HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 101 - Retired!8 24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE ~Util,lc b"I'ILITY .DJ'STRICT ~JTATING THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH TAX,iS ARE. NECES:?.ARY,~FIXING T~iM AMOUNT OF MONEY SARY TO' ~ [~I~ED BY ]'A~TION, FIXING OF ~TE OF TA~, AND ADDING TO AND ~KING A PART OF T~' ANNUAL ASSF~]S~,~NT I, EVIED U~N T~ I~ND .' ~CH.SE~ SERVICE WAS US~ AND CHARG~ THERE- FOR'.UNPAID AT THE TI~ OF FIXING THE ~TE OF : TAX~ - t96~-1964 FISCAL YEAR BE IT F2~ACTED by the Boar'd of Directors of :~O[~H PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County of' E1 Dorado, State of Callfo~,~ as follows: i. It i~ hereby determined that revenues of SO~]{ TAI~O~ PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT during the fiscal year 196j-l'.,d& are inadequate to pay the principal or interest on the ~ohded o.f said District incurred in the years 1959-1966 during ~aid yeal-~ and that '.the interost and sinking fund payment~ for fiscal yea~' ca~o% be met out of surplus earning~ for ~aid }'ear for the public lltility of public utility work for ~lich maid bonds were Issued~ and that said pa)~ents cannot be me% out monies o.f the genera], fund of said District, appropriated of transferred %o the sinking fund of the public utilities for said bonds were issued, and, therefore~ taxes shall be ]evled such ~..I ,~o.~e~ to pay the aru',t, ai IIltel'CSt {,I, :~l, i2 [,Ohd:~ to such part of the pti ":'~' ' 196~-]96~ and to ~r'ovide for ainking fund paymcr, t~ c~' the next such, ea.,ling fiscal year. ,~*'. ~e amcunt oF money necosna:'y to be rals~.d by taxation during the fiscal year 1963-1964 for the ~aym,.nt of ~aid annual ; .n~erest on said bonded debt incu:'r,'d during the years .,,~:-c~ ~n~-,- for said fiscal yea~' and f'or %he payment cf' such u,~,,.ipal as will fa'ii due d .... 'n~ ~aid f:.scal year, . .~t'X ~ 5'd C Ce to provide for the sinkin~g fund i~ayments o" the ,~ '* ~-ding ' the ,,'ate of taxation £or sa!d pu:'pose ba~ed on the number of cent~ upon each One Hmndred Dollars (waO0.~O) value of F. rope:'tv a~eased 'by the Ei Dorado County Assessor and ~eturned to the Board Supervz o of said County by ~he Auditor cf said County fixed by ~he Board of Directors of said District at $~.30 and >..~ *.~,~o~ore z~_=d a~ $0.30 per saxc One Hundred Dolh :'s 8 ~ assessed value of ~aid property within said 3. It is further determined that funds fo:' maintensnce ..:'.~.:'~':: ~ and o~ation o~ ouu~n TAhO~ I U~i,IC UTILITY DI:';T~GCT du~!ng the ':~'-i~:-~:':~:~?::'.i 1 .. !'i~cal year 1~6~-19~I, are needed to car~' out the obJect~ and '~[[?~<~?.~:~..:'1~ purpo~es of said I)i:~trJ. ct, ,.,~ich said I'und~ can~ot be p/-o,'ided of revenues of said Disbpict d ~ng said fiscal year. :'"~'~[:}~?'::'"14 ~ taxati,on d' .... ,,,'-in,:- the fi:~ca], year 1763-1061, for t~e m~iutenar, ce and :~. :u::.::.J'~:.~:lS~ooeration of SOUTH' T~""[. , '.'~H,IC UTILITY DISTRICT needed to car~7 '<?,:(li?~..16;~out the objects and purposes of said District, which eald .~'~"' '~i~::.i?~funds camnot'.be' provided out of revenues of said District, during . . ,, ~.<, , :.. · ~ ~::::~f~.l%',:;t~:?-~'x ~said !zscal year, ].s Two. Hundred Thirty-} our ~ousand Five H~dred ?':.":.K ¥;"/:' .. ~ -' lf-:.~><{:'-?:.',-~ '. '~Doilars ($234,fi00,00), and the rate of taxation lot said purDosea :',"2jr :'-~ <.:::. ' · ([f?'?~..["~ 21~.'value of property assessed by the El Dorado County Assessor and -' .:..< - ;. ~.~.~ ,,..u to the z~=.. o1' Supervisor:{ o;' sa.n C,~u::t)' hy tl~e AuJ!tor :: .... . 22 "':'"":-< 23 of said County 1':.. herehv~, fixe~i by the Board c:' ;){r,:cto~-~ of SOUTH ~.,~,,~...__,,, at .p~, (~'f, and, t.~e~cfor(., ,,.v.ed L~.::.: ~:<:;(..: 24 i' ~[,~f~:~/~f;-.'::28~rate of taxes for said fiscal year 196]-1964 by the ZOUTH TAHOE 29~>,::J,,~.,,=,.."'~ UTILITY DISTRICT, :~e>.'ez' sez,:~ce was f'~rni:fi~,),i to, ~.: .30~ ...... .... parcels o" ~and u;:,c~~ .':': ..... ' _ - L.,, ,.,~-.~e)l unpaid as of th~ 52~&me the rate -~:-:i..:-.%.,.. . , . - . - . , , . . · . I I E1 Dorado CountY...Assess°r~s parcel .number, the per,on owntng~ controlling or in possession of said certain parcels o£ lano, and the unpaid charges at the time of fixing this said rate of taxes are 'set~' -fOrth in Fodxibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein as thoUgh set forth in lhzll. It is further declared that certain parcei~: of land a~.o~ed~ controlled or In tae possession of the same.per'son who o~ed, .controlled or was in possession of i d,~ing the. t~e. 