HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 146 - Retired 4 § ? 8 9 10 11 lS 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 28 29 30 $1 ,J{3MN ~, W~-IDMAN ORDINANCE NO. 146 AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUfH TkHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AWARDING CONTRACT - DISPOSAL FACILITIES-Ihq~IAN CREEK PIPELINE %~EREAS, pursuant to order of this Board of DirectOrs of 'the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, notice was duly given for receiving bids for work under Resolution No. 805, s Resolution of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District Calling for Notice to Contractors for Sealed Proposals for Construction of a Public Utility Works - Disposal Facilities-Indian Creek Pipeline and said bids were received and publicly opened, examined and declared at ~:00 o'clock P. M. on ~ay 10, 1967, at the time and place stated in the advertisemen~ therefore; and ~EREAS, the total number of bids received and the total computed amounts thereof as follows: Hood Corporation Whittier, California Leo L. Davis, Inc. Fort Jones, California Cabildo Corporation Santa Fe Springs, California Robert L. Helms Construction Co. Reno, Nevada Valley Engineers Fresno, California Underground Construction Co. S~n Leandro, California Statewide Contractors, Inc. ~urray, Utah Delzer Pipeline Construction, Inc. Carmichael, California TAB Construction, Inc. Reno, Nevada ~att J. Zaich North Hollywood, California H. ~. Byars Construction Co. Reno, Nevada 773,848.00 883,926.6O $ 1,104,125.88 $ 1~148,531.20 $ 1,162,188.40 1,196,995.00 $ 1,203,031.20 $ 1,220,446.80 $ 1,246,OO5.O0 $ 1,372,151.00 1,393,995-80 1 2 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 $0 $2 · IC]HN ~. WE:IDMAN and, Ernest E. Pestana, Inc. San Jose, California $ 1,661,307.00 WHEREAS, on May 18, 1967, pursuant to Ordinance No. 143, An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Awarding Contract - Disposal Facilities-Indian Creek Pipeline, said Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District awarded the Contract for doing the work and improvements to the lowest responsible bidder to wit, Hood Corporation, 8201 South Sorenson Avenue, Whittier, California, at the unit price of $773,8~8.00 named in its bid; and WHEREAS, Hood Corporation was notified of the acceptance of its bid proposal and the award of the Contract for doing said work and improvements pursuant to said Ordinance No. 143, and was presented contract documents for execution, which said notification of award and contract documents presented for execution were received by said Hood Corporation on May 22, 1967; and WHEREAS, Hood Corporation on May 25, 1967, in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Los Angeles, Case No. 910480, filed an action against South Tahoe Public Utility District for rescission of Hood Corporation's bid proposal and return of its bid bond, and in said action alleged that service of the summons and complaint in said action would serve as notice of rescission of its bid proposal; and WHEREAS, South Tahoe Public Utility District was duly and regularly served with process by service upon said District of a copy of the summons and complaint in said action of Hood Corporation vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District on ~ay 29, 1967; and WHEREAS, all bid Proposals were subject to the following terms and conditions: 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 26 ~7 28 29 30 51 $2 JOHN C. WI[IDMAN -'rl'OIINI[¥ A't' I.AW "The award of Contract, if it be awarded, will be to the lowest responsible Bidder whose Proposal complies with the requirements set forth herein. The award, if made, will be made within 60 days after the opening of Proposals, and will be subject to the availability of loan funds to the District from the State of California under Chapter 47, Statutes of 1966 and also subject to the approval of the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration. In the event of failure of the lowest responsible Bidder to sign and return the Contract with acceptable bonds as prescribed herein, the Owner may award the Contract to the next lowest responsible Bidder· Such an award, if made, will be made within 75 days after the opening of Proposals."; and WHEREAS, by said Ordinance No. 143 said Board of Directors further considered all remaining bid proposals that were publicly opened, examined and declared, in addition to the Hood Corporation proposal, and did not reject any of said proposals or bids; and W}IEREAS, the next lowest responsible bidder is Leo L. Davis, Inc., P. O. Box 246, Fort Jones, California, 96032, at the unit price of $883,926.60 named in its