HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 91 - Retiredordered:to ~e.. held on T~esday, July
sub~tt~ to.' the q~l~f~ed
-Ot~l~t7 '~st~[~'~:the .proposition
ne~ of 8~d'.;~s~rlct shall 'be ~c~red, to
c~~:' ~rOve~to ~d extensLo~ of a
t~ea~ent.~d.'d%sposal of a~~ ~e of ea~d
~8trlct ~d acq~sltion of l~ds ~ eas~to
neeea:s~: the~for ~
2, ~e:,estt~ted cos~
$~20,000.00. .-
3. Said Board of Directors heretofore and on t',<, 218t
da~ of Jun. e,'~'~96~,: duly passed its Resolution No..~Z~_~ ,heelia
sa~d ~'d~'"dec~ ~ha~ ~he public ~terest ~d neceslX~
of the ~Strl~t' d~ded the conat~otlon of exte~X~8 ~d ~-
prov~ents to-said public utility ~ Utx~t2 ~or~ de.~lb~
~ the ~oposltion here~, ~d on t~ 21st d~ of J~e,' 1~2,
duly passed its Resolution No. ~ ~_ ~here~ it ~as fo~d that
in addition .to.the other necessary expenses of the Dtetr~ct, and
that It is'necessary to incur a District bonded indebtedness
.. therefor IG::oX~er. to ¢onstruot same.
:' ' '~.:[/.. l'
~..'.i ..'5'~.i. 3~V'Opo~ed method and mannel, of pa3ment ~or
and utility.. 'v'orks:: Lo revenue char~ee and an annual ad v&lorea tax
~e..__l~St=;'[c~;'-upon_ the ta~able propert3~ in
for sa~d bonds,'
~...'.~e 'said special diat~ct eleot~on
..,.,/... :. ~-.:..
~" .conduced, ~',vOtes. th~eof c~vaaa~, the
and the results thereof ascertained, determined and declared in
the manner..'herein provided, and in all part~eulare not presorLbed
by this' 0r~ce., in the .manner provided b~ law.
6. 'There ~hall be one election precinct delignated
Consolidated Preclnct "A", whlch precinct shall include and con-
slat of all 'orsueh portions of County Precincts as last estab-
lished by the-bard.of ~upervlsore of the County of E1 Dorado
for the conduct of general elect~ons in said County Lnsofar aa
said precincts: fall wholly or partiall2 withAn the boundariel
of the South Tah°e Public Utility District. The polling plaoe
for said precinct is as follows:
Polllng Place:
American Legion Hall,
U. S. Highwa~ 5o
South Tahoe
.~ou, A_~OUO~ ~
Stoup A:.~,o~ X s~ll oo~r~se "all q~l~ eleo~rs"
of South ~:::~PUbllc Utilit2.'Dlstrlct' ~hose last names bes~n
with the alpha, betical'.letters A through E respectivel~.
T~e election officers for said group A t~rough X Precinct
Board. are a~.. ~fo!!..ous:
"~e eleCt'ion officers for
said I~OUl;) L through 2 Precinct
Board amc': aa ' fotlous:
Ail qual~fie~ electors in the District shall be
qualified to:vote upon the proposition herein 8ubeLtt~ed at the
special district election.
8. Ballots for said election shall be provided of tho
form and the number provided by law. On said ballots tuo votXlll
~tt'~ at.~d 'eleot~on, ~ the ~or~' prOvtd~ b~ ll,, ~e
9./.-Each/:Vot~...t~..vote~ for said. l~Z'oposltion and for
bl~ ~paoe':°P~ge"the.~o~' ~ on ~e ~llot to ~
~:'~~t ~O~~,./':.t~d:'~debte~e~= s~'8~ a ~ll (l)
:~:'~e bl~:~pace 0p}Osite: ~e' wo~ .'.'No'.' ~ the ~llot to ~e
right of Said 'proPosition.
10. The Clerk of this District is hereby directed to pro-
Cure the necessary rosters, ballot boxes and all other supplies
necessary to properly and lawMl¥ conduct said election,
11. The POlls shall beopened at seven o'clock A.M. o£
said da~ ~hen":~e:polls-shall be closed,' except to voters then
~n l:~ne as. Pr~v~ed In Section 57:~Z$ of the Elections Code.
