HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 99 · ~'AN'.':ORDINAHCE AMENDINO ORDINANCE NO. 51 AND · :BELT. ENACTED by %he Board of Directors of the South :.... .<, '~<'- ,, . 'District, County of E1 Dorado} State of a, :-as .follo~, s. -- '~.'i~',i'/Tha.t2'.section 2. entitled "Rnnexatton Fee (New .-,.- ,:, · 13.. ,":) ,.,., .. t...of'Ord!nance-:No. '51 be amended as follows: [-. .- . ;:.',THe ommr of any lot, parcel or piece of which(,was not petitioned for inclusion in the original boun~(~ · dariiS,"o£,.the S' ' · '.' >,> ..,.:';>.i.i:iiii:'.:Li.:. :. o~th,.Ta,. ~oe Public Utility. Dtstrtc~ a~ the tim~ Of t~ie>.~Or~a6i$n of. 'said District, or the owner of any lot: 'parcel",'~i~:!'pt'ece. of territory which 'has not been Petitiont f ",, .. ;) ', ~' .:'. for.':i¢,clusion,by annexation to said District in any proCe~d. :'"'"':.- '.iiYg~:.ii,f~i~i(!ila~'~ti°~"~..to ,~aid DistriCt ~shall, prior, t0 th~ or'."a'~n~.~'~i0'~~:, of. such territ;rx:, pay to South Tahoe' ~bli '":'... u[il'~tY':'D{~'iet afi:':annexatton'.reo equal to the s~ ell ?.., .. a. Per acre annexaLton fees: (1). If the petition for annexation is filed said District during the calendar year 1963~ $3~.00 per acre; (2). If the petition for annexation is filed with said DiStrict during the calendar years 196&-6)~ $400.00 .per acre; .>9 (3) If the .petition for annexation is filed with said DiStrict after 1965, $500.00 per acre; ,' (4) In the event that the territory per acre a~ation fee is less than $300.00, as computed ill Paragraph 1 a (1) hereof, the minimum parcel annexatioll fee shal.1 be $300.OO during the year 1963. (5) In the event that the territoI7 per acre annexation .fee ia less ~%an'~.0o, as computed in ?aragraph 1 a (2) hereof~ the minimum parcel annexation fee a~11' be $4~.~3 d~ ~e calendar year~ ' (6) In the event ~hat th~ territory ~er acr~. a~e~tion fee is les~ ~ $~00.~)~ as fee sh~ be $5~,~ aAer ~ year b. All engineering) legalm administrative at.i i~,ciden- tal costs of'said annexation. c. A 'sum equal to the assessment that woudd haw be~n levied by the South Tahoe Public Utility Di.~trict for construction of the sanlta~, serrate ~ystem of ~ny merit or.~sse~sment dist~lc~ ~l~ ~ll ~ervc s~ld terrlto~7 had the pro~Sed .territo~ to be ~exed been include4 in said asSeSsment or improvement district at the time of formation:of said assessment, or improvement district. d..~e cost of lns$~la~i~n of a lateral or laterale serve the::J~~dual lot,-parcel or piece of territory e. ~e ass~p~ion of.said log, parcol or piece of ~erritory',~ proportionate nhar~ of all ~he ex3~ting ing indeb~ednes~ of Sou%h T~o~ ~blic Utility DJ~trJc~ ~he ~ime o~ a~exa~ion of ~ai~ log~ parcel or piece of terriLory proposed go be annexed,n 2. This o~inance amends oniy Sec%J. on 2 of pas~ed and adopted by the said Board of ~Jr(-,cto/~:: ~'~' ~aid District on Feb~'y &, 1960. In all other respects, said Or,t~'~.,~nce No. 51 is ratified~ confimd, and in full force and .~[~ '-'~ 3.::' )Effective date: Upon adoption, this ordinance ......... ~,~.~.,~.~ .. '.(3) pubic places.at least eaves (7) day~ ,~.. ~3~;,: · . ';. ..' .~. ~ ~.+:~,,.:,~, ..~ 3' '~: ex, ration., of t~rty (SOl days from the date of its ~.~"~ newspaper of general circulation ~inted and published in the .~.:~f;;.:~,.., 6 District,. at least ~even (7} days pr$or to thirty (~0) day~ f~',~ 7 the date of'~ts passage a~ ~ ta~ e~Zect upon th~ 8 of thirty (30) days from the date of Sro adoption. 9 10 11 P~o~ AND ADORED this ~ ~a2 c~' J~ly, ~v~:,' ~'-~.::,' 1~ regular meeting of the Board of Directors o~' SOUTH TA~E PUHI, IC ~"~)'~':'~'~ 1~ UTILITY DIST~CT by the follo~n~ vote: ;:~:.:,,~,. 14 AY~: Directors Don~d Clarke. Donald H. Korte~. "' '" "" Robert ~akeman, Robe~ ~. Fesler and ,'" '. ' ' 15 Thomas L. Stew~t :':'"'"'"':"'"' ~ A~T: None ... ~8 _. '- Don~d Clarke, President of ~r,e - j~?::~ - PUBLIC I~ILITY [)I~T!tICT ?'V." --'20 Ai .,,o.: .,~/., - ,.. v - ' x .,., ~ N', !, ~'l'le~.~' Clerk ,~f' 30UTH TAHOE P~LIC ~ILITY , ~ DXSTRXCT and ex. ....:-...:. ,':;ecreta~ off the Boa~ of ;~.... ~ ( SEAL ) -5 · 17 2O County of', ~I Doraklo: I'-the .~dersigned, do hereby certify that the above i! ~ tz~e e.Ud-.co~..~..reOl;:copy oS Ordir~ance No. 99, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIiTP~XCT ~ entitl'ed '.~n: Ordinance Amendin~ Ordin~nce No. and Amendin~ Fees' 'for Annexatio~ of Territory to South Tahoe Public Utiil.tyi':Di:s~rict"., and that said o~dinance was duly adop~ by the ~o~.~"[):6fi.:O~eOtors .of so~TH. TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT o£ SOUTH TAHOE PU~.LIO .~ZLZ~ .IN '.~T~ (SEAL) 1963. TAHOE PUBLIC ILITY DISTRICT and ex officio ~ecretary o~ the Board of Directors thereof I,:'the'..~ilde amgned,-do hereby cex'tify that I am the Clerk of the':.SOU~H...TAHOE.PUBLIC:~ITILX~.DISTRICT and ex officio July, l%}','-t':pos?d ~e Ordin~nc~ ~'.~ich this CertifiCate i~ attached }'by .p~ti~::a-'.f~l~ ta and correct copy the~of In each of the fOIiO~.,'th~e (}) p~lic place~ xithin the 9iatrict Oae:.{t);:-'.C~PY.'a~' ste~'e!~'~, ~-liforraa Post Office, 0~.'.::(!}. copy'at':..:Bt~.Ou:,".ca!!~or~a Post Office and final One: .(l) copy at Tahoe Valley, Oalifornia Post ol'ri~e. IN,WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sbuscribed my name and affixed the seal O~ the SOUTH TANOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County of E1 B'orad0, State 'of Oalifornia, this /~_ day of July, 1963. TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT and ex officio Secretary of t~e Board of Directors thereo~'