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2024.03.07 Attachment to Item 6c - Al Tahoe Proposal
5 March 2024 Mark Seelos Water Resources Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, California 96150 Subject: Revised Proposal to Provide Additional Engineering Services for the Al Tahoe Well Rehabilitation and Al Tahoe/Bayview Emergency Power Project Dear Mr. Seelos: Per discussions on 14 December 2023 during the 90% Submittal meeting and on 23 February 2024, the South Tahoe Public Utility District’s (District) application for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funding for the emergency back- up power has been waitlisted, therefore the District has changed their approach for back-up power at the Al Tahoe and Bayview well sites. Attached is a scope of work, budget, and schedule to provide additional engineering services for the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) Al Tahoe Well rehabilitation and Al Tahoe/Bayview emergency power project. This attachment serves to document additional scope items including: · Additional design scope items incurred as part of the 90% submittal delivered in December 2023 as well as additional environmental support items. · Providing 95% design submittal, construction documents and bid services that include consideration of District comments on the 90% design submittal and changes to approach for back-up power. We appreciate the opportunity to provide further services to the District. If you have any questions regarding our proposal, please contact Sachi at 650-852-2817 or Josh Diebert at 559-349-3063. Very truly yours, Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, Inc. Sachiko Itagaki, P.E. Spencer T. Archer, P.E., BCEE Principal-in-Charge Project Manager Attachment A: Tasks and Deliverables Attachment B: Labor Effort and Fee Estimate Table SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS, INC. - 1 - ATTACHMENT A: TASKS AND DELIVERABLES This attachment serves to document additional scope items that have arisen during the preparation of the 90% submittal for Task 1 Project Management, Tasks 3.5 and 7, as well as comments and design approach changes requested by the District to be included in the 95% design submittal, construction documents and draft environmental documents submitted at 90%. A 95% design submittal, construction documents and bid support services will be provided with an anticipated advertisement to bidders in summer 2024. Procurement of the Bayview step-up transformer is on the project’s critical path and expected to have a 100-week fabrication lead time. Additional effort to revise environmental document/compliance permits to align with 95% design scope is also included. Task 1 – Project Management As scope items have been added, additional project management is requested for these additional items for both internal coordination as well as for quality assurance/quality control review. 1.1 Management KJ will provide project management services for the additional scope of work, including general task management, invoicing, activity coordination, schedule management, and subcontractor management through July 2024. In addition to task specific meetings, KJ will organize and attend bi-weekly check in calls as requested by the District on project progress during Task 4 & 5. 1.2 Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) KJ will prepare and implement a quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) plan and perform a review of all Task 4 deliverables prior to delivery in accordance with the plan. The internal reviews will focus on completeness, consistency, thoroughness, and conformance to the scope of services. Budget has been divided for the following activities: · Additional project management for one year longer than budgeted in the original proposal to prepare 90% Deliverable which included coordination calls with District operations and maintenance staff, internal coordination, project progress calls, invoicing and additional QA/QC effort by all disciplines for the 60% design progress submittal, · 95% Design submittal, · Construction Documents and Bid Services. · Environmental/Compliance submittal. Task 2 – Data Collection, Review and Analysis 2.1 Kickoff Meeting - complete 2.2 Data Collection & Review - complete 2.3 Alternatives Analysis - complete 2.4 Task 2 Optional Services - budget has been reallocated. Task 3 – 90% Design Submittal The additional effort for this task is described