HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 89A~ ORD~CE DESCRIBING TERRITORY TO BE AHNEXED, DRTERMINIMO THA? NO ARD OONDITIONS ARE NECESSARY~ AMD ~INTEMTION TO APPROVE SUCH AM~EXATXON ANNEXATION NO. 1962-1 BE IT ENACTED, by the Board of Directors of the ~outh Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado 0ounty, 0ali£o~la, aa follows: '~ ~E~. a petition signed by not less than ~i~teen (15%) of the owners of the territory proposed to be annazea ~o are also the ~wners of a majority of the assessed valuatic~ oF said territory i~ certain unincorporated territory ceatXgu~ua te the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and being Xn the aa~e County as said District, asking that said territory t~ annexe~ tO said Distrlct~and~consenting to such annexation without ~ exes- tlon. was 'addressed to the Board of Directors aha file~ Secretary of the District on the 19uh day of April. 1962, accordance with the provisions of t, he Public Utility of the State of 0alifornia; ~.~ the said Secretary has caused to be sea.area the signatures on said 'petition with the records of the of the County of E1 Dorado, and has found and certifies to Board that said petition has been sl~ned by the required number of owners in said territory, and has attached his slgnatttre to the aaid petition and pre~ented said petition to =hie Board; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORD~.'.~, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby determined that the annexacioa oF said territory will facilitate ~he acquisition, construction, completion and operation of the public utility and public utility works of the District, and will be for the advantage of said District and that the territory proposed to bc annexed will be benefited by said proposed annexation. Section .2.. It ls hereby determined that no terms amd eon- ditlons for. such annexation are necessary. SectiOn 3. The exterior boundaries of said te~rttor,y to be annexed are.'deZcribed in Exhibit "A" hereto attached and made a part hereOf~by" reference. Section. 4': It is hereby declared to be the intentio~ this Board tO.;'apprOve said annexation. P . M., at 'the regular meeting place of said District, Treatment Plant, South Tahoe, California, are hereby fixed as the tl~e and place for hearing on this Ordinance, and all persona interested in or who .may"be."affected by the proposed annexation o~ territory within the District are hereby notif'.ed to appear at such meeting and show cause in writing, if any they have, said territory or any part thereof should not be annexed as pro- posed in said.petition. The time fixed for such hearing ~s not less than thirty.nor more than sixty days from tho date of the publication of this Ordinance. Section 6. This Ordinance, together e£th a notice, ia form a copy of .~hich is hereto attached and made a pa~t hereof by reference, shall be published pursuant to Section ~61 of the Government Code of the State of California, to wit: Once ~n the Tahoe Daily Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the District, and shall be posted in three public places in the territory proposed to be annexed at least thirty days before the date set for said hearing. Clerk ah~ 'ex-officiO sec~'e~,ary I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordlnanee by the-Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public District at'a ........ day of ,, ~V~', ..... , Directorz thereof: meeting thereof held o~ the ..~ 1~62, by the following vote of AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors= -, ~ " Souza, Wa~ce~ Feeler, Stew&l MOES, Directors: None ABSENT, Directors: None EXHIBiT "A" . DF~CRI PTION :~..~.:.::.:.A~I that certain real property situate in the County of ~ ~'~,,.'.~AX~ thos~, portlon~ o~ Sections 5, 8 and ~. ~hXp 1~ ~orth, ?f:';~ :~l~,.~a t, M.D.B.~ M., more particularly described a~ follo~: ':'.'":~'~~ING at the Southwest co,er of said ~ect~on ~, tn~nc~ :.~he"South 11ne of said Sectlon ~, North 89' 55~ 13' ~st ~o35.33 feet to a point on the Westerly line of U. S. ~igh~ay No. ~; -....~On~ said Westerly line North ~' 58' West ~7.~1 feet, ~re or ~]/~,~.,~to~the Southeasterly co,er of W. D. ~rton Su~lvlalo~, aa ~ald ~'~?~{~;~').':~S~lvlsIon is shown cn tbs ~p thereof, fll~ ~uly ~1, 19~, :'~ ~k A, ~p No. 48; thence alone the ~outh l~ne of aa~d ~p of ;.~(.:[j~:[~ok A, ~p No. ~, North 89' 5~' 18W West ~19.77 ~eet to the :-(:~::?.:~Weaterly co,er of said Su~lvision a 1 inch caped ~ pl~ at~g .J{~[.>~'>:.~..:~;~.S. 2~17, thenc~ alon~ the Westerly line of said 8u~~, ~ ' ~ ~::~ok A, ~p No. ~, the followl~ courses and diatancea~ 'North'S' 40, 55' West 166.51 feet, a 3/~ inch ~n pin, ~orth 1' ~' :)/West 217.30 feet a 2 inch X ~ inch stake ~rked L. S. ~17, Worth ;~/'~...40, 40" East 217.13 feet, a 1 inch capped l~n p~ ~ed R. .'~"'['~..NOrth 5' 53'_ 1~" ~et ~17.24 feet; North 9' ~5' ~6" ~at ~1~.~ [.~?(..:~/:~North 12' 55' East ~17,~5 ~eet; North 16' 1~' 1~ ~st 1~.~ feet; NOrth 72' 22' 15" West 2~9.~ feet, a 1.1/4 inch capped ~ ~t~ped ~t 1 Block 6~ L. S. 2~17, and North 17' ~' 50' Zaat ~9.hl ".~'~.~feet~to a 3/4 inch re~nfcrcing bar bein~ the ~at Southeasterly ~.'~:..~cO~er of W. D. ~rton T~ct Unit No. ~, aa aa~d Tract ~a shown ::,:.?...the ~p the~of filed October 21, 1~52 ~n ~p ~ok B, ~p ~o. :?;:.~::,.':~.thence alon~ the Southerly and Westerly 1Xne~ Of ~a~d .:.:~:~:7.').:.'1~ ~p ~ok B, ~p No" lO the followln~ co~r~e~ ~d d~tance~ ~::::::'[:~:.NOrth 72' 18' lq" West ~.0 feet, h 3/~ Xnch Re~nfo~t~ ~r, North )~:'.:/r.:. 17'"~1' ~6" East 752.33' feet; North 15' 22' 46~ Ealt 5".6~ feet; ~..,:,thence' along a cu~e to the left with a ~dius of 275.0 f~et, '[..'//.?.~length .is 173.~8 feet and whose cho~ bears ~orth ,' 10' ~ West .171.89 feet, thence continuing along the line of maid In ~ ~ok B, ~p No. 10, North 2~' ~5' 31" West ~2.~ feet a,~d North ~,5' 39' 59" West 67.~Y feet to a 3/~ inch Reinfo~,a Said pol,:t also belng the most Easterly co,er of A~at~,~ Sub- .division R'o. 7 as said Subdivision i. shown o~ the ~p filed June 23. 195~ In ~ok B of Map~, ~p No. 39, %henc~ the So,]theasterly, Southwesterly, Northwesterly and .llne of said Subdivision In Map ~ok B, ~p Mo. 39 the . courses and dlstance~: South 63' 20' 15" West 6~.O f~.et, a 1 1/~ inch 1ton pipe ~rked L. S. 2917, North 26' 19' ~1" West 2'~)O.~ feet, .a 1 1/2 inch l~n pipe ~ed L. S 2217, North 3 ,0 15~ ~t ~90 .feet, a 1 1/2 Inch iron pipe marked L. 8. 2217, thence Mortherly the Southwest corner of land described In deed to Charle~ J. ~Xaher and wife, recorded ~y 28, 19~7, under RecoVer a S~rlal No. 2157, thence North 0~ 05' 29" West *~5Y.22 f,~et a 1 i/~~ lro~ ~:lp~ _..