HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 108 - RetiredORDINANCE OF TI{E SOUTH .TAtD~ PULLiG ~ UT'.ILI~. DISTRICT. A~/ARDING CONTRACT - WATER~. RECLk~.ATION PLANT, NEW PUMP STA- .. TION, AND YARD PIPING k~;!'¢'"':'9~:i: ~ 9 Directors.of-~South Tahoe Public Uttttgy District Calling pursuant to order of this Board of Directors of the sOUTH'TAHOE PUBLTC UTILITY DISTRIGT, County of F~I Dorado~ S~ate of Cali-fornia, notice was duly give~ for receiving of btd~ for work under Resolution r,o. 493, a Resolution of the 5o~-d of opened, examined and declared on April 23, 1964, and at its meeting on May ?, !964, all matters were duly considered by said Board; NOW~ I,,ER~RE, s~ IT ENACTED by said Board of Direc%o~ as follows: I. Said Board hereby reseeds all of said Fro~sals . ~1~ hereinafter mentioned, ~nd hereby a~rd~ bids, excel.>% Lhat ~''~ concracL for doing the ~rk and improvements and furni~hing of materials, supplies and equ~r~ment necessa~, for consLruction new wato eec1~'~ : " . r =..at~o,~ plant having a nominal inlt[al capacity of Lwo and one-half million gallons per day, a new pump station addi- Lion at the p~ant and insta].l~ng yard }-ipinf. to th~ lowest resi~nsi hl~ bidder, to wit, California Filuer Gompany, Inc., of 13~ RollIn; ~ ,~ '~.-,=..o California, ac their --id price named in their b~d ~O~inc~ud: "9~mer-se!ected items in the ~otal ;rice of $568,3~2.~, 31'~wh'ich said bid price includes said o~er-selected items, when approval has been received from the United States Department of ~'~:'~'::': 10 ~o Uon~rac~ors for Sealed PFoposa]~ £o~ Construction o£ a ~-';':;;'-:.11 ~Uti!itv ~orkS - ~ater Reclamation Plant, ,~ow Pump Station, and ' : '' '' :'~"r r~'''' 14 and one-half million ga].lons per day, a new pump station '.{~!-]').:?j:'~,'~':~J..~' 15 addition at the plant and installing yard piping] that were success~ bidder. ~d to ~e~¢e:?~B ;~app~ve ~1 boffis in co~ec[. accordance..~h:~p!~s ~d speO~t~ons-,~d .spect~ condition~ ~I notice to.bt~e here '- p : laced on file ~th the District, incl~ing satd-o.~er-accep~ i~e~ subject to approv~~ of the ~it~,3~a~es Dep~tmen~'~6f ~He~h, ~uca~ion and delfare. ~. :' ~n,~option, tMa.ordm~ce s~l be ~sted ~ tTM ()) public plaoea:.a~ le~t seven (7)/days prior to the e~iratlon of g~r~y (30)~.:~aFs.f~m ghe da~ of i~s p~sage, and sh~l be lation in the.'Dist~ict'~e~J:'(i;)':~'~at"least seven days prior to when app~val'°f.the United 3tates-De~ment of He,th, ~ucatton earliest date.provided by .law,. '":' ' PAS~ED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the ~outh Ta.hos Public Utility District, at a duly held regular meeting on the ?th day of May, 1965~ ..bM the following vote: AYES{ Donald L'. Clarke, Rober~ ~akeman, Thomas L. Stewart, Robert Fesler and Donald H. Kortes Nons ABSENT~ None L. , President the Board of Directors of the ~OUTH TA}~)E PUBLIC UTILITY. D~TR~T 19 County of'E1 Dora ° I, 't~':Undersigned, do' her~W':certify tBa~ the above :ion' Pl~t, Ne~j~p 8taticn, ~d Y~d Pipinf, ~d :~t said Ta~e Pub . fli~ ? 'J~. '. , t~ origtn~ of w~ch is on' f~e. ~'the office of ~uth Ta~ Public Utility ~ MZTNE~3 'kf~EREOF, I' have.-set: m7 hand ~nd the seal of the 3ouch Tahoe-' Public U~ility"District, this day of 'Fray, 196~. and/ex officio Secretary!o! ~he · Board of Directors ~he~of 2 16 17 18 19 . .,. ,, .,~: , . . STATE OF O~Im~A I as.: :" ~ ' ""' : ."'' ' ' "' Z' ' ' - ~'. ,~ d";.'. NO. 108,'.,tO:.ffi~'".~i/Oe~%iftCate ls attached by ~st~g a full, ~me ~..~ect .co~'.:.~h~eof '~ each of the follow[~ '::,:,: :':.':" ..-,,.,, . :. ....:.;. ''.: · , . One.:'.'Copy at 8tateline~.-California Post Office; One .coPY at Bijou, California Post Office; an! : '. . ' fornia Post Office. IN.,'~iT~ YHBREO'F" I have. hereunto subscribed my name this !~'. day of , '.196/~. N.R. lery, Clerk of th~ ~OUTH TABOE PUBLTC UTILI~"f-DI3TRICT and ex officio Secretary.. of the Board of Directors thereof