HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 331 - Retired~O!U)INANCE NO. 2 3 4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AWARDING CONTRACT 1981 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 5 6 WHEREAS, pursuant to order of thia Boar~ of Directors 7 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, 8 State of California, notice was duly given for receiving bids for 9 1981 Water Distribution System Improvements, and bids were received 10 at the time and place specified, at 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, August 18 11 1981, and publicly opened; and 12 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors, after receiving a written 13 and oral request from M. L. Garten, General Engineering Contractor, 14 12212 Ranchero Way, Grass Valley, California, 95945, relieved said 15 L. Garten from his bid for the following reason: 16 1. There was a mistake in the bid of M. L. Garten 17 which made his bid materially different than he intended it to be, 18 and which mistake was made in filling out the bid and not due to 19 error in Judgment or carelessness in inspection of the work or 20 reading the plans and specifications; and 21 WHEREAS, the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder~.was 22 South Tahoe Construction Company, Inc., P. 0. Box 1848, Gardner- 23 ville, Nevada, 89410, at the total bid item price named in its 24 bid of $119,100.00. 25 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Directors 26 of the So.mth Tahoe Public Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, 27 State of California, as follows: 28 1. Said Board of Directors does hereby determine that 29 the bid of South Tahoe Construction Company, Inc., P. O. Box 1848, 30 Gardnerville, Nevada, 89410, is the lowest, responsive, responsible 31 bidder for doing the work of the 1981 Water Distribution System 32 Improvements. JOHN C. W£1DMAN A'I'I'ORNE'Y AT LAW 'm2B MAIN STREET PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 TELEPHONE 622-5260 ! 2. Said Board of Directors does hereby award said 2 contract for doing the work and improvements and furnishing the B materials, supplies and equipment necessary for the 1981 Water 4 stribution System improvements, to South Tahoe Construction 5 )any, Inc., at the price named in its bid of One Hundred Nine- 6 teen Thousand One Hundred Dollars ($119,100.O0). 7 3. The President of said Board of Directors is hereby 8 authorized to make and enter into a written contract with said 9 successful bidder, South Tahoe Construction Company, Inc., and to !0 receive and approve all bonds in connection therewith, and the 1! Clerk is hereby directed to attest to said President's signature 12 and affix thereto the corporate seal of said District, all in !3 accordance with the plans and specifications. 14 4. Upon adoption, this Ordinance shall be posted in !5 three (3) public places at least seven (7) days prior to the 16 expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its passage, and 17 shall be published in The Tahoe Daily Tribune, a newspaper of 18 general circulation published in the District, one (1) time at 19 least seven (7) days prior to thirty (30) days from the date of 20 its adoption. 21 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the 22 ;outh Tahoe Public Utility District at its duly held adjourned 23 meeting on the 27th day of August, 1981, by the following 24 ,te: 25 26 27 28 29 AYES: Directors Olson, Kashuba, Jones, Wynn and Madden NOES: None ABSENT: None "- the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District 32 I~a~y D~ Ambrose ' Clerk of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and ex officio Secretary of the .JOHN C. W£1DMAN ^~o..~ ^~ ~w Board of Directors thereof. PLACERVILLE. CA gSee7 ~ 2 - 622-5260 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ORDINANCE NO. 3 3 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF EL DORADO ) )ss ) I, BOB E. EPPLER, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That for and on behalf of the Clerk and ex- Officio Secretary of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT affiant posted copies of OP~INANCE NO. 331 in form attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, in three public places in the District, as follows: 1. City Of South.Lake Tahoe Administration Bldg. South Lake Tahoe, Ca. 2. Bijou Post Office Station South Lake Tahoe, California 3. Tahoe Valley Post office Station South Lake Tahoe, California That said posting was completed on the day of ~i~r~~ , BOq5 E. EPPLER~/~ Subscribed and sworn to before me this /~~,~ day of .~//~, , ~6~gry/_~ublic in'and for the uoun~y oz E1 Dorado, State of California. My Commission Expires 11/19/~2. ~ C~m~ ~i~ ~, 19, 1~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~eler o1950 .Water PRESIDENT WALTER "NEAL" OLSO~ P.O. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 1275 Meadow Crest Drive A PUBLIC AGENCY Phone (916) 544-6474 DIRECTORS JAMES R JONES LORRENE KASHUBA MICKEY MADDEN JOHN WYNN September 18, 1981 Tahoe Daily ~ibune~= PO BOX 1358 South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Gentlemen: Attached is a copy of ORDINANCE NO. 331. Please publish on the 18th of September 1981. (IMPORTANT WE PUBLISH) Also please send us a copy of the Affidavit of Publica- tion. Thank you. Very truly yours, m q~ ~ SOU-,H _ALOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Mary D. A~mbrose Clerk of Board mda Attachment SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Sewer · 1950 . Water A PUBLIC AGENCY PRESIDENT WALTER "NEAL" OLS©N P,O. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 1275 Meadow Crest Drive Phone (916) 544-6474 DIRECTORS JAMES R JONES LORRENE KASHUBA MICKEY MADDEN JOHN WYNN September 18, laS1 Tahoe Daily Tribune PO BO}: 1358 South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Gentlemen: Attached is a copy of ORDINANCE NO. 331. Please publish en the 18th ef September 1981. (IMPORTANT WE PUBLISH) Also please send us a copy of the Affidavit of Publica- tion. Thank you. Very truly yours, m SOU~.H TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Mary D. Ambrose Clerk of Eoard mda Attachment JOHN C. WEIDHAN ATTOR. NEY AT LAW 325 HAIN STREET PLACERVILLE, CALIFORNIA 95667 TELEPHONE 622-5260 September 15, 1981 Mrs. Mary Ambrose South Tahoe Public Utility District P. O. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Re: Ordinance No. 331 An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Awaraing Contract - 1981 Water Distribution System Improvements JCW:Jb Eno. Dear Mary: This will acknowledge our conversation concerning the above entitled matter. Enclosed please find the original and a copy of Ordinance No. 331. Please cause the same to be published on Friday in the Tahoe Daily Tribune or Saturday in the Lake Tahoe News. Please post the Ordinance in the three usual places before +.~e end of the week. Please call my office and leave a message as to what date the publication is and confirm that you have re- ceived Ordinance No. 331. Yours very truly, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Sewer , 1950 . water A PUBLIC AGENCY P.O. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 1275 Meadow Crest Drive Phone (916) 544-6474 D~RECTO~S JAMES R JONES LORRENE KASHUBA MICKEY MADDEN JOHN WYNN August 7, 1981 Tahoe Daily Tribune PO BOX 1358 So. Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Gentlemen: Attached please find copies of: Ordinance No. 329 Ordinance No. 330 which we would like to have published one time only and on the 14th of August 1981. Please send copies of Affidavit of Publication for each Ordinance published. Thank you. Very truly yours, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Ma~y P. Ambrose Clerk of Board mda Attachment (2) SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Sewer .1950 ,water A PUBLIC AGENCY PRESIDENT WALTER"NEAL' OLSON P.O. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 1275 Meadow Crest Drive Phone (916) 544-6474 DIRECTORS JAMES R, JONES LORRENE KASHUBA MICKEY MADDEN JOHN WYNN July 17, 1981 Tahoe Daily Tribune P.O. Box 1358 South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Attention: Donna Gentlemen: Please publish the attached copy of ORDINANCE NO. 328 on: July 28, 1981. Also please send copy of Affidavit of Publication for same. Thank you. Very truly yours, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Mary D. ~rose ' Clerk ~ Board mda Attachment (1)