HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 124 - RetiredAN ORDINANCE C~%r,I,Y};G A SPEC~ ~CTION IN THE SOU~ T~OE P~C UTI~ DISTRICT P~SE.OF. SU~ING ~ ~.Q~FiED V~E~ 0F~ ~'~DIS~ THE .PRO~S~ON OF ISSUING cONZTE~TION, ~ROVING A~ ~C~G OF ADDI~ONS, 'EX~SION~ ..AI~ I~RO~S ~ ~IE DIS~ICT SYS~-.:'~, 'DEC~RRIG: ~ ~$CIPAL ~OUNT OF oF BE PAID T~ON.' .~ SE'WEE PROJECT BE IT E~ACTED, by tl~e Board of '~,, '"~: .~'? ,t Tai~,.;e Pub![~... U~LiI;y .~tctric. t, E! Dorado C.::~',,,.~, .... ,~r, , ~s ~1 fo/lows: !. 'A specS~i_ distr~ct election ':;. ~.erc*,.,.,. a!led and ;':: ordered and wall be held in ;he Sou~h Taru~e rub"~,".. ~,. ~.~t1,' blstrie' ~ on ~esday,~the. 21st day of September, I~,~'r-_.,,, ,'~i, whici~ electim ~: shall be..submitted to the qualified voters the propc~ition of · ~ isculng revenUe..~nda pursuant go the Revenue Bond ~aw of 19~[ ~ ~ of the ~'*-~"O'f :'California, for the purpose cf providing rm~ds · ~ for the objects .an~ purposes set forth In the follow~g prol . ~ ,'. to ,,~it: PROPOSITION: Shall the South Tahoe th~blic Utility Dis- amount of One M~ll~on . ~ .... Dollars (51,~O0.,:{)O0), ('ct ';nc ac,uisit~oa. construction, impr?vinj an~; ";,," ada~tion:.~, extensions and i:.~t)ro'.'ements, including the ac,':~ialtl~:~. ,' f lands and easements necessary t?,eref'or, aud all costs incidental ti%crete, to an enterprise ct, n- sist[n6 of sewage treatment plant and facilitles, trunk sewers, pumpina station ~d disposal faei!ltles of the entire district, together with all additions and improvements 1;o said system made, pursuant to the Revenue Bond -~. Ti~e estimated cost o£ the 'morovement and fina,':cinf], %nd the expense'.: ~.::,'.%,Je:~tai thereto, 3. The principal amount of the bonds %0 ~,'.~ t~sued there~"or is the ~o~t stated in the propcs[t;~'' and the rate of interest 'to.be paid moU the bonds shall net exceed six per '~% per ann~m, payable a~ually the ?%r~t year and annually thereafter. · 4. The Board does ~ereby submit ~.. the .u~e~ voters of the District, at the special d~strict c~e'''tL~, ~,~'.- and the proposition set :7orth in :;ect~ou L ~:er~-;". :..e _.. proposes'to issue ~u'~d sell revenue ~nd: a" ~' ~3kSt~'%Ct' in %he amount ~nd for '%he objects and purposes spec ,:'.e~: ~ t~e ~.t~ition Ir a m~Jority ~f all the voter~; ',.~.~..' ,-',n 'I,c ,.'.;.%e i.n favor thereof. 5. The bonds are to be revenue t,~ .... :; aayabie clu~/vely from and secured by the revenu~ ~,I' %:, er,':erprt~e and =~s~.,%., of the entire 0~etrict water suppkv, trLbution system to6ether with all additlon~ an,1 ~provemen%5 ~ said system hereafter made, and are not t-c be ~:ecured cy the t.a; :n~ power of the District, and tn~ D*''~ ''' audi its :~:':~.Y! not be under any obiip~ation t:~ pay - -,~ ,:oep inc ~a~.~ revenues.. ~23. ~_i~ .~,f' the bonds in thor :;':'.:~' 'z'~- ' "~'~ :%.' "' t-:%r~'; secured ,:-['~c':u+ orior:L%:.;, '::~ .... '',-, ' r, .~,~ :-( ,,.- ;:e~ ~-, p~.i::'~ I to ,'ho p~,,,ment ? Tim ,.~x, special di:-Jtr ..... u ,-', ' a'.~J ~' ..Dnducted ~ the votes thereof ,:anva~;n'~r . t~:,: ~,~L~: rr :- ..... --~ and result thereof ascertained ~nd 5sierra[ned '~:: · ' ' 'i~. ,''t~ , ,',-dhnart:.:e the election "'~"] be i,e~,i and t.