12. When'.th~'polls are clOsed the ~lection O££ioers cheil
~1 ~e ret~ ~ereof to the Clerk .of said
atel~ upon c°~et2on thereof· ~e ~d of ~eet~s
mee~ on ~he .f~rst~n~ after ~e election to c~vaa~ the
1~. If, at said election, it shall appear t~at t~o tlxirde
of all the votes cast thereat were in ~avor of and authorize
the incurring of a bonded indebtedness in the amount stated in
the propoa2tlon, then said Proposition shall be deemed to have
been accepted and approved by the electors, and bonds shall be
~ssue~ ~o ~e~.~. ~he oos~a of the LAProvenenC or
8~11 bea~ ~t~est' at ~e rate not to sassed six
shall be p~a~ie-:S~-~l~ o~o~ on tho f~at da78 ~f
~u~ ~ J~~ foll°w~ the ~te"of 8a~d ~n~, ~preoen~
b~ co~onS.,..(~ept t~t the f~8~ c°~on o~l be
to J~~ :l.neXt succeed~ fo~ (~) ~nt~ follow~ t~e date
of ~e bo~'S;
.'/. :...;~ ..bond will continue to bear Anterea.t ~thout
the ~~':~ .-.~ere ~s not a~ff~c~t mone~ ~ the ~ede~t~ou
~0~: .":~ .... :'
BEFE~ ~O~D OF 1962
On the' first d8~ of' July, A.D., 19_._~ the South Tahoe
Publ£c Utility IiLstrlot, a du]J orsan~so~-~ublLo utLlit~ d~mtrLet
under the laWs. of the State of California, for value l-eeeLved,
hereby prom~se.o, to ps~f to the bearer, at the oFF~ee of the
Treasurer o£: sa~d D~strict, the sum of OHS THOUSAND DOLLARS
($1,000) in lawful ..money of the Un/ted States of Amer&oa, to-
sether with ~?~,erest thereon From 'tho. date hereof at the rate
per .Cent per annum, lnterest to be payable eem,~-annuall~
~-E't--H~-First:..da~nOf July and January followLn~ the date he, eof,
upon .the =presen~t~on..,and su~en~er~ of Be proper interes~
coupons attached~'~-'.exoept the f~ oo~n ~ch s~l be ~or
~terest: to/~~ ~, next suoce~ fo~ (~) ~t~
the date
~s'~:bO~ ~11 c~nt~nue to be~ ~terest e~t~ut co~n
after matUrl~: at '-tho rate stated herein; provided, it is
presentedk.&~:'i'ma.~l~ and payment th~eof is ~efuaed upon the
ground ~tha~(~thereila 'not sufflcien~ money in the redemption
with which ~o(.p. a2 l't.
Thi-S::bond is One..-of..a aeries 'of:bonds or like amount,
date, $.en~::a~d..':ef£ect,. bU~'~dl£ferin~::'~ maturity, lalued by
said 'Dts~i~.! £°r':' the "acquisition,· :'C-oltatr~otl~n ar~d eo~pletion
of ce~'i:'~.OYements~' and.. extenslon~..O~ &eertlAn public
utlli~'~:"~:i[JUt~l~tF .works,' to ¥1t: "./~a~sion and il~rovement
of the ~,:.'fOr~;(:the: Collection, .treatment and disposal of
sanlta~ se=age,.of sald.'Distrlct and the acquisition of lands
and easementai!.~herefor..' .
fortuity wl~h'"ACts of the ~egislature of the ~tate of California
known and 'cited as "The Public Utility District Act" (Division
Public Utllit~es .Code), and it is hereby certified, .asserted
declared t~at 'thAS bond is issued in ~urauanee of, and in con-
formlty....w~,~-':.the' ConstitutiOn and-law~ o$ the State of Call-
fornia,..andi with.~.the .ordin~oes, resolutXonl and orders of said
Distrlct,.'and.'ln pursuance :of','::.:and:...ln~..eonfol~lt2 with, a vote
of. more: t.han j~$'~/thirds' of all...;of':.the?'qualified elegtors of
said Dist~lcZ"'iVoting .at.a 'special election duly and regularly
called 'and' heid;in said'District,~.as .provided in lead Public
Utility.' DlSt~l.'c.~.!.Ac~, on :the ~lst 'day:of July, 1~2, notice
"thereof-hav~:(been duly and' regularl~...glven in the ~a~ner
for the .':per....iod'~:i:.'.~equlr~ ed.. by:: law,.' and:tha~::the result of said
election'(~':!;~een::-canvassed,.,. .deela~ed"~"az~. entered ~ the manne~
vlslons-and:.requir~ments..of ,the .Constitution and laws of the
:State o£..Calafornla ~.emd. the. ordinances,:. ~esolutiona and orders
with by~"the'P~ope~'.':o£ficera.._of, Said :.District in the issuance of
this bond;; - --:.:~J~at:'all acts 'and things.and conditions required b~
law to be done preceding and in the :issuance of this bond have
been done and performed in regular and due form and in strict
conformity '~i.th.the provisions of the law authorizing t~is bond,
and tha~.' the.total indebtedness of ,aid District, including the
total lndeb~'edne'ss evidenced by this issue of bonds, does not
exceed the 'llatite prescribed b2 the Constitution and lass of the
S~a~e of California.
~e Board of Directors shall annually lev2 and collect a
tax upon all of the taxable property within said District
sufficient to pay the annual interest on t~e bondl of this issue,
and also to pay such part of the principal as will fall due
~ithin the succeeding 7ear, as may be necessary to provide ~o~
the sinking fund ..payments of the next succeeding year; provided,
that when the interest 'and sinking fund paymentl for any £iscal
year on the Bonds of this issue can be met out of the ,urplus
earn~,~gs of the public utility and utility works for which it.
