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WEIDMAN A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REQUESTING MORATORIUM ON INTEREST PAYMENTS ON A STATE OF CALIFORNIA LOAN TO SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT RESOLVED BY THE Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, as follows: The SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT hereby requests the State of California, acting by and through the State Water Resources Control Board, to declare a moratorium on interest payments which may be due on that certain Contract between State of California acting by and through the State Allocation Board pursuant to Chapter 47, Statutes of 1966, First Extraordinary Session,as amended by Chapter 157 of said Statutes and session and South Tahoe Public Utility District, a copy of which is attached hereto, from the effective date of Assembly Bill No. 1593, Chapter 1067, Statutes of 1968, Regular Session, signed and filed on August 7, 1968, until through the fiscal year 1971-72. The Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT will execute an amendment to the contract agreement attached hereto, reflecting the changes of this request which said amendment shall contain provisions of the moratorit~m herein requested, and for payment of accrued interest amounts, together with interest thereon at the same rate as on the loan, in equal annual installments during the remainder of the loan repayment period following the 10 year moratorium on principal payments, or in such shorter period of time as may be selected by the District. 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 · IEiH~ ~. WEIDMAN PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT at a duly held regular meeting on R~A¥ lst,' 1969, , by the following vote: AYES: Directors Fes~er, ~Vakeman, Kortes, Ream and Hegarty NOES: None ABSENT: None Robert~ W. Fesler' President of the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. ATTEST: David W. Callahan, Clerk of the S0uT~ TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT and ex- officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof. ( SEAL ) e '1967 1967, by ~ud between ~he ~{~e of California, ~c~in~ by though ~he 5t~I;~ ~11cc~tion Bo:trd, hereingfter ~eferre.~ to the ~5t,te", ~nd the Sour% ?abc~ Public Utility District, herein. .~fter refe~ to as the "Ois~lct", n politlc~! ~u~ivi~ion of the St, te Of C:~liFo~li,, duly orgnl;fzod, ~xlstf::~ an~ ~cti:.K pursunr.% tO the 1.~ws Of tho Stnto Of Californic, with · urirc~p~l pl~co of business ia ~1 Dot,do Ceu:'.ty, South L~.ko T,I~RE~S, the South Tahoe Public Utility Diztrict pl~,,r, ed constructio~ of cxter, slon of facilities for ~rol:i fr=u ~l',e ~u~lt of Luthor P~ss to Diamond Valloy, Alpiuo f~. ~ha Scmtb ii. kc T~hoe Bns!n Is requirc~ by the Stnte of Califo~im n:~ by ~he U~:i~ed States o~ America to prevent po=sidle dograd~tOn of L~ke T~hoe 'W~ter Q~.lity; ~:~FRE~$. tb° 6ovmrnors of th~ ~tnte~ of Califo~ia arid Ucvsd~ on ~ovc:~ber 11. 1~63. lmsu~ a A-ec~endatiqn thet th exloting critical ~m~a2e dispos~l mitu~tion at t~:e south end of Lnko Toh?/~ ~o corr~c~cd by expor~i~;g tr~t~ so~m2c ~fflucn~ frou tho Sc~l,. L-kc f:~Hce l~c~in by 'bhe fsll of 1965; and .:::?.[," .... t,'IiER$.t.S, bhe Secret. ary of the Interior. United States r.','~U~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 24 25 27 28 29 30 ~2 ~lrlHhl (~. W[IDHAN Conference on July 18-20, 1966, ~he conferees for the $~cs of Cslifornia a~ Nevmda and ~he Fodo~l ~a~or Pollution Con~ol ~dministra~ion fo~d s~ rec~monde~ ~ha~ s~ge oxpor~ fr~m L, ke T~hoe Dasin was t~ be achiev~ on a ~ime sch~ule ~bich ~ould ir, sure prece~a~ion of ~he wa~er quali~y of Lzke ~hoe ar4 warn ~o be completed by 1970~ and WIiF~S, Chapter $7 of ~he Ca!ifor~,is S~a~u~ea of Firo~ E~r~o~lnary 5oasion, as ~end~ by Ch~p~er 1~7 of S~a~u~o~ and Session~ nppropria~es from ~h~ ~eneral fuzd ~o S~a~e tlloca~ion Board of.~he 5~a~e of California ~he =u~ of One Million EiEh~-Hundro~ Th,u~snd DolOrs ($1,800,000.