HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 433ORDINANCE NO. 433
BE IT ENACTED, by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE
PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County of E1 Dorado, as follows:
A. The South Tahoe Public Utility District has engaged in a
vigorous and ongoing program of conservation pursuant to the policy
of water conservation and prohibition of water waste [California
Constitution Article X, Section 2; California Water Code Sections
375-377, 1009 and Appendix Sections 10015(13)].
B. It is in the public interest to prohibit the waste of
water in order to conserve water supplies for the greatest public
benefit and to protect and conserve the natural groundwater and
surface water resources.
C. The District's water supply is limited and recent changes
in the regulations of competent governmental authorities may
permanently reduce existing water supplies. The cost of developing
additional water supply resources is significant. Water
conservation and the prevention of waste will avoid or reduce water
shortage, save potentially unnecessary expense, and increase the
efficiency of water production, storage, and distribution
D. Water conservation and prohibition of water waste will
reduce sewage effluent.
E. Reducing sewage influent and the waste of water will
reduce the cost of providing water and sewer services.
F. The specific rules, regulations and restrictions
established herein are necessary and proper to accomplishment of
the ends set forth in these Findings.
For the purpose of this Ordinance, the terms used herein are
defined as follows:
A. The District - The South Tahoe Public Utility District.
B. The Board - The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe
Public Utility District.
C. General Manaqer - The General Manager of the South Tahoe
Public Utility District.
D. Water Users - Any person, firm, partnership, association,
corporation, or political entity using water obtained from the
South Tahoe Public Utility District.
E. Waste - Any unreasonable or non-beneficial use of water,
or any unreasonable method or use of water, including, but not
limited to, the specific uses prohibited and restricted by this
Ordinance, as hereinafter set forth.
F. Water - Water supplied by the South Tahoe Public Utility
G. Existing Residential Buildinq - Any structure of human
habitation occupied prior to the effective date hereof.
H. Low Water Use Plumbing Fixtures includes all of the
Any toilet, urinal or other device which discharges
no more than 1.6 gallons per flush, and incorporates
American National Standards Institute standards.
Flow from lavatory faucets, sink faucets, and
showerhead is not to exceed 2.75 gallons per minute,
plus or minus ten percent tolerance, at water
pressures up to 80 pounds per square inch. The
words "3.0 gpm max", the actual tested flow rate,
or other conspicuous marking approved by the
Executive Director of the California Energy
Commission shall be marked on the fitting or on a
label attached to the fitting to show compliance
with flow rate standards.
Any faucet aerator which discharges no more than
2.75 gallons per minute.
The foregoing maximum flow rates are as established by
American National Standards Institute. Low Water Use Plumbing
Fixtures means all of the plumbing fixtures identified in this
Subsection I.
I. New Construction - Any structure that does not exist and
for which plans are received by the District after February 21,
J. Remodelinq - Any construction activity which increases
the living space under roof on a parcel and entails an expenditure
in excess of $5,000.
A. Effective February 21, 1991, Low Water Use Plumbing
Fixtures are mandatory for all New Construction. These fixtures
shall be installed and maintained and shall not be replaced with
fixtures which allow greater water use.
B. Remodeling - At the time of Remodeling, Low Water Use
Plumbing Fixtures shall be installed in all buildings. These
fixtures shall be installed and maintained and shall not be
replaced with fixtures which allow greater water use.
No Water User shall waste any water. The following uses of
water are specifically found and determined to constitute waste:
A. The use of water for any purpose, including landscape
irrigation, which consumes or for which there is applied
substantial amounts of excess water beyond the reasonable amount
required for such use, whether such excess water remains on the
site, evaporates, percolates underground, goes into the sewer
system, or is allowed to run off the property. Every Water User
is deemed to have under his control at all times the water
distribution lines and facilities, other than District facilities,
through which water is being supplied and used, and to know the
manner and extent of water use, including runoff.
B. The excessive use, loss, or escape of water through
breaks, leaks or malfunctions in the Water User's plumbing or
distribution facilities.