bid, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED, by said Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, State of California, as follows: 1. Said Board of Directors does hereby award said Contract for doing the work and improvements and furnishing of materials, ~supplies and equipment necessary for construction of the Disposal Facilities-Indian Creek Pipeline to the next lowest responsible Bidder to wit, Leo L. Davis, Inc., P. O. Box 246, Fort Jones, California, at the unit price of $883,926.60 named in its bid. 2. The President of said Board of Directors is 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 ].6 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 51 52 dnHN I~. WEIDMAN ~*n'Oi~NEY AT LAW hereby authorized to make and enter into a written contract with said successful bidder, Leo L. Davis, Inc., and to receive and approve all bonds in connection therewith and the Clerk is hereby directed to attest to said President's signature and affix thereto the corporate seal of said District, all in accordance with the plans and specifications and the special conditions and notice to bidders thereto approved and placed on file v~ith the District, when approval of the Contract award has been made by the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration and the availability of loan funds from the State of California under Chapter 47, Statutes of 1966 has been confirmed. 3. Upon adoption, this Ordinance shall be posted in three (3) public places at least seven (7) days prior to the expiration of thirty {30} days from the date of its passage, and shall be published in The Tahoe Daily Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation published in the District, one (1} time at least seven {7) days prior to thirty {30} days from the date of its adoption, and shall be effective when approval of said Contract award has been made by the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration and availability of loan funds to the District from the State of California under Chapter 47, Statutes of 1966, has been confirmed~ and after the expiration of thirty {30) days from the date of the adoption of this Ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at its duly held regular meeting on the 1st day of June, 1967, by 'the following vote: AYES: Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Kortes, Hegarty and Melikean NOES: None 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 2o 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 51 $2 ,JnHN C~. W£1E)MAN Ti~.I~ I~ H t.3 N I~ r ~ ABSENT: None Robert W. Fesler, President ~of Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District. D~Vi~ WY~Ca{lahgn, Clerk o~h -~ Tahoe Public Utility District and ex officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof. (SF ^L) $ 4 § ? 8 9 10 11 19. 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 9.9. 9.$ 9.4 9.5 9.8 9.9 SO CERTIFICATE OF POSTING STATE OF CALIFORNIA! COUNTY OF EL DORADO) SS. I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am the Clerk and ex officio Secretary of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, State of California. On th~_~ay of June, 1967, I posted the Ordinance No. 146 to which 'this Certificate is attached by posting a full, true and correct copy thereof in each of the following three (3) public places within the District boundaries, to wit: One copy at Stateline, California, Post Office; One copy at South Lake Tahoe, California, Post Office; and One copy at Tahoe Valley, California, Post Office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the South Tahoe Public Utility / District thi~~day of June, 1967. --,"~'lerk of the S°ut~ Tahoe Public Utility District and (SEAL) ex officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof. JDHN C. WEIDNIAN 1 2 $ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 $0 51 JEiHbl m, WEIDMAN CERTIFICATE OF ORDINANCE STATE OF CALIFORNIAt SS. COUNTY OF ELDORADO) I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 146, South Tahoe Public Utility District, entitled "An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Awarding Contract - Disposal Facilities-Indian Creek Pipeline", and that said ordinance was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District on June 1, 1967, the original of which is on file in the office of South Tahoe Public Utility District. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and the seal of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, this 1st day of June, 1967. Tahoe Public Utility District and ex officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof. .Q.....lk.6 ......................................... eot~ce biddere Dlstrict~ state of y given 80§~ ~f Directors Public Utility District culling for Notice to Contractors for Sealed Propoaals.for Ccnstruc- tim of a Public Utility Works - said ' t tSer. COIII-:' made Statutes of 1966 has,been ISS. sworn, deposes and says: the times herein mentioned States, over the age S_he is not a party to, nor 3:00 o'clock P.M. onMay 10, ~lalnt i~. msaldvs ~,e6q, ,tthe time andpl*ce stated ~°.r.p.