HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 104 - Retired ORDINANOE NO.~ 0 Alt OEDINANCE AWAP~ING ~ALE OF m' s~IT~Y S~~ P~ NO. 196~-1 ~. m'~i~.. ,. '.. '. _ b*' . the ' ~a~?~D~.~o~. Of the ~uth Tmhoe . .,:', ..' -, .. 1.' ~ra~b::to. ResolutXon-of.~tentton No. ~0 ~dopted by thl~ ma~"°n':Ap~ii:'.'lS, :1963,'an~"::~he':~emolutlon oelllng Cot bld~ on the sale' of:'~nds adopted .by said:~a~, notice of ~ald has been duly given, and this is the time and place fixed therekn ~for receiving:bids-.for the purchase of said bonds, and ssld bids nave been re,iv, ed-and publicly.'ope~ied',, examined and declared by this Board ;-'. 2. All :Wri~ten blds received for the purchase o£ said bonds, excepting the bid hereln stated, be, and they are hereby, rejected ',and ssld bondS'.be, and the~ are hereb~ ordered sold to FIKST CALl ss the h Ject to all'of/the' Sale and tn s~ld. ~ccepted bid. 3. ~t.~e:.;.Olerk ~, end he' is herbs, di~et~ to have s~.. Id bonds p~ted forthwith, and that the same be i~edl.tely ~Igued, sealed and dellve~d to said bidder on ~ceipt of the o~mount the~fOr as above stated, and upon the perfo~ance of the conditions contained in said written offer. the interest rate of said bonds be. and the asa, is hereby, £i~ed at the rate stated in said bid. I hereby certlf~ that the £o~egolng is a full, true and correct copy of.:a~.'!Ord':tnanoe adoPtid.';i~:y, the Board of Dlrector~ California, .'a:t a' meet~ the~of dul~ held November, !96B,-[B~ the .follo~.'~Ote'! E1 Dorado County, on the 21st day of NOES, ::.-Direc~ ors: ~BSENT~ DireCtors: ~l'e~k.~ an~ ex-offlc l~ ~ecretsr~y "'.: i'?,i::.j. :': :'-' ss Co~t.v',. of. EI'.,:~rado. ~at for and on behalf of the Clerk and ex-ofF~clo , being first duly .~ecre,.ary of the South Tahoe Public Utility District affiant pos,.ed copies or Ordinance No. An Ordinance Awarding Sale of Bonds, in form attached hereto asd by reference made a F-~rt hereof, in .three :p. uhlic places in-. the-District, as follows: .2. Un!fed.: States Post Office, ~Jou, Calirom~a. 3. 'Unlt~ states Post or.ce, ~hoe Valley, ~l~fornia. That said'postl~ was completed on November . 1~,3. Subscribed and sworn to before me ~.i-~.i s day of November', 1963. Notary ~ublic in. and "for the-Count~ ,~ ~ E~)rado, State of California ~]epose8 and says: That he~..ls~ia citizen of the United St~t,:.s and over age of twentY.o.ne .years; That ~t'~'t:he;:i. lnmtar~ce of.~a~d .to~ end on b~ha]f of the }'~,tice Of'. I~r~vement pursUan2, to ReSolution of ~;o. ~O.a~..'.~dopted bY bhe'.~a~d of 'Director, on April ]8,. t963, on all open 'streets within tb~ asses.~,~,,nt. dist~Ict described in said Resolution oF Intention, at r.~t than 3C~0' feet apa?t on each s~reet so than three in ~11; that said postin~j ~,ar..":,'l]y c,~mp!ete,~ d,,y o 1963, t~t a copy of Sa~,l not.~c,~. JUNE'CARKHUFF, being first dulY..s#orn, deposes and says: That she is an emDloyee in tho Office of Wilson, Harzl'eld, Jones ~ MortOn,' attorneys for the-South Tahoe Public Utlllty District in 'the above proJect~)tha't for and on behalf of the Clerk and" ex--officio Secretary of said District she mailed, postage prep&Id,: copies of "Notice of Sale of Improves t Bonds" In for~ here~to~attached marked Exhibit ~B' and by reference made a p t')~ereof, to 'the Banks and bond houses listed In '"A,.:attaehed hereto and made a part hereof by Exhlbit. ' that sald.ma!tin~ was completed onNovember 7, 1963. Subs ct[bed .'~?' s.W0rn re ference; to before me. ~~'~n :and rot t~. County , of San Hat' fornia being first duly. ;half of the Clerk of the South-' .... :%y(t:D.!~.t--'.'lO.t"i.. and o~j'..(~,_ / , 1963, >'affia~,t"~a'iie'fl'(notice Of · tt,e. adoption of Hesolutlon of '" ' ' . . . , h. · " ... - ~'.' ';'i ' - ' · -..<~eal proper2 ~oaed-..~o. be aas~'~'ed~ ~nde~ said ~e~olution :"'?'" ' "':'~'""::' { to'..,the!~;~names ~ s app '<~°'f~;.~!ntefi'b.['e~ ~ and addre sea as ' ', '...?";'L' . '-:/"-'.' . a J '. -.- · ~la'ce":'~nd'P'u~pose -of tM hear[nE on saI~ '/'..:i',"/~ .-- ".: ....... · 4 ' .,' '. ion .and ~p~2,' and. a sta~oment of the "- /. :'J .' . .' .'.... ., · ..- . : · . . esti~ated."cos2 of tn~ p~,oposed improvements, and the aa~unt, ..a~ sl,o n.~ ..~a[d repo. t, to be assessed agait~et the particular parcels Ofi'P'arce]: 'covered by the notice, together with a state- · .ment ~r. at anY.~.pe, rson interested may file a protest in writi,~ · ;'.,': :<.L ' >: ·--:': ':-~." ~--- · '- · · as.p~,ov~ded..an.the ,4un~ipai Tmprovement Act of 1913. .... -,..'. ~ , ,<'~';:~-'"" ..~::." 2.[ / , ......... ...... ~,~ · ........ ., ,' '~ ~~= ~ . SubaCP'l~ad anti' ~o~n~o~ ~efo~e ~ ' / . ; ~ '" t ~ ) ~-'. .~ ~;,- '.' "':) " " '"