HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 93 - Retiredordered .to be held on September 18, 1~2, ~or the p~'llX)le of submitting to the qualified electors of the 3curb Tahoe l~Abllc Utility District the proposition as to whether bonded ~mdebted- ness of.:Satd':Dlatric~ shall be incurred, to wSt~ · , ,:~.,'.;': : .., ',-,. , the:::'Un~ted. States, to~ethe~ ~l~ ~ett t~a ,ce~ ~.ov~ents ~d ~te~~ of a oer~ ~d ~oV~ent of the me~. ~o~ .t~ oolleet~n, treatment'~ disposal" of sanl~ sevage o~ Bard Distric~ and acquisit~on of l~ds ~d ease~nts neoes~Y therefor? 2, ~he estimated cost o£ the construction of the public utility andutil~ty works described in said Proposition is $920,000.00,..': 3,' 'Said Board of Directors heretofore and on the ~th -day of Au~uSt;;:lD~2, dul7 passed ~ts Resolution N~..~ ~ wherein said B°ard.duly declared that the public lnte~..nt and necessity of the District demanded ~he construction of extensions and improvements to said public utility and utility works described in the Proposition herein, 1962, duly passed its Resolution and on the ~th day of August. ~_~wherein it w~s found ~hat the ~os~'.of same is ~oo grea~ ~o ~e p&~d out of t~e revenue of said':DiSt~ot derived from the operation of its public ties, in addition;' to ' the Other neoOssat~S expenses of 8atd In conJ~n~'~ion' there-lib it is ~ow fottnd and detelmined tha~ maid public util~t'S and utility works a~e revenue producing but that u~l~t[',:'~°~::~[ll be, too' sreat to 'bi pard out of t~ revenue of In add~t~n' to' the othe~ necea~y ~e=~e. of the 9~atr~ct, that l~ ~s neceSs~7 to ~nc~ a D~.tr~ot ~nded ~ebted~a therefor ~n:~. to oo~tr~ct , a'~':. -1.,.. method and e~mer of ps,seat for utility and utlilty'...~rka is revenue char~es and an annual ~d valore, tax levy by the District uDon the taxable property in the DlmtrXct for said bonds,. ~..The said Special district election shall be held and conducted, the votes thereof canvassed~ the returnm thereof ~ade, and the results ..thereof ascertained, determined and declared tn the manner herein provided, and in all pa~ticular~ mot prescrtbe~ by this Ordinance, in the maimer provided by 6. There shall be one election precinct designated Consolidated-Precinct "&", ~hich preolnot Ihall include, and con- sist of all. or such portions of County l~eotncts as last estab- lished by the Board of Supervisors of the County of E1 Dorado for the conduct of general elections Ln said County insofar as said precincts f&ll wholly or partiall2 within the boundaries of t~e South ~ahoe Public Utility District. T~e polll~ for said precinct is as follows: Polling Place: Said P.roelnct shall bo dtVl~ed tn~o t~o groupl and one preoinct'~d 8~11 be appointed ~ serve each ~. ~oup of.:'et~' precinct ~8 d~vXded ~ ~o election o~f~oera ~polnted to so'duet said eleot~on .thereat ~ ~olloes~ of South· TahOe PUblic Utillt¥ District whose last namel begin with the alphabetical letters A through K respectiwell~. The elbctton off£cers for said ~roup & through K Precinct Board a~e niaPee.tor: - cleric-. Clerk'= GrOUp. L t.hrough 'Z shall comprise "all qualified elootoro" of South Tahoe .Public Utility Distr~ot whose last names begin with the alphabetical letters L through Z respectively. The'election officers for 8aid group L through Z Precinct Board ar® as .follOws: Inspector: Clerk: Clerk: iAPC. Ii itEAH, Box 521, CTahoo,Valley, Calif. EI24A RIGlillilEit, BOx 156, Bijou, California I~RY It. CHASEs Box 82, B£Jou, California Blanche Trtdnbull, Box 399, Bijou, California ?.. All qualified electors in the District shall be qualified to 'vote upon the proposition herein SUl~uitted at the special dlstrlc~ election. 8, Ballots for said election shall be provided of the form and the number provided by law. On Bald ballots two voting squares shall:be set off to the rt~ht o~ the l'ropos~t~on sub- mitred at e~id-eleotion, in the ~nner p~v~ded by la~, one hav~ the .~'rd "~" printed be~o~e It and t~ ot~ ~~ the ~o~d rl~ said ~n~ed '~debte~es8 e~ll st~ a cross (l) In the ~1~ space °P~sl~e tne'~ ~ord "~" once ballot ~ the right 0 lO~ The C~er~ o~' this ~stFio~ ~o ~Feby d~Foo~ed c~e ~e ~ces~y rosters, ~al~o~ ~xeo and a~l otheF 8upp~e. ll, ~e po~18 sh~l be opened at seven o'o~ook A,M. said ~y mhd s~ be kept open until seven o"e~eok P.H. said day when the ps,la shall be o~osed~ ~eep~ ~n line aa p~Ov.