'such service charges ~re incurred, or if were made of..the prope~y since the date such charges were incurred, such .transfers have been made by gift, descent, bequest or devise. '6. It is f'~ther declared that said unpaid charges sot '~n~'~, in Fodlibit .A are added to and made a part of the a~n,ual assessment/.levied upon said certain, parcels of land therein referred to.and shall become a lien.upon said parcels of lan,]. It is further declared that the unpaid charges may be added to a~d levied Upon..said.certain parcels of land. · .~ .7....;i..i:¥This Ordinance. shall take effect thirty after itsl-Pa~age. .At least one. (1~ week before the expiration Isaid thirty (30)days, copies of said Ordinsnce ~h~ll be :f.'::¥.::~ 22 by the Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRiCT at three (3) public places in the said DistriCt, and at least one (t) week before the.expiration of said thirty (30) day?., thX: . ~"~1'~ be published in the TAHOE DAILY TRIBUNE, ~ new~pa~r ,'~f general circulation~ printed and published in th~, :~ai.'l Di:~trict~ or:e (!} time~' · -.:" 8. ~ certified copy of t[ds Ordinance shall be . mitred to the 'Cowry Auditor of the County of E. D,~rado, [;tare' of Ca!iforuia, and the County Treasurer of ~'~ County u~,c.' ~,.' adopt i on. 19 fi scal .It' is hereby~ determ/ned ~hat surplus, f~om prior ~.;vies of SO~I'H TAHOE ~C ~~ D~T~CT for !f~/~°se..o£'ipay~t on tl~e prlncip~l or interest ~ncurred' !h:.~the('years 19~'~2, 'Ss adeq~te to pay the prtnct interest': ~:~d~J~,:'S$~ ~d ~nte :,on eald bonCed debt cf said District.:lne~d.~/n the ~e~e ~1,19~2 for the fiscal year 19o3-~964.fo=::~e public uti~tY on public utility work~ for the fisc~ year, :t963-1964, .I~ ~ surplu~ of ~aid prior fiscal ye~A.:~levies for.'~e. ~ent of said a~ual interest and such ~.:)*f..~he,~pr~iPaZ' as'~ fall due during said fiscal PASSED AND'ADOPTED this lSth day of August, 1963, by the folio~ing vote.: AYES: .:~Onald L. Clarke. P~bert~akeman~ Thomas A. Stewart, Robert Fesler. a~d Donald H. Kortes NOES':" NOme ABSEHT.. ~ '. SOUTH TANOE PUBI~IC I~ILITY SO~TH TAHOE,: 'UTILITY a'n~' ~x-offi'Ci-O.i Secretary of ,Directors. ~hmreof :CT Board CERT,IFICATION OF ORDINANCE ' 'I,'..~e .~dersigned, do he.b7 cer~ that ~e above true and cor~ect. ' copy :' of O~nee No. 101, South Tah~ ~bllc Utzl~.ty ih. strict,, entltled,eln O~tnance of the Sou~ Tahoe ~ecessa.~, Fixing.the Amount of ~ney Nece88a~ to be Ral~.d by "Taxat'ion, Fixing of Rate of Taxes, and Adding To and Making Part of the Annual Assessment Levied Upon the Land Upon ,bewe.' oe. vice was Used and Charges Therefor Unpaid at the Time of Fixing the Rate. of Taxes - 1963-196Z~ Fiscal Year", and that ordinance was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District on August 1~, 1963, the original of which ic on f~ie in the office of South Tahoe Public Utility District. IN '~'iTNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and the seal of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, this 15th day of August, N. R. Mal~efT', CleF~ df the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UT~[LITY '.~I:'ThlCT an~ ex-olfici~ S,e,¢retary of (I';EAL) Board of Pireuto~s STATE f~F CALIFO.PJ~IA Clerk ~nd eX~of~tcie Secreta~ of the South ~hoe ~blic Utility Ce~t!fic~te t~.'.attuched by postin,~ a ~1, t~um thereof In 'ca~. e~ the followi~ t~o (~) ~ublic Llacee wt~ln t.he Distrl.et 'bO~rie~, to ~t: · 0~,.~. at Bijou, Cal~f~ Post Off, ce and affi~':i .t,~sea! of the South Tahoe Public Utility thi~ ~. ;--- :- ~-~ --'. . C, ER.,TIFICATK OF. POSTINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of'E1 Dorado I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am the Cleuk and ex-Officio Secretary.of the SouU~ Tahoe Public Utility Distz-lct-, C'ounty of-E1 Dorado, State of CaliJ'ornia. On the ? T_ day of August, 1963, I posted the Ordinance to which ~h~s ~er~,.~.cate is attached by posting a full, tz'ue and correct copy %heueo-/' in' 'eaCh. of the following three (3) public places within the District boundaries, to wit: One copy at Stateline, California Post office; one copy at Bi Jo=, California Post Office; and One copy at Tahoe Valley, California, Post Office. I.~ WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my n~ae affixed the seal of the South Tahoe Public Utility Dl~trict, and this , ;,'~,, , day of August, 1963. (SEAL) SO~TH TAHOE rI~.IC UTIi.I L:I:~T~ICT and ex-oi'ficio Secz'et.,nry o~' tm~,~ Board of Directors th,reof