~as issued, or out of moneys in the general fund of the District
and ~;herel;o~ore &ppropr~.&~;ed and t, ran~£~rred
Bonds of 'this issue are declared b2 statute to have the
force, value and use as bonds issued by a munleipalit~ of
State. '.-~-
~).'~~..~F, s~d 3ou~ ~e ~bllo Uttlt~
~strlc~..~'~'~'~ed t~s ~nd to be s~ ~ t~ ~emXd~t of
~he ~(of ~ec~rs ~ereof'~d eo~t~al~ W ~e Clerk,
who has ~~.thereto the seal. of e~d ~a~lct, ~1 on the
Count e r signed:
~res~en~ of th& ~ard of Director[ o--T
South Tahoe Public Utllit2 District
C .erk Secretar °r
Board of Di~ecgOrs of said District
16. The'interest coupons attached to each of said bond,,,
and evldenClmg interest to accrue thereon shall be nuabered con-
secutivel2, and'be signed by the Treasurer by facsl~tle signa-
ture, and .sa!d:~:~da and coupons shall be parable at the office
of said Treasurer's..' and said coupons shall be substantially in
the followl~ form:
Will pay to the bearer hereof, on the 1st day
of , 19_' , $ , at the
off~'~ Treasurer o--~r-~-~-~trict, said
sum being the Semi-annual) interest due on its
Bond No. of Sewer Bonds of 1962.
(Omit'the words "semi-annual" on first coupon.)
17. ~he date of the bonds shall be fixed by resolution
of the Board. The bonds shall be numbered consecutively from
the earliest to the latest maturity, and shall mature in the
following amounts on July 1 Lu each consecutive ~ear, ~e £Ars~
of which shall "be on Jtkl2 1 next suoceeding ten moathe follow-
lng the date of the bonds to
$ lO,O00.in each of the years
$ 15,:O00 in the year
$ 20, ~O00 in each of the years
25,000'ln each of the years
~0,000 in the yee. r
35,000 in the year
~0,000 in each of the years
$5,000 in the year
50,000 in.the year
55,000 in each of the years
60,000 in the year
65,000 in the year
70,000 in the year
75,000.'1n the year
85,000 in the year
90,000 in the year
6th t~ou~
9th thro~ lOth
llth thA-ough 12th
15th through 16th
19th through 2Otb
18. Copies of this ordinance shall be posted by the Cler~
at three public places in said District, and shall be published
t~ic~ in the Tahoe Daily Tribune, a newspaper of general circu-
lation printed and published in said District. 3aid posting
and publication shall be had eithin two weeks after the date
of the adoption hereof. No other notice of said election need
be given.
Clef ~na
ex-officio Sec~etar~'
I hereb~.'~ce~t~fF that the £o~e~o~U~ Ot~Ltnanoe ~as. passed
the B0~d '0'f .DZ~'eotors o~' the 3outh Tahoe l~ubl~e
]:~str~ct at a apeo~al mee~nS' thereof held on the2S T~ day of
,JU~E' 1~, by the £ollo,~J~ vote:
· Y]~S, and %n favor thereof, D~rectore=
of' the Board
being first duly sworn,
deposes and 8a~8:
~at 'he '~s the duly qualified and
~.of ~reotors of the ~uth ~e ~bl~o UtX~
,to be pos~ed',cop~es of Ore.ce No. _ 9 O_
Describing TerrXtor2 Proposed To Be Annexed, Dete~ainin$ That
No Terms And-~..C~mditAons Are Heoeosar2, And Deolarin~ Xntentlo~
· o Approve.(3Ueh}~nnexatlon, '~nexat~c~ 1~-2, and the here-
Describing. Territor2 Proposed To Be Annexed, DetermAz~t~ That
No Terms And C~nditlons Are Necessary, A~d Decla~ix~ lntentioel
To Approve'SuohAnnexation, Annexation 1~62-2, in t~ree publXe
places in
the territor2 proposed to be annexed, to wit:
Subscribed and sworn to before me ~his
'- / '-~ ~.4~,~ ........ / ~-~"~ '"~ ~ ~ ....
Nctar=~,' ~bl[c' ~n and for ~he ~y of
~ ~'~o, 3~ate of ~l~fo~a.
for the South T~hoe Public Utility District, in three public
places in said Dis.~rict, to wit:
1. Post Of[ice, Tahoe Valley, California
2. Post Office. Bijou, California
3. ~oet Office, Stateline. California
That a
E~hiblt "A" amd' ma~e a par~ hereof.
Subscribed and sworn to before me th.ts
3d d~ . · ~UL¥ , 1962.
' ,....~~, .,~<. ~'.'-.<-.~<. '.
oE ~ ~a~o~ ~a'~e of ~o~a,
copy of said Ordinance .ts attached hereto marked