HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 221ORDINANCE NO. 221 AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, as follows: 1. That the General Manager, as an officer of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, shall receive as compensation for said office, the sum of Two-Thousand Ninety One Dollars, ($2,091.00) per month. 2. The provisions of Ordinance No. 162, as amended or hereafter amended, are applicable to the office of General Manager and he shall also receive thirty (30) working days additional vacation for private consultation and private technical writing. The General Manager shall also receive insurance, retire- ment and supplemental retirement benefits authorized by resolution of the Board of Directors. 3. That the Clerk, as an Officer of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, shall receive as compensation for said office, the sum of One- Thousand Four Hundred Forty-Nine Dollars, ($1,449.00) per month. 4. The provisions of Ordinance No. 162, as amended, or hereafter amended, are applicable to the office of Clerk. 5. Upon Adoption, this Ordinance shall be posted by the Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT in three (3) public places, at least one (1) week before the expiration of thirty (30) days after its adoption, and shall be published inthsTahoe Daily Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of IUNE 1972, at a duly held meeting of the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT by the following vote: AYE S: Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Hegarty, Korte s a nd Ream NOES: None ABSENT: None ROBERTWo FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 221, duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, El Dorado County, California AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ORDINANCE NO .2 2 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF EL DORADO ) says: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, being first duly sworn, deposes and That he is, and during all times herein mentioned was the duly acting and qualified Clerk and ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado, California; That on the 21st day of___IUNE , 1972 , he caused to be posted full, true and correct copies of ORDINANCE in three public places in sald District', to wit: 2 2.1 , 1. SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA, TAHOE VALLEY STATION 2. SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA, BI]'OU STATION 3. SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA, STATELINE STATION DAVID W. CALLAHAN Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of_ [UNE 197~ ...... N ta'r}~ Pu]~[C in and for tt~e County of E1 Dorado, State of Ca 1 iforn ia. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 11/19/74 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLiCATIOH II I i 'l Il 'l ~i ill ' ~ t , South Tahoe, publ,ic ,,Ui~t,i,,lit~ ,District_ Box 1210 SQut Tahoe, ifoni, STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of El Dorado I om a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County foresaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a part to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of The Tahoe Daily Tribune - Tahoe Sierra Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published daily in the City of South Lake Tahoe, County of El Dorado, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of El Dorado, State of Cali- fornia, under the dote of March 6, ~970 Case Number 18569, that the notice of which the annexed is o printed copy (set in type not smailer than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following datesl to wit: June 23, 1912 all in the yeor 19 I2 I certify (or dedore) under penalty that the foregoing is true and correct. Ooted, otTahoe Daily Tribune So. Lake ~ahoe · . 3rcl fJtme 1972 Signature Affidavit of Publication of ~ ~' 0r.di~a~ce ......... , .... ~,, No. 221 OF Board State .o~ ~ aa ~mended or : ~:~e appli. ~ :~r~ ! :&lr~b re- a~ Direc- :' One. !arty- ,, UTILI?Y "i PUBLK ~he fol]oWJn~ vo~e: ~&m NOES: None ABSENT: None .s. ROBEHT. W: FESLEH President ' Soutk Tahoe public