HomeMy WebLinkAboutDistrict Board Agenda Packet 06-11-2020 AddendumWMAI
Thank you for applying for the South Tahoe Public Utility District Board
Vacancy. The Agenda for today includes the Candidate names and
interview times.
A Notice of Vacancy was published in the Tribune on Friday, May 22 and
online the week of May 25 with a deadline to apply by Tuesday, June 2.
We had 9 candidates apply, submitting a letter of interest and a Resume,
which the Board has been reviewing since June 4.
One candidate has withdrawn from the process so the Board will interview
8 candidates today
The entire interview process will take place in Open Session
Each candidate will be asked to provide a 2 minute opening statement,
followed by answering 2 questions
• a 2 minute time limit will apply to each question
• The questions have been provided to each candidate ahead of time.
Once interviews are complete, the Board of Directors may appoint a
candidate by ballot vote. Ballots will be cast by each Board Member. In
the event a majority vote is not reached, any candidate who receives zero
votes shall not be included on subsequent ballots. Voting will continue
until one candidate receives a majority of votes.
The appointed candidate will then take their Oath of Office at the Regular
Board Meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 18, at 2:00 p.m.
The appointed Board Member will remain in office through December 4,
2020. The appointed Board Member may run for re-election on November
3, 2020.
Any questions?
Mikee Gerland Daniel Gill Margie Maxhimer
Dave Peterson Jennifer Peterson
Shane Romsos Eric Schafer Duane Wallace
Mikee Gerland Daniel Gill Margie Maxhimer
Dave Peterson Jennifer Peterson
Shane Romsos Eric Schafer Duane Wallace
Mikee Gerland
Shane Romsos
Mikee Gerland
Daniel Gill Margie Maxhimer
Dave Peterson Jennifer Peterson
Eric Schafer Duane Wallace
Daniel Gill Margie Maxhimer
Dave Peterson Jennifer Peterson
Shane Romsos Eric Schafer Duane Wallace
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May 22, 2020
Ms. Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager
South Tahoe Public Utilities District
1275 Meadow Crest Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
Subject: Application for Vacant Board of Directors Seat
Dear Ms. Guttry and Directors,
Please except this letter and resume as my application for the vacant board seat
i grew up in SLT in the 1960s and 70s. My father (Marvin Peterson) started up Alpine Animal Hospital on
Highway 89 in 1965. We lived in the Keys, and I ski raced for Heavenly Valley. I left Tahoe in the mid
1970s and became a civil engineer, specializing in water resources. I've been married to Lianne since
1981, and we have three grown children.
For my entire career, I've worked in private engineering practice. Nearly all my work has been for public
agencies; cities, counties, special districts, and the Corps of Engineers. In 2005, a partner and I started
up a firm in Folsom, and we've employed 10-15 steadily since then. We have worked for many of the
mountain communities, but have never worked for STPUD.
My wife and I bought a house in the Keys in 2012 as a ramp to retirement, and we have spent as much
time as possible here. in April of this year, I sold my company stock and retired. SLT is now our primary
residence, and this 8-year ramp has been a coming home for me.
I have a fair amount of board experience. I was a director on the San Juan Water District for 11 years,
and have also served on the boards of ACWA, National Water Resources Association, Water for the West
Foundation, and Chateau du Lac HOA (at the end of Lakeview Dr. in SLT).
I realize that you have a difficult decision ahead in appointing a director to serve out the remainder of
this year, and that you will likely gravitate toward someone who is known to you. However, I would like
for you to seriously consider my candidacy. This is a chance for you and your ratepayers to test me as a
board member on a limited time basis. And if the test goes well, I'd be honored to stand for election for
future terms. I believe my expertise, professional experience, board experience, and wisdom as a
successful startup businessman would be a good thing for STPUD. I look forward to our June 11
Dave Peterson, P.E.
503 Christie Dr., SLT, 96150
David A. Peterson, P.E.
M.S., Civil Engineering, Montana
State University, 1983
B.S., Civil Engineering, Montana
State University, 1982
Mr. Peterson is a founding Principal of Peterson Brustad, Inc. He specializes in
program management, planning, design, and implementation of water projects. He
understands public involvement, the environmental process, permitting, financing,
right-of-way acquisition, design, and construction of water resources, drinking
water, and wastewater projects. His planning experience includes water supply
plans; integrated water resources plans, river restoration, dams, water distribution,
storm drains, wastewater master plans, water and wastewater treatment plant siting,
water quality improvement projects, bridge hydrology/hydraulic studies, flood
control plans, and FEMA flood studies. His design experience includes, gravity and
pressurized pipelines, storm drainage systems, levees, floodwalls, detention basins,
river restoration, erosion control, dams, spillways, canals, water tanks, pump
stations, and water and wastewater treatment plants. Project experience includes:
Forecasting of Inflows to Oroville Reservoir, Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency
(SBFCA), 2017. PBI created forecasting models to estimate the water surface
elevations in Oroville Reservoir during the January 2017 spillway emergency. The
models used extrapolations of forecasted reservoir inflows to predict if and when
Oroville's emergency spillway would overtop. Outflow data was also used as input
to hydraulic models that routed the flows downstream to predict flood wave peaks
and arrival times.
REGISTRATION Oroville Reservoir Failure Analyses. Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency (SBFCA),
2017. PBI modeled scenarios for a potential emergency spillway failure on Oroville
Professional Civil Engineer, Reservoir during the January 2017 incident. Modeling included using HEG PAS 5.0
1998, evadrnio. 013143432; 1D12D coupled model to predict the resulting floodplain and arrival times for
1998, Nevada No. 013110
spillway failure scenarios of varying width and height. In addition, possible breach
locations were analyzed downstream at known weak points in the Feather River west
levee to determine likely worst -case scenario floodplains during a spillway failure
Folsom Dam Shutter Modifications - Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency,
Sacramento, California. Principal in charge for preparation of an alternatives report
on modifications to Folsom Dam's temperature shutter system. Participated in
development and evaluation of feasible alternatives to provide more flexibility in the
withdrawal of water from the reservoir profile. The report was used to reach an
agreement between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) Sacramento
District, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and local sponsor with the objective of
incorporating the project into WRDA 2002 as an environmental component of
authorized Folsom Dam modifications. Time was a critical factor on this project as
preliminary alternatives had to be delivered to USACE within two weeks of
receiving notice to proceed. Successfully met this fast -track schedule to the client's
Buckhorn Dam Break Analysis - East Bay Municipal Utility District, Oakland,
California. Conducted a breach analysis of the proposed 145,000 acre-foot dam. The
dam would be located upstream of two other dams in a densely populated section of
San Francisco Bay area. Used the dynamic wave routing model, DAMBRK, to
simulate a breach of the dam on the downstream dams and valley.
Trail Bridge Darn Break Analysis - Eugene Water and Electric Board, Eugene,
Oregon. Project engineer for a dam breach inundation study for the existing dam on
the McKenzie River using DAMBRK.
5 MW Hydropower Project on the Pit River - Muck VaAey Hydro, Northern
California. Provided preliminary design and cost estimates for components of this
hydropower project, which includes an off -stream storage dam, reservoir, and
afterbay dam. Results of the preliminary design were submitted as a license
application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
Sprague River Hydropower Project - Beatty, Oregon. Provided estimates of energy
Middle Creek, Petrolia, Gartside, Martin sdale, South Sandstone, Red Rocks, and
Cottonwood Dams - Montana Department o f Natural Resources and
Conservation. Performed hydrology, hydraulics, breach inundation, and
dam/spillway alternative analyses for Phase 11 dam safety investigations
(rehabilitation feasibility studies) of nine Montana dams. Also provided hydraulic
design of improvements on four dams, including Gartside, Martinsdale, South
Sandstone, and Cottonwood dams.
Tewaukon Dam — U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, North Dakota. Project engineer
for hydrology, hydraulics, breach inundation, and dam/spillway alternative analysis
for this dam, as part of the dam safety investigation (rehabilitation feasibility
Mokelumne River Regional Water Storage and Conjunelive Use Project, Phase l
Reconnaissance Study — Mokelumne River Power and Wafer Authority, San
Joaquin County, California. Project manager for preparation of studies to explore a
project to capture unappropriated flows of the Mokelumne River for beneficial use.
The project is needed to help solve an estimated current and future water budget
deficit in eastern San Joaquin County of 150,000-200,000 acre feet per year, and will
help perfect a pending water right application filed in 1990. Mr. Peterson led the
HEIR team while an employee of HDR for Phase 1, and then as a contractor to HEIR
for Phase 2 and beyond.
Phase 1 Reconnaissance Study. The reconnaissance study analyzed the
need for the project and identified an appropriate range of project
alternatives. The approach places€ special emphasis on eliminating potential
alternatives that were "non starters" from an environmental or regulatory
standpoint. The reconnaissance study also examined agency and
stakeholder issues and considerations, and recommended an appropriate
CEQAINF.PA strategy.
• Phase 2 Operations Modeling Element. A new Mokelumne River basin
operations model was developed to analyze existing water rights, instream
requirements, and storage operations, and to analyze availability of water
for MRWPA direct diversion and diversion to storage alternatives.
• Phase 3A Duck Creek Reservoir Site Suitability. Feasibility level
investigations were conducted on the proposed off -stream dam and
reservoir on Duck Creek, including aerial surveys, geotechnical
investigations, PMF hydrology/hydrauties for spillway sizing, embankment
engineering, civil engineering preliminary design and cost estimates,
environmental constraints analysis, and groundwater recharge/beneficial
use facility layouts and costestimates.
David A. Peterson, P.E.
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Mokelumne River Regional Water Storage and Conjunctive Use Project: Appraisal
Study and Plan of Studyfor a Feasibility Study -- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
Mr. Peterson participated as a subconsultant to CDM Federal Services in completion
of a Federal Appraisal Study of the project, which is being used by the U.S. Bureau
of Reclamation and Congress to decide whether to proceed with a federally
sponsored Engineering Feasibility Study. The Appraisal Study was relied largely on
Mr. Peterson's Phase 1 Reconnaissance Study.
Reservoir Sizing - U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Sacramento, California. Wrote
standardized reservoir operation model and reviewed their reservoir sizing criteria
and techniques.
Tuolumne River Infiltration Gallery - Turlock Irrigation District, California.
Principal -in -charge for design and construction management of a 100 cfs infiltration
gallery diversion project From the Tuolumne River. The gallery functions similar to a
Raney collector, except it is much shallower, Construction was concurrent with the
SRP-9 element of the Tuolumne River Restoration program.
North Fork Crawford Ditch Improvements - El Dorado Irrigation District,
Placerville, California. Provided hydraulic design and cost estimates for the $8
million project to repair and restore to service a 20-mile abandoned mining ditch.
Hydrologic Operations Model of the South Fork Stanislaus River - Tuolumne
Utilities District, Sonora, California. Project manager for preparation of a new
watershed model for the two -reservoir basin with trans -basin diversions. The model
was used to evaluate changes and improvements to the water supply facilities, as
well as real-time operation of the system using a forecasting algorithm. Modeling
was accomplished using the Acres Reservoir Simulation Package (ARSP), with a
Foxpro database preprocessor.
CALFED Water Use Efficiency Program - U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of
Reclamation, Sacramento, California. Program manager for analysis of
approximately 200 quantifiable objectives (practical, cost-effective that identifies
ways agricultural users can better use their water and free up water resources for
other urban, agricultural, managed wetlands, and water recycling use (i.e.. reduce
pesticide discharges to a river, thereby improving water quality).
DWR Urban Flood Risk Reduction (UFFR) Feasibility Study for the RD] 7Area,
Cities of LathroplManteca, CA, 2017-Present PST is preparing a DWR feasibility
study and alternatives analysis for the provision of 200-ycar flood protection for the
RD 17 area. The analysis of each alternative includes studying existing hydrologic
conditions as well as future -with climate change conditions. Flood damages and life
loss estimates are analyzed with HEC-FDA for the `without project" conditions as
well as each of the "with project" conditions for each alternative. Multi -benefit
alternatives will be qualitatively and quantitatively compared for consideration by
stakeholders. The preferred plan will include refined conceptual drawings, phasing,
cost estimates, operating rules and performance metrics. A plan will also be prepared
outlining the key elements for implementation of the preferred alternative.
Urban Levee Design Criteria (ULDC) Analysis and Identification of Deficiencies
for RD 17 Levees, Cities of Lathrop do Manteca, San Joaquin County, California,
2014-Present PT3l is the lead consultant for this study which includes detailed
investigations, analyses, and documentation for the RD 17 levees to determine where
ULDC was met and where deficiencies exist. The study will culminate in a ULDC
binder containing details on all analyses required under the ULDC, an identification
David A. Peterson, P.E. C-INCL-C°N-TIN° —P,BI
of any deficiencies found, a summary of required countermeasures, and a an
estimated cost of these countermeasures. PBI was responsible for developing all
H&H-related data including: the design water surface profile, minimum top of levee
assessment, frequently loaded levee analysis, wind/wave analysis, and sea level rise
Urban Levee Design Criteria (ULDC) Analysis and Identification of Deficiencies
for RD2042 Levees - City of Stockton, California. Project manager for detailed
investigations, analyses, and documentation for the RD 2042 (Bishop Tract) levees
to determine where ULDC is met and where deficiencies exist, and documentation
supporting an ULOP 'Protection Exists`, or 'Adequate Progress' finding. The study
is in progress and will culminate in a ULDC binder containing details on all analyses
required under the ULDC, an identification of any deficiencies found, a summary of
required countermeasures, and an estimated cost of these countermeasures. PSI is
responsible for developing the penetration section and all H&H-related data
including: the design water surface profile, minimum top of levee assessment,
frequently loaded levee analysis, wind/wave analysis, and sea level rise analysis.
Urban Levee Design Criteria (ULDC) Analysis and Identification ofDefrciencies
for RD2126 Levees - City ofstockton, California Project manager for detailed
investigations, analyses, and documentation for the END 2126 (Atlas Tract) levees to
determine where ULDC is met and where deficiencies exist, and documentation
supporting an ULOP Protection Exists', or'Adequate Progress' finding. The study
is in progress and will culminate in a ULDC binder containing details on all analyses
required under the ULDC, an identification of any deficiencies found, a summary of
required countermeasures, and an estimated cost of these countermeasures. PBI is
responsible for developing the penetration section and all H&H-related data
including. the design water surface profile, minimum top of levee assessment,
frequently loaded levee analysis, wind/wave analysis, and sea level rise analysis.