C. The use of spray-type sprinklers or other irrigation
devices in such a manner, or under such weather conditions, as to
permit or cause overspray beyond landscape materials.
The District, its General Manager, and designated employees,
have the duty and are authorized to enforce all provisions of this
Ordinance. Each Water User is deemed to control the water used at
his or her premises and to be responsible therefor. The imposition
of costs in accordance with the terms hereof shall not preclude
recourse by the Water User against the person or persons
responsible for violation of this Ordinance.
A. First Violation. For a first violation, the District
shall issue a written warning to the Water User.
B. Second Violation. For a second violation, a surcharge
shall be imposed equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the
immediately preceding Water User's bill at the premises where the
violation occurred.
C. Third Violation. For a third violation, a surcharge shall
be imposed equal to fifty percent (50%) of the immediately
preceding Water User's bill at the premises where the violation
occurred. In addition to the surcharge, the Board or the General
Manager may require installation of a flow-restricting device on
the Water User's service connection.
D. Fourth Violation. For a fourth violation, the surcharge
pursuant to Section Vii.c. hereof shall be imposed and the District
shall discontinue forthwith water service to the Water User at the
premises where the violation occurred. Reconnection shall occur
only when there is practical protection against recurrence of
violations such as a flow-restricting device on the Water User's
E. District Enforcement Costs. District shall be reimbursed
for its costs in enforcing the provisions of this Ordinance,
including such costs as District incurs for District staff to
investigate and monitor the Water User's compliance with the terms
hereof. Charges for installation of flow-restricting devices or
for discontinuing or restoring water service, as those charges are
determined by the District, shall be paid by the customer. Those
charges shall include such costs as District incurs for District
staff to investigate and monitor the Water User's compliance with
the terms hereof.
A. General. The provisions hereof shall be administered and
enforced by the District through the General Manager, who may
delegate such enforcement to one or more designees. As used in
this Section VII General Manager includes designees.
B. Utility Accounts. Accounts shall not be established for
new customers until the customer complies with the provisions of
this ordinance. In pursuing the objectives hereof the General
Manager shall seek the cooperation of other utility purveyors
within the District's service area. To that end, the District will
request that other utility purveyors not permit the establishment
of new accounts until the customer complies with the provisions of
this ordinance.
- 4 -
C. Discretionary Exemptions. The General Manager may, in the
exercise of discretion, exempt facilities from the provisions of
this ordinance, or impose reasonable conditions in lieu of
compliance therewith, if the General Manager determines that any
of the following conditions exist:
Hardship. The requirements herein would cause an
unnecessary and undue hardship upon the Water User,
purchaser of the facility, or the public.
Health and Safety. Strict compliance with the
requirements of this ordinance would create an
emergency condition affecting the health, protection
or safety of the Water User or the public.
No Impact on Water Use. The granting of the exemption
or imposition of reasonable conditions in lieu of
compliance with the requirements herein would not
increase the quantity of water consumed or otherwise
adversely affect service to other existing water
In granting any such relief the departure from the terms of
the Ordinance shall be the minimum necessary to remedy the
circumstances necessitating such departure. The General Manager
shall notify the Board of Directors of the General Manager's
decision on any such applications.
D. Appeals. Any Water User or applicant for water service
may appeal any decision hereunder to the Board by filing a written
appeal with the Clerk of the Board within 10 days from the date of
the decision or application appealed from. The Board may, in its
discretion, affirm, reverse, or modify the General Manager's
decision and impose such conditions as it deems appropriate.
A. If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph,
sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, or any part thereof,
is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not
affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or
any part thereof. The Board hereby declares that it would have
passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence,
clause, or phrase thereof, irrespective of subdivisions,
paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid.
B. This Ordinance shall become an addendum to Ordinance
No. 360.
