HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 100 - RetiredORglNANCE NO. loC, AN OPd~INANCE AMF2,]DING ORDINANCES NOS 59, 71 and 7~. AND PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION OF T}~ GF~ERAL ~a%NAuER OF T~SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BE IT ENACTED ",y the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUHLIC ]JTILITY DISV. RICT, County of E1 Dorado, State of Cal~ fornia, . as ~£ollows: 1. That the Gene,'al Monager, as an officer of the 80U%{ Tahoe Public Ut!.li~y District, shall receive as compensation said office: the sum of One Thousand ro.,"ty-one ami 67/100 DollsYa ($i,O41.67) per month, fifteen (15) woe'king days vacation For each .~11 year of employment by said Dist,'ici, which a~id vacation shall no~ be aCc~ulated, and one (1) working day p,¥ month sick !ease for each full month of ,mploi~ent by ~aid District, ~llch said sick leave can be accumulated to a max!rotan of uixty (60) working days. 2, Upon adoption, this ordinance shall b~ posted in ~three (3) public places, at least seven (~)" days p~'ior to September 1.,' 1963, and shall be published In the TAIIOE DAILY TRIBI~,~E,' a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the said District, at least seven (/) days prior' to Seutember ~ .~'~o~'~.....,, and snal~ become effective Septe:nber .1, ]9(,{. . This or'd!~ance amends only "'~ · ,:,~.ctio/'l i Of No 59 passed and adopted by the said Boai~. of DJ,'ectors of said District on juhe 30, 1960; Section 1 of Ordinance No. 7], lW~s:~ed ..cot~u ey said ~oa:'d of Directors oi' said I)JstI'JCt Oil Jar,.uarD? .i9, 1961; and ': '~'" "ed .)ection I oi' Ordinance ,No. , ,,, l,a'a.~ arid adopted by said Board of Direc~o.s of said District on June 15, 1961 In ali. other respects, said Or,:inances No:~ ',9 "l and T? are ratified, confirmed and ir: l'ull force and el'l'e;,t. th~s 18~ day of August~ 19~), at a regular meeting., of. the Board. of.:'Direo~ore o£ SOUTH T&HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTK%~"~ by ':the ~ollo~n~ "AYe.: -D~ec~ors Clarke, Wal, Fesler, Ste~ and 'Ko~s SO~ T~ PUBLIC ATTEST: ...~ . ...,':'~., ~ ' ,../:.~."..~.f~:.:, , N: R. ~e~':~"Ol~k,'.Of the -.' ' SOUTH TAHOE P~C.;':'~LITY D[3T~CT, and ex-off~ci° SeCreta~ of the Board of D~ectors :.thereof [. STATE OF cAL~)RL~!A ) :i'.: - ) County o£. E1 DOrado ) I,' N. R. MALLERy~ Clerk of t~e SOUT~ TAHOE PUBLIC 6 DISTRICT, County.:of E1 Dorado, State of California, and ex-ofTlclO ?' Secretary of.-t~",<~rd 0£ DirectOr, :~ereof. do hereby certi.~/ 8 the attached ordi~nance No; 100 Ss'l trul~ full and correct copy thereof, and that: said ord'inance was duI~y adopted by the Board of Drectors of SO~ff~ 'TAHOE PUBLIC ~TXI~TT DISTRICT at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors, duly held on August 1, 1963, that the original of said ordinsmce is on file in the office of said SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Said ordinance was passed and adopted by the following ~vote of the members of the Board of Directors: AYES: ~Directors ..KOrtes NOE~: NOne ABSENT :: None Clarke, Wakem=~, Yesler, Stewart and (SF L) SO~I'H UTILITY and ex-officio Secretary o: Board of Directors the 9 . .' . .~.~ . ' . ~. ..' ~~ ~,C~E~TIFI.~ATE OF POSTINO 'STATE OF/~ALIFORNIA County of'E1 Dorado SS. I., time Undersigned, do hereby certify that I am the Clerk of the..$OUT~I T~OE' PUBLIC .UTILXTY DISTRICT, County of E1 Dorado, s at ?°f '.nd eX:'or eio s.o eta of the of Directors'thereof. On the ~.. day of August, 1~3, I posted the ordi~: to which this .ce~ificate is attached, by posting a full, t~ue- a~ orrect copy thereof in each of the three following public placea~ One (1) copy at Statellne, Califo~ia, Post Oflice;- one (1) copy at Bijou, Cal%fo~a, Post Or. ce, ~d ~e (1) copy at Tahoe Vall~ Califo~ia, poSt--Office. IN 1~ITNESS I~{EKEOF, I hereunto subscribe my nam~ and affix the seal of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT this ./..~ _ day of August, 1963. SOUTH TAHOE IB~IC UTILITY and ex-officio oecretary of/the Board of Director~ thereof