HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 466-98ORDINANCE NO. 466-98 AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADDING SECTIONS 2.8.1 THROUGH 2.8.8 TO ORDINANCE NO. 464 UNDER THE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE DIV1SION 2 AND AUTHORIZING THE ADMINIS- TRATION OF THE "HELPING HANDS OUTREACH (H20) PROGRAM" The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, State of California (District) makes the following findings: A. The District provides water and sewer utility service at reasonable costs to its customers within the service area of the District. B. The District is a political subdivision of the State of California. C. The District recognizes that many of its residential customers, often through no fault of their own, need help on occasion to pay their delinquent and unpaid utility service bills. D. The District has investigated a variety of recovery methods associated with delinquent and unpaid charges and has determined in many in~tances the pursuit of delinquent and unpaid utility service charges involVes a substantial cost to the District and/or the termination of service to the customer. E. The District has investigated a variety of means of obtaining contributions for indigent customers whose utility service accounts are delinquent and unpaid and has determined it has the authority to develop alternative methods of payment and provide a means of financial assistance. F. The District has determined the El Dorado County Department of Community Ser- vices has previously screened citizens of El Dorado County for eligibility in receiving financial assistance for other types of delinquent and unpaid public service charges. G. The District has determined the E1 Dorado County Department of Community Ser- vices is capable of screening District customers to determine eligibility to receive financial assistance for delinquent and unpaid District utility service charges. H. The District has determined the establishment and maintenance ora financial assistance program are exempt from further environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act and Title 14, Section 15061 of the California Code of Regulations as there is no possibility that the establishment and maintenance of the program may have a significant effect on the environment. I. Based upon the foregoing investigations and determinations, the District finds it may offer and administer a financial assistance program for indigent residential District customers who cannot pay their District utility service charges, which program will be known as the "Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Program." BE IT ENACTED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, California, that the following Sections 2.8.1 through 2.8.8 are hereby added to Ordinance No. 464 under the Administrative Code Division 2: Article VIII. Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Pro,ram Section 2.8.1 Purpose The purpose of this article is to establish and provide for the maintenance of a District admin- istered financial assistance program which will make available a source of privately donated contributions for indigent residential customers of the District who have delinquent and unpaid District utility service charges and who can demonstrate financial need. The financial assistance program shall be known as the Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Program. Private donations to the Program shall be separately deposited into a special District account and the funds will be made available by the District for customers previously screened and approved as eligible by the E1 Dorado County Department of Community Services. This article is intended to supplement, and not replace, any provision in the Administrative Code relating to utility service rates and charges. Section 2.8.2 Authorization of Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Account A financial assistance account shall be established and maintained by the District's Chief Financial Officer or his or her designee for the purposes of providing financial assistance to cus- tomers of the District who have delinquent and unpaid utility service charges and who can demon- strate financial need. The financial assistance account shall be known as the Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Account. The account shall be funded only through direct private contributions by members of the public. No District funds shall be deposited or transferred to this account. The con- tributions received and distributed from the account shall be kept separate from any other financial accounts managed by the District. The principal and interest of the account shall be distributed solely for the benefit of eligible applicants. There shall be no distribution of funds from the financial assistance account until the account balance maintains a minimum of five hundred dollars ($500). Section 2.8.3 Funding the Account The District may establish mechanisms to raise funds for the Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Account for subsequent distribution on behalf of customers who have applied for financial assistance and have met the requisite financial need criteria. These fund raising mechanisms may include, but are not limited to: soliciting money from private customers through bill statements; an annual fund- raising effort; and automatic payroll deductions. H20ORD.HTM:7627.1 