HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 432 - Superseded ORDINANCE NO. 432 AN ORDINANCE OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AMENDING CONDITIONS OF TRANSFER SECTION IV.K. ONLY OF ORDINANCE NO. 403 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TRANSFER OF SEWER UNITS ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ENACTED, by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE UTILITY DISTRICT, County of El Dorado, as follows: SECTION I - AMENDMENT This Ordinance amends conditions of Transfer Section IV.K. only of Ordinance 403 enacted on November 2, 1987. SECTION II - AMENDMENT OF SECTION IV.K. ONLY section IV.K. only of Ordinance No. 403 is deleted by this Amendment. section IV.K. of Ordinance No. 403 shall read as follO'i\Ts: ilK. The charges for transfer of each sewer unit of $1,330.00 as previously applicable by Ordinance No. 357 and Ordinance No. 403 are confirmed and shall be the charges for transfer of each sewer unit. The Board finds through mistake that the transfer of sewer units charges could be interpreted to required transfer of sewer units charges in excess of $1,330.00 for each sewer unit after Ordinance No. 413 was effective without amendment of Ordinance No. 403. If such interpretation was made and the District mistakenly charged and received in excess of $1,330.00 for each sewer unit transferred after Ordinance No.413 was effective, any amount of the charge paid in excess of $1,330.00 for each transferred sewer unit mistakenly charged, shall be refunded to the record owner of the primary parcel at the time this Ordinance No. 432 becomes effective. No refund shall be made until the record owner of the primary parcel at the time this Ordinance No. 432 becomes effective makes application to the Di.. ..:rict for such refund within one year from effective date of this Ordinance No. 432." - 1 - ~__-I--.____"', ~~.___. ..-. ~ . __.___M________ SECTION III - ORDINANCE NO. 403 AND ORDINANCE NO. 357 All sections of Ordinance No. 403 enacted November 2, 1987, except section IV.K., and all sections of Ordinance No. 357 now in effect are ratified and confirmed. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public utility District at its duly held Regular Meeting on March 21, 1991 , by the following vote: AYES: Directors Sinclair, Mosbacher, Mason, Pierini, Onysko NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None -~~ NAT SI CLAR, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PM;- tl ~~ PAT A. MAMATH, CL RK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT - 2 - ., . ~Wi{,:::::;':.. .,. . .1'1.~:Z:y:., . ,: '.? .i' ",;. ;, ... ,.1.',_ \~ip::(,;:~''''::', . .;~~.;.,!~~i;;r ' "~'I~ , .:.TI:j~;f::, ' !:':,,~:(;:~; . ::.,(.r;.::j;; ::,!;:?/:i.\'~ ," ' .;)";'{?':, , !.:. ,1",,1.'; ~ . . .'" .\ . I . " ,/1: :. ;:" ~~J:,.i ~'f .', ; t~n' ' '~.';.{trt:,: ' ::,(',~r', '. :.:;:, ,::~'...' ":':':,~'.W,: '.' I ,:::.;>;\::~, I am a clllze,n, of the United Statos and a , ;"::::",~.('.!i:', resIdent of the County foresald; I am ovor : ';.:Hr~;~ I, el9hteen years, and not a part to or ,.:.;:, t~~:::, Interestod In the above entilled malter, ','<'i;Y~,\<' I am the principal clerk of tho printer : "'::il'Jr' of the prInter of The Tahoe Dally Tribune '.;'; <, :'I.j~;\ . i,~V . a newspaper ;,of general clr,culalion, .' ,,\,)~, ,'. prInted and. published Sunday through , "",:',:i;r,. Friday In the City of South Lake Tahoo, : . ::~W;f,:. County of EI Dorado, and which nowspapor :' :';.::~:; . has been adJudged a newspaper of genoral . ':'~~~:~"'.: clrculallon by, the SuperIor Court of the , "'/,~~""",,\, County of ,EI Dorado, State of Call1ornla . ".',(:'~~;;:' : under the d~te of March 6, 1970 Case ".. a'~~', Number 1 8S6,9,that the notice of which . "':&;.