291.90 feet; thence, S.56o37'00"W., 332.20 feet; thence, S.48°28'00''W., 181.80 feet; thence, S.48°43'30"W., 504.20 feet; thence, S.60°48'00"W., 162.70 feet; thence, S.40°53'00''W., 712.40 feet; thence, S.35~33'00"W-, 238.00 feet more or less, to a point on the South line of the Northwest quarter of Section 34, T. 13N., R. 17t..'., ~.[DM; thence, along said South line, west 402.20 feet to the quarter corner be~-een Sections 33 and 3.1, T.13N., R.17E., MDM, to the point of beginning. CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION STATE OF CALIFORNIa) ) SSo COUNTY OF EL DORADO) I, DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTR~ T, County of E~ Dorado, State of California, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 1220 is a true, full and correct copy thereof, and that said Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Said Resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote of the members of the Board of Directors thereof on November 21, 1968. AYES: Directors Fesler, Kortes, Wakeman, Hegarty and Ream NOES: None ABSENT: None Dav'id w. Callahan, Clerk of S TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT (SEAL)