HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 83 - Retired ii ~, I' ., rl :! g , '\ ;i ,\ il " Ii ~, \1 Public OhD1HA1\C.t: NO. lG AN ORDINANCE A~ARDING SALE OF BONDS SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 1961-1 BE IT.. ENACTED by the Board of Directors or the South fthot Utility Distriot, El Dorado County, Californla, that 1. ~rsuant to Resolution ot Intent10n No. 287 adopt.. " ., . Board on Mareh 16, 1961 and the Resolution call1ns tor bl41 ~j ~~ ., ~ !! this i! " it on the sale ot bonds adopted by said Board, not 100 ot I.ld .al. l: . i! . ~ has been duly given, and this is the time and place tlx.4 th.r.lft I " ;, !l tor rece1ving bids tor the purchase ot said bon~., and ..1d bl41 t; i\ have been reoe1ved and publicly opened, examined and d.clar.d b, Ii I: It this Board. " " ,1 j. ~! ,.j II i! bonds, excepting the bid herein stated, be, and they art tMrtb" ~ rejeoted and sa1d bonds be, and they are hereby ordered lold to Jj it GR.\.\lD! &: COUP!""Y, SlATTLl, WA!RrxOTow .. I! as the h1ghestresponsible b1dder therefor, said lalt to be lub- h ;! ~ ject to allot the terms and conditions set forth 1n tht Notic. Or 2. All written bide received tor the purcha.. or ..14 a ~l Sale and in sa ld accepted bid. II :I Il 3. That the Clerk be, and he 18 hereby, directtd to have ~ 1 '! \1 said bonds printed forthwith, and that the same b.- i_ecUatel, Ii ] signed, sealed and delivered to said bidder on receipt or the -j il amount therefor as above stated, and upon the pertoraanee or t.... :! -\ :: conditions contained 1n said written orrer. ,> f: :i 4. That the lntp.rce t ra te of s81d bond ft be, and th* la... i: ~ 1s hereby, fixed at the rate stated in said bid. ., ;i . ~,.- L \, ...".. ',--- ...,/ ........'~ <:1 .. '\... ' , (_.. I "".... .....". ILl.Jl' . 1 " 'I :( ATTEST: _ .; //) .~ Ii" / "'/7'" t .}.',.-- ,1"..../ :1. r/".,>:~~.\-......" 1% ) /' ~ :' 6:.....: / ,. "'L-..(-.-{.~~ :! C erk ahd ex-atfic 10 3ecreta -y Il 'I . . I herebycert1fy that the foregoing 18 a full, true an4 correot,ooPY of an Ordinance adopted by the Board ot Dlr.otor. of the 8outh;Taho~ Public Utility District, El Dorado Count)', . ~J Californiarat,a meeting thereof duly held on th.~ 4ar or ''\..-\. o-~- U..L.",-,,; ~:c) 1961, by the following vote: AYES, and 111 favor thereat, Directors: Sou.. ,Chr".,I8bee" ... Yak_n NOES, Directors: ABSENT, Direotors: NON! Burltnghall .,-' .. q ) I, , , I. ) /I~ .. 4 n / (../ ,'d...I.<..L. Clerk a ~ex-orrlc!o .cret&r~ 'I !, 'I 1; !; ;j ;, \1 !/ \j II \~ :~ j; , r~ II :1 ~~ ;\ " ,\ ~ j 1/ I' '\ I! I~ '. i: I :, " I'. :\ ;1 :1 ;i '! " " ~ '( ;1 d i., i; :: q I: ! ~ ;~ o AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING . ORDIN ANCE AW ARDINO SALE OF BONDS "SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 1961..1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA l S3 County of El:,Porado ,~--"~'}.'o ....< j.. '.~', /.FC..)(~.\. ,../ /) )i!