Flood Protection Restoration Project - San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency
(SJAFCA), Stockton, California Overall project manager for planning, design, and
services during construction of more than $70 million of facilities to restore flood
protection for the greater Stockton area (population 250,000), and removal of the
area from the FEMA floodplain. Project features included levee and floodwall
improvements to 40 miles of levee enlargements and extensions, improvements to 29
bridges, and construction of two new regional detention basins. Phase 1 included
plan formulation, public involvement, and initial permitting and environmental
compliance activities. Phase 2A included design aerial and ground surveys, channel
mowing to reveal ground for aerial surveys, geotechniicat investigation, and
preliminary Environmental Impact Report (EIR) work. Phase 213 included final
design, EIR, Supplemental (EIR), environmental assessment, acquisition of over 120
permits (COE 404, CDFG 1601, encroachment, etc.), coordination with Assessment
District formation activities, preparation of right-of-way acquisition documents,
expert witness support of condemnations, engineering services during construction,
preparation of operations and maintenance manuals, conditional letter of federal
certification, FEMA letter of map revision, and in -kind services for the Corps of
Engineers' 21 I Reimbursement Study. Innovative features included parapet walls at
bridges in lieu of raising, non-standard "cap" fill for levee raises of one -foot or less,
negotiation of reduced freeboard at bridges and minor channels, a peak -shaving
detention pond, floodwalIs placed atop existing levees, and strip mowing prior to
aerial photography to reveal ground. Construction on the fast -track project was
initiated within 13 months of the start of the study phase_ Services during bidding
and construction provided included review of addenda and change orders,
clarifications, field observations, and attendance at construction meetings.
David A. Peterson, P.E.
lV I
200 Year Floodplain Modeling and Mapping — Grupe Commercial Company,
Stockton, California, 2015. Developed a floodplain model using for the Stockton
area using floodplain data produced by San Joaquin County and the City of
Stockton. Analyzed the information, and broke it down to a fundamental level, in
order to give the most accurately defined floodplain for those effected. Used the
250' X 250' grid scale to focus to a 5' X 5' grid scale within the Pixley Slough, Bear
Creek, and West Lane area. This method is able to account for building pads, storm
drains, and any smaller scale elevation changes that would change how a flood
would affect the surrounding structures. The model also took into account several
different levee breach simulations for different situations in which the surrounding
levees were to become compromised.
Unionhouse Creek — Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency. Provided designs
and construction management for the widening of Unionhouse Creek and the
relocation of the City of Sacramento Storm Water Pump Station (Sump 201).
Managed engineering, environmental and construction services for the Unionhouse
Creek Improvement Project from Franklin Boulevard to Bruceville Road.
Merced IRWMP—RMC Water & Environment, Merced, California, 2012. Project
manager for the flood risk management of the Merced area. Studied research by
FEMA, USACE, CVFPP, Merced, Merced County, and other flood protection
groups. Provided 200-year floodplain mapping, along with risk assessment for the
involved areas. Produced designs for reduced flood risks, in a safer and sustainable
manner for the area. Created an emergency flood procedure, and helped train and
inform the public of the new plans.
Byron Tract Base Flood Elevation Refinement — Reclamation District No. 800,
Discovery Bay, CA. — Project manager for the stage frequency analysis and
manipulation of tide gage data to correct historical data for datum, subsidence and
sea level rise to determine the base flood elevations for Byron Tract.
Nicolaus BFE Floodplain Mapping — Sutter County, California 2009. Developed
BFE estimates for the Nicolaus Basin using FLO-2D and ArcGIS software. The
analysis was utilized to update Sutter County floodplain GIS maps and to provide
BFE estimates to FEMA.
Robbins & Meridian BFE Floodplain Mapping —Sutter County, California 2010.
Developed BFE estimates for both the Robbins and Meridian Basins using HEC-
RAS, FLO-213 and ArcGIS software. First, four hypothetical levee breach scenarios
were simulated using HEC-RAS to produce escaping flow hydrographs. The
escaping flow hydrographs were then input into FLO-2D models of the basins in
order to delineate the floodplain. The analysis was utilized to update Sutter County
floodplain GIS maps and to provide BFE estimates to FEMA.
Butte Sink BFE Study 2013 — Laughlin & Spence. Project manager for the
assessment of floodplain mapping for Sutter County. Studies floodplain mapping
from previous mapping, analyzing the data for dangers in the floodplain. The
information from the maps, as well as from surrounding bodies of water, the dangers
of flooding and possible emergency procedures could be discussed.
Butte Sink BFE Floodplain Mapping — Sutter County, California 2010.
Developed a HEC-RAS model that was utilized to estimate Base Flood Elevations
for the Sutter County portion of the Butte Sink. The analysis utilized HEC-GeoRAS
to develop the model geometry. The analysis was used to update Sutter County
floodplain GIS maps and to provide BFE estimates to FEMA.
David A. Peterson, P.E. LNG.NLI 9iNG CONSULTING -.- I
Coon Creek BFE F000dplain Mapping— Sutter County, California, 2011. Project
manager for developing BFE estimates for Coon Creek, Markham Ravine, and
Bunkham Slough. The study utilized CVFED LiDAR data, ArcGIS and HEC-
GeoRAS to develop an existing conditions unsteady HEC-RAS model. The HEC-
RAS model results were utilized to update Sutter County floodplain GiS maps and to
provide BFE estimates to FEMA.
San Joaquin River Delta Base Flood Elevation Refinement — San Joaquin Area
Flood Control Agency. Project manager for developing BFE estimates for the San
Joaquin Delta and surrounding areas. Provided BFE estimates and floodplain
mapping for the communities in the area. Created a refined study for the
communities that had a flood risk, and created a detailed floodplain map to help
reduce risk of flooding in these areas.
Lower Cal Provisionally Accredited Levees — San Joaquin Area Flood Control
District Project manager for the inspection and retrofit of the levees in the San
Joaquin area. The levees were improved in order to reach the required levels to make
up for the expected water levels based on historic data. Acquired the proper permits
and accredited the levee for approval.
Mid and Upper Sacramento River Regional Flood Management Plan, California,
2014. Developed floodplain maps using HEC-RAS, FLO-2D, and ArcGIS software.
The maps illustrated 100 year breach scenarios for small communities along mid and
upper Sacramento River.
Provisionally Accredited Levee (PAL) Compliance Documents - San Joaquin Area
Flood Control Agency (SJAFCA), Stockton, California. Principal in charge for
development of PAL documents supporting accreditation of levees per 44CFR65.10:
• Walker Slough
• Calaveras River
• San Joaquin River (RD 1614)
• 14 Mile Slough
■ RD 404 (interior drainage only)
FEMA Levee Accreditation for the Bear Creek and Calaveras River Systems, San
Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency (SJAFCA), Stockton, California, 2014-1 S.
PBI was the lead consultant for the submittal of 2 accreditation packages according
to FEMA criteria identified in 44 CFR 65.10 for 55 miles of levees in the Bear Creek
and Calaveras River systems. Specific work included HEC-RAS modeling to
determine 100-year water surface profiles, levee freeboard analysis, FLO-21)
modeling to determine residual floodplains due to interior drainage, and a review
and evaluation of existing closure structures, embankment protection, and O&M
Smith Canal Closure Gate Design - San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency
(SJAFCA), Stockton, California. Project manager for design of a flood closure
device using an inflatable Obermeyer type gate structure which would be used to
obtain FEMA 100-Year accreditation for the Smith Canal, Stockton, California.
Work involved hydrologic, hydraulic, geotechnical and structural analysis, and
preparation of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision for FEMA. Required the
necessary environmental permits, an assessment for the cost estimate of the designs,
and an application to receive the funds needed for the project. Principal in charge
for preparation of a CLOMR and pre -design for the project.
David A. Peterson, P.E.
[ r:cCO45ULTINf I
Smith Canal Closure Structure - San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency
(SJAFCA), Stockton, California - Project manager for implementation of a closure
structure across the mouth of Smith Canal in the Stockton Ship Channel. The
structure will consist of a double sheet pile dam closing the 500' wide channel with a
50' wide operable miter gate to allow tidal action and navigation passage. Design
services also include EIR, permitting, right of way acquisition, state grant funds
applications, coordination with an independent panel of experts, and post project
FEMA letter of map revision.
Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency (SAFCA) Levees — AECOM URS
Corporation, Sacramento, California. Provided designs for construction on 2.8
miles of the Arcade Creek, the Natomas East Main Drainage Canal, and the
Sacramento River East levees, in order for them to meet Urban Levee Design
Criteria (ULDC) standards. Produces the plans for the removal and replacement of
45 utilities that would be effected by the renovation of the levees. PBI supplies the
plans, specifications, details, and cost estimates for the replacements of the utilities
and the restoration of the levees per the 200 year ULDC requirements.
Mid and Lower San Joaquin and Delta South Regional Flood Management Plan -
San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency (SJAFCA), Stockton, California.
Principal in Charge and senior advisor for development of one of 6 regional plans
funded by DWR as a companion to the CVFPP. The plan is intended to be a
"bottom up" view of flooding problems and solutions, with local prioritization and
local vision for funding.
Flood Management Program Assistance — San Joaquin County, California.
Ongoing assistance to the County in its efforts to improve flood management
systems and practices. The effort includes strategic advice, document reviews, and
representation and/or technical assistance in matters with DWR, CVFPB, USACE,
and FEMA. Principal in charge for development of a Systemwide Improvement
Framework (SWIF) for the Bear Creek and Calaveras River systems, and
preparation of 200-year floodplain mapping for SB 5 compliance.
Delta Stage -Frequency Analysis — San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency
(SJAFCA), San Joaquin County, California. Project manager for updating stage -
frequency analyses for the Rindge Pump and Burns Cutoff tide gages in the San
Joaquin River Delta near Stockton. New analysis extends the period of record to
2009, corrects for land subsidence and sea level rise, and projects sea level rise
changes in stage -frequency relationships through 2100.
USACE Lower San Joaquin River Feasibility Study — San Joaquin County,
California. Representing the local sponsor (SJAFCA) on the project development
team. Also developed project hydrology for much of the study as an in -kind service,
including HECHMS modeling of the Bear Creek, Mosher Slough, Calaveras River,
and French Camp Slough watersheds. In -kind work also includes hydraulic design
and civil design, and assistance with plan formulation.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WIK—Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency. Project
manager in the coordination with the USACE on the Sutter Basin Feasibility Study.
PBI assisted with project management, plan formulation, technical review, and
execution of several in -kind contribution technical tasks, including Sutter Basin
FLO-21) floodplain mapping, Cherokee Canal HEC-GeoRAS modeling, Sacramento
River System HEC-RAS hydraulic modeling, interior drainage analysis, regional
floodplain mapping, and civil design.
David A. Peterson, P.E.
USACE Sutter Basin Feasibility Study — Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency
(SBFCA), Yuba City California. Representing the local sponsor (SBFCA) on the
project development team; participating in all elements of project development.
Provided a number of work products as in -kind services, including hydraulic design
(including HECRAS modeling of levee breaks of the Feather River, Cherokee Canal,
Wadsworth Canal, and Sutter Bypass and FL02D modeling of the resulting
floodplains), civil design drawings for the preferred alternative, interior drainage
analysis, preparation of a Floodplain Management Plan, preparation of documents
substantiating life safety risk under the Other Social Effects planning account, and
preparation of documents substantiating wise use of the floodplain.
Sutter Basin Flood Management — Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency (SBFCA),
Sutter and Butte Counties, California. Mr. Peterson is providing ongoing project
and budget management assistance to the Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency
(SBFCA). Activities include:
• Helped form SBFCA, and serving as Agency Engineer for several years.
Assisted with strategy development, public outreach programs, Council and
Board briefings, hiring, and funding strategies.
• Coordination with FEMA on floodplain mapping efforts, including filing of
appeals, protests, and levee accreditation documents
• Coordination with DWR on their Prop IE—funded levee investigation
program. Was successful in convincing DWR to investigate the entire 70-
mile Sutter Basin levee system under DWR's "Urban Investigations"
program, rather than only the 5 miles adjacent to Yuba City. This increased
DWR's expenditures for the basin from $ 1 M to $14M.
• Coordination with DWR and Levee District 1 on a successful $16.3M Early
Implementation Grant bid (Prop IE) for the $20M, %-mile Star Bend
setback levee project. This was a LDI grant submittal, but SBFCA, Sutter
County, and Yuba City had significant roles, including Board/Council
resolutions, funding of the local share, preparation of several grant package
sections, and fulfillment of several grant requirements related to Federal
crediting and Federal approvals. Construction was completed in 2010.
• Local sponsor representative on the USACE Sutter Basin Feasibility Study.
The study had been halted since 2006 due to exhaustion of funds, and Dave
worked with the USACE and DWR to amend agreements for completion of
the study and develop funding at the local, State, and Federal level. In early
2011, USACE HQ designated the Sutter Basin Feasibility Study as one of 2
projects to participate in a pilot program to complete feasibility studies in
18 months. PBI is assisting with on -going project management, technical
review, and execution of several in -kind technical tasks.
■ Coordination with DWR for Prop 13 grant. A $2.6M Proposition 13 grant
is being used to fund much of the local share of the USACE Feasibility
Study and pay for several in -kind contribution tasks.
• Development of a $300M early implementation project (EIP) to rehabilitate
41 miles of the west Feather River levee. This included concept
development, preliminary design, developing hydraulic basis for assessment
district formation and assistance with Proposition 218 process, public
outreach, and preparation of Prop lE EIP design grant documents.
• Assistance with program management of implementation of the West
Feather River Levee Project. PBI's responsibilities include facilitating
selection of consultants, oversight (design, right of way, CEQANEPA and
environmental permits), performing all hydraulics, all interior drainage,
securing state grant funding (several programs), and lead for FEMA,
ULDC, and ULOP compliance processes.
David A. Peterson, P.E.
■ Project manager for the rehabilitation of the Feather River WestLevee
• Assisted in construction management and provided miscellaneous other
technical support for the work done on the levees
■ Principal in charge for development of a Systemwide Improvement
Framework (SWIF) for the Sutter Basin.