~:}::,'>' tpe annexed Is a printed copy (sol In typo '~~1..('\'."~ . not smaller than nonparoll), has boon .A";.K.~" ,'. published In each regular and 'ontire Issuo :::~:::,.:"\ ' , . : of said nowspaper and not In any' . '.';/~:\'.';;', supplement thereof on tho following dates, ..'t:'l,;:':.' to wIt' Ma'rc'h 28 ' , ..I~~ ~'.~ . . " ~::;. :~':" .. . ' ,.~:'~"'t i " ,;(~\.\~'I~" ; . <~j)}. ~ , , ..,;J"l." ", . ,.. ~!. ):.~'I t' . . ~' . ., . ~::J~;,'J;r;" , . '.:', ~Il. ~';" t' ". ;{r~~,', ,...,'.' . <f'~:t, :. ;' ." . 0, '.' . t 't" t, , , :. :." ~.;:; " ~ " \', . 'I . ,. t "t', t. t: ~,..i"'I"" ,. . ',.,. .1_----. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STPUD ., !:30X 1~4e/ South LakeTahoe. CA. 9570fi-~4R7 Ordinance #432 STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of EI'Dorado all In the year, of: 1 99 1 , I certify (or declare) under ponally, that tho foregoIng Is true and correct. Dated at S D U t h La k eTa h D.e , ::I~:r;:I'~;;r#19 91 liBU ",' UTlliTy'DIST TRANS- : FEROFSEWERUNITS ORDINANCE AMEN9MENT " ,liE' IT-ENACTED,. .tly.\M~' ~ ~fl DireolCts ~i SOU'fH: TAHOE uTIUTY OISTRICT:; COunty of. ~\ Wrlidcl,' as,~ follOWS:"":" sectION I. AMENDMENT ii. This, Ordinance amends cQn"?, allan ."1<. T each as' pr Ordinanct nance NQ;;~ and shall bfj C .... for Iranster:oI ~\ ,llIni!. I The'9bltcl . fi ugh I mi stake thiJt, the lI'artsfer of sewer lInits charges could be inlerpretE!(j1O ...., I(Bnsfer of sew'(lIni~s gas} irex- cess 01$1 ,13,. . lor each S8Mlf'lIn~ce No. 413 wa$'i~~~.' WithOllI amendment 01 Ordinance No. 403. If slIch interpretation was made and the District mists.k. enly charged and received in excess of $1,:bO,ROfor each sewerllnit trd~ alter Ordinance No ,was eifEl(:. tive, any a. .thecharge paid ine . ,33O.0Q.for each . ..llewer unil rniSlaket'llY 'charged, shall be refunded Ie) the record owner ClI\M~.' e .- 403" ... . 2 198.7, lI)<<;epl sectiOn .IVJ{;: and:. all . secti.ons. ofprdinllrice No. 357 n?\lIIJl!ef1~ara rali: fied and c~firfTl8<!. . J'e: PASSED ANlY ADOPTED by Ihe Board, of Directors of Ihe Soulh Tahoe Public Utility Di,ll.\[i~J~Li.t,~q.. IX Ylar , Meeling . . on,.. 2.1, 1~9E1s~Y~ 'i Mosbach8r, ,. oriy.Ako. ..", '.. '.a.,h NOES: NOrl\l, I ABSTAIN: None i A8SENT:None,' NAT SINCLAIR; .CHAtflMAN OF BoMD - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRIcT, AT " .. /, J A F F I D A V I T o F P 0 S TIN G State of California ) )ss County of El Dorado ) I, and says: Patrick Dolan , being first duly sworn, deposes That for and on behalf of the Clerk of Board of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, affiant posted copies of ORDINANCE 432 in form attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, in four (4) public places in the District as follows: (1) City of South Lake Tahoe Administration Building South Lake Tahoe, CA (2) Al Tahoe. Post Office Station (Main Post Office) South Lake Tahoe, CA (3) Tahoe Valley Post Office Station ("Y" area) South Lake Tahoe, CA (4) Tahoe Paradise Post Office Station, So. Lake Tahoe, CA That said posting was completed on the ~I~ day of (n!tC. , 191t (~-- Subscribed to me this day of 19q I. k'!l:i;~<i' PA. A !'jf:",~ '. NOTARY PUBliC. CALIFORNIA X.\~-1 '. . El DORADO COUNTY ~ M Comm. Expires April 2, 1993 !lIra ~~ Notary Public in and for the State of California, County of El Dorado. My commission expires: 1(4h:3