HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 92 - RetiredAN O?.DINANCE O~,' THE $ou'r}t T,,AHOE PUBLIC NEcESSARY:~ BE ~ISED BY TA~ONm F~XING OF RATE OF.~TA~S, ~ND ADDING PART T UAL ASS~S~T LE~ED U~N ~tE LAND UPON':~IlCH S~R sER~cE WAS USED .~N~ cHARGES THE~FOR UNPAID AT THE ~ATE OF TAXnq - 1962-196~.,,FIS,CAL_YEIR._ 5E IT ENACTED BY the Board of Dix'ectors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT) County of E1 Dorado) State of Caltfordla "-aa follows: 1. It is hereby determined that revenues of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT during the fiscal year 1962-196) .[are inadequate to pay the principal or interest on the bonded debt of said District incurred in the years 1951-1952 dur~4~ fiscal year~ and. that the interest and oinking fund payments i[!iSatd fiscal.year cannot be met out of surplus earnings £o~' ..]year for the public utility or public utility work for ~lch bonds were issued, and that said payment~ cannot be met out of th~ monies of the general fund of said Dlstrict~ ap;,roprlated or transferred to the sinking fund of the public ut[l~tie2 for said bonds were issued, and therefore taxes shall be levied for Such purposes to pay the annual interest on said bonds, to pay 'such part of the principal as will fall due In th,? flsca! year 1962-1963 and to provide for sinking £und pa.~.ents of the next 'succeedir,.6 fiscal year. 2. The amotmt of money neces.')ary to be r~,l.,:ed by taxable.,, during the fiscal year 1962-1963 for the [aymer,% of ~aid /1951-1952 for said ,fiscal year and for %he payment of ~uch par~ .,of,the princiPal',~a~ will fall 'due. during said fiscal year~ and · 'to' provide-'for the sinking fund payments of the next succeeding fiscal year is TWELVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS ($12~?OO,O0} and the rate of taxation for said purpose based on the number :ents upon each/ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100,00) value of pro~y assessed by the'~ DOrado County Assessor and returned to .'.':Board of Supervisors of said Cowry by the Auditor is hereby fixed by'the Board of DiFectors of said $0.O5 and therefore levied at $0.05 per said ONE !iUNDRED ($100.00) assessed value of said property within said Dfstr~ct, 3, It is hereby determined that revenues of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT during the fiscal year are inadequate to pay the principal or interest on the bonded deb% of said District incurred in the years 19~9-1960 during fiscal year, 'and that the interest and sinking f~md payments for Said ~i~cal year cannot be met out of ~urplus ea:mtngn for said year for the public utility or public utility work for which said ::bonds were i,,~Sued, and that Said payments cannot be mcr out ]~the monies~of the general fund of said Dlstrlct, appropriated transferred to the sinking ~'und of tho public ut!llti,,s for said bonds were issued~ and th~rel'ore taxes aha]] be, levied for such purposes to pay the annual inherent% on sa~d b~nds, to sucL part of the principal as will fall due in t],~, fi.,' ' 1962-1963 and to provide for sinking fund payments of the succeeding fiscal year. 4. The s~ount of money necessa~ t~ be :-ai~,-d by taxation during the fiscal year 1962-1963 for ~h,~ [,~yme~t of annusi interest on said bonded debt incurred durinK the year~ 1959-1960 for said fiscal year and for thu payme~,t of such of the principal as will fall due durin~ sa]d f~ac:,l year, and (:fi'~r. al yea:' is ONE HU]~DRED FORTY THOUSAND DOLLAR.~ ($1&O~OOO,OO} ~ the rate .of, taxation for said purpose based on the number sf cents upon each ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($1uO) value cf property assessed by the E1~ Dorado County Assessor and returned to :.Board of Supervisors of said County by the Auditor of said County is hereby fixed bY the Board of Directors of said District at $O..~5° and therefore levied at $0.52 per said ONE HUNDRED ~OLLA~ ~/.($1oo) assessed value of said property within sa~d District. 5. It is further dete:~ined that funds for malntenancm and operation of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT during %he fiscal year 1962-1963 are needed to cato, out the objects an~ pu.~poses of said District~ which said funds car,~,o% of revenues of said District during said fiscal year, 6. The '~ount of money necossa~ to be raised for :~taxa~ion durtng th~ fiscal year 1962-1963 for the maintenance .and operation of~SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILI~ DISTRICT needed .:carry out the. objects and purposes of ma~d D~strlct~ which /f~ds cannot~be provided out of revenues of sa~d D~strlc%, durl~ ~ said fiscal year, is ONE HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND TNREE }{U~D~D DOLLARS ($110,~20.00), and the rate of taxation for said purisms based on the number of cent:~ upon each ONE }{UN::~P:~; D(}LLA~ value of property assessed by the E1 Dorado County A~sesmor an~ returned to the Board of Supervisors of said Couuty by the. Auditor of said County is hereby fixed by the Board of Dlr-ctors of SOUTN TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT at $().40 an,J, therefore~ levied at So.do per said ONE HUNDRED DOLl,ARS (~1,~) value of said property within said District,. 