Oroville Wildlife Area Flood Stage Reduction Project — Sutter Butte Flood Control
Agency, Oroville, California, 2014. Developed a floodplain model using TUFLOW
and ArcGIS software to determine the hydraulic effects associated with several
conceptual alternatives involving expanding the capacity of the existing system of
inflow and outflow weirs in the OWA D-unit. A hydraulic analysis was performed
for the 100- and 200-year storm events to determine how the proposed project
improvements affect river stage, velocities, and flow into the D-unit.
Water Supply Enhancement Project EIR — Stockton East Water District Project
manager for the testing of flood impact, water quality, and geomorphological
changes to the environment due to the implementation of the Water Supply
Enhancement Project (WSEP). Prepared runoff analysis, river hydraulics, and data
analysis to see the effects of flood -level waters on the runoff and water quality. The
project tested the production and effects of the WSEP, as well as how the water
quality is effected in the case of an emergency. The ideas for this process, as well as
the result, will help set a strong set of rules to efficiently use this process for later
Lower San Joaquin River Feasibility Study WIK — San Joaquin Area Flood
Control Agency. Project manager for the gathering of data from the San Joaquin
watershed systems, including Bear Creek, Mosher Slough, Calaveras River, and
French Camp Slough. The project required analysis of the current water level data,
as well as expected levels of water from the watershed. Project management
included interpreting regulations from USACE and SJAFCA, feasibility studies,
scoping assistance, budgeting, distributing resources, funding the study, and
interpreting and applying watershed data.
Department of Water Resources Central galley Flood Protection Program Lower
San Joaquin Region Phase 2 — San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency. Project
manager for the initiation of the second phase of the DWR flood protection program
for the San Joaquin region. The project required 19 meeting with several different
groups to organize the approach to lower the risk for flooding in the central valley.
Using floodplain data, maps, Arid a variety of other resources, a plan was created to
put into place that could lower the risk for flooding for the communities in this
Review of Department of Water Resources Guidelines — San Joaquin Area Flood
Control Agency. Project manager for the review of DWR ULDC guidelines. The
guidelines were reviewed for SJAFCA in order to comply with all local and federal
urban levee regulations. This work ensure that the project would meet FEMA
requirements, and that it would receive the necessary funding.
200 year Freeboard Analysis and Floodplain Mapping within RD17 - Cities of
Lathrop and Manteca, California Principal in charge and QC review for a study to
analyze and delineate the 200-year floodplain in Reclamation District No. 17. It also
involved the development of water surface profiles on the highly complex Lower
San Joaquin River system, which were used to identify where levee freeboard
deficiencies exist. HEC-RAS and FLO-2D models were used to analyze and map a
composite of levee breach inundation scenarios.
David A. Peterson, P.E.
Flood Management Program Assistance — Sutter County, California.
Coordination with FEMA on floodplain mapping efforts, including tiling of appeals
and protests on draft FIRMS. Developed Base Flood Elevation maps for Yuba City,
Meridian, Robbins, and Nicolas basins as a 'best available mapping" tool for County
administration ofA-zone building restrictions.
Meadowview Estates BFE — Piro Enterprises, Merced County, California. Project
manager for the estimate and planning for the floodplain layout of the Meadowview
area. The project required coordination with FEMA representatives to get the
approval of the hydraulic designs. Provided analysis of as -built drawings, and
created a hydraulic model to remove several lots from the floodplain. The project
included the study of as -built designs, topographic maps, and floodplain data to
predict the expected water levels and to prepare for the result.
Unionhouse Creek Channel Improvements - Sacramento, CA. Principal in Charge
for the design, permitting, and construction management of a 1.6 mile long channel
improvement project. Half the project consisted of excavated enlargement, and half
was concrete lining.
North Area Streams SAFCA North Area Streams Levee Improvement Project —
Sacra►nento, CA. Geotechnical improvements were needed for the Arcade Creek
and Natomas East Main Drainage Canal (NEMDEC) levees. The prescribed
centerline and waterside cutoff walls require removal and replacement of through -
levee utilities. PBI's role in this project was to deliver plans, specs, details, and cost
estimates for removing and replacing or modifications to the utilities that were
impacted by construction of the cutoff walls. All pipe replacements were designed to
standards set by the 200-year Urban Levee Design Criteria (ULDC). Mr. Peterson's
role was as one of 3 internal technical review panelists for the AECOM team.
Phase 11 Stockton Metropolitan Area Flood Alternatives Study - U.S Array Corps
of Engineers, Sacramento District, Stockton, California. Principal -in -charge and
technical reviewer for preparation of a preliminary and final alternatives report for
alternatives that would reduce Flood damages in the Stockton Metropolitan area. Mr.
Peterson also made presentations to the public and elected officials on this project.
(Completed 2002).
Stockton Metro California Section 211 Study - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Sacramento District, Stockton, California. Provided technical assistance to
USACE staff on special report satisfying the reimbursement requirements of WRDA
98 Section 211(f). Report determined BIC ratios and Federal interest, audited local
expenditures, and determined allowable Federal cost share for the various channel
segments of the SJAFCA project. Federal share is being reimbursed to SJAFCA
through appropriations. (Completed 2001).
Stockton Metro California Limited Reevaluation of Eligibilityfor Federal
Reimbursement for 2 Reaches of Project Authorized by Section 211 WRDA 98 -
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, Stockton, California.
Principal -in -charge and technical reviewer for limited reevaluation report to
determine BIC ratios and Federal interest for the Mosher Slough and Upper
Calaveras River reaches of the SJAFCA project, both of which had previously been
disqualified because they were below the 800 cfs threshold for Federal interest.
(Completed 2004).
North Wilson Way Speck Plan CLOMR Review — San Joaquin County,
California. Provided review of the draft CLOMR prepared by the project proponent
on behalf of the County.
David A. Peterson, P.E.
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Mariposa Lakes Off -Site and On -Site Drainage Review — City of Stockton,
California. Provided review of the draft off -site drainage report, which included
HEC-1 modeling of the Littlejohns and Duck Creek drainages of San Joaquin
County, and the on -site development drainage concepts prepared by the project
proponent on behalf of the City.
Upper Penitencia Creek Bypass - Santa Clara Valley Water District, San Jose,
California. Principal -in -charge and technical reviewer for planning and design of a
new 4,100 cfs bypass channel (Reach 1 Bypass) to relieve flood flows from the
natural channel in Upper Penitencia Creek. The Reach 1 Bypass will consist of a
2,600' long 28'x14' box culvert, a side weir diversion structure from Upper
Penitencia Creek, two crossings, and an outlet structure to Coyote Creek. Crossings
over the box include King Road and Union Pacific Railroad's San Jose Industrial
Lead railroad line.
Pixley Slough Relocation - A.G. Spanos Land Company, Stockton, California.
Project manager for hydrology, hydraulics, and geotechnical investigation for
relocation of about a half -mile of a 700 cfs channel. The previous channel had
discharged to Disappointment Slough in the Sacramento -San Joaquin Delta. The
realigned channel now discharges to Bear Creek, which discharges to
Disappointment Slough. This diversion raised flood levels in Bear Creek both
upstream and downstream of the confluence with Pixley Slough. It also raised flood
levels in Pixley Slough upstream of the diversion. Existing U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers hydrology was used for the project. Water surface profiles were computed
using HEC-2. The hydraulic analyses were used to define required channel
geometry, scour protection, and levee elevations on both Pixley Slough and Bear
Creek. Project also involved coordination with a local consulting firm for final
design of the improvements, wetland mitigation area design, the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers 404 permit, FEMA letter of map revision, and the State Reclamation
Board permit.
Flooding at Calmat's Sand and Gravel Facility - Zurich American Insurance
Group, Fresno, California. Project manager for evaluation of repair costs to the
Calmat sand and gravel operations adjacent to the San Joaquin River. The January
1997 flood caused the river to inundate the facility, which breached numerous levees
and berms, destroyed a river crossing, damaged plant equipment, and washed away
stockpiles. Designed repairs to the levees, berms, crossing, and several eroded areas,
and received bids for the work as backup to Zurich's counter claim.
Flooding at Martori Farms/Eagle Produce Facility - Zurich American Insurance
Group, Aguila, Arizona. Project manager for evaluation of repair costs to Martori
Farms/Eagle Produce facility. The facility was inundated by local drainage in the
September 1997 flood, damaging field ditches, leveled arable farm fields, leveled
drip system fields, main and lateral pipelines, and flood control dikes. Designed
repairs to the damaged facilities, and received bids for the work as backup to
Zurich's counter claim.
CLOMR for Proposed Avenal Business Park - City of Avenal, California. Project
manager for preparation of a flood protection plan and FEMA conditional letter of
map revision (CLOMR). The study defined levees and setbacks required to remove
most of the parcel from the 100-year floodplain.
Levee Breach Inundation Study - Sacramento County, California. Analyzed and
mapped the potential flooding from 16 hypothetical levee breaks. Flat topography in
the area made the analysis challenging from a hydraulic modeling standpoint.
Drawdown in the river at the breach could cause water to actually flow upstream in
the river following a breach. Water discharging through a breach varied because of
David A. Peterson, P.E.
E-G cci-G CONSULTING „ t — P B I
river stage, weir submergence, and width of the breach. All of these parameters were
time variant and interrelated. Also, floodwater exiting the breach tended to spread
out in two dimensions. Creative, site -specific solution methodologies were
developed, which included hand calculations, spreadsheet calculations, BASIC
programming, DAMBRK, HEC-1, and HEC-2. The final product consisted of maps
that show progression of the initial flood wave, with superimposed tables of water
surface elevation versus time at several cross sections.
American Riper Inundation Study -Sacramento County, California. Principal in
Charge and technical reviewer for a study to analyze and map the potential flooding
From American River levee breaks upstream of the Mayhew Drain. The study
defined inundation and evacuation zones. UNET was used for the analysis.
Lake Las Vegas Flood Damage Assessment - Reliance National Insurance
Company, Las Vegas, Nevada. Investigated damage to the Lake Las Vegas intake
and bypass, reservoir, and dam caused by a 50- to 100-year storm. Results of the
investigation were used to check the reasonableness of Lake Las Vegas' damage
claim. Included in the investigation were two permit required confined space entries.
Replacement of Nine Bridges - Calaveras, San Benito, Madera, Riverside,
Ventura, Change and Lassen Counties, California. Conducted bridge hydrology
and hydraulics studies. These studies included flood hydrology using HEC-1 and
regression analyses, water surface profile calculations using HEC-2, and
sedimentation or scour estimates. The largest of nine bridges was the State Route
126 (SR-126) bridge over the Santa Clara River (Q 100 = 175,000 cfs), which had
failed from scour several times in the past and required deep caisson construction
and bank protection on the replacement project.
Lower San Joaquin River Feasibility Study Preliminary Screening Analysis — San
Joaquin Area Flood Control AgencpVnited States Army Corps of Engineers, San
Joaquin County, California, 2012 In an effort to reduce the duration and the cost
of the Lower San Joaquin River Feasibility Study (LSJRFS), a Preliminary
Screening Analysis was conducted to identify levee reaches that were highly
unlikely to justify a Federal interest and could therefore be "screened out" of the
LSJRFS. The analysis included simulating levee breach scenarios in HEC-RAS and
FLO-2D, mapping the resultant floodplains in ArcGIS and computing expected
flood damages in HEC-FDA. A 200-year improvement scenario was identified for
each levee system and costs were estimated for these improvements. Screening
decisions were made based on the benefit/cost ratios for each levee reach.
Flood Studies on Crooked Creek, Lone Tree Creek, Alkali Creek, and the Jocko
River - Various Clients, Montana. Provided flood hydrology using HEC-1 and
regression analyses, water surface profile calculations using HEC-2, and mapping of
the 100-year floodplain.
Storm Drain Master Plan - City of Winters, California. Project manager for
preparation of the city's stone drain master plan. About half of the project addressed
regional flood control. Flooding from off -site sources to the north placed much of
the existing city and growth area in the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) 100-year flood plain. Analyses involved HEC-I modeling of complex
system that was characterized by undersized channels with altered courses. These
channels overflowed in major flood events, and the water escaped across farmland
sloping gently away from the channels. Flooding across the agricultural land was
greatly affected by elevated roads and ditch banks. HEC-2 was used to estimate
channel capacities and overflow rating curves. Flood protection alternatives were
then developed to remove the city's 20-year sphere of influence from the floodplain.
David A. Peterson, P.E.
Alternatives included detention storage, channel improvements, bridge
improvements, confinement levees, and a new outfall to Putah Creek.
Foresthill Sawmill Erosion Control Plan - Georgia-Pacific Corporation,
Foresthill, California. Project manager for preparation of a drainage and erosion
control plan following closure of the I50-acre sawmill. Provided hydrologic
analyses of existing conditions using HEC-1, and made recommendations for
New 30 mgd Surface Water Treatment Facility - City of Fresno, California.
Project manager for a major (40%) subconsultant to MWH during conceptualization,
siting, environmental documentation (CEQA), public outreach, design, and
construction engineering services for a new 30 mgd surface water treatment plant.
Mr. Peterson's responsibilities included portions of the sanitary survey, the raw
water supply, treated water distribution and blending, and key portions of the
treatment plant. Raw water facilities designed include a new intake, pipeline, and
pump station. Process facilities designed include flashmix, ACTIFLO clarification,
and filter backwash handling. Treated water facilities designed includes a clearwelI,
high service pump station, distribution system piping, and off -site pressure
sustaining valve stations. Solids handling included a backwash equalization basin
and pump station, a lamella plate settler used to thicken the solids and reduce the
backwash volume, and four earthen lagoons/drying beds used to store solids over the
winter for drying in the summer.
Stockton Delta Water Supply Project — City of Stockton, California. Consultant to
the City to lead the financing team, review the work of the environmental consulting
firm, assist with obtaining new water rights, assist with the designibuild procurement
process, and advise the City on overall decisions relating to the project. The project
will be a new intake from the San Joaquin River Delta, treatment plant, and
associated raw water and treated water pipelines. Initial capacity of the limiting
components will be 30 mgd (estimated cost $175M), with ultimate system capacity
of 160 mgd.
Full Surface Water Implementation Study — City of Lode, California. Project
manager for an analysis of alternatives for utilization of the City's 6,000 acre feet of
water purchased from WID. Alternatives investigated included treatment for potable
use, raw water delivery to public turf areas, and groundwater recharge.