~ded In ~eot~on ~T~ o~ the ~eot~ ~de. 1~.' ~n, the pol~s ~e closed the ~leot~on coun~ the Ballots ca~t thereat and c~vaa~ the reBpe~t~ely.~o~ ~d ~a~t the pro~a~tion herein .~ted, and s~all ~e rein t~reof to the Clerk of said District ~edlate- ly upon eo~letlo'n ther~f. The ~d of Directors I~ll meet on the first ~n~y ~ter the election to canvass the returns. lB, ~, at said election, it shall ~pe~ t~t two-thlrda of all the votes ~caat t~reat were In favor of ~ aut~rize ~e ino~rl~ of a ~nded indebtedness in the a~unt .tated the proposition, then said ~oposition s~ll be de~ed to ~ve been accepted and approved by the electors, ~d ~nds shall be 16sued t;o de£x'my the coBt~ of the t~,~rove,,ent or l~roveaen~,s therein.specified and to the amount or aggregate of the amounts stated therein. 1~..' BOnds shall be of the for~ known as "Serial" and Shall beam~::"Im:~est &t ~he ra~e ~ ~o ~oeed s~ per cent (~) per a~ fr each, ~d the prinoip~ ~d ln~erea~ ~hereof s~ll ~ ~ble In l~w~l ~2 shall be ~ble aemi-~ually co~eno~ on ~he fira~ ~a o~ July and J~u~Y ~ollo~ ~ ~e of enid ~n~, represented by coupons, e~eP~ ~o July 1 ~-succeed~ fo~ (~) ~m~a followl~ ~ ~e of the bonds. 'Each bond will continue to bear interest without coupon after .maturity at the rate stated therein; provided it is presented at maturity and payment thereof is refused upon the ground t. ha~ there is not sufficient money in the redemption fund with which'to pay it. · .. ~%..".. 15. ~td. bonds i'shal! for~: be substantially UM1T~ S?~TES oI~ COUh'~f OF EL DORADO STATE OF CALIFORNIA in the follow~ng soUTH TAHOE POETIC UTILITY DI3THICT ~EWE~ BOND 01~ 1962 On the first day of January, A.D., 19,...~. the South Tahoe Publlc Ut~litY-.Distrtct,'a duly organized pU~AXc utility d~etrlc~ under the Iaws:Of::'the.~tate. of California, for value received, .:hereby.prom~ses/'to.-pay. to the bearer, at the office of the Treasurer of said District, the sum of O~ T~DUSA~DDOLLARS ($1,000) in/awful money of ~he United States of AmerXca, to- gether with interest, thereon from the date hereof at the rate of __ per cent per annum, interest to be payable sem~-annually on the first day of July and January following the date hereof, a~o~-~ tho presentation ajad surrender of the proper coupons at~ched,. ~oept the f~rat coupon eh~ch s~ll be for ~ter ma~t~'..~t, the ~te stated ~e~n] provided, tt prese~tedat'~'~tF ~d p~ent ther~f ~a re~sad ~on the ~ound .~t."th~e ~s ~t a~o~ent ~y ~n t~ red~ption ~und with which ~ :P~.. ~t. Chis bond .l.a on~/'of a. aeries of b~nd. or l l~e aaount, said Dlst~lo~)::~o~'~-(~e ~isit~n,. co~t~ot~n ~d of certain '~V~entl~:':~d ~te~ton8 of a certain public of the mean~ .~o~ ~e oollect~n, tre~t~t and dls~la~ o~ san~t~7 ,e~.of sa~d D~str~ct ~d the ao~t~on of ~d easementS' the~effo~ ~:' ~ ~nd .~s ~ssUed ~r ~ ~n p~s~ce o~ ~d tn formity with .'AO~S".of the Legislat~e of the S~te o~ Cal~fornia ~own and clt~ as "The ~blic Utility Dllt~lot Act" (Dlvl,Xon ~blic UtiIlt:iea' ~de),'.'~d it ~s hereby eert~led, aaaerted declared t~. ~hlt Bond la issued In p~a~ee o~, ~d tn eon- fortuity w'ith,::~.the:.~ns~l~tton ~d lawl of t~ State of ~d ~lth. the'.:o~neea~, re~lut~ ~ orders o~ laid District, ~d in pu~.au~ee of, ~ in ~omit2 eith, a vote of ~re th~ two-thirds of. ~1 of the ~al~ied electra of said DXatr~c~ voti~ at a apeei~ election duly ~ ~e~l~ly called ~d held in said Dist~Xct, 'as provided ~ said ~blle Utility DiltrXet Act, on t~ 18th ~ of Zept~ber, 1~2, ~ttoe t~r~f ~w~ng been duly and re~ly.g~ven ~ the ~~ ~ for t~ period by law, ~d.t~t':t~ result of ~ld ele~$Xon ~a ~en ~waesed, declared ~ .entered ~ ~e ~~ ~ ~ re~ed by law. It ia f .U~ther certified and declared that all of the pro- visions, and',reqUi~.e~ent.s of the ConltX~utton and lawl of the 3tats of Califo~la and the ordlnanoes~ ~elolutions and orders :'Of said Dlstr. ic~ .have. been duly and regularly and fully compl with by the proper officers of said District in the ~ssuanoe of this bond; that all acta and things and conditions required la~ to be done preceding and in the issuance of this bond haw. been done and performed in regular and due form and in strict con- formity ~l~h the provisions of the law authorizing this bond, that ~he total indebtedness of 8a~d District, including the total indebtedness evidenced'.'by this issue .