~) for ~ho put,se of makin~ a loa~ ~ ~he Dis~ric~ of sc much of such ~ou~ ~s ~ho Boa~ de~e~lnes i8 neces~ry ~o ~i~ ~ho extension of facili~ies for ~he ~rans~rta~lc~ of ~re~t~ offluen~ .of ~he Sou~h L, ke ~hoe B~sln from ~he su~l~ of Luther Pass ~o Diamond Valley in ~lpine County; available for allocation ~o ~i~e Dis~ric~ unless the Dis~ric~ executes an agreomen~ wi~h ~he S~o~e ~llOc~ion Boar~ urAer ~¥hicH i~ a~eos ~o rep~y ~he amoum~ of ~he allocz~ion, ~i~h ~i~hin 25 years following a 10 year mo~or~ on principal ou~horizing ~he epplica~ion ~0 ~he S~a~ A~oca~ion Bo~ fo~ ~t;ERItS, ~he Dis~ric~ has submi~et ~o ~he Execu~iv~ Officer of ~be California 3~a~e W~ qusli~y Co~rol Bonrd of ~he S~a~o of C~lifor~ia p~na for ~he cona~c~io~ of a proJoc~ necossa~. ~G,po~ ~he extension of ffacili~ies for ~r.~nmpo~lon of ~rea~ sewage ~fflu~n~ of ~ho South ~ke Basin f~om ~he. su~ of Luther Pesa to Diamond Valley, Alpine hereto, ~d said Executive OCficer h~ ~pprov~ and Oran~ {PL 8~460); ~he S~n~e co~ ea~es for ~aid ~o~ol proJecu which ore · ==flriz~ in Zxhibi~ B a~ch~ hero~oJ and Dia~ric~ of One Million Elgh~-Hundr~ Thouoand Dollars ($1,800,000.~) by the $~ate ~llocahion Board, a~ recoip~ by Dis~rlc~ of a F~orhl G~n~ (PL 660) In ~he su~ of Seven Hu~dr~ S~von~y One Thousand Dollars ($771,0~.~) ~ill_prOvide fin~noi~2 meGhods for co:~s~c~ion of said ~o~al project, which ~id financing mo~h~s are s~r~arize~ in 8a~ Exhibi~ B; ~H~R~5, ~he S~a~e Allocation Bo~ hms approv~ ~osolu~ton eu~horizing ~ho making of said lo~u in wl~h ~he Locsl Agoncy Allocz~io~ ~ c~encing ~ Section e~ seq., of ~ho S~a~o of Ca~fornia, Govorn=e~ C~o; ~tO~, THER2FO~, i~ is mu~lly agre~ by a~ ~he par~lcs as follo~a~ 1. Definitiona~ As us~ tn ~his con~rac~ fo~in~ ~c~a shall have ~he meanings (a) ~fo~al Project" shall mean all works facilities proposed ~o ~e conm~c~ by the Dis~ric~ dosOrib~ in ~he ProJec~ Desc~p~ion in Exhibi~ A, hereto and ~de a ~r~ hereof, ~o~e~her wi~h all lands, interests in la~s, an~ ~a~er rights necessary for ~he opera,ion ~nd ~in~e~nco ~he~eof, which said works and facilities 'a~ necessary for the ~rans~r~a~ion off so~go effluen~ of ~he' ~outh ~ke Tahoe Basin from ~he su~i~ of Luther Pass'~o Dtamoi~ Valley ia Alpine {$')~'~3e~a~e ProJec~~ shall mean a proJec~ which ia 1 a part o£ the "Tot~l ?roJoct., and for which a aspera, to contract is awarded for conutruc~lon of a por~lon of tho works and faci~t~ea necensary for the trano~rtat~on of treated of fluent of tho Bouth ~ko Tahoe Basin fr~ tho su~t of Luther Paua to Diamond Vnlley tn Alpine Co~tT. (c) "Loan 6o~,tt~ent-shnll ~an tbs ~x~um money ~ich the ~tato u~rees to ~an to the Dl~t~tct ~er ~his contract aa provided in A~ticle 2 hereo:. (d) ~ear~ shal~ ~ean calendar yoa~. (e) eBoa~~ a}~ll roman the State Allocat2on Boa~ o~ tee 8tats o~ (~) "Executive O~icer- shall noun the Executive Off,car of the ~tute ~ato= Q~lity Control Beard of the State o~ Cali festa. (a) "FL~;PC~,- shall nean the Federal tvater Pollution Con~rol Administration acting throu~ i~u doatgnat~ representative or regional officer. (h) "Const~ction Bids'" abmll mcan open. co~petitive, oenlcd bids csll~ for bY tho District p~suant to applicable Unit~ S~atos of ~merlca and State of Califorr~ia law for public woyk ~ be cons~c~e~ by Diu~ric~. project cost zs e~i~at~d by tho E~gineer of Dlstric~ rand mpp~v~ by the Executive Officer prior to rea&lying const~ctior bids for any me.rate project. (J ~ "Rcvi~ed Eat!rated Separate P~Jec~ Cos:- la a rovis~ ~c~rato project cos; as estL~at~ by tho Engineer of Dimtrict,~ end approved by tho Executive~ Officer. after co~ot~ction bids ara recei~ed an! a consolation coatract e~a~o!:for said so. rate pro~ect, but prior to coepleticn thereof, ar.d 'in'~ludes revisions ~de from ti~o to ti~o by s~id ~n~neor, and approv~ by said Executive Officer' in ~11 estimated amOunts' for const~ction coats ~sed upon tbs contract award, 8nticipot'cd or octuel Chnr,~e Ordor3, the co~t o£ ~cc!uirin lands, interest in ~r~, ~nd w~tcr ri~ht~ necees~ for the project, with constdcrncion Eivon to apprais~ values ufa prudor, t ~b~c ~ency acquisition ~actEces, oc, d legals, ad~niatrative, on~ineerin~ au~oying~ teat/n~ a~d inopcction costs, and tho Coot ~or m~y clair or anticip~ted claim by any per,on to ~he con~t~ction o~ s~id projects arid all other expenses esti~ed by ~ld Engtnee~ a~ approv~ bY said Executive ~lcer as necessary ~or completion og said project. .2. Maximum ~?ou~t_ tO be_~p~n~ ~ho State will lo~n to tho District in acco~ance ~ith tho provisior~= o~ this cont~ct a a~ o~ ~o:~e7 not to oxco~ One Million Thousand DolOrs ($1,8~a000.