Lake of the Pines — Low Boll & Lynch, Nevada County, California Project
manager for the design and construction of a new water supply project for the
Nevada Irrigation District (NID). The project required the predesign of two booster
pumps, a 600,000 gallon storage tank, over 1,000 feet of piping, and a
hydropneumatic tank system. Provided review of IVID documents, inspection of the
geologic conditions, and surveying for the proposed areas of construction. Required
laboratory testing and analysis to test the nature of the soil and the effects on the
proposed construction. The project needed positive results from all of these different
areas in order for the construction process to be approved to begin.
New Potable Water System for Tracy Pumping Plant - U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation, Tracy, California Preliminary design of a new water system for the
Tracy Pumping Plant. The system included two 100,000-gallon storage tanks,
distribution piping, and a new packaged treatment plant.
David A. Peterson, P.E.
P_ ETERSON . BRUSTAD . INC 01���....yyy
E-INCM.- CON5V 11I G (, \ .r ! 1rJ B I
Grand Island — United States Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento, California,
2013. Project manager for the feasibility ❑Fan existing pipe at the USACE facility
in Sacramento. The project concluded that the pipeline would need to be removed,
and also required a design for the removal of the pipe in the report.
Farmington Water System — Stockton East Water District Project manager for the
assessment of the Farmington water system. Provided an environmental evaluation
of the impact from the system, as well as a preliminary report for the system.
Provided designs for the replacement of the Farmington water system and managed
the construe tion. Provided a design report, environmental assessment, and acquired
the permits for the construction process.
Northwest Reservoir and Pump Station - City of Stockton, California. Project
manager of the predesign portion of the 10 MG potable water reservoir and pump
Fresno Water Storage Reservoir and Pump Station - City of Fresno, California.
Project manager for planning, siting, design, and services during construction for a
new 2 MG potable water reservoir and pump station. Project included a partially
buried prestressed concrete reservoir, operations building, and about 1,000 feet of
24-inch piping. The operations building houses an office, chlorination room,
emergency generator, motor control center, pump station, storage room, and an open
room that will house six granular activated carbon (GAC) filters for Future wellhead
treatment. The project was planned as a three-phase development, eventually
including a second 2 MG reservoir and pump station and a second GAC facility.
Water Reservoir Study - City of Clovis, California. Predesign for a new 1 MG
concrete potable water reservoir and pump station.
Watsonville Water Distribution System Analyses and Planning - City of
Watsonville, California. Performed water system analyses using NETWK modeling.
Improvements were identified to correct system deficiencies.
Hillsborough Water Distribution System Model - Town of Hillsborough,
California. Provided senior review for development of a new model for water
distribution system.
Eugene Water Distribution System Analyses and Planning - City of Eugene,
Oregon. Performed water system analyses of eight pressure zones using NETWK
modeling. Improvements were identified to correct system deficiencies.
Tuscaloosa Water Distribution System Analyses and Planning - City of
Tuscaloosa, Alabama Performed water system analyses of five pressure zones
using NETWK modeling. Improvements were identified to correct system
Water System Analysis - Oakdale Irrigation District, California. Project manager
on water system study for a small subdivision. The study analyzed operation and
recommended improvements to correct pressure and reliability deficiencies.
Bi-directional Pipeline Investigation - South San Joaquin Irrigation District,
Manteca, California. Project manager for a study that investigated alternatives for a
three-mile, 30 to 30 cfs bi-directional pipeline inter -tie between South San Joaquin
Irrigation District and Oakdale Irrigation District,
New Water System Model - City of Stockton, California. Project manager for
development of a new water system model, including approximately 1,300 pipes and
800 nodes. Since the original creation of [lie model, oversaw the addition and
David A. Peterson, P.E.
L.cI m" . COV5U1TING ` y '-vo P Q I
analyses of five major developments and a county island to the model. Provided
follow-on services to the city in assessing various "what if' scenarios.
Peterson Brustad Inc., 8/05 to Present
Peterson Engineering, 6/05 to 8/05
West Yost and Associates, Inc., 7/04 to 6/05
HDR Engineering, Inc., 4/94 to 7/04
CH2M Hill, Inc., 1987 to 1994
HKM Associates, 1983 to 1987
San Juan Water District; Board of Directors 2003-2014
Former board member for the Association of California Water Agencies;
Finance Committee, Water Management Committee, and Chair of Flood Control
Subcommittee, and former Region 4 Board Chair.
ACWA Health Benefits Authority; former Board of Trustees
National Water Resources Association; former Board of Directors
Water for the West Foundation; charter Board of Directors
Floodplain Management Association
Contributing author, "Handbook of Public Water Systems," Source Water
Development chapter, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 2001.
Peterson, D., "Experts Help Keeps Flood Water Bounded," Erosion Control,
July/August 1998.
Peterson, D., and Callahan, M., "SJAFCA Flood Protection Restoration Project",
presented at Floodplain Managers Association Conference, September 1996.
Peterson, D., and Burmeister, B., "Fresno/Clovis Water Management Plan,"
presented at ASCE Water Resources Planning and Management Division
Conference, May 1993.
Peterson, D., "Levee Breach Inundation Study for Sacramento County,
California," presented at ASCE national Hydraulic Engineering Conference,
July 1993.
Peterson, D., and Elwell, G.E., "Common Hydrologic and Hydraulic Methods of
Analysis," presented at HKM Associates' seminar, Practical Applications in
Stormwater Management for the 1980's, Billings, Montana, 1986.
Peterson, D., "Small Scale Hydropower Design Optimization and Analysis of
Hydrologic Sensitivity." Master's Thesis, Montana State University, Bozeman,
David A. Peterson, P.E. Perrrzso v . SrutT.An INC PB i
Peterson, D., and Cunningham, A.B., "A Procedure for Estimating Flow -Duration
Curves for Ungaged Mountainous and High Plains Streams in Montana," Mantana
Joint Water Resources Research Institute, Montana State University, Bozeman,
Peterson, D., "Electrical Requirements of Small Hydropower Facilities," Montana
State University Department of Civil Engineering, Bozeman, 1983.
Peterson, D., "Simulation of the Operation of Small -Scale Hydropower Facilities,"
Montana State University Department of Civil Engineering, Bozeman, 1982.
Melonie Guttry
Executive Services Manager
South Tahoe Public Utility District
1275 Meadow Crest Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
RE: Letter of Interest:
The South Tahoe Public Utility District is widely recognized as the best run governmental
agency in the Tahoe basin. In fact, given the amazing run of CAFRs and awards by the State of
California, the U.S. EPA and articles in industry journals, STPUD is one of the best in the world.
My friend, Jim Jones, whose seat this appointment seeks to fill had a major role in making all
the above happen. It is important that someone is appointed who understands where the
District has been, understands the current challenges and who also shares an understanding of
where the District needs to go. It is also important for the appointed person to understand the
role of a Board member and to seamlessly fit into the culture of the District. They also should
have an appreciation of each department and every individual who works there. I believe I am
that person.
understand where the District has been. As a past Board member starting in 1991, 1
have served on every standing Committee including the EL Dorado County Water Agency. In
fact, I served as the interim GM of the agency for over 6 months. I served on the District finance
committee for 20 years. I know the history of the Alpine County operations. I was fortunate to
be Board President in both 1994 and 2001, when the District was named #1 by the U.S. EPA. It
was the staff that made that happen while the Board was part of giving them what they needed
to accomplish that award. As a 46-year resident, I have known many of the original District
Board members and the three GMs before John Thiel. I even studied the District in 1973 as a
student at Columbia College. As a steak house owner starting in 1975, 1 learned the relationship
between businesses and the sewer system. As a past Board member, I understand the
challenges the District has had in piecing together small community water systems into a
coordinated functioning system of wells, pipes and tanks. I understand the challenges of the
District having to meet the Porter Cologne Water Quality Act and to satisfy all the rules and
regulations of Lahontan, TRPA, the state and U.S. EPA and all the City and County issues. I have
had the honor and privilege of standing shoulder to shoulder with the staff and Board as we
won the Miracle at Kings Beach, won the MTBE battle in court, and have consistently won the
battle against storms, leaks and spills. And I helped get millions from Washington D.C. including
being involved in the very start of the annual Tahoe Summit and Lake Tahoe Restoration Act.
I understand where the District currently is at culturally, financially and in critical
infrastructure needs. Some of the institutional memory is leaving as the District faces more
long-term employees retiring. It is important that the ongoing family of co-workers remain with
the same dedication and open communication. The District has been well managed financially
but will need to further find ways to meet the needs of an aging system while balancing the
public's ability to fund the needed improvements such as increased ability to fight wildfires. All
this will be amid ongoing state regulations. I understand the critical role that the Board will
need to play in balancing all the future needs because I've done it for many years..
I had already decided to run for the Board in November 2020. I'm not looking to be a
mere place holder but rather an ongoing contributing member who can hit the ground running
because I have kept up with the agendas and attended or listened to the meetings. I have also
maintained my hard-earned contacts with our local, state and federal legislators. If appointed I
will run for election. I have the desire, energy and time to fulfill the duties of a Board member
and would be honored to serve with the Board. There has been a relay of Board members since
the mid-1950s who have each played a role in representing the public's interest. What has
appeared to make it work is that there has been a thread of continuity with moderate but
timely turnover of the Board. As a new Board member in 1991, 1 became impressed by the
amount of professionalism and the obvious investment by the current and former Board
members. The Board members had a clear fondness for the organization that kept them
interested in it for years. The District becomes family. That was obviously evident with Jim
Jones. And that certainly happened to me. When I left the District in 2018, 1 missed it very
much. Yet the time away gave me a good perspective and allowed me to understand better
how we were perceived by the public and how we might best maintain a sustainable future for
this most important silent service. I'm proud of the job we've done for the environment in the
past and am excited to possibly be a part of the great job we will do in the future.
My overall philosophy is that the Board is the what and the staff is the how. The Board
should hire the best people/GM, give them clear overall goals and the tools they need to
accomplish them. The best way to sum it up is that each Board member should do their best to
leave the District in better shape than when they arrived. That is my commitment.
With greatest respect,
Duane Wallace
Registered voter
Duane wallace@hotmail.com
P.O. Box 7743 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96158
duane wallace@hotmaiLcom Cell-(530)-545-3563
EL DORADO COUNTY JAIL food service instructor
Managed six lodging properties in South Lake Tahoe.
BOYS & GIRLS CLUB Executive Director
Managed four clubs in four towns and improved financial position.
Counseled, taught classes and ran group sessions at the 24-hour facility.
Improved finances and greatly improved membership.
Business sales, startups leases, acquisitions and homes.
Taught Principles of Supervision and Introduction to
Business. Frequent guest lecturer on hospitality, food service,
marketing, business, governmental issues & economics.
2006- 2007
1990-2006 2014-2018
South Lake Tahoe California- Owner Operator 16 years. And Carson City NV
High School, Sonora California 1971 (top 2% of class).
AA, Social Science, Columbia Jr. College 1973 (graduated with honors).
Fresno State University attended 1973-1974 (psychology major, minor in business).
Institute for Organizational Managementl996- 2000. Was Class Advisor & commencement speaker).
BA degree: Ashford University: Business Administration
Duane Wallace
➢ Publicspeaking: includes City, Counties, both State Legislatures, U.S. Congress, Russia,
Moscow, Irkutsk and Lake Baikal for international televised conference on economy and
environment sustainability. Served as official spokesperson on the Board's policies and positions
including emergencies. Effectively communicated complicated issues to members, public
agencies & elected officials. Did local, state and national newspaper, radio and television.
➢ Testified_ before Congress: Both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives
➢ Working -for Boards: The Chamber had 27 Board members. The Boys & Girls Club, 40.
➢ Local, state & federal contacts: Experience moving legislation through all levels of govt.
➢ Developed programs: Co-founded Leadership Lake Tahoe and ran regional workshops for
Execs. Built successful community and lake -wide coalitions to achieve community goals.
➢ Grant writing: wrote and administered successful grants at Chamber and B&GC.
➢ _Newsletter writing: wrote and distributed Chamber newsletter with circulation of 7,000
and wrote and distributed the Boys & Girls Club newsletter to donors.
➢ Group facilitation: Conducted corporate retreats for large companies and non -profits.
➢ Contract negotiations: Experience includes leases, employee negotiations with unions and
management groups. Experience in managing consultants and legal advisers and lawsuits.
➢ Events planning and organizing: Put on many events up to 500 people. Experienced MC.
➢ Business Owner: Owned and operated two steak houses in Nevada and California, 1975-1991.
Served on LTUSD Board and numerous school task forces. Was named Outstanding
Community Member by El Dorado County School Board Association 2008.
Non-profit relations TYFS Board of Directors. Founding member and Past President of the
Lake Tahoe Educational Foundation, Past President of Secret Witness, SLT Chamber, and
the Jaycees. Member, Kiwanis Club of Lake Tahoe. Kiwanis Family of the Year in 2004.
Bob Baunhauser Foundation for the LT Kiwanis Club, served on Church Council & many
other local non-profit advisory boards, commissions and committees including STAOR.
Past President of the 100-member association/ Superior California Chamber Executives.
Foster Family of the Year 2012. Wrestling coach for 30 years. Football coach 4 years.
➢ Special Limited Teachers Credential, Lake Tahoe Community College.
➢ Serve Safe food service certificate
➢ California Substitute Teachers Credential: LTUSD
➢ Graduate, Institute for Organizational Management, University of San Diego, 2000
➢ Accredited Chamber Executive (ACE) Western Association of Chamber Execs.
➢ California Real Estate License, (not active).
➢ Courses competed: Business Law, Ethics, Legal Aspects of Real Estate, Consumer
Protection, Principles of Real Estate, VP of Government Relations/Distinguished Service Award.
➢ Certificate in Communications, Rapport Institute.
➢ Certificates in Public Finance and Governance, California Association of Special Districts.
➢ Certificate, School of Executive Leadership, 2007.
➢ FACA, Federal Advisory Committee, reported to the White House on Tahoe environment,
appointed by U.S. Secretary of Interior, Dan Glickman.
