HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 440POLICY FOR EXTENSION - ORDINANCE 440 Fallen Leaf Lake Retrofit to Ultra Low Flow Fixtures The District wishes to cooperate with property owners having extreme difficulty with compliance to Ordinance No. 440 as it pertains to "antiquated" faucet fixtures. As applied to plumbing fixtures, the term antiquated is defined as old-fashioned, outdated, and obsolete. At the discretion of the General Manager or his designee, the District shall grant an extension to Ordinance 440, Section III, as it concerns faucet aerators only, as described in Section II., F., 2. until August 31, 1993, under the following conditions: 1) The faucet is deemed antiquated and recognized as more difficult to retrofit than modern style faucets. 2) The property owner can demonstrate a financial hardship based on a cost in excess of $500 for the faucets on his property. 3) Property owner shall submit a written request for extension and supply a copy of estimate from a licensed plumber. Owner shall state his/her proposed date of compliance not to extend beyond August 31, 1993. OR 4) The property owner can demonstrate that the property will be demolished within the extension period. OR 5) If requested, a review may be given on an individual basis and an exemption may be granted by staff if flow from faucets is determined to be less than 3.0 gallons per minute. Any waiver from Ordinance 440 will be considered by the Board of Directors on a case by case basis. Adopted 6/18/92 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA ITEM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Diane Gilbert Customer Service Man er BOARDMEETING June 18~ ]992 AGENDA ITEM ACTION ITEM NO. **************************~ ....... .~NSENTCALENDARITEMNO. ************************* ...... -, ITEM/PROJECTNAME: ORDINANCE NO. 440 - E T .ww***************& REQUESTED BOARDACTiON: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Many of the Fallen Leaf Lake ~ owners are experiencin~ difficult~ with compliance to a_p_g_rtion of th_____~eULF retrofit requirement as it concerns faucet aerators. On J ne 4 h the_____Board directed staff to develo a olic to ' m June 30 1992 deadline for h s wn r SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO. BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Policy for extension - Ordinance No. 440 CONCURRENCE WITH PROPOSED ACTION: YES FINANCE OFFICER: YES NO NO GENERAL WATER SEWER X ORDINANCE NO. 440 AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO PROVIDE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF LOW WATER USE PLUMBING FIXTURES AT FALLEN LEAF LAKE BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County of E1 Dorado, as follows: SECTION I. - FINDINGS A. The existing Fallen Leaf Lake sewer collection system design is based on estimates made in 1977 of occupancy loads and from field observations. The estimated per capita flow rate of 45 gallons per capita per day was established and a peak occupancy of 1,277 population at Fallen Leaf Lake was factored, resulting in a peak flow of 59,770 gallons per day being fixed as the project flow design criteria. The project flows can be broken down as follows: Stanford Camp - 14,400 Permittees - 7,160 U.S. Forest Service - 2,000 Fallen Leaf Lake Associates - 12,600 Private Propoerty Owners - 23,310 Frederick's Property - 300 B. The sewer collection system at Fallen Leaf Lake was, based on the 1977 design studies, restricted to a maximum average discharge of 60,000 gallons per day. C. The limit of the Fallen Leaf Lake sewer collection system of 60,000 gallons per day was also imposed by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency in the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT'S ("District" herein) 0.2 expansion program. D. The District is responsible for enforcing the 60,000 gallons per day discharge limitation for the sewage collection system at Fallen Leaf Lake. E. Measurement of existing wastewater flows establish peak flows in excess of 60,000 gallons per day. A reserve flow of 12,600 gallons per day for future use by Fallen Leaf Lake Associates is not included. F. Reducing sewage influent by water conservation will help reduce the collection system loading below 60,000 gallons per day. The specific rules, regulations and restrictions established herein are necessary and appropriate to the accomplishment of that end. Additional measures may need to be taken to reduce flows below 60,000 gallons per day. Additional measures may include, but are not limited to, the purchase of additional sewer capacity, additional metering, additional flow reduction, and/or disconnection from the system. ae SECTION II. - DEFINITIONS The District - The South Tahoe Public Utility District. B. The Board - The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. C. General Manaqer - The General Manager of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. D. User - Any person, firm, company, partnership, association, corporation, or political entity using the Fallen Leaf Lake wastewater collection