HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 162 - RetiredORDINANCE 162 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Definitions Admin is trat ion Annual Salary Resolution General Salary Adjustments Emergency Salary Adjustmen'ts Salary Step Upon Appointment ToA Class Merit Increases In Salary Step Payment Of Salary Office Hours Hours Of Work Standby And Emergency Assignments Part Time Assignments Assignments Requiring Motor Vehicles Assignments Requiring Travel Assignments Including Maintenance Educational As signments Rest Periods Lunch Period Holidays Emergency Leave With Pay Vacation Leave With Pay Sick Leave With Pay Family Death Leave Leave For Jury Duty Military Absence Disability Leave With Pay Workmen's Compensation Insurance Absence Without Leave Physical Examination Efficiency Ratings Employee Welfare Employee Training Separation And Disciplinary Action Financial Responsibility Employment Classification And Change In Classification 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 14 t4 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 t7 18 18 ORDINANCE NO. 162 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION, BENEFITS AND WORKING CONDITIONS FOR ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, AND FIXING THE DAYS AND HOURS DURING WHICH DISTRICT OFFICES AND DEPARTMENTS SHALL KEEP OPEN FOR THE TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, State of California, That; SECTION 1 - This Ordinance shall be referred to as the Personnel Ordinance. SECTION 2 - DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this Ordinance and the Annual Salary Resolution, certain words and phrases are hereby defined as follows: a. GENERAL MANAGER - the person having the lawful authority to appoint or to remove persons from positions in the District service, or persons designated by the General Manager to perform those duties which legally may be delegated. b. CLASS - any classified or unclassified position or group of positions identified by the same title. c. DAILY RATE - the amount of individual compensation, for a full day's service, which either is computed by dividing monthly salary by the number of working days in a month or is specifically established in the Annual Salary Resolution. do EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEE - any employee in the classified or unclassified service who is employed for a period of short duration, whether part time or full time, in a position which either is designated as extra help fn the Annual Salary Resolution or is not contained therein. e. HOURLY RATE - the amount of individual compensation for a full hour's service, which either is computed by dividing monthly salary by the number of working hours in a month or is specifically established in the Annual Salary Resolution. f. MONTHLY SALARY - the amount of individual compensation, for a full month of service, which is established specifically in the Annual Salary Resolution° g. RANGE - a sequence of salary steps used to identify the minimum, maximum, and intermediate salary rates which may be paid to employees within a class. h. REGULAR EMPLOYEE -any employee in the classified or unclassified service who occupies a permanent position, whether part time or full time, established in accordance with the Annual Salary Resolution, in a class which is intended as permanent or career type employment; and any regular employee who temporarily transfers to a temporary position. i. SCALE- the rate of compensation, for a class, which fs established specifically in the Annual Salary Resolution. -1- j. STEP - one of the salary rates identified in the Annual Salary Resolution by the letters "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E", which are used to identify the specific compensation of an employee within the established range for his class. k. Y-RATE - a monthly salary rate, for an individual employee, which is greater than the established range for his class. SECTION 3-ADMINISTRATION ao Subsequent to submission of a recommendation by the General Manager, the Board of Directors shall annually adopt a Resolution to be known as the Annual Salary Resolution, which, together with ammendments thereto, shall fix and regulate the number of of positions which may be filled in each of the District departments and shall establish the rates of compensation, for each class, which shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. The Annual Salary Resolution may be amended as necessary, from time to time, by resolution of the Board of Directors. b. The General Manager shall be responsible for the administration of this ordinance (Personnel Ordinance) and the Annual Salary Resolution, except as specifically provided herein, and shall specify such administrative procedures, forms, records, reports, and audits as he deems necessary for proper administration of the ordinance. The General Manager may assign to other District employees such duties in connection with this ordinance as he deems proper and expedient. c. Except as specifically provided herein, the General Manager shall be responsible for the proper application of the provisions of this ordinance, and he or such person as he may designate shall rule on the application of the provisions of this ordinance which are within the scope of his authority° do It shall be the mandatory duty of the General Manager to keep, or cause to be kept, accurate records of the application of this ordinance. SECTION 4 - ANNUAL SALARY RESOLUTION Except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, the Annual Salary Resolution shall be used to determine the monthly compensation of all employees in the District Service. 1. The appropriate salary range for each class shall be established in the Annual Salary Resolution, and the appropriate salary step within the range so established shall be determined in accordance with this ordinance° 2. The entry step within the established range for each class shall be Step "A" unless specifically designated as Step "B", "G", "D", or "E". b~ V~enever an employee would suffer an actual decrease in salary as a result of action taken by the District, without fault or inability on the part of the employee, the Board of Directors may adopt a Y-Rate to apply only to the employee so affected. SECTION 5 - GENERAL SALARY ADJUSTMENTS a. The General Manager shall conduct an annual salary study, and shall recommend to the Board of Directors such salary adjustments as he considers appropriate. The Board of Directors shall determine the appropriate adjustments, if any, and include them in the Annual Salary Resolution. b. Vffhen the salary range for a class is changed in the Annual Salary Resolution employees in such class shall receive a salary increase or decrease equivalent to that provided for the class. c. Any employee for whom a Y-Rate is established shall not receive any increase in salary until such time as his rate of compensation is within the established range for his class at which time such employee shall receive the highest step of the range for his class. Such employee shall receive a proportionate decrease in salary whenever a lower range is established for his class in the Annual Salary Resolution° d. If, in the opinion of the General Manager, the application of the provisions of this ordinance results in payment to an employee of an inequitably low step of the salary range, the General Manager, may establish the employee's salary at the step within the authorized range for the class which he deems most equitable. Such action shall not be contrary to the general intent and spirit of this ordinance. co lA/hen employee changes in class and/or salary occur simultaneously with adjustment in the Annual Salary Resolution, the employee changes shall precede the Resolution adjustments in application° SECTION 6 - EMERGENCY SALARY ADJUSTMENTS a o Whenever exceptional recruitment and/or retention difficulty is encountered in a class due to the established salary range, the Board of Directors may establish a temporary recruitment and/or retention pay allowance for the class° b. Such temporary pay allowance shall be the equivalent of one or more salary steps for the class° c. The Board of Directors shall designate the step or steps of the established salary range for the class to which the temporary pay allowance shall apply, and the pay allowance shall apply uniformly to every employee in the salary steps so designated. do Such temporary pay allowance shall automatically terminate upon the effective date of the new Annual Salary Resolutiono e. The establishment and termination of such temporary recruitment pay allowance shall not affect any employee's merit increase date or step within the established salary range for his class o -3- SECTION 7-SALARY STEP UPON APPOINTMENT TO A CLASS a. NEW EMPLOYEE - except as otherwise provided herein, any person appointed to a class shall receive the entry step of the range for such class and shall accrue other benefits as a new employee. b. RE-EMPLOYMENT - any person appointed in accordance with the Civil Service Rules governing re-employment following layoff shall receive compensation and benefits as though he had been on leave without pay. c. RE-INSTATEMENT - any person appointed in accordance with the Civil Service Rule governing re-instatement following resignation in good standing shall be considered as a new employee; provided, however, that at 'the discretion of the appointing authority, such employee may receive a starting salary higher than Step "A" but not exceeding the step which he received at the time of his resignation. d. RETURN TO FORMER CLASS - whenever an employee is returned to his former class following promotion, transfer, or demotion due to layoff, he shall receive that step of the range which he would have received had he never left the former class. e. PROMOTION - whenever an employee is promoted to a class, the range for which is at least 5% or the equivalent of one step greater than the range of his former class, such employee shall receive the lowest step in the higher range which provides an increase of 5% or one step, adjusted in accordance with sub-section "h", ifaoplicable; provided, however, that the application of sub-section "h" shall not result in a lower monthly salary, following promotion, than that received in the former cia ss. f. TRANSFER - whenever an employee is transferred to a class, the range for which is less than 5% or the equivalent of one step different from the range of his former class, or which is determined to be an appro- priate class for transfer by the Civil Service Commission, such en-,.'plo!zee shall receive the same step in the new range as he received in 'the former range, adjusted in accordance with sub-section "h", if applicable. g. DEMOTION- whenever an employee is demoted due to layoff without causeor inability on his part to a class having a lower salary range, his salary shall be that step in the new range which provides equal or, in absence thereof, the nearest lower salary to that which he received prior to the demotion. In all cases of voluntary demotion or demotion for cause, the employee shall receive the same step in the lower range as he received in the higher range. h. ADJUSTMENT FOR LENGTH OF SERVICE - the salary advantage of an entry step above Step "A" shall apply only to the class for which it is established and shall not apply to an employee who changes to another class. The salary step for an employee who changes to a class with a lower entry step shall be reduced to the step that is commensurate with his length of service in the former class. i. RETURN FOLLOWING LEAVE WITHOUT PAY - return following leave without pay is not an appointment, but is a continuation of service; however, salary and benefits, other than employment status, shall be based on actual service° This provision shall not apply to employees returning from military leave. -4- APPOINTMENT OF EXCEPTIONAL APPLICANT uoon approval of the Board of Directors, the General Manager may approve a salary above the established entry step for the class in order to recruit an individual who has demonstrated superior knowledge and ability in the Civil Service examination process and whose combined education and experience represents substantially better preparation for the duties of the class than required by the minimum employment standards. In the application of this provision, consideration also shall be given to current employees in the same class who possess comparable qualifications and if determined equivalent, adjustments shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Section 5, "d" of this ordinance. SECTION 8 - MERIT INCREASES IN SALARY STEP a. Increases to steps above the entry step shall not be automatic but shall be based on performance and length of service and shall be granted to eligible employees at the discretion of the General Manager. Following are the requirements for granting a merit increa s e: 1. The employee must have earned the equivalent of at least twelve months of full time eligible service since his merit increase date, except that increases from the entry step to the second step may be made after six months of satisfactory service. 2. The General Manager must specifically approve the merit increase for which an employee is eligible. b. Excent as otherwise provided herein, an employee's merit increase date Shall be the first day of the first full month of service in any class or the date of his last merit increase, whichever is most recent. 1. An employee's merit increase may be deferred while he is in provisional or probationary status. Upon receipt of a deferred increase, the em,oloyee's merit increase date shall be the same as it would-have been had the increase not been deferred. 2. Upon change in class which results in a salary decrease or in a salary increase of less than 10% or the equivalent of two steps, an employee shall retain the same merit increase date. 3. An employee in Step "E" shall have not merit increase date, and service in Step "E" shall not be considered as eligible service for future merit increases. c. Extra help employment shall not be considered eligible service for merit increase except that continuous extra help employment may be considered as eligible service for employees who transfer to a regular position without a break in service. -5- SECTION 9-PAYMENT OF SALARY a. The pay period for all employees shall be based on a bi-weekly period. b. Salaries shall be computed in accordance with the following provisions: 1. The regular salary for each employee shall be based on the actual number of days or hours worked in the period, including authorized absences with pay, multiplied by the employee's da ily or hourly rate. 2o Special payments, including standby, overtime, premium, and other special payments, shall be calculated in accordance with the pertinent provisions of this ordinance and the Annual Salary Resolution. c. Salaries shall be paid to all employees in accordance with the following schedule; provided, however, that employees who are not paid pursuant to the regular bi-weekly payroll may be paid on a different date: 1o Regular salaries for each pay period shall be paid not later than the 5th day of the following week; except that if the 5th day of the following week falls on a non-work day, but is preceded by a work day, the salaries provided for herein shall be paid on the 4th day of said week; and except that if the 5th day of the following week falls on a non-work day, and is preceded by a non-work day, the salaries provided for herein shall be paid on the first following work day of said week. 2. Special payments, including standby, overtime, premium, and other special payments, shall be made not later than the regular payroll for the period following that in which such payments are earned or accrued. d. The compensation provided in this ordinance and the Annual Salary Resolution shall be payment in full for all services rendered in a District position and no employee shall accept any other compensation for services performed in such position. SECTION 10 - OFFICE HOURS a. All District offices and departments shall remain open for public service continuously at least from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. each Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, holidays excepted. bo In addition, each District office or department shall remain open for public service at such times as the General Manager determine necessary. c. The District operating departments shall provide for emergency and necessary services on a twenty-four hour basis, every day of the year. -6- SECTION 11 - HOURS OF WORK a. The General Manager shall determine the hours of work for each employee in accordance with the needs of the department. bo The hours of work, including authorized absences with pay, for all full time employees, shall be normally considered as eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week. c. The hours of work, including authorized absences with pay, of all part time employees shall be established by the General Manager but shall normally be less than eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week. d. Employees who work eight hour shifts and who are allowed a lunch period as a part of each shift may be excused at the end of the shift at the discretion of the General Manager; provided however, that any such shift shall be extended to include a full eight hours of work for an employee, without additional compensation, whenever the needs of the department so require. e. The General Manager may require any employee to work in excess of the normal hours of work whenever the needs of the department so require. Such additional work shall be compensated in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance which govern emergency assignments. f. The General Manager may require any employee to work assigned shifts with hours other than 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., or days other than Monday through Friday. When ~regular employees are assigned to work specified 8-hour shifts regularly with hours other than 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., or days other than Monday through Friday, such regular employees shall receive a rate of pay equal to their monthly rate plus five percent premium payment. The 5 percent premium shall not apply to any overtime pay earned due to extra hours work or paid in lieu of holidays. SECTION 12 - STANDBY AND EMERGENCY ASSIGNMENTS ao Whenever it is necessary for the protection of public health, safety. or welfare, an employee may be required to remain on standby for emergency work and/or to perform emergency work during off duty hours, and may be paid for such services, in addition to his regular monthly salary, as provided in this section. bo Whenever such emergency work is anticipated but does not warrant full time staffing, regular employees may be required to remain on standby (available by telephone) for emergency work. ].. Conditions which warrant the use of standby shifts shall be approved by the General Manager or the Board of Directors in advance of use. 2. Standby shifts shall be scheduled so that no shift is less than eight hours nor more than sixteen hours. 