~1 at the rnto of interest eot ~o~Ch ~n A~icle ~ hereof. 3. P~occ of I.o~, An~ ara all =easy di~b~s~ to the Dist=~ct under th~a contract shell be u~ed ~olely for the pa}~t o~ costs neces~rily incu~ b~ the District for the ccnoC~ctioa oE the total project necessary ~o permit tho Gffluen~ of the South ~nko Tahoe Basin fr~ tho su~ of' Pa~s So Diamond V~lley ~n Alpine Co~$y~ lncluding~ ~ ~mit~ to const~ction co,tsp, tile COStU of ocquiring intere~t~ ~ lands, e~ ~ate~ ci~t~ necosssry ~or the project, ~th considor~tion given to ap~r~is~ value~ ~nd p~den~ public ~oncy ~cq~ition pr~ctlce~, m~ lo~nl, e;~gincerin~, surveyinE, tos~in~, arid inspection costs, end the co~t for an~ c~ or anticipated c~i~ by any person relst~n~ ti tho co~et~ction of ~aid tc~nl project~ ~d all o~her expo~c~ necessary for s~id totel project completion. ~... ~. Project Co~structicn ~,~d Completion. The total project =hall be const~ct~ in two ae~rate projects, c~A the 1~dian ~Creck D~ a~ Disposal Area. Con~tr~ct~o~ ocparAte project sh~ll be cor~sidered ss oho proJ~ under the ter~s of this agreement. Cor. mtruction of e~ch s~p~ratc project of the~ totol project sh~ll bo comme~c~ by the District ~s soon as reaeo~ble and prmctic~ble ~n~ shall bo c~pleted b2 the Di~ric~ not l~ter t~n Dec~ber 1~ 1968, unles~ f~s are available to the District ~ ~cco~ance with the provisions Exhibit B~ attech~ hereto end ~m~de a ~r~ hereof, or co~ditions, liti~ntim'~, strikes or acts of O~ prohibit co~pletion b2 amid date. ~e time for co~pletion ~ay bo e~e~dcd upon ~i~ten approval of tho State. In t~)o event ~a ~s set ~o~h in~ F~hi~it B ore in~ficient to conztruct the Project,~ Dlstri~ shall have the ri~t to c~.plete the p~Ject for the Indian Creek Pipeline~ thc ~ime for c~,pletion ~ho separate Project for the India':~ Creek Dam and Die,stol Area s~all be e~endcd for a peri~ of one year, ~nd District shall have the ri~h~ to secure ~ppl~e~tal f~n~cing ar~ complete cm~t~ction of the serrate project for sa~ D~m and Disposal Area; prov~ the ~i~e of c~ple~lcn for said De~ n~ Disposal ~rea shall not be ex~ended uzlcsm the separate projoc~ for the Indian Creek Pipeline Is c~pleteA by December 1, 1968, or this Article othe~ise ~ovid~. The totel project sh~ll co~st~ct~ %n accedence with the project description set forth in Fxhibit A m~d financ~g meth~a se~ forth in said 2~,ibit ~r in this ~icle othe~isc provide, a~ witW~ho approved plans sr~ specificstio~s referred to ~' ~rticle 6 hereof, ~i~h any revisions thereof approve' by the Executive Off~cer and the F~PCA. For the purpose of this said co~tract, const~ctim~ of emch mcpsr~t~ contract and ~he total project chall ~e co:~sidcrcd cmuplet~ when zo deter~in~ By the Execu~ive Officer end the ~'~PC~ ~loms othe~iso provided bY ~rticle 11. ~rovi.sim;s._ In the~ cm~s~ctiOn and operatim~ of thc total pro~cc~, tho Distric.~ shall co=ply ~th t'he cpplicable provi~io~ of Chap%er 1 of Pnr~ 7 of Divie£on 2 of the California Labor Code and Division 5 of Title 1 of %ho California Govern~en~ Co~o, 6, Cond!~ion~_ Pcp. Cgdenc ~.q D!