Duane Wallace
Dr. David Borges, DCM
2074 Lake Tahoe Blvd
South Lake Tahoe, CA 95150
Tom Davis
City Council member Past Mayor & Partner, Tahoe Keys Resort
P.O. Box 18310, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151
Richard Soll�ri�
Retired GM South Tahoe Public Utility District
1581 Estate Court
South Lake Tahoe, CA 86150
Lauren Brent-Bumb
Executive Director El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce
Main Street Placerville CA 95667
To the Board of Directors and Clerk of the Board
South Tahoe Public Utility District (the "District")
The passing of my good friend Jim Jones represents a significant loss to the governing board of the District.
Jim was a major contributor to our Community's well-being and will be missed.
I submit my application to fill the portion of the Seat 2 term that runs through December 3, 2020. If
selected, I intend to run for election to the 4-year term in the November 3, 2020 General Election.
The knowledge I acquired during my 14 years serving the Community on the Board remains. No one can
replace Jim's engineering contribution to the District, but my participation as Board liaison to CASA (the
California Association of Sanitation Agencies) gave me a healthy understanding of infrastructure issues
and a desire to encourage the District to adopt technological advancements. I would willingly be the
District liaison to CASA if selected. I recently attended the Finance Committee's 2010-2021 budget review
meeting and am conversant with the District's financial challenges.
As a practicing Certified Public Accountant for over 50 years, I stay current with a broad range of issues in
the financial world. I believe that strength of mine is valuable to the District and Community. Issues facing
the nation today, particularly the coronavirus pandemic and civil unrest, will make it incumbent on the
District to wisely manage its resources and continue to seek new funding opportunities. I am sensitive to
balancing the financial needs of the Community, District employees and infrastructure improvements, a
considerable task in good times. I support District programs which encourage employees to pursue self-
improvement opportunities that can enrich their professional and personal lives.
I have always had a high level of commitment when elected or appointed to a Community organization,
as evidenced by my resume. 1 worked well with District employees, other Board members and other
Community organizations in the past and will again. Transparency is a hallmark of mine and that will
continue. I listen carefully to meaningful public input and incorporate that into my decision -making
My good health allows me to serve as needed. I have no conflicts of interest with any entity that the
District does business with and am a registered voter in El Dorado County.
I eagerly look forward to once again serving on the District's Board of Directors. I am shovel ready and
ready to dig into the business of the District.
Respectfully yours,
Eric W Schafer
PO Box 10680
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96158
June 1994 — present Sole practitioner, South Lake Tahoe, CA
Jan. 1986 —June 1994 3 CPA firms, South Lake Tahoe, CA
July 1978—Dec. 1985 Partner, KMG Main Hurdman (now KPMG), Seattle, WA
Sept. 1966 — Dec. 1985 Partner, KMG Main Hurdman (now KPMG), San Francisco, CA
Current practice, as sole practitioner, concentrates on personal income tax planning and compliance
and advisory and tax services to small businesses. Prior national experience, as audit partner, included
audit, tax and accounting services for not -for -profit and profit organizations ranging from small
businesses to companies with sales over a billion dollars, over a wide range of industries.
Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA - AA degree - 1963
California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA - BA degree, Business Administration - 1966
Alumni Association President, 1970 - 1972
Board of Regents, Chairman of Budget & Finance Committee, 1972 - 1980
Participated as an instructor for many local office and national continuing education programs and
served on numerous professional standards review teams (reviewing the work of other offices) with
KMG Main Hurdman. Locally, I was an adjunct instructor in bookkeeping at LTCC for one year.
Certified Public Accountant, State of California, 1969 — present.
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
California Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Board of Directors, South Tahoe Public Utility District, 2001— 2014 (6 years as President)
STPUD liaison to CASA, approximately 10 years
Board of Trustees, Lake Tahoe Unified School District, 1987 —1999
Member (ex-officio), Lake Tahoe Educational Foundation, 4 years
Board of Directors and Treasurer, South Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce, 9 years
Member, Kiwanis Sunrisers, 20 years (Treasurer for many years)
Charter Member and Treasurer, Tahoe Heritage Foundation, 6 years
Margie Kovarik-Maxhimer
1910 F Street
PO Box 10305
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96158
May 28, 2020
South Tahoe Public Utility District
1275 Meadow Crest Dr.
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
RE: Board Seat Appointment
Dear District Board Members,
While reading South Tahoe Now, I was saddened to hear of Jim Jones passing, I
noticed you will be appointing someone to fill his seat until December.
I would like to be considered for the Board seat.
I would like to introduce myself: My name is Margie Kovarik -Maxhimer, I have
lived in South Lake Tahoe for 33 years and have recently retired from being a retail
business owner. I owned and operated Tahoe Summers Inc. which consisted of 7
retail souvenir stores at Stateline. In 2008 Eminent Domain took out 5 of the stores
which left Lakeside Landing and Top Drawer at Crescent V.
My attached resume lists my qualifications
I feel I would be a suitable candidate for the Board as I am now retired and I have
the time and energy to pursue the duties of the Board. I have thought of running for
the Board many times through the advice of Jim Jones but never did because of the
conflict of interest as my husband, Max, was a STPUD employee for 44 years.
I want to inform you that I can provide the Board with any required references. My
contact information is tahoesum@gmail.com and cell number is 530-318-7717.
I hope to meet the board for an interview,
Yours s cerely,
Mari K va 'k Maxhimer
Margie Kovarik-Maxhimer
PO Box 10305
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96158
Overview: Energetic, self-starter who is a strong, independent thinker. Excels at reviewing and
analyzing situations and procedures in order to generate new ideas that improve
collaboration and quality.
Work Experience:
Owner, Tahoe Summers Inc. 1993-Present
• Multimillion dollar chain of retail stores in South Lake Tahoe
• Managed all daily operations, tracked performance and projected future needs
• Trained and supervised 35-40 employees
• Successfully negotiated eminent domain procedures as part of the South Lake Tahoe
redevelopment project, 1999, 2007
Owner, South Lake Tahoe Rentals, 1998-Present
■ Own and operate private rental units in South Lake Tahoe with husband John Maxhimer
Manager, ABC Mini Storage, 2010 to present
• Oversee all operations, maintenance, billing and accounting
• Increased occupancy by 50% to a consistent tenancy of 98%
Accounts Payable/Payroll, David Johnson & Larsen Ltd. 2013-2020 (part time)
• Handled payroll and accounts payable for large commercial client
• Provided QuickBooks service for private clients
Project Manager, KT Connected LLC Ranch, 2010 to present
• Oversaw major water project installing 20,000 feet of pipeline, eight tanks and multiple
shutoffs for a large Ranch in South Dakota
• Applied for and received government funding
• Solicited bids, hired and supervised contractor
• Implemented long range maintenance plan
Education: Bachelor of Arts, Accounting and Business, Carroll College, Helena MT, 1987
Community Engagement:
• Executed, in the capacity of Trustee, a $3 million estate gift to the El Dorado Community
Foundation, 2017
• Trustee, Myers Library Trust, 2016-present
• South Lake Tahoe Cabinet, El Dorado Community Foundation, 2013-present
• Member Kiwanis Club, South lake Tahoe 1992-present
o Lt. Governor for Cal-Nev-Ha District, 2010-2011
o President, 2008-2009
o Treasurer, 2012 to present, overseeing an annual budget of $75K-$80K
■ Board of Directors, Tahoe Turning Point 2010-2020
Shane Romsos
1027 Turnback Trail
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
1 June 2020
c/o Mr. John Thiel
General Manager
South Tahoe Public Utilities District
1275 Meadow Crest Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
RE: Application for STPUD Board Seat Number 2
Dear Mr. Thiel and Distinguished STPUD Board Directors,
I am writing to express my interest in serving as an interim STPUD Board Director (Seat #2). 1 believe my
education and experience has provided me with a solid foundation to "hit the ground running" on
critical issues and decisions currently facing STPUD. My approach to decision making as objective,
constructive, consensus -seeking and pragmatic. Serving on the board would fulfil my personal interest in
actively contributing to the well-being of the South Lake Tahoe community.
I hold a Bachelor of Science in Wildlife, and Masters of Science in Natural Resources from Humboldt
State University. I am currently a Senior Research Scientist for Spatial Informatics Group — an
environmental think tank specializing in landscape analysis to inform prudent natural resource policy
and management. I was formerly the Science, Monitoring, and Evaluation Program Manager for Tahoe
Regional Planning Agency (total 12 years), and Wildlife Program Manager, and on the Forest Plan
Revision Team for US Forest Service — Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (total 5.5 years).
Professionally, I was involved the 2012 TRPA Regional Plan Update, the 2001, 2006 and 2011
Environmental Threshold Evaluations, the 2000 Lake Tahoe Watershed Assessment, Pathway Planning
process, and served as the US Forest Service's representative on the TRPA Advisory Planning
Commission during controversial Shorezone policy negotiations. As a volunteer, I have served as a youth
hockey coach for several years and participated in Bijou School Beautification Committee workdays and
St. Theresa School fund raising events, and other community events, such as Forest Stewardship days.
I've also participated in the Lake Tahoe Community College Vision 2020 forum and on the South Tahoe
Economic Development Task Force. I'm a 2014 graduate of the South Tahoe Chamber of Commerce's
Leadership Lake Tahoe Program.
Through my experience in Tahoe regional planning, research and monitoring, I have a keen familiarity
with local issues and people's concerns. I appreciate the diverse nature of our town, the needs of stay-
at-home and working parents, their children, people trying to find good work and good homes, the
challenges of the contractor, realtor, and other small business owners, young seasonal workers to
retirees. I am an involved member of the community and know a diverse group of people through my
work, volunteer efforts and family life. I will use the relationships I've cultivated professionally and
personally here at South Tahoe to actively engage with people on how the District is doing.
Personally, I moved to South Lake Tahoe with my family in 1972 and attended Meyers Elementary
School. I lived here off and on through middle school, and I permanently settled here in 1997 after
finishing my graduate program. I'm married with 2 teenagers. In my free time, I enjoy spending time
with my family and friends, woodworking, playing hockey, and the many recreational opportunities that
South Tahoe has to offer. I am fully dedicated to our community and ready to help it become a better
place to raise a family and earn a good living.
In closing, I appreciate the opportunity to serve on the STPUD board. I believe my extensive history as a
resident in South Lake Tahoe and broad background natural resources management, research and policy
will add value and diversity to the board. Please feel free to contact me if you'd like to further discuss my
K"-,- g,"�
Shane Romsos
Page 1 of 6
J. Shane Romsos
1027 Turnback Trail
South Lake Tahoe, CA. 96150, USA
Cell: (530) 721-7508. email: sromsos@charter.net
M.S. in Natural Resources. May 1998. Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA 95521.
B.S. in Wildlife. May 1993. Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA 95521.
Work Experience
Senior Research Scientist. Spatial Informatics Group, LLC. 3248 Northampton Ct. Pleasanton, CA.
94588. June 2014 to current. David Saah (510) 427-3571.
• Coordinated and conducted research on a wide variety of natural resource and
socioeconomic projects, including: carbon life cycle assessments, forest improvement
carbon accounting projects, mapping and classification of aquatic features, forest
vegetation, and stream environment zones in the Lake Tahoe Basin, broadband level of
service mapping, triple bottom line accounting, fish habitat mapping of Lake Tahoe's
nearshore, and waterfowl habitat condition assessment.
• Project management and administration, including budget management.
• Prepared numerous proposals in response to grant opportunities and requests for
• Contributed to the development company marketing materials.
Science Monitoring and Evaluation Program manager Grade 14 Step 5 Principal Planner).
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. 128 Market St., Stateline NV. 89449. Joanne Marchetta (775)
588-4547. June/2007 to May/2014.
• Program Manager of Science, Monitoring and Evaluation Program.
• Prepared annual work plans and budgets.
• Oversee the development and implementation of an interagency status and trend
monitoring and evaluation program for the Lake Tahoe Basin.
• Acquired and administered multiple grants and contract agreements and budgets.
• Participated in the TRPA's 2012 Regional Plan update.
• Coordinated, prepared and presented the 2011 TRPA Threshold Evaluation Report.
• Co -Chair of the Science and Management Integration Team (SMIT) which oversaw the
selection of research grants for a $30 million federal program.
• Member of the TRPA Leadership Team.
• Prepared and presented TRPA Regional Plan amendments, staff summaries to public,
stakeholder groups, TRPA Advisory Planning Commission and TRPA Governing Board.
Forest Biologist, Forest Plan Revision Team GS-486-11 Ste 6). USDA Forest Service — Lake
Tahoe Basin Management Unit. 35 College Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA. 96150. Bob King (530)
543-2619. Nov. 2004 to June 2007.
• Administrator of Wildlife and Fisheries Technical Working Group for the collaborative
Pathway Planning project.
• Drafted technical documents and presented results from collaborative planning efforts to
public, stakeholder groups and agency executives.
Jeffrey "Shane" Rornsos
Page 2 of 6
Served as USFS representative on the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency's - Advisory Planning
Commission (APC).
Administered request for proposals, contracts, and agreements.
Prepared annual work plans and budgets.
Forest Wildlife Biologist (GS-486-11, steps_ USDA Forest Service — Lake Tahoe Basin
Management Unit. 35 College Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA. 96150. Joseph Keely (530) 543-
2661. March 2004 to November 2004 (transfer to Forest Plan Revision Team).
• Member of the Ecosystem Conservation Department's Leadership Group
■ Selected, supervised and directed staff personnel.
• Provided guidance for Wildlife, Fisheries, Botany, and Range Program staff.
• Participated on multiple interdisciplinary teams.
■ Contributed to the completion of the South Shore Landscape Assessment —wildlife section.
• Administered wildlife research and habitat improvement agreements and grants.
• Developed, directed, implemented wildlife work plans, budgets, GIS and fieldwork.
• Wrote, reviewed, and approved biological evaluations, biological assessments, and
biological reviews.
Wildlife and Fisheries Program Manager Senior Planner). Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. 128
Market St. Stateline, NV 89449. Gabby Barrett (775) 588-4547. September 1998 — March 2004.
• Managed fisheries and wildlife GIS databases using Arc/View, Arc/Info, Microsoft Access,
and Trimble GPS.
• Drafted and administered contracts and request for proposals/qualifications.
• Chairperson for the interagency Lake Tahoe Biological Advisory Group, Fisheries Technical
Advisory Group, and participated in the Forest Health Consensus Group.
• Lead coordinator Annual Lake Tahoe Ecological Forum, 1999 to 2003.
