HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 129 - Retired C~OlNANCL NO, I 2 9 FIXING ~.A~'OF ~EY NECES~ TO ~ ~ISED BY T~T,I~ FIXi~ OK.~TE OF T~ES~ ~ ~1~ TO AND ~KI~P~T OF THE'~L ASSESS~ LEVIED U~t THE ~ U~.~ICH.SE~R SERVICE ~O 5T~ LI~IN~ ~AS USEO"~ THE ~A.~S THE~FOR ~AID AT THE TI~ OF FIXI~ T~ ~TE ~ TAXES - - 19~- 1~7 - FISCAL YEA~ BE IT ENACTED by the 13oard of Directors of SOUTH TA[DE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT:' County of El Dorado, State of California, as fei lows: I. It is hereby determined that revenues of SOUTH PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT during the fiscal year 1966-1967 are adequate to pay the principal or Interest on the ~onded debt of said District Incurred In the years 1959-1960 during said fiscal year, and that the Interest and sinkln~ fund payments for said fiscal year cannot be met out of surplus earnings for sald year for the oubllc utility or publlc uti tity work for which said bonds ~ere Issu~l, and that sald payments cannot be met out of the monies of the .~eneral tuna of r,.~ld District, approprlated or transferred to the slnklnq fund of the public utility for which said bonds were issued, and, therefore, ?axes shall be levied for such purposes to pay the annual lnter~st on said bonds, to pay such part of the principal aS wi II 4~11 due In the fiscal year 1966-1967 and to provide fcr slaking fund payments of the next succeedln~ fiscal year. 2. Tho amount of mcney necessary tc t~e re[sod by taxetlcn ~,,~;~- fha fl~cal veer IO66-1967 for the Day-eat cf said annual taxation for said ~urpose ~ased cn the number of cents uDo~ each One Hundred ~llacs (~1~.~) value of prope~y ssses~d ty the [I ~rado C~nty Assesso~ and return~ fo fha ~ard of Supe~Iscrs of seld ~nty by the ~u~itor o~ said Coun~ 1~ ~eb~ ~l~d ~y ~he ~d o~ ~ir~cto~s 'of said Olstrlct at $0,245'and therefore levied at $0.245 per One Hundred Oollar$.($100.OO) assessed value of said property within .' ~BLIC UTILITY OIS~ICT .during the fiscal year 1966-196~ are .ad~uate ~ pay the prlnclp'al or Interest on the ~nded debt ef ~ld Dlstrlct' Incurred. In the years 1~1-1952 durl~ said fiscal ','~;'~'~'"" ' ' and t~t t~ 'la~t'end slnklng fund pa~n?l for ~Id fiscal cannot ~e met out of surplus earnings for said year for the public utility or public utlllt¥ uork for which said bonds were issued, and that said peyI!lfl~t.¢~nn°t be me? out of the monies of the general fund of sald District appropriated or transferred to the sinking fund of the public utlllty for which sald bonds vere Issued, and, therefore, taxes shall be levied for such purposes to pay the annual interest o~ said bonds, to pay such part of the principal as will fall due In the fiscal year 19~-1967 and to provide for sinking fund payments of the next succeeding fl'sCal year. 4. The 8moul~t of money necessary to be raised by taxation during the fiscal year 1966-1g67 for the payment of said annual Interest on ~ald bonded debt Incurred during the years 1951 - 1952 Jar said fiscal year and for the payment of such part of the Drincipal as will fall due during said fiscal year. and to provide for the sinking fumd the next succeeding fiscal year Is Thirteen-Thousand Dollars 5. I? is hereby determlned that funds for capital l~rov~nts cf S~TH T~E ~BLIC ~ILITY DISTRICT during the fl~al ~ar IC~-!~67 ere n~ded fo car~:~t the objects and purposes of said district. ~hlch ~Id funds can,t ~ pr~ided out of ~~s of said Oisfrlc~ during said flscal year. 6. The a~ount of rr~one¥ necessary to be raised by taxation during thI ~ISca~ year; ..19E~.1967 loc capital l,~pr'ovements of S~JTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILI ,T~.. DISTRICT durln~ the f~scal year' 19~-1~7 are needed to cat'r.y out the objects and purposes of said District, which said funds cannot be provided out of revenues of said Distrlct durln.O the fiscal year,, is One Hundred Eighty-Thousand, Three Hundred Fifty-Six Dollars ($180,]~56,00), and the rate of taxation for sold purposes based on the ~ut, ber of cents upon each One Hundred Del lars ($100.00) value of prope~fy aSSessed by the El Dorado County Assessor and returned to the Board of Supervisors of said County by the Audftor of sold Counl~/ is hereby fixed by thel~oerd of Directors of SOUTH T.~HO.E PUInLIC UTILITY DISTRICT at $0.~11, ~nd~ therefore~ levied at $0.~11 per said One & Hundred Dol lars'($100o00) assessed value of said property within said District. 7. It Is further determined that funds for maintenance and operation of SOUTH T.AHO£ PUDLIC UTILITY DISTRICT durln~q the fiscal year 196~ - 1967 are needed to carry out the objects and purDoses of sa:d DISTRICT~ which said funds cannot be provided cut of revenues of solo District durln,.q'the said fiscal year. 8. The a~ount of mcney necessary to be raised by tax,~tlcm durlnn the fiscal year 19~6-1c757 ~or the maintenance and operation of SOUTH T~.~JIE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTPICT eeeded to carry out the rb.~ects and purposes of sald District, which s~ld funds cannot be 9rcvlded c~t of revenues of said Distrlet, durln? said fiscal year~ Is Two Hundred £even Thousand, Fifty-['~lne hol~dred Dolelars ($7.27,050.00) ~nd .