HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 87 - Retired ~a..c UloXtXo o land d _~t nec , ~ t~:~ ~0~/~<~;~'~ 0~- ~9~r:~/2~..< r~ ,~,.,,. :,~ ..... ~ said ~d d~.decl~ed ~ ~he p~l~c ,t~tere~ a~ ~e~atty e-~.~.i ~ ~ 2. F~y~'t.,~ ~'~ .; ~?';~:~.~ ~ ' .'> ~ ~)a:~, ' - - Y - ...... of the ~mt~de~pdcd t~e ,toast.crOon of In the ~posZ}%un ~eretn, an~ p~ ,~e 22nd day ~ly passed its Resolution ~':,:3~ W~i" it wa. found Said precinct shall be divided into two groups and one precinct board shall be appointed to serve each group. Each group of said precinct is divided and the election officers appointed to conduct said election thereat as follows: GROUP A THROUOH K Group A through K shall comprise "all qualified elector~" of South Tahoe Public Utility District whose last ma_~es begin the alphabetical letters A through K respectively. The election officers for said group A through K Precimet Board are as follows: Inspector: Judge: Clerk: Clerk: Arlene Thomas Denise I. Segars William ¥. D. Johnson Vincent C. Nemeth GROUP L THROUGH Z Group L through Z shall comprise "all qualified electors" of South Tahoe Public Utility District whose last names beg~n ~th the alphabetical letters L through Z respectively. The election officers for said group L through Z ~reetnet Board are as follows: Inspector: Judge: Clerk: Clerk: Dorothy Bither Karen Ream Arthur L. Trumbull 7. All qualified electors in the District shall be qualified to vote upon the proposition herein submitted at ' ,e special district election. 8. Ballots for said election shall be provided of 'be form and the number provided by law. Ou said ballots two vo~ ng squ~es shall be set off to the rlght of the Proposition sub~Xtt®d At said election, in the m~nner provided by law, one h~ving the word "Y~" printed before it and the other having the word "~0" printed before it. 9. ~ch voter to vote for said Proposition and for incurring said bonded indebtedness shall stamp a cross (X) in the blank space opposite the word "YE~" on the ballot to the right said Proposition, and to vote against said proposition and incurring said indebtedness shall stamp a cross (X) in the blank space opposite the word "NO" on the ballot to the right of said proposition. 10. The Clerk of this District is hereby directed to procure the necessary rosters, ballot boxes and all other supplie~ necessary to properly and lawfully conduct said election. 11. The polls shall be opened at seven o'clock A. zaid day and shall be kept open until seven o'clock P. M. of day when the polls shall be closed, except to voters then in line as provided in Section ~73~ of the Elections Code. 12. When the polls are closed the Election Officers shall count the ballots cast thereat and canvass the votes cast respectively for and against the proposition herein stated, and shall make return thereof to the Clerk of said D~str~c~ immediate- ly upon completion thereof. The Board of Directors shall meet the first ~bnday after the election to canvass the returns. 13. If, at said election, it shall appear that two-thirds of all the votes cast thereat were in favor of and authorize the incurring of a bonded indebtedness in the amount stated in the proposition, then said Proposition shall be deemed to have been ~ accepted and approved by the electors, and bonds shall be issued to defray the costs of the improvement or improvements there~n specified and to amount or aggregate of the amounts stated therein Ik. Bonds shall be of the form known as "Serial" and shall bear interest at the rate not to exceed six per cent (6~) per annum from their date, shall be of the denomination of $1,000 each, and the principal and interest thereof shall be payable lawful money of the United States. Interest on sa~d bonds shall be payable semi-annually commencing on the first days of July and January following the date of said bonds, represented by except t?~t the first coupon shall be for tnterest, to January next succeeding four (4) months following the date of the ben4.. F~ch bond will continue to bear interest coupon after maturity at the rate stated therein; provided, it presented at ~turity and payment thereof is rei~used u;on the round tl~t there ls not su£f'l¢ient money in the redemption with which to pay 15. Said bonds shall be substantially in the following UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF EL DORADO BOND NO $1,O00 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEWER BOND OF 1962 On the first day of July, A. D. 19 , the South Tahoe Public Utility District, a duly organized publlc utility district under the laws of the State of California, for