HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 85TO BE :ANNEXED,. DET~iININO THAT AND"COLrDITIONS ARE NECESSARY, AND DECLA~iNd : Ih~ENTION .TO APPROVE SUCH ANNEXATION BE IT ENACTED BY THE BOARD OF DIREC?OF~3 OF THg ~OUTH TAHO~ PUBLIC UTILiTY'DISTRICT, E1 petition signed by a r, mJorl~y of ~he qu~l~f:ed electors in cer~aln unlncorpora~ed territory ec;~tisuou~ ~¢ the Sou%'.~ Tahoe Public Utility District, and being as said District, a~kin~ that s5l~i terrltcry be .~nn,.~xed to ~ald District ,3.nd consentlnE to such ~nnexatien wltP, c. ut .tn ul~et!o~, ~ was addressed ~o the Board cf n~re,-tors an,] fil Of t!%e District on t!~e ~' day of December, ~,)~I, In accor,~nce with the provisions of the Public Utility District A,~t ~,f ~he Stats of C~)ifornia; WH~'EAS, the ~ c: ~a.., Secretary has C~used to be ~:omparcd the of the County i%f' E~ Dorado and ha~ found an~ certified tc th~ '.'Board t. nat said.petit/on bras been sI~]ed by tl,e r, qu:reJ numb~ c~ '~ in said territory, und h~s attached his signature t,c th~ · said petition and presented said petition to this [~3ar,~; ~o .,RDER..~., az .... .,. w.;: ' ~h~ pubitc ut.l!tv :.nd public u' llty .. ~..~, and will be for the :.,-','a:~t~,:l,: ':f a~ ~ - ' ,~ "'~ ~- o2'' proposed ~',', be annexu.1 will be bc~o- fired by aald ppoposf~d annexation. '-.': .... .":' · be annexed are described in ',axi~b~t hereto att'~ahed and ~.~e a The exter. J. cr boundar:0',,z ~.~ ~;:,' '. L,.-rritc'py to ; · pa*.'t herec~f by refel'.cnce, ~..on 4 It ',,s hereby de,.:larel tc ~' cae :',~,,n,c'.,m of this Boar:'l t,.~ approve said an,nexatlon Section 5 _?h~,rsd,.y, -.., the ~r.d -ia ,.,f __~__ 1~)0~. at the bou~ of ~00 :",'clock~ P .M., a~ %~,~ 1','_~'"' ~ 'meetin~ place c.f said Dist~.'. S:: '' ~ . .... t, Treatment Plant. u'~l, '['ah..,~, :a "rn'a, are hereb.v fixed as the time anu '.',~-~" ' ' ' ol,dlnance, and :~11 pe~sons interested the pFoposed annexation of sa'.d terz, ltc:TM w'.t.h'n 'h,~ Dia'r-'..~,t are ,. hereby not!e'ed to ,~,,~ ....... ~.f any :;[ie~' have, why sa :J tel'rJ, to~,y or. a:<. ix~:'~ t~er,. 1' sh~ul,: not be .annexed as p~posed in said pc' '' . ~' f, Section 6. This o".":'~nance, _ , toEez, her ~ith '_: n,,'.'ce,, in fcr~ "7 copv of which l:: here. to att::ched .and maj.: a p',:" her..of by re- thc 'ia"" " ' set Ici ~'- ~:~ '-~, - . , ~-- . , AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ORDINANCE NO ~ AKNEXATION 1961- 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 SS County of E1 Dorado NORRIS R. MALLERY, being first duly sworn, deposes and t says: ~ That he is, and during all times herein mentioned was, thei duly acting and quallfled Clerk and ex-officio Secretary of the Boated of Directors of the South Tahoe I~ubllc Utility Dletrlct, that on the 27~ day of APRIL , 19~2, he caused to be posted full, true and correct copies of Ordinance No. 85, An Ordinance Describing Territory Pro?osed to b. Annexe4, Determining that No Terms and Conditions are Necessary, and Declaring Intention to Approve Such Annexation, Annexation No. 1961-1, in three public places in said District, to w~t: !. U. S. POST OFFICE, STATELINE, ~LIFORNIA U. S. POST OFFICE, BI~OU, 3. U. S. POST OFFICE, TAHOE VALLEY, CALI~ORNLA '-'Clerk and ex-of':'id~.o o~cretary South Tahoe Public Util'_ty D~'~rlct Subscribed and sworn to before me ~O~h day of ~ay , 1~72. Nota'~ ~bii~ In and for the County =' Dorado State of Call~ AF?IDAVIT OF POSTING 'STATE r,~,.~ CALIFORNIA % ( County of El Dorado ) and says: That he is the duly qualifled and acting .~e~.. rs of the $outi~ Tano~ Fubl c Util.~,y ~ thnt on the 28th day of ~rch , !731, he caus,'d ~,, : be posted .~(,..p,~s.~ of Orc~n~nce" ' "-,,,., . ~' , an (:rd ~ n~n.~e. [','s ~rtb- trig Te -' r.~tory Proposed to ~e Annexed, Dei. ermlni~g ,~m t~nt.cn t~ ~pp~ve f s~ch Annexation, Annexation !~3~1-], and the her,3unt~' s' taeh,,d : ~.t[ce ::', Time and Place of Hearing on Urdlnar, cc Proposed to be Annexed, D(:termin:ng t~,at N,: Te~a and are Necessary and Doclar!ng._ ~ntent'.,.'-n to A;)pB~v~ au:h Annexa:.ion, Annexation !/o]-I, .n three pub!:., ::i~J,',; :r, 'he ...... .... ~"".tory proposed t.o be annexed, ~.-wlt: ]., Tree -- Lakishore Manor Fence -- M~rrison Property, Lakeland Village Tree -- Front of Poor Pierre's William V.D. Jokn,__on___Rro_~_~%[ ' ~';'":s .~l~t:h ~:av of March i:),:,i ~..~'--~..<~_-.:< :' ,.:.,' ~.:¢-y :,':"::".' l:n and '~' thc' Cc~..::',:'.- My~co~ission ~xpires July 28, 19614.