HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 487-041 2 3 4 ORDINANCE NO. 487-04 AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SUPERSEDING ORDINANCE NO. 469-99 AND NO. 443 AMENDING ADMINISTRATIVE CODE SECTION 3.4, ESTABLISHING WATER SHORTAGE AND DROUGHT RESPONSE STANDARDS 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 BE IT ENACTED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of El Dorado, as follows: SECTION I - FINDINGS A. The South Tahoe Public Utility District has engaged in a vigorous and ongoing program of conservation pursuant to the policy of water conservation and prohibition of water waste [California Constitution Article X, Section 2; California Water Code Sections 375-377, 1009 and Public Utilities Code section 16461]. The District Board is considering an Ordinance amending the current water conservation standards. B. In 1999, the District adopted Ordinance 469-99, Water Shortage and Drought Response Standards, pursuant to its policy of water conservation and drought conditions that existed at that time. C. As a result of MTBE contamination of groundwater, the District has been forced to discontinue use of a substantial number of the District's water wells. D. The District has developed an interim groundwater supply study to address the loss of its water supply sources caused by MTBE contamination and to plan for water service to customers. E. The ability of the District to meet water service needs of its customers has been impaired at this time and it is necessary, in the absence of voluntary water conservation measures by customers, for the District to adopt more stringent water shortage and drought response standards to address potential water shortages, in the interest of public health, safety and welfare, depending upon water availability. F. The specific provisions of this Ordinance are necessary and proper to conserve water resources and minimize cost to the District and expense to its customers. SECTION II - DEFINITIONS For purposes of this Ordinance, the terms in this Section are defined as follows: 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ,_13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 B. C. District. D. The District - The South Tahoe Public Utility District. The Board - The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. General Mana.qer - The General Manager of the South Tahoe Public Utility Water Users - any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, or political entity using water supplied by the South Tahoe Public Utility District. E. Waste - any unreasonable or non-beneficial use of water, or any unreasonable method or use of water, including, but not limited to, the specific uses prohibited and restricted by this Ordinance, or other District Ordinances. F. Water - Water supplied by the South Tahoe Public Utility District. G. New Construction - Any structure which, on the effective date of this Ordinance, either does not exist or does not have a certificate of occupancy from the appropriate governmental entity. SECTION III - WATER CONSERVATION STAGES No water user shall waste water or make, cause, or permit the use of water for any purpose contrary to any provision of this section, or in quantities in excess of the use permitted by the conservation stage in effect pursuant to this Section. Soils should be amended appropriately for the soil conditions, type of vegetation, microclimates and conditions. With proper lawn and garden maintenance and properly designed irrigation systems, watering three (3) times per week is sufficient. Landscape should be installed in a manner that will reduce the amount of water needed for irrigation. Water for landscape should be applied in a manner that optimizes the use of fertilizer by the landscape and should prevent fertilizer from leaching into the groundwater. The General Manager with regard to supply and demand of available water supplies shall determine the conservation stage, except that the Board shall determine any conservation stage more restrictive than Stage 2. A. Sta.qe 1 - Normal Conditions. During a Stage 1 - normal conditions, Water Users shall not waste water and shall abide by the following: 1. Water Users shall not allow water to flow from over the ground surface or from sprinklers onto impervious surfaces or adjacent property. 2. Water Users shall repair ail leaks in plumbing and irrigation systems. 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 ~7 28 3. Hoses shall not be used for washing motor vehicles without an automatic shut-off nozzle attached to the hose. Continuous discharge from hose nozzle is prohibited. Notwithstanding any provision in this Section to the contrary, motor vehicles washing may be done at any time, subject to any other applicable laws, on the premises of a commercial car wash or service station. Further, such washing is exempted from these regulations where the health, safety and welfare of the public are dependent upon frequent vehicle cleanings, such as garbage trucks and vehicles which transport food. 4. All Water Users are encouraged to report to the District all signs or indications of water leaks or water waste. 