HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 97 BE IT.'ENACT~-BY-THE ~ARD OF DIRECTO~ OF TIlE SOUTII TAHO~ PUBLIC UTILITY DIST~CT as follows: 1. Sec. 4.01. Dire_c% Billing of Ordinance No. 3& is he.by, amended 'a~ follows:. Commenci~ July l~ 1963~ the charge~ fixed for.'sewer services shall be payable fo:' a l~rtod of one in 'advance. Statements of charges for sewer services go be rendered may' be mailed at ~he beginning of the yea:' fo~ which .charges shall be payable yearly in advance. One year'~ service charges in advance shall be paid before permiss~on to connect to the sewer 'is granted, and thereafter~ Future service charges shall be payable in advance on July 1~ of each succeeding year. 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon the exp~ration of thirty (30),days after its passage and shall be posted by the Clerk of SOUTH.TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT at three (3) Places in said District at least one w~ek before the expiration 0f said period after its passage and shall further be in the LAKE T~HoE NEZ,~S, a newspaper of general circulation~ (i) time ohly: at least, one (1) we~,~ before the ~xF, i:'atJo~, of ~.ld period. 3. This ordinan¢,.~ amends Sec. 1,.O1. D~rect Billing Ordinance No. 34, enacted March 27, 1958, by the board c,f Directol'~ of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY I]ISTRI(:T. 'ln all oth,..r :'esl~e%l Ora~nance No. 34 is hereby ratified, confl~vned lore~ and effect where not in conflict ~dth thi,.~ ssl~! Ordinance No. PASSED AND ADO}~ED Hatch 21, 1.963, by the f<~llowin,~ vote: AYES: ;~OL~: ~(ort. e:: Fca]er and Directors Clarke~ otewart, , Wakeman N on ~ :~" :52 ABSEN'?: None ... ~ ...:,,,;. ,.., -: ',.;:, ~:.,,,., . ..... , ' ., ,,..,'.~', . of the Board of Directors or the 'Zouth Tahoe Public Utility 19 · C:'.F?;b...~;&'I~~, .,~.~,..: ~,' ;,~ ~ ,~,.,~.~ .,.,.;-~.~,,~ ~q~.. ,?,,~ · .... "gh~reor, and.:.~ig".s~d'' ordi~nce ~e d~ adopted b7 ~he Bo~ o~ Direcgors of,~H T~OE PU~IO U~LI~ DISTRICT a[ a re~lar meeging ghereof~:..d~Y held on ~r~ ~1 , 1963, and ghag ghe original of Said'ordinance is on file in the office of said SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC' UTILITY,DISTRICT Said ordinance was passed and .'adopted by the .fOllowing vote of the members of the Board al' Directors thereOf-.: AYES: :.: DiA~ectors~ Clarke, NOESi: ABSENT:.- ~one ~akeman, Fesler, Stewart and Kort, OF· : /, ..~,. ?;;: :-?; .., . :,. '.;--~ ..: · . . ..D~z'ectors On the~~aY.":°r.~rch, 1~3', X ~ated the ordi~nce to ~lcl , '-,,..u '?:: '.;.;" :" . ', ~'.' ' · copy thereof i'n,;each'of ~e three follo~ng public places: One (1) copy at S~atoti~e, Califo~ia Posg Office; One {1} copy ag Bijou, California Post<Of.f-iCe and.'One (1) copy a% Tahoe Valley, Caltforni, Post Officoo IN WITNESS:~WHEREOF I' hereunto subscribe my name ~nd affix i'the .seal of SOUTH:'TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT this~ ~ day of !tarch, 1963. 'N.' R.-MALLEH][, Clerk o£ the South Tahoe Public Utility District and Ex-Officio .qecretarV of the ~ard of Directors