~':e ~ursu~m~ to !.aw for r?er, er~]~ district e;e.':t:..' ' -,~:,. ''-',r/cf. G. There "~hal! be one (!) precinct fo.,' sai.~i election, con~isting of consolidations, or other,!se, of 3curb Tahoe election.pre'Cincto as last establl~hed by the Board of £uper- visors of .the 'coUnty of E1 Dorado for the conduct of state and county el. actions. Its description, ghe polling place deslgnated therefor and the election officers to conuuc~ s~,tid e,e~t2on are coNSoLIDATED ELECTION PRECII,:CT Po~' ~ '~ ~" Place - American Legion }{all, U. S. Higjnway 50 South Tahoe. Said prec~n,~t shall od divided~n~ '~o t~:..~ ,~roupz and one precinct board shall be appointed to 5er','e eat:..~r, up. group of s.~id.precin2t is divided nnd the e!ect, io:~ or'*'~cers. appointed t° conduct said election thereat as follows: GROUP A THROUGH K GrOup A through K $tlall comprise 'all ~.ualifled electors~' of South Tahoe ?ublic Utility District wh,~se £ac'~ n~es ." be~!n with the alphabetical letters A %hrou~-F. K ~e~pect.~eiy. ? The election offlcers for said Croup A throu..~n K P:-~.<:i?,n5 5.')ard a~t a~ follows: Inson.'t~r· Rutl~ Wordell, C, en. Del , 8{jou, Calif. Jud,_~e: William V.O.Johnson, Box 568, Bijou, Calif. C~erk: Lucille [pple~, {tox 8?2,Etijou, Calif. Clerk: Ann Moore, Box 1539, Tahoe Valley, Calif. GROUP L THROUGH ,q Group L tbr,ou~;.,h Z ~hal! c~ompr'-'~., ~: (','J:: J~ f ! e.i South T~.hoe Public Utility i~i~+~' t '.,' ,:;,' :~.:~:. ;:ames bec{in with the alphabetical let%ers L throu,fi. , r~pe. '~i','~:i". The election officers for said ~,rou? L t'..~rou~h :: Precinct Board are as follows: Inspector: Arlene Tl~omas, Box 39~. Bi jo,. Calif. Judge: Doris Summers, Box 567, Bijou, Calif. Clerk: Ella E. Wic?or, Box 192, Al Tahoe, Calif. Clerk: Denise Segars, Box 143, Bijou, Calif. '9. All persons qu,.!ified to vote elect:ions shall be qualified to vote uoon the ur,~pcsit~n sub mltted at the special district election hereby '-a!ied. IS. Ballots for the election she!~ be or,~,.~..e,! o. the · ;'or .... n,i to ;he number provided by addition to ~y other printed matter wh[ci: ~(~',' be rev'~ired by law, two vo~ing squares shall be net off to the r: ~ht ,3'.~ the proposition submitted at the election and ?et fort?: ~'.u .:ec~ton 1 of this Ordinance: one having the word YEf~ ?rint~.d Oefcre I% and the other having the word "NO" prin~ed Oct'ore 'it. ii. Each voter to vote for the propositlc, n and for the issuance of the bonds shall st~p a (:ross (X) in the~.nk space opposite the word :'YES': on the ballot to the r.t:~h'; o:' t~e pro- /" '"'" ~r.,.: 3al!ut ~ cr,.::~;; \~) in the blank ~;pace opposite thc w::,~d .,,~ -,u to the rt;i.;h't of the proposYtion. "0 ' ~-. '~'' '.:':; i.},' " : .....Tho pa];~ shall be opanec at '/:(~0 ... ' .. ,' t. he day of election and shall be kept ~?en ut~tl] :OC, .'clock P.M. :~f the same day, whet; the p,~lls .:hail t,e :.i.,::~,: e:'rept as to ',,'oter~ in i.].ne, as provided in ,;ect~ouz i..,,~ Ordinance s,.a~ , epu ' !.¢~.st z. cven de, y.'.