~0'.'~.-?~+e per said One Hundred Dollars ($1OO.00) assessed value cf said proDerty within salc~ Districts 9. It Is hereby declared that at the time of flxln~ the rate of ,axes for said fiscal year 1966 - 1967 by the SC~tlTH TAttlE UTILITY DISTRICT, se~er servlce and s,ree, 1lgh, lng ~as fur~ished tO, and ,~*' 'u~ed c~ certain parcels of land upon whiCh the' annual assessment Is, ~,.'L' by thls ~ld Ordinate 'levled~ and cha~el' t~r~f unpaid as of the ~,,~ fl~ t~ rate of ta~s fo~ sald,fl~l'.year ~s fixed, *he El ~redo · ,"' ~un*y A~ses~r"s parcel n~r~ the ~r~n o~In9~ ~nfrollln~ or in possession of said certaln parcels of. land, and the unpala~char.qes at the tlme of fixing this sold rate of taxes ere set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and i. ncorporated herein as though set forth In full. It Is further declared 'Said-certain porcele of land are owned~ control led or In the possession of the Same person who o~ned, control led or was In possession of It during the time such service charges ~er~ Incurred, or if transfers were made of the proper"fy since the date such charges were Incurred, such transfers have been made by gift, descent, bequest or day J se, I0. It is further declared that said unpaid charges set forth In Exhibit A are added to'and made a part of the annual assessment levied upon said certain parcels of land therein referred to and shall b~ a lien upon sold parcels' of land, It Is further declared that the unpald charges may be added to and become a part of the first Installment of the annual assessment levied upon said certain parcels of land, II. This Ordinance shall take effect thirt7 (30) days its passage, At least one (I) week before the expiration of said thirty day period, copies of said Ordinance shall be posted by the Clerk of the South Tahce Public Utility District at three (3) public places In said District, end at least one (I) week before the expiration of said thirty period, this Ordinance shall be published in the LAKE TAI4DE NEWS, a ~ewspaper of general circulation, pr:nted and published in the said Distrlct, one (I) tl~e, certified copy of this Ordinance shall be transmitted to tP~ County Audltor of the County of EI Doradot and to the County Treasurer of the County of E! Doradot upon Its adoption. 'PASSED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHO~ PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT on August 18, 1966, by the followlng vote: AYES: Directors Ro Wakeman, G. l~ellkean, Sr.~ Eo.Hegarty and Do H° K~ctes NOES= None ABSENT: Dlrec,or Fesler F~obe-r:t Wakee~, Ipresidg~t PrO Tm of the Board of Directors of the SOLrTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: Oavi~l W. Cei lahan, C'lerk of the South Tahoe Public Utl fl:fy. District and ex- officio Secretary.of the Board of Di rectors thereof (SEAL) CER1 IF ICATE OF OP431NA~CE STATE Or CALIFONNIA ) ) SS, COUNTY OF EL ~ ! I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the a~ove is true and correct copy of ORDII~NCE NO, 129, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT entitled, "An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Publlc Utility District Stating the Purpose for which. Texas are Necessary, Fixing the A~o~nt of Money t~®cessary to be Raised by Taxation, Flxln§ o~ Rate of Texas, end Adding ~o and uekin.q a r~rt of the Annual Assessment Levied Upon the Lend Upon whlch Sever Service and Stroet Lighting vas used and Charges Therefore Unpaid et the Time of Fixlng the Rate of Taxes - Ig65-1967 FIscal Year", and that said ORDINANCE wes duly adopted by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUE)LIC UTILITY DISTRICT on August 18, 1966, the of which is on file In the office of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and the seal of the SOLITH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, this 18th day of August, 1966. // D~vtd W. Callehan~ C'lerk ~f fha ~ SOUTH TAHO £ PUBLIC UTILITY DISTPtCT and ex-officio Secretary of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS thereof (SEAL) CERTIFICATE OF POSTING STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )SS. COUNTY Or EL DORADO ) I, the undersigned, do hereby certlfy that I a~ the Clerk and ex-offlclo Secretary of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DtSTRI£T, County of El Pcrado~ State of California. On the .~.~-~dmy of August, 1966, I posted the _OI~DIK'A..NCE.~. 129 to which this Certificate Is attached by posting a full, true and correct copy thereof in each of the follo~lng three (3) public places ulthin the District boundaries, fo wit: One copy at STATELINE, CALIfOrNIA, POST OFFICE ONE copy et BIJOU, CALIFOPNtA, POST OFFICE; and One coty at TAHOE VALLEY, CALIFOPNIA, POST Or'FICE. IN WIT~ESS ~IEREOF, I have hereunl~ subscribed enf na..~ and affixed the seal of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY. DISTRICT, this __day of August, 1966, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY, DIS~ICT an~ ex~flclo $~retary of ~he ~rd 31: ( SEAL