2 Section 2.8.4 Application for Financial Assistance Any District customer who can demonstrate financial need and has delinquent and unpaid utility service charges may apply for financial assistance through the Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Program. Customer applications for financial assistance shall be made in writing to the E1 Dorado County Department of Community Services on such forms as may be prescribed by the District, signed by the applicant and shall include the following: (1) the applicant's name, billing address, and service address; (2) the amount of the delinquent and unpaid utility service charge(s); (3) the applicant's monthly income; (4) the applicant's monthly expenditures; (5) any other types of financial assistance the applicant is receiving; and (6) any other information the E1 Dorado County Department of Community Services may deem necessary in determining the applicant's financial need and eligibility for financial assistance. The application form shall then be submitted directly by the applicant to the E1 Dorado County Department of Community Services. In order to be eligible for financial assistance, the applicant's utility bill must be at least 30 days in arrears, a copy of the delinquent utility bill must be provided, and the applicant or the applicant's household must not have received financial assistance through the Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Program within the previous thirty-six (36) months. Section 2.8.5 Processing the Application Each application for financial assistance shall be reviewed and evaluated by the E1 Dorado County Department of Community Services as soon as practicable after the application has been filed in proper form. The E1 Dorado County Department of Community Services will review and evaluate applications based on the criteria described in Section 2.8.4. The E1 Dorado County Depart- ment of Community Services shall have sole discretion and responsibility, given the standards and policies stated in this article, to identify and qualify eligible applicants. All allocation schedule and payment vouchers will be established by the E1 Dorado County Department of Community Services so as to expend Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Program funds in a judicious manner. No delinquent and unpaid utility service account may receive a transfer of funds from the Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Account more than once in any thirty-six (36) month period. Section 2.8.6 Coordination with the El Dorado County Department of Community Services The District shall provide, on a periodic basis, an accounting report notifying the E1 Dorado County Department of Community Services of the available funds in the Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Account. Any administrative fees charged by the E1 Dorado County Department of Commu- nity Services for purposes of screening and approving eligible applicants shall be paid solely from the Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Account. Section 2.8.7 Confidentiality 3 H2OORD.WPD:7627.1 District shall not divulge, publicize, reveal or otherwise disclose to any person, other than the E1 Dorado County Department of Community Services, any information regarding or relating to a customer's application for, or receipt of, financial assistance from the Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Program, except as required by law. Section 2.8.8 Non-Discrimination All services rendered as a result of the enactment of this article shall comply with the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended. No person shall be denied financial assistance on the grounds of age, race, creed, color, gender, religion, national origin, or handicap. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at its duly held regular meeting on the ~_.day of fF)tOr-~'~,/q ,1998 by the following vote: AYES: Wallace Mosbacher Gochn~uer _./3 ~ ~-) NOES: None , ' ~' C? ABSENT: Strohm, Jones Jam~~'dent of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: 'Sl~a~, clerk ~)¥ the~oard/ Executive-Secretary H20ORD.HTM:7627.1 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING State of California ) )ss County of El Dorado ) I, :~ ~J-~ ~ [ ,.,: -L"-,, eing first duly sworn, deposes and says: That for and on behalf of the Clerk of Board of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, affiant posted copies of ~/~'('J, h0, C((~ (~_ c~ in form attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, in four (4) public places in the District as follows: City of South Lake Tahoe Administration Building South Lake Tahoe, CA Al Tahoe Post Office Station South Lake Tahoe, CA Tahoe Valley Post Office Station (Y area) South Lake Tahoe, CA 4. Tahoe Paradise Post Office Station South Lake Tahoe, CA That said posting was completed on the day of ~igne~'by: : Subscribed and sworn to me this ~_7/',~ ¢~- day of 19c2~ clerk of t~/Board SOUTH T~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AFF~OA'4F~ OF pUe, L~CA'T~ON ~N. SUE~ - ~.