in the subtasks below: 3.1 Topographic Surveying and Mapping - complete 3.2 Geotechnical Analysis – complete 3.3 Design Memorandum - complete 3.4 90% Design - complete 3.4.1 Design Development – complete 3.4.2 Design Review Meeting - complete 3.5 Environmental Documentation/Compliance – Additional Scope Since Task Order 14B in February 2023, additional effort was requested by the District to prepare a cultural resources report with an archaeologist’s evaluation and biological resources amendment for the Al Tahoe/Bayview sites and duct bank in between the two sites to support the environmental documents. These services were provided by specialty subconsultants that had prepared previous documents for the District. Further analysis was requested by the District for pre-and post-construction land coverage at all three project sites for Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) requirements. Task 3 Deliverable(s) Electronic only (pdf) unless specified below: · Cultural resources report, · Biological resources amendment. Task 4 – 95% Design, Construction Documents and Environmental Documentation/Compliance Task 4 includes 95% design submittal, construction documents and updates to environmental documents/compliance permit applications to reflect the revised scope of design. 4A 95% Design This task includes: · Addressing District’s 90% submittal comments and changes to scope of design such as the portable generator and relocating the transformer to the Bayview site with the associated design changes for electrical, instrumentation and controls, mechanical, structural and site infrastructure; removing duct bank between sites; water efficiency upgrades, demolition of Al Tahoe Well #1; and security and communication improvements, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS, INC. - 2 - o Workshop with District and up to 3 KJ technical staff to discuss implementation of the Carollo Communications Study results at Al Tahoe and Bayview well sites. · Advance plans and specifications to a 95% level of completion, · Updating technical specifications to reflect portable generator, security measures, and water efficiency upgrades, · Reviewing and incorporating District front-end (Division 0 and 1) specifications, · District review meeting (virtual) for 95% submittal. 4B Construction Documents This task includes: · Incorporating District comments on 95% design drawings and specifications, · Updated opinion of probable construction costs, · District review meeting (virtual) for construction documents. 4C Environmental Documentation/Compliance This task includes: · Updating Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND)/ TRPA Initial Environmental Checklist (IEC) form and supporting documentation prepared under the previous task order for the design scope change of a portable generator and moving of the transformer to the Bayview site, the addition of 6,000 gallons of fuel storage at LPPS and associated changes to land coverage, · Update land coverage calculations at Al Tahoe, Bayview and LPPS, · Support TRPA Public Service Applications with design and land-coverage related content for Al Tahoe, Bayview and LPPS improvements. Task 4 Deliverable(s) · 95% Drawings and Technical and Front-End Specifications in pdf, · Final Contract Drawings, sealed and signed, o 22”x34” (full size pdf) o 11”x17” (half size/half scale pdf) o DWG, 2019 version (Autocad/Civil 3D) · Final Contract Specifications, sealed and signed, o PDF, DOCX (MS Word) · Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (Class 2), o PDF, XLSX (MS Excel) · Updated MND/TRPA Environmental Document with IEC form for Al Tahoe, Bayview and LPPS with updated land coverage calculations, · Design and coverage-related content to support TRPA Public Service Applications. Task 3 and 4 Assumptions 1. A single bid package is assumed for Al Tahoe Well Rehab and Bayview Emergency Power, 2. No additional archaeological/cultural resources/biological studies are required for LPPS, 3. Each deliverable will receive one round of consolidated District comments for response and update in the following deliverable. The District will review deliverables in a timely manner (approximately 10 working days), 4. District will print and submit environmental and compliance documents/permits, as necessary to TRPA, State Clearinghouse and other relevant agencies, 5. Project related public outreach, rights of entry/access, easements (temporary construction and permanent) and