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Ordinance No. 107
said the Count~ ~ssessor to the said t~. a~nexltto, or · Construct ion, sed".to, be ' · te~no and cond~t~one te~ltor~ to be ,taohed .and erode a paF~ She ~ntont~on or thle ',~3Jl, It the hour of C~..'-'i. Ol' 8ald D~trlct, are hereb~ f~ed .: (, ..,~ .... 8outh T~hoe l~bllc Utlltt~ Dlstr~ct ~!?:,~ees.t..th~r~:~ da~ be~oFe the d~te se~ rot corner:?'o f,:-'sa: OU , ~:-. 2301.. 10/fee. :t 50 a foremen 'She ::parce 1. the',.Northerl4, $~;ate of C~IX- ....... .. ~,,::~from..w..h_/ch pipe, the PearS: North':69%',P3' .East (cite~ /: No=th)2~'~e~ West, 1~.~ f'ee~,. ,.:said point be2~* · official:.:: Reco~3 ~IzabeCh ~rrls~ ene:.:~rri 5ept~r.'.17, 1: .70~ Wes 'said Gay..~ p~pe)On, the: ~rth linc o~. said ;:~.:~':.~:thence :) ~rth ': 69'.: 23~'* ~st (cite ~rth' ' ' ~, 85,~7 feet:: "'Board, of] nee va,,, peBBed b2 'L~.Q Ut~l&ty D&~tr&ct Of l~rc~, 1961~, Subscribed and sworn to before me.'this'-" STA~g OF ~m~A ) T~t'he2~'?.t~::.d~ .~: ~3a~.aot~g Cle~ of the the '..'~;~ .(:.~':::...:/... ' ".:.,'..:'.'.5.: '~".?-.:..':. ::':1~, he ~ed to ~ ~sted copies ~f'o~noe No;:.-'/--.gd~:..~.-. , ~ O~nce macrib~ .... .... ., ~-:: .':~'.: .:-:: ,: ..,.:~..~ :...:,/.::,, :,:, ,.~?:,~ ~? ?:?:',, .? . Condttlo~'a~..'~e'~eSsa~; ~d.'~o~a~'.~tentlon to App~ve ~exatlon, ~xation.19~ 2,:. ~d 'tBe':~e~to agtached ~otice , ,. ~.. -..' ';-'.,~, ,., .. -,., . ~..,:. ,~ - : <~: ..'.g -~ . ..... , , , . , a~ Neces~a~,.':~nd:..~clar~':~?tton:to.'~Pp~ve Such ~e~at~on~' .. .' ,,,',~.. :,,-,::.h . ,.:':' ' '~",'-',,',. '~,?.~'. /"U,.'~:=,'." .' "?.' ' " . ' - : - .,(,,- .. ,., ~..,,. ~ -"~ . .,,,,~, ,. ,..:.%~A,.,~ ,.:', · . ~' ,~ .,,... ,.~ , . , ",':...~. . . .' , :.:?i~[y.;~.,~.~!~'''~ ..; .r,¢.:r ~'.~'~?' .=:2:}~:.:,"k:~:?~'r..-;', .. ' ',' ~tj.~...'.~::~hi'.d~':~q~!~,edj~'and, acting Cle~ or the ~to~; '.0 ~, :19~, he caused to Conditions 'd~"Nioessa~; and ~°iaV~ ~ntent~on to App~ve Annexation, ~exa~iOn 19~-2, and the'.he~to attached are Necessa~.'.and"~cla~g.~ntention.to App~ve Su~ ~exatlon . . -.,:.~ . : . . .. . . · . posed to be a.!~eX~d, to W.it;: '~...~/'-~_-..,-/__'.~X~. _.: .... ~7, ~ :,-o /.. _. I Subscribed and sworn to before me-this { ~day of ~,. 196~. ] E1 Dorado ia