HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 289 - Superseded ' F OROINANC_. N0. 289 AN ORDINANCE 0F TPZ SOU'~[It 'iRHOE P[JBhlC IKFII.JlTY DISrFRICT A}.~NDING ORDIN~qCE NO. 114 AND PROVIDING FOR SEWER SERVIO'E CHAR6~S BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Direotors of the S()~llt TANOE PUN~IC UTI[_,ITY DISTRICT~ E1 Derado County~ Califerni/i~ as follews: ~,.~-~ENEAS, the Bo~'~d of Directors of the S0~PH TAHOE PIJBhlC [/PINITY [}ISTRIGF adopted a Budset fOP the Sewer Enterprise F~d far fiscal year, July 1, 1978 - J~e 30, 1979 en March 23, 1978. Included in said Budget was estimated revennes in the amour of $2~423,000 from p~perty taxes and the Sta'te ef Califernia ~d, ~eN2Rt2~S, the passage ef P~pesitien 13, and the le~islation impl~enting ~opsitien 13 ~cluding funding bi~ the State of ~lifornia to sp~ial districts, has resulted in a reductien of estimated revenues f~}m preperty taxes and the State of California by an excess of $1,000~000 and, ~ERFAS, after a review and reduction of the N~dRet and review o{~ actual expendihuFes for the first six men,tbs ef the fiscal year 1978-1.978 the Board of Directors find the need te paise an additional $863 ~ 080 through sewer service fees te fund operating ex~mnses p~n'chase of supplies, equipment, n~%erials, ~d for f[mnncial reserve needs and ~ouipements. NOW, THEREFORE~ IT IS 1. That ~ticle I!I is ~ended by the addition of Sec. 3.07 as follows: Sec. 3.07 Additional Sewer Service Chapse. There is hereby established an additional sewer service c~rge at a menthtp~ Pate of $2.10 per sewer unit. Said additienal sewer' charge shall, be effective March 1~ 1879 ~d centinued ~ih]~ugh June 30~ !979. '~e charge shall be payable in advance. 2. That Article IV, Sec. 4.03 is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 4.03 Delinque~c.y~.._ Statements which have not been paid before the 5th day of the 2nd calendar month following the mailing of the statements of' charges shall be delinquent. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon the expiration of thirty (30) days after its passage and shall be posted by the Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT at three (3) public places in said District at least one (1) week before the expiration of said lmriod after its passage and shall further be published in the Tahoe Daily Tribune, a newspaper' of general circulation, one (1) time at' least one (1) week before the expiration of said period. PASSED ~ND ADOPTED this 1st day of February 1979 by the following votes: AYES: Directors Kashuba~ 01son, Cocking, Fieldcamp and Jones. NOES: None ABSENT: None TAHOE PUBLIC UrlLtTY DISTRICT ATTE ST: ~-Di'-P~Zr6~e, Clerk o} soaro SOUTH TA~0E PUBLIC UTILIYY DISTRICT CRRTII~ICK ~ OF 0PI)INANC~ State of CalifoFnia ) ) County of E1 Dorado ) ss I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of ORDINANCE NO. 289 duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, at a duly regularly held meeting thereof held on the 1st day of February~ 1979. [{~-~. A~-~., Clerk Sf Board S(.)[~H TAR~E PUBLIC ~TILITY DISTP, ICT AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ORDINANCE NO. 289 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF EL DORADO ) )ss ) CHESTER A. HORNING, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That for and on behalf of the Clerk and ex- Officio Secretary of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT affiant posted copies of ORDINANCE NO. 289 in form attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, in three public places in the District, as follows: 1. City of South Lake Tahoe Administration Bldg. South Lake Tahoe, Ca. 2. Bijou Post office Station South Lake Tahoe, California 3. Tahoe Valley Post Office Station South Lake Tahoe, California That said posting was completed on the 9th day of February , 1979. Chester A. Hornlng~ Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of February , 197 9. blic iH-and for the County E1 Dorado, State of California. My Commission Expires 11/19/~2.