permitting will be performed by the District. Task 5 – Bidding Services Bidding services include: · One KJ staff will attend a pre-bid conference and job walk, · Written responses to 3 (three) bidders’ questions, effort required for additional bidders’ questions can be tracked, · Preparing 1 (one) addendum during the bid period to clarify design documents, · Prepare conformed set of construction documents based on changes made via the addendum and incorporate executed contract documentation. Task 5 Deliverable(s) Electronic only (pdf) unless specified below: · Meeting notes from pre-bid conference, · Responses to questions (Distribution by District), · One addendum (Distribution by District), · Recommendation of Award, · Conformed drawings and specifications. Task 5 Assumptions 1. District will print the Contract Document Bid Sets and distribute to prospective bidders. 2. Project will bid only once. 3. Services for bid disputes or rebidding the project are excluded. Task 6 – Optional Services Optional services are not included in this proposal, but could be provided upon request for services such as: · Pre-procurement Documents for Long-lead Time Items, · Engineer Services During Construction, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS, INC. - 3 - · Air Board Generator Permit Support, · City of SLT Building/Planning Permit Support, · Liberty Utilities Application Coordination, · Al Tahoe Well Inspection - Video/Cleaning, · Additional archaeological/cultural resources/biological studies if required for LPPS, · Acoustic Analysis. Task 7 – Luther Pass Pump Station Fuel Tank Replacement Design In Task Order 14B, KJ was originally scoped to prepare 90% design drawings and specifications to upsize the 6,000- gallon fuel tank at the Luther Pass Pump Station (LPPS) to a 12,000-gallon fuel tank and improve the retaining wall as necessary to accommodate the increased tank size. Since the issuance of the Task Order, an analysis of a temporary fuel storage system was conducted at the request of the District. This information will be incorporated into Task 7.1 LPPS Fuel Tank Design Memorandum, that is under preparation. There is no change to the remainder of Task 7 authorized under TO 14B. Task 7 Assumptions: 1. No additional survey. 2. Geotechnical assumptions will be based on design parameters used in the 2007 Luther Pass Pump Station Generator design. 3. KJ estimated workshops with the District to review information would last up to 2 hours with key staff in attendance both in-person and virtually. 4. Each draft deliverable will receive one round of consolidated District comments for response and update in the final draft. The District will review deliverables in a timely manner (approximately 10 working days). 5. After District’s review of LPPS Fuel Tank Replacement 90% Design Submittal, KJ will prepare budget for construction documents. Task 8: Al Tahoe Battery Backup Evaluation; no change from February 2023 authorization. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS, INC. - 4 - ATTACHMENT B: LABOR EFFORT AND FEE ESTIMATE TABLE The tables found on the following pages show a summary of the previous authorization, the unauthorized work and the proposed budget augmentation as well as a more detailed estimate of the required hours for the project by task as outlined above. The initial hour projection identifies key project team members by billing classification and estimated hours for each project team member on a per task and total project basis. The fee is based on the KJ 1 January 2023 rate schedule as attached. Al Tahoe Budget Summary 4-Mar-24 Authorized Tasks Total KJ Hours Total $ Task 1 Project Management QA/QC 52 13,846$ Task 2 -Data Collection, Review and Analysis 243 104,938$ Task 2 - Optional Services - Well rehab (incl subs) - NOT PERFORMED 46 112,875$ Subtotal TO 14 341 231,659$ Task 3.1 - Topo Survey 0 16,500$ Task 3.2 - Geotech 0 7,700$ Task 3.3 - Draft and Final Design Memo 89 24,514$ Task 3.5 - Environmental Documentation 221 52,786$ Subtotal TO 14A 310 101,500$ Task 1 - Project Management and QA/QC (for Additional Scope)66 17,274$ Task 3.1 - Additional Topo Survey 10 8,667$ Task 3.2 - Additional Geotech at Al Tahoe 6 4,698$ Task 3.4 - through 90% design 1379 318,935$ Task 3.5 Environmental Documentation - TRPA Coverage Evaluation 20 4,514$ Task 7 - Luther Pass Pump Station Fuel Tank Replacement 126 31,210$ Task 8 - Al Tahoe Battery Evaluation 112 29,229$ Subtotal TO 14B 1719 414,528$ TO14B Authorization 301,653$ Subtotal Authorized Tasks 2324 634,812$ Task Order 14C Scope and Budget Summary Task 1 - Project Management and QA/QC (for Additional Scope) For 90% Design 22,181$ For Task 4 (95% and CDs) and 5 (Bid Services)98 24,388$ Task 3.5 Environmental Documentation - Cultural Resources and Biological Resources Reporting 21,731$ Task 7 Luther Pass Temp Tank Research and Incorporate 2020 Record Documents 5,444$ Task 4A 95% Design 845 202,634$ Task 4B Construction Documents 257 61,594$ Task 4C Environmental Documentation/Compliance 119 28,839$ Task 5 Bid Services 84 20,436$ Task 6 Optional Services 0 Subtotal TO 14C Authorization Request 1403 387247 Total Authorization Through TO 14C 3727 1022059 TO 14 TO 14A TO 14B TO 14C Proposal Labor Hour Estimate CLIENT Name: PROJECT Description: Al Tahoe/Bayview Emergency Power Project Proposal/Job Number: Date: South Tahoe Public Utility District KJ 2270003 3/4/2024 Kennedy Jenks Staff Hours January 1, 2023 Rate Schedule KJ KJ KJ Sub Sub KJ KJ Sr. CAD-Design Sachi Itagaki Spencer Archer PJ BourdaniotisSandy SchulerAndre EspinozaKerian ChristieMark PrestonSr. CAD-Design William G / JeanProject AdminTotal Labor + Subs + Classification: Total LaborPrevious ChargesComm. ChargesCultural Resources and Archaeological AnalysusBilogical Resources UpdateSub-MarkupODCsSr. CAD-Design Napoleon BEng-Sci-9John MaladyEng-Sci-8Jeff ForayEng-Sci-8Jeff MohrEng-Sci-8Sachi Itagaki Eng-Sci-8Spencer Archer Eng-Sci-7PJ BourdaniotisEng-Sci-7Paul PostEng-Sci-7Jose CuevasEng-Sci-7Zac HarrisEng-Sci-4Josh DiebertEng-Sci-6Sandy SchulerEng-Sci-3Jon Malta OEng-Sci-8Lawrence REng-Sci-3Ricardo MEng-Sci-7Jake SalterEng-Sci-3Leo SantosEng-Sci-4Patrick TranEng-Sci-3Rika OkinoCAD-Tech 2Andre EspinozaEng-Sci-6Kerian ChristieEng-Sci-6Mark PrestonTotalSubsEng-Sci-4Karina YapCAD-Tech 2Richard HillsSr. CAD-Design William G / JeanProject AdminTotalLaborTotalExpensesTotal Labor + Subs + ExpensesHourly Rate:$320 $305 $305 $305 $305 $285 $285 $285 $285 $185 $260 $200 $305 $200 $285 $200 $220 $200 $140 $260 $260 $220 $220 $140 $185 $120 Hours Fees Fees 4% Fees Fees 10% Fees Fees Task 1 / Amendment for 90% Design / Task Order 14B Amendment 1.1 PM Communications 0 $0 $3,500 $140 $0 $3,500 $0 $140 $3,640 1.2 Project Status Updates 0 $0 $3,508 $140 $0 $3,508 $0 $140 $3,648 1.3 Project Set-up and invoicing 0 $0 $3,992 $160 $0 $3,992 $0 $160 $4,152 1.5 QA/QC 0 $0 $10,328 $413 $0 $10,328 $0 $413 $10,741 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Task 3 / Amendment for 90% Design / Task Order 14B Amendment 3.5 Environmental Documentation/Compliance 0 $0 $8,520 $341 $11,000 $700 $1,170 $8,520 $12,870 $341 $21,731 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Task 7 / Amendment for 90% Design / Task Order 14B Amendment 7.1 LPPS Temporary Fuel Tank Analysis 0 $0 $2,800 $112 $0 $2,800 $0 $112 $2,912 7.2.2 Incorporate LPPS 2020 Power and Controls Upgrade Record Documents 0 $0 $2,435 $97 $0 $2,435 $0 $97 $2,532 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Task Order 14B Amendment - Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $35,083 $1,403 $11,000 $700 $1,170 $0 $35,083 $0 $1,403 $49,356 Task 1 / Project Management 95% Design, Construction Docs, Bid Services 1.1 PM Communications (Client and Internal)2 1 6 4 12 25 $6,635 $0 $265 $0 $6,635 $0 $265 $6,900 1.2 Project Status Updates (Progress Calls w. Client - prep, mtg minutes, etc.)3 8 2 18 8 39 $9,685 $0 $387 $0 $9,685 $0 $387 $10,072 1.3 Project Set-up and invoicing 4 6 12 12 34 $7,130 $0 $285 $0 $7,130 $0 $285 $7,415 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Task 1 - Subtotal 2 4 0 18 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 8 0 0 12 98 $23,450 $0 $938 $0 $0 $0 $0 $23,450 $0 $938 $24,388 Task 4A / Fee for 95% Design 4A.1 Address and Incorporate Client 90% Review Comments 1 1 2 2 6 4 6 4 2 2 3 6 4 3 2 48 $10,960 $0 $438 $0 $10,960 $0 $438 $11,398 4A.2 95% Design (Plans)5 6 4 1 11 10 12 12 19 6 4 10 4 16 23 6 6 7 10 172 $38,430 $0 $1,537 $0 $38,430 $0 $1,537 $39,967 4A.3 95% Design (Technical Specifications)2 3 10 2 10 12 8 4 2 4 4 10 6 5 2 84 $20,335 $0 $813 $0 $20,335 $0 $813 $21,148 4A.4 Div 0 & Div 1 Specifications - Review and Incorporate w. Technical Specs 5 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 29 $7,820 $0 $313 $0 $7,820 $0 $313 $8,133 4A.5 Div 1 Coordination (Work Summary, Sequencing, Submittal, Temporary Facilities, Performance and Operation Training, Closeout)1 3 