°r'u~ffiiv~:: South Tahoe in theadvertlSement therefore; F_uou,e..~u~. '~L District 'on ~nd May ~, WHEREAS, the total number of bids received and the total computed amounts thereof as follows: Hood Corporation Whittier, California $ ~,848.00 Leo L. Davis, Inc. Fort Jones, California $ 883,926.60 Cabildo Corporation Santa Fe Springs, California be subject to the availability of $1,104,125oS8 'loan f~nds 'Robert L. Helms.Construc- the State Of California ulider ,,The award Of Contract, if it be awarded, willbe to the lowest responsible Bidder whose Pro- posal complies with the re- quirements ' set forth her~in. The award, ff made, will be made within 60 days after the opentn~ of Proposals, and will matter; that ...... /the is the ......... *sad shallbe Clerk of the WHEREAS, all blii F_r_i~_'~a~-,, . · aid C(~ltraCt award .......................................... wzre~sub~et to the tollowh~r~ ?o_~ of s_ .__..,. ;:~--,ILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper of ~rms ~.e~tU~s: .. ~ ~ m~e ~ ~ ru~=,-- Wa~rP~mC~Adm~ated by cou~ decree dated t=~m ~ gV~mty~l~ puhBshed daily at Al Tahoe, I~d~ t0'~ D~l~ ~om ~ rich newspaper is pub~shed {or ~,r 4~, ~t~= ~l~B~ h~ and intelligence o~ a general e~med~ ~d ~r t~ e~-~er at all the times herein men- aa~ ~ ~rty(aO)~a~om~ ~a fide su~sc~ption list o[ pay- ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ewspaper has been estabBshed, dmSO, e~lar in ~als at Al Tahoe, W'ea°a ceding o~ year ne~ ~ B~ ~ D~ecrus ~ ~ ation o the notice hereinafter aper is not devoted to nor pub- ~ainment or inst~cfion of a by tbe't AYES: Directors PreSid- Chapter 4~, Statutes of 19661md also subject to the approval of tim Federal Water Pollutton Control Administratioa. In the event of failure Of the lowest responsible Bidder to siin and~ return the Contract with ac- ceptable bonds as prescribed herein, the Owner may~ward the Contract to the next lowest responsible Bidder. Such an award, if made~ will be made adc, calling, race, or denornlna- the notice, of which the published in each regu- and not in any supple- dates, to-wit: tors of SeUth Tahoe Public tion CO, . Relic, Nevada $1,148.531.20 Valley Eniineers Fresno, California $1,16~.,188o40 Undergromd Coastruction Co° San Leandro, California $1,196,998o00 Statewide Contractors, Inc. Murray, Utah $1705,0~1.~'0 Delz~r pipeline Coastru~- tion, Into Carmichael, California $1,~0,446.80 TAB CmStrUCtion, Inc. Reno~ Nevada' $1,~45,005.00 Matt 3. Zalch North Hollywood, California H.M. Byars Construction Co. Reno, Nevada Ernest E. Pestana, Inc. San lose, California $1,661,~0%00 and, WHEREAS~ on May 18, 196~, pursuant to Ordinance No. 14~, An Ordinance of the South Ta- hoe Public Utility District Award~ Cmtract- Disposal South Tahoe public UUlityDis- trtct~ aw~"ded the Contract for within ~5 days after the open- Utility District, ing of Proposals."; and ATTEST: WHEREAS, by said Ordinance S/David W. Callaha/t, Clerk of ......................................................... No. 14~ said Board of Direo- the South Tahoe Public Utility tors further considered all re- District and ex officio Score-- ......................................................... maining bid proposalsthatwere tary of the Board of Directors publicly opened, examined and, thereof.. ........................................................ declared, in additiontothe Hood corporation proposal, and did .[ ............................ [ ................................................................................. not reject any of saldproposals · wHEREAS, the next lowest ................................................................................................................ respunsible bidder' is Leo L; ................... Davis, Inc.,,P.O. Box ~46, Fort .................. "'"~ ................................ jj ............................. unit price of $$83,9~6.60natr~d in its bid° ~ Foreman of the printer or principal clerk of the printer. NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED, by said Board of lubscribed and Sworn to before me this ...... .~..~...~.-~. .................... Directors of South Tahoe Pub- ~, une 19 (~ E1 Dorado, State Of C~-!ffornia, .... 1. Said Board of Directors ............... ....... does hereby award said Con- ~tate of California ~ract for, dOing the workandim- proyements and furnishing of materials, st~plies and equip-