3. Any employee who is required to remain on standby for emergency work shall be paid the equivalent of two hour's pay for each standby shift, whether or not he is called to work° -7- c. ~Vhenever an employee is ordered to perform emergency work in excess of the normal working hours per day, week or month, whether or not he is on standby duty, he shall be paid for such work, at the hourly equivalent of his monthly salary times 1 1/2. SECTION 13 - PART TIME ASSIGNMENTS a. Part time employee, as defined in this ordinance, means any employee who is assigned to work substantially less than the normal hours of work during his period of employment. b. A part time employee may be either a "regular" or an "extra help" employee, and his eligibility for the benefits provided in this ordinance shall be determined accordingly. c. An employee assigned on a part time basis shall accrue salary and benefits to which he is entitled on the basis of actual time worked, including authorized absences with pay. SECTION 14 - ASSIGNMENTS REQUIRING MOTOR VEHICLES a. V~rhenever it is necessary for an employee to use a motor vehicle in the performance of assigned duties, he shall have such vehicle furnished to him or he shall be compensated an equitable rate per mile for use of his personal vehicle° bo No employee shall use a District vehicle or claim compensation for mileage except in connection with the performance of official District business. c. No employee shall be assigned duties requiring use of motor vehicles except in accordance with the motor vehicle code and other applicable laws. d. Seat belts which are furnished in District vehicles shall be properly used, and every employee shall be fully informed of this requirement. SECTION 15 - ASSIGNMENTS REQUIRING TRAVEL a. Whenever any employee is ordered or authorized to travel in the performance of his duties, he shall be compensated for his necessary travel expenses, at actual cost, including transportation, lodging, and meals o b. The Board of Directors shall fix maximum allowable travel expenses which shall apply, uniformly, to all employees. SECTION 16 - ASSIGNMENTS INCLUDING MAINTENANCE a. When required for convenience and benefit of the District, employees may be required to wear uniform clothing as specified by the General Manager and approved by the Board of Directors. 1. Upon approval of the Board of Directors, the General Manager may authorize the provision or partial provision for such clothing and/or the cleaning and maintenance of such clothing. -8- SECTION 17 - EDUCATIONAL ASSIGNMENTS aQ When required for the benefit of the District, any employee may be assigned to participate in special educational and training progra ms. 1o Such assignments shall be limited to programs which are directly related to the employee's duties and which provide knowledge and ability which cannot reasonably be provided on the job. 2. All such assignments which are conducted outside District facilities or which include a District payment for tuition, registration fees, transportation, or other costs, shall be approved in advance by the General Manager or the Board of Directors. 3. All such special educational and training assignments shall be recorded and/or reported in the manner prescribed by the General Manager. SECTION 18 - REST PERIODS a. Subject to the discretion and control of the General Manager, all employees may be allowed rest periods not to exceed 15 minutes during each four consecutive hours of work. bo Such rest periods shall be scheduled in accordance with the requirements of the department, but in no case shall rest periods be scheduled within one hour of the beginning or the ending of a work shift or lunch period. SECTION 19 - LUNCH PERIOD a. All District employees normally shall be allowed a lunch period of not less than thirty minutes nor more than one hour which shall be scheduled generally in the middle of the work shift. bo Whenever it is necessary for an employee to work overtime in excess of two consecutive hours, he shall be granted an additional lunch period, the taking of which is optional with the employee. c. Lunch periods shall not be counted as a part of total hours worked, except for those employees for whom lunch periods include the actual performance of assigned duties. -9- SECTION 2 0-HOLIDAYS a. All regular employees of the District shall be entitled to such holidays with pay as are prescribed by state law, except that all state holidays proclaimed by the Governor, other than Thanksgiving Day, shall not be deemed District holidays unless affirmatively made so by resolution of the Board of Directors. 1. Such holidays shall include January 1, February 12, February 22, May 30, July 4, First Monday in September, September 9, November 11, Thanksgiving Day, December 25, Good Friday, between the hours of 12:00 Noon and 3:00 P.M., and every day on which an election is held throughout the state. 2. When January 1, February 12, February 22, May 30, July 4, September 9, November 11, or December 25 falls on Sunday, regular employees shall be entitled to the Monday following as a holiday with pay, and when the dates fall on a Saturday, the employees shall be entitled to the Friday preceding as a holiday with pay° b. Regular employees who work schedules include Saturdays granted one or more days off or holidays occur, in lieu of in a unit for which the normal work , Sundays and holidays, shall be with pay each month in which a holiday the prescribed holidays. c. In the event work schedules prevent an employee from taking a prescribed holiday, and/or a designated day off in lieu of such holiday, the employee shall receive pay at a rate equal to his daily rate times 1 1/2 for the holiday worked plus his regular pay in lieu of the designated day off. do The provisions of subsection _c above may be used only with the prior approval of the General Manager° SECTION 21 - EMERGENCY LEAVE WITH PAY a. Any regular employee of the District may be granted emergency leave with pay by the General Manager, for personal reasons which the General Manager determines are of an "urgent nature", except for medical or dental care. b. Such emergency leave with pay shall not exceed four hours in any one instance or a maximum of four hours in any one calendar month. SECTION 22-VACATION LEAVE WITH PAY a. Vacation with pay shall be earned by regular employees based on the equivalent of full time service from the date of appointment. 1o Vacation credit shall accrue to the employee on the first of the month following that in which it is earned. 2. All employees who have less than seven years of service shall accrue vacation on the basis of 5/6 day of each full month of service. 3. All employees who have more than seven but less than 15 years of service shall accrue vacation on the basis of 1 1/4 days for each full month of service° -10- 4. All employees who have more than 15 years of service shall accrue vacation on the basis of 1 2/3 days for each full month of service. 5. Vacation may be accumulated to a maximumof two years service on any accrual date. b. All employees who have more than :six months of service shall be eligible to use accrued vacation. 1. The General Manager shall determine the period when accrued vacation time may be taken by each employee, consistent with the requirements of the department. 2. An employee who has more than six months of service and who separates or is terminated from District service or who takes military leave in excess of 180 days shall be paid the monetary value of his full terminal vacation. SECTION 23 - SICK LEAVE WITH PAY a. Sick leave with pay shall be earned by regular employees based on the equivalent of full time service from the date of appointment. 1. Sick leave shall accrue to the employee on the first of the month following that in which it is earned. 2. Sick leave shall accrue on the basis of 1 day per full month of service and may be accumulated without limit. 3. Additional sick leave may be granted an employee by the Board of Directors when, in the judgment of the Board, the granting of such additional sick leave is deemed appropriate. b. A regular employee may use sick leave for the purposes specified in this section: 1. Absence from duty when quarantined because of exposure to a contagious disease or when incapacitated from performing his duties because of personal illness, injury, or dental work. 2. Absence from duty for examination or treatment by a medical doctor or dentist, under circumstances not involving quarantine or incapacity; l~rovided, however, that such absences shall be scheduled at the discretion of the General Manager. 3. Absence from duty for attendance upon his spouse, or for attendance upon a child or close relative residing with the employee, because of illness or injury which incapacitates such family member and definitely requires personal care. Such absence shall be limited, by the appointing authority, to the time reasonably required to make other arrangements for such care. 4. Absence from duty to transport his spouse, or to transport a child or close relative residing with the employee, to and from a local hospital for medical treatment or operation, including childbirth. 5. Absence from duty to be in attendance, at any location, during serious medical treatment or operation, including childbirth, performed upon his spouse, or performed upon a child or close relative residing with the employee. -11- 6. Pregnancy in and of itself, and normal conditions accompanying pregnancy, shall not be considered cause for use of sick leave, except as provided in Subsections 4 and 5 above. c. It shall be the mandatory duty of the General Manager to enforce the provisions of this section and to record each absence for sick leave, including a clear statement of cause and such supporting evidence as is used in determining the necessity for such leave. d. In order to receive payment for sick leave, the employee shall notify his immediate superior or department head 2 hours prior to the time set for performing his daily duties. e. When absence is for more than one work day, the General Manager may require the employee to file an affidavit or physician certificate stating the cause of the absence. f. The General Manager shall require the employee to provide adequate evidence to substantiate the necessity for use of sick leave with pay, and shall approve any necessary use° go Following any absence for serious illness, injury or exposure to contagious disease, whether or not sick leave was used the General Manager may require a statement by a medical doctor that the employee is fit to return to duty. SECTION 24-FAMILY DEATH LEAVE a. The General Manager may authorize family death leave with pay, for a regular employee, when needed, due to the death of his parent, spouse, or child, or the death of any child or close relative who resided with the employee at the time of death. b. Such absence for family death shall be limited to time which is definitely required and shall not exceed five days for any one death. SECTION 25 - LEAVE FOR JURY DUTY a. A regular employee shall be allowed such time off with pay as is required in connection with jury duty. b. Such employee shall notify the General Manager immediately upon receiving