~bur~9~,m~..of. D)nd~ .,to, Di~mi_o~ Tho Die%~ic% shall comply w~%h con~i~ion~ prec~en~ %o ~he dis~u~oemen~ b~ ~he 5=~e of any ~r~ioa of ~he loan {, ) The Diskfit% ahnll submi~ ~o ~he Executive Officer plans, specifica~ions and cosD os~ima~es of ~he ~o=al proJec~ for p~poses of 5=a~e approval and cer~ifica~loa of F~er, l Or, n~ ~nder Public Lnw 8$-660 zs a=ended. U~n zpprov, 1 by ~he Executive OSficer, sai~ 2x~cu~Xvo Officor ~hall certify mmid plans, specifi~ions a~ coG~ estimates ~o %he F~PC~. Dis~ric~ zhsll execute an offer a~ acceptance of F~ersl ~ran~ funds in a~ loa~ ~he amo~ SO~ forth in 5che~vle'B undor Federal Oran~ {PL 660). ~11 con~rac~s, plans, zpecifica~ions. cona~c%lon bids. chango orders and all documents rela~in~ co each separate proJec~ ~nll be spprov~ by ~he Exe~ive and ~he F~PC~. {b) The Die~ric~ shall, after initial con~rac~ and initial disburs~en~ of funds, send ~o ~he Executive Officor mo~.~hly pro,cam reports, including any revis~ mapnra~o proJec~ co~, ~he percen~oge of complo~ion of ench separ~o proJoc~, ~ho com~s ~hore~ofore. oxpende~ for e~ch sop~ro~e proJec~ subsequon~ ~o ~he proc~$ng monthly pro~rz~ report, a~ en eo~im~o of. ~bo work.~o-be done on emch proJec~ la ~he succoe~l~g ~onth. be disbursed ~o ~he Dio%rtc~ for each 5epnra~e proJec~ roll, in[ =anner: (a) Te~ porcon~ (10~) of ~he os~i=,~c~ p~Jec~ co=~' ~hen-'approvsl of final p~as and specifications ~nd ~he em~imn~e~ serrate proJ.oc~ cos~s have been givcn 1 2 5 4 5 7 8 9 11 14 15 16 17 19 2O 21 22 25 24 27 29 5O 52 the F~,'~PCI n:~i tho gxecu~iVO Officer. (b) P.~ additional forty porcen~ ($0%) of ~he esti~ate~ eoparat~ proJcc~ cos~ when a construction co~:~r, ct has been ~pprov~d by the F~PCA o~d Executive Officer, ~d a co~,tract e~n~ has bee:~-made by tho District. (c) An a~di~io:~al ~won~2-fivo pcrce~,~ (2~%) of the ~oa~ revised es~lma~ separate projec~ cos~ when ~he Dis~ric~ F~'PC~ ~nd Execu~ive Officer have cer~ifi~ ~ha~ maid ~oJec$ eonz~ruc~ion h.s rench~ fifty percen~ (~0~) (d} An zddi~ional fif~ee~ ~rcer,~ (15%) of rovise~ os~ima~cd se~rm~o proJec~ coo~ ~hen sold Dl~ric~. .nd Sxecu~lve Officer have cer~ifi~ ~hG~ ~he separate proJ~c~ co~a~c~lon ham roach~ a~r~2-~ivo porcon~ (75%) complc~lon. (o) ~he ~o~al unpaid b~l~nce of ~aid serrate proJec~ cos~ u~n ~ho soparoce proJec~ cor~ple~io~;. ~nd inspection approvml by ~ho FWPC,~ ~ Executive Officer, znd acceptance by She Dis~ric$. The separate proJeo~ coz~ ~ us~ in ~his I r~lcle ? (o) shall incl~e ~he conmSrmc~ioa co~s b~sed upo~ o~srd~ on~icipa~ o~ ~c~u~l C~n~o O~ero. ~ho cos~ of acq' l~nds~ in~oro=~ in lsn~o, and ~a~r rights n~cesso~ for ~he proJeo~. ~i~h consideration give~ ~o appraised values p~on~ public agency acquisi~ion practices, ar~ person relaxins ~o ~he con~ruc~iors of oai~ project, and .11 by said Executive Officer ms ~cco~aary for comple~io~ of said ae~ra~o project. ~_l!pa~dl}~r~_Eocc~m_~ Tho money diaburaot ~o ~ha ~is~ric~ 'borcof ~ball bo do~oai~od in a special pursuan~ ~o lr~icio 7 established by the District sepnrnte ~nd distinct from ell other accounts of the Di~trict. Tho funds so deposited in s~id special account Shall only be u~ed for pn~cnt o~ sep~r, te and ~ot~l project costs. The District shall keep co~plete ~d sccura~e rcco~a of the expe~i~uros tha~ arc m~de from s,id ~pocial cccount and ~he 5tnte, or its representatives, shall h~ve right to inspect su~ reco~m end m~ke copies there~ at ~ime durin~ the District's re~l~ office hours. 9. ~o~orts ~n_~xpenditur~?~d_ c~..?~JOct On or before $~ dny~ ~f~cr the date on whic~ shy const~ction co,'~tract for e ecparste project i~ c~let~ or ceases, ~nd on or before $~ days after the d~tc on ~hich conmt~ctio~ of the total project is co=plated or conetructio~ ceases, the District ah, ll f~ni~h a ~itten roper6 to the State ehowing in d~t~,il the p~po~e and ~mo~-,t of the expe~.diture~ and ~ncur~brances fro~. or of said special acco~t and ahowln~ the total remount expond~ fro= the d~to of tho first disb~scm~c~:~ thc loan co~it=ont. I~ tho said reports the District mhnll i~e~izo all of tho e~parate ~r~ total project combs incurred p~ior to co~pleticn of said project or cessation of constructio:~ that.ere to be ~ from thc ~e=~inin~ f~dm i~ tumid' apccicl ~cco~nt. At tho optics of the District~ the final ~dit report ond inspection of ~PC~ for e~ch soparste project ~nd the total proJec~ may be ~ub~itte~ in lieu of any s~p~rate report. ~.orp.]et!.c~L..of. project,_ .The State Shall have the eight to in~p~c~ the ~crk being porfo~cd and the fscllitics being co~z~ructed a~ any and ~11 times during the conztruction of tho project ~,~ ~o inspect the e~mo at shy mhd all tines after its co=ple~iou. completion of the ~o~aI project, th~ District ~hnll, ~days after final insp°ction, audit snd. approval is give~: 9~ F;.