7. 'it is hereby declared that at the time of I'txtn~, the rate of taxes ~' ~or said f~,.scal year 1962-1963 ,~,y tLe SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, sewer service and u:,:e',i on certain parcels of land upon unpaid as of the time the rate of taxes for said fiscal year was fixed, the FA Dorado County Assessor's parcel number, the person owning, controlling or in possession of said certain parcels of land, ,nd the unpaid charges at the time of fixing %hil said rate of taxes are set forth in Exhibit sA" attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. It is further declared that said certain parcels of land are owned~ controlled or in the possession of the same person who nwned, controlled or was in possession of it during the time such service charges were incurred, or if transfers were made of the property since the date such charges were incurred, such transfers have been made by gift~ descent, bequest or devise. 8. It is further declared that said unpaid charges set forth in Exhibit sA" are added to and made a part of the armual assessment levied upon said certain parcels of land therein referred to and shall become a lien upon said parcels of land. It is further declared that the unpaid charges may be added to and become a part of the first installment of the annual a~sess- ment levied upon said certain parcels of land. 9. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its passage. At least one (1) week before the expiration o said thirty (30) days, copies of said Ordinance sha~l be posted by the Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY D1STRICT at three and at least one (1} week (3) public places in the said District~ before the expiration of said thirty (30~ days this Ordinance shall be published in the LAKE TAHOE NElgS~ a newspaper of general circulation, prin~ed and published in the said District, one time. lO. A certif:[ed copy of this Ordinance shall be trans- mltted to the County Auditor of the County of E1 Dorado~ State of ~a]ifornia, and the ~.ounty Treasurer of .~atd Co, mt.v ur~n adoption. PASS~ AND ADORED this following vote: AYES. day of August, 1962~ by the Fraak C. Souza, Doaald L. CLadm, ~ober~ Yake~aa, Thomas A. $Cewar~, am~ ~ober~ Feeler. NOES ABSENT Board of Directors o Tahoe Public Utility District. ATTEST: ~ N. H, ~lle~', C~erk of t~e~outh T~oe,~blic Utility Distr~ct and ~-Of.i~io Secreta~ of th~ Boa~ of Directors thereof. ,o],' O ]:NANC : STAT~ OF C,AJ,.?mRN:XA ) I, the.Undersigned, do hereby certif~y that the above a true and' correct copy of Ordinance No. 92, South Tahoe Publ Utility DistriCt, entitled~ "An O~inance of the South ~blic Utility Districc Stati~ Che ~se for ~Ich Taxe~ A~'e Necessa~, Fi~ the ~o~ of Money Necessaz~ ~o be ~ised L,y Taxation, Fi~ of ~te of Taxes, a~ Addi~ To ~d ~ktng fl Part of the A~i Assessmen~ Eevied Upon the ~nd U~n ~ich Sewer Service ~s Used ~d Charges ~erefor bnpaid a5 the T~me o~ Fixing the ~e of Taxes - 1962-1~3 Fiscal Year~, and thn~ ordinance ~s duly adopted by ~he Boa~ of Direc~ors of South Tahoe ~blic U~il'ity District on A~ 1~, 1962, ~he original of which is on file in ~e Office of South Tahoe ~blic U~ility District. IN ~TN~S ~OF, I have se~ my hand and bhe Seal the Sou~h T~oe ~biic Utility Dis~ric~ ~his ~$~h day of 1962. ' .....' :...lC'~ ! XO STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNT of m DO A O CE R'I'I F~, ,C,~TE,,, OF SS: I, ~he .undersigned, do hereby certify that I am the Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretax7 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County o1'K1 Dorado, State of California. On the ..day of August, ;I962, I posted the Ordinance to which this Certificate is attached by posting a full, true and correct copy thereof in each of the following three (3) public places within the District boundaries, to wit: One copy at Stateline, California Post Office; One copy at Bijou, California Post Office; and One copy at Tahoe Valley, California, Post Office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed and. affixed the Seal of the SouthTahoe Public Utility District, this 17~h day of August, 1962. ,.,,-7'.,,/)/ . ~ ' ~,_ /_ ~,. , t, . N. R. WIallery, '~Aerk an~ ' - Ex-Officio Secretary p Public Utility Distrxc~.