• Developed, directed, implemented wildlife and fisheries work programs, budgets, and
• Applied for and received grant funds to implement fisheries, wildlife and vegetation related
research and monitoring projects.
• Participated on interdisciplinary panels for the selection of personnel, selection of
vendors/contactors, and review and drafting of environmental documents.
• Selected, supervised, administered, and directed staff personnel.
• Prepared and presented TRPA Regional Plan amendments, staff summaries to TRPA
Advisory Planning Commission and TRPA Governing Board.
• Developed spatial habitat suitability models in GIS for sensitive wildlife species and
biological diversity.
Adjunct Faculty (Instructor). Lake Tahoe Community College. 1 College Way, South Lake Tahoe,
CA 96150. B. Julian. (530) 541-4660. January to March 2001 (Winter Quarter)
• Prepared lesson plans, lectures, and instructed intermediate GIS students in the use of
ArcView 3.2 GIS Software.
Wildlife Biologist (GS-486-7). USDA Forest Service - Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit. 870
Emerald Bay Rd. Suite 1, So. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150. K. Laves and J. Reiner (530) 543-2600. April
1998 —September 1998 (40+ hrs/week).
Page 3 of 6
• Coordinated surveys for California spotted owl, northern goshawk, bald eagle, osprey
and wetland birds in the Lake Tahoe Basin.
• Developed and updated USFS - LTBMU GIS database to reflect past and current survey
locations and the distribution of several sensitive wildlife species.
• Drafted Biological Evaluation/Assessments and reviewed Environmental Assessments.
• Supervised 8 biological technicians.
■ Co-authored report on wintering bald eagle habitat use on south shore of Lake Tahoe.
Biological Technician (GS-404-5). USFS - Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit. 870 Emerald Bay
Rd. Suite 1, So. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150. K. Laves. (530) 572-2745. May 1997 — April 1998 (40
• Conducted California spotted owl surveys according to established protocol and
supervised others. Scheduled surveys, maintained maps, updated database and GIS
maps, and authored annual reports.
• Coordinated and conducted sooted track -plate surveys for forest carnivores.
• Developed the study design, implementation, and spatial analysis (using GIS) of a
wintering bald eagle habitat use study on the southwest shore of Lake Tahoe.
• Used Trimble Geofinder II° GPS unit to record sensitive habitat features such as perch
trees and nest sites for wildlife.
Graduate Teaching Assistant. Wildlife Techniques. Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA.
95521. R. Golightly, T. Arnold, and J. Dunk. (707) 826-3952. 1/97-5/97 and 1/96-5/96).
• Assisted in the instruction of wildlife undergraduate students.
■ Lead discussion sections of the course that emphasized the understanding of scientific
papers related to methodologies used to interpret wildlife ecology and management.
• Advised students
• Reviewed and graded term papers.
Graduate Research Assistant. Humboldt State University Foundation, Arcata, CA. 95521. Dr. R.
Golightly. (707) 826-3952. September 1994-August 1995.
• Designed and implemented a study to measure urban coyote home range, movements
and habitat use.
• Trapped, recovered blood, ear tagged and radio -collared coyotes.
■ Monitored radio -collared coyotes (Telonics TR-4 and ICOM H16 receivers, from fixed -
wing aircraft and ground triangulation).
• Maintained detailed field notes and associated database (Microsoft Access); analyzed
data using ARC/INFO 3.4.2, ArcView GIS software, and NCSS 6.0 and S-Plus statistical
• Supervised field assistants and volunteers; prepared progress and final reports.
Research Wildlife Bioliwzist. Institute for Wildlife Studies, P.O. Box 1104, Arcata, CA 95521. D.
Garcelon. (707) 822-4258. January 1993 —September 1994.
• Bald Eagle Food Habits Project (Santa Catalina Island, CA)
• Bald Eagle Reproduction and Reintroduction Project (Santa Catalina Island, CA)
• Feral Animal Depredation Project (Santa Catalina Island, CA)
• Feral Swine Diseases Project (Santa Catalina Island, CA)
• Abundance and Distribution of Birds of Prey Project (Santa Catalina Island, CA)
Jeffrey "Shane" Romsos Page 4 of 6
• Population Dynamics of Island Fox Project (San Clemente Island, CA)
Field Technician. Humboldt State University Foundation. Dr. R. Golightly. (707) 822-3952. May
1992-August 1992.
• Trapped, anesthetized, recovered tissue samples, recorded physical measurements, and
ear -tagged fisher (Martes pennanti). Monitored radio -collared fisher (using Telonics TR-
4 receivers) in order to determine their habitat use and home range dynamics in a
managed forest. Conducted sooted track -plate and camera surveys for forest
Laboratory Technician. Humboldt State University Foundation. Dr. R. Cooper. February 1991—
May 1991.
• Processed foraging substrate core samples for the identification of aquatic invertebrates as
part of an American Avocet (Recurvirostra americana) food habits graduate research
Example Reports/Publications/Presentations
Mooney R., J. O'Neil -Dunne, S. Romsos, B. Babbel, C. Parrish, G. Teller, N. Jones, S. Jones and D.
Saah. 2020. 2018 Lake Tahoe nearshore aquatic plant status report. Report submitted to
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Contract # 19C00001.
Romsos, S., Mooney R., J. O'Neil -Dunne, and C. Parrish. 2020. Lake Tahoe Aquatic Plant
Monitoring Program: Aquatic Plant Monitoring and Evaluation Plan. Prepared by Marine
Taxonomic Services, Spatial Informatics Group, Oregon State University. Contract
Romsos, J. S. et al. 2017. Independent review team final report on the production of the
California Public Utility Commission's statewide fire map 2: - map of utility -associated
wildland fire threat across California.
Moghaddas, J., C. Mallek, D. Schmidt, S. Romsos, K Carr, E. Alvey, and D. Saah. 2020. A guide for
prioritizing fuel treatments at the landscape scale, and its application at Yosemite National
Romsos, J. S. 2019. Albany Water Board — Improved Forest Management Project (ACR project
ID#424) Green House Gas Management Plan.
Alvey, E., W. Van Doren, C. Kerchner, and J. S. Romsos. 2017. Estimates of Forest Carbon Credit
Yield for the Santa Cruz Mountains Carbon Cooperative Pilot Program. Project Report
submitted to WRA Consultants.
Roby, K, J. O'Neil -Dunne, J. S. Romsos, W. Loftis, S. MacFaden, D. Saah, and J. Moghaddas. 2015.
A review of stream environment zone definitions, field delineation criteria and indicators,
classification systems, and mapping —collaborative recommendations for stream
environment zone program updates. Spatial Informatics Group (SIG), University of Vermont
- Spatial Analysis Laboratory (UVM-SAL), and the United States Department of Agriculture,
Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). 60p.
Buchholz, T., J. S. Romsos, T. Robards, T. Moody, J. Moghaddas, D. Schmidt, and D. Saah. 2015.
Analysis options for forest carbon inventory and greenhouse gas life cycle assessment of the
California forest laws and regulations. Report submitted to: Fire and Resource Assessment
Program (FRAP), California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE). 100p.
Collins, J., Lowe, S., Klatt, M., Tyler, T., Schembi, H., Romsos, S., Brewster, J. and York, T. (2013).
Final Report: Demonstration Watershed Assessment for the Tahoe Basin Using the Wetland
Jeffrey "Shane" Romsos Page 5 of 6
and Riparian Area Monitoring Plan. USEPA Grant No. CD-OOT54401-2. SFEI Contribution No.
703. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Richmond, California.
Editor and major contributor to the 2011 TRPA Threshold Evaluation_ Report.
M. Morrison, R. T. Young, J. S. Romsos, and R.T. Golightly. 2011. Restoring forest raptors:
influence of human disturbance and forest condition on northern goshawks. Restoration
Ecology (Volume 19, Issue 2).
Romsos, J. S. 2010. An adaptive management system to monitor the status & trends of Tahoe
Basin environmental & socioeconomic conditions. Presented at the 5th biennial Lake Tahoe
Basin Science Conference.
M. Herold, J. Metz, and J. S. Romsos. 2007. Inferring littoral substrates, fish habitats, and fish
dynamics of Lake Tahoe using IKONOS data. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing (Volume
33, Number 5).
Contributing author of the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit's Comprehensive Evaluation
Report and Need for Forest Plan Revision documents.
Contributing author and editor of multiple sections of the Pathway 2007 Evaluation Reports and
Technical Supplement for wildlife and fisheries resources.
Authored Fisheries and Wildlife chapters of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency 2001 and 2006,
2015 Threshold Evaluation.
Lake Tahoe Watershed Assessment. Contributing author for several sections of the Biological
Integrity Chapter and Appendixes. In. Murphy, D. D. and Knopp, C. M., editors. 2000. Lake
Tahoe watershed assessments: Volumes I and II. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-175-176.
Albany, CA
Conducted impact analysis and authored Wildlife, Fisheries, and Vegetation sections of TRPA
Draft EIS for Shorezone Ordinance Amendments. TRPA. 2000.
Co-authored Wintering Bald Eagle (Holioeetus leucocephalus) and human recreation use of the
south shore of Lake Tahoe, CA. USFS-LTBMU. 12/1999.
1997 Annual spotted owl inventory, monitoring, and survey program report. USFS - Lake Tahoe
Basin Management Unit, 12/1997.
Romsos, J.S., 1998. Home range, habitat use, and movements of coyotes in a Southern
California urban environment. M.S. Thesis. Accepted by the faculty of Humboldt State
Romsos, J. S. 1997. Home range, habitat use, and movements of coyotes in a Southern
California urban environment. Presented at the Wildlife Society Western Section Annual
Prevalence of pseudorabies virus, San Miguel sea lion virus, and brucellosis in an insular
population of feral swine in California. Submitted to the Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 1/1997.
Romsos, J.S., and D. Garcelon. 1994. The distribution and abundance of birds of prey on Santa
Catalina Island, CA. Final report submitted to the Catalina Island Conservancy.
Timm, S., J.S. Romsos, and D. Garcelon. 1994. Serological survey for pseudorabies virus,
brucellosis, and San Miguel sea lion virus in an isolated population of wild pigs (Sus scrofa).
Final report submitted to Cal. Dept. Fish and Game.
Garcelon, D. and J. S. Romsos. 1993. Food habits of bald eagles on Santa Catalina Island, January
—July 1993. A report submitted to the Damage Assessment Office, USFWS, Sacramento, CA.
Completed Training
• Leadership and Supervisory
o Leadership Lake Tahoe —Tahoe Chamber of Commerce (2014)
Jeffrey "Shane' Rornsos
Page 6 of 6
o High Impact Presentations and Public Speaking, Dale Carnegie Training (2011)
o Leadership Traps and Leadership Tools (Labeled Decision Making Tool) — Progress
Associates (2006)
o Grassroots Leadership, US - Office of Personnel Management (2006)
o Second 40 Supervisory Training, Donahoe and Associates (2004)
o First 40 Supervisory Training, Donahoe and Associates (2002)
o Group Facilitation Training, US -EPA (2002)
o Effective Meeting Training, US -EPA (2002)
• Budget and Project Management
o Congressional Appropriations and Budget Process — USDA Graduate School (2006)
o USFS Wildlife, Fish, & Botany Program Management Training— National Continuing
Education Program (2004).
o Project Delivery System —Project Management Training (2003)
o Developing and Implementing Quality Assurance Project Plans (2002)
• Planning
o Adaptive Management and NEPA — Shipley Group (2006)
0 2005 NFMA Regulations Workshop, Nebraska City, Nebraska (US Forest Service, 2005)
o Forest Plan Implementation (2006) — NEPA Toolbox, Modules 1 (PIL) and 2 (Scoping),
Module 3 (Issue and Alternatives), and Module 4 (Effect in EAs)
o Forest Plan Implementation - NEPA 1900-01- Kelly Fike
o USFS LTBMU in-house "Combat NEPA" (2004)
o TRPA, NEPA and CEQA Training — Jones and Stoke (2003)
• Resources Management and Measurement
o Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Workshop — "Principles of UAS Photogrammetry".
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Reno, NV (ASPRS, 2015).
o California Rapid Assessment Methodology (CRAM, 2011)
o California Wadable Stream Bioassessment Procedures Training (2003)
o Riparian Zone Ecology, Restoration, & Management Workshop (1998)
o USFS Aspen Management Workshop (2001)
o USFS Region 6 - Stream Condition Inventory (SCI) Training (2001)
o Advanced ArcView GIS (2001)
o Attended multiple Wildlife Society Conferences (1991— 2005)
o Safety
o Wilderness First Aid & CPR
o Hazard Tree Recognition
o Winter and 4x4 Driving
o California Hunter Safety
o US Coast Guard — Boat Operation and Safety
ane 1. 2020
Dear Melonie Ctutm,
_:rn very interested in the chance to become a temporary part of the STPUD board of directors.
-ideed I would consider it an honor to have the chance to contribute to the community that is now
my permanent home.
To help expedite what could be a long process, my professional and working career has been
:ondensed into a simple single page resume. Hopefully a paper resume is still acceptable in the current
epoch. It is so condensed that I expect the interview committee to qwz me on every item.
Thank you for your attention to this; July 11 is blocked on my calendar. I look forward to hearing,
from you.
Daniel J Gill
Jan Gill
667 Fairmedow. South Lake Tahoe CA
`30-318-4736 / Gill Danahotmail.com
Education: Univ. of Maine, 1970 BS in Science Education (chemistry& physic:
Univ. of Connecticut. 1988 MS in Polymer Scienc:
Other related science coursework at Worcester polytech, Colorado school of mines,
university of iaiifornia Davis
Personal information: Aeed 72 years with excellent health. Retired from professional
work. with Dart time work for Harrahs. Tahoe Bluewave, Hyatt corp. Resident of the
district area since 1996. property owner since 1989. Ability with Spanish fair to
marginal. Motorcycle and car restoration as 2 current garage projects. Extensive
recreational travel in Latin America. also some in Europe. East Africa. Volunteer on
Presidential Drimary camDaign. 2016.
Professional Work Experience: 38 years as a licensed teacher of Chemistry and Physics
at various schools: Woodstock Academy, Woodstock CT; North Tahoe High School,
Tahoe City CA; Noel Baker School, Derby, England. Teaching position also included
full involvement in profession: Coaching, Student trips, teachers' union work.
