HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 226 - Retired 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 J~HN ~,WEIDMAN OR]')]:HA HOE ~0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTI-I TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIST!:C[CT AUTttO]::i. IZING THE EXECUTION OF A COOPEI'tATIVE AGi'{E~h~I,!T BET:~'~]~EN THE Ut.~J[TED STATES OF BUIt. EAU OF t,AND i'[ANAGE[[~'~IfT AHD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR IHD]:A~'~ CtLEEK i-~ESEt'tVOII~. ttECREATi-0NAL FACILITIES BE IT ENA.,~hD, by said Board of Directors of' oouth Tahoe Public Utility District, County of Et t)orado, ~ta~e of California, as follows: I. The Pz'esiclent of saic~ Board of D:Lrectors is bez'eby authoz'ized to e)cecute a written Cooporative Agreement Bet~veen The United o . ~anagc;..:~_ez~t And otates of America~ B~reau ()f Lane] ~'" South Tahoe Public 8tility District !?oz~ Indian Creek Reservoii' ~'~e.~r'eatmonal Facilities~ which ag~eement ms on file with (',ler'k of said Distrdct, and reference thez'eto is made .hez-eof. 2. E~ Clerk of South Tahoe Public Util:~.ty [)istr:ict i~ez'eby directed to attest to said President's signature and ai'fi~t thereto the corporate seal of sa~d 0istrict. ~. l~pon adoption, this Ordinance sha].l be postocl thr'ee (3) pub2fic places at ].east seven (7) days prior to the expiratior~ of thiz~ty ()0) days fz~om the date of its i aosage, ~. o and shall be pubEisbed in the Tahoe Dai~y Tribune, a newspaper' of ~:ene~al circulation published in the 'Oistrict, one (l) tm~ .... at lea,a"-b seven (7) days ~r~rioz' to thix~ty (30) days fr'om the date of its ad~otion PAo,~,,D ALb ADOPTED by ube ~ ' Ol South Tah. oe Pub].ic Utility I):i. sb?:J, ct at~to'~ ~' ~Ittl~r..hO].~:' regular meetin/:: on 'bhe/Fth day oi'~f~t~ , 1972, by the fo].low:~n~ vote: AY~,,~' Directoz's Fesler, b~akemar~, ~t~,:~ev f~ear:a and If ox%es 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3I 32 JQHN ~.WEIDMAN DAVID W. CALI,AHAN, Clerk of the South Tahoe Publfic Utility District anti ex-ot'ficio o . oecregar'y 02' the Board or Directors thereof.