~'PC~ of ~hu total project, romi~ to th~ 5t~r.,e any fur~s dizb~s~ ~o ~he Distrlc~ under ~hia con~rac~ ~ha~ ~nd no~ nec~c~ to pay costs of ~e zaid ~o~al proJec~ lnc~ro~ p~ior ~o ~he da~e oF ~id ~o~al proJec~ complo~ion,, or if no ~uch ~ndm cxi~, ~n~ ~o ~he State a ~i~on no~ico effect. In ~hc ~vcn~ ~ndm available as se~ fo~h in Em~i~i~ B are insufficien~ ~o cons~c~ ~he ~o~al project, a~ Dis~ric~ ~h~ll no~ complete conz~c~ion of ~h~ so~r~e projec~ for ~ho ~he to~al p~oJec~ shall be de~ed co~le~e~ a~ ~he e~iration of the ~o for compla~ion of mai~ Indif~n Creek Pipeline separate project. In ~he.Ovon~ ~nds avai~ble as se~ forth in B are insufficien~ to conm~c~ ~he ~otal proJec~ Distric~ co=ple~es ~n~c~ion of the Indian Creek Pipeline scpmrste proJoc~ within ~ho time for comple~ion of sa~ Indis~ Creek PApeline pro~d~ in Article $, hu~ does no~ secure ~upple~cn~al finsnci~g an~ complete construction of proJec~ for the Indian Cr~,k Dam and Disposol Area duri~.~ the cn~ ~'ear extension of ~ for co=ple~ion of said Diaposal Area prOvid~ in A~cle $, tho proJcc~ sha~ co=ple~e~ a~ ~he ~nd of zaid one year ex,on,ica p~ri~. Dis~ric~ cbnll r~ ~o ~hc Sta~e any funds unexp~nd~ or ~ns~l~ ~o Sca~o a no~ice ~ha~ no such unoxpo~de~ f~ds o~o~ w~hin ~0 d~ys after s~d completion ~i=e o~ deemed comple~ion nc~ to pay cos~a of Oho said proJec~ shall include cons~c~io~ co~s bam~ upon ~ho con~rmc~ a~ard, .cos~s for actual Chan~o Orders, ~ho cos~ of ~cquiring lands, in~eros~ in ~mter ri~h~s ncccm~nry.for ~ho p~Jzc~, ~i~h consideration given to ~ppraiccd valuc~ end p~den~ p~blic ~gency scquisi~io~; practices, sr~ lo2sl, a~ni~ra~ive, engineering, ~c~ing, sn~ inmp~ctio:~.comts, and ~hc cos~ for any claim or a~tici~cd clsim by any person ro~tln~ ~o ~he con~ruc~io~ oF zsid project, a,~ all o~hcr Dia~ric~ expenses de~o~ne~ 2 4 5 6 ? 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 19 2O 21 22 24 25 2B 27 50 ~o. c~:~etlcn of ~ald separate project. ;/ith~ 30 days ~er rccet~ o~ ~uy f~ds cr no~ice t~ no ~:htch ~o~ .~1 bo tho' Cfor~co be~oa~ the ~ot~ of ~ho ~o~ disb~s~ml~ t~ ~ be~ r~tted, to tho by tho Distri~ ~d~ thts.~ic!o, i~mds recoiv~ by tho a~l bo cr~it~ to~mrd the tot~ ~Ject cost cyst F~~ Gr~:$ ~ds (F~6~D) aro ~eiv~ ~t~ the Olo~ic% ~: tr~t to ~t~o ~uy ~p~d~ ,~s cr give a~ ~u ~ ~~o l~ovidcd, lethe'!th r~ to State ~ny dlsb,-~z~ ~ Distric~ ~ not ne~ to p~ coots of c~ proJec$, .or ~ ~ ~ch Ikm~ ~st, tr~.~lt So Sta~o a fo~h~.mh transit a ~?p!~u~t~ ~.~lttc~ ~ta$~ub of thc D!~tr!ct by ~ta~o for ~y ~r,~atc .projcct, ~ ~ald not constructed' D'im~rtcb shall roinburac Stctc said .': *: ... :- ~,~,~: ~., 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 - 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 5O 52 ~l',HN I~o WElD. MAN a p,r~ hereof, un,il ~he pr~cipml a~o~ of ~he loan ia in full. The firs~ princip~l insbal~n~ ~h~ll be ~ue payable ~on year~ follow, fag ~ho da~o on which ~ho~ Sca~e ~o ~ho Dis~ric~ a written a~a~.e~$ of ~ho principal amo~u~ of ~ho loan p~sua~.$ ~o lr~i~o 11 hereof~ a~d ~he refining princl~l instal~cnta shall bo due and payable on tho sa~e day of each succeeding year ~horcaf~er until tho ~moua~ of ~he loan i~. re~l~ in ~ull. In ~he ev~n~ the princi~l ~mo~ of ~he loan ~o b~ ~ep~l~ ~a lems ~han One Milton Ei~h~ l~dr~ Thous~n~ DolOrs ($1,800,0~.~, each principal rep~ymen~ i~a~uen~ ~hall be rc~uce~ to c percentage of ~uch tnm~al~en~ cq~l ~o ~h~ percen~aSo ~hich ~ho princl~l a=ou~ ~ be repel4 be~rs ~o One Million ~ Dollars ($1,800,000.00). =he option of payln~ ~. advance a= a~y ~o all or say per,ion of =ho r~m~tni~g unp, id p~lncipal amo~= of ~he loan] p~~, ~ha~ any in, ores= accmaed hor~ur.