~. S. 221~, thence South 8~' ](~' 35" West 18~$~.26 feet a 2 l~eh pipe stamped N. E. Cot. ~.t. ~__~'j ~f_: ~ ~. S. 2211, .~'~, Page ~ o! ecr pt on . thence along the/:¥est l~ne or the ~orthelet q~rter of eald Sect;ion 8, SoUth 0'-'39' 3~ ~a.~ ~51.~ root. i g ~nah oa~d l~d Seo~lon 8,'~th~e~o~ ~o~~~ the )<~> quar~e~ o~sa~dr,'3eotlon 8, North 89' ~ 34" ~.~ ~.07 feet__ ~n a mound o~ ~ks' and f~ wheeler.ne ~he Womb q~arter~ Corner of said 8eo~lon 9, thence alo~ t~ West line o~ said Seo~ion 9,' ~u~h 0e ~, ~ ~mt ~).~eet to the ~In~ of beg~l~o~aXnlng ~.Sq ao~o, ~ or leoo~ aoco~l~ to ~b certain Reoo~ oF 8~e2 FAled ~oember 1959 In ~ok 1 of 8u~eym a~ Page 1~. 8AVI~ A~ ~CE~I~ ~~OM~ A ~r~lon o~ ~he Southeast quarter of the 8ou~hea8~ q~er o~ 8eo~lon ~) ~mhlp ~nge 18 ~s~, M.D.B.~., d~soribed as Follows, BEOINNIN~ at' 'tho Northwest oo~er of the ~el he. In ]esc~bed f~m which the South quarter oo~er of auld Section '~>~:~:bears So~th 67' 13' 'West 2231.58 feet~ thence f~m ~nt of ~glnnln~ North 8~' ~. 1~" ~at (Record Morth 89e ~' ~O' ~at) ~O.77 feet, the ~ortheast co~er~ thence 8o~th ~' i~' ~' ~at (Record South ~' 1~'. 30~[ ~at) 583.22 feet, the 8outheaat co,er, a ~lnt on.the ~ortherly bo~nda~ of t~ W. D. ~rt~ Tract as shown on the Official ~p of eaXd W. D. ~rton T~ct filed In the offAce of the County Reoordep of the County .<;~./[~1 ~rado. State.of Callfo~la o~ 3ulM ~1, 1~, in ~p ~ A, .~p ~o. ~8; thence along eald Eo. therly ~da~, 8curb West (Record ~outh 63e ~0' 15" West) 72.~7 feet, the corner; thence leaving auld ~ortherly ~u~ary, ~orth ~' lk' West 618.~ feet to the point of beglnnl~, containing 1.O more or less according to a description by ~ey L. L.S. 2725. Board of' Directors of the 8out;h(,~a~oe PublXe Utillt7 Dl~t~lctl that on the'. /~__ ~Y of ~ 1~, he caused go be'posted coplea of O~X~ce No,,$9~, [ ,~.. ~ ~crlb~Te~go~ Prop°s~ go be' ~X~, ~te~ ~t ~ ~- ?erms and ¢Omil~1ona are Necessary, and Deola~lng latontl~a to Approve' SuCh'Annexation, Annexa*~lon l~2*l, lind the hlrltl~to attached Not~.ce of Time and Place of Hea~'lng o~ O~,d~c® Dele1 lng Territory. Proposed t;o be Annexed, Determinln~ that No Ter~ .and Conditions'are Necessary, and Declaring In~ea~Xoa to Approw~ SuCh AnneXa~i0n, Annexation 1962-1, in three public places in the territory proposed to be annexed, to Subscribed and 8.worn to before me this day of .':--]~ ~ ,_. , 1962. 'PubtY'6' i.~ and for the "Co~y of - AFFIDAVIT OF PO3TING ORDINANCE AND NOTICE OF HEARING ANNEXATION NO. 1962-1 STATE OF-'cALIFOrnIA deposes' and .says: ~.:....he ls the dul~ qual~£&ed and aot~ Clerk of the ~d o~'(:~eo'tors of the ~u~ ~oe ~bl~o UtX~t~ to be:'.PS~t~::c°pies 0f ~d~ce No No Terms And. Conditions Are Necessemy, ~nd Decla~n~ lnte~tl~ To ApproVe Such Annexation, Annexation 1962-1, and the here~%% attached Notice of T~me and Place of ~ea~ on ~ee Desc~bin~ Territory Proposed To Be Annexed, Deter~tnin~ That No Terms And Condltione Are Neces~a~ And Deela~-~ Intent$o~ To .App=ove ~uch Annexation, Annexation 196~-1, ~ thee public . places ~n ~he territory proposed ~o Be annexed, to w~t~ Subscribed and sworn to before me ~ of'. ..... , 1962. Not~' ~biio' l~ a~d for the of' ~ ~rado, State of Califor~a.