notice of jury duty. SECTION 26 - MILITARY ABSENCE a o A specific calendar period of military leave shall be established for each employee who is granted leave pursuant to the Military and Veterans Code. Such period of military leave shall include the ordered or expected period of active duty and reasonable travel time connected therewith. An employee who does not return within the period of approved military leave shall not be granted any benefits and privileges which are required by the Military and Veterans Code. -12 - 1. An employee who is a member of the reserve corps of the armed forces, of the National Guard, or the Naval Militia and who has one full year of continuous service immediately preceding the leave, and who takes temporary military leave of 180 days or less (including travel time) shall be maintained in his position and, upon his return to duty after the prescribed period of temporary leave, shall receive all vacation, sick leave, and benefits arising from seniority in the District and in his class, which he would have accrued had he not been absent on military leave° 2. An employee who takes military leave other than as described in subsection a-1 shall have the right, if released under other than dishonorable conditions, including while on terminal leave, to return to his former position within three months after termination of his active military service; provided, however, such right to return shall not be granted an employee who fails to return to duty within twelve months after the first date he could terminate or could cause to have terminated his active military service° Such employee shall receive no benefits for the period of his absence, except as provided in sub-section a-3 hereof, but following his return to duty such employee shall resume accrual of all benefits as though he had not been absent on military leave. 3. An employee who has one full year of continuous service immediately prior to taking ordered military leave in accordance with subsection 1 or 2 above shall receive a payment equivalent to the salary he would have otherwise received for the first 30 calendar days of the military leave, upon submitting satisfactory evidence of military service. Only one such payment shall be made during any one period of ordered military service, and the total amount of such payments shall not exceed the equivalent of 30 calendar days' salary in any one fiscal year. For the purpose of determining the one year of continuous service with respect to subsection t above, all service in the recognized military service shall be counted. b. An employee who resigns to enter military service shall have the right to return to District employment within six months of the termination of his active military service; provided, however, such right to return shall not be granted an employee who fails to return to duty within twelve months after the first date he could terminate or cause to have terminated his active military service. The employee shall be entitled to such Civil Service status as he would have if he had not resigned° In all other respects, he shall be treated as a new employeeo c. This section is intended to set forth those mandatory provisions of the Military and Veterans Code which are most frequently applicable to District employees who enter the military service. -13- SECTION 27 - DISABILITY LEAVE WITH PAY a o An employee who has suffered possible injury in the performance of assigned duties shall immediately undergo such medical examination as the appointing authority deems necessary. He shall not be considered absent from duty during the time required for such examination. b. A regular employee who is unable to perform any appropriate work assignment because of disability incurred in the performance of assigned duties shall be entitled to the following disability leave benefits, in addition to those provided pursuant to the California Workmen's Compensation Insurance Act. 1· During any period of disability for which payment is not provided under Workmen's Compensation Insurance, the employee shall be placed on disability leave with pay to the extent of any leave with pay which he has accrued. Such disability leave with pay shall be charged aginst the employee's accrued leave with pay. 2. During any period of disability for which payment is provided under Workmen's Compensation Insurance, the employee may elect to receive disability leave with pay to the extent of any leave with pay which he has accrued, providing the Workmen's Compensation Benefits received by the employee are endorsed to the District. Under such circumstances, his accrued leave with pay shall be reduced by one-half day for each full day of absence for which Temporary Workmen's Compensation Benefits are endorsed to the District. c. Additional disability leave with pay may be granted by the Board of Directors to an employee disabled in the performance of assigned duties when, in the judgment of the Board, the granting of such additional disability leave is deemed appropriate. d. All disability leave provisions of this section shall terminate on the date of the employee's recovery from disability, receipt of permanent d isab ility under Workmen's Compensation Insurance, retirement, termination from District employment, or death. SECTION 28 - WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE a. Any employee who is injured in the performance of assigned duties shall receive such medical examination, medical care, compensation and other benefits as are awarded under the Workmen's Compensation laws of California. b. It shall be the mandatory duty of an employee to report to his supervisor any possible injury on the date of occurrence or as soon thereafter as his condition permits; failure to do so shall be considered cause for disciplinary action. c. If any employee is injured on the job, the supervisor shall immediately notify the General Manager and shall promptly provide such information which may be requested° -14- SECTION 29 - ABSENCE IgITHOUT LEAVE A~sence of an employee during regular working hours for a portion of a day, or more, that is not authorized by a specific leave of absence under other provisions of this Ordinance, shall be an absence without leave. Any such absence will be without pay and may be the basis for disciplinary action. Any absence without leave for three consecutive days, shall constitute cause for discharge° Such discharge may be cancelled if investigation by the General Manager shows that such cancellation is warranted. SECTION 30 - PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Any appointment to District service shall be subject to a medical and physical examination conducted by a physican designated and paid by the D[stricto Any employee may be required to take and pass a medical and physical examination whenever in the judgment of the General Manager the best interests of the District require such examination. Employees who in the opinion of the designated physician, are physically incapable of meeting, normal requirements of their position, may be reclassified or may be separated for physical disability as determined by the General Manager. SECTION 31 - EFFICIENCY RATINGS Efficiency rating reports shall be rendered annually for all permanent employees. Supervisors shall report on the nature of the service rendered by each of their subordinates. The Supervisor shall review the report with the employee before submitting it to the General Manager. The report shall be written and in a form prescribed by the General Mana ger. If an employee is dissatisfied with his rating he may confer successively with his immediate supervisor, the head of his division, and the General Manager. If the employee believes his rating does not correspond to the facts, he may appeal to the Personnel Committee of the Board of Directors. The Committee shall review the facts and make a recommendation to the General Manager. The recommendations of the Personnel Committee shall be considered by the General Manager and he shall make the final decision regarding efficiency ratings. An efficiency rating of "Not Acceptable" shall be considered unsatisfactory and as failing to meet minimum efficiency standards. Employees receiving a "Not Acceptable" rating, may be dismissed from District service and if two consecutive efficiency ratings of "Not Acceptable" are made, the employee shall be dismissed from District services. -15- SECTION 32 - EMPLOYEE WELFARE It shall be the policy of the District to maintain satisfactory and healthful working conditions for its employees to the maximum extent feasible. It is the policy of the District to give every encouragement and cooperation in assisting employees to avail themselves of an approved group medical insurance program° It shall be the policy of the District to encourage employees to participate in any retirement program that may be established in the future. SECTION 33 - EMPLOYEE TRAINING It is the policy of the District to encourage and facilitate a program of training in the interests of employee efficiency and as an aid to qualifying employees for advancement° The General Manager may take any of the following steps to develop and facilitate training programs: a.. Give counsel and advice to employees, when requested, and inform them regarding possibilities of advancement in their field of work, and suggest any additional training of value. b. Develop and establish training programs for all employees including supervisory personnel° Co Promote employee training programs sponsored by educational institutions. d. Record the completion of training programs on the employee service record. SECTION 34 - SEPARATION AND DISCIPLINARY ACTION The tenure of every employee shall be during good behavior, and any employee may be dismissed, demoted or otherwise disciplined for any of the following causes: (1) Dishonesty, drunkenness, immoral conduct or addiction to the use of narcotics. (2) Political activities engaged in by an employee during his assigned hours of employment. (3) Conviction of a serious crime by a Court of Law. (4) Frequent requests for casual absences, thereby resulting in disruption and loss of efficiency. (5) Sick leave when habitually taken for trivial indisposition° (6) Continuing illness of a disabling nature after the exhaustion of sick leave and leave of absence privileges. (7) Any physical or mental ailment such as to prevent the employee from performing the duties of his position. (8) Incompetency, inefficiency, insubordination, inattention or dereliction of duty, discourteous treatment of the public or of fellow employees, physical attack or fighting, or any other wilful failure of good conduct tending to injure the public service, or wilful or persistent violation of District policies adopted by the Board of Directors. -16- (9) (lO) (ii) Use of fraud, deception or misrepresentation of material facts in obtaining employment with the District. Using, or attempting to use, political influence in securing promotion, leave of absence, transfer, change of pay, or character of work. Taking for his personal use, any District property, or accepting any gift or fee in connection with District work, when such gift or fee is given in expectation of receiving favored treatment. SECTION 35-FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY All employees of the District are expected to maintain a good credit standing and pay obligations promptly. The District will not serve as a collection agency, but will insist that each employee maintains a reputable credit standard. Failure to do so may be cause for dismissal by the General Manager. SECTION 36 - EMPLOYMENT It is the policy of the District that its employees shall be selected on the basis of fitness, merit and efficiency. Iob openings are to be anticipated and well publized throughout the District so that qualified employees and others will have full opportunity to present applications for consideration. Employment shall be the responsibility of the General Manager, and he shall prescribe such tests and examinations for job positions as he deems appropriate. a. TYPES OF EMPLOYEES (1) Classified Employees - shall be all employees filling positions within the approved table of organization that are responsible to the General Manager rather than the Board of Directors. (2) Probationary Employees - are those employed for a classified position but who have not been in District service for a consecutive six month period. All new employees shall serve as probationary employees for the first six months of their employment. Completion of a satisfactory probation period is mandatory before becoming a classified employee. During this time the employee must demonstrate that he can and will perform the duties of the position satisfactorily. It is the responsibility of the employee's supervisor to give him proper orientation and training during this period. The supervisor is also to rate his performance, and if unsatisfactory to dismiss him before the employee is given a permanent position with the District. (3) Temporary Employees - are those employed for a limited period of of time and/or for a position not included in the approved current job classification° Temporary employees may become probationary or classified employees by appointment, and time spent as a temporary employee shall be included in the probationary period. -17- SECTION 37 - CLASSIFICATION & CHANGE IN CLASSIFICATION Applicants for employment within the District shall be employed without prejudice as to race, color, or creed. Insofar as possible vacancies shall be filled by promotion of employees from within the' District. The relative merit of applicants for appointment to, or promotion within, the classified service shall be determined by examination. Examinations will include consideration of any or all of the following factors; education, experience, knowledge, skill, special apptitude, general adaptability, personality, character, physical fitness, promotability, and such other qualifications as are considered necessary by the General Manager for the satisfactory performance of work of the classification being examined for. Examinations shall be administered fairly to all participating. Examinations may be assembled, or unassembled, and may consist of written tests, performance tests, evaluation of qualifications, or oral tests, or any one or combination of 'the foregoing. A classified employee who is reclassified or reassigned to a higher position shall be placed at the step representing the next higher amount of money in the classification for which he is eligible. In no case shall he receive less than he would have received for the following year had he not been promoted° Any classified employee who has resigned while in good standing, may be reappointed to any position in the same class providing no other employee shall be deprived of an opportunity for advancement in class by reason of such reappointment. If re-employed as a classified employee, the person shall have all rights and benefits restored as if his service had been continuous. SECTION 38 If any section, sub-section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portion of this ordinance, it being hereby expressly provided that this ordinance and each section, sub-section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase hereof would have been adopted irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, sub-sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases shall be declared invalid or unconstitutional. ,TTEST: DsaeVid .Wo Callahan, Clerk and ex-Officio cretary Robert W. Fesler, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ORDINANCE NO. 1 6 2 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ORDINANCE adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, at a meeting thereof duly held on the 15th day of FEBRUARY , 1968, by the follow- ing votes: AYES, and in favor thereof: Directors Fesler, %Nakeman, Korte~ Hegarty and Ream NOES: None ABSENT: None Clerk of Board and ex-Off~io Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ORDINANCE NO. 1, 6 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF EL DORADO ) says: DAVID %Ar. CALLAHAN, being first duly sworn, deposes and That he is, and during all times herein mentioned was the duly acting and qualified Clerk and ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado, California; That on the 6th day of MARCH , 1968 , he caused to be posted full, true and correct copies of ORDINANCE NO. ! 6 2 , in three public places in said District, to wit: 1. SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA, TAHOE VALLEY STATION 2. SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA, BIJOU STATION 3. SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA, STATELINE STATION DAVID W. CALLAHAN Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of March 196'~. l~lotary ~,'~:}~c in and for t~ County bf E1 Dorado, State of California. COmmiSSION U/22/ 0 ~,o u~U~ 0 0 0 © U POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Engineer, Treatment Plant Operations 2. Chief Operator 3. Senior Operator 4. Solids System Operator, Grade I & Grade II 5. Plant Operator, Grade I & Grade II 6. Superintendent of Sewer System 7. Pump Station Supervisor 8. Station Operator 9. Plant Maintenance Supervisor & Plant Maintenance Mechanic 10. Utility Foreman ll. Plant Electrician 12. Equipment Repairman 13. Utilityman, Grade I & Grade II 14. Custodian 15. Secretary 16. Account Clerk-Typist 17. Typist Clerk -2- CLASSIFICATION -ENGINEER, TREATMENT PLANT OPERATIONS: DESCRIPTION: Under supervision of the General Manager, is responsible for directing all operational activities of the treatment plant and its laboratory; performs responsible technical and administrative work and related duties as required. Requires responsibility for: 1. Interpreting, carrying out, coordinating and enforcing plant operations, methods and processes to assure maximum treatment efficiency and maintenance of stated treatment objectives· 2. Developing new operating processes and operating technique. 3. Making regular contacts with other divisions and outside agencies relative to specialized aspects of plant operations. EXAMPLE OF DUTIES: 4. 5. 6. Gontinously reviews plant operations both physically and through evaluation of operating reports and laboratory tests, in order to evaluate plant performance and to determine the need for changes in methods of processes. Plans, assigns and supervises studies of plant operations, and research into new methods or processes, and evaluates the results of such studies and their application to plant operations. Plans and reviews, with others, maintenance procedures and repairs necess- ary to operate equipment. Exercises control over the expenditure of funds allocated for plant operation and maintenance. Supervises and participates in the preparation of plant budget and in the maintenance of records and preparation of operational reports· Supervises, trains and rates the performance of the plant operating staff. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Traininq and Experience: Requires completion of a four year college course or equivalent with major course work in civil, sanitary or chemical engineering. Requires $ years responsible experience relative to the operation of sewage treatment, or similar process plants including three years of responsible supervisory experience. Knowledge and Abilities: Requires knowledge of the bacteriological and chemical treatment of sewage; treatment plant operation and laboratory testing procedures. Requires ability to: analyze technical plant operating problems and to deter- mine proper remedial action; plan, assign and supervise the activities of subordinate personnel; apply engineering principles and pratices to plant operating problems. -1- CLASSIFICATION - CHIEF OPERATOR: DESCRIPTION: Under supervision of the Engineer, Treatment Plant Operations, is responsible for the operation of the complete treatment plant: personally partici- pates in operation activities; supervises and participates in laboratory testing and performs related duties. Requires responsibility for carrying out and explaining plant operations, metholds and procedures to subordinate personnel; preparing routine operating re- cords and reports. EXAMPLE OF DUTIES: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Plans, organizes and directs the operation of the treatment plant· Makes regular inspections of the treatment plant and equipment. Supervises subordinates and instructs them in operational change over of machinery and equipment substitution in emergencies. Checks plant log entries and sample collection and testing procedures of subordinates. Maintains, evaluates and utilizes laboratory testing reports, plant operation reports and plant cost reports. Makes decisions regarding need for and nature of adjustments, and changes in plant operation to gain improvement in efficiency and economy. Determines need for and coordinates maintenance and other work performed by maintenance personel. Orders necessary equipment, parts, chemicals and supplies for treatment plant. Prepares detailed analytical reports on plant operation and results obtained. 