HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 287 - Retired()RDINANCE NO. 287 AtJ ()RDI}%ANCE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT ASSESS}fi]Wf DISTRICT 1_971-1 (FALIXN LI-iAF LAKE) BE IT ENACFED by the Board of DipectoPs of the Sout_h Tahoe Ptabli.c Utility Distpict~ El. Deredo County~ Califemia. ~IEREAS~ ]}upsuant to opdep ef this Board of Dipecters eft the South Tahoe Public Utilit~ Distpict~ Co~ty ef E1 DoPade~ Sl. ateef Cal. ifepni.a~ notice has been duly siren fo-P mceivin~ of bids rep work of Assessment District 1971-!~ ~ld said bids wepe publicly epened~ examined ~d decla~d on Novemhep 10~, t978~, and have been duly cen- sidePed by sai~ Bear'd~ N()W~ [FHEREFOP~, it is ordered b~ said Beapd of DipectePs as fellews: 1. That this Board hereby rejects all of said ppopsals oP bids except that he~einaftep mentioned~, and hepehy awa~s the Contreot fop doin8 the ~pk~ ruskinS the impovements and ffuleishing the ma2ePials~ supplies ~d equiw~ent necessapy therefope~ to the lowest responsible biddep, to wit H. H. BYARS CONSTRUCTION CO. P. 0. BOX 10047 RENO, NEVADA 8791 at the unit prices n~md in its bid. 2. ~at the [qesident of sa.id District is hereby authorized to ~ke and entep into a ~[~ten contract with said successf~ bidder and to receive and approve all bonds in co~ection therewith, and the Clerk of said B{~rd is hereby di.~cted to attest his signature, and affix thereto the off lc[el sell of said District. SOUFH TAHOE PUBI.~IC [~IhlTY DISTRICT ATll~ ST: SOUTH T~0E PUBLIC UTILITY D!STRI[I[' I hereby certify that the foregoing is a [ull,. t~me and correct copy of Ordinance No. 287 adopted by the Board of Directors of the SOUI~H TAHOE PI~LIC UTILITY DISTRICT,~ El. Dorado County, California, at a meeting thereof duly held on the 4th day of Januazy, 1979,, by the following vote: AYE S: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Kashuba~ Olson~ CockJ. ng, Jones & Fieldcamp None None soUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT