HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 90AND. CONDITIONS AIdE I~TENTION TO APP~)VE ANNEXATION NO. 1962-2 .BE 1~-.' F~AGTED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Publlc 'Utility District, E1 Dorado County, C~llforn~a, follows: ~tEK~S, a petition signed by not less t~an fifteen -cent (15~)',~f'' the o~e~s of the ~e~l~o~ p~pos~ to ~o are also the o~ero of a ~Jorit~ of the assessed of said territo~ In~ certain ~inco~o~t~ terri~o~ conti~ to the ~h<:~hOe Public Utility D~trict, a~ be~ ~ the said Di~triC.t.and consenting ~o such ~e~l~ w~t an elec- tion, ~a.~a6~ss~'to the ~ of Di~ctors a~ Bll~ Sec~y of ~ District on the 7~h ~Y of J~e, 1~2, acco~ance.with the p~ovisions of the ~blic U:lll~y District Act of the State of California; ..~E~, .'the Said Secretary has caused to be ece~red sl~tu~es?1~'::$~d petition with the ~co~e of ~S Cowry .ASSessor:Of ::.th~:~Co~y. of E1 ~rado~ 'a~ ~s fo~ a~ to this<~rd'?that.'-maid petition has been si~ed by the n~mber of o~ers in ~aid territory, and has attached his ture to the said petition and presented said petition t~ Board; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, as follows: Section.,.'X~ It is hereby .determined that the annexation said ter~l~ory..'.wlll facilitate the acquisition, conatruc~c~o completion and operation of the public utility an& public utllit~ wor~s of the District, and will be for the advantage of said District and~ that the territory proposed to be a~~ will be conditions for s~ch m~e~!o~ a~ neceasa~J. ~ctlon ~.' ~e exterior booties of aai~ ~erri~.ory be a~e~d ~e described In ~ibl~ ~Aa ~e~o a ~m~ Hereof by ~ference. Section ~. It is hereby dec~r~ ~o he ~he Xm~e~Ion ~hls ~ ~o, apDrove said a~e~iom. ~c~lon..5., ~s~y, the l~th ~Y of July, 1~2, at the hour of 8:~ .o'cloc~ P. M., at the ~lar meetl~ p~ce District, Treatmen~ Pl~t, Sou~h ~hoe, OAlifomla, a~ he~b; fixed as the .t~e and place ~for hearing on this 0~i~mce, all persons lnterest~ In or ~o ~y be affected b2 the anne~tlon of smid territory within the District a~ he~by f!ed ~o appear ~t such meeb~g and show cause in writing, ~hey have, ~y smld ~erribory or any part thereof should ~ot ~ex~ ~s proposed in said petition. The time f~ for such he, ring Is not less t~n thirty nor mo~ than ~ty days date of the publication of this O~nce. Section 6. ~is 0~inance, together ~lth a notice, In form a copy of ~lch is hereto attached and ~de a ~rt by reference, s~!l be published pure.hr to Secti~ ~I of '~*~,'- of California, to w!t~ ~, ~ve~n~nt Code of the ~ .... Tahoe ~ily Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation and published in tho District, and shall be posted In public places in the ~erritory proposed to be annex~ a~ least thirty days before the date set for said hearing. c*." * 1' . . , - '~'-*""*~ .... ~*~* ., ~ -- - ~ez'k ahd ex-off leto Secretar~ I'hereby':~ertifY tha~ the £ore~oluE Ordirmnee .as passed by the Board of.~ Directors of the South 'Tahoe Publie Utility District at a-regular meeting thereof held on the ?th day o£ June, 1962, by the following vote of the Directors the~of: AYES, and.in favor thereof, Directors: Fessler, Clar~, Stewart, SO,AZ&, Wakeman. NOES/ Di]~c ~ors: None /%BSENT, Directors: None AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING .... , being first duly avcrns deposes and says: That he is, and during all tines herein ~entio~ed wal. the dul~',.acting'and qualified Clerk and Ex-o£fielo ~eere$ar2 of the Board"~of Directors of the south Tahoe Public Utility District, that on the // day of~~~.~.~.~ 1~6~, he caused to be posted full, true and correct eopiea of Ordinance NO,)~_O , An Ordinance Describing T~rr~tolT I~oposed To Be Annexed, Determining That No Terns And Con- dltlons ~e"Necessar2, And Declaring Intention ~o Approve Such Annexation, Annexation No. 1~62-2, in three publie plaoea in said District, to wit: 1. ~'~L- -:. '-: ~ ~- - ---' ~ Clerk a~ ~x-o~rxcxo ~eccetary Subscribed and sworn to before me th~s .... da~ of ,. .~....~.'~.. ~, ·