5. The use of water to irrigate non-landscaped, natural vegetation or undeveloped property is expressly prohibited. 6. Designated irrigation days are established: Properties with street addresses ending with an even number shall irrigate on Monday, Wednesday and Friday; and properties with street addresses ending with an odd number shall irrigate on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. There will be no irrigation permitted on Saturday. An individual irrigation zone in a property's irrigation system shall not irrigate more than one hour per day, unless the zone is irrigated exclusively by drip of other Iow-flow irrigation systems. 7. Irrigation exclusively utilizing drip or other Iow-flow systems shall be exempt from designated irrigation days. 8. An exemption shall exist under Stage 1 for new lawns planted to comply with the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency's Best Management Practices (BMPs) or, for any other reason as follows: a. Newly planted sod will be exempt for forty-five (45) days from the date of installation; b. Seeded lawns, whether by hydro seed or other means, will be exempt for sixty (60) days from the date of seeding; c. Bedding plants, including annuals and perennials, will be exempt for fifteen (15) days from the date of planting. The property owner, or his/her designee, must notify the District verbally, or in writing, to obtain 3 an exemption for the establishment of new vegetation as outlined above. 1 9. The General Manager may permit extended periods of irrigation if: 2 d. A hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off is used, or 3 e. A hand-held, faucet filled bucket of five (5) gallons or less is used, or 4 f. A drip or Iow flow irrigation system is used, or 5 g. Daytime use of public facilities prevents irrigation of all zones on the 6 designated days indicated above. 10. Water shall not be used to wash sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, tennis 7 courts, decks, patios, or other improved areas, except in conjunction with 8 driveway repair and/or sealing, or to alleviate immediate fire or sanitation 9 hazards. 10 11. All commercial establishments where food or beverages are provided should 11 encourage the serving of water to their customers only when specifically 12 requested by the customer. 13 B. Stage 2 - Siqnificant Water Shortage. During a Stage 2 - significant water shortage, 14 Stage 1 restrictions apply, and also the following shall apply: 1. The filling with water of outdoor swimming pools, which are not covered 15 during periods of non-use, is prohibited. 16 2. The operation of any ornamental fountain or similar decorative water structure 17 is prohibited unless a recycling system is used and a notice to the public of 18 such recycling system is prominently displayed. 19 3. Outdoor irrigation of all vegetation including lawns and landscaping is limited 20 to twice per week, one hour per zone - even numbered addresses shall irrigate on Monday and Thursday and odd numbered addresses shall irrigate 21 on Tuesday and Friday - except more frequent irrigation of public facilities 22 may be permitted. 23 4. No water shall be used for irrigating landscaping for new construction. 24 C. Stage 3 - Water Emergency. During a Stage 3 - water emergency, Stages 1 and 2 25 restrictions shall apply, and the Board may designate specific areas for further restrictions as 26 follows: 28 4 1. The use of water for other than domestic and commercial use is prohibited except 1 irrigation of public facilities may be permitted. 2 2. The use of water for air conditioning purposes, where an alternate source of fresh air 3 is available, is prohibited. 4 SECTION IV - ENFORCEMENT 5 The General Manager, and other District authorized representatives have the duty and 6 are authorized to enforce all provisions of this Ordinance. A. First Violation. For a first violation within one calendar year, the District shall 7 issue a written warning to the Water User. 8 B. Second Violation. For a second violation within one calendar year, a fine of $100 9 for residential customers shall be added to the Water User's bill at the premises where the 10 violation occurred; for a second violation, within one calendar year, a fine of $500 for 11 commercial customers shall be added to the Water User's bill at the property where the 12 violation occurred. 13 C. Third Violation. For a third violation within one calendar year, a fine of $250 for residential customers shall be added to the Water User's bill at the premises where the 14 violation occurred; for the third violation, within one calendar year, a fine of $750 for 15 commercial customers shall be added to the Water User's bill at the property where the 16 violation occurred. In addition to the fine, the Board or the General Manager may require 17 installation of a flow-restricting device on the Water User's service connection. 