value received, hereby promises to pay to the bearer, at the office of the Treasurer of said District, the sum of ON}~ TI~OUSAND DOLLAR~ ($1,0OO) in lawful money of the United States of America, together with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rat. of per cent per annum, interest to be payable semi-annually on the first day of July and January following the date her.of, upon the presentation and surrender of the proper interest coupons attiched! except the first coupon which shall be for interest to Jamuary next succeeding four (~$) months after the date hereof. This bond Will continue to bear interest without coupon after maturity at the rate stated here£nl provided, it le presented at maturity and payment thereof is refused upon the ground that there is not sufficient money in the rede~tton with which to pay it. This bond is one of a series of bonds of like a~O~A~$, date, tenor and effect, but differing In maturity, issued by maid District for the acquisition, construction and completion of certain improvements and extenslo;~s of a certain public utility and utility works, to-wit: Expansion and improvement of the means for the collection, treatment and disposal of sanitary sewage of said District and the acquisition of lands and ease~entl therefor. This bond is issued under and in pursuance of and conformity with Acts of the Legislature of the State of California known and cited as "The Public Utility District Act" (Division Public Utilities Code), and it is hereby certified, asserted af~d declared that this bond is issued in pursuance of, and in confor~- ity with, the Constitution and laws of the State of California, and wlth the ordinances, resolutions and orders of said Dlstrxct, and in pursuance of, ~nd In conformity ~lth, a vote two-thirds of all of the qualified electors of said District vet- lng at a special election duly and regularly called and held in said District, as provided in said Public Utility District Act, on the 1st day of May, 1962, notice thereof having been duly and regularly given in the manner and for the period required by law, and that. the result of said election has been canvassed, declare~ and ent,red in the manner and as required by law. It is further certified and declared that all of tbs provisions and requirements of the Constitution aAtd la~ of the State off California and the ordinances, reloluttona and or'd, ere e~ 8aid DietrlQt have been duly and regularly and flAll7 ~omplied ~itt by the proper officers off said District in the issuance of thil bond; that all acts and things and conditions required by law to be done preceding and in the issuance of this bond have bee~ d~ne prescribed by the Oonstltution and laws of the State of Californ~ and performed in regular and due form and in strict oonformtt7 with the provisions of the law authorizing this bond, and that the total indebtedness of said District, lncl~tding the total imdebte~- ness evidenced by this issue of bonds, does not exceed the l~lte The Board of Directors shall annually levy and col- lect a tax upon all of the taxable property within said Dtltrict sufficient to pay the annual interest on the bonds of this tike, and also to pay such part of the principal as will fall due wttbt! the succeeding year, as may be necessary to provide for the slAtk- lng fund payments of the next succeeding year; provided, that when the interest and sinking fund payments for any fiscal year on the bonds of this issue can be met out of the surplus e~m~ of the public utility and utility works for which it was issued, or out of moneys in the general fund of the District and thereto- fore appropriated and transferred to the s ink£ng fund of such public utility and utility wor~s, no tax s~all be levied for such purpose. Bonds of thi~ issue are declared by statute to ~ave the same force, value and use as hondo issued by a municipality of this S~ate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Eouth Tahoe Public Utility District has caused this bond to be signed by the ]'residen~ of the Board of D~ectors thereo~ and countersigned by t~e Cle~k~ w~o has affixed thereto the sea~ of said District, all on day of ....... , 1962. Countersigned: 'Pr'e'sident of' th'~' Board or D~'e~toee of South Tahoe Public Utility District ~lerk and' ex-0rftcio Secretary bt' Board of Directors of said District 16. The interest oouponl attached to each of said boa~ and evidencing interest to accrue thereon shall be numbered eon- secutlvely, and be signed by the Treasurer by facsimile sl~matul'e, and said bonds and coupons shall be payable at the office of maid Treasurer, and said coupons shall be substantially in the follow- form: Coupon No.,, $ .... SOUTH TAPDE PUBLIC UTILITY DraTRICT EL DORADO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Wlll pay to the bearer hereof, on the lit day of ., 19..