~ in a newsp._.t)(.r o'.:t,j./she~i ,'; ~,"~ i:..', .., z ~ week within ['_the 'District or published once a week for two suCceeding:,~weeka~'ln a. new~paper ·published less than six days ..a week wi~%I th* District. Also this Ordinance shall be thre~ public placeS'within the District for two posted at successive week~s, a~ud such publication and posting uhai1 constitute notice of ~atd election. No other notice of ~he elec~!on'.here~y Called need be given. of the South Taches Public U$ility District. ~&. ~ ·.. !~ · :~:~,7:.,.:.: ~ I hereby certify tt~at the f'oregoxng Ordinance was :<;-~w~-;;.~f2'?'":"::~": ~''~P:~:: ~:':"":c ~: ?..~..: .." -.,~'~" emd reg~alarlY adopted and ~assed by the Board of Directors ~j~G:'t~?,. ~ the South Tmhoe ~bl.ic Utility District, California, at a :~*' :~,': -- '. :; ',;' ~ ~ meet.Ind thereof ~eld on the 19th day ...... ' .'~." "f~_i3~:.i,,;~ ~ote oi t.~e members tl.ereof': a~o, ~d IB ~vor thereof, Direc",- Clarke, Wek~an, ~rtes, Fesler and :~'~J~'<~-.'('~ ~: AP~,ENT,. Director,: duly of re.'.~u !ar .. ,'._.'~, r'..y the oRDINANCE NO. ~ 2 a STATE OF CALIFORNIA t SS County of E1 Dorado I, Davl~ W. Callahan , being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is a citizen of the United States. ~nd over the aEe of twenty-one years; That for ~nd on behalf of the Cler~ and ex-officio Secret~ of %he ~rd of Directors of South T~oe ~blic Utilit~ District, E1 Dorado Co~t~, C~llfornla, ~d on ~t o~ ~., 1~65, he pos%ed copies of Ordin~ce No. 12~, "An Ordln~ce A Special Elaction ~ the Sou~h Tahoe ~bllc Utility Di~%ric% for the ~ose of Sub~%tinE %o %he Qualified Voters of %~e District the Proposition of Issuin~ Revenue ~nds Under the ~evenue ~w of 19~1%o Provide ~ds for the Acquisition, Consist%ion, Imp~ovin~ and Fin~cin~ of Additions, ]~tenslon3 ~d ~rov~n%s to %he District Sewer S~s%em, ~nd ~clarin~ %he Principal A~un% of the ~nds ~d the ~xim~ Rate of Interest to be ~ Water Project", ~ three public places In the District, ~. [ii. jou,Posf Office, Biiog, Califoria Subscribed a.nd sworn to before me this J s___~t day of 5_ep.~.~mber , 1.965. ..-Z - 'I : In and' fo~ t~e Co~ty oi'"El Do~ado, ' State of California AND POLLING FI~C~. SPECIAL BOND ELECTION SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC ~iLI~ DI~FRIJT STATE OF CALI~RNIA ~ ~o~y of E1 ~rado DAVID W. C~L~, bein~ first duly sworn. ~eDoses That he is a citizen of the United States ann .~v~r of twenty-one years; ~a% for ~d on behalf o:' the Secretary o ~..e ~blic Ucillty District, County of E1 ~rado, Ca!~ :'orn~a, caused to be prln%ed copies r>[' the f'o~ of ballot t,~ be the Special ~nd Elect~on %o be held In said ~]~strlc~ on September 21, 1~5, on the Question of incurring a edness in the ~oun% of $1,~Oo,0OO for ~a!d ~hat he caused to be Dr~n%ed not less than as many thereof, desi~ated "S~ple ~lot" as there -ere regls%er~o electors In said District. ~at he caused the s~e to be m~l,.d, Dosta~e prepaid, ~h. manner provided by law, on ~0~e-~, ~C 1'~5, each of the registered electors in said D~strlct ~d that mailin~ was completed on ~e~te~ber I0 __, I~5; That he also had enclosed In the envei ~;~,~s ~'~ th ballot a card stati~ the location of th~ ~r~c:.~%ct : of each elector; and Th;~t copies of the "s~p~e ballots" an~ "l~>2ar :.