10. Assists in preparation of the plant operating and maintenance budget. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Requires completion of high school, knowledge of simple mathematics and chemistry, and five years experience in the operation and maintenance of sewage or water treatment plants, including two years of supervisory experience. Knowledqe and Abilities: Requires knowledge of the methods, material and equip- ment used in the treatment plant; knowledge of the principle of sewage and water treatment processes, including incineration equipment, and the necessary methods for evaluating treatment results. Requires ability to maintain, evaluate and utilize technical and administrative reports, ability to achieve specified plant operating results; ability to supervise others and work with and instruct subordinates. -2- CLASSIFICATION-SENIOR OPERATOR DESCRIPTION: Under direction of the Chief Operator, is responsible for the operation of the treatment plant on an assigned shift; performs routine laboratory testing and adjustments to the treatment process. Requires responsibility for carrying out stated operational procedure; supervising operator assistants on an assigned shift; preparation of routine plant operational records and reports. EXAMPLE OF DUTIES: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. lO. 11. ~2. Operates treatment plant to achieve the required degree of purification in the effluent. Performs tests to determine the performance of each unit within the plant in relation to its capabilities. Checks all pumps, motors, hydraulic lines, structures, pressure tanks, and mechanical eqiupment for proper condition and operation. Performs lubrication and minor maintenance of equipment in accordance with established procedures. Makes adjustments and recommends changes in plant operation and the treatment process to improve treatment efficiency and economy. Supervises subordinate personnel in the performance of plant duties. Maintains plant operating records and submits reports as required:. Reports operating problems to superiors. Makes routine laboratory tests for plant control and adjusts equipment to achieve maximum treatment efficiency. Reads meters and gauges, records and makes reports. Maintains equipment operating records and checks employee time records. Practices and ensures adherence to plant safety procedures. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of high school and four years of experience in the operation of sewage or water treatment plants and related facilities including one year of responsible sewage plant operation. Knowledge and Abilities: Knowledge of the equipment and facilities commonly used in sewage treatment and the general requirements for their operation and maintenance; general knowledge of the principles and equipment used in the activated sludge treatment process and in water treatment plants, and ability to learn the operation of such plants. Knowledge of and ability to perform and interpret common laboratory field tests used in evaluating the results of sewage treatment processes; ability to understand and follow plant operations manuals, manufacturer's specifications, and plant diagrams; ability to maintain complete operation records and prepare operation reports; ability to establish and maintain cooperative relationships with other employees. -3- CLASSIFICATION-SOLIDS SYSTEM, GRADE I AND GRADE II DESCRIPTION: Under direction of the Chief Operator, is responsible for the operation of the treatment plant solids handling system and carbon regeneration system on an assigned shift. Performs required tests and adjustments to furnace and related equipment to achieve maximum results in the treatment process. Requires responsibility for carrying out stated operational procedures, preparation of routine plant operational records and reports. EXAMPLE OF DUTIES: 3. 4. 5. Operates solids handling system to achieve the maximum degree of efficiency and economy consistentwith other plant elements. Performs tests to determine the performance of system. Follows stated operating procedures for all elements of the system. Maintains operating records and reports as required. Operates and checks the automatic operation of equipment such as: (a) Multiple Hearth Furnace for sludge incineration, lime recalcining, and activated carbon regeneration. (b) Solid bowl centrifugal for sludge dewatering and lime sludge dewatering. (0) Gravimetric feeder for lime· (d) Automatic lime slakers. (e) Pneumatic lime conveying system. (f) Bucket elevators and belt and screw conveyor system. (g) Carbon dioxide compressor system. (h) Rotary compressors· (i) Fans, blowers, dust collection equipment and related mechanisms. Performs lubrication and minor maintenance in accordance with established procedures. Records and reports operating problems to superiors. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Grade I: Requires completion of high school and four years experience in the operation of multiple hearth furnaces or sludge dewatering systems or chemical handling systems, or any combination of related experience. Grade Ih Same requirements as Grade I except only one year of experience is required. Knowledge and Abilities: Requires good knowledge of equipment and facilities commonly used in sewage an water treatment and in particular knowledge of specific equipment to be operated. Requires ability to learn complete performance of the solid handling system and related equipment; ability to understand and follow plant operation manuals, manufacturers' specifications and diagl~ams; ability to maintain operation records and prepare operation reports; ability to establish and maintain cooperative relationships with other employees. -- 4 -- CLASSIFICATION - PLANT OPERATOR, GRADE I & GRADE II DESCRIPTION: Under the direction of the Senior Operator or Chief Operator, operates designated equipment of the treatment plant on an assigned shift· Requires responsibility for carrying out stated operational procedures and performing related duties as required· EXAMPLE OF DUTIES: 6. 8. 9. Operates designated plant equipment such as pumps, valves, electric motors and gnerators, or operates a designated element of the treatment process. Performs a variety of manual tasks requiring the handling of equipment exposed to raw sewage, collects raw sewage samples and other samples on a prescribed schedule. Assists in performing, and performs, routine tests and chemical analysis of collected samples. Performs lubrication, cleaning, painting and routine maintenance of equipment and plant elements. Maintains plant operating records and submits reports as required. Reports operating problems to superiors. Reads meters and gauges, records and makes reports. Maintains equipment operating records. Practices and ensures adherence to plant safety procedures. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Grade I - any combination of education and experience equivilent to completion of high school and three years of experience in the operation of sewage or water treat- ment plants and related facilities. Grade II - same requirements as Grade I except only one year of experience is required· Knowledge and Abilities: Knowledge of the equipment and facilities commonly used in sewage treatment and the general requirements for their operation and maintenance. Ability to understand and follow plant operations manual. Ability to establish and maintain cooperative relationships with other employees. -5- CLASSIFICATION-SUPERINTENDENT OF SEWER SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: Under the supervision of the General Manager, is responsible for directing all operation and maintenance of the sewer system and all pump stations; and for supervising the maintenance and repair of all District facilities and equipment· EXAMPLE OF DUTIES: o 5. 6. 7. 