HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 88~0 -COUNT~. TREASURER', AND FURTHER PROVIDING FOR THE OFFICE, OF AN ASSISTANT T[tEASU.~ER, AND PP~C~NG THE' ~NNER IN WHIG}{ MONEY IS TO BE DEPOSITED &~D D~ OUT OF T~E' VARIOUS FUND3 BELONGING TO TNE SOUT~ TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTN/¢T BE IT ENACTED by thc Boa:x~ of Directors of $O~TR TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, E1 Dorado County, California, as follows: 1. That the duties of the treasurer ~f the SG[,~ TA~O~ PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT shall b~ ~:e.~-foz~.,~..! by th~ t:-~,a~ur.r the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, th~ County which said District is situate. 2. ~at there shall be provided the of fie. of Treas.'er, which sa~d office shall be combin,d with the of Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILIT~ DISTRICT . 3. ~at all receipts from collection of taxes through E1 Dorado County, State of California, ,nd all general obligation and assessment bond pi '.~'m~ ~d~all be wirS~ the Treasurer of said E1 Dorado Co~ty. &. ~at all other receipts shall be received by Assistant Treasuz'er and d~posited in a national bankinE association ba~, situate within the boundaries of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTIL1TY DISTRICT. ~. That the~Dney of the various funds belonE~ to the District so deposited shall be dra~ out only approval by a majority oY the Board of Dir~cturs uf SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC U~LI~ DISTRICT and upon a warrant or thereon si~ed by any two ~irectors. (~. ~e Assistant Treasurer and Clerk .~' the SOZ~: PUBLIC UT!LI~ DiST~CT shall execute an ~:l]ic~.a/ t,.~na In the s'~ of $5000.0C which b?nd zka!l be In the fo~. ~ro~id.4 ].a'~ f-'sr official bonda~ of 2ounty Official:: ~r.~ ~[d ~nd =hail be filed with %he Board of Directors of sa~d District. 7. Thi~?Ordinance amend.~; only those prowisiona of Ordinance NO.:.'2i ~h'ich are in¢onsisten~ with ~hi~ ~aid Ordinance Nc, 88, and in all other respects that Ordinanc. No. 2 is hereby ratified, confirmed and in full force and effect. PASSED 'and ADOPTED thi.'~ 19th day of April, 1962, by the f'otlowing vote .' AYES: Director's Clarke, Imbach, Wakeman, Souza, and Burlinghsm. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. '~F'r~nk'C. oouza' ']~resi~'n[ of' the Board of Directors o1' the South Tahoe PubJic Utility District 18 24 2~5 26 27 ~8 ~9 30 ATTEST: ~ ' Public Utility District and Ex-Officio Secretar7 of the Board of Directors thereof (SEAL) 4 15- 17 18 ¸19 '"':f~" ~/:,..:].',~ . .j'.. CERTIFICATE Ol~ ORDI~ANC~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA · { SS: COUNTY 'OF' EL DORADO I~ N; .R'o:'.MALLEHY~ .Clerk of th~ South Tahoe ~ubl~c District, Co~t~ of E1 Dorado~ S~a%e of Cal~fo~ia~ Secretly of.'~e Board of Directors %her%of~ do that the a~ta~ed Ordinance ~o. 88 ~8 a t~e~ full ~d ~ct COpy ~e~Of~ ~d that said Ordinanc% was duly Board of D'~.~ctors of South Taho~ Public Utility ~gular m~ting d~y held on April 19, 1962, ~d of s~id Ordinance is on file in the offic~ of ~d ~u~ T~oe Public Utility District. Said Ordinance was ~ased ~d adopted by the follo~ng vote of the m~b~rs of ~e Board of Dl~ctora thereof: AYES: Bir. ctors Souza, Burllngham, Clark., Imbach, ~d Wak ~an. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ." - '" '- ' District and Ex-Off':Lc~o S~c_r~t~FY, of the Board Of Dlr~c%or8 thol~-'i CERTIFICATE OF POSTI~;G STATE OF CALIFORNIA l~ ss: COUNTY OF EL DO~ADO I, the undersigned, do ~sreby certify tha~ of SOUTH T~{OE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, Country of E1 Dorado, State of California. and Ex-Officio Secretary of She Board .Directors= ~hereof. ~o. which ~h.i~' cer~t£ica~e is at~ache~, b7 posting a and correct. Copy ~heraof' in each of the ~ree following places: One (1) cop7 ak S~ateline, California .(1) cop7 ~ Bijou, California Pos~ Office and one (1) Tahoe Valley, Cali£ornia Pos~ Office. ~he seal o~.~H TAH~ PUBLIC UTILITY DIST~XCT Tahoe Public U~lll~y Ex-Officio Secretary {}f the Board of Directors (S~AL)