~or ~all bo paid aa the ~lme; provid~ fur~hor~ ~ha~ "~ny much prep~)~en~ shall no~ in =he amounts ~ a% ~he ~us ap~c~i~ tn Ar=icle 12 h~reof ~il ~he princi~l a~ou~ of ~he loan is ropaid In fu~. (a) The Dia~rict sh~ll pay ~o ~ho S~a~e in~eros~ the r~e pot annum, se~ forth 'in Su~ivision (b) of ~hia Paragraph oa the ~paid princip~l ~nce o~ ~ho su~s of mo:~ey di~burs~ ~o' tho Di~ric~ pursuan~ ~o ~hi~ contract. Sa~ in~eresG 'zhall acc~e from tho dace of ~ch S~a~o ~yabla one y~ar a~or ~ho d~o on which ~ho S~o~o ~ron~l~a ~0 Cho Dls:ricc e wriC~on s:aCemen~ of ~ho pri:;cipal am, ounb of ~he loan purDuan~ ~o Article 11 h~rcof~ and ann~11y on sacs day o~ each year ~hcrea~er ~1 ~ho principal a~oun~ ~ho loan ara in~ere~ ~horcon has been ropa~ in full. {b) The ra~e of in~rca~ shall be equ~l ~o average, as do~e~in~ by ~ho Bon~, of ~he no~ in~eroo~ co~o ~o ~he 3~a~e on Oho oslos of General obliEo~ion Bon~s of S:~Co ~ha~ oc~ro4 d~in~ ~he enlarger year i~edia~oly preceding ~he calendar 2ear in which the interest falls due, d~ing the mora~ori~ 0n princi~l paymonos, wi:h :hc~eafCer ~o be payable a: oho ~sb ra:e applied during =ora:ori~l provid~.~ha~ ~hen ~he applicable average of nc~ interest cos~s ~o che S~aCe is no~ a mul:iple of ono-~en:h of 1 percent, bho in~eros~ ra~e shall Bo a~ ~he ~ultiple of one-~enth of 1 porcon~ nex~ above ~ho applicable ~erage ~he ne~ in~ereo~ co~cm. ' (a) Tho S~aGe shall doaIgnaCe ~he Fiscal Officer ~hom principal a~ in~ercs~ payments are ~o bo m~do, 5aid Fimcal Officer a~all ~alah Oia:ric~ upon receip: of any payzen~ a e~a~o~en~ of ~ho re=aining principal-loan ba~co ~r~ ~ny in~er~S~ balance duo a~o~ zny 'maid (b} S~a=e ~hall ann~lly ~ranar~% ~o Dia~ricb a m~a:c~on~ of ~he ln~erom~ rz~o cozpu~ in accordance A~icle ~ {b) ~hl~y (30) days prior ~o tho az~nual duo for in:stash paymen~ by Dis:tic:, d~,g :ho noro:oriuz on a ~:nt~on~ of tho in~oros~ duo ~hirby (30) days prior ~o du~ ~,~o for l:~cros~ p~ymon~ by Di~ricG, "Onc~ble~or.dition,. Tho Did%tic% ~hall opor~o ~ho conoCruc~c~i "proJocg focl~gios lt~ an efficion~ an~ econ~ical :~nner and § ? 8 10 11 15 18 17 18 RO ~8 ~0 ~bo efftcten~ opurn~ton of eat~ factl~te~ end ~o koop them go~ ropstr ~ all ttmea~ ~0 ~ha~ ~td factllctan ehall r~tn In as go~ arid efftct~ co~lcton a~ u~n their consc~c~lon, of Lu~hor P~ss to Dtemond V~llay~ Alplno County, ~p~oyeee agetnS~ ~r~ to ~o~ tho ~=c fra~ and h~r~e~ any ~nd alZ c1~t~ de~r~s, dn~ge~, lo~ses, co~te~ expenso~, proJcc~ or of a~:y of it~ workm or f~cili~len, 18. ~impos.q!_of_.~_rOject Fi~hout_S~n~.. Po~i~Pign ~rohibttcd. The Dts~ricg ~all hoC ~o11~ loaao, gra~sfer, exchango~ mortgago o~ hypo[heca~ or onc~Bor ~ ax~y mnnor all om mny po~lo~ of tho proJoc'g o~ of any foal or o~her noccsearil2 co~a~cc~od or u~ 1:~ conjunction gherowi~h ghe obligeglon nubjec~ of ~hi~ cong~cg ha~ boon satisftcl or forglvon~ ~ighou~ p~tom po~isaton of ~ho Sgago. Tho between Sou~h T~ho~ Pubic Ugili~y DiGgrlcg ~ ~he County ~ ~.lpLue end ~he Alpine Co~y Wa~er Agencyv da~e~ ~prtl 6, shall, ~o ~ho ex~on~ ~ha~ i~ prov~cm for any ri~ ~o u~o a portion of '~h~ ~o~al proJec~ By Alpine County ~a~er Agency, bo ~uhJec~ ~o ~ho provialona of ~hia Article 18. office hourm, tach off '~he p3r~ioa hcr~o and ~heir au~horiz~ rcprcsen~a~ives ~all have ~hc rigb~ ~o inspec~ any m~ all 1 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 28 29 ~0 laHN (:3. WrlDMAN con~air~ info~a~io~ ~o~Gi[A~ :0 ~he proJec~ and :o ~a::era in, or arising ou~ of. ~him con:roc~, ar~ ~o ~ke copies :hereo~. 20. bo~e~? A~M ~o:lces ~hab are required ~ ~ivea by one par:y ~o :ha o~her ~'~der ~his con:roe: shall be daor. c~ :o have boon given whe~A onclo~ot in a PO~age-prepaid envelope address~ :o ~he Ois:r~c: a~ i~a offices ~hon Dis~ric~ ia bhe ~r~y ~o be no:ifie~, an~ ~o :he S:a~e B~r& of :he S:a:e of California,-S~cramen~o. California, ):hen :he S~a~e ia ~he par~y ~o be no,ifil, an& ~eposi~ed in :he Unibe~ S:a:es Pos~ Officej p~vided. ~ha~ :his a~icle shall no~ precl~e :ha elf ac:ire service of az~2 such no~ice by o~her 21. ~.asi~=e~,~ of Co~r~c~. This con~rac~'end ell of ~he provisions hereof shall apply ~o a~ bind ~he successors assi~s of ~he ~r:ies hore~° bu~ no aaai~nmen~ or ~ransfer of ~his con:rac~ or any par: ~hereof o~ in~eros~ :herein shall be valid unless end un~il app~ov~ by :he 22. ~,?tvo~ A~,M waiver n~ any ~ime by either ~r~y hero~o of i~s ri~n~s ~:h rempucb ~o a ~efaul~, or any ~a~:er arising in tarmac:ion wi:h ~hia con:ruc~, ~mll no~ doeu~ ~o be a .aiver ~h respec~ ~o any suuaequen~ &efaulb 23. ?e~...Of Co/.