- 5 -
Ordinance 433
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the South
Tahoe Public Utility District at its duly held Regular Meeting on
the 21st day of February, 1991, by the following vote:
AYES: Directors Sinclair, Mason, Pierini, Onysko
NOES: Director Mosbacher
- 6 -
Row 19487
SLT, CA. 95705-3487
Ordinance ~433
County of El Dorado
I am a citizen of the United States and a
resident of the County foresaid; I am over
eighteen yo~, a~d not a part to or
Interested In the above entitled matter,
I am the principal clerk of the printer
of the printer of The Tahoe Daily Tribune
a newspaper.of general ckculation,
prlnted and. published Sunday through
Friday In the City of South Lake Tahoe,
County of El Dorado, and which newspaper
h~ been adjbdged a newspaper of general
circulation by.the Superior Court of the
County of.El Dorado, Sta'te of C~.lifornla
u~der the date of March 6, 1.970 C~.se
Number 1856,9, that the notice of which
the ~nexed Is a printed copy (set In type
not smaller than nonparell), has been
published In each regular and 'entire issue
of said newspaper and not tn any.
supplement thereof on the following dates,
to wit: H'arch 8
all In tho yo~.r, of: 1991
I codify (or declare) under penalty,
that tho foregolng is true and correct.
Dated at South Lake Tahoe
CaJifornla, th~ .' 8 date/,of
19 91
N~R360 '
8E IT :ENAC~D, by the
~rd of Directors of S~3UTH
:'~18~Rl~T,,,,'~ty Of El Dora~
The South Tahoe Public
Util!~ Ois~ct ~ engaged in
~, vigoJ~us :and ongoing pro-
~Of ConSe~vatioh pursuant
v~tion ~d ~t~ ~f wamr
~ste (O~t~ ConstitUtion
..~X, 8~m' 2; Oalifornia
~feJei' ~~ 37!~.G77.
dOG9 and AppemJix Sections
~btl~it the waste of' water .in
~et!~ cons~e water sup.
:~,~,ea.~ the greatest public
:~'qa~,d. '. :{0~ protect and'
~n~rve,~: ratuml
:~tet 'ahd ~Urteoe water re-
~ ~ regu!e.~s 0f competent
~6tal 'aunties 'may
J;~?rmanently ~:.e~sltng
~te~LaUl~lies, The cost of
.~ek~n~g ~ ~ti~ water
water conservation and the
?evention of waste will avbld
~ redUCe water shortage
Save I:~tenCall¥ unnecessary
ex~, and i~ase ;~e
fi¢~ of water :production,
storage, and distribution faciti-
; W~e~ ~"~ and
~f water waste will
[.~e. of the South T,hOe
ul~ic Utility District. .
C. General' Manager - The
D. Water Users - Any person,
firm, I~affnership ae,~latio~,
.~o~3ratten, er political enliiy
U~?lng water Obtained from
c~outn Tahoe. Public Utility
E. Waste - Any unreasonable
or non-benefiCial u~e of wate~r,
or any unreasonable me~.~xi
or use of water, Including, but
not flmited to, [he specific
prohibited and restricted b/
this Ordirance 'as hemlnafl~
set forth.-
F. Water. Water e ,u,I.;~l. led by
the South Tahoe Pubhc Ul[tfit~,
G. Existing Residential Build.
ing- Any structure of human
h.a. blta~n OCCupied prior.to the
effective date hereof.
H. Low Water Use Plumbing
Fixtures includes all of the ~
1. Any t~ilet; urinal or other
mdevice which discharges no
ore ~han 1.6 gallons per
flush, and Incomomtes ArnO;
~ N~onal Stana~rds
2. Flow ~rom lavato~/faa3em,
sink faucets, and
is riel to exceed 2.75 ~
per minute, plus or minu. ten
percent tolerance: at Water
A. 21,
1~1. LoW ¥
lng Ftxtu~m~ are
all New Construction, These
fixtures shall be fnatalied and
maintained and shall not be
replaced with fixturel' which
allow grdater water t,tse.