system owned and operated by the District. E. Building - Any structure used for human habitation or a place of business, recreation or other purpose containing sanitary facilities. F. Low Water-Use Plumbinq Fixtures - Ail of the following: Any toilet, urinal or other device which discharges no more than 1.6 gallons per flush, and incorporates American National Standards Institute standards. Showerheads, lavatory faucets, and sink faucets, the flow from which is not to exceed 2.75 gallons per minute, plus or minus ten percent (10%) tolerance, at water pressures up to 80 pounds per square inch; or any faucet aerator which allows discharges of no more than 2.75 gallons per minute. The words "3.0 gpm max", the actual tested flow rate, or other conspicuous marking approved by the Executive Director of the California Energy Commission shall be marked on the fitting or on a label attached to the fitting to show compliance with flow rate standards. The foregoing maximum flow rates are as established by American National Standards Institute. Low Water-Use Plumbing Fixtures means all of the plumbing fixtures identified in this Subsection. SECTION III. - REQUIREMENTS A. Users shall retrofit all plumbing fixtures in all buildings which do not meet low water-use plumbing fixture standards with low water-use plumbing fixtures, as defined by this ordinance, no later than June 30, 1992. These fixtures shall be installed and maintained, and shall not be replaced with fixtures which allow greater water use or wastewater discharge. -2- B. Statement of exclusive retrofit in compliance with this ordinance, together with a dated copy of the purchase receipt for each low water-use fixture, and a copy of the labor contract, or statement of self installation, which evidences complete installation, shall be forwarded to the District, and a written agreement by the user allowing inspection of the property by the District. SECTION IV. - ENFORCEMENT A. The provisions hereof shall be administered and enforced by the District through the General Manager, who may delegate such enforcement to one or more designees. As used in this Section IV General Manager includes designees. B. Each User is deemed to control the wastewater discharged into the sewer collection system at his or her premises and to be responsible therefor. C. Whenever the General Manager determines that there is an existing violation of this ordinance, that low water use plumbing fixtures have not been installed, or have been removed since initial installation, the General Manager shall discontinue forthwith sewer service to the User at the building where the violation occurred, in accordance with the disconnection procedures defined in District Ordinance No. 372 Requlatinq the Use of Public & Private Sewers. Reconnection shall occur only when there is compliance with all provisions of this ordinance. D. District shall be reimbursed for its costs in enforcing the provisions of this Ordinance, including such costs as District incurs for District staff to investigate violations and monitor the Users compliance with the terms hereof. Charges for discontinuing or restoring sewer service, as those charges are determined by the District, shall be paid by the User. E. Any User may appeal any decision hereunder to the Board by filing a written appeal with the Clerk of the Board within 10 days from the date of the decision appealed from. The Board may, in its discretion, affirm, reverse, or modify the General Manager's decision and impose such conditions as it deems appropriate. SECTION V - SEVERABILITY A. If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, or any part thereof, is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The -3- Board hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof, irrespective of subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at its duly held Regular Meeting on the 20th day of February , 19 9~ by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Directors Onysko, Mason, Wallace, Mosbacher, Pierini None CHAIRMAN OF BOARD, LOU PIERINI SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATHS CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT -4- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STPUD Box 19487 SLT, CA. 95706-3487 Ordinance ~440 STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of El Dorado I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County foresaid; I am over eighteen years, and not a part to or interested in the above entitled matter, I am the principal clerk of the printer of the printer of The Tahoe Daily Tribune a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published Sunday through Friday in the City of South Lake Tahoe, County of El Dorado, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of El Dorado, State of California under the date of March 6, 1970 Case Number 18569, that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: February 25 all in the year of: 1992 I certify (or declare) under penalty, that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at South Lake Tahoe