~tr~e:. This con, tach and obligations of :he Dt~ric~ and i~s constituents ~o ~he S~3~e hereunder shall :'ecml:~a~c when ~ho princi~l amoun: off:he lo~n bna been r~paid ~o ~h~ ~un~e an~ all ln~ereo~ ~hereon a~ o:her mh~a o~ money duo ~o :he Sba~e hero.der have been paid :he $:a:e in full. ~. ~xqcu:~~ Thio conbrac~ shall be effective when ~;o ~a:e Alloca:ion Bo~ an~ Dlo~ric~ have duly au:horizat execution. ~ho o~ficera so au~horiz~ have execu~ said 1 2 4 5 6 ? 9 10 ;.2 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 24 25 26 - 9.7 28 29 dupl~ca~u~ and t, ho Dcp~rt,~,ent,~ o£ Fi~anc= er~l (:~noral 5¢rvlccs tho $~a~o o£ Cali£or~in h.ve opprove~ said con~rac~, Di~ricC a~:~l ex officio Soc~ota~-y of Board of Dtro¢~oru Dep~r~men~ of Gonoral ~orv£cca 16. ~d-iIBIT A tho ~d~ Cre~ Pi~ine, ~d ~di~ Cre~: D~ ~d ~oa. The~e t~ nep~ato p~Jects ~e nocccs~y ~ p~lt tho ~sion of fcc~ities for ~:e tr~s~ation of treat~L ~,:~o ~u~ut of thru South ~o T~OO Baain C~m tho of Luth~ Pa=s to Diamond V~lcy Ln ~pLuc ~uty. ". ~:0 ~~ Cro~ Plp~o scp~ate ~Jo~ w~ c~ry tr~t~ m~mge ~um~t f~ the ~mit o~ Luth~ ~O ~d~: Crc~ O~ ~d Otcl~os~ ~ =cparate p~Jec$ ~t~ ef ~ e~h ~ud ~ck f~ d~ to be Thc d~ w~ provide hold~ i~ud sterne capacity of up to 3~ acre feet for trea~ ~e ~u~t, w~ hcldAr~ stor~c i~ a ~ of tr~us~rtation fac~itic~ re~ir~ prior to disclose of treat~ ~c ~u~t ~ Oim=cnd V~cy. The ~di~ Cre~ D~: ~ Ois~ ~ io locatc~ on ~lic l~ud~ ~~st~ed by thc U. S. Depa~t of ~t~ior, B~enu of L~ud g~.~g~A:e '~ooo FSlic l~uds ~ ~ions ~ Section Scc~ion Sa T. 10 N. R. 20 E. I,:. D. ~£iDIT C . ......... ~. pv~nci~al State of California State Allocation Board RESOLUTION OF THE STATE ALLOCATION BOARD AUTltORIZING TllE EXECUTIVE OFFICER TO ENTER INTO A CO~I~CT ON BEI~ OF THE BOARD WITH Titg SOUTH TAHOE P~LIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~R A ~AN PURSUA~ ~ C~PTER 4~ STAT~ OF 1966, FIRS~ ~T~ORDI~Y, SESSION WHEREAS, increasing population and urbanization in the Lake Tahoe Basin has created a serious sewage disposal problem, which occasioned th~ enactment of Chapter 47, Statutes of 1966, First Extraordinsry Session; and WHEREAS, the South Tahq~ Public Utility Dli~r.ict has applied, to this Board for a loan pursuant to said chapter; and WHF21EAS, the South Tshoa Public Utility District, hereinafter referred to as "the District", has contracted for faoiliCies co trans~rc s~age e~fluenC Co ~ s~i~ o~ ~Cher Pass; and ~ER~S, construction of transportation facilities [or the sewage effluen~ fr~-the s~i~ of ~t~r Pass ~o Dia~nd Valley in Alpine County ts nov require~; and ~H~S, iC further appears ~ by virtue of the foregoing fac~s t~c ~ha DisCrie~ is authorized ~o receive pursuan~ ~o C~p~sr 47, a loan ,- for ~he construction of ~he facilities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R~OLVED AS FO~S~ I, T~t ~he executive o[[icer o[ the Board is aut~rtzed to enter into a contract on be~lf of the State Allocation B~rd with the ~outh Tahoe Public U~llity Diatricc~ ~hereby th~ Board (a) A~rees to ~ke a l~an ~o said Ol!~tct p.~rsuanc co C~pter 47, Statutes of 1966, tirst ~traordt~r~ Session, a~ ~he appropria- tion contained therein, and in particular, purs~nt to the ~cal A~ency Allocation ~ (co~encin~ with Section 15}00 o[ the ~ovemmen~ Code), and -2- 2. Such contract may contain such other term~ and provisions as the executive o~£icer dce~s appropriate or necessary, providing that nothing therein shall be inconsistent with said Chapter &7 or the provi- sions o~ this resolution. IF the uudersignedt duly authorized ~xecutive O£ficer of the State Allocation Board~ do hereb~ certify the foreg~ ~o be a true'and correct copy o£ a resolution adopted at a meeting of said Bo~rd on 0¢tober 11~ 1966~ at Sacramento, Call~ornlao ~i~oard 1 2 4 5 6 ? 