HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 96 BE IT.:'.:ENAG~D,~ by the ~ard of Directors of t~ ~th
;:~hoe ~bl{c.}i~ellity District, E1 ~rado County, CaliFornia,
':':-~'ent"(l~)7':~,'tD~'O~er~ of the territory proposed to be
.... ,,..,.,, - ),,,.,.;. ,
~.[Who ar'e' .ai~o the owners of a majority of tho as~esse4 valuation
..Or said .territOry In certain unincorporated territory cont~oul
to the S:~uth Talioe.~bllo Utility District, and heinz In the
'~'Count7 a~: said District, ..a~klng tlmt said territory be a~ed to
.rsaid".DlagrtC~::and consen~l~ to such annexation without In .leo-
. . ~:., :,): .? ,,.~ . .
;:~tion, w~'~(ad~essed, to the'~ard of Directors and filed with
f?:'h;~'~District on the[';~lt~ day or
~';in"acc~;';:fw~gh' the provlslon;~o'f the ~blic Uttltt~"Dt~trie't~:~
-.Act of the State of California;
W~~,' the'said Secretary ha~ caused to be o~ed th
signature~"on said'petition with the record~ of the ~u~ty
~r of tbs County'of E1 ~ado, and has found and certified tO thtl
Board that said petition has been signed by the required numbel'
of owners in .said terrltery, and ha~ attached his ~Ign~ture to
tl~e said petitien and presented said petition to this Board$
NOW, T}~ILEFORE, IT I~ ORDEI{ED, as follows:
Section 1, It is hereby determined that the &nnex&tlort of
said territory will facilitate thc acqulatt%on, construct!on~
completion and operation of the public ut:l[ty and public utility
works of the District, and will be for the advantage of
Di~trlct and that the territory proposed to b~; annexe~ will be
~bene£1ted by said proposed annexation,
'-~!e.~i~,i~, ~j~e:.eXte~lor bOundarten of said terrl~or~ to
'..: .: :.':': ·. -,.. ~ ,: , .
1963, at ~he "~u~. ce 8100.0.'?~..,. ~. ;1., at t~ re~lar
O~l£ol~n~&," are-'h~eb~ fixed as the. tl~l and
place for hearin~ on
bhls Ordinance',. and all persona interested in or who ~ay be
affected b¥:;the. Propoaed 'annexation of said territory within the
District .are hereby. ~otlfied to a~pear at auc~ aeet~ and a~w
cause in w~tt'ing, '~f'an~ they have, why said terr~to~or a~v
part.thereof, shoUld not be annexed as proposed in ~aid petition.
The tlme':£ixed.fo~. such hearin~ is not leas than thirty ~r more
.than slxty.daTS.'.-from the date of the publication off thio Ordlmance
Section; 6. This Ordinance, together with a notice, tn
form ~ copY'O~ which is hereto attached and made a part hereof
by reference,: shall be published pursuant to ~ection 6061 of tl,e
Oovernmeot .Cod® of the 8tats of California, to wit~ Once tn the
tion printed and published in the District, and 8hall be posted
tn three public places in the ~erritor¥ proposed to be annexed at
least th~rty.da2a before
the date set for said hearLng.
South Tahoe Public Utility Dtotrlct
Assessor' s -Parcel. No., ' e9-~60-10 ~
Parcel No..~1: 'A portion of the. S. E. 1/'h of Section 27, T,
R..18 E., M.D.S. ~ M., described es foll~
~inni~ a~ a point Fr~ which the ~.L.O. State
bears 'N.:~" 31.,':W 9~.79 ft. ~1s point be~ an acgepted
~;:between Van.'Sl~kle and Parks prg~r~y. ~ence S ~7'
~. to the',sOUther~ .lXne o~ a ~.~ ft. roadw~, a~
~ce N;~62. :'2,"?~."';W. .6~ ~t. alo~ maid Fence; thence
-..,:.le"..~" 2 ~.0?::ft..-to the e~therl~ l~ne of a ~.~ ~t, ~d-
~:thence S ~ ~7.':'30" ~ ~8.~ ft, alo~ ea~d road~ to
,nt:':of.'beE~nnl~, ~ls 'parcel contains 2.~5 acres ~ or leaa.
Parcel ~. ~:
.~,......- A portion ~f the S. E. 1/2 of Section 27, T. 1~ ~.,
,B. & M., described as foll~s=
~i~"at .: the 'Northeaster~ corner of the he~ndeao~lbed
from'~lCh, the. S; ~; corner of Bald Section 27 bear3 8 57'
~ ft.;(thence fr.om point of be~nni~ S 28' O8' W, ~.0
~outheasterly;/Co~er~.a 2;1/~ inch capped iron piti ~ence
,::.3~.~5 ft.,,.'the Southwesterly corner, a similar p~ ~et
~:~ence. line; thence'alo~'."Sald fence l~ne N 28' 28' ~, ~2,~
""~'he.'North~ester~ corner;'.'thence contlnul~ on a fence lXne
.... '~': ,.~:~3~;~ ft. to 'the:'::po~nt:.. of be~l~.. Contalnl~ 2.6~, acres.
-~?:':::'.~e.:.meridian~ef.';~his~::'eU~eY ~as taken fr~ the
te.:~ne. ',": .
Assessor's P~cel. ~.
