(Public Contract Code section 2200 et seq.)
As required by California Public Contract Code Section 2204, the Contractor certifies subject to
penalty for perjury that the option checked below relating to the Contractor's status in regard to the
Iran Contracting Act of 2010 (Public Contract Code Section 2200 et seq.) is true and correct:
® The Contractor is not:
(1) identified on the current list of person and entities engaged in investment activities in
Iran prepared by the California Department of General Services in accordance with
subdivision (b) of Public Contract Code Section 2203; or
(2) a financial instruction that extends, for 45 days or more, credit in the amount of
$20,000,000 or more to any other person or entity identified on the current list of
persons and entities engaging in investment activities in Iran prepared by the
California Department of General Services in accordance with subdivision (b) of
Public Contract Code Section 2203, if that person or entity uses or will use the credit
to provide goods or services in the energy sector in Iran.
❑ The City has exempted the Contractor from the requirements of the Iran Contracting
Act of 2010 after making a public finding that, absent the exemption, the City will be
unable to obtain the goods and/or services to be provided pursuant to the Contract.
❑ The amount of the Contract payable to the Contractor for the Project does not
exceed $1,000,000.
Printed Name: Nikolas Radonich
Title: Secretary / Treasurer
Firm Name: ERS Industrial Services, Inc.
Date: 3/6/2024
Note: In accordance with Public Contract Code Section 2205, false certification of this form shall be
reported to the California Attorney General and may result in civil penalties equal to the greater of
$250,000 or twice the Contract amount, termination of the Contract and/or ineligibility to bid on
contracts for three years.
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