8. Plans, directs and coordinates the work programs for the maintenance and repair of the sewage collection systems, treatment plant, pump stations, disposal system and equipment. Supervises the operation of pump stations and disposal system· Selects, trains and rates the work performance of subordinates· Instructs foremen and maintenance men and pump station operators in the proper methods of operation and the proper methods, materials, and equipment for maintaining and repairing the various elements of the sewerage system· Investigates complaints and prepares and submits reports. Establishes and directs programs of preventative maintenance. Estimates needs, and requests supplies, materials, tools and equipment. Prepares and maintains records of cost, inventories and expenditures. Assists in the preparation of and makes recommendations for the maintenance and system operations phases of the budget· Personally represents the District in public with tact and judgement· Establishes and maintains employee safety programs and procedures. Cooperates with other utilities and departments of political subdivisions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Traininq and Experience: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of high school and ten years of experience involving the operation, maintenance and repair of sewerage or water facilities. Two years shall include successful supervisory experience with a large public or private utility. Knowledge and Abilities: Knowledge of the methods, materials, tools, equipment and safety practices used in the operation, maintenance and repair of sewerage systems. Knowledge of the principles of management and supervision of personnel· Ability to determine the personnel, materials and equipment required for maintenance and repair of the sewerage system. Ability to read and understand plans, specifications, maps, manufacturer's literature, wiring diagrams and maintenance and operation manuals· Ability to handle personnel and public with tact and judgement. Ability to keep records and make special and routine reports· Ability to exercise individual judgement and take prompt and decisive actions when emergency situations arise. -6- CLASSIFICATION-PUMP STATION SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION: Under the supervision of the Superintendent of Sewer Systems, directs the operation and maintenance of raw sewage and effluent pump stations. Requires responsibility for carrying out and explaining pump station operations, methods and procedures to subordinate personnel; and preparing routine operating records and reports. EXAMPLE OF DUTIES: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Supervises the operation, maintenance and repair of sewage and effluent pump stations. Prepares operating and maintenance schedules. Assists in determining the amount of supplies and equipment needed for ma intenance purpos es. Directs the operation, maintenance and repair of pumping equipment, motors, valves, controls, piping, buildings tanks, wet wells and grounds. Directs and assists in the repair of break downs, broken lines and other emergency s ituations. Enforces established safety regulations. Trains and rates the work performance of subordinates. Maintains equipment service and repair records and prepares routine and special reports. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Any combination of experience and education equivalent to graduation from high school and three years experience in the operation, repair and maintenance of sewage or water pumps. Knowledge and Abilities: Knowledge of the equipment and facilities commonly used in sewage and water pump stations· Requires ability to understand and follow operation manuals, manufacturer's specifications and diagrams; ability to maintain or prepare reports and records; ability to establish and maintain cooperative relationships with other employees. -7- CLASSIFICATION-STATION OPERATOR DESCRIPTION: Under the supervision of the Pump Station Supervisor, operates and assists in the maintenance of raw sewage and effluent pumping stations. Requires responsibility for carrying out stated operational procedures and performing related duties as required. EXAMPLE OF DUTIES: Makes regular visual inspections and/or tests of pump station machinery, controls and equipment. Takes periodic readings of gauges and meters and charts, and records results in operating log. Performs a variety of manual tasks requiring the handling of equipment exposed to raw sewage, cleans station wet wells and bar screens, maintains the structures and grounds. Assists in making major and minor repairs to pumping equipment, including pumps, bar screens, valves piping and controls. Reports operating problems to superiors. Maintains equipment operating and maintenance records as directed. Practices and ensures adherence to stated safety procedures. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of high school and one years experience in the operation and maintenance of sewage or water pumping stations or related facilities. Knowledge and Abilities: Knowledge of equipment and machinery commonly used in sewage or water pumping stations and/or general requirements for their operation and maintenance. Ability to understand and follow stated operating and maintenance procedureso Ability to work cooperatively with others. -8- CLASSIFICATION-PLANT MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR & PLANT MAINTENANCE MECHANIC DESCRIPTION: Under the supervision of the Superintendent of Sewer Systems, performs major and more difficult repair and maintenance on a wide variety of plant machinery and equipment. Requires responsibility for carrying out stated repair and maintenance procedures. EXAMPLE OF DUTIES: Inspects, dismantles, repairs and overhauls machinery and equipment such as: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lO) (12) (].5) (16) (i7) Bar screens and mechanical grinders Pumps of all types Stationary engines and blowers Air compressors and mixers Chlorinators and ventilation systems Dust collector systems Centrifugals, belt conveyors, screw conveyors Clarifier mechanisms Valves and hydraulic control systems Other plant or pump station equipment of similar nature Moves heavy equipment and devices by use of hoist, dollies or other means Lubricates plant machinery Performs journeyman gas and arc welding Installs and aligns heavy equipment Cuts, threads and joins pipe Trains employees in the repair and maintenance of plant equipment Adheres to and enforces stated safety procedures MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: SUPERVISOR- Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and four years of experience in repairing and maintaining large engines and heavy duty mechanical equipment. MECHANIC-Same requirements as Supervisor except only one year of experience is required. Knowledge and Abilities: Knowledge of the operation of pumps, electric motors, treatment plant equipment and similar equipment. Knowledge of equipment lubrication and maintenance; knowledge of tools materials and equipment used in equipment maintenance and repair; ability to make repairs and adjustments to mechanical equipment; ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions, manuals and manufacturer's specifications and literature; ability to keep work records and prepare routine reports; ability to establish and maintain cooperative relationships with other employees. -9- CLASSIFICATION-UTILITY FOREMAN DESCRIPTION: Under the supervision of the Superintendent of Sewer Systems, plans, assigns and supervises the work of crews engaged in the construction, repair and maintenance of the sewer systems, and to perform related work as may be assigned. Requires responsibility for carrying out and explaining maintenance and repair procedures to subordinate personnel, preparing routine and special reports and maintaining records. EXAMPLE OF DUTIES: 9o lOo 11. Assist in planning the work programs for maintenance and repair of the sewerage system. Recommends priority of projects and methods of doing work. Prepares work schedules and assigns ,men and equipment to the various crews. Instructs personnel in proper procedures for maintenance and repair of facilities. Assists in planning and supervising programs of preventive maintenance. Investigates complaints and emergency calls from public. Assists in estimating needs and requesting supplies, materials, tools, and equipment. Prepares cost and maintenance records. Prepares and submits reports. Trains and rates the work performance of subordinates. Enforces and promulgates safety regulations and procedures. MINIM UM ~)UALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Requires completion of high school and five years of experience in the construction operation and maintenance of sewerage facilities, two years of which must have been in a supervisory capacity° Knowledge and Abilities: Knowledge of the methods, materials, tools and equipment used in the construction, repair and maintenance of sewerage systems. Requires ability to supervise the work of others, ability to handle public contacts with tact and judgement; ability [o read maps and plans; ability to make special and routine reports and keep records; and the ability to exercise individual judgementQ -10- CLASSIFICATION - PLANT ELECTRICIAN DESCRIPTION: Under supervision, installs services, maintains and repairs electrical wiring systems, control systems, electrical equipment and to do related work as required. Requires responsibility for carrying out stated maintenance procedures and independently exercising judgment in repair and maintenance work° EXAMPLE OF DUTIES: Installs conduit, wiring systems, transformers, motors, protective devices, switches, control devices and similar electrical equipment. Maintains and repairs motors, circuit breakers, wiring, control systems and similar electrical equipment. Tests, locates and repairs malfunctions in electrical and control circuits, switches, circuit breakers, motors and similar electrical equipment. Inspects and maintains lighting systems° Recommends preventive maintenance procedures, orders necessary equipment parts and supplies for electrical maintenance. May supervise work of helpers. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of high school and two years experience as a journeyman electrician, including experience with motors, control and power circuits, and electronic equipment° Knowledqe and Abilities: Requires knowledge of the theory of electricity; of the practices, tools, equipment and materials used in electric work; of the installation, operation and maintenance of electrical equipment and circuits; of the laws, rules and standards pertaining to electrical work; of the hazards involved in working around energized circuits and equipment. Requires ability to read and interpret electrical plans, circuit diagrams, control circuits, specifications, equipment brochures and manufacturer's data; to plan electrical wiring systems; and to understand and follow oral and written instructions. Ability to establish and maintain cooperative relationships with other employees o -11- CLASSIFICATION - EQUIPMENT REPAIRMAN DESCRIPTION: Under supervision, makes mechanical repairs on automotive, construction and industrial equipment, and performs related work. Requires responsibility for carrying out stated maintenance and repair procedures and to exercise judgment in maintenance and repair work. EXAMPLE OF 6. 7. 8. 9o 10. 