Related work and proiects: Have constructed as owner -builder and primary nail driver.
three houses in the district designed by Jones and associates. Founding member, club
31. Designed and constructed solar home in Brooklyn CT. Served, volunteer, on
Landfill and refuse management committee for the town of Brooklyn CT. Participant in
Fulbright Foundation cultural teacher exchange program.
Current goals: Freel Peak, Finishing Mr. Jone's term while keeping my mouth shut.
Converting my front yard to a full cover of squaw carpet.
Recent books: Rare Earth, D. Brownlee / Collapse, J. Diamond / Hacking Darwin, J.
Metzl / Masters of the Air, D. Miller
Favorite Charity: Nature Conservancy
fan Gill
.y67 Fairmedow. South Lake Tahoe CA
3-318-4736 / Gill Dan0hotmail.com
Education: Univ. of Maine, 1970 BS in Science Education (chemistryac pnvsic.
Univ. of Connecticut. 1988 MS in Polymer Seienc:
Other related science coursework at Worcester polytech, Colorado school of mines,
university of California Davis
Personal information: Aged 72 years with excellent health. Retired from professional
work. with Dart time work for Harrahs. Tahoe Bluewave, Hyatt core. Resident of the
district area since 1996. Droperty owner since 1989. Ability with Spanish fair to
marginal. Motorcvcle and car restoration as 2 current garage projects. Extensive
recreational travel in Latin America. also some in Eurone. East Africa. Volunteer on
Presidential Drimary campaign, 2016.
Professional Work Experience: 38 years as a licensed teacher of Chemistry and Physics
at various schools: Woodstock Academy, Woodstock CT; North Tahoe High School,
Tahoe City CA; Noel Baker School, Derby, England. Teaching position also included
full involvement in profession: Coaching, Student trips, teachers' union work.
Related work and projects: Have constructed as owner -builder and primary nail driver.
three houses in the district designed by Jones and associates. Founding member, club
31. Designed and constructed solar home in Brooklyn CT. Served, volunteer, on
Landfill and refuse management committee for the town of Brooklyn CT. Participant in
Fulbright Foundation cultural teacher exchange program.
Current goals: Freel Peak, Finishing Mr. Jone's term while keeping my mouth shut.
Converting my front yard to a full cover of squaw carpet.
Recent books: Rare Earth, D. Brownlee / Collapse, J. Diamond / Hacking Darwin, J.
Metzl / Masters of the Air, D. Miller
Favorite Charity: Nature Conservancy
- =;'ME
South Lake Tahoe UA
Education: Univ. of Maine. 1970 BS in Science Education ( enemistrvai
specians-z j
Univ. of Connecticut. 1988 MS in Polvrrer
Other related science coursework at Worcester poiytech, Coiorado scnooi or jnines,
university of Caniornia Davis
Personal information: Aged 72 vears with excellent health. Retired from professional
.s,f)rk. with nart time work for Harrahs. Tahoe Bluewave. Hvatt core. Resident of the
district area since 1996. property owner since 1989. Abilitv with Spanish fair to
Motorcvcle and car restoration as 2 current garage proiects. Extensive
recreational travel in Latin America. also some in Europe. East Africa. Volunteer on
Presidential primary campaian. 2016.
Professional Work Experience: 3 8 vears as a licensed teacher of Chemistry and Phvsics
at various schools: Woodstock Academy, Woodstock CT; North Tahoe High School.
Tahoe Citv CA; Noel Baker School, Derbv. England. Teachina position also included
full involvement in profession: Coaching, Student trips. teachers' union work.
Related work and proiects: Have constructed as owner -builder and primary nail driver.
three houses in the district designed by Jones and associates. Founding member, club
31. Designed and constructed solar home in Brooklyn CT. Served, volunteer, on
Landfill and refuse management committee for the town of Brooklyn CT. Participant in
Fulbright Foundation cultural teacher exchange program.
Current goals: Freel Peak. Finishing Mr. Jone's term while keeping my mouth shut.
Converting my front yard to a full cover of squaw carpet.
Recent books: Rare Earth, D. Brownlee / Collapse, J. Diamond / Hacking Darwin, J.
Metzl / Masters of the Air, D. Miller
Favorite Charity: Nature Conservancy
M Gill
ti _irmedow. South Lake Tahoe CA
8-4736 / Gill Dannhotmail.com
Education: Univ. of Maine. 1970 BS in Science Education (chemistrya� pnvs=_
Univ. of Connecticut. 1988 MS in roivmer
Other related science coursework at Worcester polytech, Coiorado scnooi or mines,
university of Caiiiornia liavis
Personal information: Aged 72 vears with excellent health. Retired from professional
v.,ork. with part time work for Harrahs. Tahoe Bluewave. Hyatt corp. Resident of the
district area since 1996. property owner since 1989. Abilitv with Spanish fair to
marginal. Motorcvcle and car restoration as 2 current garage projects. Extensive
recreational travel in Latin America. also some in Europe. East Africa. Volunteer on
Presidential nrimary campaign. 2016.
Professional Work Experience: 38 vears as a licensed teacher of Chemistry and Physics
at various schools: Woodstock Academy, Woodstock CT; North Tahoe High School,
Tahoe City CA; Noel Baker School, Derby, England. Teaching position also included
full involvement in profession: Coaching, Student trips, teachers' union work.
Related work and projects: Have constructed as owner -builder and primary nail driver..
three houses in the district designed by Jones and associates. Founding member, club
31. Designed and constructed solar home in Brooklyn CT. Served, volunteer, on
Landfill and refuse management committee for the town of Brooklyn CT. Participant in
Fulbright Foundation cultural teacher exchange program.
Current goals: Freel Peak, Finishing Mr. Jone's term while keeping my mouth shut.
Converting my front yard to a full cover of squaw carpet.
Recent books: Rare Earth, D. Brownlee / Collapse, J. Diamond / Hacking Darwin, J.
Metzl / Masters of the Air, D. Miller
Favorite Charity: Nature Conservancy
to Mikee Gerland S. Lake Tahoe,
CA 96150
Architectural draftsman. Small business owner. South Lake Tahoe local.
Residential Design
Kore Design LLC — CEO & Residential and Structural Designer
Graphic Design
-Residential and structural design, planning, and consulting of over 250 residential and
Project Management
commercial projects in Lake Tahoe and surrounding areas. (e.g. Custom homes, additions,
Customer Service
remodels, tenant improvements, new construction)
-Project management and coordination with associated parties to successfully complete
projects. (e.g. Clients, Engineers, Surveyors, Contractors & Jurisdictions)
-Using precision to produce simple to understand construction documents and plan sets for
permitting projects.
- AutoCad & Revit
Krazy Apple Design — Owner & Designer
Adobe Suite
SPRING 2006 - Present
Microsoft Office Suite
-Design and manufacture custom, handcrafted products (i.e. Ceramic/Metal Sculptures,
pyrography & skateboards.)
Sudhausen Design and Draft — Draftsman & Office Manager
SPRING 2014 - SUMMER 2018
Adaptive and Ambitious
-Residential and structural drafting.
-Responsible for project management and coordination with Clients, Engineers, Contractors
Attention to Detail
& Jurisdictions for successful completion of all projects.
Comprehension and
Yellow Pager (AT&T Authorized Retailer) — Assistant Manager
WINTER 2012 - SPRING 2014
Dependable and Honest
-Ensured all customers were assisted in a prompt, friendly, and professional manner.
Innovative and Creative
-Managed all shipping and receiving of merchandise, as well as management of inventory.
English (native)
Lake Tahoe Community College
Spanish (intermediate)
-A lifelong learner with a focus on Ceramic & Metal Sculpture, Math, and Spanish.
-Former Vice President of LTCC Art Club. (Leader of Club Meetings)
Art Institue of California, Los Angeles — Graphic Design
Sierra Community Church
-Adobe Suite. (e.g. Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)
Food Line Ministry & Youth
-Drawing/Painting from observation + abstract.
South Tahoe High School — Class of 2009
-Certificate for Advanced Woodshop & Hand Drafting/Computer-Aided Drafting. *Letters of recommendation
furnished upon request.
Mikee Gerland 1314TataLane
S. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
Residential &Structural Designer. Small business owner. South Lake Tahoe local. 530.208.9916
Attn: Shelly Thomsen,
Born and raised in South Lake Tahoe, I have a deep connection to the community and its institutions. As a child, I spent my
winters skiing Sierra at Tahoe and Kirkwood expanding my love of the outdoors. I attended and graduated from South Tahoe
High School where I explored my love for woodworking and art. Following graduation, I relocated to Southern California and
attended the Art Institute of California with a plan to return to Tahoe and become an art teacher.
When I returned to South Lake Tahoe in 2012, 1 spent two years helping the community at Yellow Pager Cellular, the AT&T
Authorized Retailer. There I honed my customer service skills while taking classes at LTCC and working winters at Heavenly Ski
Resort. In the past, I also volunteered at Sierra Community Church, both in the Food Line and with the high school youth
I then was given the opportunity to practice architecture with Sundhausen Design and Draft. As a draftsman there I discovered
my passion. Architecture combined my talent for design and my attention to detail in a very practical way. Both are required in
order to complete and bring projects to life. My time with Sudhausen was integral in preparing me for launching my own
company, Kore Design. I now proudly work alongside our city's best engineers, architects, contractors, and public agencies to
make my clients' ideas a reality. Completing over 250 projects during the span of my career, I have become very familiar with
the sometimes complicated process of cross -jurisdictional and agency requirements.
The STPUD Board of Directors opportunity appeals to me because it will allow me to further contribute to this amazing town
where I chose to start my family, raise my children, and operate a business. The value I bring to this position is the knowledge
of the city's needs and its intricate policies set forth by TRPA, and overlapping jurisdictions. I hope to be considered for this
board position and I appreciate your time.
Mikee Gerland
Jennifer Peterson
Attorney at Law
Real Estate Broker
CA DRE #01786443
987 Edgewood Circle, Suite D
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
Phone: (530) 721-1425
Facsimile: (530) 541-3131
June 2, 2020
VIA EMAIL ONLY mg_gLtry@gpud.dst.ca.us
Ms. Melonie Guttry
South Tahoe Public Utility District
1275 Meadow Crest Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
Re: Board of Directors Seat
Dear Ms. Guttry and South Tahoe Public Utility District Board Members:
I have always enjoyed expressing my opinion and having a say in matters that
affect me and my community. Clean water and reliable sewer systems are critical
components of our society. I think it is essential to have representative members of the
community make decisions about the allocation of District resources and implement
policies that further the objectives of the District and the community it serves.
With nearly twenty years of experience as an attorney, I am well -versed in
reading and understanding regulations, assessing and managing risk, identifying
objectives and formulating strategic plans to obtain the most favorable results. I believe I
would bring a valuable and unique perspective to the District's Board.
I recognize that the District is facing immediate concerns including how to handle
fees and billing for individuals and businesses who have suffered financially due to the
COVID-19 crisis. There are also other short-term challenges that the District needs to
address such as dealing with the PCE contamination in the Lukins system and fire
suppression system expansion. In responding to these and other issues, if I am selected
for this position, I will always be guided by what is in the best interest of our community
as a whole, taking into account a diverse range of perspectives, financial considerations
and other factors. I firmly believe in transparency, accountability and operating at the
highest ethical standards.
Additionally, I want to help create the policy for the District's long-term planning.
The District's infrastructure needs to be upgraded and it is going to have to undertake the
difficult process of investing in long-term projects to address these needs for a
sustainable future. The challenge lies in identifying the most critical needs, reaching
consensus among the Board and staff on priorities for the District and setting a plan in
motion to execute on those plans, all while operating within the District's budget. I want
to be part of that decision -making process.
As a member of the Board of Directors of the Boys and Girls Club of Lake Tahoe,
I have been privileged to work with a wonderful and diverse group of people with a
collective goal of supporting and improving the lives of the youth in our community. For
many years, the Board has dreamed of the Club having its own clubhouse so that we can
serve more children and operate with more autonomy. Over the course of the past few
years, we have worked together as a Board to share ideas for how to reach that goal.
Having open and honest discussions, weighing pros and cons of different ideas and
capitalizing on individual Board members' strengths and knowledge, we have been
fortunate to create and implement a plan to build a new clubhouse and recently launched
a capital campaign to secure the remaining funding we need to complete the project. I
have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the BGCI.,T Board throughout this process. It has
helped me realize how much I appreciate participating in the respectful dialogue of
exchanging information and perspectives with others who share a common goal. I want to
utilize the skills I have gained on the BGCLT Board to help the District set and achieve
its long and short-term goals in a manner that is both effective and efficient so that the
District can continue to thrive for decades to come.
Thank you for considering me for this position. My resume is attached.
Respectfully submitted,
1 PIPVtrn
987 Edgewood Circle, Suite D, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 • 530-721-1425 •
jennypetersonesq@gmail.com ■ www.jenniferrnaronepeterson.com
Advise clients concerning various business matters to minimize exposure to litigation and manage risk. Draft and
negotiate all types of contracts, leases and other agreements for individual and small business clients. Extensive
experience litigating a variety of civil cases including personal injury, breach of contract, real estate,
landlord/tenant, employment and other civil matters from pre -litigation through conclusion.
— Negotiation and Settlement — Personal Injury — Client Advocacy & Trial Preparation
— Transactional Work — Real Estate — Legal Research & Motion Practice
— Mediation and other ADR Processes — Breach of Contract — Litigation Strategy & Management
Solo Practitioner — May 2005 to Present
Prepare all types of agreements for clients in a variety of businesses and industries. Represent individual and small
business clients in pursuing and defending claims under various tort and breach of contract theories in a wide
range of practice areas. Provide comprehensive litigation services including pleadings, discovery, research, motion
practice, alternative dispute resolution, pre-trial preparation and trial, though most of my matters have settled
prior to trial by utilizing effective negotiation strategies and settlement techniques.
California Real Estate Broker (DRE #01786443) — January 2007 to Present
Represent clients in the purchase and sale of all types of real property including single family residential, multi-
family and commercial. Experience dealing with local government agencies and regulations pertaining to the sale
and development of properties in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Formerly affiliated with Century 21 at Tahoe Paradise in
South Lake Tahoe as a Broker -Associate from approximately November 2008 — October 2015.
