HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 1054 A,~ OHUINANCE OF T~LE SOUTH TAHOe: PUBLIC UTILi'I"f DISTRICT DETERMINING ?HA~ PURl. lC UTZ LITY WOHKS SHA]~'. BE ACQUIRED -"~T~ ~C~TION P~, NEW P~P STATIO 'A YA~ PI PING WHEREAS..the Board of Direc%or~ of SOUTH TANOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIS~ICT~'~we 'heretofore de%e~ined %ha% the public interest and necessity of the District demands the acquisition of a wa%er reclamation plant works, consisting of const:'uc%ion a new wate~- recl~%ion plan~ havi~ a nominal in~%lal ca.city two and one-half million, gallons ~ ~y, a new p~p addition at %he plant and ins%alli~ ya~ piping; and ~R~$; .plans and s~cificati~ns and estimates of the cost of o~iginal Oonstruc~ion and comple~ion by the Dis%;ic~ of sa~d public u~ilitY ~Work's and estimates of %he revenues t~a% can be expected from said public utility works have here%ofo~e been presented %o tke Board of Directors of said District; NOW~.T~EFORE, BE IT ENACT~ by %he Board of 5irectors of SOUTH TAHOE~PU~IC ~ILITY DISTRICT, Co~%y of El Dorado, State of California, as follows: t. ~a~ the Bo~d of Directors hereby deems i% is the best interests Of the South Tahoe ~blic Utility District, and therefore hereby dete~ines %o acq~re water reclamation plant works, consistln~ of cons%~dction of a new ~%er r,3clamatlon havin~ a nominal initial capacity of two and one-nail' mill~.n ~a]lons ~er day, a new p~Lmp station addition at t4e plant instal]in~ yard piping. 2. That %he proposed cos~ of ~e acquisition of foregoin~ publiCLutility works is the s~ of $56T, 3. That the proposed method and ~nner of payment the cost of acquisition of the foregoing public utility works is ~]',,'r:'~_~,t.]r~'~,~.-~-',,. from a Federal grant roi' treatment works 3~ U. ~J. C. &66 et seq. and $396,~0.00 out of the revenues 21 29 the District, derived from tho operation of its public utilities in ~dditon.to.:the other necessary ex~nses ca~ the District. &. This ordinance sha~' take effect thirty (30) days after the ~riod of publication of notice has te~inated thereof, as se~ forth ~..Callfo~ia Gove~ent C~e Section 6066. This said ordinance shall be published tn the Tah~ Daily Trib~e, newspaper of general circ~ation prated and published in the said District, once a week for two (2} successive weeks with least five (5) days intervenin~ between the res~cttve publics.. tion dates, not countin~ such publication dates. At least one (l.) week before the expiration.of thirty (30) days afro:' its final passage, copies of said o~inance shall be posted by Clerk of the South Tahoe Public Utility District in at least "~'~ (3) public places in said District PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular m~eting of the ~ard of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT on Mm:'ch 19, !96A, by the following vote' AYES: Directors Clarke, Wakeman, Fas]er, :~:tewart and Korte s ~,OE~' None ,. ;.., ;,NT, None D'~-hald Clarke, Precider. t 6f Board of Directors or the South Tahoe Public Utility P: T T E S T: . ,~, ~ r~.~terv. C~r~ of th~'- :3outh Tahoe Pubizc Ut~l:.tf Dis- trier and ex officio :.:.ecr~ta~' o ~' ~ne Board of Directors thereof (SEAL) · 261 29 ~0 GERTIFI~AT5 OF OP, DINA~¢E STATE (;F~ CALIFORNIA) ( SS. ~I"~.~he undersigned, do hereby c~r%tfy ~hat ~he a~ovu is a %rue and'~Correc~ copy of Ordinance Mo. 105, Sou~h Tahoe Public .Uui'li~y DiS~ric%, ~n~i~led "~ Ordinance of %he South Tahoe Public u~lli%y Dis%ric% Demeaning %hat Public Uti!i%y Works shall, be Acquired -'~a~.r Rec~ion Plan~, S%a%ion, and Yard Piping", and %ha~ said ordinanc~ was duly adop%ed by %he Bourd of Directors of Sou~h Tahoe Public Utility Dis~ric~ On March 19, 196~, %he origl~l of which tm on file in %he office of Sough Taho~ Public U~l!i%y District. I~{ WIT.S .H~R~OF, I have set my hand and ~he ~al o.t ~,~ Sou~h T~oe Public U~ili~y Dia~ric~, ~his 19~h day l~arch, '196&. (SEAL) DISTRICT and ,x-officio [ Secretary of ~he Board cf (' Dlrec~or~ th,~r=of. 31 8 9 '.'i; 15 ' ":.' ' 18 19 CERTIFICATE 07 POSTIJtG STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COt~TY oF EL DORADO) I, the und. ersigned, do hereby certify that Clerk and ex-officio Secretary of the South Taho. ~ubiic Utility Di~t'iiot, County of E1 Dorado, 5tat~ of California. On day of March, 1962, I posted the Ordinanc~ ~o. )05 to which this Certificate is attached by posting a full, true and correct copy thereof in each of ~he follo~ing t~re. oublic p~ces within the District bo~daries, to wit: One copy at St~teline, Cal~fornia ~ost One copy at Bijou, California Fost Office; and One copy at Tahoe Valley, California Post Office. IN WITCh. SS bHE~OF, I hav~ hereunto sub~:crib~d na=e an~ affixed the seal of the South Taho~ Fub'Ic '~-'~ ~" this day of ~arch, !96~. (~'EAL) D~TRICT and ~x-rfficio ~ecr~%ar>' of th~ bo/,rd Directors