HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 84 ,~NIFORM PLUMBING CODE" 19~ EDITION, ANO FU~'l~{l~l~ REGULATING~THE,USE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE S~1~RS, THE INSTALLATION~OF SEWER LATERALS AND PUBI. IC SE~/ER MAIN EXTENTIO~S', AND REGULATING PLUMBING, D;L~INAGE. AND SEWERING IN THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTIL1TY DISTRICT BE ~!T/ ENACTED by the Board of Director~ of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, E1 Dorado Coon%y, Csl~forn~a, a~ follows: ~ Tha~-O~'~inance No 2&~ is hereby amended %¢ lnco~ by :'e£erencG'%he provisions of %he Wes%em Pl~blng Off~cimlB ~ Association "Unifo~ Pl~blng Code" 1958 Edition, a nationall~ accepted standard, publizked in book form, ln~o~'ar a~ the provJsion~ of said "Uniform Pl~bing Code" relate %o the reg~ation oC the use of public and private ~ewers, th. installation of :~ewe~' laterals and public uewer main ~%ensions, and regulating pl~bing, drainage, and [~uwul'lng~ and said provisions are hereby adopted by r~l'erence, ~d. a ~.~'% of this said Ordinance No. 8&~ au %beulah se~ l'oyth a% he~.'ein, for re~ulatinE the use of public and privaLo ~ew~r~, the installation of sewer laterals and public aew. r ~In extenticns~ and re~ulating plumbing, d~'a~na~e, and ~wo~.~n~ ~B %he DOUT}{,TAHOE PUBLIG UTILITY DISTRICT. 1% shall be unl.w~ to use public or private sewers, install sewer laterals and public sewer main uxtension:~ and pl~b!n~:, dl'a~r..fe mhd s~.~.~ ~g l.n the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY D]:;Tk]CT J,, vlul. tton o~' ,:r wi%hoot complying: w~th thost~ appli' ' ..... l'o]'t.h in said "Uniform Pl.t~bing Code". Copie:; ,:f suck ,t~.,~t~ shall be kept on file in the oft'~ce o~' the [~()UTH TAHOE PUI%I,IC UTILITY D]ST~CT for inspection. 2. This ordlnance shall take effect thirty (~) ,lay[ .fte~ its pa:~ssge and at least ~ne week before t)~) ,.x[:irati~.:~ c:' :~mi~ thirty (]O) days~pies of tho ordinance .h~]l t~, [,,,:,~t~.,~ by the Clerk of %he SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTII./TY DIST}~iI(:T ;~t t.),:'z. ()) public places in said District and thi~ .~ald ordinance ~hal. l · urther be published in th,: .Tahoe Trlbu~l.~, a of Eeneral circulation, printed and published in ~aid Dl~trlc%~ one time only, at least one week before thu expiration of said period. ~. This ordinance amends on/y tho~e provi:~i,'m= ul' Ord- inance No. 2& which are inconsistent with the ~atd Pithing Off!cial:~ Association "Unifo~ Pl~bln~ Cud," Edition, and does not r~tend OPd~rlance No. 81 ~ending Ordinance No. 2L. J.n all other respect~ ~atd Ordinance and Ordinance No. 8! are hereby ratified, -~nfl~d and full force and effect. PASSED and ADOPTED this 3rd day of May, 19~,Y, by ti;,: following vote: AYES: Directors Clarke, Wakeman," zn, Burlingham. NOES: None. ABSENT :'.' Frank C. of the BoarU .,f" r~. t' , ~,~ South Tahoe, Di strt ct N. R Mal!ery, Clerk '¥f South Ta]~oe Public Utility District and Ex-Officio Secretn~/ of the Board of Directors thereof. CERTIFICATE OF O[{DINANCE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss County of E1 Dorado ) I, N. R. MALLERY, Clerk of the South Tatme Public Utility District, ,'County of E1 Dorado, State of California, and Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of D/rectors th~¥eof, do he:'eby certify that the the attached Ordinance No. 8& i:~ a true, ~h~il and correct copy thereof, and that said ordinance was duly adop%~ by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe ~blic Utility D~.t~C% at a regular meeting duly held on , ~Y 3 . 1962, and that tbs original of said ordinance is on file in the office of 8a~d South Tahoe ~blic Utility District. Saio ordinance wa:, pi~ssed and adopted by the follo~4ng vote of the m.~mb, r6 of' the Board of Director:-: thereof: Directors Clarke, and Burlinglmm.~nd Imbach None. A m:,ENT, lion · ( SEAL ) 24 CERTIFICATE OF POSTING STATE OF..: CALtFORJ~IA ) · .:- ?']:-.' .:'!.: ) $ S County off '!El)DOrado I','the.understgned, do hereby eertlry that l Clerk of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County or El Dorado,' State. of California, ~nd Ex-Officio Secretary of Board ol',-.Dl~ectors thereof. On the _// day of ' ' , 1962, I po~ted the ordinance to which this cert[fic~(; is attached, by po~t~n~ a full, true and correct copy thereof tn .ach of th. following public places: One (1) copy at Statellne, Californilw i. Post Office; one (].) copy at Bijou, California, Post Office, and one(i) copy at Tahoe Valley, California, Post OII'Ice. IN:WITNeSS V;HEREOF I hereunto subscrib, my nam,. and affix the .seal of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT thl~ ./ff ayof / ~--/ , 1962. Tahoe }~blic Utility District and Ex-O~ficlo Secretary oF the Board of Directors thereof. ( ,~: EAL )