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 2 34 $8,270 $0 $331 $0 $8,270 $0 $331 $8,601 4A.6 Added Scope - Review Communications Study, Mtg w. District, Specifications 1 4 2 2 10 4 3 26 $6,875 $0 $275 $0 $6,875 $0 $275 $7,150 4A.7 Added Scope - Portable Generator Specifications and Coordination (CAT, Disciplines)1 2 3 4 6 2 1 2 21 $5,260 $0 $210 $0 $5,260 $0 $210 $5,470 4A.8 Added Scope - Bayview Portable Generator - Elec.,I&C, Civil, Structural 1 2 1 2 1 3 15 17 4 6 4 13 4 7 9 4 8 101 $22,270 $0 $891 $0 $22,270 $0 $891 $23,161 4A.9 Added Scope - Al Tahoe Portable Generator - Elec.,I&C, Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Architectural 3 2 1 1 2 5 10 10 13 6 10 3 11 4 9 12 4 4 11 121 $26,340 $0 $1,054 $0 $26,340 $0 $1,054 $27,394 4A.10 Added Scope - Water Effeciency Upgrades - Sounding tube(s), LIT, PIT, Meter Calibration Coordination, Circulate Well Water Plan, Demo and replace existing pump pedestal)4 1 10 6 2 2 2 4 4 10 6 4 4 59 $13,395 $0 $536 $0 $13,395 $0 $536 $13,931 4A.11 Added Scope - Al Tahoe Destroy Well 1, Replace Slot Drain 2 2 4 4 6 2 1 4 25 $5,100 $0 $204 $0 $5,100 $0 $204 $5,304 4A.12 Added Scope - Bayview Security (Network Diagram, Conduit, Rack, Camera)1 4 3 6 6 2 2 24 $5,765 $0 $231 $0 $5,765 $0 $231 $5,996 4A.13 Added Scope - Al Tahoe Security Cameras, Cable, Network Diagram 1 3 2 4 2 1 2 15 $3,675 $0 $147 $0 $3,675 $0 $147 $3,822 4A.14 Internal QA/QC & Address QA/QC Comments 4 6 1 1 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 1 4 2 6 10 4 2 4 78 $18,160 $0 $726 $0 $18,160 $0 $726 $18,886 4A.15 95% Review Mtg w. Client (2hr Virtual)2 2 1 2 1 8 $2,185 $0 $87 $0 $2,185 $0 $87 $2,272 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Task 4A - Subtotal 6 30 22 8 3 7 16 10 52 34 77 79 75 49 24 56 29 68 70 0 16 52 6 9 47 0 845 $194,840 $0 $7,794 $0 $0 $0 $0 $194,840 $0 $7,794 $202,634 Task 4B / Fee for Construction Documents 4B.1 Address Client 95% Comments (Plans and Specs)4 5 4 5 4 3 2 5 3 4 12 1 1 2 1 12 68 $13,955 $0 $558 $0 $13,955 $0 $558 $14,513 4B.2 Construction Documents QA/QC and Address QA/QC 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 6 4 6 10 3 2 2 4 3 6 8 2 3 1 8 86 $19,800 $0 $792 $0 $19,800 $0 $792 $20,592 4B.3 OPCC (Class 2)1 2 3 1 3 1 1 2 18 1 33 $8,490 $0 $340 $0 $8,490 $0 $340 $8,830 4B.4 Support District with List of Bid Items 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 13 $3,535 $0 $141 $0 $3,535 $0 $141 $3,676 4B.5 Construction Docs Deliverables (PDF Plans & Specs, DWG Files, DOCX Files)1 1 2 2 3 3 2 6 2 22 $4,400 $0 $176 $0 $4,400 $0 $176 $4,576 4B.6 Construction Document Review Mtg w. Client (2hr Virtual)2 1 1 2 1 7 $1,880 $0 $75 $0 $1,880 $0 $75 $1,955 4B.7 Internal Coordination Mtg 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 19 $4,840 $0 $194 $0 $4,840 $0 $194 $5,034 4B.8 Disciplines Stamp & Seal Documents 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 $2,325 $0 $93 $0 $2,325 $0 $93 $2,418 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Task 4B- Subtotal 2 11 4 4 3 3 3 5 15 9 19 17 14 6 7 10 11 16 23 19 5 16 4 2 27 2 257 $59,225 $0 $2,369 $0 $0 $0 $0 $59,225 $0 $2,369 $61,594 Task 4C / Fee for Additional Environmental Documentation/Compliance 4C.1 QA/QC, Review w. Client 2 1 2 5 $1,270 $0 $51 $0 $1,270 $0 $51 $1,321 4C.2 Update MND/TRPA Environmental Documentation For scope change 4 1 12 2 19 $4,360 $0 $174 $0 $4,360 $0 $174 $4,534 4C.2 Update of MND/TRPA Environmental Document for increased fuel storage at Luther Pass Pump Station 6 2 28 36 $8,430 $0 $337 $0 $8,430 $0 $337 $8,767 4C.3 Land Coverage Calculation Update 2 1 12 2 17 $3,750 $0 $150 $0 $3,750 $0 $150 $3,900 4C.4 Support TRPA Permit Application 8 2 32 42 $9,920 $0 $397 $0 $9,920 $0 $397 $10,317 Task 4C - Subtotal 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 86 4 0 0 119 $27,730 $0 $1,109 $0 $0 $0 $0 $27,730 $0 $1,109 $28,839 Task 5 / Fee for Bid Services 5.1 Pre-Bid Conference (Attend One Pre-Bid Job Walk), Meeting Notes 1 1 8 10 $2,370 $0 $95 $0 $2,370 $0 $95 $2,465 5.2 Written Response to 3 Bidders' Questions 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 2 22 $5,480 $0 $219 $0 $5,480 $0 $219 $5,699 5.3 Prepare 1 Addenda (PDF)2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 22 $4,815 $0 $193 $0 $4,815 $0 $193 $5,008 5.4 Prepare Conformed Drawings and Specifications, including QA/QC and Seals (PDF)1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 4 1 1 2 30 $6,985 $0 $279 $0 $6,985 $0 $279 $7,264 Task 5 - Subtotal 0 6 1 3 2 1 1 