-of bonds, doe~ not exceed the limits prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the State of California.: ' ' ' The Board.of: Direotors shall annually lev2 and collect a tax upon all of the taxable property within said District sufficient to pay the annual interest on the bonds of this issue, and also to pay such part of the principal as will fall due within the succeeding year, as may be necessary to provide for the sinkin~ fund. pa~ments of the next succeeding year; provided, that when the t~erest and sinking fund payments for any fiscal year on the bonds. Of this issue can be'met out of the surplus earnings of the"public utility and utility works for which it wa~ issued, or out of moneys in the general fund of the Dlstr~ct and theret°fore:'asPr°Priated and tran~ferr~ to the sir~cXn~ fund of such publiC.Utility and utlli~ ~or~, t~ shall ~levied for such pu~se. ~nds of this issue ~e decl~ed b2 statute ~ ~ve t~ same force, ~ue ~d use as bon~ issued b2 a aunic~alit2 of this State,. [:' Distr~ct has;~:C~e.~.:.;thls,bond'to be s~ed ~ t~.~e~t ~ the ~d °f',~eO~O~ the~f ~d 'conCealed. c7 ~ CA~K, ;~eto the Be~;.of s&ld ~ South Tahoe Public Utility District ~ounters igned: clerk"and' e~¥of£~c'i0 Se6ret~ry of' Board of Directors of said District (SEAL) 16. The..:interest coupons attached to each ct amid bonds and evidenCIngin~erest t° accrue thereon shall be nmmbered con- secutivelY,'and.be'Signed by tile Treasurer by facsimile signature ~nd said bonds and coupons shall be parable at the office of said Treasurer, and said coupons shall be substantially in the follow- lng form: Coupon ~o. .. $ · $OD~TH TAHOE FUBLIC I~ILXTY Wlil'P~'to ~he be~er hereof, on the let day off~c~' O~"the ~e~surer ~- said District, said s~ being the..(semi-a~l) interest due on its ~nd No .... of 8ewer ~nds of 1962. ,,, .....~easurer,, (Omit the words "semi-annual' on first eou~on.) 17. The date of the bond~ shall be fZxed by resol~on of the Board. The bonds shall be numbered consecutively from the earliest to the latest maturity, and shall mature in ~be folloeir~ amounts on :.januarlr 1 Zn each con~eoutLvs ~ea~, the flrlt of ehtch shall be on F~~-I next Succeeding ten mo~th8 ~ollo~ the the 3~ear8 $20,000 'in each of the years ~25,000 ~n each of the years $~0,000 ~n the year $35,000 in the year $~0,000 in each of ~he years $~5,000 in the year $50,000 in t.he year $55,OO0 in each o£ the years $60,000 in the year $65,000 in ~he year $70,000 in the year $75,000 ~rt the year $85,000 in the year $90,000 in the year 6th through 7th 8th ~th through 10th llth through 12th l~th l~th l~th through 16th 17th 18th l~)th through 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 2~th 25th 2gth 18. Copies of this ordinance shall be posted by the Clerk at three public places in said District, and sha~l be published twice in the Tahoe Daily Tribune, a newspaper of general circula- tion prlnted and published in said Dlmtriet. ~aXd postir~ and publication shall be had within two weeks after the date of the adoption hereof. No other notice of maid election need be ~iven. Z'hereby certLffy tha~ the fore~oLn~ O~dinanee by the ~d' of' D~ectors o~ the ~uth ~e ~blie District at a re~l~ meeti~ ther~f held on t~ _~p$~ ~ :.- , 1962, by the followl~ vote: A~, ~d Xn favor thereoF, ~ectors: Souza, Clarke, Waken, ~, ~reotors: ~ Start ~E~, Directors ~ and the Board o~' .... , belr~ first duly sworn, deposes and says: That for and on behalf of the Clerk of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, On the _,.~23...~d da~T of _Auau.c _. 196~. he posted full, -true and correct' copies of the hereto attached Ordinance No. 93, .an Ordinance Callins a~d Providing for a Special District EleCtiOn' to '.be Held' in. South Tahoe Public trier for they'd'se of Submitting .to the Voters o~ the Proposition[.:of Incurring a Bonded Indebtedness and Provldin6 for the Girln~' Of/NOtice Thereof,. for t~ ~ou~ ~e ~bltc ~ Poa~ o~fice, Bijou, ~ltfornia That a espy of said Ordinance is attached hereto, ~arked ~xhibit "A" and'made' a part hereof. Subscribed and sworn to before me ~hl8 ~ day of ~ ~2'~F,~./~, 1962 ~~ ~bilo in.~d ~or the oS Zl. ~sado, St~e of Oall~ornia