B. Re~ncdeling. At the time of
Remodeling, [ow Water Use
Plumbing I~ixtures shall be in-
stalled In all build ngs These
· f xtures shall be Installed and
maintained' and shall rot be
rep{aced with fixtures which
allow greater water use.
No Water User shall waste
any water. The following uses
of .waTer are ~secifically found.
eno aetermined to constitute
A The use of water .for any
purpose, including rtaildscepe
irrigation, which Eonsumes or
for which there is applied
substantial amount of. excess
water beyond the reasonable
amount required for such use,'
whether s~sh excess water
remains on the site,
evapomteS~ percolates under-
s,/~tem, O? is allowed to run off
User is deemed, to have Under
his contn3l at all. tinms the
water clts~ribution ~ea told fa-
dl ties, other than District facil-
ities, th?OUOh which water is
being Suppled lind: used, and
to kn~v the ma~ and ex-
ten! of water use, including
B. The excessive use, IceS, or
eke, eeks or malfunctions
in the Water User's plumbing
P. O. Box 1358 South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Phone (916) 541-3880 or (702) 831-2344
a-wHiten warning to. the Water
User. ' ·
B. Second V~otation..Fora
SeCond violation, a Surcharge
~hall be impce~d equal to
tWenty.five percent~ (25%) of
~ immediately prea~ing
Water User's bill at~- th~
promises where the violation
C~ Third Violation. FOr a third
violation; a aumharge shaft be
~ imposed equal to fifty percent
(60%) .of .the .immediately
preceding water User's bill at
the premises. Whets .the vie.
lation occurred. In addition to
the surcharge, the Board er
· tl3e General ~ar may re-
Claire installa~n b! a hOW-
restricting device' on'the Water
User's sewice~nneotion.
D. Fourth :For a
fourth violatldt~;'the suPcharge
pursuant to Section Vii.C.
hereof shall be imposed and
the District "shall diSCOntinue
forthwith v~tar service to the
5.Water user at the premisas
:' where the violation occurred.
Reconnection shall occur only
when thee ts pracdcal protec-
tion a~ m~urree~e of vio-
lations such as a flow-metric-
the Water
· of
include costs
inC~s dosignoes,
B, Utility Acmuflm~ ~flm
S~l not
· ~ custome~
tomer complies with the ~avi-
aeons of lhis;ordinmlce~ In Pur-
Suing ~ o~s ~ the
the cooporaaon ~ other Utility
~eyors within the District's
service area. To that end the
Diab'lct will reque~t that other
udlitypuweyore not permit
establishment of new accounts
until the customer mml~tes
with the provisions of this oralS.
C. DisCretionary Exemptions.
The General Manager may, in
~ exercise of discretion, ex-
~t f~,tias
' siOnc Of this q!,~4nance, or im-
pose reasonable conditions in
lieu ~
3, I Irrlpact on Wa~ Use.
The granting of the ex~
.or imla:mllton of reas~e
conditions in lieu of com-
pliance with ~he.requtrements
herein wOUl~F ~ ~ease the
o~ a~affect set.
cofli~ulllere; .: ·
In Orenltno any SUCh relief th~
.d~m ~he terms of
t~.,:~nan~ :the
~um necessary to remedy
.m, c~mStances
The General
is f~
nen~ or s
Board tha~ it
would hay,
par~.gm~, sentence; clause,
o.r ~ thru, eof, irre~pective
o! aUbdivJeiorte; I~lra~raphs
sen~, clauses or phmse~
; ~a Ordinance shall
become an addendum to Or-
dinenoe No. 360.
the BOard of Directors of the
South Tahoe Public Utility
District at its duly' held Regular
Meeting on the 21st day of
Februa~/, ~091, by the foj~v.
AYES: Directors Sinclair,
MaSon, Pierini, orty8ko
S NT:None' :
Pub/ishers of the Tahoe Daffy Tribune, North Lake Tahoe Bonanza, Lake Tahoe Bonanza, Tahoe Action This Week, High Sierra TV Scene