0 6 2 5 2 3 2 3 3 4 7 5 0 1 19 3 3 2 0 84 $19,650 $0 $786 $0 $0 $0 $0 $19,650 $0 $786 $20,436 Task 6 / Fee for Optional Services 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Task 6 - Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 All Tasks Total- Budget Augmentation 10 51 27 55 20 11 20 15 73 45 101 98 92 57 34 69 44 91 98 19 22 136 107 18 76 14 1403 $324,895 $35,083 $14,399 $11,000 $700 $1,170 $0 $359,978 $12,870 $14,399 $387,247 \\KJC.local\KJC-Root\KJ-Office\SAC\job\2022\2270003.00_STPUD_AI Tahoe\02-CntrctsAgmts\2.01-PrimContract\Feb_2024- revision\STPUD_Al_Tahoe_Fee Estimate_TO14C_20240304 © 2019 Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, Inc. Client/Address: South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Contract/Proposal Date: Proposal to Provide Additional Services for Al Tahoe/Bayview Generator January 25, 2023 Schedule of Charges January 1, 2023 PERSONNEL COMPENSATION Classification Hourly Rate Engineer-Scientist-Specialist 1 ............................................................................ $150 Engineer-Scientist-Specialist 2 ............................................................................ $180 Engineer-Scientist-Specialist 3 ............................................................................ $200 Engineer-Scientist-Specialist 4 ............................................................................ $220 Engineer-Scientist-Specialist 5 ............................................................................ $240 Engineer-Scientist-Specialist 6 ............................................................................ $260 Engineer-Scientist-Specialist 7 ............................................................................ $285 Engineer-Scientist-Specialist 8 ............................................................................ $305 Engineer-Scientist-Specialist 9 ............................................................................ $320 Senior CAD-Designer .......................................................................................... $185 CAD-Designer ..................................................................................................... $170 Senior CAD-Technician ....................................................................................... $155 CAD-Technician .................................................................................................. $140 Project Assistant ................................................................................................. $140 Administrative Assistant ...................................................................................... $120 Aide ....................................................................................................................... $95 In addition to the above Hourly Rates, a four percent Communications Charge will be added to Personnel Compensation for normal and incidental copies, communications and postage. Direct Expenses Reimbursement for direct expenses, as listed below, incurred in connection with the work, will be at cost plus ten percent for items such as: a. Maps, photographs, 3rd party reproductions, 3rd party printing, equipment rental, and special supplies related to the work. b. Consultants, soils engineers, surveyors, contractors, and other outside services. c. Rented vehicles, local public transportation and taxis, travel and subsistence. d. Project specific telecommunications and delivery charges. e. Special fees, insurance, permits, and licenses applicable to the work. f. Outside computer processing, computation, and proprietary programs purchased for the work. Reimbursement for vehicles used in connection with the work will be at the federally approved mileage rates or at a negotiated monthly rate. If prevailing wage rates apply, the above billing rates will be adjusted as appropriate. Overtime for non-exempt employees will be billed at one and a half times the Hourly Rates specified above. Rates for professional staff for legal proceedings or as expert witnesses will be at rates one and one-half times the Hourly Rates specified above. Excise and gross receipts taxes, if any, will be added as a direct expense. The foregoing Schedule of Charges is incorporated into the agreement for the services provided, effective January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. After December 31, 2023, invoices will reflect the Schedule of Charges currently in effect.