California, this 25 date of Feb 1992 -) Signed: BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Dire, ctcrs of t A. The existing Fallen Leaf Lake ~s t3ased'o~n estimare~ made in 1977 Of occupancy loads and IrO~T~ field observati6ns, The estimated per. cal~ita flow rate of 45 gal~oae per capita pet' day was established and a peak oc~ '[,~77 PoPulatk;v,3 at Fallen Leaf Lake vva~ factored, resulting in a peakilow of 59,770 gallons per day being fixed as the project flow design criteria. The ~ojec! flov~s can be broken down asfollews: '. Star~ord~¢a mp 14,400 Permittees 7.t60 U.S,' Forest Service 2,000 FalleJi Leaf Lake Associates 12.600 23.310 ' ,300 B. The sewer'coliection system at Fallen Leaf Lake was, based on the .1977 desigi~ studies; restricted to a maximum average discharge o?'60,000 gallons pet. day. C, The limit' o~ the Fallen Leaf 'Lake sewer collection system of 60,000 gallons per day was also imposed by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency 'in the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT'S ~"Distfict' herein) 0.:2 expansion program, D, TIi~ Qi~trict"~s responsible for enforcing the 60,000~ gallons per ~la~ diSCha~,ge limitatk~ f~' the sewage collection system at Fallen Leal[ Lake, E Measurement Of e~;sting wastewater fows establish peak ~ows m ex~ess o! 60,000 gallons per day. A reserve flow of 12,600 gallons per day for future use by Fallen Lear Lake Associates Is not included. F. Re~!gg: ~.e~a~e:ml~u. ?nt bY Tater c~erva;ti(~!~ ~ill help reduce~ collation ~ystehn:leading below (~0,00O gatt0ns per day. ,The specific rules, regulations and restrictions eStablisll~d hele~n are ~ecessary and appropriate to *J.~e acoOil~plishment of that end. Addi.tionaf rneasgres may meet to be taken to recluce flows below 60,000 gallons per day. Additional measures may include, but are not li~nited to. the purchase of additional sewer capaCity, additional metering, additional flow reduction, disconnection from tl~e system. , SECTION Il.- DEFINITIONS A. Th~ D~tr'i~ - The South Taho~ Publ~ Utility District, B. Th~ Board. The Board of Direct°rs of'the $obth Tahoe'Public Utility District. ' . , . C. · The General Manager of the ~outh Tahoe D; __ Any person, firm. company, I:)artnership Lake , the or a placo sanitary. ~0 ma the California E* COmmiss~ i o~ on a label stancl~.attached to the .fi!ting The foraging maximum flow rates are. ee established by American N~t~lonal ~te~lards institute, Low Water-Use Plumbing Fixtures means ail ct the plumbing fixtiures identified in this Subsechon, SECTION i~ll,. REQUIREMENTS A U~efs shall retrqfit alt pl~rr~ing fixtures in ali buildings which ~o not meet IoW Water-use plumbing fixture standards with ~w wate['-use plumbing fixtul'es,as defined by this ordinarice. be .installed wi'th fixtures whicil allow greater water use or wast~vater d~scharge. B. a copy of the labor which evidences he District, and a allowing inspection of the I~'Opefly by'the District. : SECTION IV. * ENFORCEMENT A_ The 'pr°~isio~s hereof s~ll ~ administered aha enfor~d by the Di~tdct~through the General Manager, who may d~ega~e ~ch ~nforcement to one 0r more designees. u~d in t~ S~n IV General Manger i~ludes' design.s, B, Ea~ U~is ~em~ to c~tr~ the wastewater discharged ~to the ~er ~ll~tion system at his or her premises and to ~ rus~n~l~ t~erefor. C. Whenever the Ge~rat Manager oetermmes that tt~eru Is an existing ViolatiOn of this ordinance, that Iow water use dl~Onllnu~ JollJiwilh sewer servi~e lo lbo Use[ al lhe building where the violation ogcurrea, in agcord~t~oe Wilh the [JlSCOllll~CJJon I~OCOdures de~inc~ in District Or,dinm~cu 372 Beqolatinq the Use of Public & Pri~t~ Sewers. ReconnecHon shall ~ur only ~en libra.is ~liance wi~ D. D~trm 81a ~ reimbursed lot ~ls ~ I~fo~ ~ovisions of this ~dinance, including such cosls ~s Dimrict incurs for Distrim 8J~fJ Io investigate violalions and monitor the User~ compliance with the terms hereof. Charges f~r di~onlinu~g or restoring sewer service, as those charges aetermined by the District. sh~ll be paid by lhe User. E. ~n7 Us~r m~y ~ppeal ~ny decision her~unae~ to me Board by filing 8 written appeal w~th the Clerk of the Bo~d wilhin 10 days from the d~Ie of lhe d~cision ~pe~led from The Board m~y, iH ils discrelion, 811irm, reverse, or moddy lhe General MangBr's decision and impose such ~ndJlions ~s il deems appropriate. SECTION V - S~E~BILITY A. tf any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, claule or ph~88e of Ibis O~din~nce. or ~ny p~J thereof, i8 Tot any reason held 1o ~ invalid, such decision sh~tl not ~ffecl the validity of the remaimng portions or ~his Ordi~n~ or any p~ lhereof. Th~ Board here~ declares thai ~i would ~ve ~8ssed each section, subsection, subdivision, l)aragr~ph,' senlence, clause, or phrase thereof, irrespective of subaiwsions, paragrap/ls, sentences, clauses or phrases De declared iiivaJld.' PASSED AND ADOPTED uy the Board of D,reel.ors of the South Tahoe Public Utility DistricJ~aL its duly field VOIO: AYES: DIr~o ~Onysko, Masofl. Wallace, Mosba~l~ar P~erlni NOES: None BOARD, LOU PIEttlNI