= ~,~AOOW u~ ¢~ q6150 S%A%E OF CALiFORNiA ~ am a citizen oi the Uo~te¢ stCes and a resiQent oi the Count~ ioresai8; ~ am over ei9hteen yearS, and not a part to or interesteQ the above entit~e¢ meet, ~ am the ~rincipa~ c~erk oi the 9tinter oi the Tahoe Dai~ Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation, 9tinted and published Monday through Friday in the City of South Lake Tahoe, County of El Dorado, and which newspaper has been adjudicated a newspaper oi general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of E~ Dorado, State of California under the date March 6, 1970, Case Number 18569, that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than six (6) point), has been published in each regular and entire issue of s~6 ~ewspaper and not in any supplemental therefore on the following dates, to wit: 'fha south Distr~ct, State The The MAR 20, 1998 I certify under penalty, that the foregoing is true and correct· Dated at South Lake Tahoe, California this: 24th Day of March 1998 Signed: ~_ .~0 ,~An~_ Shelley Alexander - Legal Clerk Calitomla. ,-. recognizes that C. The Dismgt maa¥ ct its residential custdmers, often through no · ,- -, ,hei~ own, need 'a~';sU',;n to P"~ cc .... aid utiti~ detinquent aaa u,~ se~ice biffs. D. The Distri~ has investigated a vari~ ' made financier delinquent and utility sewice charges.~., nad' H. The District h. aS ~,nn~erm"~,~ the establishmen maintenance of a finance assistance program exempt trom turtt~ environmental review und~ t the California Environmental Quality Act and Title 14, l Section 15061 of the Calit~a code o! Regulations as there is 1 no possibility that the establishment maintenance o! the may have a significant ~ on the environment. - - L Based upon the foreg~g investigallons determinations, the ~ flnde it may offer administer . ' asslstenoe ' program indigent re~idential customers' who 'canno{ ~'Pay I their District utility ~rvlce~ known .~ tl~ "H~lping Hlndlt article o! This intended to an~ ~ngto L r~es and or )umosee financial ct t~e who have dell~uent ~arges I~ who carl ~monatrate flnanatal hood. ~unL T~ a~unl ~ fu~ o~ throuoh ~m ~ ~ ~bl~, Nc ~t~ ~ ~r~ to ~ie ~t,' ~e ~tribut~n4 r~lv~-~, d~d~d fron s~rate fr~ 8ny othe ~1 ~/managed b~ D~. ;~p81 8n( The District may e ~ s practlcavm~ "" lied in 1964 aha ..... ~.ms to raise funds 1~ \ la --ce, lion has ueen f! ~o ties A~, ~ ame~ed'~ m~, ..... : ~ o~reacn/ ~a~. . ' T~ El oorau ~ ~oper ~orm. DiSa~.~n shal be the Helping ...... ~s~uent~ ~CounY ~-~ces will~ No V~'~' --~s~Ce O~ ground .... ~-ion for financial as~st~nce and~ review ~'~ ~ed on the ~ 0r enter m~ e have met the r~uisite fin~Ci~l~ appticatiOpS ~ ~ ~e~ion ~ col , g "ica' o~ t~ or h~ P' criteria de~rib~ in ~ need ofltefla. These lunds ~ 8 4 Tho Et Dorado Cou~ g' , ~D by raising mechanisms maY, 2. · . __., ct Communiw ~ the ~a? ~-~'~ic ~cl~e, but ~e not limlt~ ~: ~ Oepaffm=-' _,, have sole ~ solldang money from Pfivaet SeWic~s ~". snonsibilitY/~ South ~anuu .u customers through bill / discra~on ='~ .e ! - --- t Distri~ at its duty held ~licles ~t~ in ~ls ~m~ ~e~ ~arch, 1998 by the l~lowing raising afroS; ~d ~mmaflcl · ,and qual~ ellg payroll ~dU~ns' - iden~l~_ ~ local OhS t vote: ~on a.[4 A~!I~ mr ~ ~ apohcantS.~eduleandr'll payment' I AYES: Wallace,' Mosbacher, vouchers will be established by Gochnauer the El Dorado County Department of Community / t SerVices so as" to expend l Helping Hands Outreach, (H20) Program funds in a/ I judicious manner. No t [delinquent and unpaid utility, ~ service account may receive a / l transfer of funds from the' / Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Account more than once [ in any thirty-six (36) month Any District customer who can demonstrate financial need l and has delinquent and unpaid utility service charges may apply for financial assistance through the Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Program. Customer applications for financial assistance shall be[ made in writing to the El Dorado County Department of Community Services on such forms as may be prescribed by the District, signed by the applicant and shall include the foltowing: (1) the applica~'s name, billing address, and[ service address; (2) the amount of the delinquent and Unpaid utility service charge(s); (3) the applicant's monthly income; (4) the applicant's monthly expenditures; (5) any I other types of financial assistance the applicant is receiving; and (6) any other information the El Dorado County Department of Community Services may deem necessary In determining the applicant's financial need and eligibility for financial assistance. The application form shall then be submitted directly by the applicant by the to the El' Dorado County Department of Community Services, In order to be eligible for financial assistance, the applicant's utility bill must be at least 30 days in arream, a copy Icl the delinquent utility bill must be provided, and the applicant or the applicant's household must not have received financial assistance through NOES: None ABSENT: Stfohm, Jones IS/James R. Jones, President of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District AFl'EST: Sharp, period. ISection 2.8.6 Coordination with the El Dorado County Department of Community, Services The District shall provide, on a periodic basis, an accounting report notifying the El Dorado County Department of Community Services of the available funds in the Helping Hands Outreach (H20) Account, any administrative fees charged by the El Dorado County Department of Community Services purposes of screening and approving eligible applicants shall be paid solely from the Helping Hands. Outreach (H20) Account. ~eflon 2.8.7 Confidentiality District shall not divulge, pubtldze, reveal 'or otherwise disclose to any perSOn, other th~n the El Dorado County Department of