..... " All that port,on :of Sections 27 and 3", ~ahlp
e ~8 ~s.t, M;D,B~"':& M,, partlcularl7 described aa roll,at
,:'~':-. Beginni~;'at the most Northerly corner or the 1.71 ac~
~:~ '.':parcel of land described In the ~ed to Mabel Winter, reco~ed
-'~:~:~b~a~ 13, 1920, In ~ok 175 of Official Reco~s of E1 ~rado
County, et P~e 353, from which point the most Easterly corer of
::Pinewood Park Subdivision, as shown on the Official Map of ea~d
-;.Pinewood Park Subdivision, filed In the office of the C~nty Re-
· ';~Corder of the County of E1 ~rado, State of Califo~ia, on Feb~ary
':1926, In Map ~ok A, Map No. 9, bears South 29' ~6' 09" West 5~.O7
ft.; thence leavi~ said point of beginning North ~" 32' ~"
.../ 61~.52 thence North 29~ 28' 00" East 26~.76 ft. thence Nor~
33' West.~2,?l ft. to a ~lnt fr~ ~lch the
:.;'bou~ar~ of U.S.'.Hl~way..No. ~ bears at right a~lea the~to,
)~'.~:~;~)-~97 f.t., . thence, alo~'a.'lIne oarallel with said Southeasterly
'~..:~.::.'.b?unda~ and distant 297 .ft. therefr~, North 28' 26' ~3" ~st
:.::-'.:. "-.; thence leavi~ said line, South 62' 02' 31" East 3~.65 ~.;
..~.::.'-. ,ence North 27" 55? ~g" ~st 3~.~ ft.; thence ~rth 27' 53' 07"
~::::/~:r:'(::'~St :326'57 ft.; thence South 79' 37' ~2" East 115.13 ft. to a
::~'~.~:(.~'~%hat' is dlstant'.l~O ft., at right a~les, from the Callfo~la-
':~.:~:.[):.:).Nevada State line, thence alo~ a line parallel with the Cal~fo~a-
~.'J~.: .NeVada State line; and 100 ft. distant therefrom, South 28' O~' 19"
k./..; :' '
59q.~8 f%. ;. thence leaving said llnetSouth 3* 10'
52. ft.; thence South ~9' ~7' 33" West ~O.~ ~t.; t~e ~th
1,-' ' 7:.~;, ~O a ~n~ on the' Northea.ter~
. '(~ aore):~arceA~ of/~ descried in the ~ed to ~bel
.nter (~z Clt.',-);:the~ce alo~ said Northeaster~
~D": ~e8~:-?17.3~07 ft. to the point of beg~lM.
No, 1~ -['"'"'"
' that.portlo~.:of. Seotlons 27 and 3~, ~ohip
e~ln' de,~ribed, identlcal':.~tb the ~st ~rther~ oo~ or
Subdlvls ion; :(/ as aho~ on the Off~olal ~p of
,'Park'.Subdivision,"flled"in' the office o~ the C~nty Reeo~e~ o~
~ok A, ~p No,.' 9;" ~ence leavi~ ,ald point or
~1,36 ~t.' to.:.,the 8outhwester~ bounds~ o~ the
ion o~ Park. Ave,,; ,'thence alo~ said ~th~e.ter~
of said .Pt~ood/'~rk ~bdlvision; thence al~ said
All that portion of' Sections 27 ar~. 3~, ?o~nshlp 13 NOrth,
;e. 18 East, M.D,B.
TM & M., particularly demcribed as
· ginning at a point on the Northeasterly boundary of Pits-
Subdivision, as shown on the Official Map of said
c'Subdlvision, filed-, in the Office of the County Recorder of the
County of E1 Dorado, State of California, on February 8, 1926, in
~ap Book A, Map No. 9, .from which point of beginning the most Northerly
'-corner o£ said Pinewood Park Subdivision bears North 60' 32' O0'
West 959.27 ft.; - thence leavlng said point_of b_eginning, leaving
said Pinewood Park Subdivision, North 29' 25' 00" East 568.07 Ft.i
,hence South 60' 32' OO" East 219.52 ft. to the most Northerly corner
of.the 1.71 acre parcel o£ land described in the Deed to Mabel Wtntee,
re~orded February 13, 19~$0, in Book .175 of Official Records of
El.Dorado County, at Page 3~31 ther..ce along said Mabel Winter
prOperty, South 29' 26' 09" .West 568.07 ft. to the most Easterly
Less: Assessor's Parcel No. 29-260-06 presently located within
the ~-5-O-~daries o£ the South Tahoe Public Utility' District.
I herebT.Cert~f¥ that the £o~egolng Ordinance tma passed
the Board ot' Directors of the ~outh Tahoe Public Utllity
the Director2 thereof:
meetSng thereof held on the ?th
1963, by the followlr~ vote o£
and In favor thereoF, DZrectors:
AB~ET, Directors:
County of El Doradot SS
N. R,,
- '. ..... _ _~ ...... L _ ,, bet.nE first duly
swo~n, de.)se3. ~d
That 'he is .the duly q~lifled &~d acti~ Clerk of the
~ard of Directors of ~he ~uth ~e ~bllc Utility District;
that on the 8~.h da~ of ~rcb
.. ~ ............. , 1963, n~ caused
tO be posted c°~es of ~din~ce ~. _.~ . . An OFdlnance
~scribin~ Te~o~ ,Proposed to be ~ed, ~term~nl~ that
Terms and Cond~t~. ~e Neoess~y~ a~ ~ol~ Intention to
Approve ~Ch ~~tlon, ~nexat~on ~-~, ~d the hereunto
attached ~t~ce or'Time ~d Place Of ~~ on Ordl~nce ~scl
lng Terr, l~orY.~oposed to be ~xed, ~$ermining t~t No Terms
and ~nditio~S are Necessary, and ~ol~i~ Intention to Approve
Such AnneXation. ~xatlon 196~-1, In t~ee public places in
the territory PropoSed ~o be annexed, to wit:
3. S~ ~ST O~ICg
Clerk ahd ex-offiCio Secret~r¥
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
Notary Public !~ and for the County of
I E1 Dorado,. state of. Cailfornla.
My Comiss£on ex~irea July 28, 1964