11. DUTIES: Inspects, diagnoses and repairs mechanical defects in automobiles, trucks, tractors, compressors, pumps and similar mechanical equipment. Disassembles engines and performs general overhauls. Grinds valves and adjusts ignition and carburetor systems. Overhauls and repairs transmissions, universal joints, differentials, generators, starters, lighting systems, wheel bearings, hydraulic systems. Adjusts and relines brakes, repairs bodies and fenders. Does occasional welding and brazing. Builds and installs special equipment. Makes emergency repairs out of the shop. Lubricates, fuels and maintains equipment. Performs related work on other types of mechanical equipment when required in the treatment plant or pump stations o Makes work reports as required. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of high school and four years of experience in repair and maintenance of equipment. Knowledge and Abilities: Requires knowledge of the principles of internal combustion engines, and the various components used in construction machinery and equipment. Requires ability to locate, adjust and repair deficiencies or failures; to operate various testing and repair equipment and tools; to do simple gas or electric arc welding; to do mechanical work and follow oral or written instructions and technical manuals. Ability to establish and maintain cooperative relationships with other employees. -12- CLASSIFICATION - UTILITYMAN, GRADE I and GRADE II DESCRIPTION: Under supervision, performs a variety of semi-skilled maintenance repair and operating work and performs related tasks as required. Requires responsibility for carrying out stated maintenance and repair procedures. EXAMPLE OF DUTIES: 2. 3. 4. 5o 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. !1. 12. 13. 14. 15., 16. Operates and services an air compressor and a. ssoc£ated tools ,such as jack hammers, etc. Operates and services sewer cleaning and rodding equipment. Cleans and inspects sewers, manholes and related facilities. Repairs sewer lines and manholes, replaces repairs and adjusts manhole covers. Assists in laying and joining pipe. Breaks out, removes and repairs street pavement. Performs heavy physical labor, prepares land area for planting, maintains plantings and grass, turns and removes trees° Repairs and maintains irrigation systems. Cleans, lubricates and services automobiles, trucks and other equipment. Assists in performing plumbing, electrical or carpentry tasks. Prepares surfaces for painting and paints various equipment and facilities o Operates and maintains snow removal equipment, removes snow by hand when required° Assists in handling, loading, unloading and storage of chemicals, activated carbon, lubricants and other material. Investigates and resolves sewer service complaints, meets the public and handles service complaints with tact and judgment° Drives light trucks and operates designated equipment° Adheres and enforces stated safety procedures° MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: GRADE I- Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and four years of experience in construction, repair and maintenance work. GRADE II - Same as Grade I except that only one year of experience is required. Knowledge and Abilities: Requires knowledge of the method, tools, material and equipment used in the maintenance and repair of sewer systems and associated facilities o Requires ability to keep simple records and prepare reports; ability to follow oral and written directions; requires some mechanical ability; requires physical strength and agility° Grade I also requires the ability to supervise the work of Others and to act as leadman in a crew; and to exercise independent judgment and safety precautionso -13- ~LASSIFICATION- CUSTODIAN DEScRIPTIoN: Under general supervision, on an assigned shift, to perform skilled custodial work and to perform related tasks o EXAMPLE OF DUTIES: 2o 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9o 10o 11. 12. i3. Sweeps, scrubs and polishes floors. Vacuums and removes stains from carpets o Dusts and polishes furniture and woodwork. Empties and cleans waste receptacles. Washes windows and walls. Polishes metal work° Cleans restrooms, toilets, washbasins, etc. Sets up chakrs and portable equipment· Cleans lighting fixtures and replaces lamps. Makes minor repairs to buildings. Paints buildings and equipment as directed. Cleans laboratory equipment as directed· Reports any needed repairs to superior. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from 8th grade and one year of experience in janitorial or related work. Knowledqe and Abilities: Requires knowledge of methods, material and equipment used in custodial and maintenance work° Requires ability to follow oral and written directions, requires some physical strength and agility° -14- CLASSIFICATION - SECRETARY DESCRIPTION: Under supervision, to perform a wide variety of responsible clerical duties, to perform limited secretarial duties; and to perform related work as required. EXAMPLE OF DUTIES: Answers the telephone, gives information, takes messages, and makes appointments; types correspondence, collection letters, reports, and records; receives, opens, and distributes department mail; cuts stencils and mimeographs letters, forms, reports, etCo,; maintains department payroll records and originates payroll change notices; prepares and processes personnel transaction forms and maintains a department personnel file; receives, records, summarizes, and deposits money; compiles statistics on department operations and prepares statistical reports; prepares requisitions, verifies delivery of supplies, keeps records of supplies and equipment, and maintains a petty cash fund; takes and transcribes dictation as required; posts and makes entries in books of account or other records, and performs related work as required. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Traininq and Experience. Graduation from high school and experience and education equivalent to three years of experience in the performance of responsible stenographic and clerical work. Knowledge and Abilities: Ability to type at a corrected speed of 40 words per minute° Ability to take dictation at 100 words per minute. -15- CLASSIFICATION - ACCOUNT CLERK-TYPIST DESCRIPTION: Under general supervision, to perform a variety of clerical work; to do general typing work; and to do related work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: Types letters, circulars, reports, records, work orders, payrolls, bills, vouchers, warrants and requisitions involving the use of some independent judgment; answers inquiries about departmental standards and procedures; maintains mailing lists, files and card indexes; extends and figures for requisitions and other forms; cares for supplies; proofreads material; reads and routes mail; cuts stencils, serves as receptionist; operates a small telephone switchboard; accepts payments, prepares receipts and deposit slips; operates addressing, calculating, bookkeeping and duplicating equipment; maintains records of long distance calls and of the use of the departmental equipment; compiles, computes, types and mimeographs reports; maintains a calendar of appointments; maintains file or scrapbook of newspaper articles; maintains a petty cash fund; maintains inventories. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Requires thorough knowledge of business letter writing and business forms; working knowledge of modern office methods, procedures and appliances; working knowledge of simple legal procedures and forms; ability to type accurately from clear copy at a speed of not less than 50 net words a minute; ability to spell and use good English; ability to perform a variety of clerical work; ability to make accurate comparison and computations; ability in establishing and maintaining indexes and files; ability to understand and carry out oral and written directions; ability to win the respect and friendship of the public, to understand their questions and to give clear and satisfactory explanations; ability to get along well with fellow-employees; aptitude and liking for office work. Ability to type at a corrected speed of 40 words per minute. CLASSIFICATION,- TYPIST CLERK DESCRIPTION: Under general ~.upervision, to perform a variety of clerk ical work; to do general typing work; and to do related work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: Types letters, circulars, reports, records, work orders, and requisitions involving the use of some independent judgment; answers inquiries about departmental standards and procedures; maintains mailing lists, files and card indexes; extends and figures for requisitions and other forms; cares for :~upplies; proofreads material; reads and routes mail; cuts stencils, ser~,,es as receptionist; operates a small telephone switchboard; maintains records of long distance calls and of the use of the departmental equipment; compiles, computes, types and mimeographs reports; maintains a calendar of appointments; maintains file or scrapbook of mewspaper articles; main- tains a petty cash fund; maintains inventories. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Requires a combination of experience and training substantially equivalent to one year of experience in clerical work and graduation from high school or business school. Knowledqe and Abilities: Requires thorough knowledge of business letter writing and business forms; working knowledge of modern office methods, procedures and appliances; working knowledge of simple legal procedures and forms; ability to type accurately from clear copy at a speed of not less than 50 net words a minute; ability to spell and use good English; ability to perform a variety of clerical work; ability to make accurate comparison and computations; ability in establishing and maintaining indexes and files; ability to understand and carry out oral and written directions; ability to win the respect and friendship of the public, to understand their questions and to give clear and satisfactory explanations; ability to get along well with fellow-employees; aptitude and liking for office work. Ability to type at a corrected speed of 40 words per minute.