~n so mailed as 8foresa!d~ are attached her~t~ an~ mRrK,~ ~ ' A and Exhibit "B~', respect] ':ely, and by ref'~r,~ncc herein. Subscribed and sworn to before me this State or (~LI~c~r~A, the Clerk or the South Tahoe ~ubllc ~r~ of September ~llit~ DAa~te'~ ah~%l re~aiv~, no~ latar than ............ 1~65, a,uy &r~a~alta for or ag~st t~e Dimtrict m~al~re whAch Ihail ~.ard Elec~fc~ to ~e ~ld on ~epttmbar 21, 1965. ~ District m~asure '~o be pla~e~ upm ~m Be~llot at s~Ad eleetAcm rm~dm ~ follc~s: trict Issue reverme bomds l~ t~e prL'~cipaX t~n~ of O~e M4Llliom Four ~m~dred T1~3~aa.~d ~ure stol! not $xce~ ~e hundr~ wa~s tn la~;~. The Clerk of ~id District s~l cause ~ ~~nt for ~ud ~ ~;air:~t th~, Diztrlet ~~ ~' be ~n~u~.g~d until COU~ O~ ~L DORADO TO: The pollin~ place for uld Special Election Pr~cinet, at the Special Dlet~'ict Bond Election to be held on September 21, 1965, will be American Legion Hall South Tahoe, Callfor~la and the precinct board for that precinct will be composed of you and the followin~ named persons: Judge ~llllflu V.D. Johnoou~_~Box 3~,8, Btjo~f CelSf. Clerk IAsellle Epple.r..~, .Jo'- 871, BiJ~, Citlf Clerk Ann J4oore, Bo~ 1339~ Tahoe V,ll,7, C ltl. You, as In~I~ctor, befor~ tbs polls ar~ o~, a~ll t~t each of ~e o~er ~o~ 8e~ln~ on the ~ ~o ~he decla~t~on ~~ of him by law ~ ~1~ will set forth ~ the ~lly ~heet, a~ that no ~on i~ to act as a p~e~ct officer unless he ~a 01~ ouch dewlap- 3e'c r~-~'rT', "'~o~ ~?. ~thoe Pub! l ~- Utility (Detach this oath and r~tu~n it to the District Secretary no later than 15 days b~for~ the da7 of election.) DECLAKATION 0P INgP~CTOR STATE OF CALIFORNIA County oi' K1 Do.do I do hereby solemnly declare that I will sup~or~ the Conotltu- tio:~ of ~he United States and the Constitution of the ~tate of Cal/foz-n!a, and that I wlll faithfully discharge the dutle8 of the office of Ins~eto~ om ~e p~cinet b~ fo~ South ~hoe PuBllc Utility District S~clal Election P~elnct for the $~elal Dlotrlct ~nd ~tectlo~ to ~ held on Septem~ ~1, 1~5, ~c~o~n~ to the ~st of mi ability. CERTIFICATE ~ §avld w. Call&ban ~, , hereby certify in accordance with the provisions of Article 3, Chapter :3, Division -~ of the Elections Code of the State of Calit'ornl&, I determtned ~ date prior to the Special District Bo&rd Eiectlon %o be held on September 21, 1965, after which no &r6uments for or the measure to be ,,oted on would be received for printin~;i distribution to the voters. I further certify that & notice to this efI'ect was po&ted conspicuously on the Bulletin Board of the District Office on the 5~.~$ day cf August, 19~. A copy of said notice so pos%ed hereto attached. DATED: . ~.u?st.51, , 1965. Lucillo El)Pier, ~ 872, Bijou, Calf2, ~ubl~c ~tLt~y ld~t~ot, Co~n~ of ~ ~, CaLtfoeu~, for t~ V. S. ~y~Oliforr~La You a~o~ld ~e p~osent st the i)ollLn~ day of el~~ u~ ~st, ~~ t~ ~118 m~ 5e~tI~ 163~ of t~ ~tio~ C~e p~~o as folly, '~ ~ter who ~8 ~lled en applieetl~ for t~ ~$1tlm of, a~ ~en ep~tnM earth election offl~r. ~, ~t~ot ~1 extol, fails ~ act dolls~ ($1~) ~ by ~~nt in t~ catty Jell ~t to e~c~d ~ da,~ o~ by Ann ~oora, Boz 1339, Taho~ V&llay, Calif. ~oot~ T~hoe, C~liforuLn nla, ~a appo~ ~o~ ~n X~ io~ OffXcer For the ~erving, ~u~ thin ~otl~e to ~e Di~rict ~ec~/ at once. ~e polll~ p~e f~;' the 8aid ~elnl Electlon P~clnct =I!I be located at: American Legion H~ll U. S. ~Igh~ay 50 South Tm~oe, Cali£ornla Tou should be presen~ at ~he polling place at 6:~5 A.M. se ~he day of eleotion and mua~, before the polls are open, take your oath of office before the Inspector, or, if he o~ ~he 15 not preseot, then before eo.,~ o~her of those appointed to serve ~ ~,~.be,~. of %~e precl~ct board. It ia, unde~ the pmovlsic~.s of Elections Code, ~ne duty of the Inspector to be advised as to :er~.~aln of your q.,.altflcations as an Election Officer ar, d you will be expected to give h~m such ln£o.--r, ation as he cr ~n- ~ay request 3ectlon 163~ of ~he Elections Code provides aB ro!i~s: "Any voter who has filed an application for t~e poatt~on of, and b~en a~,pointed as, an election officer, a~ ~no, without la~ful excuse, fails to act as such, is guilty of a miadeweanor punishable by a fine not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100) or ~y imprisonment in the eo.,nty Jail not to exceed 30 da~ or b? both." 'l'A.l',lOg PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COUNTY OF ~lC2 TO ELECTION OFF~XC~R ~ori, S;--'r,, ~ox 567, IiJou, Cali~. Judge for Special ~lectlon Precinct, O~up L thrum': establish~ by ~he ~ of Di~oto~ of the South Tah~ Public Utlll~y District, Cowry of E1 ~do, $aliro~ia, for the p~ae of a ~nd elec~lon in ~td District. You a~e hereby notified that the Boax*d of Director.~ of the South Tahoe Publio Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, Cclifor- nia, has appointed you an Election Officer for the Special Electlo~ Precinct, Group L through Z, established by Bald Board for the election to be held on September 21, 1965, and has assigned you the position of Judge. If change of ~esldence or any other reason prevents your servir~, retzrn this Notice to the Distmict Sec~ta~ at once. The polling place for the said Special gleetlon Precin~.t will. be loe~ated at: A~'ica:: ' -- Hal 1 ~uth ~oe, C~lifo~ You should ~ p~sen~ at ~he p~iltng place at 6~ A.~. on the day of election and must, ~fo~ the polls ~ur ~th of office befo~ ~e ~s~e~o.', or, if he not p~sent, then ~fo~ so~ other of those aD~.olnted to ee~e a~ m~mbems of the p~einot b~. It la, u~er the p~vialo~ of the Elections O~e, the duty of the ~a~ctor ~o be advi~ aa to cemtain of your q~llflcatlons aa an ~ectlon Officer a~ you will ~ ex~ct~ to give him Such info--rios aa he ~~ing those q~llflcati~s. Section 163~ of the ~lectlons C~e p~vIdes as Follows: "Any voter ~ho has Filed an appl[cat[or~ Fou the position of, and ~en ap~tnted as, an election officer, and who, without lawful excuse, fails to act as such, ia ~llty of a ~I~de~anor punle~ble by a f~e not to exe~ ~e H~d imprlSor~ent In the county Jail not to exceed You a~e he~eb~ n~tif~ed that the Bma~d of ~~ ef ~ If c~ of ~;[de~oe or a~ ot~ ~a~n p~tm yo~ ~i~, ~t~ 2Ma ~otice ~ t~ ~a~ot ~c~ry at o~e. l~a~d A~erio~n Legion South Tahoe, t~n ~fo~ ~ o~ oF t~ ~in~ to ~ am ~~ of ~ p~i~t ~. Zt Is, ~er t~ p~vinlo~ of t~ ~ ~ w~ ~m Filed em a~l~cat~on for t~ exc~ ~0 da~ o~ by ~th." {)kntSi Se{are, Ba~ l&3, Bijou, the ~ ~f a bc~d el~ticm in ~eid District. ~ ~1~ ~ for ~ ~d ~c~al Election ~t~ ~ ~ lacs te~ county Jail