{.f!fL!V deposes and says: ( , being first duly 1W0m, That ,for and on behalf or the Clerk and ex-orrlo1o S.oreta ! of the South Tahoe Public Utility Di.trict affiant pOlted copl.. I ~ of Ordinance No. . cr? 3 awarding Sale of Bonde, In tora att~chedhereto and by reference made a part hereof, 1n three PUblic plaoes 1n the District, 8S follows: 1. VNITEDSTATES POST OFFICE, STATELrN!. C~LlfORNI~ 2. UJllTEP. STATES POST OFFICE~ BIJOU, CAL.IrORNtA 3. UNITED STATES POST OFFICE, TAHOE VALLEY, CALl'ORNt~ That said posting was completed on the /d. day or July, 1S'61. , ,- , /7 . "''' __ _~,.-f,' ( (, t,:t .' -- Subscribed and sworn to beforo me thi5 ;;: I ".:t day~, of <\1 ( {' .'L i\ . ,\ '/ ( ,J .1 I"~ ;/c \ ',,) . C( \, .:_. \ ~k; ',' .( ,r, t) Notary Puo-lIe 1n ana for tne-CounW' or El Dorado, State of California 1961. .. I I I I I I 'SANITAR'l SEW'ERAOE'PROJECT NO. 1961-1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA l ss Coun ty of El Dorado /", " i / ;"-;::"-.~."'" .,' ),./} I. .. ...' ). '. '") ~:t.. ..". ':"'..-' .' ...".J t1.-., ",' 7 ..~ ~..' .' " ~.. ,! . -_/ ., ~ ... J.,S: ;.; . ~ ' being f1rlt dulJ deposes and says: ( That he:1sa citizen of the United Stat.s and ov.r the &It of twenty-one years; That for and on behalf or the Clerk and Ex-Ofrioio or~he South Tahoe Public Ut1lity Distl"ict affiant cUd on the , ,,/ '''V~ day Of.C~'C1 ' 1961, 11I111 to tach {, .r person owning property ~n the assessment d18tr'lct at hi. la.t ~~own address as it appears on the tax rolls or said Dlltrlct or on file 1n the office of the Clork of laid D1strlct, or to I h ~ i ~ '1 ~ I ~ \1 ~ ~ ~ fi . ~ . t L' ., ~ , , , both addresses if they were not the same, or, when no addre.. appeared, to general delivery, a statement contalninl a 4t.ll- nation by street number or other description of the prop.rty assessed Buffic1ent to enable the owner to 1dentify the ea.., the amount of the assessment, the date of the recordation or said asacnsment, the time and place of payment th.reot, the erect or ra11ure to pay w1thin euch t1m~ and a statement or fact that bonds will be issued on unpaid ae!&ssmentl pureuant to the Improvement Bond Act or 1915, 1n ror~ 8 copy of wh1eh hereto attached and marked Exhibit "A" anl1 by rer~renco ude n part hereof. ~ 1 -J. t_ L ", t t,. _ ---.1:.'.... - 'l-V Subscribed a.nd sworn to..before me this _.,~tt~.s. day Of~..-/ _<)./t-f,(( J 1961 \._ .~.^. ..~ c/....:' ,~'': I V"\:.,'.,r' {.(~-L '7 ':-....J.,c.,t;. ,A L'L_.l NOtary Public 1n and for the County of El Dorado, State of California AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE OF IMPR~(ENT , ,'ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1961-1 "' S'l'ATEOF CALlFORNIA" ! ss of'El, Dorado ,. ' .. .', ' . ,r.., ._ ~~"'L~~ · depoa~ts'. and says : . . , be1nl tlrlt That he is a citizen of the United States and over the i1age or twenty-one years; That at the instance of' and for and on behalf or the ~Clerk of the, South Tahoe Public Utility District, h. pOlt_4 MottO. IOf Improvement pursuant to Resolution or Intention No. 28', AI ~ adopted, by the Board of Directors of sald D1str1ot on March ,16. '. \.,', ,1961, on al16penstreets withIn the assessment distriot del. cr1bed in said, Resolution of Intent1on, at not more than 300 , ,..I feet apart o~ each street so posted, and not 1e.. than three " : I all; tha t said poa ting wa a fully c omp 18 ted on the .!J- <lA, or . 