Other Experience
Of Counsel, November 2010 - Present — WOELFEL LAW FIRM — South Lake Tahoe, CA
Of Counsel, May 2011— March 2015 — LAUB & LAUB — South Lake Tahoe, CA
Associate Attorney, July 2004 — March 2005 — PHILLIPS, ERLEWINE & GIVEN LLP — San Francisco, CA
Associate Attorney, September 2000 — March 2004 — IDELL, BERMAN & SEITEL — San Francisco, CA
Juris Doctor — Golden Gate University School of Law, 2000
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science — University of California at Santa Barbara, 1997
Bar Admission - California, December 2000
California Department of Real Estate - Broker License, January 2007
Nevada Real Estate Division — Real Estate Salesperson License, September 2009
Boys & Girls Club of Lake Tahoe, Board Member, February 2015 — present
Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada, Troop Leader, September 2017 — present
Sierra House Elementary School Parent Teacher Association, Secretary, August 2019 — present
Tahoe Women's Community Fund, Member, October 2017 - present
' I y_ I I r ,
Eric R. Parks, PhD, MS
952 Tallac Ave., A, South Lake Tahoe, CAI 916-380 7645 1 pparks0010a mail.com
June 2, 2020
Melonie Guttry
Executive Services Manager
South Tahoe Public Utility District
1275 Meadow Crest Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
RE: Notice of Vacancy Board of Directors
Dear Ms. Guttry:
Please accept my application for the vacant seat, Board of Directors with South Tahoe Public Utility
I invested in housing in South Lake Tahoe approximately 18 years ago and have served in
permanent residency for the last three years. My unique background in healthcare education and
collaborative leadership style will be helpful in my serving as a member of the South Lake Tahoe
Utility Board governance team.
In review of my vita you will see I have documented experience in complex healthcare problem -
solving with a specialization in laboratory clinical and bio-medical testing. I have served as a
healthcare leader with national accredited medical research centers (University of California San
Francisco) and global medical associations (The American Society of Clinical Pathology). As a
collaborative style team member, I strive to craft policy solutions through deep listening, leveraging
evidence -based healthcare research with measurable benefits to all stake holders.
Thank you for your consideration. I am looking forward to an opportunity I look forward discuss
my interest with the selection committee.
f� I 1 • R4464i
Eric R. Parks, PhD, MS
Eric R. Parks, PhD, MS
952 Tallac Ave. Unit A • South Lake Tahoe • CA, 96150 • eparksooi@gmail.com • (916) 380-7645
South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District Board Candidate
Healthcare Mgt • Evidence -Based Medicine • Proven Track Record
Dr. Eric R. Parks has over 20-years of progressive documented experience in the design, development and
deployment of innovative technology -based & blended medical educational solutions. He served as a senior
consultant to Amgen, Baxter, Agilent Technologies, Western Digital HP, Xerox, GE, AT&T, IBM, Teradata and
Federal Express in the implementation of global blended learning solutions impacting customer loyalty,
employee productivity, and profit. He served as a senior medical learning leader with the Forefront
Collaborative, the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP), University of California San Francisco Schools'
of Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy and with Zynx Health, the nation's top evidence -based clinical decision
support software solution provider. A lifelong learner and teacher Dr. Parks have served on the academic faculty
at the California State University, Drexel University, University of Southern California and Capella University. He
is presently serving as an independent educational faculty member supporting accredited organizations in
continuing medical education, curriculum design, development and deployment.
Core Competencies
■ Healthcare Policy Solutions • Collaborative Team Memeber ■ Passionate Innovator
• Committee Management • Metric Measurement Deployment ■ QI Sciences Expertise
• Experienced Facilitator/Coach • Complex Project Management ■ Competency -Based Mgt
Professional Experience
Doctorial Advisor/Professional Development 2oog-Present
Capella University, 225 South 6th St, Minneapolis, MN 55402
Serve as doctorial committee chairperson and mentor for Adult and Professional Education. Coach, facilitate and council
over Twenty PhD candidates in the execution of quantitative and qualitative doctorial dissertations meeting the highest
academic university standards in nursing, higher education, educational technology and international development.
Doctoral candidate exam reader/evaluator.
Executive Director 2016-2oi8
Forefront Collaborative, 630 W. Carmel Drive, Suite 260, Carmel, IN, 46032
Forefront Collaborative (FC) is an ACCME-accredited independent healthcare education company that engages, unites, and
supports the best minds in healthcare in the pursuit of moving patient care forward. The Executive Director reports to the
CEO of its parent company, DWA Healthcare Communications Group (DWA), and serves as a member of the DWA
Executive Leadership Team. The Executive Director works in partnership with the CEO, Chief Medical Officer and Chief
Innovation Officer, on developing and realizing the vision for FC; and is accountable and responsible for FC's efforts in
achieving business goals, differentiating FC in the independent education space, and supporting the DWA strategic plan.
• Manage a full-time team of io staff members in the design of ACCME accredited continuing medical education
• Provide leadership in medical education addressing practice gaps in oncology, dermatology, rheumatology,
molecular and genomic diagnostics, chronic heart failure and diabetes management.
• Enhance grant production over a one year six months period
• Generate over 9-million dollars in annual grant revenue
Senior Director of Learning Innovation 20ii-2oi6
American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP), 33 Monroe Street,16+h Floor, Chicago, IL 60603
Provide educational administrative leadership for the design, development, deployment and outcome nxrasLirement of
ACCME accredited CME, MOC and CMLE education for ASCP membership (117,000+) targeting pathologists, medical
students, residents, fellows and laboratory professionals. Manage a full-time staff of sixteen including departments of
digital assessment management, instruction design, health services research/educational grants and learning
management systems. Serve as staff liaison for Pathology Informatics, Laboratory Management University and the
University of Pathology Informatics committees. Serve as healthcare services research education grant director.
Key Accomplishments:
• Facilitated deployment of over i,000 fully accredited online courses in the LMS system
• Published 325 new online courses per year
• Grew disease management, cancer, molecular & genomics diagnostics education research funding from
$16o,000 to 6+ million in 4-years
■ Provided leadership in the design, development & deployment of Laboratory Management University growing
enrollment to over 15,000 participants in 3.2 years
■ Implemented innovative CME funded grants supporting interdisciplinary education designs incorporating,
flip classroom, problem -based learning, blended and team based learning solutions
• Provided leadership in the design, development and deployment of the University of Pathology Informatics
(UPI) a joint program between ASCP & API
• Provided collaboration leadership with Harvard Beth Israel Medical Center, ACCP, NCCN, ACCC, ASH, ESP,
ESH and other national and international medical societies and organizations.
• Managed P/L for online learning of approximately io million dollars per year
Global Knowledge Manager/Dean Zynx University 2010-2011
Zynx Health Incorporated, io88o Wilshire Blvd., Suite 300, Los Angeles, CA 90024
Serve as senior education executive in charge of global training for clients, partners and employees. Manage a staff of
five in the design, development and deployment of medical and interdisciplinary education for hospital clinicians,
nurses, pharmacists and medical informatics specialist implementing order sets and plans of care in hospital and
Ambulatory settings. Provide onsite Zynx Health product education for over 1,800 hospital representing 51 USA States,
Europe and the country of Abu Dubai. Conducts needs assessment and prescribe blended training solutions to enhance
customer satisfaction, increase productivity, and cost containment.
Key Accomplishments:
■ Redesigned hospital courses to address the unique needs of order set and plans of care build teams across the
US and Middle East.
• Managed a team of designers to create online/on-demand training options that meet and or exceed academic
accreditation continuing education standards
• Founded, Branded and Deployed Zynx University a division of Zynx Health
• Deployed new enrollment and tracking systems that alerted users to new courses, enrolled users in courses and
tracked certification and completion status
• Conducted performance reviews and provided staff coaching and feedback for peak performance
• Managed a staff budget of approximately $1,200,000 per year
Professional & Organizational Development Mgr/Learning Analyst 2007-2009
The University of California San Francisco
Design, develop and deploy instructor -led and distance learning programs addressing the technical and non -technical
needs of 20,000 full-time UCSF staff and faculty employees. Facilitate the deployment of enterprise wide learning
management systems. Work with individual departments to identify performance "GAP" to reduce turn over, increase
productivity, enhance performance and job satisfaction. Teach a wide range of supervisory and management workshops.
Coordinate UCSF campus and Medical Center; Management Skills Assessment Program (MSAP) and Business Officers
Institute (BOI) in junction with UC Davis (MSAP) and the Office of the President (BOI).
• Updated UCSF Supervisory Certificate Program including implementing six new courses, revised
curriculum flow resulting in increased participation (4o%) and increased completion rates
• Conducted organization interventions for the Laboratory Animal Resource Center (LARC) and
Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) organizations resulting in enhanced employee performance
and job satisfaction
• Participated in the planning, testing and deployment of an enterprise learning management system
impacting 20,000 employees
• Won project funding for implementation of a 16-week Supervisory Certificate training workshop for the
UC Office of the President addressing Performance Development
Founder/President/CEO/ 198 7-2007
Eric R. Parks Inc., Sacramento, CA
Founded Eric R. Parks, Inc., one of the world's leading consulting firms specializing in distance learning solutions
for business and industry. Managed employee teams conducting research, design, development and deployment of
creative curriculum and products for Fortune ioo companies. Introduced and implemented startup distance
learning solutions for organizations such as Chase Bank, Bank of America, Hewlett-Packard Corporation, GE
Capital, Xerox, Federal Express, AT&T, PeopleSoft, Western Digital, Rockwell International, Western Digital, PSS
World Medical, Baxter, PPG Industries and Amgen Corporation.
• Design and develop Hewlett-Packard's Education Channel infrastructure and 40-new product courses
addressing certification preparation requirements of channel partners in 36-countries representing
70,000 companies and 1.65 million users
■ Designed embedded training for Federal Express automated shipping systems (Powership 3) resulting in
growth of automated shipping from 16% to 89% over at 36-month period. Awarded the FedEx President's
Award in Memphis, TN in 2000 for exceptional contributions to the company.
• Researched, designed and developed artificial intelligence performance support solutions for Xerox
products creating new "smart" products. Reduced customer maintenance costs by over 30% per year.
• Design, developed and deployed over 3,000 online learning objects at Amgen Corporation in support of
deployment of an Enterprise Resource Management Systems (ERMS) impacting over 24,000 full-time
employees and 5 million patients.
• Designed and deployed fifty-four 36o-degree immersive product simulations for 24,000 front line Chase
bank employees resulting in a reduction in employee turnover of 14% with a documented ROI of over $22
million per year.
• Implemented total quality improvement training for 32,000 employees at PPG Industries winning best in
class award in 2003 from the eLearning Guild. Documented ROI of over $32 million in first year of
Post -Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Informatics, University of California, Davis
Certificate in ACCME Accreditation Standards, Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
PhD Instructional Technology (major), Cinema/Special Education (minor), The University of Southern California
MS Instructional Technology (major), The University of Southern California
California Teaching Credential Commission, Secondary/Adult Teaching Credentials (life)
BA Political Science/International Relations (major), The University of California, Los Angeles
Professional Affiliations
National Human Genome Research Institute, Intersociety Coordinating Council, Education Products Committee
Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions
Association of Pathology Informatics
The American Society for Talent Development, President Orange County California Chapter 1995
eLearningGuild, Founding Board of Directors Member 2001-2005
Parks, E., Krug S., Sih-Meynier R, Zurkovsky L. The Patient Centered Grant: A Systematic Review of Patient
Education Multi Audience Supporters, The Alliance for Continuing Education in the Healthcare Professions
Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, January 21, 2018
Ali, A., Parks, E. et. al, Learning Scaffold: Progressive Instructional Design for Multidisciplinary Problem -Based
Learning, The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 'Learning Scaffolds: Progressive
Instructional Design for Effective Multidisciplinary Problem -Based Learning'in publication for September 2016.
Ali, A., Bruno,T., Parks, E. et. al. (2016). Using a Systems -Based Survey: Verifying Clinical Practice Gaps. Poster
presentation at the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions Annual Meeting, January 12-15 in
Baltimore, MD.
George, T, Miley, T., & Sekeres, M., E. Parks et al (2016). "Determining Educational Needs in Myelodysplastic
Syndrome", Poster Presentation at United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology's 105th Annual Meeting,
March 12-18, 2016 in Seattle, WA.
Ali, A. Bogie, M., Parks, E. et. al. (2016) "Learning Scaffolds: Designing Expert- Modeling and Disciplinary
Breakout Sessions for Effective Multi -specialty Problem -Based Learning" Oral Best Practices Presentation for the
World Congress on CPD, March 17-19, 2016 in San Diego, California, USAE.
T. Bruno, MD & E. Parks, PhD GAIN Collaborators, Best in Class Outcomes Award, Engaging an
Interdisciplinary Team for NSCLC Diagnosis, Assessment and Treatment Europe, ACEHP, May 11, 2015
R. Haspel, MD, H. Rinder, MD, K. Frank, MD, PhD, J. Wagner, A. Ali, P. Fisher, E. Parks, PhD, The Current
State of Resident Training in Genomic Pathology: A Comprehensive Analysis Using the Resident In- Service
Examination, American Journal of Clinical Pathology,142, 445-451, March 2014
R. Haspel MD PhD, Y. Lin MD, P. Fisher, AAlli, E. Parks, PhD, Development of a validated exam to assess
physician transfusion medicine knowledge, Transfusion Medicine, September 30, 2013
R. Weiss, MD, L Hassel, MD, E. Parks, PhD, Progress Toward Improved Leadership and Management, Arch
Pathol Lab Med, January 15, 2012
B. Wood, MD, MS, PhD, E Parks, PhD, Combining Performance and Clinical/Patient Data Through
Collaborative Outcomes Studies, Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions,
Proceedings of the 2013 Annual Meeting, S-9, January 2013
A. Ali, PhD, E. Parks, PhD, Using Dashboard to Enhance Continuous Quality Improvement of CME/CE
Programs, Poster, Evaluation 2013, Washington DC, Oct 2013
E Parks, PhD, Buried Alive: The Online Learning Content Challenge, Learning Solutions: Practical Application
of Technology and Learning, The eLearning Guild, December 11, 20o6
E Parks, PhD, Simulations: Creating Engaging e-Learning Worlds, The eLearning Developers Journal, The
ELearning Guild, June 11, 2002