18 D. Fourth Violation. For a fourth and any additional violations within one calendar 19 year, a fine of $500 for residential shall be added to the Water User's bill at the property where 20 the violation occurred; for a fourth violation, within one calendar year, a fine of $1,000 for commercial customers shall be added to the Water User's bill at the property where the 21 violation occurred. The District may discontinue the Water User's water service at the premises 22 where the violation occurred in accordance with District procedure. Reconnection shall be 23 permitted only when there is reasonable protection against future violations such as a 24 flow-restricting device on the customer's service connection as determined in the District's 25 discretion. 26 E. District Enforcement Costs. District shall be reimbursed for its costs and 27 expenses in enforcing the provisions of this Ordinance including such costs as District incurs 28 5 for District staff to investigate and monitor the Water User's compliance with the terms of this 1 Section. Charges for installation of flow-restricting devices or for discontinuing or restoring 2 water service, as the District incurs those charges, shall be added to the Water User's bill at 3 the premises where the enforcement costs were incurred. 4 SECTION V - ADMINISTRATION 5 A. General. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be administered and enforced by 6 the District through the General Manager, who may delegate such enforcement to one or more 7 employees or contractors of the District. B. Utility Accounts. Accounts shall not be established for new customers, including 8 the transfer of accounts upon change of ownership, until the customer complies with the 9 provisions of this Ordinance. In pursuing the objectives of this Ordinance the General Manager 10 shall seek the cooperation of other utility purveyors within the District's service area. The 11 District will request that other utility purveyors not permit the establishment of new accounts 12 until the customer complies with the provisions of this Ordinance. 13 C. Discretionary Exemptions. The Board may, in its discretion, exempt Water Users and individual facilities of Water Users from the provisions of this Ordinance, or impose 14 reasonable conditions in lieu of compliance with this Ordinance, if the Board finds that any of 15 the following conditions exist: 16 1. Hardship. The requirements of this section would cause an unnecessary and 17 undue hardship upon the Water User, the Water User facility or the public. 18 2. Health and Safety. Strict compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance 19 would create an emergency condition, as determined by the Board or other 20 governmental entity with appropriate jurisdiction, affecting the health, protection or safety of the Water User or the Public. 21. 3. No Impact on Water Use. The granting of the exemption or imposition of 22 reasonable conditions in lieu of compliance with this Ordinance would not 23 increase the quantity of water consumed by the Water User or otherwise 2.4 adversely affect service to other Water Users. in granting any such relief, 25 the departure from the requirements of this Ordinance shall be limited to the 26 minimum necessary to address the circumstances upon which such a Water User requires departure. 28 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 D. Appeals. Any Water User for water service may appeal any District action or decision pertaining to that Water User under this Ordinance to the Board by filing a written appeal with the Clerk of the Board within 10 days from the date of the action or decision. The Board may, in its discretion, affirm, reverse, or modify any District action undertaken pursuant to this Ordinance. SECTION VI - SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, in whole or any part, is for any reason held to be invalid, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The Board declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase, in whole or any part, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. PASSED AND ENACTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at its duly held-~ Regular Meeting on the 1st day of April 2004, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Wallace, None None Schafer, Joines, Comte, Mosbacher Jcrn.,e~ R. Jones, ~ent ~/o45th Tahoe Pub~ Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sha~lerk of the Bold'and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING State of Califomia ) )ss County of El Dorado ) ~ I/~, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That for and °n"beh~lf of the Clerk of Board of the ,8..o~'r.H TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, affiant posted copies of ~..J'cCI_ \~~\ C~~.n form attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, in four (4) publically accessible locations in the Distdct as follows: South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Ddve South Lake Tahoe, CA Al Tahoe Post Office Station 1046 Al Tahoe Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, CA City of South Lake Tahoe 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, CA Black Bart Post Office Substation 1698 Black Bart Avenue South Lake Tahoe, CA That said posting was completed on the~'~h~ _ day of 20 Subscribed and sworn to me this ~:~ ~ day of /q.,D,'": ? 2o6 Cl'erk of fl~oard ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT