HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 106AN ORLINANCE DESCRIBINO TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE. ANNEXED, DETERNININO I~A? NO TERMS AND COND. I~T~ONS ARE ~AR~, AND DECLARIN~ I~I05~ TID APPNOVE ~UCH ANNF_J(ATION ANN]~ATION NO. 196 1-1 BE IT ENACTED, by the Board of Directors of th~ Scath Tub, o, Publlc Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, Wh~EREAS, $ petition signed bN not less than f~.ftee~ (I5%~ of the owners of the terrltor~ proposed to be also the owner's o£ a majority of the assessed valu~tlor, of' ~c territory in certain unincorporated territory conttguous to t~, South Tahoe Public. Utility District, and being 1~ the ~me Count as s~id District, asking that said ~erx~itory be ~nnexed to s,~d Dlstrlc~ ~ nd con~ent~g ~o such ~nnexe~lon without ~n e lec%lo~ was addressed to the Board of Directors and filed with the '.of the District on ~he 19th da~ of March, 196~, in ~ccordance ~',<~'"'~...::' %he p~ovislons of the ~bllc U~ili~ Dls~lct Act of the Ca lifo~nla; ~E~S, the said Sec~ta~ has caused to be compared sl~atu~s on said ~tition with the ~co~s of the County of the County of E1 .~do, and has fo~d and certified te Board that said petition has been signed by the required owners in said territory, and has attach,~4 his signetu~e to t.~,,. said petition and presented said petiti~ to this Board; NOW, THEREFORE, .IT IS ORDENED, e~ follows: Section 1. It is here~Y determined that the annexation said territory will facilitate the acquisition, construc.lon. completion and operation of the public utility and publlc utlllt~ works of the District, and will be for the advantaKe of and that the territory proposed to be annexed will Y~ beneflt,.d ', said proposed annexation. Section ~. Tt ~.s hereb:~ deter,mined that ~ te~. aha Section ~. ~e exterlor ~~le~ of ae~d terrlto~ to an~e~ed are descried in ~hiblt "A" he.to attached a~ ~de · part he.of by refe~nce. Section ;$. It ts he,by deola~d to ~ the intention of this ~8~ to app~ve amid annexation. Section 5. ~ursdsy, the 7th da~ of ~y, 19~, st the hour of 8:~ o'clock P.M., st the ~Eular meeting place of said District, Tahoe Valle~ Fl~e House, South T~hoe~ O~lifo~ie, em he~b) fixed interested In or ~ho ~y ~ affected b~ the p~posed annexetlor, s~id territo~ ~ithM the District e~ he~b~ notlffied to ep~mF such meeting and show ~use in wrlt~, Iff ~ny the~ have, why territo~ or 8n~ ~ the~of should not ~ e~exed es p~sed s.._ ~ petition. ~e time f~ed for such hem~ lm not less t~ .thl~ nor more than s~t~ ds~m f~m the d~te of the publication or thl~ O~inance. Section 6. ~is O~lnsnce, together with e notice, In Cop~ of ~lch is he.to attached and ~de e ~ he.of by ~fe~nce, ~i1 be published ~rsuant to Section 6~1 of the C~ve~r~t of the State of Cslifo~is, to ~it: ~ce in the Tahoe ~ll~, s newspaper o[' ~ene~l circulation prated mhd published in District, and shall ~ ~sted in thee public places In the proposed to be annexed st least thi~ de~s ~ffo~ the date set f~,r South Tahoe ~ublic Utility ~[[{IBXT NA" SOUTH TAng PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT All that certain real ~e~tW situate in the County of State of California, more particularly delc~ibed ae followm: A portion of Section ~, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B. & M. am follOW/s s0, !_ (sa uxt,) · he 8outhe~ly. 63 fee~ of Lot 9, the southerly g3 feet of Lot :<~, the 8outherly ~3 feet and easterly 15 feet of Lot 11, Block ..:..::. Park 3ubdlvis~on and Lots 8, 7, and e~ste~ly 10 feet of Lot 6, ..... :- 10, Pinewood Park Subdivision. '~.<~?' "~ Lots 1, 2, ~, '~, 5 and t~ westerly l0 feet of ~ta 6 and .~.-,:-,'-. .-.~sured at ri~t ~lem~ and ~rallel to the west line of Lots -and Lots 1~, 13, 1~, 15 and 16, Block 9, Pinewood Park Subdlv[v. lon. (.FANCE~_. NO. ~ (Bennett) The easterly 15 feet of Lot 6, Lots 7, and 8, the northerly feet of Lot 9, the northerly 37 feet of Lot 10 and the northerly and easterly 15 feet of Lot 11, Block 9, Pinewood Park Subdivision. pABCT~.__I~_ ~ (Sciutto-Jacobs) Lots 1, ~, 3, ~, 5 and the westerly 15 feet of Lot 6, Bloc~ ~, , Pinewood Park Subdivision. Rillferez~ci .:- tO the Board of 3~nt4~t~o~ lad tl~t ell an~ ~ have, be enMx~d aa p~o- ~O~APt;~.on of t~d ~rieo . A oOp3r of OaJ. d AFFIDAVIT OF POSTIN0 ! STATE OF CA4II~ORNIA SS !County of E1 Dorado deposes and being first duly That he*is, the dul2 qualified and acting Clerk of t~,' Board of Di~ctor~ of the South Tahoe Public U~lllg2 r ~trtct; ~hat on the ~ ~7 of , 196~, he c,' lsed to be [posted copies.of O~ance No. ._/~._ , An Ordinance ~serlbtng ~ Terrltom P~sed to ~ ~nexed, mte~l, ng that NO Conditions are Necessary, and ~clarl~ Intention to Approve Such ~exag~on~ ~exatlon 196~-1, and the hereunto Terrlto~ ProPosed to ~ A~exed, ~te~lning that No Tem~: Conditions a~e- NeceasarT, and DeclaPlng Intention to App:~ve Such Annexation, Annexation 196~-1, in three public places In the territo~j proposed to be annexed, to ~lt: Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~r7 Pu~c in a~d for t~Co~t~ o~ ' E1 Dorad~ Sta~e of C~llfo~la AFFIDAVIT OF PO~TING STATE OF CALIPORI~A t SS County of E1 Dorado -'¢:: ':,,:L...,:' --.(.:-:/',P~. _ _,/.~.~?". /f_~:: .~-~4~_, I~lng £tr~t dui)' sworn, , deposes snd sa~a.: That he is the du~y qualified mild actln6 Cle~ of the ~a~ of D~cto~ of the South ~hoe ~bllc Utility posted copiea of O~an~e Ho. ~ ~ ~nance ~crlblng Te~lto~ p~sed to ~ ~nnexed, ~%e~n~K that No Te~u Such A~exa~lon~ ~exa~lon ~9~-~, ant ~he be~to attmched :~ Notice of T~e and Place of Hem~ on ~~nce ~mcrlblnE Territou '~sed' to be ~exed, ~~~ th, t No Te~ and Condltions a~~ Necessa~, and ~clar~ Intentio~ to ipp~ve Such Annexation, A~exation 19~-1, ~ thee public places the district,.' ? .- i Subs~ibed and sworn to before me this i /~/ ' .---:.'.'~.':~ % ~.../ / 196l~ ~ ~6~a~' P~io In and , El Dorado, State o¢ California