8 9~ 10 11 12 14 15 17 18 20 21 22 25 24 25 2~ 27 28 29 50 R_ESOLUTION I~O. ~2'~ A RESOLUTION OF ~HE BOARD OF DIREGTORS OF SOUTH T~.}{OE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT BET~EN STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACTING BY AkD THROUGH THE STATE ALLOCATION BOARD PURSU^NT TO CHAPTER &7. STATUTES OF 1966, FIRST EXTRAORDINARY SESSION AS A~,iEI~DED BY CHAPTER 157 OF SAID STATUTES AND SESSION, AND SOU'tH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT as follows: 1. The President of the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT be, and he is hereby authorized to execute a CONTRACT BETWEEN STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACTING BY AND THROUGH THE STATE ALLOCATION BO~.RD PURSUANT TO CHAPTER $7, STATUTES OF 1966, FIRST EXTRAORDINARY SESSION AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 157 OF SAID STATUTES AND SESSION, AND SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, da:ed May 9, 1966, and which said Contract is sixteen{16)psges in length, together with three(3) exhibits and appears on the Stationery of John C. Weidman, Attorney at Law, 325 Main Street, Placerville, California, attorney for SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. 2. The Clerk of said District is hereby authorized and directed to attest the. signature of the President of said Distric: on said Contract and affix thereto the corporate seal of said District. PASSED AND ADOPTED on May 9, 1967, at a special meeting of the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC 'UTILITY DISTRICT by the following vote: AYES.: Directors Fesler, Kortes, Melikean, Wakeman ~ .and Hegar~y 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 5O 51 JBHN E. WEIDMAN CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION STATE OF CALIFORNIA! COUNTY OF EL DORADO) I, DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, and ex officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No./~i&~ is a true, full and correct copy thereof, and that said resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT at a duly held regular meeting on MA¥1st ~ ~,1969, and that the original of said resolution is on file in the office of said SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Said resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote of the members of the Board of Directors thereof: AYES: Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Kortes, Ream and Hegarty NOES: None ABSENT: None David" W. Callahan, Clerk of the SOUT TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT and ex officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof. ( SEAL ) 1 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 15 NOES: A BSEiQ T: None None Robe~~ F~si~'~President Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. TAHOE P~BLIC UflLITY DISTRICT and ex officio Secretary of ~he Boar~ of D~ectora thereof. .... (SE~L) 41 CERTIFICATE_ OF ~RESOLUTIO~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA{ ss. COUNTY OF EL DORADO) . Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC I, DAVID W. CALLAHAN, UTILITY DISTRICT, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, and ex officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof, do here- by certify that the attached Resolution No. 827 is a true, full and correct copy thereof,~ and that said Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT at a duly held special meeting on May 9, 1967, and that the original of said resolution is on file in the office of said SOUTH T~.HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Said resolution was passed and adopte~ by the following vote of the members of the Board of Directors thereof: AYES: Directors Fesler, Kortes, Melikean' Wakeman and Hegarty NOES: None ABSENT~ None vid '-. Callahan, 'Clerk of T' Da ~' CT -- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRI and ex.officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof. (SEAL)