__, .$.'T'X'W'rmT~F~'" at the office of the Treasurer ofo... w..~..~, said sum being the (semi-annual) interest due on its Bond No. ......... ., ,, of Sewer Bonds of 19__._. 17. the Board. Treasurer (Omit the words "semi-annual" on flret coupon). The date of the bonds shall be fixed by resolution of The bonds shall be numbered consecutively from the earliest to the latest matumity, and shaAA mature ~n the ~owL~f~ amounts.on ~uly 1 in each consecutive year, the ttrst of ~hioh shall he on July 1 next succeeding ten months follo~ the d~t$ of the bonds to-wit: 20,0o0 2.5,000 35°ooo ~5,ooo 60,000 65,000 7o, 000 75,oo0 85,0oo 9o, ooo 95,0oo 105,000 Si 3o, 000 i i, O, 000 ~150,000 ! 60,000 $170,000 $i$5, ooo 200,000 $21¢` 000 ' 000 in each of the years in each of the years in the year in the year in the year in the year in the year in the year in the year in the year in the year in the year in the year in the year in the year in the year in the year in the year in the year in the year in the year in the year 6th through?th 8th through 9th lOth llth 12th i3t~ i~th iSth i6th iTth 18th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 26th 27th 28th 29th Copies of this ordinance shall be posted b~ the Clerk at three public places in said District, and shall be o hereby caz~i~y ChaC r~e ~oregoin~ O~dAnanca va· pa~d by ~he thereof held on Cbs 31sC day of }~rch, 1962, by Ch· [olloqrt~ v~cm: and in tarot Chereo~, D~xac~ors: Zebach, CLerk·a ~u~a, Vak~ean and Burli. n~h~ ~OES, . DL~acCora: NONE A~SENT: DixecCocs: ~ONE :.:":: ;' o~&h~.~t¥.:.clerk ':o~' Chis County for deaortptXona of the ~pu~y' ' t~hoe,'-14~,~ows ' ,,~.Jq~naon, ~r. & ~re. Oordon Matlgnon, Malanle & Leon l~uk, Dr. Robert E. Mel..,. Mr ~,~,~ J~re. Oharlee MeI'","~e~"~th & ~u M~loff, ~. & ~m. S. Mills, Moo~, ~, $ ~a. O~ Pepper~ Pro~. Pet ray, floeamler, Mr. Edward B. Rowley, .~r. & Mrs. David Schmldt, ~m. Carl L. A. Sc~dt, ~. 8ta~ood Scot~, ~. ~ ~e. ~ncan R. Sharpe, ~. ~ ~m. O. A. Splttho~f, ~. & ~s. C~nce A. Stral~, ~. & ~a. Watson, ~. & ~s. Xe~e~ Webb, .,D. B. Wessels, Glenm ~ Xat~ ~. West,..,~. Harem E. .Pr0pe~.t¥ Description 26-061-~o3 Pot. of Bec. 2, 3, 10, 11 Township 12 Lots 1, ~2~12 Ski Run 27-112-22 25-o31-16 26-023-02 29-07~-07 29-073-061 22,426A Sec. 25 and 36-13-13 · 31-290-11 26-073-07,10 & 11 ~6-039-O! 26-026-14 27-06-02 27-03,01 27-02'10 27-225-02 27-225-02 26-044-01,02 29-074-02 29-O32-O2 29-03H-15. 25-031,10 29-310 -03,29-320 -01 31-2~1-01 31-290-15 31-990-04 ~7-~1-~9 26-022-03 29-083-11 29-083-01 29-036-06 27-123-02 29-0~1-~8 ~ner8 Hitchcock, J. E. Harootunlan, Ann and Stella Ivey, Orover C. Johnson, Elwood Joens, A. E. and Rebena E. Kuhl~ W. E. Ketels, Vlvlan C. LaCoste, Vincent De and Hope I. Lewis, Charles A. Makela, Penttl and Pearl V. March, Carol McGonagle, D., Baldwin. Murphy, Howell B and Alma H. Myer, Stanton H. & Nellcent D. Marchant, Merle E. & Nrc. Xda McArdell, Lawrence and Nation Morrison, John EtAgane & ~rlene Morrlson, Daryl E. Morrison (Gay Ellz) Nash, Nellie Somere, Margaret J. Philliber, Chas. L. & Alta E. Pike. Harold V. & NarJorle J. Pusateri, Margaret D. Stevens, Beatrice and Atheamn O. Smith, Gertrude V. S~ei~inger, Alma N. Sprlngmeyer~ MsrJorle J. & Melvin ~. Thomas, W. A. & Carol M. Taya, Angelo and Llllian Taya, Angelo and hllliam Van Dover, H. E. and ~omephlne Ward, Harry P and Frances C. ~histler, Helen N. AFF]',OAV!T OF PO,¢T!~O ORDINA!{C~; NO, ~ AN. ORDINANCE CALr,~NG AND PROVIDINO FOR A S~IAL DISTRICT E,L~.;CTION ~ UTI~..DIS~ICT FOR ..~ VOWS OF SAID DIS~CT C~I~. A ~ND~ IHDEB'UEDNESS ~D PROVIDIN~ '~IE GI~NG OF NOTICE ~EOF STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of E1 Dor~do .... first ,tulv. s~orn, .~_.~._~.. _ ..~ ..... ~-~.~pcse8 and aay~. That for and on behalf :~t' the Cler~ of the S~mth ~hoe ~ablic Utility District, on t~te -' ~_ day of , ~ /~, , 1~ he pos~od ~111~ t~ ~d coPrec~ copios of the hereto attached "Ordinance No. ~!-._, An Ordi~ance Calling and Provldl~ fop Special District Election to be Hold In South ~hoe ~bllc Uti ll~ Disgrlct for the District the Proposition of '~ncurring a Bonded Indebtedness and Providi~ for the Givlnz of Notice Thereof, for the Soutl~ Tahoe Public Utill~' District, In ti~ree public places in said Di..trlct~ That a copy of said Or,~lnan,_:e is attach,vd h.reto rark,:d ..2/d~iblt "A" and made a part ' ..... '. scribed and sworn to before me 'a of ~ 962 S O. ~7 _...' " '