11961; that a copy Of add notice 10 hereto attached, IllArk ~EXhib1t "An, and by reference made a part h@reof. ~ I A ~Subscr1bed and sworn to before me i th1 s I ~1 (t'\. day of'"" ~-)I1. ' ,,( , 1961 , . . r. ''') ~'l,. A ,~', I) ./(< . '. 'f........ ,'" . c.. ~<.. i . . , t;Notary'Pub11C in and for the County of El ~DoradO, State of Cal1fornia ~ ; U ~ ~ t \ I' 'i . ,I ,) " "/ ..' ".: ,......," ~< . . ....~..f.....' . j~/"l . '" ~ ,'~ . it i ,\ Ii j! \1 ~' n :1 ;\ r J li STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ County or San Mateo " \I Ii " !i i; " ;1 That affiant 1s So Secretary in the law otrlee or K.1l"kbr14e, n ..' !l Wilson, Harzfe1d &: Wallace, attorneys tor the South Taho. Publio \l ' ~j Utllity D1str,1ct in the above project; that for and on behalt ot ~the Clerk and ex-officio Secretary or aaid Diatrict, ahe ..11.4, h l'ot:tage prepai~1 Notioe of Sale or Improvement Benda 1n tora II ' \j heretc attach'edmarkcd Exhib1t tlB" and bY' referenoe 11&4. . part t'~ . ~ ' '\\ hereof, to the'varlouB banks and bond housell all llate4 on Rxh1bl' it . '. ,', :'~ llA" hereto, ~t~ached and made a part hereof by reference J that I said mailing was completed on September 22, 1961 I tl ,( 11 Ii \ ~ AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE OF SALE OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILIT'i DISTRICT SPJlITARY SE~-:RAQE PROJECT 1961-1 l 53 Moira Doherty, being firet duly 8worn, deposes and 8a~'1 i' ,I " \1 ;i ,. ~Subscribed and sworn to before me . 1\ this 28th day of September, 1961. " u 11 ' ~, ~ 0 Ii of ii :1 ". l! . ~j 7tt~~ U1 y ;i Pi m.lp t"l ,'~s,\r ~:,"I>f. ru~,I,i( \_ ." I;' tJ\) r.n.-I, ~ !.fto ": "', \t,'o ~ ,,,'l<o'"'t Mr Cc",mi..k>... [I;"f~ un :11, I HI )07 "r," St., ~.uI M'l',\, C.I.!, :i U Ir II 'i ;: _~~~.,___,,_~'""____,~"~_..~._~~_~____c__._..._._.__._____.___..,.._._,___w,__._.__,._.,,_~_.___,____.___'_..______. .~}~t!'n~?~~t JS II1J. f, 9-2S.61, 50 , AFFIDAVIT OF POSTINO ORDINANCE AUARDING SALE OF BONDS ,SANITARY SEWERAQEPROJECT NO. 1961-1 l 55 i. County of ElDerado I' J L~.~...;~~jL::2;/}~~7' being rlr.t dull .worn 'i'" ~ ~ Y" I 1\ deposes and says: (, \1 .l ' ~ That,for,and on behalf ot the Clerk and ex-orflo10 Stor.- ~ . lj' ~ tary of the South Tahoe Publio Utility District affiant polted h ' " ~ cop iee or ordinance No. (:~ '3 i " II atta~hedheiet~ and by reference ..6. a part hereof, in three ~ ~ . . ft . :i public places in the District, as tollowB: I' Ii II " Ii \; II 11 .' t, " ~ . !t 11 ~ That said poet1ng waB completed on the " _.;_.....,' -. " !1 c. '--r i! -,P-< 7'~L. ~...~ , 1961. I) _/ !! ./ H :, I: II \! II 11 ~subscrlbed and sworn to before me this ~ ;>. ..,.1. day of ..../ :[V"_. , ..(....... , 1961. )i - . -- - awarding Sale or Bond., 1n tora l.UNITED, STATES POST OFFICE, STATELIN!, CALlPORHIA 2. UNITED STATES POST OFFICE, BIJOU, CALIFORNIA UNITED, STATES POST OFPICE, TAHOE VALLEY, CALIPORHIA 3. :3 day of , /~ ,(..--~ /.'') ,;/,-'.1. ,,/ ""I' ,- >~.I .' ./ ) /j ( /l ~ .. J'{. - (1 f...;:!:;.""t /~ '. )~ ;l " " i ~